HS1.3.1 | HELPING science for solutions decade
HELPING science for solutions decade
Co-sponsored by IAHS
Convener: Christina Anna Orieschnig | Co-conveners: Berit Arheimer, Moctar Dembélé, Salvatore Grimaldi, Fuqiang Tian
| Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.31
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall A
Posters virtual
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall A
Orals |
Thu, 14:00
Wed, 10:45
Wed, 14:00
Ensuring safe water supply for human and environment, and protecting them from water hazards have become more challenging due to intensified impacts of climate change, globalization, and population growth. Hydrological knowledge is needed more than ever to address water security issues. However, scientific knowledge on resilience and water security is fragmented in discipline, people, and place. There is a substantial lack of synthesis and easily digestible scientific messages among hydrologists, across disciplines and from scientists to practitioners, decision-makers and the general public. Hence, there is a need for the hydrological research community to better link local hydrological research with global patterns of the water cycle, and further, to provide science-based water-centric decision support.

Therefore, the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) is dedicating the next scientific decade to science for solutions. The short name is HELPING, and stands for Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world. It aims to identify local water problems in holistic/system analyses (i.e., linking local and global scales, disciplines and needs, and connecting the dots), search for solutions, be bold and push boundaries to make an impact and connect people across and within regions (e.g., Global North, Global South, North-North, South-South) and provide synthesis to answer the needs of society for sustainable development, safety and security. The topic and vision of the new decade was an outcome of several on-line interactions and workshops during 2023 using a strategic planning approach, as summarised and documented at https://iahs.info/. To date, some 30 working groups have been suggested by the global hydrological community.

This session invites contributions related to the three major themes of HELPING, which all aim at understanding hydrological diversity and integrating knowledge across scales and regions to overcome the water crisis by:
(1) recognising global and local interactions;
(2) finding holistic solutions for water security;
(3) applying cross-cutting methods for facilitation, e.g. science communication, integrating new technology and fostering local co-creation processes.
In particular, we encourage submissions from early career scientists, suggested working groups, and studies that include transdisciplinary and applied experience for solving environmental and societal challenges related to water.

Opening Discussion: Setting up the new Scientific Decade of IAHS: Science for Solutions with HELPING | Berit Arheimer, Christophe Cudennec, Salvatore Grimaldi, and Günter Blöschl 

IAHS has proudly and successfully coordinated two subsequent Scientific Decades, which, amongst other things, set a research agenda worldwide through collaborative forces; and IAHS now set up the third one. The overall aim with a Scientific Decade is to accumulate knowledge and streamline the efforts so that coherent engagement, sharing and focus accelerate scientific methodologies and synthesise understanding of a specific hydrological problem or phenomenon. It stimulates vivid discussions between young and senior scientists globally.

The first IAHS Scientific Decade (2003–2012), entitled Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB), was implemented with the primary aim of reducing uncertainty in hydrological predictions. 

The second IAHS Scientific Decade (2013–2022) of IAHS, entitled “Panta Rhei – Everything Flows”, was dedicated to research activities on change in hydrology and society, investigating their co-evolution.

The third IAHS Scientific Decade (2023-2032) is and will be dedicated to local solutions under the global water crisis. The short name is HELPING, which stands for Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world. The vision is to solve fundamental water-related environmental and societal problems by engaging with other disciplines and local stakeholders. We envisage that this will contribute in realising the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030 of the United Nations. Hence, HELPING has the ambition and great potential to become a vehicle for putting science in action, with strong co-creation and open science dimensions, in local contexts and through the epistemic added value of networking.

This presentation will describe the first year of the decade and the collaborative process in the IAHS community, which lead to the HELPING vision and set-up with 25 working groups under 3 Themes.

