CL2.3 | High impact climate events and storylines: from physical understanding to impacts and solutions
High impact climate events and storylines: from physical understanding to impacts and solutions
Co-organized by AS1/HS13/NH11
Convener: Timo KelderECSECS | Co-conveners: Marylou AthanaseECSECS, Erich Fischer, Patrick Ludwig, Henrique Moreno Dumont GoulartECSECS, Laura Suarez-GutierrezECSECS, Karin van der Wiel
| Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)
Room E2
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X5
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X5
Orals |
Wed, 14:00
Tue, 16:15
Tue, 14:00
Recent extreme events and climate conditions unprecedented in the observational record have had high-impact consequences globally. Some of these events would have arguably been nearly impossible without human-made climate change and broke records by large margins. Furthermore, compound behaviour and cascading effects and risks are becoming evident. Finally, continuing warming does not only increase the frequency and intensity of events like these, or other until yet unprecedented extremes, it also potentially increases the risk of crossing tipping points and triggering abrupt changes. In order to increase preparedness for high impact climate events, it is important to develop methods and models that are able to represent these events and their impacts, and to better understand how to reduce the risks.

To provide more actionable information for risk assessments, climate storylines have become a popular approach to complement probabilistic event attribution and climate projection. According to the latest IPCC-WG1 report, “the term storyline is used both in connection to scenarios or to describe plausible trajectories of weather and climate conditions or events”. Various types of storylines exist, such as event-based storylines, dynamical storylines of physically plausible climate change, or pseudo-global-warming experiments. This session aims to bring together the latest research on modelling, understanding, development of storylines and managing plausible past and future climate outcomes, extreme and low-probability events, and their impacts. Studies can range across spatial and temporal scales, and can cover compound, cascading, and connected extremes, worst-case scenarios, event-based and dynamical storylines, as well as the effect of tipping points and abrupt changes driven by climate change, societal response, adaptation limits, or other mechanisms (e.g., volcanic eruption).

We welcome a variety of methods aiming to quantify and understand high-impact climate events in present and future climates and, ultimately, provide actionable climate information. We invite work including but not limited to the variety of storyline approaches, model experiments and intercomparisons, insights from paleo archives, climate projections (including large ensembles, and unseen events), and attribution studies.

The session is further informed by the World Climate Research Programme lighthouse activities on Safe Landing Pathways and Understanding High-Risk Events.

This session brings together the latest research on exceptional weather and high-impact climate events. It is a follow up from previous year’s successful sessions CL3.2.8 on low-likelihood high-impact events and CL4.8 on storyline approaches. The session is further informed by the World Climate Research Programme lighthouse activities on Safe Landing Pathways and Understanding High-Risk Events. Our aim is to make preparedness to exceptional weather extremes standard practice in the transition to a climate resilient society:

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room E2

Chairpersons: Marylou Athanase, Patrick Ludwig
On-site presentation
Theodore Shepherd

High-impact climate events are generally expected to be exacerbated by climate change. For heatwaves, heavy precipitation, and evaporatively-driven drought, the IPCC AR6 made very strong general statements about changes in hazard. But as soon as one attempts to attribute high-impact climate events, the particular details of those events (which are inevitably compound events) and of the human-managed environment take centre stage. Because real-world events are not independent and identically distributed, one cannot reliably apply a general statement to a particular event. This basic aspect of statistical inference, widely recognized in other fields, seems not well appreciated within the climate science community. Physical climate storylines (physically-based unfoldings of past climate or weather events, or of plausible future events or pathways) offer a way to respect the complexity of high-impact climate events and the multiple causal factors involved, of which climate change will only be one. Indeed, identifying the non-climatic factors that affect vulnerability and exposure is essential for good decision-making around climate adaptation. In this talk I will describe the rationale behind the use of storylines for high-impact climate events from the broader perspective of attribution, and explain how conditional attribution allows probability and risk to enter in a physically interpretable and meaningful way.

How to cite: Shepherd, T.: Storylines of high-impact climate events, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1791,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Christophe Cassou, Aurelien Line, and Rym Msadek

It is well established that internal variability arising spontaneously from the chaotic nature of the climate system can amplify or obscure anthropogenically-forced signals, especially at near-term and at regional scale in the extratropics. In this talk, we focus on Northern Europe (NEU) winter climate changes over the 2020-2040 period and propose a set of internal variability storylines (IVS) to tackle related uncertainties. IVS are built from the combined evolution of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) diagnosed as drivers of variability for temperature over NEU.

We first show, based on a large ensemble of historical-scenario simulations from CNRM-CM6-1, that, depending on the near-term [AMOC-NAO] doublet evolution, anthropogenically-forced changes can be either considerably amplified with much warmer-wetter mean conditions, almost doubled, or considerably masked with marginal warming and unchanged mean precipitation with respect to present day. We then provide evidence for the robustness of our results by using large-ensembles from several models which ultimately allows assessing the full range of uncertainties for near-term climate change.

We finally use the 2010 severe winter case as an illustrative example of the added-value in expressing climate change knowledge in a conditional form through IVS to plan at best climate-related risks and local adaptation strategies at near term. Reframing the uncertain climate outcomes into the physical science space through IVS grapples the complexity of regional situations; it is also informative to more efficiently communicate towards the general public as well as for climate literacy in general.

How to cite: Cassou, C., Line, A., and Msadek, R.: Assessment of climate change at near-term (2020-2040) over Northern Europe through internal variability storylines, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11961,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xavier Levine and Priscilla Mooney

Storylines are intended to provide concrete realizations of the climate response to global warming, to help anticipate the possible impacts of climate change on society and nature. Recent studies on climate change storylines have used a multivariate linear regression (MLR) framework to determine those climate realizations, for specific variables, regions and seasons (called target variables); this is achieved by leveraging known climatic interactions across a large number of model projections, which are represented by the covariability of the target variable with pre-determined climate indices (called predictor indices). Yet, a systematic methodology for selecting the best set of predictor indices for a specific target variable is lacking, with the set of predictors usually being chosen according to our current understanding of the most important climatic interactions. Furthermore, the storylines that emerge from it are tailored to explain changes in one specific variable, region and season (the target variable), and thus are unable to be generally applicable to a range of target variables.

Even if the MLR framework succeeds in generating an array of representative climate outcomes for specific cases, we hypothesize that alternative methodologies can be used to generate likely climate outcomes from model simulations while alleviating some of the limitations of the MLR framework. Here, we propose to use clustering analysis to provide possible climate realizations from model projections. Clustering ensures a comprehensive and efficient decomposition of the spread in climate projections found across model simulations, without the need of predefining predictors (both an advantage and inconvenience), but also can be applied to more than one target variable at a time. 

We present findings from various empirical clustering methods, using the three main categories of algorithm (e.g. distribution-, density-, and centroid-based) to produce our so-called empirical storylines. We focus on the Arctic region during the boreal summer season, comparing storylines obtained from each clustering method with findings from a set of “classic” storylines obtained using the MLR framework. We discuss the implications of our results for improving our understanding of the spread in climate projections, and conclude on the existence of a most likely cluster (storyline) by relating our climate change clusters with clusters for the present-day climate. 

How to cite: Levine, X. and Mooney, P.: Empirical storylines of climate change using clustering analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6659,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Samuel Lüthi, Erich Fischer, and Ana Vicedo-Cabrera

Recent heat extremes reached records far out of the observational temperature range. These extremes challenged the risk view of climate scientists on what could be physically possible within the current climate conditions. However, it is precisely such unprecedented events that pose a large risk to underprepared societies. To better anticipate and prepare for such potential extreme events, the climate risk community started producing storylines which are designed to draw potential and plausible worst-case scenarios without aiming to quantify their probability of occurrence.

