GM9.7 | Fluid venting as a submarine geological process controlling seafloor morphology and biology
Fluid venting as a submarine geological process controlling seafloor morphology and biology
Co-organized by OS4
Convener: Daniele Spatola | Co-conveners: Daniele Casalbore, Marzia Rovere, Martina Pierdomenico, Daniel Praeg
| Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:30 (CEST)
Room -2.20
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X1
Orals |
Mon, 14:00
Mon, 16:15
The process of “fluid venting” is a global phenomenon recognized in different geodynamic contexts, giving rise to diverse surface morphologies (e.g. pockmarks and mud volcanoes) and a range of geological, geochemical and biological phenomena. Venting implies the upward migration of fluids (including gas) due to subsurface overpressures and/or buoyancy, via plumbing systems that remain poorly understood. Sedimentary layers and geological structures (faults, fractures) may act either as pathways for, or barriers to, fluid migration. It is useful to distinguish two main types of fluid vent: (i) “cold seeps” characterized by low temperature fluid emissions, and (ii) hydrothermal vents where fluids emerge at temperatures between 200-400°C. In submarine settings, marine geophysical data of varying frequency may be used to identify fluid-related features at the seafloor, as well as the presence of gas both in the water column, as acoustic flares, and below the seafloor, as acoustic anomalies including focused or diffused acoustic turbidity and blanking, bright spots, high-amplitude reflections, chimney or pipe structures, and bottom simulating reflectors (BSRs) associated with gas hydrate. Sampling and direct observation can also be useful to assess the chemosynthetic ecosystems living in such extreme environmental conditions. This session aims to explore the role of submarine fluid flow and venting: (i) as a geomorphic process that shapes the seafloor; (ii) as a potential marine geohazard, and (ii) as a driver of biological processes. Contributions are invited from any offshore region, from continental shelves to abyssal plains, based on multi-scale datasets including hydro-acoustic imagery, 2D/3D seismic reflection data, samples and ROV observations.

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room -2.20

Chairpersons: Daniele Spatola, Daniele Casalbore, Marzia Rovere
On-site presentation
Fereshteh Hemmateenejad, Luca Fallati, Giuliana Panieri, Pedro A. Ribeiro, Chiara Fusca, Benedicte Ferré, and Alessandra Savini

Cold seeps are hotspots of biodiversity and can deeply impact the local sediment geochemistry in marine environments (e.g., promoting the formation of authigenic carbonate crusts) throughout all the oceans. Natural gas seepage can lead to changes in sediment properties and nutrient cycling supporting unique benthic fauna living in or near the substrate, eventually promoting the establishment of chemosynthetic biological communities. In this study, a relatively shallow water area offshore northern Svalbard (located at roughly 150m of water depth), where evidence of gas seepage has been observed, is investigated using optical, high-resolution seafloor imagery, and OBIA (Object-Based Image Analysis) techniques. Visual data consists of two photomosaics assembled from frames extracted from videos acquired by means of a work-class Remotely Operated Vehicle (i.e. the ROV ÆGIR 6000), and processed by applying underwater Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry technique. The study aims to detect, classify, and count each single specimen representing benthic epifaunal communities at the seafloor and describe changes in seafloor substrates (i.e. sediment grain size and morphometric attributes) across all the photo-referenced datasets. ArcMap software and direct ROV-based video analysis were used to annotate all visible epibenthic fauna (more than 20,000 individuals), identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level based on discernible external morphological characteristics. In a further step, OBIA techniques (using Trimble eCognition® software) were applied on seafloor geomorphological characteristics, to provide quantitative and repeatable classification of the substrate into four distinct classes. Finally, annotated benthic epifauna and seafloor substrate classes’ data were combined to quantify patterns of community diversity, abundance, and structure in relation to seafloor morphometric parameters. Cluster analysis revealed substrate class similarities, as well as colonization preferences exhibited by the fauna, especially where methane-derived authigenic carbonates (MDAC) occur at the seafloor. All the fauna and substrate classification outcomes are reported in a catalogue which can be used as a bionomic guide for future studies. This work comprises data collected during the CAGE 20-7 cruise conducted in November 2020 as part of the Centre of Excellence for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate (CAGE) at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway and within the framework of the INTPART-AKMA “Advancing Knowledge on Methane in the Arctic (AKMA)”.

How to cite: Hemmateenejad, F., Fallati, L., Panieri, G., Ribeiro, P. A., Fusca, C., Ferré, B., and Savini, A.: The role of substrate attributes as a driver for benthic epifaunal communities investigated applying OBIA techniques and image analysis on the Norskebanken cold seep site (Arctic Ocean), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-911,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ruoxuan Zhao, Jianzhou Xu, and Yanan Di

