EGU24-9941, updated on 08 Mar 2024
EGU General Assembly 2024
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Strengthen and limitations of ultrasonic wave testing: examples from Double Direct Shear experiments on gouge

Michele De Solda, Michele Mauro, Federico Pignalberi, and Marco Scuderi
Michele De Solda et al.
  • La Sapienza Univeristy of Rome, Department of Earth Sciences, Italy (

In the last decades, rock mechanics laboratory experiments have allowed framing earthquake physics as a frictional problem. When the accumulated stress on a fault exceeds the frictional forces holding it in place, a rapid acceleration occurs. This movement can be stable or unstable, involving phases of adhesion (stick) and rapid sliding (slip). In these terms, an earthquake results from the release of mechanical energy during one of these slip phases.


Modern friction theories propose that the frictional forces holding the fault in place are controlled by small asperities defining the real contact area (RCA). Therefore, understanding the mechanics of contacts on the fault and their evolution under stress and velocity changes can shed light on the microphysical processes underlying earthquakes.


In the laboratory, it is now possible to investigate the dynamics of experimental faults, predicting their instability behavior based on Rate and State Friction theory and its experimentally obtainable parameters (a-b, Dc). However, these parameters lack an explicit relationship with contact mechanics, necessitating additional measurements complementing the system's state information. One of the most widely used techniques for studying RCA during laboratory experiments involves investigating changes in acoustic transmissivity (velocity, amplitude) of generated and recorded ultrasonic waveforms (UW) passing through the sample during the deformation. At a given wavelength, analytical expressions for these quantities depend on the elastic properties and densities of the fault portion crossed by the wave. Simultaneous knowledge of stress conditions and elastic properties allows the formulation of constitutive laws for the evolution of contacts between fault asperities.


In double direct shear experiments (DDS) within biaxial apparatuses, the sample dimensions (gouge) impose stringent limits on the spatial and temporal resolution of the signal. These limits highlight the current sensor technology's deviation from the ideal behavior.


Here, we present a methodology and a waveform recording and synchronization protocol

implemented on the biaxial apparatus BRAVA2 in the Rock Mechanics and Earthquake Physics laboratory at Sapienza University of Rome. We focus on the types of sensors used and their specifications to provide accurate measurements of the deformation processes occurring within the gouge layers.


Several studies have conducted DDS experiments using UW, but they rarely take into account the characterization of the impulse signal, various reflections in the sample assembly, and conversion modes of the generated waveforms. These are all essential components to identify the interaction of the experimental system with the propagation of the ultrasonic waves, to exploit the received signal in its entirety.

We believe that a careful signal characterization is necessary to fully understand the physical processes during deformation within the sample and, consequently, to attempt upscaling to natural earthquakes.

How to cite: De Solda, M., Mauro, M., Pignalberi, F., and Scuderi, M.: Strengthen and limitations of ultrasonic wave testing: examples from Double Direct Shear experiments on gouge, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9941,, 2024.