GM7.1 | Planetary Geomorphology
Planetary Geomorphology
Co-organized by PS7, co-sponsored by IAG
Convener: Lonneke Roelofs | Co-conveners: Stephen Brough, Frances E. G. Butcher, Nikolaus J. Kuhn, Tjalling de Haas
| Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room -2.33
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X3
Orals |
Wed, 10:45
Tue, 10:45
The Planetary Geomorphology session aims to bring together geomorphologists who study the Earth with those who work on other bodies such as Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, icy satellites of the outer solar system, comets, and/or asteroids. Studies applicable to landscapes on any scale on any solid body are welcome. We particularly encourage those who use Earth analogues, laboratory/numerical simulation and/or big satellite datasets to submit their work. Considered processes could include aeolian, volcanic, tectonic, fluvial, glacial, periglacial, or "undetermined" ones. We especially welcome contributions from early-career scientists and geomorphologists who are new to planetary science.

Session assets

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room -2.33

Chairpersons: Lonneke Roelofs, Stephen Brough
Ice, permafrost, and patterns
On-site presentation
Calvin Beck, Susan Conway, Erika Kaufmann, Matthew Sylvest, Jolanta Pranckute, Manish Patel, Axel Hagermann, Hannah Chinnery, and Marianne Font

We performed the first laboratory study on the formation of molards by sublimation processes. On Earth, permafrost molards are cones of loose debris in landslide deposits that can be used as a marker for mountain permafrost retreat (Morino et al., EPSL 2019). They originate from ice-cemented blocks of sediment that are transported downslope within the landslide and melt to form conical mounds over time. Molard candidates have also been found on Mars in the ejecta flows of the one billion-year-old Hale Crater. These show similar morphology and spatial distribution to molards found on Earth (Morino et al., Icarus 2022). In contrast to Earth, these molards likely formed by sublimation, because water is not stable in its liquid form (Harbele et al., JGR 2001). To investigate how molards that formed by sublimation could differ from those formed by melting on Earth we performed experiments at the Open University’s Mars Chamber facility.

We created cylindrical (Ø13 cm) initial frozen blocks of sediment with either H₂O or CO₂ ice. To condense CO₂ gas within the sediment we modified the approach of Kaufmann and Hagermann (Icarus 2017). Because CO₂ has a faster sublimation rate than H₂O, this allowed us to investigate a wider range of sublimation conditions, and reveal processes which may be applicable to comets and/or icy satellites.

We let the initially frozen blocks of sediment degrade on a board in the Mars Chamber while monitoring them with a time-lapse photogrammetry system at a 15 minute interval. This allowed us to quantify the volume transport during the degradation phase. We performed experiments for both ice types at terrestrial and martian pressure for coarse sand, gravel, and JSC-Mars-1a (a Mars regolith simulant). We successfully recreated conical morphologies resembling terrestrial permafrost molards for coarse sand and gravel with CO₂ and H₂O ice under Martian pressure. JSC-Mars-1 fully degrades into conical mounds with CO₂ ice, but only partially degrades for H₂O ice under Martian conditions and does not degrade under terrestrial conditions.

The sublimation gas flux produced by the ice makes the largest difference in morphology between the experiments for the finest sediments. For the JSC-Mars-1a under martian pressure, the CO2 ice cemented block degrades into a mound that is spread over a wider area than the same block under terrestrial conditions. We infer that the higher the gas production the more likely the grains are to be ejected, rather than just fall. Sublimation is not the dominant degradation process for the H2O ice cemented JSC-Mars-1a block. All the blocks with coarse sand and ice degrade by sublimation processes. Yet because the grains are barely entrained by the gas flux (even at the highest forcing), the differences are more subtle. The gravel is not influenced by the sublimation gas flux. Our results reveal that sublimation can change the expected morphologies when the gas flux is able to entrain the sediment and has implications for interpreting sublimation pit morphologies on Mars and other planetary bodies where sublimation dominates (Mangold, Geomorphology 2011).


How to cite: Beck, C., Conway, S., Kaufmann, E., Sylvest, M., Pranckute, J., Patel, M., Hagermann, A., Chinnery, H., and Font, M.: Comparing sublimation and melting of CO2 and H2O ice-cemented sediments into molards: implications for martian surface processes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22137,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alan Howard, Anna Grau Galofre, Jeffrey Moore, Rossman Irwin, Robert Craddock, Sharon Wilson, Alexander Morgan, and Brian Hynek

The role of ice in sculpting craters on Mars remains uncertain, particularly regarding erosion of equatorial craters during early martian history.  We review the implications of an evolving view of ice-related crater erosion processes during the Hesperian and Amazonian periods as clues to early equatorial Mars.

Ice accumulation on the rims of scattered equatorial craters led to sculpting of deep valleys on interior walls and alluvial fan sedimentation on crater floors.  Whether the ice occurred as repeated short-term shallow accumulation and melting or as persistent valley glaciers is uncertain, because of post-ice crater wall degradation.  Consideration of the effects of gravity on erosion related to glacial ice, however, suggests that basal slip and scour by martian glaciers is substantially reduced, whereas subglacial runoff and erosion is enhanced due to reduced closing of cavities by ice inflow, increasing the likelihood that episodic valley glaciation runoff sourced the Hesperian alluvial fans, such as in Saheki crater.

A set of craters on the northeastern rim of the Hellas basin at about 30°S, 83°E, centered at Batson crater, provide evidence of widespread valley and plateau glaciation manifested primarily in fluvial and lacustrine landforms.  In addition to several remnant valley glaciers and a few small moraines, more extensive glacial activity prior to ~600 Ma is primarily recorded in alluvial fans and deltas on the crater floors, deep crater rim valleys like those hosting equatorial alluvial fans, as well as probable tunnel valleys, eskers, and widespread hummocky terrain likely sculpted by subglacial runoff.

In the central mid-latitudes (~40°), many craters presently host thick ice-rich deposits on crater floors, often exhibiting multiple episodes of glacial flow originating from crater walls and central peaks.  Many craters larger than 20 km in diameter also provide evidence of episodic fluvial activity in channelized valleys and fan-like deposits, although the degree to which fluvial flows have eroded the crater walls and floors is unclear because of the modern ice cover.  Landforms including valleys that are relatively shallow and morphologically fresh in appearance, and craters with exit breach channels on their exterior crater walls, may have been sculpted beneath a thick ice cover.

At the higher mid-latitudes (>50°) crater interiors, rims, and inter-crater plains are largely encased in ice-rich deposits, so that any past fluvial activity is obscured.