Hydrothermal vents (HVs) and cold seeps (CSs) are typical deep-sea extreme ecosystems with their own geochemical characteristics to supply the unique living conditions for local communities. Once the fluid vents stop emission, the dramatically environmental change would pose survival risks to deep-sea organisms and further shape the whole ecosystems. Up to now, limited knowledge was available to understand the biological responses and adaptive strategies to these extreme environments and their dual-state from active to extinct stage. In this study, bathymodiolin mussels, the dominant and successful species surviving in diverse deep-sea extreme ecosystems, were sampled from active and extinct HVs (Southwest Indian Ocean) or CSs (South China Sea) via two individual cruises. The transcriptomic analysis, determination of multiple biological indexes in stress defense and metabolic systems were conducted in both gill and digestive gland of mussels, together with the metagenomic analysis of symbionts in mussels. The results revealed the fluid-specific transcriptional regulation in mussels, addressing the autologous adaptations in successful antioxidant defense, varied energy utilization and key compounds (i.e. sulfur) metabolism due to distinction in different fluid environments. Coordinately, a heterologous adaptation, characterized by the functional compensation between symbionts and mussels in energy utilization, sulfur and carbon metabolism, was also evidenced by the bacterial metagenomic analysis in these chemosynthetic ecosystems. Taken together, a new insight was proposed that the dual-state of fluid vents drives symbiotic bathymodiolin mussels to develop an autologous and heterologous combined adaptation for successful survival.

How to cite: Zhao, R., Xu, J., and Di, Y.: Systemic comparisons of the adaptations in symbiotic bathymodiolin mussels from diverse stages of hydrothermal vents and cold seeps , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5051,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Michael Lazar, Danny Ionescu, and Christian Siebert

The presence of submarine springs and seepages within the hypersaline Dead Sea appears to be a common feature. Hydrothermal fluid escape was first proposed in the mid-1980s based on temperature anomalies measured in the lake, and acoustic blanking observed on high-resolution seismic reflection data. However, the actual existence of such springs was not verified until recently, since the phenomenon only became the focus of dedicated scientific studies during the last decade. As a result of combined anthropogenic intervention and climate change, lake levels have been dropping since the 1960s by over 1 m per year. This has led to large expanses of the lake floor becoming dry land and for submarine springs and other venting features that were previously in deeper water to become shallower. As a consequence, such features are now accessible for direct study either by skilled scuba divers or even along the coast where some have become exposed. Underwater observations include pockmark-like structures, fast and slow-flowing springs, and even salt chimneys formed when brines with different ionic composition than Dead Sea water escape from these vents and come in contact with chlorine-saturated hypersaline background brine leading to the precipitation of halite and other minerals. Diverse microbial communities seem to thrive at these venting locations. Here we will discuss the different types of features, their connection to regional tectonics, and their evolution and development from water to land.

How to cite: Lazar, M., Ionescu, D., and Siebert, C.: The unique geomorphology of submarine venting features as revealed by dropping lake levels in the Dead Sea , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5523,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Gabriel Ion, Adrian Popa, Constantin Lazăr, Vlad Apotrosaei Apotrosaei, and Florin Duțu

By means of Digital Terrain Models, produced based on multibeam echosounding data and underwater photography, spectacular sea floor geomorphologies and features have been discovered and mapped.

In some parts of the NW Black Sea, the submarine geomorphology is characterized by the presence of fluid escape features. These very specific features are present in the flexure area and the upper continental slope. There are prevailing the so-called pockmarks (large depressions on the sea floor) and carbonate chimnies - positive small morphological items on top of the sea bottom, micro-biogeochemically build as the result of the fluid escapes from the sea floor. These kind of submarine geomorphologies are the result of the high dynamics of the fluid escapes that occur in areas with high sedimentation rates, both of sediments and organic matter. The sediments are of Quaternary age and are subject of consolidation processes, that means expulsion of pore water, sometimes accompanied by important amounts of gases, mainly biogenic methane. These submarine sea bottom elements are the best testimonies for the high dynamics of fluids in the pile of young sediments and point out that subjacent to these underwater morphologies could be located hot spots of organic matter accumulations.

The pockmarks could be isolated or clustered in groups of scattered elements or linear patterns. Often, mostly the linear clusters of pockmarks, are associated to the local highs of the sea floor geomorphology. The carbonate chimnies cannot be detected by means of multibeam technologies, but in some upper parts of the Danube and Dnieper deep sea fans such structures can by observed by means of underwater photography.

How to cite: Ion, G., Popa, A., Lazăr, C., Apotrosaei, V. A., and Duțu, F.: Fluid escape submarine geomorphological features in the NW Black Sea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8298,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marcelo Ketzer, Christian Stranne, Cheng Chang, Satoko Owari, Changxun Yu, Sebastien Migeon, Matt O'Regan, and Martin Jakobsson

