EGU24-9164, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
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Validation of the CrIS, IASI, AIRS and GOSAT-NH3 products 

Enrico Dammers1 and the FTIR-NH3 and satellite NH3 product teams*
Enrico Dammers and the FTIR-NH3 and satellite NH3 product teams
  • 1TNO, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, Climate Air and Sustainability, Utrecht, Netherlands (
  • *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract

Ammonia (NH3) is an essential form of reactive nitrogen whose emissions originate primarily from manure and fertilizer. Atmospheric ammonia is a major precursor of anthropogenic aerosols, for example ammonium nitrate, and negatively impacts both human and ecosystem health. While important, the overall budget of ammonia remains highly uncertain, as in-situ measurements of ammonia are still sparse and typically only provide a very coarse spatial-temporal coverage. Satellite ammonia observations provide a tool to study the budget in detail, however NH3 satellite products validation studies are challenging due to the small scale spatiotemporal variability of atmospheric ammonia. Furthermore, the validation studies typically only focus on a single satellite product and/or comparison to in-situ surface concentrations. This limits such studies to more of an evaluation on how well a satellite represents a surface point measurement instead of validating the satellite vertical sounding (e.g. profile and total column) observations. The ground-based Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR)-NH3 product is an excellent dataset that can more directly evaluate the satellite column and profile type products as it shares a similar sounding measurement. Here we present an update to the FTIR-NH3 record, which includes an extension in both the number of sites as well as the observation period of these stations. Furthermore, we present the latest evaluation and intercomparison results for the most current CrIS (1, and 2), IASI(-A, -B and -C), AIRS and GOSAT(1) ammonia products.

FTIR-NH3 and satellite NH3 product teams:

Mathias Palm2 Corinne Vigouroux3 Dan Smale4 Beatriz Herrera5,6 Isao Murata7 Michel Grutter8 Kim Strong6 James W. Hannigan9 Ivan Ortega9 Nicholas Jones10 Maria Makarova11 Isamu Morino12 Hideaki Nakajima12 Omaira E. García13 Wei Wang14 Mark W. Shephard15 Karen Cady-Pereira16 Martin Van Damme3,17 Lieven Clarisse17 Pierre Coheur17 Kevin Bowman18 Someya Yu12 Martijn Schaap1

How to cite: Dammers, E. and the FTIR-NH3 and satellite NH3 product teams: Validation of the CrIS, IASI, AIRS and GOSAT-NH3 products , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9164,, 2024.