OS2.2 | Oceanography at coastal scales. Modelling, coupling, observations and applications.
Oceanography at coastal scales. Modelling, coupling, observations and applications.
Convener: Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla | Co-conveners: Sandro Carniel, Joanna Staneva, Manuel Espino Infantes, Davide Bonaldo
| Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–12:25 (CEST)
Room L3
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X4
Posters virtual
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X5
Orals |
Mon, 08:30
Mon, 16:15
Mon, 14:00
Coastal oceanographic processes present important differences with deep water oceanography, resulting in higher prediction errors, where topo-bathymetry in shallow areas exerts a strong control on hydrodynamic fields, further modified by stratification, land boundaries and coastal infrastructure. Predictability is limited by strong non-linear interactions (e.g. breaking waves, nearshore circulation and sediment fluxes), choice of numerical strategies (e.g. nested meshes, finite-elements or smooth-particle simulations) or modulations typical of restricted domains (e.g. seiching or vegetation filtering). Coastal observations (in-situ and remote) are therefore necessary to enhance numerical models, where the advent of new satellite capabilities (e.g. Sentinel resolution and sensors) and modelling advances (e.g. coupling or unstructured grids), together with enhanced coastal observatories, are leading to qualitative advances for coastal oceanography applications. Coastal analyses under future scenarios become even more challenging, since transitional areas are more strongly impacted by changing climates (e.g. changing domains due to sea-level rise). For these reasons, it is timely to discuss recent advances in: a) coastal coupled hydro-morpho-ecological modelling at different scales; b) coastal aggregation of in-situ/satellite/numerical data from different sources; c) knowledge-based coastal applications, including the assessment of nature-based interventions; d) use of novel approaches, such as data assimilation or machine learning; and e) uncertainties in coastal decision-making. Building on these challenges, we invite presentations on coastal modelling, data assimilation, boundary effects or operational coastal predictions with/without interactions with Nature-based or traditional interventions. Contributions tackling open questions on non-linear response functions, artificial intelligence or big data for coastal applications are welcome. These coastal topics should conform a fruitful session for discussing coastal oceanography applications, including conventional and nature-based interventions under climate change. We offer the possibility, for interested authors, to submit evolved versions of their presentations to the currently open special issue in Ocean Sciences (see https://www.ocean-science.net/articles_and_preprints/scheduled_sis.html).

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room L3

Chairpersons: Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla, Davide Bonaldo
On-site presentation
The New Operational of Indonesian Ocean Forecast System based on High Resolution Couple Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Model (InaCAWO)
Furqon Alfahmi and Nelly Florida
On-site presentation
Nada Alsulaiman, Maarten Van Reeuwijk, and Matthew Piggott

This study investigates the integration of seawater temperature data acquired through in-situ and remote sensing methods, aiming to enhance the accuracy of hydrodynamic models. Our focus is on a shallow bay influenced by semidiurnal tides, where continuous thermal discharges from a coastal power plant significantly impact the local temperature field. The investigation addresses the model's uncertainty in capturing the variability of thermal effluents, particularly regarding the input descriptions for the discharge rate (Q) and excess temperature (ΔT) added to the ambient waters. These parameters display seasonal variations that reflect the energy consumption trends of the local population, introducing complexity into seawater temperature modeling. We aim to assess the effectiveness of using different data types in two key application areas: (A) generating better initial conditions through data assimilation with the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) technique, and (B) automating the calibration of the model parameters for the description of the thermal discharge. To explore these applications, we conduct a twin experiment that replicates the bay's real-world conditions, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of integrating temperature data of varying resolutions on the assimilation and calibration processes. Our goal is to determine the most effective spatiotemporal scales for these applications, and to provide recommendations for modeling approaches in similar tidal environments.

How to cite: Alsulaiman, N., Van Reeuwijk, M., and Piggott, M.: Applications of Data Assimilation and Parameter Calibration with Multi-Resolution Measurements of Seawater Temperature for Hydrodynamic Modeling of Shallow, Tidal Environments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4085, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4085, 2024.

On-site presentation
Impact of the vertical coordinate system on the Baltic Sea hydrography
Per Pemberton, Erik Mulder, and Diego Bruciaferri
On-site presentation
Lorena Gil Calo, Anne-Claire Bennis, Martial Boutet, and Frederic Dias

As tidal turbines are to be implemented in the highly energetic sea of Alderney Race (France), the aim of the study is to define a way to simulate its turbulent water regime and that of the similar site of Gregory sound (Ireland), in interaction with the ocean waves.  

The goal is to include a compatible 3D turbulence model in the existing formulations to develop a unified model for wave-current-turbulence interactions that is realistic in terms of numerical resources. This will be achieved by integrating the original LES turbulence model of Leray-α to sets of equations modeling wave-current interactions in 3D. 

This is being done using the CROCO numerical modeling system (https://www.croco-ocean.org) applied to the coastal ocean, in which the algorithms for the turbulence filtering procedures are to be implemented. The conclusions until now are the following: i) the Leray-α filtering procedure gives accurate results when applied for the three-dimensional mixing, ii) the Leray-α filtering procedure re-energizes the flow, iii) the model allows the coarser resolution to simulate the finer one, with a relevant reduction of the computational costs.  

For the next steps, Leray-α will be used to simulate the real locations of Alderney Race and Gregory sound, and waves interactions will be included in the study through the coupling of CROCO with the model Wavewatch III. 

How to cite: Calo, L. G., Bennis, A.-C., Boutet, M., and Dias, F.: Τοwards a unified mοdelling οf wave-current-turbulence interactiοns in three dimensiοns: applicatiοn tο Alderney Race (France) and Gregοry Sound (Ιreland) , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9107, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9107, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ashly Kalayil Uthaman, Tomasz Dabrowski, Gerard McCarthy, Sebastian Brune, and André Düsterhus

Coastal regions are dynamic environments influenced by various atmospheric and oceanic processes. Understanding the complex interplay of these forces is crucial for coastal management, navigation, and impact assessments. This becomes especially crucial when investigating climatological scale dynamics.

In this study, two state-of-the-art third-generation wave models, WAM-Cycle 6 (Wave Action Model) and SWAN 41.45 (Simulating Waves Nearshore – Version 41.45) are utilized for numerical wave projection. The methodology involves nested modeling approach by configuring SWAN within WAM to simulate waves at finer resolution near the Irish coast. This setup involves WAM operating on a coarser grid (1.0 degree), an intermediate WAM grid with a resolution of 0.5 degree, and SWAN running on a finer grid (0.025 degree). Wind forcing (10 m wind speed) from climate reanalysis produced by ECMWF (ERA5) is used to drive the wave model. A comparison with wave buoys at different locations around Ireland showed that models agreed on the significant wave height with bias and RMSE differing at most 0.6m.

Statistical techniques are utilized to connect the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model to ERA5 wind data, which is employed as forcing for the wave models to predict waves on climatological scales. The current model setup not only focuses on the present wave conditions but extends to provide future predictions and projections utilizing input data from climate models. By combining the insights from the present with the predictions and projections for the future, the current study aims to provide valuable information for decision-makers in the near and long-term future.

How to cite: Kalayil Uthaman, A., Dabrowski, T., McCarthy, G., Brune, S., and Düsterhus, A.: Wave Climate Analysis near the Irish Coast: SWAN-WAM Modeling from Present to the Future., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9111, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9111, 2024.

On-site presentation
Gonzalo Saldías, Pedro Figueroa, and Susan Allen

The response of a coastal ocean model, simulating a typical Eastern Boundary system, to downwelling-favorable winds with and without the presence of a submarine canyon is studied. Three contrasting bathymetric configurations, considering different slopes and depth shelves, are evaluated. Experiments without a submarine canyon represent the well-known downwelling circulation and cross-shore structure with a downwelling front and the development of frontal instabilities generating density anomalies from the bottom up to 50 meters. The presence of the submarine canyon drives important changes in cross-shore flows, with opposing velocities on either side of the canyon. Onshore (offshore) and downward (upward) velocities develop in the upstream side of the canyon in the time-dependent and advective phases. Instabilities developed and are modified principally downstream of the canyon. Overall, the net impact of the canyon is to enhance offshore and downward transport into the canyon. However, particle tracking experiments reveal that particles can become trapped inside the canyon in an anticyclonic circulation when the particles pass the canyon over the continental slope. This particles stay inside the canyon up to 15 days.

How to cite: Saldías, G., Figueroa, P., and Allen, S.: The influence of a submarine canyon on the wind-driven downwelling circulation over the continental shelf, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12829, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12829, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marina Amadori, Mariano Bresciani, Claudia Giardino, and Henk A. Dijkstra

Slow and long-term variations of sea surface temperature anomalies have been interpreted as a red-noise response of the ocean surface mixed layer to fast and random atmospheric perturbations. How fast the atmospheric noise is damped depends on the mixed layer depth.

In this contribution we provide first evidence that lakes are integrators of noisy atmospheric variability just like oceans are. Based on a stochastic approach inspired by the stochastic climate models theory by the 2021 Nobel Physics laureate Hasselmann, we determine estimates of surface mixed layer depth from satellite measurements of Lake Surface Water Temperature (LSWT). The proposed approach is showcased for Lake Garda, Italy. We demonstrate that LSWT anomalies have a red noise spectrum resulting from the integration of higher frequency atmospheric forcing. By connecting the decorrelation time scale of LSWT anomalies to net heat fluxes, we obtain a spatially varying estimate of mixed layer depth. The basin-scale variability of our estimate is consistent with in-situ measurements and connects to the dominant modes of LSWT and chlorophyll-a concentrations obtained via empirical orthogonal functions. We thus show that (i) remotely-sensed quantities also carry information on the relevant spatial and temporal scales of mixed-layer processes and (ii) there is a limit to the persistence, hence the predictability, of the anomalies of LSWT, which poses a physical constraint to temporal gap-filling procedures.