The recent development of the ensemble boosting method allows investigating physically plausible extreme heatwaves by re-initializing a climate model with random round-off perturbed atmospheric initial conditions shortly before the onset of a great heat anomaly. This allows for creating storylines whilst ensuring physical consistency. However, so far these storylines were only used to estimate the pure physical climate extreme without the additional quantification of impacts on society.

In this study, we therefore aim to produce several storylines for potential worst-case heat-mortality scenarios. For that, we aim to combine ensemble boosted climate model output with methods from environmental epidemiology to quantify heat-mortality. Concretely, we model the empirical relationship between daily mean temperature and daily mortality counts by using quasi-Poisson regression time series analyses with distributed lag nonlinear models, which is a well-established approach in climate change epidemiology. We then combine these empirical temperature-mortality relationships with the bias-corrected extreme storylines that we developed by ensemble boosting a fully-coupled free-running climate model (CESM2).

The findings of this study have significant implications for societies, particularly in the context of public health policy development, to effectively respond to unprecedented but anticipatable heat extremes.

How to cite: Lüthi, S., Fischer, E., and Vicedo-Cabrera, A.: Storylines for heat-mortality extremes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7744,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Antonio Sánchez Benítez, Monica Ionita, Marylou Athanase, Thomas Jung, Qiyun Ma, and Helge Goessling

Climate change is causing an increase in the frequency, intensity and persistence of heatwaves and droughts, as seen, for example, in Central Europe in recent years. These changes are expected to be even more severe in the future. Two factors contribute to these changes in extreme events: dynamic changes – changes in the likelihood of weather patterns  – and thermodynamic changes. While the former are uncertain in future climate projections, the latter are characterized by a high signal-to-noise ratio, as there is a robust and ubiquitous rise in land-surface temperatures.

To better understand and analyze both contributions, we employ the so-called "event-based storyline approach", which involves nudging our global CMIP6 coupled climate model (AWI-CM1) towards the observed large-scale free-troposphere winds using various climate background conditions and initial states. This enables us to simulate the same weather conditions, including jet streams and blockings, in different climates: preindustrial, present, and in 2 °C, 3 °C, and 4 ºC warmer worlds. This methodology provides an efficient way of making the consequences of climate change more understandable to experts and non-experts, as extreme events that are fresh in people's memory are simulated in different climates with moderate computational resources.

Our simulations successfully reproduce recent hot and dry extreme events, like the 2019 or 2022 European heatwaves and the record-breaking 2022 drought. Our experiments reveal an intensification of these extremes from preindustrial to present climates (attribution), mainly in southern Europe, with no major changes in Central and Northern Europe. However, we project that this exacerbation will expand northward in future warmer climates, leading to even more severe drought in Central Europe and the Mediterranean by the end of the century. Taking advantage of our methodology we explore the physical mechanisms helping to exacerbate these events in future warmer climates.

How to cite: Sánchez Benítez, A., Ionita, M., Athanase, M., Jung, T., Ma, Q., and Goessling, H.: Storyline simulations suggest a northward expansion of European droughts in warmer climates., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12519,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Wenqin Zhuo, Antonio Sánchez-Benítez, Helge Goessling, Marylou Athanase, and Thomas Yung

Whether cold-air outbreak over mid-latitude in a warmer climate would become more or less extreme is a subject of debate, particularly due to uncertainty links between Arctic amplification and these cold extremes, which complicated by the atmosphere internal variability.  Here we employ an event-based storyline approach, which fixed the atmospheric circulation to the observed  through spectral nudging, to quantify thermodynamic effect on extreme cold events during the winter of 2020/2021 in East Asia under different warming scenarios. Notably, we detect the strongest warming, up to +10K, over Eastern Siberia in the +4K-warmer climate, which is related to warmer cold air mass originating from unfrozen sea ice over Siberia region. In contrast, in the southern China, due to the observed and expected increasing aerosol concentration, peaking by the mid-21st century and altering the radiative balances, a mild cooling is present from pre-industrial to present-day climates. The cooling in this region is likely to persist in +2K-warmer scenario but was not observed when up to the +4K warmer climate. Correspondingly, no prominent temperature variation is observed in the middle East Asia, with the warming extent largely mirroring the overall climate background.

How to cite: Zhuo, W., Sánchez-Benítez, A., Goessling, H., Athanase, M., and Yung, T.: Storylines of East Asian cold extremes in 2020/2021 under different warming climate, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3174,, 2024.

On-site presentation
René R. Wijngaard, Willem Jan van de Berg, Adam R. Herrington, and Xavier Levine

Over the last few decades, the Arctic region has warmed up at a greater rate than elsewhere at the globe, partly resulting from the on-going loss of sea ice and snow over land. It is projected that the amplified warming of the surface will continue in the future, most likely altering the magnitude and frequency of temperature extremes, such as heat waves and cold spells. In addition, the intensity and frequency of extreme precipitation and droughts are projected to change, which may pose serious threats for the human infrastructure and livelihoods. To assess (future) climate extremes, Earth System Models (ESMs) with (regionally) refined resolution could be helpful, particularly in mountainous regions.

In this study, we use the variable-resolution Community Earth System Model version 2.2 (VR-CESM) to evaluate and assess present-day and future climate extremes, such as heat waves and heavy precipitation, over the Arctic. Applying a globally uniform 1-degree grid and a VR grid with regional grid refinements to 28 km over the Arctic and Antarctica, we run present-day (2005–2014) and future (2090–2099) simulations with interactive atmosphere and land surface models, and prescribed sea ice and surface temperatures. The simulations follow two storylines of Arctic climate change that represent a combination of strong/weak polar Arctic amplification and strong/weak SST warming in the Barents-Kara seas. We evaluate the ability of the VR grid to simulate climatic extremes by comparison with gridded outputs of the globally uniform 1-degree grid and the ERA5 reanalysis and assess future climate extremes by focussing on temperature and precipitation extremes. The initial outcomes generally show that for some temperature/precipitation extremes indices the VR grid performs better than the globally uniform 1-degree grid, while for other indices the globally uniform 1-degree grid performs better. Future projections suggest that warm temperature extremes will generally increase both in magnitude and frequency, whereas cold temperature extremes will decrease in magnitude, especially over regions dominated by large sea ice loss. Further, precipitation is projected to increase in intensity and volume. The outcomes of this study may contribute to an improved understanding on future climate extremes and its implications.

How to cite: Wijngaard, R. R., van de Berg, W. J., Herrington, A. R., and Levine, X.: Impacts of regional grid refinement on climate extremes over the Arctic in storyline-based earth system model simulations., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10006,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Juan Jesús González-Alemán, Damian Insua-Costa, Eric Bazile, Sergi González-Herrero, Mario Marcello Miglietta, Pieter Groenemeijer, and Markus G. Donat

A derecho is a widespread, long-lived, straight-line windstorm that is associated with a fast-moving group of severe thunderstorms known as a mesoscale convective system.

During 18 August 2022, a highly intense and organized convective storm, classified as a derecho, developed over the western Mediterranean Sea affecting Corsica, northern Italy and Austria, with wind gusts up to 62 m/s and giant hail (~11 cm). There were 12 fatalities and 106 people injured. This event received much attention in the media for its extraordinary impact and the rareness over the Mediterranean Sea. The derecho developed over an extreme marine heatwave that persisted during the whole summer. Therefore, the hypothesis of a relationship between the extreme atmospheric event and the extreme marine heatwave rapidly arose, and thus, a possible link with anthropogenic climate change.

