EGU24-956, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
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Fluxible: an R package to calculate ecosystem gas fluxes in a reproducible and automated workflow.

Joseph Gaudard1,2, Richard Telford1,2, Vigdis Vandvik1,2, and Aud Helen Halbritter1,2
Joseph Gaudard et al.
  • 1University of Bergen, Department of Biological Sciences, Norway (
  • 2Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen, Norway

Measurements of gas fluxes are widely used when assessing the impact of global-change drivers on key aspects of ecosystem dynamics, especially carbon. It shows whether an ecosystem is a source or a sink of atmospheric carbon, and how the storage dynamics could change in the future. Ecosystem gas fluxes are typically calculated from field-measured gas concentrations over time, using a linear or exponential model and manually selecting good quality data. This approach is highly time consuming and prone to potential bias that might be amplified in further steps, as well as having major reproducibility issues. The lack of a reproducible and bias-free approach creates challenges when combining global-change studies to make biome and landscape scale comparisons.

The Fluxible R package aims to fill this critical gap by providing a workflow that removes individual evaluation of each flux, reducing risk of bias, and making it reproducible. Users set specific data quality standards and selection parameters as function arguments that are applied to the entire dataset. The package runs the calculations automatically, without prompting the user to take decisions mid-way, and provides quality flags and graphs at the end of the process for a visual check. This makes it easier to use with large flux datasets and to integrate into a reproducible workflow. Using the Fluxible R package makes the workflow reproducible, increases compatibility across studies, and is more time efficient.

How to cite: Gaudard, J., Telford, R., Vandvik, V., and Halbritter, A. H.: Fluxible: an R package to calculate ecosystem gas fluxes in a reproducible and automated workflow., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-956,, 2024.

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