The lessons learnt from ocean modelling is that such first-order picture necessarily overlooks finer scale dynamics, e.g. the effect of intense currents advecting water temperature vertically and horizontally, seasonal modulations and higher order modes of variability, which can be well described by more complex deterministic models. For such a reason, applications to spatial scales different than single points or small portions of the ocean are not common in marine literature. That kind of dynamics also affect lakes surface mixed layer, where spatial and temporal scales of thermal inertia shrink. Our study demonstrates that such a stochastic approach, rather classical in ocean literature, can be applied to the entire surface of enclosed basin and provides useful insights on the thermal and ecological heterogeneity beneath surface.

How to cite: Amadori, M., Bresciani, M., Giardino, C., and Dijkstra, H. A.: Lakes act as slow integrators of atmospheric disturbance like oceans: Evidence from a deep perialpline lake, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17790, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17790, 2024.

On-site presentation
James Tlhomole, Matthew Piggott, and Graham Hughes

The inference of coastal ocean dynamics from consecutive remote sensing images plays a central role in a diverse range of domains such as marine conservation, spatial planning, as well as flood risk. We present a methodology for systematically identifying spatially overlapping image pairs in coastal regions from the PlanetScope archive, with minute-scale time lags and the potential for velocity field inference using classical algorithms. This ability is demonstrated through the novel estimation of submesoscale eddies from PlanetScope image pairs across a range of contexts. These include sea ice floes in the Siberian Sea of Okhotsk, a cyanobacterial bloom in the Baltic Sea, and suspended sediment in the Port of Al-Fao located in the Arabian Gulf. Additionally, comparison of the latter with coinciding velocity fields from a Delft3D model shows good quantitative agreement in regions with high suspended sediment concentration. We successfully develop a workflow pipeline for identifying and processing image pairs from these opportunistic overlaps, unlocking a new large-scale data source of coastal ocean surface velocities to be used alongside modelling frameworks. 

How to cite: Tlhomole, J., Piggott, M., and Hughes, G.: Measuring Marine Hydrodynamics from Space Using Planet Satellite Imagery , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19224, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19224, 2024.

On-site presentation
Utilizing a Statistical Model to Examine Abiotic Factors Around High Toxin Levels for the East Coast of Tasmania 
Lael Wakamatsu, Andy Fischer, and Gregory Britten
On-site presentation
Sara Sirviente Alonso, Juan Jeús Gomiz Pascual, Marina Bolado Penagos, and Miguel Bruno Mejías

This study presents an analysis of the impacts of changes in bottom depth along the Guadalquivir Estuary on tidal dynamics. A realistic non-linear 1D numerical model, incorporating alterations in both breadth and bottom depth, was employed to investigate the associated effects.The 1D numerical model consists of a hydrodynamical model and a transport and dispersion module,which successfully reproduce the hydrodynamics of the saline intrusion from the continental shelf.The results show a significant amplification of the M2 tidal wave towards theheadof the Estuary,which seems to be caused bythe gradual bottom deepening caused by multiple dredging activities. The Estuary exhibits a pronounced tendency towards resonance, which is further enhanced by this deepening which reduces bottom friction and produces a smaller decrease in tidal wave amplitude as it propagates through the Estuary. The alterations in depth, particularly in breadth, along the Estuary play a crucial role in determining the magnitude of the resonant response of the M2 tidal wave.Modelsimulations demonstrate how changes in the geometric configuration of the channel, as well as the river waterwithdraw different agricultural activities, lead to significant alterations in the salt wedgedynamics. These changes in the tidal and associated salt exchange dynamics may also have a significant impact in thebiogeochemical exchanges between the river and the continental shelf, with potential harmful effect on the primary productionin the mouth of the estuary and adjacent coastal areas.


How to cite: Sirviente Alonso, S., Gomiz Pascual, J. J., Bolado Penagos, M., and Bruno Mejías, M.: Analysis of Antropogenic effects on the tidal dynamics and salt transport along the Guadalquivir river estuary., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-865, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-865, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Joanna Staneva, Sandro Carniel
On-site presentation
Iván Pérez-Santos, Patricio A. Díaz, Lauren Ross, Ramiro Riquelme-Bugueño, Carlos Lara, Facundo Barrera, Macarena Díaz-Astudillo, Richard Muñoz, Mauricio Ladaeta, Pamela Linford, Camila Schwerter, Sara Arenas-Uribe, Pilar Navarro, Guido Mancilla-Gutiérrez Guido Mancilla-Gutiérrez, Erika Jorquera, and Gonzalo S. Saldías

Physical, chemical, and biological processes in fjord ecosystems are inherently intertwined and their interactions cultivate environments ideal for primary production and ecological diversity. Yet, due to the vast range of space and time scales important in fjords, defining specific inter-process outcomes, such as conditions that trigger harmful algal blooms (HABs), has proven to be a challenging task. To identify repeatable inter-process patterns this study will focus on time scales over which plankton are known to depend on and vary, such as the change from day to night, or the diurnal cycle. Therefore, in December 2021, a field experiment was conducted in a fjord of northern Chilean Patagonia (41.6º S) to capture the interaction of physical, chemical, and biological processes for a complete diurnal cycle (24 h). The measurements collected included hydrographic, atmospheric, tidal, and nutrient data as well as phytoplankton and zooplankton samples to elucidate how specifically these processes interact. Results detected thin, near-surface phytoplankton and zooplankton layers during the daytime, located just below a layer of fresh water, acting as a barrier. During the night the thin layers were dissipated and dispersed. Predator-prey interactions were one of the factors contributing to phytoplankton dissipation at nighttime, due to the diel vertical migration of macrozooplankton species. The physical measurements showed reduced stratification and enhanced vertical mixing homogenizing the upper layers of the water column at night, which is thought to be enhanced by the presence of swimming macrozooplankton. Diatoms dominated the phytoplankton composition, but HABs species were observed, showing changes in abundance and species composition from day to nighttime. This study reinforces the need to carry out interdisciplinary experiments to understand how physical, biological, and chemical processes in fjords interact, to forecast and mitigate the effects of water quality issues such as harmful algal blooms.

How to cite: Pérez-Santos, I., A. Díaz, P., Ross, L., Riquelme-Bugueño, R., Lara, C., Barrera, F., Díaz-Astudillo, M., Muñoz, R., Ladaeta, M., Linford, P., Schwerter, C., Arenas-Uribe, S., Navarro, P., Guido Mancilla-Gutiérrez, G. M.-G., Jorquera, E., and Saldías, G. S.: Physical, biological, and chemical inter-processes in fjords., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6193, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6193, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jacopo Alessandri, Ivan Federico, Nicolás Biocca, Salvatore Causio, Simone Bonamano, Viviana Piermattei, Lorenzo Mentaschi, Giovanni Coppini, Marco Marcelli, Andrea Valentini, and Nadia Pinardi

The large presence of human infrastructure, protected natural environments, cultural heritage and major economic activities makes the coast one of the most vulnerable areas to climate change-related problems such as sea level rise and an increasing number of extreme events. Storm surges are the main cause of flooding and coastal erosion due to the combined effects of waves and currents that resuspend and transport sediments. In addition to the classic "gray" solutions, including engineered structures such as seawalls and groins, nature-based solutions have emerged in the last decade, based on the idea of finding solutions that are both effective and environmentally sustainable. It is well known that seagrass meadows can provide critical ecosystem services. Among them, coastal protection is one of the most important. The aim of this work is to investigate the effects of seagrass meadows on physical ocean variables relevant for sediment transport and sea level using a digital twin of the ocean. The seagrass is implemented in a three-dimensional unstructured grid ocean model (SHYFEM-MPI) as a form drag in the momentum equations, considering the flexibility of the plants. The implementation was verified with idealized test cases and three focus areas were selected along the Italian coast. The three areas are the Venice lagoon, the Emilia-Romagna coast (northern Adriatic Sea) and the Civitavecchia coast (Tyrrhenian Sea) and differ in morphology and seagrass species (Zostera marina, Posidonia oceanica). These areas are representative of a wide range of coastal environments. Interestingly, the results show different behavior depending on the geomorphology of the area. The lagoon environment, when exposed to extreme storm surge events, shows an alternating pattern of sea level variation with a reduction that can reach 5-10%, while in the other focus area the effect of seagrass on sea level is negligible. In all three areas, seagrass is very effective in reducing bottom current velocity by up to 50-60%, suggesting a possible important role against coastal erosion.

How to cite: Alessandri, J., Federico, I., Biocca, N., Causio, S., Bonamano, S., Piermattei, V., Mentaschi, L., Coppini, G., Marcelli, M., Valentini, A., and Pinardi, N.: Investigating Seagrass as a Nature-Based Solution for Coastal Protection: toward a Digital Twin Modelling Framework, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11402, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11402, 2024.

On-site presentation
Patricia Handmann, Jakob Walve, Szilvia Haide, David Austin, and Lee Bryant

Low oxygen conditions increasingly threaten marine ecosystems by reducing habitat and biodiversity. Low oxygen also influences biogeochemical processes in water and sediment, greenhouse gas emissions, and contributes to toxic algae blooms by increased phosphorus recycling. As a result, this can have significant impact on regional economies, affecting thousands of jobs and billions of dollars. Deoxygenation of marine environments has been linked to human activities since the 1950s. Low-oxygen zones exist in the open ocean, over continental shelves, and in coastal seas, and are expected to expand especially in the coastal marine space in the future due to warming and increasing nutrient pollution.

