EGU24-9641, updated on 15 Jan 2025
EGU General Assembly 2024
© Author(s) 2025. This work is distributed under
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Energy conversion in a compressed magnetospheric separatrix: Observations and simulations
Mohammed Baraka1, Olivier Le Contel1, Patrick Canu1, Soboh Alqeeq1, Mojtaba Akhavan-Tafti2, Alessandro Retino1, Thomas Chust1, Sergio Toledo-Redondo3, Jeremy Dargent4, Arnaud Beck5, Giulia Cozzani6, Cecilia Norgren7, and the MMS Team*
Mohammed Baraka et al.
  • 1CNRS, Laboratoire de physique des plasmas (LPP UMR7648), Paris, France (
  • 2Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
  • 3Departamento Electromagnetismo and Electronica, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain
  • 4Institut für Theoretische Physik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
  • 5Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet, École polytechnique, CNRS-IN2P3, F-91128 Palaiseau, France
  • 6Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
  • 7Space Plasma Physics Group, Uneversity of Bergen, Bergen 5007, Norway
  • *A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract

Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental process that is ubiquitous in the universe. It converts magnetic field energy into heating and acceleration of plasma. On the dayside of the Earth’s magnetosphere, it is responsible for the dominant transport of plasma, momentum, and energy across the magnetopause from the solar wind into the Earth’s magnetosphere. The present study reports on a magnetic reconnection event with a guide field (BM=0.5 B) detected by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (MMS) on October 21, 2015, around 04:39:24 UT. The MMS traversed the compressed magnetospheric separatrix and the reconnection jet far from the diffusion regions and in specific conditions: observing magnetospheric cold ions and a large magnetosheath density of up to 150 p/cc. We investigate the generalized Ohm’s law and the energy conversion process in the spacecraft frame (J.E) and in the fluid frame (J.E`) associated with the separatrix crossing under such conditions. We further validate and compare our results using 2D fully kinetic simulation.

MMS Team:

Y. Khotyaintsev (8), N. Ahmadi (9), H. Y. Wei (10), D. Fischer (11), D. J. Gershman (12), J. L. Burch (13), R. B. Torbert (14), B. L. Giles (12), S. A. Fuselier (13), R. E. Ergun (9), P.-A. Lindqvist (15), C. T. Russell (10), K. Bromund (12)

How to cite: Baraka, M., Le Contel, O., Canu, P., Alqeeq, S., Akhavan-Tafti, M., Retino, A., Chust, T., Toledo-Redondo, S., Dargent, J., Beck, A., Cozzani, G., and Norgren, C. and the MMS Team: Energy conversion in a compressed magnetospheric separatrix: Observations and simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9641,, 2024.