A recently acquired multidisciplinary dataset comprising acoustic surveys (high-resolution sub-bottom profiles, multi-beam bathymetry, and broad band mid-water echo sounder), geochemistry (gas chemical and isotopic composition, porewater chemistry), and sedimentology (core lithology and X-ray CT) in the area of the Landsort deep (450 m of depth), south of Stockholm Archipelago, revealed the existence of an extensive (20 km2) region of the seafloor where massive gas release is occurring in the form of multiple bubble streams. This new discovery represents a major seafloor methane release site in Europe and is comparable in area to other large sites worldwide such as the ones in Svalbard and in the South Atlantic Ocean associated with gas hydrate provinces. The gas is formed mostly by methane of microbial origin. Surprisingly, bubbles rise 100’s of meters above the seafloor and reach surface waters above the halocline/oxycline at around 80 m of depth. Some bubbles appear to reach the sea-air interface and their potential methane contribution to the atmosphere is under investigation. Another surprising observation is the absence of major seafloor features like pockmarks in the gas release area. The reasons for the seafloor methane release in the Landsort deep are still not entirely clear, but our preliminary acoustic and sedimentological data suggest that bottom currents may have acted to facilitate the accumulation of organic-rich sediments in a thick drift deposit during the Holocene and the modern warm period (latest 100 years). Our data further suggest that the high sedimentation rate in the drift deposit continuously supplies fresh organic matter that is quickly buried below a thin sulphate reduction zone, fueling vigorous methanogenesis and abundant methane formation. Similar methane release sites might be discovered in other known large drift deposits in the Baltic Sea.

How to cite: Ketzer, M., Stranne, C., Chang, C., Owari, S., Yu, C., Migeon, S., O'Regan, M., and Jakobsson, M.: Discovery of a major seafloor methane release site in Europe: The Landsort deep, Baltic Sea., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10370,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Letizia Di Bella, Daniele Casalbore, Aida Maria Conte, Alessia Conti, Irene Cornacchia, Andrea D’Ambrosi, Giovanni Gaglianone, Michela Ingrassia, Daniele Spatola, Martina Pierdomenico, Claudio Provenzani, Tania Ruspandini, and Francesco Latino Chiocci

In this research benthic foraminiferal response to shallow water methane (CH4) emissions located in the area around Scoglio d’Africa (Tuscan Archipelago, Northern Tyrrhenian Sea were used as proxy for the individuation of) was investigated. The site is located in the southernmost part of the Elba-Pianosa Ridge, a mainly submarine, north-south elongated morpho-structural high separating the Tuscany Shelf to the east from the Corsica Basin to the west. In the study area, submarine methane emissions have been studied since the 1960s and they are linked to the combined action of two processes: biogenic (microbial process called methanogenesis) and thermogenic origin. The aim of this study is to verify the use of foraminifera as a proxy for detecting the presence of methane emissions and elaborate a microfaunal pattern distribution to apply in recent, future and fossil record. Methane (CH4) is an important greenhouse gas, with a global warming potential about 20 times as large as carbon dioxide (CO2) on a 100-year horizon. In the marine environment, coastal areas represent methane hotspots highly exceeding emissions from the open ocean. In this view, Scoglio d’Africa provides a much-promising study site for multidisciplinary marine research like carbon capture and storage, geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids and ocean acidification vs. benthic and pelagic organisms. The microfaunal analyses were carried out from sediment samples coming from 11-16 m depth are shown. The samples were collected by grab and scuba during two sampling surveys in 2021 and 2022. The preliminary results of this research highlighted a very patch distribution and variability in density and biodiversity probably linked to the irregular distribution of the venting activity on the ground floor. The complexity of the interaction of the ecological factors characterizing extreme environments such as shallow hydrothermal vents did not allow us to carry out a real pattern of biota responses in situ. However, some significant considerations can be highlighted. Firstly, a strong loss of biodiversity and collapse in faunal density are recorded due to the combined effects by the CH4 emissions and the mud flow setting. Secondarily, the rare living specimens are represented by agglutinated species like Lepidodeuterammina ochracea and Ammodiscus sp., miliolid taxa like Quinqueloculina stelligera and Siphonaperta agglutinans, and among hyaline species, Rosalinids and H. depressula resulted the more resilient taxa. Moreover, the research provides new constrain on the ecological behaviour of some foraminiferal species in response to extreme conditions due to methane release.

How to cite: Di Bella, L., Casalbore, D., Conte, A. M., Conti, A., Cornacchia, I., D’Ambrosi, A., Gaglianone, G., Ingrassia, M., Spatola, D., Pierdomenico, M., Provenzani, C., Ruspandini, T., and Chiocci, F. L.: Are the foraminiferal assemblages useful proxy for detecting methane emissions in shallow water environments? the case of Scoglio d’Africa (Tuscan Archipelago, Northern Tyrrhenian Sea) ?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15075,, 2024.

On-site presentation
George Papatheodorou, Maria Geraga, Dimitris Christodoulou, Elias Fakiris, Efthimios Sokos, Zafeiria Roumelioti, Giuseppe Etiope, Sotiris kokkalas, Nikos Giannopoulos, Xenophon Dimas, Nikos Georgiou, Vasileios Giannakopoulos, and George Ferentinos

Seabed fluid flows (SFF) refer to the movement of fluids (gases and liquids) from sediments to seawater. SFF has broad implications for (i) human activity in the ocean, which is often associated with geohazards, (ii) global climate, and (iii) benthic ecology. BLUEL project aimed to long-term monitor the submarine active pockmark field in the Gulf of Patras, Greece, and investigate its relationship to seismic activity, examining the occurrence of changes in their fluid flow behavior during local earthquakes towards evaluating their potential for use as earthquake precursors. The pockmark field extends to an area of 2.4 km2, in water depths of 17 to 45 meters and consists of 115 pockmarks of which 92 are visible and 23 are buried under the infrastructure of the recently constructed South Port of Patras. The formation and activity of the field appears to be controlled by tectonics (faults) while methane fluxes and fluid escapes into the water column were recorded in the past, increased after strong earthquakes.