Despite these on-going threats, current conservation measures do not effectively address the impacts of reduced oxygen or feature large time lags in implementation or projected outcomes.

While small-scale artificial oxygen injection (AO) has been used in lakes and marine aquaculture, larger-scale efforts are rare. The use of marine renewable energy for green hydrogen production presents a new, exciting opportunity for sea-based mitigation through anthropogenic oxygenation. The oxygen produced during hydrogen generation (e.g., 0.5 GW electrolyzer: ~210 t H2 d-1; ~1700 t O2 d-1) could be used to mitigate anoxia, restore benthic habitat, reduce phosphorus loading, and suppress algal blooms. Constant AO could also help combat increasing hypoxia caused by circulation shifts, decreased deep mixing in autumn and winter and climate change.

AO technologies that can scale up to marine applications are now common in USA reservoirs. The largest is 350 tonnes O2/d. Although there is evident potential, AO for the marine environment has received little attention, likely due to the current cost of oxygen and/or lack of infrastructure and awareness. Here, we want to present the BOxHy project, funded by the BSAP fund; this innovative project focuses on preparing a pilot study site for AO in the Baltic Sea environment with the perspective of upscaling the technology and science to basin wide scales. Offshore wind farms are planned in the Baltic Sea as the decarbonization of energy systems is advancing. Cost-efficient green hydrogen production strengthens the bankability of the concept, combining CO2 reductions through the hydrogen economy and a decrease in anoxia. Coupled to the production of offshore hydrogen, the injection of the electrolysis by-product oxygen is a novel innovative technique that could be adapted to other anoxia-prone coastal environments with similar environmental challenges after successful research and demonstration, closing major knowledge gaps and exploring the risks for unintended consequences.

With the BOxHy project we contribute to challenges 1 and 2 and 4 of the UN Decade of Ocean Science and Sustainable Development. Given the current threats to coastal marine ecosystems, exploring AO as a mitigation measure directly aligns with the principles of "prevention of harm” and the “precautionary approach” outlined in the “Declaration of Ethical Principles in Relation to Climate Change”.

How to cite: Handmann, P., Walve, J., Haide, S., Austin, D., and Bryant, L.: The BOxHy Project – Preparing a Pilot Site Study to Remediate Low Oxygen Conditions in Coastal Seas, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18024, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18024, 2024.

On-site presentation
A purely spaceborne approach for nearshore bathymetry monitoring
Nathan Thomas, Anthony Campbell, Brian Lee, Pete Bunting, Sofia Grossman, and Lola Fatoyinbo
Virtual presentation
Clara Ribeiro, Magda Catarina Sousa, Américo Ribeiro, Humberto Pereira, Inés Álvarez, and João Miguel Dias

Climate change will have far-reaching consequences on the environment, primary production, the economy, and society as a whole. Changes in hydrodynamic patterns pose a significant threat to low-lying coastal areas that often present high economic and biological value. The Ria de Vigo is part of the Rias Baixas, which are located in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula. This system, as well as the rest of the Galician coast, is an area of high primary production that is vulnerable to changes in hydrodynamics induced by climate change. These changes could have a detrimental effect on the system and the local communities as they strongly depend on the income brought by aquaculture, and therefore this study aims to understand how climate change will affect the thermohaline properties in the Ria de Vigo.

To better understand these impacts, a hydrodynamic model of the Rias Baixas was implemented to analyse the effect of climate change on the Ria de Vigo’s thermohaline properties. The methodology followed consisted of the application of the Delft3D three-dimensional numerical model in the Rias Baixas and the adjacent ocean with variables obtained from global and regional climate models, in future scenarios provided by CMIP6. This was done for the summer season and for two scenarios, the present-day and CMIP6’s SSP5-8.5 future scenario.

The results show that the water temperature in the Ria will increase in the future due to climate change, and it tended to be higher at the surface and lower at the bottom due to the intrusion of oceanic water from the Eastern North Atlantic Central Water (ENAWC). The salinity is expected to decrease and will be highest in the bottom layer near the connection with the ocean, and lowest in the surface layers and near the river, in the latter case, due to freshwater discharges. The density presented similar patterns, also decreasing in the future, and showing the expected stratification associated with the upwelling season.

How to cite: Ribeiro, C., Sousa, M. C., Ribeiro, A., Pereira, H., Álvarez, I., and Dias, J. M.:  Impact of Climate Change on the Thermohaline Properties in the Ria de Vigo (NW Iberian Peninsula) , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11975, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11975, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xiaolu Jiang and Bo Huang

Coastal water quality in Hong Kong faces challenges from nutrient pollution, contaminant discharge, algal blooms, land-derived sedimentation, and climate change effects. To assess water quality in coastal regions, researchers have utilized varying in-situ monitoring data and remote sensing techniques to quantitatively estimate chlorophyll-a concentrations. Despite these efforts, there remains a lack of fine-scale characterization of the spatial and temporal patterns of chlorophyll-a in Hong Kong’s coastal waters, due to the limited resolutions and cloudy covers. Our study seeks to bridge this gap by fusing multisource satellite observations. Existing spatiotemporal image fusion models are primarily designed for land surface reflectance. In this study, we propose using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)-based deep learning techniques to improve the fusion of multisource satellite images specifically for watercolor remote sensing. A spatiotemporal fusion deep learning framework based on GANs has been developed to generate daily surface reflectance and temperature at 300 m spatial resolution using data from Sentinel-3 and Himawari-8 satellites. Furthermore, we have devised a random forest-based chlorophyll-a concentration estimation model  that employs the blended high-resolution data derived from multi-source satellite observations and extensive in-situ monitoring data obtained from 76 marine water quality monitoring stations administered by the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department (HKEPD). These independent in-situ monitoring datasets also serve as valuable resources for evaluating the performance of satellite-derived chlorophyll-a concentrations. Consequently, we conducted a fine-scale mapping of chlorophyll-a distribution in Hong Kong's coastal waters to analyze spatiotemporal characterization of water quality. This approach holds promise for real-time, fine-scale water quality monitoring using high-frequency satellite observations in the future.

How to cite: Jiang, X. and Huang, B.: Fine-scale spatiotemporal characterization of chlorophyll-a in Hong Kong’s coastal waters through the fusion of multisource satellite imagery , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5192, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5192, 2024.

On-site presentation
Amirhosein Hasanabadi, Jacob Stolle, Damien Pham Van Bang, and Abdelkader Hammouti

Coastal regions are confronted with an escalating threat posed by the intensification of wave-induced erosion through rising sea levels and increased storm intensities, underscoring the critical need for innovative solutions to ensure effective coastal protection. Floating breakwaters as a possible optimal solution play a crucial role in land reclamation by facilitating the creation of recreational spaces, such as promenades, and enhancing aesthetical landscapes through tree plantations. Their significance lies in their ease of maintenance and the ability to be swiftly removed during stormy seasons, providing adaptable and sustainable solutions for coastal development. This study explores the potential of the Triply Periodic Minimal Surface (TPMS) floating porous breakwaters as an optimal approach, due to their intricate geometry and structural integrity which enhances the dissipation and dispersion of wave energy, to mitigate the impact of waves on vulnerable shorelines. TPMS structures offer a sustainable solution by being printable with re-use materials, promoting recycling, and aligning with the principles of a circular economy, thus contributing to eco-friendly coastal protection. Conducted in a controlled environment within a small-scale wave flume, our comprehensive laboratory-scale experiment focuses on assessing the performance of various TPMS structures under diverse conditions of wave and current generation. Systematically varying parameters, including TPMS architecture, unit cell size, relative density of porous structures, buoyancy depth (draft), and altering wave parameters and current rates, aims to elucidate the influence of these variables on the breakwater’s ability to dissipate, reflect, and transmit wave energy. The experiments involved exposure to various regular wave conditions generated by a plunger-type wavemaker, combined with different constant current rates to mimic realistic coastal scenarios. The controlled environment enables a nuanced understanding of how TPMS floating breakwaters respond to diverse wave dynamics, providing valuable insights into optimal design parameters. The performance evaluation is conducted using three widely known parameters: reflection coefficient (Cr), transmission coefficient (Ct), and dissipation coefficient (Cd) as they quantify the efficiency of wave energy absorption, transmission through the structure, and dissipation, providing key insights into the breakwater's ability to mitigate wave impact and protect coastal areas. To determine these parameters, wave separation analysis methods have been employed, including the method developed by Suh et al (2001), which considers the presence of simultaneous waves and currents, and the method developed by Zelt and Skjelbreia (1993), utilizing an arbitrary number of wave gauges. Anticipating that the outcomes of this study will contribute to the development of a novel coastal protection solution, we strive to strike a balance between environmental sustainability and effective wave attenuation. Furthermore, our research opens avenues for integrating optimal floating breakwaters with wave energy conversion systems, enhancing functionality and addressing both environmental and energy challenges associated with coastal protection.

How to cite: Hasanabadi, A., Stolle, J., Pham Van Bang, D., and Hammouti, A.: Coastal erosion mitigation by the use of an optimized 3D printed Triply Periodic Minimal Surface Floating Porous Breakwater, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10385, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10385, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tso-Ren Wu, Pin-Jie Lin, Jih-Pai Lin, Mei-Hui Chuang, Yi-Xuan Huang, and Jia-Jie Chu

Previous research indicates that the survival rate of Claviaster libycus following mass extinction events surpasses that of regular echinoids. This investigation seeks to assess the flow dynamics and scour patterns resulting from the distinctive distorted morphology of Claviaster libycus using numerical modeling. In addition, this study examines the localized scour that occurs around tsunami stones.