Most degraded craters in the equatorial region lack obvious deep crater wall valley incision, fans, deltas or other signatures of fluvio-glacial activity, indicating the general lack of glacial sculpting, with a few exceptions such as Dawes crater.  Post-Noachian degradation may partially explain the general lack of glacier-related features, but the characteristic morphology of most equatorial craters suggests long-term, weathering-limited degradation under arid conditions with a short period of enhanced runoff during the Noachian-Hesperian transition without deep accumulation of ice. The strong crater degradation and associated sedimentation across the cratered highlands is likewise inconsistent with a Noachian deep ice cover.

How to cite: Howard, A., Grau Galofre, A., Moore, J., Irwin, R., Craddock, R., Wilson, S., Morgan, A., and Hynek, B.: Modification of martian impact craters by ice-related processes as a function of age and latitude, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11874,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Susan Conway, Meven Philippe, Richard Soare, and Lauren McKeown

On Earth, temperature decreases can cause the thermal contraction of ice-cemented ground. This forms polygonal networks of surficial fractures – called ‘thermal-contraction polygons’ (Washburn, 1956). Polygons exhibit different morphologies with time (Black, 1954): initially showing no relief (‘flat-centred polygons’, FCPs), their margins uplift with the growth of ice or sand wedges (‘low-centred polygons, LCPs); subsequently to wedge degradation, polygon margins then collapse into the wedge casts (‘high-centred polygons, HCPs).

On Mars, polygons of similar dimensions (~ 5-25 m in diameter) and morphologies (FCP/LCP/HCP) to those on Earth are commonly observed in the mid-latitudes. They are inferred to form by thermal contraction of ice-cemented ground (Mellon, 1997). Further, polygons in Utopia Planitia (UP) have been identified as ice-wedge polygons (Soare et al., 2021). This indicates a potential role of liquid water in UP during the Amazonian, at a period where the martian climate is thought to be non-conducive to the stability of surface liquid water.

Here, we seek to understand whether the characteristics of these ice-wedge polygons could be used to understand the subsurface properties of their substrate. Hence, we investigate the density and type (FCP/LCP/HCP) of polygons for three morphological units in UP, in the area (44-52°N 100-130°E) where polygons were identified as ice-wedge polygons by Soare et al. (2021).

In UP, we mapped two morphological units: the “sinuous unit” (elongated, sinuous features) and the “boulder unit” (covered in decametre-scale boulders). We then mapped polygons over the two units using a grid-based technique (Ramsdale et al., 2017).

We developed three parameters, that we infer reflect various properties of the ground: ρpol, reflecting the cementation of the substrate by ice; ρwf, reflecting the capacity of the substrate to form wedge ice; ρwp, reflecting capacity of the substrate to preserve ground ice.

The boulder unit has no polygons. Therefore, it must be a massive material, non-conducive to ice cementation. Its surface is an extensive field of boulders, and shows blocks shattered in place. It points toward a volcanic origin for the boulder unit. This result is consistent with studies that concluded to the presence of volcanic units in UP (e.g. Tanaka et al., 2005).

Our parameters show that the sinuous unit was an initially porous material that became cemented by ice, and underwent wedge formation. Therefore, the sinuous unit was deposited on top of the boulder unit, either as water-rich deposits from a large aqueous flow, which subsequently froze; or by condensation of water vapour from the atmosphere within porous sediment. Those two emplacement modes were suggested to have occurred in UP (e.g. Costard and Kargel, 1995; Séjourné et al., 2012). The sinuous unit was then degraded, exposing the underlying boulder unit.

These interpretations show that polygon characteristics can be used to unveil properties of their substrate. In our study zone in UP, it allowed us to link geomorphological units with specific geological processes, that were suggested to have occurred in UP. Therefore, the parameters we developed can be considered as additional tools to study the martian geology at the sub-regional scale.

How to cite: Conway, S., Philippe, M., Soare, R., and McKeown, L.: Martian thermal-contraction polygons as sounders of subsurface properties in Utopia Planitia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6348,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Martin Chaigne, Sabrina Carpy, Marion Massé, Julien Derr, Sylvain Courrech du Pont, and Michael Berhanu

In glaciology, karstology, speleology or planetology, regular and periodic patterns are often
observed on dissolving, melting or sublimating solid substrates. One of the most common is
known as scallops, and consists of a cellular pattern of cups-like concavities surrounded by very
sharp crests. They can be found typically on the walls of limestone caves carved by underground
rivers. Yet very similar patterns form on the immersed part of icebergs, on high-altitude glaciers
or on the surface of meteorites during their entry into the atmosphere [1]. The similarity between
these patterns, despite the wide range of materials and hydrodynamic conditions, suggests a
common and general mechanism.
By comparing field measurements, numerical models and experiments, we propose a geometric
approach to explain the generic emergence of scallops [2]. We first characterize the morphology
of scallops found on the walls of a limestone cave thanks to 3D reconstruction by
photogrammetry, and demonstrate the presence of crests which can be seen as singular
structures. Then, we discuss the results of numerical models of interface propagation. They
allow us to interpret the appearance of crests and the formation of cellular structures as a direct
consequence of the fact that the erosion velocity is always directed along the normal to the
interface. Finally, we carry out a simple experiment in which patterns are created by dissolution,
on the surface of a block of salt, by a solutal convection instability [3]. In accordance with our
model, we report the emergence of a cellular pattern of concavities surrounded by sharp crests,
very reminiscent of natural scallops. It confirms that the formation of scallops is largely
independent of the details of the flow but rather results from a geometric mechanism. This
general mechanism can also explain the common presence of crests or spikes on other
geological patterns created by dissolution.

[1] P. Meakin, B. Jamtveit, Geological pattern formation by growth and dissolution in
aqueous systems. Proceedings of The Royal Society A 466, 659 (2010).
[2] M. Chaigne, S. Carpy, M. Massé, J. Derr, S. Courrech du Pont, M. Berhanu, Emergence of
tip singularities in dissolution patterns. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
120(48), e2309379120 (2023).
[3] C. Cohen, M. Berhanu, J. Derr, S. Courrech du Pont, Buoyancy driven dissolution of
inclined blocks: Erosion rate and pattern formation. Physical Review Fluids 5, 053802 (2020).

How to cite: Chaigne, M., Carpy, S., Massé, M., Derr, J., Courrech du Pont, S., and Berhanu, M.: A geometric mechanism explains the shape of scallops and other sharp patterns in dissolution or melting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11769,, 2024.