This convective event can be considered as extreme from the affected locations point of view (in terms of winds) but also is between one of the most powerful derechos ever recorded in the USA and Europe. Also, the event developed over an extreme marine heatwave that was mainly affecting the western Mediterranean Sea during summer 2022.

Here, by performing model simulations with both the NCAR Model for Prediction Across Scales and the Météo-France nonhydrostatic operational AROME model and using an storyline approach, we find a relationship between the marine heatwave, the actual anthropogenic climate change conditions, and the development of this extremely rare and severe convective event. We also find a future worrying increase in intensity, size and duration of such an event with future climate change conditions.

How to cite: González-Alemán, J. J., Insua-Costa, D., Bazile, E., González-Herrero, S., Miglietta, M. M., Groenemeijer, P., and Donat, M. G.: On the key role of anthropogenic warming in triggering extreme convective events: the case of the destructive Mediterranean derecho in 2022, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12974,, 2024.

On-site presentation
James Carruthers, Selma Guerreiro, Hayley Fowler, and Daniel Bannister

Interannual to multi-decadal variability in large-scale dynamics such as atmospheric and oceanic circulation results in significant noise and temporary trends in regional climate. Attempting to understand longer term trends as a result of anthropogenic climate change requires disentangling internal variability and climate change signals. One of these climate signals is the Clausius-Clapeyron (CC) scaling in precipitation resulting from temperature increases. In this work, we characterise and constrain variability in sub-seasonal winter rainfall in the UK resulting from synoptic scale-conditions. The UK experiences periods of sustained precipitation in some winters which result in widespread flooding due to extreme accumulation, such as the winter of 2013/2014. Using categorised sea-level pressure fields and gridded precipitation between 1900-2020, we simulate ‘expected’ precipitation resulting from North Atlantic synoptic conditions. We find a rising trend since the 1980s in observed monthly accumulation which is not reflected in the simulated precipitation timeseries, indicating that recent wet winters in the UK have been wetter than expected given the synoptic conditions. The rising trend in the residual (observed - simulated) mean monthly precipitation is in line with expected CC scaling rate of ~6-7% per degree warming according to changes in UK annual mean temperature. However, the residual in extreme monthly precipitation has scaled at approximately twice that rate. To better understand differences in changes for average and extreme precipitation accumulation, we explore the influence of dynamical feedbacks which may increase precipitation at higher intensities. We find that residual precipitation is influenced by the persistence of synoptic conditions and exhibits remote teleconnections to sea surface temperature and atmospheric conditions in the tropics and sub-tropics. This work highlights the importance of considering variability in large-scale dynamics when identifying climate change signals and sheds light on influences on sub-seasonal to seasonal winter precipitation in the UK.ences on sub-seasonal to seasonal winter precipitation in the UK.

How to cite: Carruthers, J., Guerreiro, S., Fowler, H., and Bannister, D.: Sub-seasonal UK winter precipitation intensifies in-line with expected temperature scaling, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2365,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Vera Melinda Galfi

The typicality of extreme weather and climate events denotes their property to exhibit similarities in spatial patterns, temporal evolution, and underlying physical processes, with this resemblance intensifying as events become more extreme. Recent findings highlight that highly intense heatwaves, defined as prolonged local temperature anomalies, are consistently associated with specific large-scale circulation patterns. This suggests that there is a typical way to realise very extreme local temperature anomalies. Here, I will explore typical ways for the emergence of extremely intense hemispheric anomalies, characterized by notably large zonal variations in air temperature or geopotential height. This investigation aims to shed light on preferred atmospheric configurations leading to the simultaneous occurrence of heatwaves on a hemispheric scale.

How to cite: Galfi, V. M.: Investigating typical patterns for co-occurring heatwaves, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15314,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Timo Kelder, Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, Henrique Moreno Dumont Goulart
On-site presentation
Xiao Peng, Biao Long, and Xiaogang He

There has been growing evidence suggesting a rising frequency and/or intensity of droughts in tropical regions in a warming climate. Singapore, a water-scarce city heavily reliant on water imports, faces heightened vulnerability to extreme drought episodes. Preparing for unprecedented droughts is thus pivotal for this tropical island city to safeguard a sustainable and resilient water supply. However, the accuracy of quantifying the probability and severity of unprecedented droughts, such as those with a 1000-year return period, is hindered by observations (e.g., in situ measurements, satellite data, etc.) with limited data length, typically spanning only about 50 years. Physics-based regional climate models offer a distinct advantage in simulating extreme droughts beyond historically available data. Yet, naïve Monte Carlo simulations for rare events becomes computationally infeasible at high spatiotemporal resolutions, a scale most relevant in urban drought risk mitigation. In this study, building upon the Giardina-Kurchan-Lecomte-Tailleur algorithm, we develop a computationally efficient framework to simulate Singapore’s unprecedented drought events. Our framework couples the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with a sequential importance sampling procedure, incorporating the ‘Darwinian pressure’ to favor trajectories conducive to extreme drought conditions. With just slightly over 100 trajectories, we can efficiently simulate very rare drought events (e.g., 1-in-10000-years and rarer) while maintaining their physical plausibility. The WRF model also enables detailed spatiotemporal dynamics of unprecedented droughts, allowing direct estimation of potential compounding extremes, such as concurrent droughts and heatwaves. Moreover, we quantify changes in the likelihood of plausible yet unprecedented droughts under various future climate change scenarios, such as Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 5-8.5 (SSP585), in comparison to the present climate. Our results reveal a robust increase in the chance of unprecedented droughts, emphasizing the importance of developing resilient water strategies for Singapore to prepare for such events in the near future.

How to cite: Peng, X., Long, B., and He, X.: Not as Rare as Expected: Assessing Singapore’s Unprecedented Droughts in a Changing Climate, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6945,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Michael Wehner, Mark Risser, Likun Zhang, and William Boos

The 2021 heatwave in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and Canada was unusual in many regards. In particular, not only was the event deemed impossible prior to the human interference in the climate system, standard out-of-sample non-stationary generalized extreme value (GEV) analyses revealed it to be statistically impossible in 2021 as many observed temperatures were above the upper bound of the upper bound of fitted GEV distributions. Obviously, as the event actually occurred, these statistical models are not fit for the purpose of estimating the influence of climate change on the event’s probability.

By expanding the number of physical covariates beyond just greenhouse gas concentrations and by incorporating spatial statistical techniques in a Bayesian hierarchal framework, we are able to construct a statistical model where observed temperatures during this heatwave were not “impossible” and thus estimate the change in their probabilities leading to Granger-type causal inference attribution statements.

We further extend this statistical framework to all quality daily GHCN station measurements and find that while many physically plausible outlier temperatures are impossible in the simple non-stationary GEV framework, they can be explained using our more complicated non-stationary Bayesian spatial statistical model embedded in a deep learning machinery.


How to cite: Wehner, M., Risser, M., Zhang, L., and Boos, W.: Statistically impossible temperatures., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2574,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hylke de Vries, Geert Lenderink, Erik van Meijgaard, Bert van Ulft, and Wim de Rooy

Europe faced many extreme events in the year 2023; storms, heatwaves, intense precipitation, widespread flooding, to mention a few. Long-standing records were broken, and re-broken again. The events invariably received a lot of attention by the media and triggered many questions from journalists, eager to report about them. These questions are typically about the frequency or ‘extremeness’ of the event, whether or how already occurred climate change has impacted this frequency, and what the future perspectives are: Would a similar event in future or past climate have (had) a larger or smaller impact? 