The numerical model employed in this investigation, Splash3D, has been adapted from the open-source code Truchas, originally developed by the National Laboratory of the United States. Splash3D is designed for solving the three-dimensional, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The Volume of Fluid Method (VOF) is utilized to characterize the kinematics of the water and sand surfaces.

As Claviaster libycus partially submerges in the sand, the rheological behavior of the bottom sand is characterized using the Discontinuous Bi-Viscous Model (DBM), derived from the conventional Bingham Model (BM). Unlike the BM model, the DBM model employs the yield strain rate instead of the yield stress to differentiate the plug from the liquefied zone. In the Plug zone, high viscosity signifies solid characteristics, with the plug-zone viscosity significantly surpassing that of the liquified zone. The liquified zones represent sand disturbed by local currents around irregular echinoids, while the plug zones depict undisturbed sand. The yield strain rate dictates the stiffness of the bottom sand, and the DBM model is employed to describe local scour around obstacles.

According to numerical simulations and experimental results, when the gonopore of Claviaster libycus is directed downstream, it can reduce the generation of horseshoe vortices. Therefore, compared to the gonopore pointing upstream, having the gonopore directed downstream can decrease the local scour around the sea urchin. Furthermore, in the event of a tsunami, intense local scouring occurs around large stones, leading to structural instability in the rock formations. Due to the tsunami's characteristic long wavelength, as the powerful water flow passes through, it eventually transports the large stones to the shoreline, forming what is known as tsunami stones. Detailed analysis results are presented at the conference.

How to cite: Wu, T.-R., Lin, P.-J., Lin, J.-P., Chuang, M.-H., Huang, Y.-X., and Chu, J.-J.: The Enigma of Claviaster libycus Survival Rate: Numerical Simulations Revealing its Superiority Post-Mass Extinction, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14844, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14844, 2024.

On-site presentation
Douglas Wallace, Qiang Shi, Julie LaRoche, Martha Segura Guzman, Subhadeep Rakshit, Chris Algar, Ludovic Pascal, and Gwenaëlle Chaillou

The Bedford Basin is a a 70 m deep, seasonally stratified and hypoxic semi-enclosed fjord on the West Atlantic coast (Nova Scotia, Canada). The basin is connected to the Atlantic Ocean (Scotian Shelf) via a narrow 20 m deep sill that restricts exchange and mixing of surface and bottom waters. Bedford Basin is located in an urban setting (Halifax) and receives considerable wastewater input. The Basin has benefitted from a weekly multidisiciplinary time-series of physical, chemical and microbiological data over several decades. Over the past decade, the intensity of hypoxia has increased due to warmer winters and reduced convective renewal of the deeper water. The presentation will highlight understanding of physical-microbiological-chemical interactions, and sediment-water exchanges, that affect the concentration and speciation of nitrogen and iodine species in relation to variable levels of oxygen. A focus will be on interannual and short-term variability in production of nitrous oxide and iodide in relation to variations in oxygen, microbial diversity and sediment-water exchange. The potential of coastal basins to act as living laboratories for  studying complex, redox-dependent processes through comprehensive, multidisciplinary, time-series study will be demonstrated. The closely related potential of urban fjords to act as testbeds for evaluation of emerging approaches to the mitigation of coastal hypoxia will be emphasized.

How to cite: Wallace, D., Shi, Q., LaRoche, J., Segura Guzman, M., Rakshit, S., Algar, C., Pascal, L., and Chaillou, G.: Use of an urban fjord as a living laboratory for understanding impacts of hypoxia on nitrous oxide production and iodine cycling, and for testing of mitigation strategies., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20248, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20248, 2024.

On-site presentation
Choong-Ki Kim, Gang Sun kim, Junsung Kim, Hyunjung Hong, Ki-Young Bang, and Seung-Hyun Lee

Marine debris can be classified as either land or marine origin, with more than 8 million tons of land-based debris entering the ocean globally each year. Land-based debris enters estuaries and coasts in large quantities through river systems, which may cause water pollution, damage to aquatic and coastal ecosystems, and marine safety accidents. We applied an integrated approach linking watersheds, rivers, estuaries and oceans to investigate the transport processes of land-based debris into an estuarine ecosystem, and assessed their risk to sensitive resources in South Korea, a country with a monsoonal climate.

Based on the time-series trash data collected at major dams, a model was developed to estimate the amount of land-based debris generated in the watershed. We found that land cover, hydrological characteristics, and socioeconomic factors of the watershed played an important role in the generation of land-based debris. Most of the land-based debris is vegetation wastes and plastics, which tends to be discharged through rivers during the monsoon season when rainfall intensity is high. A particle transport modeling was used to estimate the spread of land-based debris through rivers to the Geum-River estuarine system. The results showed a good agreement with the distribution of marine debris monitoring data. The Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST)-Habitat Risk Assessment model was used to assess marine debris risk to sensitive resources in the estuarine ecosystems. The spatially explicit results of risk assessment provide key information to support marine debris management policies at the national and regional levels.

Acknowledge: This research was a part of the project titled “Development of Smart Technology to Support the Collection and Management of Marine Debris” (grant number 20200594), funded by the Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries (Korea), supported by Korea Institute of Marine Science & Technology Promotion. Also, this research was a part of the project titled “Establishing a smart response platform for marine accidents” (grant number 20220463), funded by the Korea Coast Guard, supported by Korea Institute of Marine Science & Technology Promotion. The project was implemented by the Korea Environment Institute (project 2024-007(R), project 2024-008(R)).


How to cite: Kim, C.-K., kim, G. S., Kim, J., Hong, H., Bang, K.-Y., and Lee, S.-H.: Estimating the Distribution of Land-based Marine Debris and Risk Assessment to Sensitive Resources in an Estuarine Ecosystems with high river discharge in South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22314, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-22314, 2024.

Posters on site: Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X4

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr 14:00–Mon, 15 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Joanna Staneva, Sandro Carniel
Danian Liu and Yeqiang Shu

The Kuroshio often intrudes into the South China Sea (SCS) in the form of a loop through the Luzon Strait in winter, accompanied by eddy shedding, significantly impacting the circulation and thermodynamic state in the northern SCS. The eddy shedding of the Kuroshio loop into the SCS is influenced not only by local winds but also modulated by the western Pacific (WP) circulation. Given the uncertainties in simulating the WP circulation, accurately forecasting the process of the Kuroshio loop and eddy shedding into the SCS poses a considerable challenge. Ensemble forecast based on Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) assimilation represents an advanced forecasting methodology. Compared to deterministic forecast from a single model, ensemble forecast effectively considers model error uncertainties throughout the forecasting process. Utilizing the high-resolution SCS-WP EnKF assimilation forecast system, our study focuses on the predictability of a strong Kuroshio loop and subsequent eddy shedding into the SCS during the winter of 2016-2017. The findings indicate that the successful forecast of this strong Kuroshio loop and eddy shedding primarily attributed to the assimilation of ocean observations in the Subtropical Countercurrent (STCC) region, partially supported by the assimilation of observations in the North Equatorial Current (NEC) region. Specifically, assimilating observations in the STCC region reproduced observed westward-propagating cyclonic eddies, which, upon collision with the Kuroshio in the Luzon Strait, intensified its intrusion into the SCS and led to eddy shedding. Meanwhile, assimilation in the NEC region represented the weak background current of the Kuroshio, further promoting the formation of a strong Kuroshio background loop and the occurrence of eddy shedding in the Luzon Strait according to the teapot effect.

How to cite: Liu, D. and Shu, Y.: The predictability of eddy shedding from Kuroshio loop in the Luzon Strait: insights from ensemble forecast, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2238, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2238, 2024.

Raquel Peñas-Torramilans, Manel Grifoll, Manuel Espino, Margarita Fernández, Marta Balsells F-Pedrera, Yang Chen, Joaquim Sospedra, and Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla

Coastal environments are regions characterized by complex hydrodynamics with high temporal variability in water circulation due to environmental drivers such as local wind, freshwater inflow, or tidal variations. This research investigates the hydrodynamics of destratification events in a highly stratified micro-tidal coastal estuary, such as is the Fangar Bay (Ebro Delta, NW Mediterranean). The bay's hydrodynamics are mainly driven by local wind events and modulated by water column stratification, which is dominant and controlled by freshwater inputs and oscillatory motions. The study here presented is based on the time-series analysis of two ADV (Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter), combined with temperature and salinity profiles, deployed within the bay during the Spring of 2023. Results show a clear destratification of the water column after intense wind episodes, mostly from the northwest, which alter the response of the velocity field and re-distribute the constituents of the water column through mixing and dispersion. The high-frequency analysis of the recorded velocities suggests a differential pattern between upper (fresher) and lower (saline) layers of the water column, with significant implications for aquaculture and water quality.

Keywords: destratification, estuary, hydrodynamics, mixing, measurements

Funding: This work has been funded by the R+D+I project ECO-BAYS (PID2020-115924RB-I00) financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.  

Acknowledgements: To project REST-COAST (H2020-101037097-REST-COAST) from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program.

How to cite: Peñas-Torramilans, R., Grifoll, M., Espino, M., Fernández, M., Balsells F-Pedrera, M., Chen, Y., Sospedra, J., and Sánchez-Arcilla, A.: Observations of destratification events in a highly stratified bay in the Ebro Delta, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2838, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2838, 2024.