Water, wind, and sediment
On-site presentation
Robert Barnes, Sanjeev Gupta, Alex Jones, Briony Horgan, Gerhard Paar, Katie Stack, Bradley Garczynski, Jim Bell, Justin Maki, Sanna Alwmark, Eleni Ravanis, Fred Calef, Larry Crumpler, Ken Williford, Justin Simon, Samantha Gwizd, Ken Farley, Christian Tate, Andrew Annex, and Linda Kah

The NASA Perseverance rover has been traversing the Jezero western fan, a clastic succession on the western rim of Jezero crater, containing a series of rocks deposited between ~3.6-3.8 Ga that show evidence of basinward prograding fluvial-deltaic depositional conditions.

The lowest stratigraphy in the Jezero fan records a transition from igneous crater floor material to distal deltaic deposits. A transition to fluvio-deltaic and periodic debris flow deposition is recorded in the upper fan series: The Tenby formation sandstones are comparable to terrestrial meandering fluvial systems, planar-bedded coarse sandstones of the Otis Peak member overlie the Tenby formation, and a blocky unit of boulder deposits, referred to as the Boulder Unit tops the fan. To the west and north, the upper fan overlies a carbonate-bearing sandstone deposited on the crater rim: the Margin Unit. The contacts between these units have been obscured for much of the traverse, precluding detailed assessment of their stratigraphic relationships.  

Gnaraloo Bay, visited on Sols 959 – 1000 of the mission, is an erosional window where the upper fan intersects the Margin Unit. Erosion through three key stratigraphic elements presents an opportunity to unravel the relative timing relationships of the Jezero crater rim and upper fan. We present a stratigraphic framework built from observations in Gnaraloo Bay made from images collected with the Mastcam-Z stereo-camera system.

The majority of Gnaraloo Bay is formed of shallow dipping (<10°) packages of beds dipping either towards or away from the crater rim, part of the Margin Unit. Erosional truncations are present where packages are juxtaposed and one interpretation amongst others is that these are comparable to shoreline deposits in smaller terrestrial lacustrine settings.

An abrupt erosional boundary at Airey Hill separates outcrop of the Margin Unit and Tenby formation recording an abrupt transition to an initial phase of channelized upper stage flow directly on top of the Margin Unit, followed by deposition of increasingly thick migrating barforms.

The lower flanks of Vancouver Point expose sub-horizontal, well bedded, rough textured sandstones comparable to the Otis Peak member. The basal contact of these sandstones crosscuts and postdates both the Margin Unit and Tenby formation. The upper <5 m of Vancouver Point is topped by the Boulder Unit with a basal contact that downcuts the Otis Peak member beds, implying a time gap between member deposition.

The basal contact of the ~ 600 m linear ridge of the Boulder Unit at the Jurabi Point ridge crosscuts both the Margin Unit and Tenby Formation, indicating an erosional unconformity. The Otis Peak member is absent here, implying that it is not associated with Boulder Unit deposition, unconformably overlying the Margin Unit and Tenby formation, and pre-dating the Boulder Unit.

We interpret the stratigraphy at Gnaraloo Bay to record the initial deposition of channelized migrating barforms over rim-bounding margin deposits. This was followed by periodical fan progradation and subsequent deposition of sheets of the Otis Peak member which appear to have been shielded from erosion by late Boulder Unit debris flow deposition sourced from Neretva Vallis. 

How to cite: Barnes, R., Gupta, S., Jones, A., Horgan, B., Paar, G., Stack, K., Garczynski, B., Bell, J., Maki, J., Alwmark, S., Ravanis, E., Calef, F., Crumpler, L., Williford, K., Simon, J., Gwizd, S., Farley, K., Tate, C., Annex, A., and Kah, L.: A stratigraphic framework of the Jezero upper fan succession observed in an erosional window at Gnaraloo Bay, Jezero crater, Mars. , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19143,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Anastasiia Ovchinnikova, Ralf Jaumann, Sebastian H. G. Walter, and Frank Postberg

Jezero crater, which once contained a paleolake, is the investigation site of the current NASA's Mars 2020 mission. We modelled 9 water related processes in Jezero: 1) western inlet valley carving, 2) northern inlet valley carving, 3) crater flooding by only northern inlet and 4) by both northern and western inlets, 5) erosion of the eastern rim for the outlet, 6) water outflow from the crater, 7) outlet valley carving, 8) western delta deposition, 9) northern delta deposition. We claim that the northern inlet had participated in the crater flooding because it has terraces at the same height level as the breaching terraces in the outlet (breaching happened in 3 phases, as shown in [1]).

Measurements of channel sizes, valleys, deltas, eroded rim and outflowed water volumes were conducted in ArcGIS 10.8 using Mars 2020 Science Investigation CTX DEM Mosaic and HRSC Mars Chart DTM and corresponding ortho-mosaics.

We used flow discharge and sediment transport models by [2] to calculate minimum water and sediment transport timescales under constant bank-full discharge. For northern and western inlet-related processes we took 0.005 m as median grain size D50 (it is the biggest grain size reported for samples from the western delta front in [3] so far; considering that the delta front is characterized by fine-grained deposition, it is reasonable to assume that for the whole delta D50 could be equal and even exceed 0.005 m). For outlet and breaching-related processes we used 0.1 m as D50 (which is used to model breaching events, e.g. in [1] and [4]).

Various scenarios have been modelled; the most probable (according to our current knowledge) were analyzed.

Deposition of the deltas could happen simultaneously with the last incision of corresponding valleys; the amount of carved material from last incised valleys is approximately the same as deposited in deltas.

According to the modelled scenario, the eastern rim erosion lasts five times longer than the water outflow after breaching. This indicates that water discharged from the breach could not alone erode the rim and thus more water supply from inlets would be needed. However, the uncertainty of grain size calls this result into question.

Another conclusion is that the northern valley alone could provide enough water (~1000 km3) during its last incision to fill the crater before breaching (446 km3). Moreover, the last incised valleys were mostly carved after the breach; if not, they would have already provided enough water to fill the crater and the breaching would have already happened.

Comparison of water discharged after the breach (238 km3) with water needed to carve at least the last incision outlet valley (~4000 km3) shows that Jezero had to be an open-basin lake after breaching.



[1] Salese, F. et al. (2020). Astrobiology, 20(8), 977–993.

[2] Kleinhans, M. G. (2005). Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 110(12), 1–23.

[3] Farley K., and Stack K. (February 15, 2023). Mars 2020 reports, Volume 2 -

[4] Roda, M. et al. (2014). Icarus, 236, 104–121.