It is a challenge for scientists to answer such (attribution) questions rapidly, i.e., before or on the day of the event, or in the immediate aftermath. Weather attribution teams like WWA (World Weather Attribution) now apply standardised procedures based on combining observations and climate modelling, to produce such analyses within weeks.

Here we discuss an approach that may augment the set of already existing tools and frameworks for rapid attribution analysis. The approach is based on regional downscaling in combination with pseudo global warming (PGW). Each day a small downscaled ensemble is created using as initial and boundary conditions the ECMWF analysis and forecasts. In addition to this ‘present-day’ ensemble, also a ‘past’ and ‘future’ ensemble are created using PGW. Due to the synchronicity of the time-evolution of the past, current and future ensembles, the signal-to-noise ratio is high, allowing an immediate estimate of how (thermodynamic) changes could have contributed to the event, and how a similar event in a future climate could look. Inherent limitation of PGW is that it cannot, or only in a limited way, address the frequency-change aspect. 

We illustrate the PGW-ensemble with a number of events that occurred during 2023 such as storm Hans (August), the December snowfall, and the unprecedented yearly rainfall amount in the Netherlands.

How to cite: de Vries, H., Lenderink, G., van Meijgaard, E., van Ulft, B., and de Rooy, W.: A daily ensemble of Past and Future Weather for rapid attribution and future perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17759,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lukas Brunner and Aiko Voigt

Worsening temperature extremes are among the most severe impacts of human-induced climate change. To quantify such extremes and their changes various methods have been applied over the years. One frequently used approach is to define extremes relative to the local temperature distribution as exceedances of a given percentile threshold. 

For hot extremes, the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) defines TX90p relative to the 90th percentile of maximum temperature on each calendar day in the 30-year period 1961-1990. To increase the number of samples available for the percentile calculation a 5-day running window is recommended leading to a total of 30x5=150 samples for each calendar day. However, this still limited number of samples can lead to internal variability being mixed into the percentile and cause a strongly varying extreme threshold, which is undesirable. Therefore, many studies do not follow the ETCCDI recommendation and use longer seasonal windows of 15- or even 31-days to increase the number of samples available for the percentile calculation. 

We show that the use of such long seasonal windows introduces a systematic bias that leads to a striking underestimation of the expected extreme frequency. This expected exceedance frequency is 10% for the 90th percentile when evaluating the extreme frequency in the same period as the threshold is calculated (in-base). For ERA5 the 1961-1990 average, global average temperature extreme frequency is only 9% – a relative bias of -10%. In individual regions and seasons, the bias can be considerably larger, exceeding -75%. 

We develop a simple bias correction and use it to show that the bias generally decreases in a warming climate in CMIP6. It, therefore, also affects estimates of future temperature and related heatwave changes. The decrease of the bias can lead to an overestimation of changes in the heatwave frequency by as much as 30%. Based on these results, we strongly warn against the use of long seasonal windows without correction when calculating extreme frequencies and their changes.

How to cite: Brunner, L. and Voigt, A.: Revealing a systematic bias in percentile-based temperature extremes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1722,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Victoria Dietz, Johanna Baehr, and Leonard Borchert

We use a 50-member large ensemble of the CMIP6 version of the MPI-ESM1.2-LR model to examine the future of hot-dry compound events at 1.5 and 2°C of global warming. By targeting the largest maize production areas (breadbasket regions) and their corresponding growing seasons, we tailor our analysis to food production, indicating potential future threats to global food security. Our results suggest a notable shift in the extremes associated with maize harvest failure in the breadbaskets between 1.5 and 2°C of global warming, highlighting the value of mitigating climate change and the future need to adapt to climate challenges in the agricultural sector.

Our analysis shows a significant increase in the likelihood of these extremes during maize growing seasons across almost all examined regions and variables. In particular, the occurrence probability of heat events and hot-dry compounds at least doubles in most regions when the world warms from 1.5 to 2°C. Locally, cumulated heat excess increases everywhere, while the spatial extent of heat consistently expands across all regions in contrast to the relatively stable pattern we find for precipitation as we transition from one level of global warming to another. We additionally explore spatial compounding, where multiple breadbasket regions experience simultaneous extremes in the same growing season, exacerbating global food security challenges. Scenarios that were virtually impossible in the past, such as hot-dry events affecting at least three regions simultaneously, take on non-zero probabilities in a world that is 1.5 or 2°C warmer. The probabilities of simultaneous heat and hot-dry compounds in a 2°C warmer world significantly exceed those in a 1.5°C warmer world, to the extent that there is little to no overlap between the corresponding ensemble spreads.

How to cite: Dietz, V., Baehr, J., and Borchert, L.: The Future of Hot-Dry Events in the World’s Breadbasket Regions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8388,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mansi Nagpal, Jasmin Heilemann, Bernd Klauer, Erik Gawel, and Christian Klassert

As climate changes globally and locally, the risk of temperature anomalies, heat waves and droughts have significantly increased. Studies have demonstrated that droughts exert adverse biophysical effects on crop production, posing an unprecedented threat to harvests and resulting in substantial economic losses in Europe. Assessing these biophysical drought impacts on agriculture is crucial for developing effective strategies for drought preparedness, mitigation, and adaptation. This paper contributes to this effort by presenting a framework to estimate economic costs associated with droughts that specifically captures the biophysical impact of climate change on crop output.

Existing analyses for drought damages in agriculture are developed for a specific drought event and primarily focus on the reduction in farmer’s income or crop yields in drought events. In these assessments, the biophysical impacts of droughts are not isolated and evaluated from their effects on other economic variables such as output prices, resulting in inaccurate damages. Additionally, lack of single universal definition of drought adds complexity to estimating the costs of droughts. This paper is aimed to contribute by focusing on agricultural droughts, which occurs when variability in soil moisture affects plant growth and development. We simulate this biophysical effect of drought on crop yields by applying a statistical crop yield model to data on soil moisture, temperature and perception. This approach helps isolate the direct impact of drought on agriculture from other changes in aggregate economic production (e.g. business conditions, commodity prices) and farmer management decisions (e.g. intermediate input use). The simulated biophysical yield effects are then quantified into monetary terms to estimate economic damages of droughts. We further look into the relationship of the economic damages and the intensity of droughts to determine drought thresholds that lead to increased economic losses.

The results provide bottom-up estimates of the economic damages of drought induced water deficiency in agriculture across Germany for the years 2016-2020. The spatio-temporal patterns of drought impacts can be useful for drought policy planning at local and national level. The economic costs estimation framework could be valuable in estimating farmer compensations and loss and damage of droughts. The results of the study can provide reliable estimates of the costs of climate-change-related extreme weather events, which may help inform macroeconomic and integrated impact assessment models of economic losses (and gains).

How to cite: Nagpal, M., Heilemann, J., Klauer, B., Gawel, E., and Klassert, C.: Hydro-economic assessment of biophysical drought impacts on agriculture, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17486,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Douglas Maraun, Reinhard Schiemann, Albert Osso, and Martin Jury

Extreme heat events are becoming more severe. Attribution studies have demonstrated the effect of anthropogenic climate change on recent devastating events, including the heat waves in Canada in 2021, Northern India in 2022 and the Western Mediterranean in 2023. Such impactful events are very rare with return periods of 100 years and more even in present climate. Their rareness is in stark contrast to the typically considered return periods ranging from less than a year to maybe 20 years. This choice might often be inevitable because of practical limitations, mainly the length of observational and climate model records. But generalising from such analyses to extreme events in general tacitly assumes that very rare events respond to climate change in a similar way as the analysed moderate extreme events. Several studies investigating land-atmosphere feedbacks and atmospheric circulation changes indicate, however, that this assumtion may not be justified.