Weather-type statistical downscaling for ocean wave climate in the Chinese marginal seas
(withdrawn after no-show)
Guangfeng Zhao, Delei Li, Paula Camus, Xinli Zhang, Jifeng Qi, and Baoshu Yin
Chia-Ying Ho and Hung-Jen Lee

Most historical research and observations have revealed the presence of a cold dome associated with a cyclonic eddy off the northeastern coast of Taiwan. The phenomenon could be derived from the interaction between the Kuroshio and the complex terrain of the local continental slopes. Also, the monthly average SST (sea surface temperature) of satellite image data indicates the prominent features of this cold water mass in the region during the summer. In spite of experiencing long-term investigations, some specific factors contributing to the formation of this cold eddy still need to be clarified. Consequently, a three-dimensional general circulation model (MITgcm) was employed to explore the underlying physical mechanisms of the cold dome formation. In considering some particular factors, the model results at a depth of 50 m reveal that as the Kuroshio passes over the North Mian-Hwa Canyon, it generates a cold water mass with temperatures approximately 4-5 oC lower than that of the Kuroshio water. However, the temperature decrease in the model's surface layer deviates from observational data, such as satellite image information, showing a modest decrease of around 1 oC. The subsequent inclusion of wind effects imposed on the model indicates that the summer monsoon enhances the strength of the cold water mass. However, the impact on surface temperature drop is insignificant, decreasing by only 0.2 oC compared with the no-wind model case. Finally, the tidal force imposition in the model leads to a substantial temperature reduction, dropping from 1 oC (without tides ) to 5-6 oC (with tides), more closely aligning with field observations and satellite mages. Additionally, temperature time-series analysis reveals the periodic oscillations, including daily and longer 15-day tidal cycles.

Key words: Cold dome; Kuroshio; MITgcm; Tide

How to cite: Ho, C.-Y. and Lee, H.-J.: Tidal force increasing the upwelling intensity off the northeastern coast of Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4866, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4866, 2024.

Yi-Chen Tsai and Hung-Jen Lee

The goal of the study around the Hoping Sea is to explore the causes of the southward mean current formation along the Hoping Coast, Hualien, using a three-dimensional general circulation model (MITgcm). Hoping Township is situated on the northeast coast of Taiwan, the offshore region by which the Kuroshio Current passes. Two current meter sites were deployed around this region, named CS (121.76507˚E, 24.29757˚N) to the south and CN (121.77197˚E, 24.32964˚N) to the north. A long-term observation analysis finds that the ocean current at CS usually flows northeastward, aligning with the direction or, at least, with the northeast component of the Kuroshio; on the contrary, a southward countercurrent along the Hoping coast appears at CN. In order to explore the cause of the characteristic flow field, the MITgcm model was used to simulate six different scenarios. The first two simulations of the MITgcm model were conducted solely with Kuroshio as a driving force and a realistic topographic, in which the model was executed under the Kuroshio mainstream nearshore and offshore cases, respectively. The results showed that the countercurrent exists in Yilan Bay but does not reach the Hoping Sea when the Kuroshio is the only driving force of the model. Subsequently, simulations were conducted based on the previous work, with a tidal generating force imposed on the model. Combining the Kuroshio and tides in the model, the southward countercurrent was not prominent when the mainstream of the Kuroshio was set to close the Hoping coast. However, when we moved the Kuroshio offshore, the simulated results showed that the model flow field was in good agreement with the in-situ data in all simulated cases. Further, to explore the influence of tides and topographic effects on the flow field, two ideal water-tank basins were designed to simplify the topography. One was a straight coastline, while the other was a coastline with a protruding headland in the model. The results showed that the currents during the ebb tides flow southward and adhere to the alongshore coast. The mean flow north of the headland flowed southward increasingly, but the northeastward mean flow south of the headland weakened slightly.

How to cite: Tsai, Y.-C. and Lee, H.-J.: Marginal currents induced by the interaction between Kuroshio, tide, and coastal topography off the northeastern coast of Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4903, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4903, 2024.

Tingting Zu, Zhiqiang Liu, Zhongya Cai, and Lixin Qu

Broadened width of high chlorophyll concentration band with wavy structures, patches and filaments are often observed along the western coastal next to the Pearl River Estuary over the northern South China Sea shelf during the transition period from winter to summer monsoon. Whereas, there is no such wide band in other seasons. By using a high resolution numerical model, we reveal that the complex structure and wider band of high coastal chlorophyll concentration results from the smaller scale eddies (about 20-50km in diameter) associated with buoyant plume and thermal fronts, which are roughly along the 30m and 50m isobaths, respectively. Two trains of eddies are formed along the fronts by the baroclinic instability triggered by frequently alternating wind over the fronts during the monsoon transition period. The influences of these two trains of eddies are extended in the cross-shelf direction by their interactions, and they temporally enhance the cross-shelf flow and material exchange. They serve as an efficient pathway to link the inner shelf towards the slope.

How to cite: Zu, T., Liu, Z., Cai, Z., and Qu, L.: Enhanced cross-shelf exchange by the eddies associated with plume front, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5147, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5147, 2024.

Boris Petelin, Matjaž Ličer, Martin Vodopivec, and Branko Čermelj

The Gulf of Trieste is the northernmost part of the Mediterranean and the Adriatic Sea. It is home to lively shipping traffic, tourism, and fishing. The Gulf of Trieste is home to two of the most important ports on the Adriatic coast - Trieste and Koper. We have developed high-resolution operational numerical models for the operational prediction of the distribution of sea surface currents and the dispersion of wastewater from the sewage treatment plant into the sea:

(1) Prediction of the distribution of surface currents in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea) to complement measurements from four HF radars stationed in the Gulf of Trieste. The radar provides current measurements at 30-minute intervals, except during maintenance work and occasional technical faults. In some areas, there are also occasional outages and unreliable current measurements, so high-resolution current models are of additional benefit. The two-day hourly forecast of sea currents provided by our model is displayed on the website along with the HF radar measurements. The most typical user of the HF radar measurements is the Slovenian Maritime Administration, which is responsible for the safety of navigation, management of maritime traffic and maintenance of safety facilities and waterways. The results of our numerical model can provide reliable information on the direction and strength of sea currents, which helps ship operators to plan their routes more efficiently, reduce fuel consumption and emissions, increase shipping safety, and enable better control of oil spills.

(2) Predicting the dispersion of wastewater from a wastewater treatment plant into the coastal sea. The Rižana wastewater treatment plant is located in the Gulf of Trieste, just upstream of the mouth of the Rižana river into the port of Koper. The results of the numerical model show whether the wastewater from the treatment plant enters protected areas or bathing waters. The results can help the relevant authorities to predict and prepare for potential pollution events, contribute to a better understanding of the processes in the coastal sea that control the transport, mixing and fate of pollutants, and show which marine areas are particularly vulnerable to pollution.

The high-resolution numerical models for predicting surface currents and the dispersion of sewage in the Gulf of Trieste represent a significant advance in maritime safety and environmental management. This underlines the valuable role of advanced modeling in promoting sustainable maritime practices and protecting the fragile ecosystem of the northern Adriatic.

How to cite: Petelin, B., Ličer, M., Vodopivec, M., and Čermelj, B.: Developing High-Resolution Models for Forecasting Sea Surface Currents and Marine Effluent Dispersion, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5831, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5831, 2024.

Bixuan Tang, Fan Zhang, Jianjun Jia, Zhixuan Feng, Jieping Tang, Fei Xing, and Yaping Wang

Subaqueous deltas are facing growing threats of erosion. Tropical cyclones (TCs), which are
predicted to affect mid-latitude estuaries more frequently with higher intensity in the future, can play an
important role in subaqueous delta geomorphology change. Nevertheless, direct in situ measurement of
TC-induced bed elevation change (BEC) was rarely reported before. In this study, four tripods were deployed
at different parts of the Changjiang River subaqueous delta (CRSD) to capture BEC during TCs in July
2019. Rapid erosion (20 mm day −1 ) during TC Danas (2019) was observed by high precision bed elevation
measurement, over 10 times faster than that during calm weather conditions. Moreover, the recorded rates of
BEC varied substantially among these stations. A coupled three-dimensional wave-current-sediment model was
then developed for the CRSD to help understand the spatial variability of observed BEC. The model results
showed two striking features of BEC during TC Danas: (a) enhanced sediment accretion near the sharp bottom
salinity front offshore of the north channel; (b) marked erosion near the front of CRSD. Further analysis showed
that the converging bottom currents in concert with enhanced sediment resuspension during TC Danas led to
significant convergence of sediment flux near the bottom salinity front. In addition, the diverging isobaths along
the front of the CRSD resulted in the onshore deviation of bottom current and diverging sediment flux under
the downwelling-favorable winds of Danas. Many TCs in the CRSD generate similar downwelling-favorable
winds and currents, growing TC threats in the future may therefore exacerbate erosion in this region.

How to cite: Tang, B., Zhang, F., Jia, J., Feng, Z., Tang, J., Xing, F., and Wang, Y.: The Role of Tropical Cyclone on Changjiang RiverSubaqueous Delta Geomorphology: A Numerical Investigationof Tropical Cyclone Danas (2019), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5863, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5863, 2024.

Juan Manuel Lopez Contreras and Alexander Barth

The ocean surface is a key area where processes driven by the atmosphere take place, with important phenomena happening at small scales of turbulence in the surface layer. The analysis and extraction of surface currents in different basins have been carried on by different methods. However, there are still gaps and elements to improve to obtain high-quality maps with increased resolution. These small-scale variations in surface currents are key to understanding phenomena affecting elements like commercial shipping to biological and chemical impacts. To improve the quality of the surface currents products, a novel approach is intended to be used in the Mediterranean basin, a key economic area for 3 continents and several countries. By using Data Interpolating Variational Analysis in n-Dimensions (DIVAnd), a method that interpolates observations on a regular grid using a variational inverse method including dynamic constraints related to coastal currents, three different datasets are set to be applied, altimetry data from satellites, drifter data and high-frequency radar data, the latter has already been used for the reconstruction of surface currents in areas of the Mediterranean as the Balearic islands. By modifying the interpolation method initially designed for HF radar data, we look forward to interpolating and obtaining ocean surface currents maps from the three different datasets. Partial results for the available dates (from 1992 to 2022) have been obtained with outputs and maps that match the circulation of the Mediterranean Sea and show high detail of elements such as gyres and strong signals currents as the Algerian, selected outputs also show the strong seasonality of some of these features. This work is part of the BlueCloud2026 project.