How to cite: Ovchinnikova, A., Jaumann, R., Walter, S. H. G., and Postberg, F.: Modelling the history of water in the Jezero crater, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4701,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Joel Davis, William Dietrich, Claire Mondro, Sharon Wilson, Gwénaël Caravaca, Rebecca Williams, Lucy Thompson, Olivier Gasnault, Gerhard Paar, Edwin Kite, Alex Bryk, Steven Banham, Sanjeev Gupta, Amelie Roberts, and John Grotzinger

The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover continues to ascend Aeolis Mons in Gale crater, Mars, with the goal of characterising formerly habitable palaeoenvironments. Since September 2022, Curiosity has been traversing Gediz Vallis, a ~9-km long canyon incising into sulfate-bearing, sedimentary rocks on the northern margins of Aeolis Mons. Along the Gediz Vallis floor is the upper Gediz Vallis Ridge (uGVR), a quasi-sinuous, ~1.5 km long, ~80-100 m wide, ~5-30 m high, ridge. Upslope, uGVR is clearly set within an erosional channel, which disappears downslope. Near the Gediz Vallis outlet, uGVR transitions into the broader, lower GVR, recently interpreted by Bryk et al. (2023, AGU Fall Meeting) as a degraded alluvial fan. Since entering Gediz Vallis, Curiosity has undertaken an extensive long-distance imaging campaign of the eastern uGVR flank, acquiring multiple Mastcam and ChemCam Long Distance Remote Micro Imager (LD-RMI) mosaics. Additionally, in August 2023, Curiosity approached the ridge margins and conducted an in-situ investigation (“Region B”). A major objective of Curiosity’s uGVR campaign is to the determine the primary depositional conditions and palaeoenvironment of the ridge, which may record evidence for late-stage surface water flow in Gale.

Thus far, most uGVR exposures observed are formed of loosely consolidated, very poorly sorted, decimeter to meter-scale blocks. Most blocks are dark in tone and some are partially embedded within a finer-grained, matrix-like material. The blocks themselves are reworked, lithified, sedimentary rocks and many display a diversity of internal planar and/or cross-stratification, although others appear more massive. Where visible, bedding within the blocks is typically mm to cm in thickness. We used the Pro3D software package to measure mean diameter size of 70 blocks at Region B from stereo Mastcam images: 0.15±0.11 m; although we note that the largest block (~ 7 m diameter) occurs elsewhere. We also note that many blocks are fractured into multiple pieces, potentially due to post-depositional weathering processes. There is no obvious source bedrock from within the ridge that the blocks could be eroding from, consistent with the blocks being transported clasts, rather than erosional lag originating from in-situ bedrock. Generally, the clasts are very angular to sub-rounded, suggesting relatively limited transport and a local source bedrock.

The large clast size (cobble, boulder) and very poor sorting is consistent with deposition by debris flows: gravity-driven flows in which clasts are supported by a cohesive muddy matrix. The confinement of the uGVR to a channel argues against a completely unconfined flow, such as a drier landslide, forming the deposit. Post-depositional erosion has likely winnowed much of the finer grained fraction of the deposit. The sedimentary structures within the clasts (e.g., asymptotic cross-stratification) are similar to those in the Stimson formation, an aeolian sandstone, pointing to a potential upslope extension of Stimson, consistent with recent long-distance observations, though multiple sources are also possible. If our interpretation is correct, this would demonstrate that uGVR is providing access to lithologies transported from higher up Aeolis Mons.

How to cite: Davis, J., Dietrich, W., Mondro, C., Wilson, S., Caravaca, G., Williams, R., Thompson, L., Gasnault, O., Paar, G., Kite, E., Bryk, A., Banham, S., Gupta, S., Roberts, A., and Grotzinger, J.: The Upper Gediz Vallis Ridge at Gale Crater: Sedimentary Rock Clasts Transported by a Late-Stage Debris Flow on Mars?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5319,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Louis Scuderi and Aidan Buie

The boxwork unit on Mount Sharp presents an interesting erosional geomorphic feature that will shortly be investigated by the Curiosity Rover. The boxworks have been interpreted as a decameter-scale rectilinear fracture pattern infiltrated by ground water subsequent to its formation [1]. It is hypothesized that a fluid-based fill cemented the area around the fractures leaving ridges of erosion-resistant material. Here we investigate the similarities between the Mt. Sharp boxwork unit, fracture patterns adjacent to the boxworks that do not exhibit a significant vertical expression, and a similar appearing decameter-scale fracture pattern on the lower unit of the Peace Vallis (PV) fan [2].

Unlike the raised topography of the Mt. Sharp boxworks, vertical expression along fractures in the PV lower fan unit is poorly developed and is only found in a few isolated locations. However, analysis of fracture patterns using the Symbolic Plane approach of Domokos et al. [3] shows that both areas have a similar underlying polygonal fracture pattern with resultant rectilinear forms. These forms average three junction angles at vertices and normally produce four sided blocks. This is similar to fracture patterns associated with Platonic attractors on both Earth and Mars [3]. In both areas, cells of a regular primary mosaic X-type nodes are sequentially bisected locally creating irregular T-type nodes in response to secondary fracturing. Both areas exhibit similar regularity measures (#T nodes/total # of X and Y nodes) that range from ~0.82 to 0.86.  The unit adjacent to the Mount Sharp boxworks that does not display raised ridges has a similar fracture pattern and regularity. The geometric similarity of all three areas suggests that they are likely to have formed from processes that produced similar stress fields.

We hypothesize for all three areas that aeolian erosion subsequent to fracture formation has removed some portion of the surface. However, in the case of boxworks, the contrast between the cemented and less resistant non-cemented material leads initially to the production of proto-boxwork rounded hollows. These hollows expand and eventually reach the more resistant rock of the infiltrated fractures resulting in high standing remnant ridges ~ 1-meter or less in height. If the boxwork groundwater hypothesis is correct, this suggests that limited groundwater may have been available on the Peace Vallis fan subsequent to its deposition sometime after ~3Ga [4]. The quantity of groundwater was insufficient to allow mineralization in all but a few isolated locations on the fan as well as in the non-boxworks fractured area adjacent to the boxworks unit.

 [1] Siebach and Grotzinger, JGR, 2014. [2] Oehler et al. Icarus, 2016. [3] Domokos et al., PNAS, 2020. [4] Scuderi et al., 2018 LPSC

How to cite: Scuderi, L. and Buie, A.: Geometric analysis of decameter scale fractures in the Peace Vallis fan lower Unit and Mt. Sharp Boxworks, Gale Crater Mars, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13446,, 2024.