A high-resolution mapping and monitoring of the Patras Gulf pockmark filed (PGPF) was carried out through high resolution acoustic mapping techniques, including swath bathymetry, sidescan sonar backscatter and sub-bottom profiling, revealing pockmarks morphological evolution through time and assessing the spatial patterns of bubble flares after major seismic events. Results showed that the main mechanisms for the development of the field are local tectonism and internal characteristics of gas-charged sedimentary layers. Sediment and water samples were collected and in-situ measurements of CH4 concentration were performed using a methane sensor. The chemical composition and origin of the fluids in the seawater and the sediments were assessed and implications about the volume of greenhouse gases escaping to the atmosphere were made. The geochemical analysis showed that heavy metal concentrations are always higher in sediments collected inside the pockmarks than those collected outside the sites. Isotopic analysis also revealed that CH4 of microbial origin is the dominant component of the released gas. The annual emissions of methane from the pockmark field wider area to the atmosphere have been also estimated between 7.6 to 8.4 tons per year.

A 200m long submarine optical fiber was installed inside a selected active pockmark to measure the water temperature through a Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) system, acquiring data over 1.5 years. Spectral analysis methods were applied to fill missing data, reconstruct the temperature time series along the cable length and reveal any underlying periodicities or anomalous events. The above measurements were supported by meteorological and tidal data collected in the area, as well as by a microseismic network to record the seismic activity over the corresponding period. Comparisons were performed between the above datasets, revealing significant relationships between anomalous thermal events and local seismicity.

How to cite: Papatheodorou, G., Geraga, M., Christodoulou, D., Fakiris, E., Sokos, E., Roumelioti, Z., Etiope, G., kokkalas, S., Giannopoulos, N., Dimas, X., Georgiou, N., Giannakopoulos, V., and Ferentinos, G.: Insights into Seabed Fluid flows: Pockmark dynamics mapping and monitoring in Patras Gulf, Greece, Unveil Correlations to local tectonics and Earthquakes. The BLUEL project., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16419,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Solveig Bühring, Andrea Koschinsky, Wolfgang Bach, Marcus Elvert, Charlotte Kleint, Palash Kumawat, Joely Maak, Eva-Maria Meckel, Paraskevi Nomikou, Clemens Röttgen, and Enno Schefuß

On the Greek island Milos and in shallow water at its coast, many spots with hydrothermal activity have been found and studied in the past. The M192 cruise in August 2023 with the German research vessel METEOR followed the idea that these systems may continue along a tran­sect from shal­low, nearshore, photic to the deeper, off­shore, aphotic zone around the island, accompanied by changes in terms of environmental parameters. 

Volcanism along the Hellenic volcanic arc started during the Early to Middle Pliocene, while the last eruption occurred in 1950 (Nea Kammeni volcano). The intense seismic activity in the area is associated with important geothermal gas venting, with the major systems being found in relatively shallow waters (1–500m depth) at Methana, Milos, Santorini (Kolumbo submarine volcano), Kos and Nisyros.

Systematic bathymetry and water column acoustic survey work with METEOR's multibeam with the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) MARUM-SEAL on the M192 cruise revealed several previously uncharted hydrothermal vent fields offshore Milos. They are located in the southeast extending from the bays Kiriaki to Paleochori and Thiorychia, as well as in an area northwest of Milos, offshore the bay of Vani. The distribution of the hydrothermal vents seems to be tectonically controlled and follow the prominent faults that have been mapped on Milos.

The areal extents of venting were identified by echosounding using the acoustic anomaly the presence of gas bubbles causes in the water column. But selected hydrothermal vents were furthermore visually observed and sampled using the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) MARUM-SQUID. These individual vents revealed pronounced differences; whereas the shallower vents (around 100 m water depth) were noticed as white patches (of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria) on the sandy seafloor with diffuse venting comparable to the shallow vents close to the coast, the deeper vents (around 200 m water depth) featured remarkable chimney structures sometimes several meters in height that are covered with white biofilms and vent fluids reaching temperatures up to 180 °C. Sampled fluids showed mildly reducing and slightly acidic (pH between 5.0 and 7.9) conditions and were rich in dissolved hydrogen sulfide and dissolved metals. These signals extended up to about 10 m into the water column, as recorded by CTD-rosette water sampler stations.

To date, shal­low-wa­ter and deep-sea hy­dro­thermal sys­tems have been treated as in­de­pend­ent, seem­ingly un­re­lated en­tit­ies; the results of the M192 expedition presented here are the first foray into re­mov­ing this ar­bit­rary bound­ary.