How to cite: Lopez Contreras, J. M. and Barth, A.: Coastal Currents from Observations, an integrated multi-source approach to analyse surface currents., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7890, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7890, 2024.

Shallow Water Bathymetry Recovery of South Penghu Marine National Park, Taiwan
(withdrawn after no-show)
Chun-Chuan Huang and Kuo-Hsin Tseng
Candela Marco-Peretó, Gonzalo Simarro, Daniel Calvete, Nicola Palombo-Blascetta, Ruth Durán, and Jorge Guillén

Coastal bathymetric datasets are critical to improve our understanding of morphodynamic processes in the coastal area, as well as for decision-making on future adaptation measures. Originally designed for analyzing snapshots and time-exposure images from coastal video monitoring stations installed on buildings near the coastline, video techniques have enormously evolved over the last three decades. Recent advancements, e.g., extend their application to derive bathymetry estimations from ∼10-minutes videos captured at few frames per seconds (fps), allowing for more frequent and cost effective bathymetric estimations.

New algorithms, such as cBathy (Holman et al., 2013) or uBathy (Simarro and Calvete, 2022), depart from the linear dispersion relation and different signal processing tools to infer bathymetry from the propagation of surface water waves (which is considered as a footprint of the bed shape). They have already been tested and applied not only to videos from coastal monitoring stations, but also to videos from UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly known as drones).  In this work we explore the potential use of these techniques to 45-seconds satellite videos captured at 10 fps and with a spatial resolution of 1 pixel per meter.

For this purpose, departing from uBathy, the nearshore bathymetry at Castelldefels beach has been estimated over a 6-months period using three satellite videos. The results are compared against those obtained from drones (ten 10-minutes videos over the same period) and from the fixed video monitoring station at Castelldefels beach (coo.icm.csic.es), recording 10-minutes videos three times daily. Furthermore, an echo-sounder bathymetric survey is used as Ground Truth for validation purposes.

The proposed approach presents a promising alternative to existing techniques for satellite imagery which are based on the analysis of single multior hyper-spectral snapshots (color-based techniques). On the one hand, from previous experience, the expected errors are smaller than those typically obtained with color-based techniques for snapshots and, on the other hand, they eliminate well-known problems of color-based techniques when water turbidity is high.

  • Holman, R., Bergsma, E. W. (2021). Updates to and performance of the cbathy algorithm for estimating nearshore bathymetry from remote sensing imagery. Remote Sensing, 3996.
  • Simarro, G., Calvete, D. (2022). UBathy (v2.0): a software to obtain the bathymetry from video imagery. Remote Sensing, 14(23), 6139.

Keywords: Remote sensing, Video imagery, Bathymetry inversion, UAV, Satellite.

How to cite: Marco-Peretó, C., Simarro, G., Calvete, D., Palombo-Blascetta, N., Durán, R., and Guillén, J.: Satellite derived bathymetries through high space-time resolution videos, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8246, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8246, 2024.

Françoise Meyer, Paulo Relvas, Alexandra Cravo, and Carlos de Sousa

Coastal systems are productive zones where the understanding of coupled physical-chemical and biological processes is of utmost relevance. Deployments of high-resolution observational systems in these zones, preferentially for long periods, play a key role contributing to bridging the knowledge gaps of the processes involved. In this context, the relationship between currents shifts at an artificial reef in shallow inner-shelf waters at the Northern Margin of the Gulf of Cadiz (NMGoC) and the impact on phytoplankton development was examined through a high-intensity observational experiment lasting for 12 days during April 2022. A wave-powered vertical profiler continuously logged an average of ~120 high-resolution profiles (2 Hz) every hour through the ~20 m deep water column, achieving an unprecedented description of the changing water column properties (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and chlorophyll-a, Chl-a). Additionally, hourly current and local wind velocities were respectively retrieved from an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) moored nearby and from the ERA 5 Reanalysis database.

During these 12 days of observation, three different periods were identified with direct changes in phytoplankton activity. Phytoplankton concentration varied greatly depending on the physical forcing, which included current velocity and direction, wind, which also comprised local land breeze, cross-shelf transport, and tidal conditions. While a 6-day upwelling event was observed, with a colder and less saline water signature, the intensity of the surface current was the highest (0.4 m s-1), with a mixed water column, and the phytoplankton concentration was at its lowest (< 1.5 mg m-3). High spring seasonal levels of Chl-a (3-4 mg m-3) were observed during a 4-day event of Coastal Counter Current (CCC) and a 20h current inversion to a westward alongshore flow, both driven by wind relaxation. The CCC setup was synonym of a reduction of the dominant eastward alongshore flow (0.2 m s-1 at surface), when an intermittent thermal stratification was found. This corresponded to a vertical thermal gradient of up to 2.5 °C along the water column, which partially resulted in the localised increase in phytoplankton biomass underneath the warmer strata, along with afternoon land-breezes enhancing cross-shelf mixing. Strong midday irradiance inhibited phytoplankton development, that systematically dropped at midday and increased only after 3 pm. The Chl-a concentration appeared homogenously mixed in the water column only when the alongshore current reversed to a westward flow, suggesting the westward advection of phytoplankton-rich waters from the retention “shadow” area in the vicinity of the Guadiana River.

While upwelling may be an important source of nutrients enabling phytoplankton development, rapid dynamic changes in biomass leave open speculation on the importance of current relaxation and longer residence time. Both enhanced thermal stratification and water column stability, favouring phytoplankton growth. Furthermore, diurnal local wind shifts played a role in cross-shelf mixing and the advection of near-shore and mid-shelf communities. These data demonstrate the importance of high-resolution observational systems in productive coastal areas, contributing to better understanding the processes involved.

How to cite: Meyer, F., Relvas, P., Cravo, A., and de Sousa, C.: Short-term high-resolution physical-chemical-biological coupled observations on the inner shelf of the Northern Margin of the Gulf of Cadiz, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8384, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8384, 2024.

Simulation of seasonal transport of microplastics and influencing factors inthe China Seas based on the ROMS model
(withdrawn after no-show)
Teng Wang, Rongze Liu, Junde Li, and Xiaohui Liu
Laurin Steidle and Johannes Pein

We present a Lagrangian modelling study focusing on the loss of phytoplankton observed in the Elbe estuary, where an estimated 95% of the upstream population is lost in the dredged harbour channel before reaching the North Sea. The collapse has often been attributed to factors such as light limitation and zooplankton grazing; however these explanations lack evidence. Current Eulerian models, while producing reasonable results in predicting phytoplankton population dynamics, fall short in explaining the causes of the loss by tuning the mortality parameters to fit the observed data.

A recent study by Walter et al. (2017) suggests that light limitation alone does not fully explain the phytoplankton collapse. Our study explores an alternative hypothesis. We propose that high turbidity in the estuary may increase the coagulation rate of phytoplankton with inorganic sediments. Our approach involves modelling these coagulation interactions from a Lagrangian perspective. We combine schism hydrodynamics from Pein et al (2021), suspended particle concentrations based on the SediMorph model with the Lagrangian model OceanTracker to calculate collision and coagulation frequencies based on Burd (2013). This allows us to track changes in buoyancy and investigate their effects on light availability, providing a new approach to estimate phytoplankton losses due to sinking.

The poster presents our methodology and preliminary results on the potential influence of aggregation-induced sinking on phytoplankton light availability and its subsequent impact on population dynamics. This research aims to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the factors driving phytoplankton loss in turbid estuarine systems and to refine the modelling approaches used in such ecological studies.

How to cite: Steidle, L. and Pein, J.: Modelling phytoplankton light availability under aggregation-induced buoyancy changes in the Elbe estuary from a Lagrangian Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11922, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11922, 2024.

Cheng-Hsien Lee and Hao-Yu Cheng

This study applies an Eulerian–Eulerian multi-phase model to investigate sediment transport dynamics across a gravel beach subjected to regular waves. We numerically replicated a previously conducted full-scale experiment, achieving consistency between simulated and measured wave deformation, flow velocity, pore pressure, and morphological changes. The multi-phase model successfully reproduced observed phenomena, demonstrating berm formation for smaller waves and beach erosion for larger waves, aligning with findings from prior field studies. A sensitivity analysis reveals the substantial influence of the nonlinear drag component on berm formation, primarily through infiltration and exfiltration processes. Two dominant forces acting on sediment, namely drag and buoyancy, are studied. Drag emerges as the primary force governing sediment transport, exhibiting a strong correlation with depth-averaged flow velocity. The buoyancy, generated by plunging flow impacting the beach face, propels sediment landward in the bore front, coinciding with peak flow acceleration. Previous sediment transport models have empirically considered flow acceleration for gravel beach morphological evolution under waves. This study establishes a linkage between buoyancy, flow acceleration, and sediment transport rate in the bore front, offering valuable insights into the intricate interactions governing gravel beach dynamics. The findings contribute to our understanding of sediment transport mechanisms and hold implications for coastal engineering.

How to cite: Lee, C.-H. and Cheng, H.-Y.: Multi-phase simulation of gravel beach morphodynamics, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13577, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13577, 2024.

