EGU24-9652, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Scientific Clowns - What are they? 

George Sand França1, Pedro Stenio Caroca da Silva Barreto2, Leonardo Uieda1, Carlos Alberto Moreno Chaves1, Julianize de Fátima Myjnyk3, and Tiziana Lanza4
George Sand França et al.
  • 1Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil (
  • 2Cia Burlesca
  • 3Cia Pistácia
  • 4Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Rome, Italy

The art of clowning, an ancient practice, reveals remarkable potential to be explored in scientific outreach. In 2020, França et al. shared their experience integrating clowning into a show about scientific denial, which led to the creation of an innovative scientific workshop spanning two weeks. The aim is to reach high school teachers, undergraduate and graduate students, intending to disseminate geosciences unconventionally. In this context, we will present the experience in detail, highlighting the adopted approach, observed impacts, and the target audience we aim to reach. Additionally, we will explore strategies to expand this project and make it accessible to various locations. It is worth mentioning that during the pandemic, we ventured into our first foray into scientific outreach training through the scientific theater workshop. Despite being virtual, this hands-on approach proved surprisingly effective (link to the video: Now, we will share the practical results obtained in the in-person and clown-focused format. We hope this initiative inspires new forms of scientific communication and contributes to the innovative and engaging promotion of geosciences.  França et al., 2020, Geoscience Communication -

How to cite: França, G. S., Barreto, P. S. C. D. S., Uieda, L., Chaves, C. A. M., Myjnyk, J. D. F., and Lanza, T.: Scientific Clowns - What are they? , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9652,, 2024.