EGU24-8934, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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What can we learn from magnetic surveys at different scales? Geological insight from mineral to airborne surveys in the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Layer Intrusion, Norway

Suzanne McEnroe1, Madeline Lee1,2, Yuleika Madriz3, Richard Gloaguen3, Zeudia Pastore1, Peter Lelièvre4, and Nathan Church1
Suzanne McEnroe et al.
  • 1Norwegian University of Science and Technology, IGP, Trondheim, Norway (
  • 2Sintef Industry, Trondheim, Norway
  • 3Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Germany
  • 4Mount Allison University, CA

Multiple magnetic surveys, including fixed-wing, helicopter-borne, uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV), and ground magnetics have been acquired over parts of the Bjerkreim-Sokndal layered intrusion (BKS) in Rogaland, Norway. The Proterozoic 230 km2 Bjerkreim-Sokndal layered complex intrudes into anorthosites and hosts recurrent megacyclic units (MCU) with varying cumulus and critical minerals. Some MCUs are associated with strong magnetic remanence, resulting in Koenignsberger ratios (Q ratio) over 5 and anomalies of 12 000 nT below background.  A comparative analysis of these surveys over the Bjerkreim Lobe provide insights into what features can be mapped at different scales. Here we focus on new geological details provided by UAV, ground, and mineral scale surveys.  A UAV can typically operate at a maximum altitude of 150 m above terrain to a minimum of tens- of centimeters in ideal conditions. Thus, UAV magnetic surveys are optimal for understanding the change of a magnetic anomaly with varying source-separation through multiple flight altitudes. Survey altitudes by UAVs overlap with the source-sensor separation of ground and low-altitude crewed flights, therefore allowing a comparative analysis.

In 2023, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Helmholtz Institute Freiberg acquired coincident magnetic survey grids by UAV and ground magnetometer over key sites in the Bjerkreim lobe. Here we compare results of crewed-, uncrewed-, and ground-based data collected over the eastern margin of the Bjerkreim lobe and assess how these impact subsequent geologic interpretations. The petrophysical database for the survey area also contains > 1500 previously collected samples in combination with surface geometry information. This database in combination with the extensive lateral magnetic survey data at various sensor heights and other available complementary geophysics, including gravity, provide excellent parameters and constraints for forward modelling and inversions.

In the Bjerkreim lobe two MCU have significant magnetic remanence where anomalies are several thousand nT below background due to natural remanent magnetizations that are typically > 15 A/m. Therefore, an additional focus is on understanding the nature of the magnetic mineralogy using high-resolution scanning magnetic microscopy. These large amplitude magnetic anomalies may also cause logistical challenges for both airborne- and ground magnetic surveying. UAVs employ onboard magnetometer for navigation and attitude corrections which can be impacted by these large magnetic gradients. Similarly, significant noise or sensor drop-outs when the sensor’s dead zone is aligned with these large, often steep, magnetic gradients.

How to cite: McEnroe, S., Lee, M., Madriz, Y., Gloaguen, R., Pastore, Z., Lelièvre, P., and Church, N.: What can we learn from magnetic surveys at different scales? Geological insight from mineral to airborne surveys in the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Layer Intrusion, Norway, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8934,, 2024.