Development of a spectrum-based scheme for flocculation processes in estuaries
(withdrawn after no-show)
Fanghua Xu and Zheng Fang
Yi-Hsuan Kuan, Chi-Hung Wang, and Cheng-Hsien Lee

The surf zone, situated at the beach where waves break, hosts various hydrodynamic phenomena, including waves, surface rollers (recirculating flow on the wave's front), and undertows. These phenomena have a substantial impact on beach evolution.  In this study, a Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes numerical model with Reynolds stress equations is applied to simulate the hydrodynamics of the surf zone. The air-water interface is captured using the volume of fluid method. To validate the numerical model, comparisons are made between the simulated results and measured ones from prototype experiments. The study extends to the analysis of wave energy, surface roller energy, and undertow dynamics. Furthermore, the numerical results are used to assess the effectiveness of a surf zone model based on the wave action equation, roller energy equation, and shallow water equation. This comprehensive approach enhances our understanding of the complex interactions within the surf zone and provides valuable insights for coastal engineering.

How to cite: Kuan, Y.-H., Wang, C.-H., and Lee, C.-H.: RANS simulations of surf zone hydrodynamics using Reynolds stress transport equations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14463, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14463, 2024.

Faizal Ade Rahmahuddin Abdullah and Jeseon Yoo

South Korea typically experiences one or two typhoons per year in the surrounding waters of the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. The intensification of typhoons often leads to significant coastal disasters caused by extreme waves in the region. This study presents an analysis of space-time wave extreme parameters, including maximum crest and wave height, using the spectral wave model WAVEWATCH III (WWIII) in the typhoon event. Wind data from ERA-5 reanalysis has been employed as the forcing field in the model. To assess the model's performance, simulations were compared with observational data during Typhoon Hinnamnor on September 4-6, 2022, using a stereo camera system installed on the Gageocho Ocean Research Station, an offshore platform in the Yellow Sea, southwest of South Korea. The results indicate that the spectral shapes and simulated space-time wave extremes have been found in fair agreement with observed data. However, some discrepancies primarily arise from inaccuracies in the wind forcing during the experiment.

How to cite: Abdullah, F. A. R. and Yoo, J.: Space-time wave extreme analysis during typhoon event in the surrounding waters of South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15734, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15734, 2024.

Estimating ocean wave heights in Northeast Atlantic using land-based microseism data
Samaneh Baranbooei, Christopher. J. Bean, and Martin White
Alexander Plakias, Galina Churkina, and Sebastian Schubert

Effects of urban agglomerations on the land surface and atmospheric temperatures have been highly studied topics in recent decades. However, their effect on the temperature of adjacent water bodies has been poorly addressed. On the other hand, severe ecological and socio-economic consequences of rising water temperatures, especially in coastal ecosystems, such as harmful algal blooms, coral bleaching and fish mortality, are well-documented and huge efforts are being made to reduce negative impacts.
This study aims to improve understanding of spatio-temporal heat transfer from urban agglomerations into coastal ecosystems. We analyse coastal sea surface temperature anomalies around multiple cities in different climate zones using the Global Ocean OSTIA Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Reprocessed dataset and additionally high resolution thermal infrared data acquired form Landsat 8/9. Cities are selected for comprehensive analysis based on varying latitudes and climate zones, with an additional requirement of present quantitative studies on the UHI. A quantification of the UHI propagation into coastal waters and comparison of magnitude of such localised coastal warming would not only be valuable for coastal modelling, but also enable impact evaluation of city designs on coastal warming to provide actionable knowledge for decision-makers to mitigate rising temperatures in urban coastal ecosystems.


How to cite: Plakias, A., Churkina, G., and Schubert, S.: Quantifying the effect of urban agglomerations on coastal sea surface temperatures, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18602, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18602, 2024.

Gaziza Konyssova, Vera Sidorenko, Alexey Androsov, Sara Rubinetti, Lasse Sander, and Karen Helen Wiltshire

Sea-level rise (SLR) significantly modifies the hydro- and morphodynamics of the tidal flat systems, such as the Wadden Sea (south-eastern North Sea). The current research aims to investigate changes in intertidal dynamics in response to future sea level rise scenarios and their implications for local Wadden Sea habitats, with a focus on the Sylt-Rømø Bight as a case study.

With the help of the coastal hydrodynamic model FESOM-C, we simulated a series of SLR scenarios based on the Sixth Assessment Report of the IPCC and morphodynamical projections and analyzed the resulting changes in tidal inundation, local circulation patterns and tidal asymmetry. The simulations were performed on the unstructured mesh with a resolution of up to 2 m in the wetting-drying zone. The results reveal that the intertidal flat areas remain rather resilient to the projected scenarios by 2050. Despite an increasing wetting probability, only 2.2% and 3.4% (13 and 21 km2) of their area are expected to submerge for low and high emissions scenarios (RCP 2.6 and RCP 8.5), respectively. By the end of the century, these percentages increase two and four times, reaching 4.8% and 13.9% (29 and 84 km2) for low and high-emission scenarios. Although an evolution of the peak current velocities is also rather negligible by 2050, a shift in the tidal asymmetry is apparent which points to a gradual transition from a tidal to a lagoon-like system in the future as sea-level rise accelerates. As the projected changes are spatially very diverse, we provide maps of tidal asymmetry in terms of flood/ebb duration, mean and max velocities and discuss the implications for the local habitats.

How to cite: Konyssova, G., Sidorenko, V., Androsov, A., Rubinetti, S., Sander, L., and Wiltshire, K. H.: Tide of change: understanding hydrodynamic responses to sea level rise in intertidal environments. Case Study of the Sylt-Rømø Bight, the Wadden Sea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19672, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19672, 2024.

Towards a global coastal ocean model based on unstructured grids
Chiara Galeotti, Ivan Federico, Giovanni De Cillis, Doroteaciro Iovino, Italo Epicoco, Giorgia Verri, Giorgio Micaletto, Salvatore Causio, Ivano Barletta, Giulia Bonino, Simona Masina, Giovanni Coppini, and Nadia Pinardi
Shih-Feng Su, Chia-Hsuan She, I-An Chen, and Wen-Kai Weng

Infragravity waves, characterized by water surface fluctuations between 25s and 250s, are generated from the release of long waves bound to short-wave group envelopes and temporal variations of breaking locations of these envelopes. On coral reefs, infragravity waves can dominate over short waves and control the processes of sediment transport and stability of reef islands/cay, particularly in combination with high tides and large wave events. A number of studies have investigated the development of infragravity waves in relation to a cross-section of reef shape, but few studies have attempted to address two-dimensional planar reefs, considering spatial and temporal variations in wave energy for sediment deposits on reefs. The study aims to characterize the variability of infragravity waves on a reef platform through a laboratory experiment and numerical modeling. The experiment was conducted in a 50m × 50m wave basin with a 1:200 scale reef platform model. The experiment was to quantify wave refraction, propagation from opposite directions through wave diffraction, and wave convergence on the reef platform under varying high swell energy. A wave-resolving wave model FUNWAVE-TVD, is employed to simulate swell and infragravity waves on the reef and the detailed wave hydrodynamics around the location of sediment deposits. Furthermore, the effects of wind stress on the development of infragravity waves on the reef platform are studied by the model incorporating a wind stress term. We also conduct a sensitivity study of wind drag parameterization to evaluate the effects of wind on the development of infragravity waves. These findings will provide crucial insights into accurate wave dynamics for predicting sedimentary processes and morphodynamics of reef platform islands.

How to cite: Su, S.-F., She, C.-H., Chen, I.-A., and Weng, W.-K.: Laboratory experiments and numerical modeling of infragravity wave refraction and convergence on a reef platform, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21449, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-21449, 2024.

Numerical modeling of extreme events of waves and water level for analysing coastal hazards on the coasts of Normandy (France)
Emma Imen Turki, Carlos López Solano, Ángel David Gutiérrez Barcelo, Ernesto Tonatiuh Mendoza, Benoit Laignel, and Robert Lafite
Benjamin Jacob, Tobias Dolch, Andreas Wurpts, and Joanna Staneva

Global climate change increases the overall risks for coastal flooding and erosion. Meanwhile, nature-based solutions (NbS) are increasingly becoming a focus of coastal protection measures to improve the climate adaptability. In this study, the present and potential future role of seagrass in coastal risk reduction strategies were explored for the highly energetic Wadden Sea area of the German Bight. The methodology in this study combined seagrass coverage data (Zostera marina and Zostera noltei) obtained by field surveys and what-if scenario simulations using the SCHISM unstructured grid model framework, coupling hydrodynamics, waves, sediments, and a seagrass module. The results suggest that the introduction of seagrass meadows locally can reduce both current velocities and significant wave heights in the order of up to 30% in the deeper areas and above 90% in the shallow areas. Reduction in bottom shear stress of a similar relative magnitude significantly reduced sediment mobilisation on the order of 2 g/L in the 95th quantile of bottom layer sediment concentrations. Effectively altering hydromorphodynamic conditions favouring sediment accumulation, seagrass expansion could help tidal flats height growths to keep up with SLR, thus further maintaining the bathymetry-induced tidal dampening and lowering flooding and erosion risks as well the amount of energy at dike infrastructure. The accumulated effect of seagrass under calm weather conditions is considered more important than the increased attenuation in absolute values it provides during extreme conditions. The overall conclusion is that seagrass expansion could be a useful addition to engineered coastal protection measures.

How to cite: Jacob, B., Dolch, T., Wurpts, A., and Staneva, J.: Evaluation of seagrass as a nature-based solution for coastal protection in the German Wadden Sea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3556, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3556, 2024.