Mud and methane
On-site presentation
Ondřej Krýza, Petr Brož, Mark Fox-Powell, Matthew Sylvest, and Manish Patel

Extensive fields of sub-kilometre- to kilometer-scale edifices have been discovered on Mars and the process of subsurface sediment mobilization has been proposed as their formation mechanism. However, as igneous volcanism might form similarly looking features, it is currently unknown how they formed. Previously it was shown that when low viscosity muds would be exposed over cold sandy surfaces under the reduced martian atmospheric pressure, such muds would behave in similar fashion as Pahoehoe lavas on Earth. This shows how difficult it can be to distinguish mud volcanoes from igneous volcanoes based on morphology alone.

However, the composition of the propagating mud as well as of the substrate might be crucial to the overall dynamics and the finite pattern of developed flow features on Mars. On the Red planet, a wide range of substrates is expected to be present globally; covering a transition from dry and warm unconsolidated regolith to permafrost with a higher content of ice. 

Therefore, to get a better understanding of the behavior of muds exposed to reduced atmospheric pressure and the resulting shapes of putative martian mud volcanoes, we performed a set of experiments, in which we studied the effect of warm, pre-cooled or continuously frozen substrates on general flow properties. We also considered different granular materials, transitional compositions or their spatial sequencing, using mainly silica sand, flour or pure water ice. 

All tested scenarios showed a significantly contrasting style in mud spreading over the various surfaces. The streaming style and finite morphology of the flows differed from fast, flat spreadings, with the levitation component of transport, to slow and narrow flows with a characteristic ropy pattern. The most important observed feature was an alternation of melting and recrystallization of the ice substrate, caused by interplay between the latent heat release and consumption in between the mud and substrate. Importance of ice in the substrate was also shown through rapidly extended boiling potential and prolonged flow ability of mud, probably due to combination of phase transitions in mud-permafrost and mechanical properties of the substrate itself. 

These findings are interesting for an evaluation of mud behavior in various environments occurring on Mars or other bodies within the Solar system where the sedimentary volcanism or cryovolcanism might be expected.

How to cite: Krýza, O., Brož, P., Fox-Powell, M., Sylvest, M., and Patel, M.: Complex flow of mud over cold and frozen surfaces in low pressure: Insights from physical experiments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8469,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Roodra Manogaran, Gangkai Poh, Caitlin Ahrens, Julian Traphagan, Kathleen Mandt, and Suniti Karunatillake

Large reservoirs of methane exist in the subsurface seabed of Earth’s continental margins, both as solid gas hydrate/clathrate and in its dissolved and gaseous forms1. The transport pathways for fluids involving gas, water, and sediments are referred to as cold seeps, allowing subsurface methane to rise on the seafloor. Cold seep systems generally have three structural components: 1) the fluid source, 2) plumbing systems, and 3) venting structures or seeping features at or near the seabed such as crater-like depressions called gas pockmarks, mud volcanoes, and hydrate mounds2. Optical imagery suggests that these surface features on Earth resemble morphological features on Pluto’s landscape as well. Prior works studying Pluto’s geology suggest complex geological processes such as differentiation, suggesting the formation of an ocean-insulating clathrate layer, most likely methane-derived from organic materials in Pluto’s rocky core. Crater-like depressions on the surface of Pluto may form due to fluid seepage or blowout of methane hydrate reservoirs in regions where cold seep is prevalent. The morphology of seep-related craters is geometrically distinct and with different spatial distributions from those created by impacts3. To investigate the presence of seep-related craters on Pluto, we have surveyed bright-rimmed craters by CH4 ice in Vega Terra to investigate possible methane seepage. Pluto Global Mosaic and DEM (300 m/pixel) were used to obtain and measure topographic profiles of craters > 18 km (slightly exceeding the transition diameter) using the Java Mission-planning and Analysis for Remote Sensing (JMARS v.5.3.0) software. The topographic profiles were grouped based on the classification of pockmarks in the Danish part of the central North Sea, categorized into U, V, W-shaped, and tabular depressions4. Our analysis shows that 70% of the studied craters exhibit asymmetrical shapes, with a distinctive prevalence of W-shaped geometry. The remaining 30% of craters displaying circular morphology were predominantly characterized by U and V shapes, and some tabular geometry. Our results further suggest that more than half of the craters in our analysis have undergone long-term evolution, potentially linked to long-term multi-episode fluid expulsion events. We also examine their surface composition using Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral Array (LEISA) data to discern potential compositional differences between craters resulting from impact events and those with non-impact origins. Our methane generation and pathway framework can allow a more accurate assessment of the interaction between geological methane and Pluto's atmosphere.



1. Boetius, A., Wenzhöfer, F. (2013). Seafloor oxygen consumption fuelled by methane from cold seeps. Nature Geoscience, 6(9), 725-734.

2. Talukder, A. R. (2012). Review of submarine cold seep plumbing systems: leakage to seepage and venting. Terra Nova, 24(4), 255-272.

3. Stewart, S. A. (1999). Seismic interpretation of circular geological structures. Petroleum Geoscience, 5(3), 273-285.

4. Andresen, K. J., Huuse, M., & Clausen, O.R. (2008). Morphology and distribution of Oligocene and Miocene pockmarks in the Danish North Sea–implications for bottom current activity and fluid migration. Basin Research, 20(3), 445-466.


How to cite: Manogaran, R., Poh, G., Ahrens, C., Traphagan, J., Mandt, K., and Karunatillake, S.: Putative Cold Seep Systems on Pluto: Analyzing Crater Morphology to Investigate Geological Sources of Methane, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14037,, 2024.


Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X3

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Lonneke Roelofs, Stephen Brough
Water, wind, ice and sediment
Francois Costard, Alexis Rodriguez, Etienne Godin, Antoine Sejourne, and Jeffrey Kargel

Most of the Martian outflow channels have terminal areas buried beneath the younger sediments of the northern plains. Hebrus Valles, situated SE of Utopia Planitia, is exceptional in that its lowermost areas shows an abrupt disappearance of channels into a large cluster of pits. Our study aims to document the possibility of Hebrus Valles interacting with some preexisting underground cavernous networks. We conducted a series of flume experiments to simulate infiltration, including polygonally tunneling buried in sand. To replicate the Hebrus morphology, we constructed an orthogonal pattern of ice slabs before the experimentation, which after melting, simulated cave geometries. Our results reproduce incision features like those at the terminus of Hebrus Valles, implying that these discontinuities facilitated underground conduit generation. Our results provide the first laboratory-based confirmation of this type of catastrophic flood with infiltration processes inferred from remote-sensing observations. Our laboratory results show that floods are captured by sinkholes and can deliver a regional interconnection of channels and caves, which should have contributed actively to the dynamic of such floodwater infiltration in Hebrus Valles.

