EGU24-9835, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Revisiting excitation of length-of-day using recent GRACE/GRACE-FO, SLR, SLR+GRACE/GRACE-FO gravity solutions and geophysical models

Justyna Śliwińska-Bronowicz1, Jolanta Nastula1, Małgorzata Wińska2, and Aleksander Partyka1
Justyna Śliwińska-Bronowicz et al.
  • 1Centrum Badań Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warsaw, Poland (,,
  • 2Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Warsaw, Poland (

Variations in Earth’s rotation, encompassing polar motion (PM) and the length-of-day (LOD) changes, result from a variety of factors influencing mass distribution and movement. These factors include the redistribution of air and water masses within the climate system and the solid Earth, and exchanges of angular momentum between the core and mantle. The ability to differentiate between these diverse sources is crucial for comprehending processes occurring at or near the Earth's surface, as well as within its interior.

Fluctuations in the low-degree spherical harmonic coefficients of Earth's gravitational potential are linked to the redistribution of mass on a large scale within and on the planet. Observing changes in these coefficients provides a means to investigate the movement of mass within the Earth system. The degree-2 order-0 coefficient (C20) of geopotential holds particular significance for Earth rotation studies since C20 variations (ΔC20) are directly linked to the corresponding excitations of LOD. ΔC20 can be determined from various methods, of which Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) measurements have the longest tradition. Launching Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) in 2002 and GRACE Follow-On (GRACE-FO) in 2018 brought new measurements of changes in the Earth's gravitational field, including estimates of the ΔC20. However, estimates of ΔC20 from GRACE/GRACE-FO have limitations due to orbital geometry, the relatively short distance between the two satellites, and tide-like aliases. In practice, GRACE/GRACE-FO computing centres replace ΔC20 with an estimate from SLR measurements. Combining GRACE/GRACE-FO and SLR observations could enhance the accuracy of determining low-degree coefficients of geopotential, including ΔC20, ΔC21, and ΔS21.

In this study, we reassess the excitation of LOD over the period 2002–2023, estimated from five different data sources: SLR, GRACE/GRACE-FO, a combination of SLR+GRACE/GRACE-FO, geodetic observations, and geophysical fluid models. To each of the time series we apply the same processing to isolate long-period, seasonal and non-seasonal short-term fluctuations. For every component, we conduct a comparative analysis aiming to evaluate the consistency among various estimates and identify discrepancies between the series. We show that combining GRACE/GRACE-FO with SLR data improves the consistency between ΔC20-derived and observed LOD excitation for the studied oscillations.

How to cite: Śliwińska-Bronowicz, J., Nastula, J., Wińska, M., and Partyka, A.: Revisiting excitation of length-of-day using recent GRACE/GRACE-FO, SLR, SLR+GRACE/GRACE-FO gravity solutions and geophysical models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9835,, 2024.