How to cite: Bühring, S., Koschinsky, A., Bach, W., Elvert, M., Kleint, C., Kumawat, P., Maak, J., Meckel, E.-M., Nomikou, P., Röttgen, C., and Schefuß, E.: Discovery of a unique submarine hydrothermal system between shallow photic and deep dark sites around the Greek island of Milos (Aegean Sea, Greece), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17022,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andrea Argnani and Marzia Rovere

Fluid expulsion and sediment mobilization are typical processes in accretionary prisms, where sediments are scraped off the subducting plate and piled up and squeezed to originate a tectonic prism, resulting in fluid venting, mud volcanoes and mud diapirs. The Mediterranean region is characterized by subduction zones where residual portions of the Tethyan oceans have survived the Aftica-Eurasia continental collision. Among these subduction zones, the Calabrian accretionary prism is known to be populated by mud volcanoes. The Ionian offshore of the Crotone promontory offers examples where the expressions of fluid expulsion and sediment mobilization are visible both in the subsurface and at the seafloor. The analysis of a proprietary 3D seismic cube allows to characterize patterns of pockmarks, which are direct expression of fluid expulsion at the seafloor, and to identify a mud diapir which appears at the seafloor as a large mud pool, ca. 1200 m in diameter. The high resolution 3D seismic profiles also allow to infer differences in the  mechanisms of fluid focussing at very shallow depth. Small, closely spaced normal faults, produced by outer arc extension, and dilation in the shallow unconsolidated sediments, due to sharp slope gradient increase, both favour fluid focussing. In some instances it can be shown that fluid venting also contributed to destabilize the uppermost sedimentary strata, triggering small landslides along the slope. A Pliocene extensional system has  developed within a mobile shale domain. The diapir that surfaces as a mud pool has been mobilized along a recent extensional fault, which tapped into the mobile shale domain. Furthermore, a fossil mud pool has also been recognized in the study area. This fossil mud pool is sealed by undeformed sedimentary strata which allow to constrain a minimum age for fluid and sediment mobilization in the accretionary prism. Seismic reflections amplitude suggests that the fossil conduit still acts as a preferential fluid seepage pathway, contributing to destibilize the overlaying slope sediments.

How to cite: Argnani, A. and Rovere, M.: Submarine Morphology Offshore Crotone (Calabrian Accretionary Prism, Central Mediterranean): Pockmark Fields and a Mud Diapir in a Mobile Shale Domain, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21390,, 2024.

Posters on site: Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X1

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr 14:00–Mon, 15 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Daniele Spatola, Daniele Casalbore, Marzia Rovere
New observations of Haima cold seep in 2021-2022 from manned and unmanned submersible 
Peiling Liao, Chuanxu Chen, and Hanyu Zhang
Daniele Spatola, Daniele Casalbore, Francesco Latino Chiocci, Ashok Dahal, Stéphanie Dupré, Gemma Ercilla, Martin Torvald Hovland, Luigi Lombardo, Marzia Rovere, Attilio Sulli, and Juan Tomás Vázquez

Fluids, encompassing gases and liquids, possess lesser density than solids, therefore exhibit an upward movement within sedimentary strata due to buoyancy. Seafloor "fluid flow" is a well-established phenomenon in diverse geodynamic settings, spanning active and rifted continental margins, compression zones (subductions), and depositional environments characterized by high-rate sedimentation such as deltas and contourite drifts. This phenomenon manifests in a range of positive (e.g., mud volcanoes) and/or negative seafloor morphologies (pockmarks).

Pockmarks, recognized since the 1970s, represent the dominant morphological features associated with fluid escaping from the seafloor. These seafloor morphologies can reach diameters and depths of several kilometers and over 100 meters, respectively, featuring circular to elongated planforms and flat-bottomed to conical cross-section profiles. Despite insights from geological and geophysical data, the comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms governing pockmark formation, growth and maintenance remains elusive. Various hypotheses and conceptual models, including those involving near-bottom currents, have been proposed to elucidate the genesis and development of pockmarks. These models encompass continuous processes (seeps) or sudden episodic events of fluid releases and blowouts (vents).

Pockmarks hold significance for various reasons. Pockmarks are often linked to fluid-driven sedimentary failures, highlighting their role as a significant geohazard associated with fluid migration, excess pore pressure, and potential landslide triggering. Therefore, studying pockmarks is crucial for geohazard assessment and the planning of submarine and seafloor infrastructures, where their inherent instability at the seafloor requires safety assessments. Studies on seismicity in marine areas suggest that pockmarks may serve as important earthquake precursors, with observed increase in seeping water temperature before seismic events and continued venting of gas bubbles immediately afterward. The plausible relationship between fluids and seismicity is due to the lubricating effect of fluids on faults. Furthermore, pockmarks release hydrocarbons, which are of great importance for the global carbon cycle, their implication in the climate change and in the sustaining of specialized biological communities. Pockmarks are also indicators of petroleum generation, making their study pertinent in oil and gas exploration.

This study, concerning the assessment of approximately 6,000 pockmarks mapped on the central Mediterranean Sea, utilizes morphological, sedimentological, and tectonics evidences, employing a GIS-based and data-driven approach to generate the pockmark susceptibility map for the Italian continental margins. The map is the outcome of a deep learning architecture tasked with the classification of the seafloor based on binary classification obtained by training a neural network with locations where pockmarks have been mapped and locations where the same are certain to be absent.