Reference: Costard, F., Rodriguez, JAP, E. Godin, A. Séjourné, & J. Kargel. (2024). Deciphering Martian Flood Infiltration Processes at Hebrus Valles: Insights from Laboratory Experiments and Remote Sensing Observations. J. Geophys. Res. Planets. 129, e2023JE007770, doi/10.1029/2023JE007770

How to cite: Costard, F., Rodriguez, A., Godin, E., Sejourne, A., and Kargel, J.: Understanding Martian megaflood-infiltration Landscapes at Hebrus Valles through Laboratory Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19885,, 2024.

Eleni Bohacek, Rickbir Bahia, Lisanne Braat, Sarah Boazman, Elliot Sefton-Nash, Colin Wilson, Lucie Riu, and Csilla Orgel

In deserts on Earth, aeolian (wind-blown) and fluvial (river) (AF) processes display considerable interactions, which have an impact on dune and river trajectories, morphologies, geometries, and distributions. These interactions can lead to water loss to the subsurface and the formation of sabkhas, which are interdune ponds that transform into salt flats. These pools are where primordial continental life on Earth is hypothesized to have emerged, evidenced by microbial mats. Lithified dunes and interwoven inverted river channels, and the discovery of aqueously altered lithified dunes by the Curiosity rover, indicates synergy between AF interactions on ancient Mars.

We report the results of the pilot study by the Working group on Aeolian-Fluvial Terrain Interactions (WAFTI), based at the European Space Agency, which examines the effects of these processes in synergy under ancient Martian conditions, using a combination of modelling and geomorphological analysis. Our Martian Aeolian-Fluvial Interactions (MAFI) model is a landscape evolution model based on a coupled implementation of the Caesar-Lisflood fluvial model, and Discrete ECogeomorphic Aeolian Landscape model (DECAL) dunes model. It routes water over a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and calculates erosion and deposition from fluvial and slope processes changing elevations accordingly. Aeolian material is discretized into slabs on the DEM, and slabs are moved across the space according to a set of simple rules.

We conduct simulations of various scenarios to model the interactions between perennial and ephemeral rivers, actively migrating dunes, and different types of terrain (bedrock and unconsolidated sediment). These simulations incorporate factors such as evaporation and water loss to the subsurface. We measure changes in the grainsize distribution of the river sediment both upstream and downstream of a dunefield, and analyse the effects of dune migration on river morphology and pond evolution over hundreds of years of AF interactions.

These interactions have a number of salient impacts: meandering inverted channels, the sediment size and distribution of Martian rivers, the formation of interdune pools, and the preservation of Martian valley networks.

How to cite: Bohacek, E., Bahia, R., Braat, L., Boazman, S., Sefton-Nash, E., Wilson, C., Riu, L., and Orgel, C.: Where Environments Collide: Aeolian-Fluvial Interactions on Ancient Mars, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18586,, 2024.

Lisanne Braat, Sabrina Wong, and Elliot Sefton-Nash

The European Space Agency (ESA) plans to launch the Rosalind Franklin rover in 2028. The aim of this mission is to search for biosignatures and to investigate Oxia Planum (Altieri et al., 2023). This landing site was chosen because it is one of the oldest Noachian terrains (4-3.6 Ga) altered by water, yet logistically feasible for landing and roving. Oxia Planum is rich in clays, hydrated minerals, suggesting the past influence of liquid water (Mandon et al., 2021). A river delta has been identified close to the landing site at the termination of Coogoon Vallis (Quantin-Nataf et al., 2021). The delta presents potential for preserving biosignatures either by covering underlying clays or in within its own deposits, providing protection from radiation and oxidation. Despite knowing that water played an important role at Oxia Planum, it is still unclear what the past fluvial and environmental conditions were like.

Deltas on Mars are important targets for planetary exploration due to their indicators of past fluvial activity, contain a sedimentary record available to study, and have potential for preserving past signs of life. The observable delta deposits, captured by satellite and rover imagery, serve as key sources for deducing ancient fluvial and climatic conditions on Mars (e.g. Salese et al., 2020; Toffoli et al., 2021; Mangold et al., 2021). This study will use the observed river delta at Oxia Planum to investigate past fluvial and environmental conditions at the landing site. Specifically, this study aims to constrain the range of possible hydrological conditions in terms of duration of activity, flow energy conditions and water levels. These insights contribute to the strategic planning of the rover mission, aiding in the identification of drilling locations of interest.

To investigate the Oxia Planum delta, we developed a 2D-horizontal hydro-morphological model. We used the numerical modelling software package Delft3D FM (by Deltares), which was amended for Martian gravity. We explored multiple scenarios including, different water levels in the basin, river discharges, sediment supply rates and grain sizes. Some scenarios aimed to replicate the final phase of delta activity, while others sought to reconstruct the evolution of older delta lobes. Although the preliminary results are subject to ongoing investigation, they hold promise for refining estimates (both lower and upper bounds) of fluvial conditions such as discharge, water level, sediment transport rates, morphological development, and duration of activity. Given the distinct sediment transport dynamics on Mars due to lower gravity (Braat et al., 2023), reliance on investigative modelling becomes imperative, as the direct use of Earth analogues is challenging.

How to cite: Braat, L., Wong, S., and Sefton-Nash, E.: Hydro-Morphodynamic Delta Modelling for Future Exploration Insights at Oxia Planum, Mars, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10798,, 2024.

Lonneke Roelofs, Simone Visschers, Susan Conway, Tjalling de Haas, Maarten Kleinhans, Matthew Sylvest, and Manish Patel

Linear dune gullies are a unique surface feature on Mars of which no Earth analogue exists. They have long and constrained channels, lack an alcove, and often end in circular depressions called pits. Satellite observations have shown that the activity of linear dune gullies is related to the presence of CO2 ice, which led to the hypothesis that these landforms are carved by blocks of CO2 ice. Here, we experimentally test this hypothesis under Martian atmospheric conditions and establish a better physical understanding of how this process works. We conducted >100 experiments under Martian atmosphere in which we released CO2-ice blocks on a sloping sand bed. Our experiments show that CO2-ice blocks move downslope by two different modes of transport, both driven by large gas fluxes produced by CO2-ice sublimation under Martian atmosphere. In general, on steep coarse-grained slopes, the blocks slide down, carving narrow and shallow elongated depressions. On gentle fine-grained slopes, the blocks burrow themselves into the sand and slowly carve deep elongated depressions with high and narrow levees, ending in circular pits. These two modes of transport of the CO2-ice blocks can explain the different morphologies of linear dune gullies on different locations, with some gullies having very defined levees and some not, as well as the transition in morphology of certain linear dune gullies from steep upper slopes to gentle lower slopes that we observe on Mars. These experiments allow us to reconstruct how linear dune gullies formed based on their morphology, and infer the necessary climatic and topographic conditions allowing these gullies to form: 1) CO2 ice needs to be preserved at the top of the dune until the beginning of spring, 2) the rest of the dune needs to defrost and heat up to induce sublimation of the CO2 ice once it has started to move downslope, and 3) the dunes need to be made of material that is fine enough to be propelled away from the block and form levees. The first two conditions should limit the formation of linear gullies to south-facing concave slopes at the beginning of spring, which is also where and when activity in these gullies is observed.