Here we use three single model initial condition large ensembles (SMILES) to assess differences between projected changes in moderate heat extremes (represented by 2-year return values of the hottest day in a year) and very rare extreme events (represented by corresponding 200-year return values). We analyse changes from 1990-2014 to 2075-2099 according to the SSP5-8.5 scenario.

We find large regions where projected changes in very extreme events are markedly different - both stronger or weaker - to those in moderate extreme events. Model uncertainty about these differences is very high though: all considered SMILES suggest that such regions exist, but they do not agree on the locations.  The underlying mechanisms, however, are robust across models: in regions of increasing soil moisture temperature coupling strength, changes in very rare events can be almost twice as high as those in moderate extremes. Vice versa, in regions of decreasing coupling strength, changes may be much weaker. These changes can to a large extent be traced back to changes in precipitation patterns, highlighting the role of atmospheric circulation changes.  

The corresponding patterns emerge already over shorter time horizons and are thus relevant for mid-century projections, low emission scenarios and event attribution studies. Robust inference about these differences is impossible based on individual model simulations, but requires the sample size of SMILES.  Not accounting for these changes could lead to a dramatic misrepresentation of future climate risks from heat events. Our findings therefore confirm the importance of studies specifically targeting very extreme events.

How to cite: Maraun, D., Schiemann, R., Osso, A., and Jury, M.: Changes in land-atmosphere coupling may amplify increases in very rare temperature extremes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15334,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Processes involved in the formation of extreme seasons – an important research theme at the weather and climate interface
Heini Wernli, Matthias Röthlisberger, Hanin Binder, Maxi Boettcher, Katharina Hartmuth, and Mauro Hermann
On-site presentation
Iris de Vries, Erich Fischer, Sebastian Sippel, and Reto Knutti

Not only will climate change lead to more intense extreme precipitation, it will also lead to more frequent record-breaking daily rainfall. Given the tendency of society to design critical infrastructure and emergency plans based on (statistics derived from) historical observations, an increasing occurrence of record-breaking events – events that are more intense than ever recorded – poses a high risk for loss and damage. 

A major challenge in the projection of very extreme events is their inherent rarity. This problem is even more prominent for record events: by definition these events are not present in sample data because they have not yet occurred. An additional difficulty, which is particularly challenging for precipitation, is the high internal variability in and local character of very rare extremes. This implies that, by chance, an observed data sample of finite size might contain few extremes, whereas the true probability and intensity of extremes given by the (unknown) underlying distribution is much higher. In practice, this can lead to “surprise extremes”. 

With the help of extreme value theory, we approach this problem from two angles, using multi-model CMIP6 data and two different ground-station based observational datasets. Firstly we assess, for all observed land grid cells, where the last observed precipitation record is “extraordinarily long ago” given the theoretical record breaking rate prescribed by historical and future climate according to the CMIP6 models. Secondly, we assess where the last observed record value is “extraordinarily low in intensity” given the historical and future modelled distribution of extreme precipitation. Combining these two approaches, we highlight regions on earth where the probability of record precipitation events in the near future is high.

We find that grid points where the last observed precipitation record is extraordinarily long ago are ubiquitous and scattered globally. When combining this with the observed record intensity, the number of grid points that stand out for their high near-term record probability decreases drastically. We find a somewhat higher density of high-probability grid points in Australia and southern South America, but the pattern is not very clear. Nonetheless, every world region contains a number of grid points where the current observed record is both extraordinarily long ago and low in intensity, and where the near-term probability of a new precipitation record is thus high.

How to cite: de Vries, I., Fischer, E., Sippel, S., and Knutti, R.: Where and when will the next precipitation record be broken? , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17826,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Guozhen Wang, Jibao Dong, and Hong Yan

A “once-in-a-millennium” super rainstorm battered Zhengzhou, central China, from 07/17/2021 to 07/22/2021 (named “7.20” Zhengzhou super rainstorm). It killed 398 people and caused billions of dollars in damage. ​A pressing question, however, is whether rainstorms of this intensity can be effectively documented by geological archives to understand better their historical variabilities beyond the scope of meteorological data. Here, four land snail shells (Cathaica fasciola) were collected from Zhengzhou in 2021, and weekly to daily resolved snail shell δ18O records from June to September of 2021 were obtained by gas-source mass spectrometry (GSMS) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The daily resolved records show a dramatic negative shift between 06/18/2021 and 09/18/2021, which has been attributed to is related to the “7.20” Zhengzhou super rainstorm. Moreover, the measured amplitude of the shell δ18O shift caused by the “7.20” Zhengzhou super rainstorm is consistent with the theoretical value estimated from the flux balance model and local instrumental data within the error range. Our results suggest that the ultra-high resolution δ18O of land snail shells have the potential to reconstruct local synoptic scale super rainstorm events quantitatively. And the proposed “best practice” of current work indicated that fossil snail shells in sedimentary strata can be valuable material for investigating the historical variability of local super rainstorms under different climate background conditions.

How to cite: Wang, G., Dong, J., and Yan, H.: Quantitative reconstruction of a single super rainstorm using daily resolved δ18O of land snail shell, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4973,, 2024.


Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X5

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 14:00–Tue, 16 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Timo Kelder, Marylou Athanase
Emile Neimry, Hugues Goosse, and Mathieu Jonard

Droughts have garnered global attention due to their adverse effects on crops, ecosystems, and society. Despite their frequent occurrence in north-western Europe, the causes of these droughts remain poorly understood. This study investigates the historical climate drivers of meteorological droughts in the region. The identification of drought events since 1836 is conducted using the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index at a 3-month scale, based on reanalysis datasets (ERA5 and 20CRv3). Subsequently, by employing clustering methods, we categorize the diverse atmospheric conditions leading to droughts into discernible patterns. Our next objective is to assess the long-term variability and trends within these patterns. This research provides a long-term regional analysis of meteorological drought drivers, contributing to a deeper understanding of regional climate changes over the past two centuries.

How to cite: Neimry, E., Goosse, H., and Jonard, M.: Climate drivers of meteorological droughts in north-western Europe (1836-2022), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1193,, 2024.

Tatiana Klimiuk, Patrick Ludwig, Antonio Sánchez Benítez, Helge Goessling, Peter Braesicke, and Joaquim G. Pinto

Heatwaves are a major natural hazard affecting Europe, and their maximum temperatures are projected to increase strongly with climate change. In recent years, the event-based storyline approach has proven its applicability for climate change attribution studies. Constraining the large-scale dynamics to that of the recent past serves to separate the thermodynamic effects of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations from the largely uncertain dynamic changes. Within the SCENIC project, the storylines are produced with the spectrally nudged global coupled AWI-CM1 model (90 km horizontal resolution). They are downscaled with ICON-CLM to the Euro-Cordex (12 km) and subsequently to the central European domain (3 km). Using this model chain, we captured the series of European summer heat waves and droughts of 2018-2022. We placed them into the pre-industrial climate and three environments corresponding to +2, +3, and +4 K warmer worlds. We quantified the warming rate per degree of global warming (which sometimes exceeds 2.5 over larger areas) and assessed the role of soil-atmosphere feedback in contributing to these rates. More specifically, for several European heatwaves, we explored the connection of the evaporative regime of a region affected by a heatwave to the region's response to global warming during this event. Taking advantage of the high signal-to-noise ratio of event-based storylines, we add one more dimension - the global warming level - to the scope of land-atmosphere feedback studies.