How to cite: Spatola, D., Casalbore, D., Chiocci, F. L., Dahal, A., Dupré, S., Ercilla, G., Hovland, M. T., Lombardo, L., Rovere, M., Sulli, A., and Vázquez, J. T.: Comprehensive review of pockmarks and first "Susceptibility Map" of the Italian Continental Margins, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1975,, 2024.

Fabio Sposito, Anna Maria Gallo, Agostino Semoprebello, Manfredi Longo, Lorenzo Brusca, Gianluca Lazzaro, Sergio Scirè Scappuzzo, Cinzia Caruso, Valeria Alduina, Marco Arculeo, Alessandro Gattuso, and Francesco Italiano

Shallow Hydrothermal Vents (SHVs) are fluid emission spots in which water dynamics are characterised by interactions between seawater and free gas due to low hydrostatic pressure. This characteristic marine environment represents a peculiar natural laboratory where the study of geo-biological conditions needs a multidisciplinary approach to better understand the extreme ecosystem dynamics.

Although many studies have been already performed on physical-chemical conditions, analysing major chemical species, just a few studies have adopted multidisciplinary approaches, giving a broader and more detailed view of the observed phenomenon.

We propose a multidisciplinary study carried out in the period May-August 2022, based on the geophysical, geochemical and biological analysis of Black Point (23m b.s.l.), a hydrothermal spring belonging to the system located at about 2 miles off the coast of Panarea island (Aeolian Archipelago, Italy). Here a multiparametric seafloor observatory is installed (IPANEMA Project funds), equipped with chemical-physical sensors, a hydrophone and a seismometer. The area is periodically monitored by scientific divers performing discrete geochemical sampling, in addition, acoustic radiation studies are regularly conducted close to the emission, to characterise their acoustic signatures and peculiarities in turn. The gained expertise has led to the development of custom algorithms to perform spectral analysis of the acoustic features.

Comparing the variation of the flux, investigated through the inversion of acoustic energy (radiated in the band [35 - 55] Hz likely associated with the mass flux variation), with fluctuations related to the environmental seafloor temperature, both series exhibit synchronous relative maxima over the investigated period.

Coupling these trends with geochemical and biological variations in terms of Minor, Trace elements and Rare Earth Elements (REEs) concentrations and in the microbial community, simultaneous variations have been highlighted as well.

In detail, the highest concentrations of minor elements (Al, Fe, Mn), trace elements (As, V) and REEs correspond to spectral energy and temperature peaks. Moreover, pH is inversely correlated to Fe, Al and Mn, indicating its role in dissolution/precipitation of Fe, Al and Mn oxy-hydroxides; inversely, REEs are positively correlated to Fe, Al and Mn indicating the role of the oxy-hydroxide ligands in fractionation of these elements, as a consequence, REEs patterns shapes show LREE depletion (Lan/Ybn < 1).

Furthermore, the composition and diversity of microbial communities were investigated by extracting metagenomic DNA from different matrices (vent fluid, marine sediment near the vent and seawater at a short distance from the vent) and through the next-generation sequencing of a bacterial marker gene (16S rRNA gene). The results show significant differences in the microbial community between the samples and in the two samplings (May and August), especially in the fluid vent. These results are in accordance with the geochemical flux variations and the seafloor temperature, suggesting that each sample carries its specific bacterial fingerprint and the microbial community changes depending on the physicochemical conditions.

This study confirms the importance of a multidisciplinary approach as the key to highlight different features of SHVs and how geo-biological fields are strictly linked in extreme environments.

How to cite: Sposito, F., Gallo, A. M., Semoprebello, A., Longo, M., Brusca, L., Lazzaro, G., Scirè Scappuzzo, S., Caruso, C., Alduina, V., Arculeo, M., Gattuso, A., and Italiano, F.: Geochemical, geophysical and biological features of Black Point shallow hydrothermal vent at Panarea island (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2587,, 2024.

Mariano Yenes, José Nespereira, David Casas, Serafín Monterrubio, Gemma Ercilla, Máximo García, and Belén Alonso

The Gulf of Vera (Western Mediterranean) presents a complex geomorphology that is the result of the sedimentary response to the Aguilas tectonic indentation Arc in the framework of the Eurasian–Africa plate collision. This indentation has caused the quasi-continuous oversteepening of the entire margin, which has favored the gravitational instability of the 97% of its seafloor. This margin is one of the most affected by mass movements in the SW Mediterranean Sea. With a characteristic instability of 0.356 km2 and a mean volume of 0.0108 km3, the continental slope shows moderate events comparable to those of other Mediterranean areas.

The Aguilas high is one of the structural highs shaping the margin. Its top is characterized by a smooth surface shaped by sedimentary deposits (contourites). Those deposits are affected on the southern edge by a pockform field, erosive features (scars) and deposits with the characteristic ridges of spreading processes.