How to cite: Roelofs, L., Visschers, S., Conway, S., de Haas, T., Kleinhans, M., Sylvest, M., and Patel, M.: Deciphering the formation processes of linear dune gullies on Mars, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1889,, 2024.

Long-term modelling of surface processes
Hannah Sophia Davies, Georg Feulner, Julius Eberhard, Benoit Bovy, and Jean Braun

The field of Geomorphology covers the essential link between climate and geological processes such as tectonics. Because both of these processes operate on planetary scales, and over million year periods, landscape evolution models must, by necessity, do the same. With the advent of modern computing and the reduction in computational complexity of the Stream Power Law algorithm (SPL), it has become much easier to conduct investigations of landscape evolution on these scales. By doing so we can test model interactions between Earth system processes such as geodynamics, weathering, sediment flux, and erosion. In this work we aim to conduct landscape evolution modelling with the SPL algorithm on pre-industrial Earth, using high resolution climate models (CMIP – Coupled Model Intercomparison Project) and topographic maps with uplift histories as input. This model has already been used for planetary scale modelling on ancient Mars, and now we aim to use it to conduct a broad sensitivity analysis of the landscape evolution of pre-industrial Earth. We will compare the model outputs to established datasets and to other landscape evolution studies to best constrain the input parameters of the model (e.g., incision coefficient) to reproduce known water and sediment fluxes for the period. Once the model is calibrated, we aim to use it to look at periods of deep time where landscape evolution was perturbed by tectonic and climate excursions such as supercontinent assembly, and transitions to and from icehouse climate states. As with the pre-industrial study, this work would also include coupling to climate models but furthermore would be coupled to a global geodynamic model to produce topography, reducing reliance on paleo-topographical maps and allowing for comparison to previous studies that used those maps as topographic input.

How to cite: Davies, H. S., Feulner, G., Eberhard, J., Bovy, B., and Braun, J.: Deep-time, planetary scale landscape evolution: Using the pre-industrial Earth as a calibration point for coupled tectonic, geomorphic and climate modelling on Earth and other planets., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15963,, 2024.

Alexandre Gauvain, François Forget, Martin Turbet, and Jean-Baptiste Clément

In past decades, the study of Mars revealed geological and geochemical indicators regarding the past presence of valley networks, lakes and even possibly oceans, particularly at the end of the Noachian and the beginning of the Hesperian epochs. These indicators suggest a potentially long stable period during which early Mars could have had a climate warm and wet enough to allow the presence of surface liquid water and precipitation.

To understand the evolution of the planet's hydrological cycle, we developed a new high-resolution surface hydrological model to constrain hydrological processes. The resolution of our model is obtained from the data of MOLA (Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter) topographic map (1/128°). Our approach is based on the creation of a global hydrological database to define the location of topographic depressions and their spillover flow point, the hydrological connection between watersheds, and a relationship between elevation, volume, and area of generated lakes. This database significantly accelerates the computation speed of the hydrological model. The hydrological model can simulate the drying up or formation of lakes and oceans based on various parameters. In this conceptual study, we primarily explore the variability in the location of precipitation and the amount of available water on the surface of Mars, in Global Equivalent water Layer (GEL) units.

The hydrological model performs detailed simulations by transferring water between watersheds according to their water storage capacity. Simulations are run in steady state, to ensure that inflow (precipitation) and outflow (evaporation and overflow) are equal. The model provides the location and extent of lakes and oceans depending on the amount and location of precipitation. Lake overflow rates are used as markers to identify runoff. To align with one of our plausible conceptual models, we use the relative climate aridity indicator (X-ratio) to position our study in relation to previous studies and highlight the contribution of this new model. Simulation results are compared with geological and geomorphological observations such as opened and closed lakes, deltas, and valley networks.

The next steps in our work aim to enhance the robustness of our hydrological model by integrating it into a global climate model (GCM) and a planetary evolution model (PEM). This connection will provide a better understanding of the interactions between Mars' hydrological regime and its global climate. We also plan to add subsurface/groundwater flows to our model, providing a perspective on the distribution and dynamics of water under the Martian surface.

How to cite: Gauvain, A., Forget, F., Turbet, M., and Clément, J.-B.: A high-resolution hydrological model at planetary scale : conceptual study of the distribution and evolution of water reservoirs on early Mars., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15674,, 2024.

Volcanism and impacts
Yin Yau Yoyo Chu, Joseph R. Michalski, and A. Alexander G. Webb

Populations of underrecognized Noachian or Early Hesperian volcanic structure associated with both explosive and effusive volcanism are present within Arabia Terra, Xanthe Terra and perhaps throughout the ancient highlands on Mars. Here we present a compilation of volcanic clusters within Arabia Terra and Xanthe Terra, as well as the significant of their correlation with vast fine-grained, layered deposits across the globe. The majority of these features can be described as “plains-style caldera complexes” (Michalski and Bleacher, 2013), that are characterised by deep crustal collapse, presence of flow deposits, potential pyroclastic materials, and more importantly, without a pronounced central edifice. Notable examples of the plains-style caldera complexes includes: Eden Patera (33.5°N, 348.8°E), type-locality of the plains-style caldera complexes; Siloe Patera (35.3°N, 6.55°E), which presents two overlapping classic piston-type caldera collapse; and Hiddekel Cavus (29.4°N, 16.2°E), a narrow, cone-shaped depression with extremely high depth/diameter ratio (Michalski and Bleacher, 2013; Chu et al., 2021 and Chu et al., 2023).

Across Arabia Terra, vast abundances of friable and layered deposits were observed (Fassett & Head, 2007; Whelley et al., 2021), and the volcanic constructs proposed in by Michalski and Bleacher (2013) are believed to be responsible of producing large amount of ash fall/ignimbrite deposits that widely distributed in the vicinity (Brož et al., 2021; Edgett & Malin, 2002; Hynek et al., 2003; Platz et al., 2015; Chu et al., 2021 and Chu et al., 2023), and might also be additional potential sources of the vast ash deposition in the mid latitude regions across the globe.