Elena Alekseenko and Alexei Sentchev

The eastern English Channel (EEC) experiences a dynamic interplay of extreme events, including powerful winds, tides, and complex bottom relief features, collectively shaping the region's hydrosedimentary transport dynamics. Extreme winds, frequently observed in the EEC, play a pivotal role in influencing surface currents and wave patterns. Coupled with strong tidal forcing, these events lead to intricate interactions with the seafloor topography, creating a complex hydrodynamic environment. The resulting effects on sediment transport are significant, with the potential for altered erosion and deposition patterns along the coastal areas of the EEC. Understanding this multiscale interaction is crucial for predicting and managing the impact of extreme events on hydrosedimentary transport, contributing to effective management of coastal ocean environment. In order to study all these processes, we used a 3D hydrodynamic model (MARS3D, IFREMER) coupled with a sediment transport model (MUSTANG, IFREMER) and calibrated it for the English Channel. This model employs nested grids of different extents and resolutions: (i) the northwest European continental shelf area with a 5 km resolution, (ii) the English Channel area with a 1 km resolution, and (iii) local zones along the eastern coast of the English Channel with a 100m resolution. The larger model transfers boundary conditions to the higher-resolution model. Such a cascade of resolutions allows for the consideration of both large-scale hydrodynamic processes and the replication of smaller-scale processes (eddies, turbulent current oscillations). Four fractions of suspended matter, including two size classes of mud and two size classes of fine sand, were specifically chosen for modeling based on in-situ data. The model then has been validated using the data collected in 2020-2021. The model can be employed to replicate the dynamics and sedimentary processes over a multi-year period. This enabled the estimation of the quantity and flux of suspended matter, as well as potential changes in the sediment transport regime induced by extreme weather conditions. The modeling outcomes highlighted tides as the primary driving force behind hydrosedimentary transport, surpassing the influence of wind. This effect is evident in the formation of eddies near capes, emerging for a few hours after the onset of the tide phase. These eddies create a counterflow of matter along the French coasts, opposing the general current direction that moves toward the North Sea. In the regions characterized by the highest velocities in offshore areas, larger particles (sands) prevail within the eddies, while the slower sections closer to the coast are predominantly composed of finer mud particles. Additionally, the wind introduces instabilities in the current structure, leading to an increased resuspension of fine sediments.

How to cite: Alekseenko, E. and Sentchev, A.: Modeling hydrosedimentary transport in the eastern English Channel under extreme weather conditions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-173, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-173, 2024.

Tania López Pérez, Marta Balsells Fernández-Pedrera, Margarita Fernández Tejedor, Jose María García-Valdecasas, Manel Grifoll, Óscar Ballesteros, Ernesto Bielsa, Marc Mestres, Manuel García-León, Manuel Espino, and Marcos G Sotillo

The Ebro Delta (EU Natura 2000 site and Natural Park and Biosphere Reserve (UNESCO)) is a complex area that faces a set of challenges mainly due to anthropogenic pressure and climate change related risks. The two Ebro embayments (i.e. Fangar and Alfacs) are natural protected areas of value for the survival of many species, such as the critically endangered Pinna nobilis. Likewise, these bays are two of the most productive aquaculture areas along the NW Mediterranean Sea.

The e3HOPE Service, led by NOW Systems (Nologin), provides a coastal operational forecast for the Ebro Delta. The system is based on a coastal downscaling of the Copernicus Marine Mediterranean regional solution, generating daily forecasts at 350 m resolution for the whole Ebro Delta and products at even higher resolution (around 70 m) for the Fangar Bay. A high-resolution ROMS model application, developed and tested by the LIM/UPC and integrated into the NOW operational framework, contributes to a seamless modelling in the area, filling the gap between the existing Copernicus regional forecast products and the local needs for a higher resolution model prediction.

The e3HOPE coastal service is completed with a tailor-made visualization service layer co-designed with IRTA. The new NAUI web service deployed by NOW for the Delta and Fangar Bay is a highly customizable tool that allows visualization of both met-ocean observations (including additional local monitoring routinely performed at specific fixed CTD stations) and the e3HOPE model forecasts at selected locations. This new NAUI deployment at the Ebro Delta certainly eases, and enhances, the IRTA uses of (new and existing) operational forecasting capabilities, making coastal data more actionable and transferred into fit-for-purpose applications for management, supporting sustainable aquaculture activities and biodiversity conservation.

This contribution is mainly focused on the skill of the current e3HOPE model release, being the model solution validated along 1 year with available in-situ observations (for temperature, salinity, sea level and surface and bottom water currents). Some insights into the operational forecast products delivered by the e3HOPE service, as well as into the planned service evolution (for 2024) is provided. Next e3HOPE operational release will include: (i) upgrade of the model system (to a wave-current coupled system, using COAWST), (ii)  improvement of the fresh water forcing (substituting climatological approaches by predicted data for the Ebro river, and some local channels discharges), and (iii) improvement in the initialization (using CTD data), in the Fangar Bay domain.

How to cite: López Pérez, T., Balsells Fernández-Pedrera, M., Fernández Tejedor, M., García-Valdecasas, J. M., Grifoll, M., Ballesteros, Ó., Bielsa, E., Mestres, M., García-León, M., Espino, M., and G Sotillo, M.: The e3HOPE service: a high-resolution forecasting system for the hydrodynamics in Fangar Bay (Ebro Delta, NW Mediterranean Sea), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11220, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11220, 2024.

Tao Feng, Ryan Stanley, Yongsheng Wu, and Ellen Kenchington

A high-resolution coastal Finite-Volume Community Ocean Model (FVCOM) has been configured to simulate the water circulation in the Eastern Shore Islands (ESI) archipelago on the coastal Scotian Shelf. Circulation in this area is characterized by complex interactions between the irregular coastline, a dense archipelago, tides, wind, and subtidal currents.  Model outputs show close agreement with the tides, subtidal current and hydrographic observations. Two circulation regimes within the study area were identified ‘inshore’ and ‘offshore’ of the 60-m isobath. The balance between pressure gradient and Coriolis effect controls the dominant southwestward current (Nova Scotia Current) in the offshore. Rotary spectra and numerical experiments showed that the tidal current was an important component to the circulation in the inshore. Within the study area there are several clockwise and counter-clockwise gyres related to the Coriolis effect, surface wind stress, pressure gradient and the interaction between the irregular topography and current. The combined effects of topography, wind, tide and Nova Scotia Current regulate the inshore circulation. The topographic features complex the cross-shore transport. The increased bathymetric slope and strengthened relative vorticity contribute to the inshore cross-shore current. Here, we found that the joint effect of baroclinicity and bottom relief drives the cross-isobath transport. The ability of our model to resolve complex coastal circulation patterns provides an important basis on which to better understand how physical oceanography influences the unique ecological processes of this coastal archipelago and ultimately will help to evaluate dispersal and connectivity of coastal species in this area.

How to cite: Feng, T., Stanley, R., Wu, Y., and Kenchington, E.: A high-resolution 3-D circulation model in a complex archipelago on the coastal Scotian Shelf, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1612, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1612, 2024.

Posters virtual: Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X5

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr 08:30–Mon, 15 Apr 18:00
Chairperson: Davide Bonaldo
Ivan Hernandez, Leidy Maricela Castro-Rosero, Manuel Espino Infantes, and Jose María Alsina Torrent

Coastal zones are considered one of the main sinks for floating marine litter (FML) in the marine environment although transport mechanisms in coastal zones are poorly understood. The Barcelona coastline is considered one of the main hot-spots in the Mediterranean Sea, with high flux rates reported between land and coastal waters and FML concentrations of the order of magnitude of subtropical oceanic garbage patches. A case study was conducted on the Barcelona coastline using observational data of debris output from two rivers within the metropolitan area (Llobregat River to the south and Besòs River to the north) and a Lagrangian numerical model specifically adapted for use in coastal areas (LOCATE) using high-resolution hydrodynamic data and a beaching module based on high-resolution shoreline data that calculated real-time particle distance to the shore to detect the land-water boundary. The coastline was divided into 16 zones based on geographical structures and high-interest areas allowing for the differentiation of the level of impact of different zones.  High levels of beaching in the area (>91.5%) with relatively short residence times (<6.4 days) were observed.

Coastline areas adjacent to the debris release points were observed to be more prone to receive particles. To separate the likelihood of a particle being deposited close to the point of origin from the effects of the transport mechanisms, a measurement of potential beaching likelihood was introduced based on the comparison of modelled sustained displacement of particles to an area with the minimum time and distance required for particles to be deposited in an area with the hydrodynamic conditions during the simulation. The Llobregat River mouth was overwhelmingly affected by debris flowing out of the river, confirming that proximity to the source is the main driver for particle beaching at smaller scales, followed by the influence of geometric structures on hydrodynamic conditions. Statistical analyses revealed that significant wave height and wave energy flux correlated positively with the amount of particle beaching with a strong association between the variables. Current velocity, however, had a weak negative correlation indicating that a strong prevailing Northern Current has an inverse effect on particle deposition. The relationship between wave direction and coastline orientation was also seen to have a strong influence on the levels of beaching, with vertically oriented sections of the coastline having a greater predisposition to receive particles.

Mass was calculated for the modelled particles based on their composition and compared to the amount of debris recorded in beach cleaning data, revealing that only 4.9% of debris reaching beaches in the Barcelona metropolitan area can be attributed to river outflow. Other sources of debris such as discharges from sewage and wastewater overflows, or land-based waste generated by beach use must be considered for more accurate representations as well as more precise beaching parameterisations to account for land-water fluxes.

How to cite: Hernandez, I., Castro-Rosero, L. M., Espino Infantes, M., and Alsina Torrent, J. M.: Processes controlling the dispersion and beaching of floating marine debris in the Barcelona coastal region , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4717, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4717, 2024.