The aim of this work is to define from morphological and geotechnical point of view the instabilities observed on the summit of the high as well as to evaluate the role of fluid flow over those instability processes. Different data set have been merged and combined, including very high-resolution bathymetric data, gravity cores and in-situ geotechnical data (CPTu tests).

The results obtained define a geotechnical weak interval at depths between 10 and 15 m below seafloor which is compatible with a detachment surface where lateral spreads developed. The processes would be driven by liquefaction (cyclic softening) triggered by seismic events that affects the clayey sediments present on the stratigraphic record. This process may also favour the vertical fluid flow due to overpressure that may explain the pockform field observed. The spatial association between pockforms and scars observed, evidence a strong link between liquefaction, fluid flow and instability in the study area.


This research was funded by the Spanish MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Grant PID2022-138258OB-I00 (inGRAVITAS). 

How to cite: Yenes, M., Nespereira, J., Casas, D., Monterrubio, S., Ercilla, G., García, M., and Alonso, B.: Influence of focused fluid flow on the development of submarine lateral spreading. Aguilas high (Gulf of Vera, Western Mediterranean), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6358,, 2024.

Bénédicte Ferré, Thibaut Barreyre, stefan Bünz, Claudio Argentino, Jorge Corrales-Guerrero, Knut Ola Dølven, Marie Stetzler, Luca Fallati, Muhamed Fatih Sert, Giuliana Panieri, Samuel Rastrick, Tina Kutti, and Manuel Moser

The Hola Trough, offshore Norway’s Lofoten-Vesterålen (LoVe) area, has been of interest for many years due to its rich marine life and potential oil and gas resources. There, coral mounds thrive around methane seepage. The LoVe observatory network monitors this unique environment. Using this observatory platform, associated dataset and research expeditions at sea, the project EMAN7 (Environmental impact of Methane seepage and sub-seabed characterization at LoVe-Node 7) aims to understand the environmental impact of methane seepage as well as its spatio-temporal variability.

The comparison of methane seep activity during two summers with different environmental conditions revealed 3.5 times more seeps when a combination of warmer bottom water and low tide changes the sediment pore pressure. Piezometer data, recording subseafloor pore pressure and bottom temperature, support these findings. Sub-seafloor investigations identified pathways for gas migration in methane seep areas, influenced by topography.

This study is supported by the Research Council of Norway, project number 320100, through the project EMAN7.

How to cite: Ferré, B., Barreyre, T., Bünz, S., Argentino, C., Corrales-Guerrero, J., Dølven, K. O., Stetzler, M., Fallati, L., Sert, M. F., Panieri, G., Rastrick, S., Kutti, T., and Moser, M.: EMAN7: understanding methane seepage dynamics in the Hola Trough, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8501,, 2024.

Young-Jun Kim, Mario Enrique Veloso Alarcon, Gee-Soo Kong, Jong-Hwa Chun, Deniz Cukur, Youngho Yoon, and Dong-Geun Yoo

Shallow gas escaping from the seafloor is normally observed in poor sedimentary layers and geological structures accompanied by faults, cracks, and fractures. Gas venting, the migration of the fluid between pores, causes seafloor deformation such as pockmarks and can trigger large-scale geohazards such as submarine sliding and tsunamis, so multi-year monitoring is required.

After first discovering a gas flare in the southeastern continental shelf area of the East Sea, Korea in 2019, we conducted multi-scaled seismic and acoustic surveys using R/V TamhaeⅡ from 2021 to 2023, except for 2020. In 2019, EK60, sub-bottom profiler (SBP), and high-resolution seismic (HRS) data were acquired, and EK60 and SBP data were acquired in 2021. In 2022, EK60, multi-beam echo sounder (MBES), SBP, and conventional seismic data were acquired, and in 2023, EK60, MBES, and SBP data were acquired. In 2019 and 2021, MBES data was only acquired to detect seafloor deformation such as the pockmark, while water column data using MBES began to be recorded to detect flares from 2022. The flare size from the seafloor to the sea surface was measured in the EK60 data, while the quantification study on the gas flow rate using the ESP3 software and the VBALab plugin has been tried since 2022. Through EK60 data acquired over 4 years, it can be estimated that gas venting periodically rather than continuously. MBES data presents evidence of a lot of gas-related seafloor deformation in the study area.

 Since the first exploration of a new R/V TamhaeⅢ installed EK80, parametric SBP, and acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) will begin this May, we expect that a high-quality seismic and acoustic dataset will be obtained for the site of gas flare. For further research, it will be necessary for sea-water and geological sampling to analyze gas components, and detailed monitoring using ROV and seafloor observation systems installed with a camera should be accompanied to quantify the gas flow rate.

How to cite: Kim, Y.-J., Veloso Alarcon, M. E., Kong, G.-S., Chun, J.-H., Cukur, D., Yoon, Y., and Yoo, D.-G.: Case study on the multi-year geophysical and acoustic survey in a gas flare site on the southeastern continental shelf of the East Sea, Korea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10885,, 2024.