How to cite: Klimiuk, T., Ludwig, P., Sánchez Benítez, A., Goessling, H., Braesicke, P., and G. Pinto, J.: A Regional Perspective of Storyline Simulations of the Recent European Summer Heatwaves, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2132,, 2024.

Quantitative attribution of historical anthropogenic warming on the extreme rainfall event over Henan in July 2021
Dajun Zhao, Hongxiong Xu, and Lianshou Chen
Milica Tosic, Vladimir Djurdjevic, Ivana Tosic, and Irida Lazic

In 2012, Serbia experienced one of its warmest and driest years on record. The summer of 2012 marked the highest temperatures recorded since meteorological measurements began in Serbia, in relation to the reference period from 1991 to 2020. Throughout the summer, the entire country faced severe drought conditions persisting until the end of November. Serbia's agriculture is very vulnerable to drought - an estimated annual economic loss is approximately 2 billion euros due to extreme 2012 drought. Recent studies emphasize the value of the storyline approach in offering a comprehensive and manageable framework for evaluating environmental, societal and economic risks associated with climate change. Considering the potential for more intense climate events resulting from climate change, we decided to apply the storyline approach, to determine what future events similar to drought 2012 might look like and how they are influenced by different climate change scenarios. We constructed drought metrics based on precipitation deficit, following the method proposed by van der Wiel et al. [1], and with the use of the EOBS dataset. Analyzing future scenarios involved creating a meteorological analogue to the 2012 drought, using single model large ensemble historical and future scenario simulations from CMIP6 database - the MPI-M Earth System Model version 1.2, for different SSP scenarios. This analysis offers insights into different storylines, aiding the assessment of climate risks and the potential impacts of hypothetical drought scenarios.

The summer of 2012 was extraordinarily warm, and, as previous studies show significant changes in temperature extremes during the summer season in Serbia, we included analyses of temperature anomalies during the summer. Additionally, to create more comprehensive storylines, our study involves analyzing large-scale atmospheric patterns. Our results show an increase in drought severity in a warmer future, offering an enhanced understanding of how extreme events like the 2012 drought (or more severe) are changing measurably due to climate change, and provide examples of potential impacts, in order to raise public awareness about the potential consequences of future climate change in Serbia.

[1] van der Wiel, K., Lenderink, G. and de Vries, H., 2021. Physical storylines of future European drought events like 2018 based on ensemble climate modelling. Weather and Climate Extremes33, p.100350.

How to cite: Tosic, M., Djurdjevic, V., Tosic, I., and Lazic, I.: Storyline approach for the analysis of the 2012 drought in Serbia and possible future similar events, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2258,, 2024.

Maximilian Meindl, Lukas Brunner, and Aiko Voigt

Human-induced climate change is leading to a warming Earth, resulting in more frequent and intense temperature extremes. Daily temperature extremes can be defined following various approaches, with relative percentile-based thresholds being a common method. Here we explore spatio-temporal heatwaves across the seasonal cycle derived from daily temperature extremes, emphasizing the critical role of the extreme threshold chosen in their definition.

To investigate the sensitivity of heatwave characteristics to the extreme threshold definition, we focus on the approach utilizing a so-called moving threshold. This method involves a 31-day running window to increase the sample size for percentile calculations as well as an additional 31-year running window to account for the impact of global warming. We recognize that introducing a seasonal running window may introduce biases in threshold exceedances. To address this issue, Brunner and Voigt (2023) proposed a simple bias correction method, involving the removal of the mean seasonal cycle before percentile threshold calculation, which we also use here to explore effects on downstream impact metrics. 

We focus on the 99th percentile as threshold and show the potential for a significant bias in the extreme frequency, exceeding 50% in certain regions according to 5 selected CMIP6 models. Our findings further reveal that without bias correction this also leads to a substantial underestimation of derived heatwave properties, in particular area, duration, and magnitude. For the ACCESS-CM2 model, the difference in heatwave area can reach up to 40%, when comparing bias-corrected and not bias-corrected results for the 100 biggest events in the period 1960-1990.

Our results contribute to a better understanding of the implications of using a seasonally running window on heatwave characteristics, providing valuable insights for future climate projections. We emphasize the importance of adopting appropriate methods and bias correction techniques to enhance the accuracy of temperature extreme assessments in the context of ongoing climate change.



Brunner and Voigt (2023): Revealing a systematic bias in percentile-based temperature extremes. EGU General Assembly 2024. EGU24-1722

How to cite: Meindl, M., Brunner, L., and Voigt, A.: A systematic bias in future heatwave diagnostics throughout the seasonal cycle, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3153,, 2024.

Dalena Leon, Frauke Feser, and Linda Van Garderen

This study employs Spectrally Nudged Storylines to attribute heatwaves to anthropogenic global warming. Utilizing high-resolution global (ECHAM) and regional (CCLM) climate models, we aim to discern the influence of anthropogenic climate change on the characteristics of European heatwaves observed in the last decade. Differently to the statistical approach that uses large ensembles/datasets to study large amount of similar events and attribute their occurrence to climate change, the storylines simulate a specific extreme event under different thermodynamical conditions by constraining the large scale dynamics of the system. Thus, directly attributing the change in characteristics of the extreme event to the changes in the thermodynamics, based on the prescribed sea surface temperature and greenhouse gases emission levels. In such way, three storylines are built: a Factual storyline that resembles the climate state as we know it, a Counter Factual storyline that is fixed to the past century representing a world without climate change, and a Plus 2°C storyline that shows how these extreme events change in a world where the global mean temperature is 2°C higher than in pre-industrial times. By the use of these three storylines, we can tell to what extent global warming has provoked heatwaves to be as extreme in a world as we know it, and what can we expect them to be in a warmer future climate.

How to cite: Leon, D., Feser, F., and Van Garderen, L.: Attribution of European Heatwaves to Global Warming Using Spectrally Nudged Storylines, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9911,, 2024.

Dominique Paquin, Dominic Matte, Jens H. Christensen, Martin Drew, and Alexandrine Bisaillon

Due to the various regions and contexts around the world with distinct climatic characteristics, climate hazards vary significantly in their nature, frequency, and impact, causing property damage, population distress, communication failures, environmental damage, and economic losses. Unfortunately, 2023 showcased extreme weather and climate events that have surpassed previous records. These include heatwaves, floods, wildfires, tornadoes. The occurrence of these extreme events poses a challenge to our comprehension of future climates, primarily due to their divergence from our conventional thought patterns or their status as out-of-sample scenarios. With ongoing climate warming, the potential for more severe events in the future is a concern. Insufficient preparation may result in breakdowns within specific sectors or even societal collapse. Effective preparation involves multiple factors, with the initial challenge lying in forming expectations - a task complicated by events that fall outside our usual anticipations, such as out-of-sample occurrences. 


In the face of those climate challenges, understanding and mitigating the impacts of unprecedented climate extremes has become a critical area of focus. To shed light on this challenge, a workshop titled "Exploring Unprecedented Extremes" was convened in November 2023. This event brought together experts from diverse fields to deliberate on innovative approaches to climate change adaptation and mitigation. Emphasizing co-creation and interdisciplinary collaboration, the workshop addressed key themes such as the integration of various sectors into climate change strategies, the complexities of decision-making under uncertainty, and the crucial role of transdisciplinary research in comprehensively understanding and effectively responding to climate extremes. This poster focuses on the key takeaways and strategic reflections that emerged following the workshop, capturing the essence of our collaborative discourse on climate challenges.