Similarly, a subdued cratered layered unit of potential pyroclastic materials that was widely distributed across Xanthe, Margaritifer, and Meridiani Terrae, were proposed to be volcanic in origin (Chapman and Tanaka, 2002). A variety of volcanic-related features has also been proposed within the area (Meresse et al., 2008; Luzzi et al., 2021; Weitz and Bishop, 2019; Michalski, 2021) and in our latest project, we present a spectrum of volcanic constructs within Xanthe Terra that includes degraded shield structures and irregular crustal collapse constructs that are equivalent to the “plains-style caldera complexes” at Arabia Terra, along with evidence that point towards a magmatic origin or related processes for these collapse structures. These features are characterised into three categories of depressions with near-circular to irregular shape: 1) deep cavi with much shorter diameters and extremely high depth-diameter ratio, 2) paterae/chasmata type of large depression that consists of one or multiple depressions and show evidence for extensive structural deformation, and 3) near-circular depressions with huge variation in rim height lying on top of degraded mounts/topographic high area. Together, these depressions represent period(s) of active magmatism around the southern Xanthe Terra that might also provide insights of their linkage with regional tectonic events.

How to cite: Chu, Y. Y. Y., Michalski, J. R., and Webb, A. A. G.: Clusters of Late Noachian- Early Hesperian large volcanic constructs across Arabia Terra and Xanthe Terra on Mars, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8701,, 2024.

Chit Yan Eunice Leung, Hui Ching Jupiter Cheng, A. Alexander G. Webb, William B. Moore, Joseph R. Michalski, and Yat Hei Jason Siu

Tesserae terrains on Venus are characterized by intersecting sets of tectonic fabrics, signifying pervasive, complex, and multi-stage deformation. The locally stratigraphically oldest tesserae units, which cover around 8% of Venus’s surface, are primarily exposed within regions of high topography, flat-topped, quasi-circular crustal plateaus. This association suggests that the highly deformed tesserae units are intrinsic to the formation of crustal plateaus, and that the tesserae units encapsulate a significant record of Venus’ early geologic history.

The origin of crustal plateaus remains debated. Various models have been put forward to explain their formation, each considering the complex deformation evidenced by the tesserae unit and the thickened crust, which is supported by data on small gravity anomalies and low gravity to topography ratios. These models include (1) mantle upwelling, (2) mantle downwelling, (3) pulsating continent with subduction, (4) heat-pipe volcanism, and (5) lava pond and bolide impact hypothesis. Testing these models involves identifying the boundary relationship of tesserae units and surrounding units, as well as the types and sequences of deformation in the tectonic lineaments.

In this study, we present a focused examination of the following selected tesserae highlands, ranging from the well-studied and previously mapped Ishtar terra to Western Ovda Regio, Ovda Regio, Thetis Regio, Tellus Regio, and Alpha Regio. Magellan synthetic aperture radar (SAR) full-resolution map (FMAP) and digital elevation model (DEM) are used to map the interior deformation patterns, as well as the stratigraphic and tectonic relationships at the highland boundaries. Preliminary results mostly do not support a bolide impact model yet are unable to falsify the remaining models. The current spatial resolution of the dataset limits our ability to identify the structural type of tectonic lineaments. Our work aims to advance our understanding of Venusian tectonics and highlight the importance of the acquisition of higher-resolution data to unravel Venus’ geological evolution.

How to cite: Leung, C. Y. E., Cheng, H. C. J., Webb, A. A. G., Moore, W. B., Michalski, J. R., and Siu, Y. H. J.: Mapping the Tesserae Highlands of Venus – Insights into Tectonic Deformation and Plateau Genesis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8670,, 2024.

Katarzyna Gajewska, Sanna Alwmark, and Carl Alwmark

Collisions between planetary bodies are one of the most ubiquitous and important geological processes in the Solar System. In recent decades, the study of impact events has gained more interest, leading to the identification of over two hundred impact structures on Earth [1]. The object of this study, Tvären, is a 2 km-in-diameter simple impact structure that was formed in a marine environment in the Middle Ordovician [2]. To date, only limited information validating the impact origin of the structure is available [3] and no in-depth studies of impact metamorphism of the crater fill have been published to date, to our knowledge. Our investigation aims to determine the pressure conditions prevalent during the formation of the crater fill.

For this study, forty thin sections from the [161,60-218 m deep] drill core Tvären-2 [4] were investigated and searched for the presence of shocked quartz and shock metamorphic features in other minerals using a petrographic microscope. Subsequently, Leitz five-axes universal stage microscopy was utilized to measure orientations of the poles of PDFs in quartz that were further indexed with the updated stereographic projection template [5]. Quartz grains from five different depth levels of the drill core were measured to confirm that planar features – PDFs and PFs (planar fractures) – occur in the drill core material between 161,60 and 215,70 m. The investigated lithologies are (from top to bottom) (i) light grey sandstone to mudstone; (ii) sandstone; (iii) fine gravel to coarse sand; (iv) limestone gravel breccia; (v) coarse limestone breccia [4]. The presence of quartz grains with PDFs parallel to {1012} and quartz grains with only PFs in the same depth intervals indicates the investigated lithologies contain material shocked over a wide pressure range – from 5 to 25 GPa (see method for calculating shock pressures in [6] and references therein). Shocked quartz grains, which generally do not exceed 0.5 mm in size, are present in both matrix and bedrock fragments. Preliminary findings suggest that PDFs mostly occur in angular quartz grains, while PFs were found in rounded quartz grains.

We have also studied a subset of thin sections with SEM-EBSD, with the purpose of investigating if shock metamorphic features are present in any other minerals than quartz. In our preliminary investigation we have observed heavily fractured monazites and zircons with interesting textures, that will require further investigation. With known pressures, based on quartz PDF shock barometry we may assign the features found in the other minerals to different levels of shock.

Acknowledgements: Swedish Research Council grants #2022-04255 and #2021-03836.

References: [1] Osinski G et al. Earth Sci Rev. 2022;232:104112; [2] Ormö J. GFF. 1994;116(3):139-144; [3] Gajewska K et al. NGWM 2024; 10-12 Jan 2024; Gothenburg, Sweden; [4] Lindström et al. Geol Mag. 1994;131(1):91-103; [5] Ferrière et al. MAPS. 2009;44(6):925-40; [6] Holm-Alwmark S et al. MAPS. 2018;53(1):110-130.

How to cite: Gajewska, K., Alwmark, S., and Alwmark, C.: Shock metamorphic features in minerals in crater fill from the Tvären impact structure, Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15949,, 2024.

Sensing methods for planetary science
Optomechanical inertial sensors for space and planetary sciences
(withdrawn after no-show)
Felipe Guzman