Yi-Chin Lin and Jing-Yi Lin

Seabed fluid activity involves the transport and migration processes of liquids, gases, and seawater beneath the seafloor which is primarily controlled by factors such as fault activity, sediment overpressure, seismic events, sea level changes, tidal activity, and submarine landslides. Based on different formation mechanisms, the sources of fluids include such as thermal, biological, and natural gas hydrate decomposition. The southwestern offshore Taiwan experiences compressional stress, leading to the formation of numerous folds and thrust faults that establish conduits for fluid migration. The presence of a series of mud volcanoes and mounds of natural gas hydrates points to a substantial methane flux in this region. While previous studies have used single-beam echo sonar (SBES) data to detect seabed gas discharge phenomena, analyses relied on 2D sonar images, making results susceptible to the influence of single survey lines and temporal variations. We aim to develop processing programs for SBES data to obtain 3D sonar image distribution and intensity analysis, providing a more precise analysis of fluid and gas-related activities in southwestern offshore Taiwan. Three research vessels' SBES data from the past decade have been reexamined. The possible flare signals are transformed into a 3D point cloud distribution by computing the receiving angle of the data. The near-surface point cloud effectively illustrates the precise discharge area. Comparing changes at the same location over different times may provide insights into the correlation between geological structural activities and gas emissions. However, due to the significant period and differing equipment configurations on each vessel, consolidating the data to a uniform standard poses certain challenges. The complex changes in seafloor bathymetry also increase the difficulty of discerning gas emission signals.

How to cite: Lin, Y.-C. and Lin, J.-Y.: Investigating seabed fluid activities using historical single-beam echo sounder data in the offshore southwestern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14435,, 2024.

Andrea Argnani, Lorenzo Angeletti, Federica Foglini, and Marco Taviani

The submarine slope offshore Montenegro is a segment of the eastern slope of the Southern Adriatic Sea, which represents the current foredeep basin of the Dinaride-Hellenide fold-and-thrust belt. In this part of the Adriatic Sea shelf is 10 to 40 km wide and is receiving only a limited amount of clastic sediments. The N-NW-trending shelf break has a water depth of about 400 m, over 200 m deeper than the last sea-level low-stand because of the foreland subsidence. The submarine morphology of the Montenegro slope has been investigated using a high-resolution multibeam bathymetry. The slope appears carved by a set of closely spaced canyons that only rarely scratch the shelf break. A drainage system connected to the slope canyons is not visible on the shelf, and the canyons appear to be originated by the coalescence of multiple landslide scars. The incised canyons are closely spaced along the slope, suggesting a high maturity of the drainage system, in accordance with a destructive-type slope, dominated by mass wasting. In the head of one of the southernmost canyons a field of fossil chimneys has been exhumed by erosion at the seafloor. The stable carbon isotope signature indicates that these chimneys originated because of hydrocarbon fluid seepage within the sedimentary cover. A small field of pockmarks is present at the shelf edge, not far from the fossil chimneys, and located in an intra-canyon position, between canyon headscarps that incised the shelf break. The co-existence of chimneys and pockmarks suggests the occurrence of long-lasting fluid flow in the slope. The system of focussed fluid flow might have played a pivotal role in destabilizing the slope sediments, promoting landsliding. Standing and abated chimneys, together with their rubble and other nearby hardgrounds, have become habitat to relevant benthic fauna in the poorly sedimented slope. Megabenthic cnidarian assemblages are commonly found, also including the emblematic cold-water corals Madrepora oculata, Desmophyllum pertusum, and D. dianthus, the octocoral Callogorgia verticillata, the antipatharian Leiopathes glaberrima, and sponges.

How to cite: Argnani, A., Angeletti, L., Foglini, F., and Taviani, M.: Geomorphology of the Montenegro slope (eastern Adriatic Sea): A tale of slump scars, corals and a chimney forest, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14838,, 2024.

Daniele Casalbore, Martina Pierdomenico, Daniele Spatola, Anna Saroni, Federica Maurantonio, Massimo Coltorti, Roberta Ivaldi, Maurizio Demarte, Denise Petronelli, and Francesco Chiocci

Scoglio d’Affrica islet lies in the southern part of the Elba-Pianosa Ridge, a north-south elongated morpho-structural between the Tuscany shelf and the Corsica Basin. A violent gas outburst occurred in 2017 offshore Scoglio d’Affrica islet, with the formation of columns of dirty water rising up to 10 m above the sea surface as reported by local fishermen. Since then, the collection of multibeam bathymetries coupled with seafloor observations realized through remotely operated vehicles and scuba dives showed the occurrence of widespread fluid-related morphological features, including mud volcanoes of variable size and morphology as well as hundreds of pockmarks. In this work, we present the preliminary results of this integrated analysis, providing insights on the small-scale morphological evolution of these features in the last 5 years linked to fluid seepage processes. This is a particularly relevant issue considering the few studies on shallow-water mud volcanoes as well as the potential hazard associated with these processes.

How to cite: Casalbore, D., Pierdomenico, M., Spatola, D., Saroni, A., Maurantonio, F., Coltorti, M., Ivaldi, R., Demarte, M., Petronelli, D., and Chiocci, F.: Repeated multibeam surveys and direct observations for the characterization of fluid-related features off Scoglio d’Affrica islet (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19650,, 2024.