How to cite: Paquin, D., Matte, D., Christensen, J. H., Drew, M., and Bisaillon, A.: Insights and Reflections: The 'Exploring Unprecedented Extremes' Workshop, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11971,, 2024.

Arpita Bose, Christian Poppe Terán, Bibi Naz, Visakh Sivaprasad, Stefan Kollet, and Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen

Climate change is expected to amplify the frequency and intensity of extreme events in the future. Recently there was a series of summers with heat waves and droughts over central Europe from 2018 to 2022, but also severe flooding in 2021. These events had substantial effects on agriculture, water resources, and human lives. To monitor and assess the impacts of extreme events, in situ and remote sensing data for soil moisture, evapotranspiration and carbon fluxes are important. In this study we evaluate simulation results by the Community Land Model (CLM, version 5.0) over the EUROCORDEX domain for past extreme events between 2018 and 2022 and analyze to which degree the model is able to reproduce low soil moisture levels, and changes in evapotranspiration, leaf area index and carbon fluxes in the areas most affected by the extreme event, on the basis of a comparison with in situ (e.g., ICOS) and remotely sensed (e.g., SMAP, MODIS) data. Additionally, we will compare CLM5.0 results to other land surface models, such as ERA5-Land, GLDAS, GLEAM. Our model setup over EUROCORDEX is driven by atmospheric forcings from the ERA5 reanalysis. The soil texture information is obtained from FAO at 10 km resolution and the land use data is from LULC from NCAR mapped to plant/crop functional types. It was found that CLM5.0 overestimates soil moisture and exhibits a wet bias compared to SMAP during heat waves. In addition, the comparison of measured evapotranspiration with CLM5.0 shows that drought stress response is underestimated by the model. A systematic underestimation or overestimation of the impact of past extreme events on the land surface would point to model limitations which is important to resolve to gain confidence in the simulation of future extreme events under conditions of climate change.

How to cite: Bose, A., Poppe Terán, C., Naz, B., Sivaprasad, V., Kollet, S., and Hendricks Franssen, H.-J.: Evaluating the simulation of extreme events with the land surface model CLM5.0 over Europe for 2018-2022: comparison with in situ and remotely sensed data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15505,, 2024.

Patrick Ludwig, Soner C. Bagcaci, Ismail Yücel, M. Tugrul Yilmaz, and Omer L. Sen

This study presents high-resolution (4 km) simulations of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model using the pseudo-global-warming (PGW) approach. The aim is to investigate seasonal climatic changes in the Eastern Mediterranean Black Sea (EMBS) region between the periods of 2071-2100 and 1985-2014. The climate change signals retrieved from the CMIP6 GCMs under the highest emission scenario (SSP5-8.5) were added to ERA5 data to account for future climate perturbation. During the baseline period  (1995-2014), the dynamically downscaled ERA5 (not perturbed) and ground observations yielded daily near-surface temperature reach correlations of around 0.98 and daily precipitation correlations ranging from 0.60 to 0.76. The WRF simulations for the future climate accurately represent the low-level anticyclonic circulation over the EMBS caused by anomalous ridge development over southern Italy in winter (DJF) and the decrease in vertical pressure velocity and resulting low-level circulation due to heat-low development over the Eastern Mediterranean in summer (JJA) as represented by the GCMs. Likewise, the wetting and drying patterns in the regional WRF simulations match those in the GCM ensemble over the subregions of the EMBS in winter. However, abnormal precipitation increases occur in the WRF simulations over the Caucasus and nearby regions, which is a new insight as this pattern does not exist in the GCM ensemble. This abnormality is likely caused by the higher-than-expected sea-surface temperature (SST) of the Caspian Sea and considering high-resolution simulations over the complex topography of that region.

How to cite: Ludwig, P., Bagcaci, S. C., Yücel, I., Yilmaz, M. T., and Sen, O. L.: Climate projections over the Eastern Mediterranean Black Sea region using a pseudo global warming (PGW) approach. , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17905,, 2024.

Sebastian Lehner, Katharina Enigl, Alice Crespi, Massimiliano Pittore, and Klaus Haslinger
Extreme weather events and associated natural hazards pose a significant global threat to all levels of society. It is scientific consensus that climate change contributes to an increasing frequency and intensity of these events. One of the key challenges for decision-makers in the field of civil protection is to deal with the changing landscape of weather-induced impact events, that are driven by climate change. Hence, assessing the current and changing conditions across spatiotemporal scales for extreme weather events under a changing climate is essential.

This study explores the potential of utilizing weather circulation type classification through its correlation with observed weather-induced extreme events and their potential impacts on the local-scale. Thereby, high-impact weather types can be determined as a relevant background field, serving as a measure about the potential of severe weather hazards. We employ ERA5 reanalysis data as baseline meteorological input data to derive long-term and robust time series of weather types from mean sea level pressure that are relevant for the cross-border region of Austria and Italy. The classification scheme 'Gross-Wetter-Typen' (GWT) with 18 classes was used to assign each day a prevailing weather type class. The overlap between derived classes is further investigated by means of unsupervised clustering techniques, to evaluate clusters of groups across all GWT classes. Additional meteorological fields (e.g. equivalent potential temperature, geopotential height, precipitable water, ...) are validated on top of the GWT classes for further characterisation of extreme weather events. Days exhibiting extreme weather-induced potential impact events are derived via percentile methods applied to precipitation data from observational gridded datasets (Enigl et al., 2024, EGU24-10058). Finally, we extend our analysis with an evaluation of potential changes by applying found relationships to state-of-the-art climate model data from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6) to investigate the changing landscape of potential weather extremes.

Our findings indicate that a specific subset of large-scale weather circulation patterns acts as a crucial precursor to high-impact weather extremes. Furthermore, considering the climate change scenario SSP3-7.0, the frequency and associated precipitation totals linked to these weather patterns exhibit an increase. This suggests a potential rise in both the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and their corresponding impacts if emissions continue to increase.

How to cite: Lehner, S., Enigl, K., Crespi, A., Pittore, M., and Haslinger, K.: A climatological look on the intersection of synoptic conditions and extreme weather-induced potential impact events in the cross-border region of Austria and Italy, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18632,, 2024.

Magdalena Mittermeier, Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, Yixuan Guo, and Erich Fischer

In early September 2023, Europe was under the influence of a pronounced atmospheric block in the shape of the Greek letter “omega”. Such an omega-blocking is characterized by a persistent anticyclone in the center flanked by two low pressure systems to the south in the west and east. The omega-block interrupts the mean westerly flow and leads to prolonged persistent conditions lasting for at least five days. The core of the omega-blocking in September 2023 was located over Central Europe and Southern Scandinavia, which experienced a heatwave in the first week of September 2023. On the other hand, the regions positioned at the eastern flanks of the omega-blocking (Greece, Bulgaria, Libya) were hit by heavy precipitation resulting in major floods.

While omega-blocking situations can result in severe spatially compounding extremes, there is still a research gap on current and future dynamics of (omega) blocking. Current generations of climate models underestimate blocking frequencies – especially over Europe. This makes it difficult to derive robust statistics about blocking related compound extremes under current and future climate, because the observational record only offers a limited number of event examples and atmospheric blocking underlies a high natural climate variability.

