EGU24-9825, updated on 11 Jan 2025
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Temperature “Memory” and Natural Rock Fracture at Earth’s Surface

Martha-Cary Eppes1, Christian David2, Mike Heap3, Patrick Baud3, Thomas Bonami3, Maxwell Dahlquist4, Russell Keanini1, Cyril Lacroix3, Monica Rasmussen1, Alex Rinehart5, Youness El Alaoui3, and Adrien Windenberger3
Martha-Cary Eppes et al.
  • 1University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA (
  • 2Department of Geosciences and Environment, CY Cergy Paris University, Paris, France
  • 3Strasbourg Institute of Earth & Environment, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
  • 4University of the South, Sewanee, TN, USA
  • 5New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM, USA

Rock physics theory and experimental data suggest that fracture growth in rock proceeds not only as a function of synchronous stress and environmental conditions but also as a function of past fracture growth in response to those conditions. ‘Stress memory’ or ‘fatigue-limit’ fracture mechanics phenomena such as the Kaiser effect epitomize this idea. Many questions exist, however, as to if and how these phenomena impact the growth of fractures under natural environmental conditions. For example, to what extent does the orientation of past experienced stresses manifest in a rock’s response to stresses of the same magnitude?

Here we test for a memory of intergranular thermal stresses in two natural granite boulders of the same lithology for which we have 1 and 3 years of known temperature history, respectively. We hypothesize that cores extracted from the exterior portions of the boulders – that have necessarily experienced more and larger temperature fluctuations – will have more ‘memory’ of peak temperatures than those cores extracted from the boulder centers. In turn, we hypothesize that outer cores will crack less in response to temperature cycling than inner cores. For the first boulder, we measured P-wave velocities and connected porosities before and after 4 different oven heat treatments – heating up to 40, 45, 50 and 65 °C at a rate of at 20 °C/hr and cooling at an ambient rate over several cycles each. For two transects of cores extracted from the natural upward facing surface down, and the natural west-facing surface inward, we found that porosities increased after each subsequent heat treatment, but by larger amounts with distance away from the outer rock surface, as hypothesized. P-wave velocities, however, both increased and decreased with different heating cycles and positions. Therefore, for the second boulder, we extracted a top-down transect of 5 cores and, using a special-made rig, found that the samples exhibit significant P-wave velocity directional anisotropy. We subjected these cores to the same heat treatments as those of the first boulder, but this time orienting the samples identically in the oven with respect to their original positions in the boulder. Preliminary data show similar results as the first boulder, with the outermost core cracking the least (as interpreted from porosity changes) relative to the inner cores. Ongoing work will examine changes in P-wave velocity in different directions relative to measured anisotropy as a function of heat treatment cycles. This work has important implications for understanding if and how, with ongoing global warming, Earth’s rocks will respond to ‘new’ temperatures. 

How to cite: Eppes, M.-C., David, C., Heap, M., Baud, P., Bonami, T., Dahlquist, M., Keanini, R., Lacroix, C., Rasmussen, M., Rinehart, A., El Alaoui, Y., and Windenberger, A.: Temperature “Memory” and Natural Rock Fracture at Earth’s Surface, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9825,, 2024.