Strategies for assimilating GRACE/-FO terrestrial water storage anomalies into hydrological models
- Bonn University, Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Bonn, Germany (
After more than 15 years of experience with GRACE/-FO data assimilation (DA) into hydrological models, numerous studies have conducted various tests on GRACE product and preprocessing options as well as DA strategies. However, a commonly accepted standard procedure has yet to emerge. This contribution comprises (1) a review on the prevalence of GRACE-DA options based on existing studies together with (2) insights from applying two GRACE assimilating frameworks: the high-resolution CLM-DA framework over Europe and the global WGHM-based calibration and data assimilation framework.
We discuss the selection of different GRACE/-FO products for DA into hydrological models, including spherical harmonics, MASCONS, level 3 products, and the recently evolved along-orbit line-of-sight gravity differences. Additionally, we explore processing choices such as filtering and rescaling, possible corrections for phenomena like glacial isostatic adjustment, large lakes and reservoirs or earthquakes, observation grid representation, and various approaches to handle observation errors. We evaluate the impact of these processing strategies on simulated water storage trends and the representation of selected extreme events.
Through this research, we contribute to understanding optimal strategies in assimilating GRACE/-FO data, addressing critical aspects influencing hydrological model reliability.
How to cite: Springer, A., Ewerdwalbesloh, Y., Gerdener, H., Schulze, K., and Kusche, J.: Strategies for assimilating GRACE/-FO terrestrial water storage anomalies into hydrological models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8938,, 2024.
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