We employ the novel method of ensemble boosting to explicitly boost blocking situations in the Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2) large ensemble. With this model re-initialization method initial conditions 10 to 30 days before the event are slightly perturbed, which results in hundreds of coherent physical event trajectories (event storylines). This allows to study following research questions: Is the CESM2 model capable of reproducing an omega blocking event with spatially compounding extremes in the magnitude of the September 2023 event? Could the September 2023 event have been even more devastating by chance? Have we experienced anything close to the most intense compound omega-blocking event possible under current climatic conditions? In our poster, we present our research concept as well as preliminary results.

How to cite: Mittermeier, M., Suarez-Gutierrez, L., Guo, Y., and Fischer, E.: Heatwaves and compound extremes under atmospheric blocking, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19572,, 2024.

Helge Goessling, Marylou Athanase, Antonio Sánchez-Benítez, Eva Monfort, and Thomas Jung

Attribution and projection of climate change by event-based storylines has recently been established as a powerful tool that complements the well-established probabilistic approach. Event-based storylines which nudge the observed atmospheric winds in climate models have been particularly helpful in isolating the thermodynamic component of climate change. The approach is characterised by a high signal-to-noise ratio because differences due to internal variability are effectively removed by imposing (via nudging) the same large-scale atmospheric circulation in different climates. Nudging-based storylines make it possible to unveil the “climate change signal of the day” for the actually observed weather, be it an extreme or an every-day event, which comes with a great potential for climate change communication. Here we take the approach one step further and present our efforts to provide nudging-based climate storylines in near-real-time. This includes not only the automated extension of storyline simulations on a daily basis, but also the dissemination via an online tool that allows both scientific and non-scientific users to explore the “climate change signal of the day” for a number of relevant variables in useful and intuitive ways. While the omission of possible dynamical changes and the reliance on a single model need to be communicated as clear limitations, we envisage that tools like our prototype may become an important piece of the future dissemination portfolio of climate change information.

How to cite: Goessling, H., Athanase, M., Sánchez-Benítez, A., Monfort, E., and Jung, T.: Unveiling and communicating climate change by near-real-time attribution and projection of the current weather based on nudged storyline simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19808,, 2024.

Anthropogenic influence on flash drought’s impact on terrestrial primary productivity in China
(withdrawn after no-show)
Miao Zhang and Xing Yuan
Rahul Kumar, Jayanarayanan Kuttippurath, Gopalakrishna Pillai Gopikrishnan, Pankaj Kumar, and Hamza Varikoden

The Earth’s surface temperatures have increased significantly since the beginning of industrialisation. The substantial emissions of greenhouse gases have played a role in global warming and the ongoing climate change, with projections indicating continued trends. This study explores the long-term surface temperature trends in India from 1980 to 2020, utilizing surface, satellite, and reanalysis data. Causal discovery is employed to assess the impact of geophysical drivers on temperature changes. Southern India exhibits the highest mean surface temperatures, while the Himalayas experience the lowest, aligning with solar radiation patterns. The causal discovery analysis identifies the varying influence of atmospheric processes, aerosols, and specific humidity on surface temperature. Positive temperature trends are observed during the pre-monsoon (0.1–0.3 °C dec−1) and post-monsoon (0.2–0.4 °C dec−1) seasons in northwest, northeast, and north-central India. Northeast India demonstrates substantial annual (0.22 ± 0.14 °C dec−1) and monsoon (0.24 ± 0.08 °C dec−1) warming. Post-monsoon trends are positive across India, with the western Himalaya (0.2–0.5 °C dec−1) and northeast India (0.1–0.4 °C dec−1) experiencing the highest values. Projections based on the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6) indicate potential temperature increases of 1.1–5.1 °C by 2100 under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP5)–8.5 scenario. The escalating temperature trend in India raises concerns, emphasizing the necessity for adaptation and mitigation measures to counteract the adverse impacts of accelerated warming and regional climate change.

How to cite: Kumar, R., Kuttippurath, J., Gopikrishnan, G. P., Kumar, P., and Varikoden, H.: Enhanced surface temperature over India during 1980–2020 and future projections: causal links of the drivers and trends, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16575,, 2024.

Yue Sun, Jianping Li, Hao Wang, Ruize Li, and Xinxin Tang

The September rainfall over Northern China (NC) in 2021 was the heaviest since 1961 and had unprecedented socioeconomic impacts. Holding the hypothesis that the drivers of extreme climate events usually contain extreme factors, we firstly propose the Ranking Attribution Method (RAM) to find the possible air–sea multi-factors responsible for this rainfall event. Via the atmospheric bridges of zonal-vertical circulation and Rossby wave energy propagation, the remote factors of warm sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) over the tropical Atlantic, cold SSTA over the tropical Pacific, Southern Annular Mode-like pattern in the Southern Hemisphere and North Pacific Oscillation-like pattern in the Northern Hemisphere jointly strengthened the Maritime Continent (MC) convection and Indian monsoon (IM). Through meridional-vertical circulation, the intensified MC convection enhanced the subtropical high over southern China and induced ascending motion over NC. The local factor of extreme air acceleration in the east Asian upper-level jet entrance region further anchored the location of the southwest-northeast rain belt. The strengthened IM and subtropical high over southern China induced considerable moisture transport to the rain belt via two moisture channels. The combined effect of these extreme dynamic and moisture conditions formed this unprecedented rainfall event. This study suggests that the RAM can effectively reveal the factors that contributed to this extreme rainfall event, which could provide a new pathway for a better understanding of extreme climate events.

How to cite: Sun, Y., Li, J., Wang, H., Li, R., and Tang, X.: Extreme rainfall in Northern China in September 2021 tied to air–sea multi‐factors, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2286,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X5

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Henrique Moreno Dumont Goulart, Timo Kelder, Marylou Athanase
Xu Zhang, Josep Roca Cladera, and Blanca Arellano Ramos

In 2015, Limin Jiao et al. used concentric circles and inverse S function curves to analyze the construction land density of 28 major cities in China and successfully divided the internal structure of urban areas. Based on this, this study takes  Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei core area (Beijing, Tianjin and Langfang) and  Shanghai metropolitan area (Yangtze River Delta region) as the research objects, analyze the changes in construction land structure and urban heat island effect from 2001 to 2020.
It is feasible to use the Anselin local Moran I tool of Arcgis to analyze urban centers based on population density (Yingcheng Lia; Xingjian Liu, 2018). We established a fishing net analysis, and the grid with HH significant clustering (high population density surrounded by those of similar high densities) can be regarded as the center of the city. Then, concentric circles with a diameter of 1KM are established based on these center points, and the proportion of construction land in each circle is extracted. And use the inverse S function (Formula 1) to fit the extraction results.
The determination coefficient R2 of all fitting results is greater than 0.98, and the results are highly reliable. Then the fitted function is differentiated twice. The two extreme points correspond to the concentric radius of the inner city and the suburbs (R1, R2, and R1<R2) respectively. We found that the radius of the central city and peripheral urban areas of both metropolitan areas has expanded over the past 20 years, with Shanghai's peripheral cities expanding at a faster rate. In addition, the urban radius of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is about twice that of Shanghai.
In this study, the urban heat island effect is represented by the difference in surface temperature between suburban areas and Inner City. The results show that the urban heat island effect in the two regions has shown an increasing trend over 

How to cite: Zhang, X., Roca Cladera, J., and Arellano Ramos, B.: Research on urban heat island effect based on concentric circle division of urban structure - Take the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Shanghai metropolitan areas as examples, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9680,, 2024.