Read more and join the working groups: 


Orals: Thu, 18 Apr | Room 2.31

Chairpersons: Berit Arheimer, Salvatore Grimaldi, Christina Anna Orieschnig
On-site presentation
Justin Sheffield

The new scientific decade (2023-2032) of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) aims at searching for sustainable solutions to undesired water conditions - may it be too little, too much or too polluted. Theme 1 of the decade “Global and local interactions” is focused on the science to accelerate hydrological understanding of hydrological processes at local and global scales, how they interact, and how they and their interactions affect water resources in the local context. It recognizes the interconnectedness of processes across scales and the need to understand local variability in the context of large-scale processes and changes. This theme is being implemented via 14 Working Groups (WG) which span a range of topics including retrieving historical data, urban water issues, water quality under global change, soil moisture variability across scales, aquifer governance for agriculture, and drought in mountain regions. As such there are significant opportunities to make progress on a wide range of scientific questions over the next decade. This talk summarizes the overarching objectives of Theme 1, including the goals for advances in scientific understanding, the potential outcomes and products (e.g. datasets, methods, case studies) and goals for community activities (e.g. synthesis, collaboration, recognition of local context). We also highlight the opportunities for the Theme, including the potential to develop generalized frameworks and approaches for understanding cross-scale interactions and identifying emergent properties, as well as challenges in driving forward a diverse set of WG activities globally to provide more than the sum of the parts.

How to cite: Sheffield, J.: Global and local interactions of hydrological processes – challenges and opportunities for Theme 1 of the IAHS Science for Solutions scientific decade, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18611, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18611, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ana Mijic, Claudia Teutschbein, David Finger, Junguo Liu, Kristian Foerster, Marthe Wens, Nejc Bezak, Santosh Palmate, Shiv Nishad, and Stefan Krause

The term "water security" denotes the sustainable availability and access to clean and safe water for diverse purposes, ensuring the well-being of individuals, communities, and ecosystems. Despite numerous proposed solutions from the scientific community to address water security challenges, a genuinely holistic, systems-level approach is still lacking. The research conducted under Theme 2 of the new IAHS HELPING decade is grounded in the premise that holistic solutions for water security necessitate an integrated approach. This involves understanding the potential and challenges associated with mitigation methods for floods, droughts, and water quality/pollution, as well as being aware of the sectorial nexus of problems and solutions. Nature-based solutions (NBS) are also considered for sustainable water management. The theme brings together seven working groups (WGs) focusing on methods and applications for characterising droughts in the Anthropocene, providing near-term water availability forecasts, and conducting water systems analysis using integrated tools and participatory engagement. Additionally, these WGs address interactions between water, energy, health, and ecological systems, with the aim of advancing ecological restoration and the implementation of NBS. This talk will present a high-level overview of the WGs, showcase preliminary findings, and discuss the potential for integrating insights and methods from multiple work streams into a comprehensive framework for water security solutions.

How to cite: Mijic, A., Teutschbein, C., Finger, D., Liu, J., Foerster, K., Wens, M., Bezak, N., Palmate, S., Nishad, S., and Krause, S.: Overview of the Theme 2 of IAHS HELPING: Holistic Solutions for Water Security , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22254, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-22254, 2024.

On-site presentation
Adeyemi Olusola, Giulio Castelli, and Natalie Ceperley

The current IAHS decade is dedicated to "Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world" (HELPING). One of the core mandates of HELPING, as captured under Theme 3, emphasizes the co-creation of water knowledge and communication. Even though co-creation is not novel, especially within a participatory framework, defining and providing boundaries has been challenging when viewed through a hydrological lens. Our ongoing discussions and meetings have focused on understanding the uniqueness of this Theme and how best we can HELP to utilize diverse communication instruments IN one Global world. For Theme 3, we intend to answer questions such as: (a) How best can we co-create hydrological knowledge (indigenous/traditional and evidence-based) between people and disciplines? (b) How can we improve and increase the visibility of the hydrological decade? (c) How can we provide water solutions through the active engagement of Local People? Some answers to these questions lie in focusing on bottom-up approaches to solve the water crisis in a globally changing world. We acknowledge the fluidities in HELPING regarding the co-creation of water knowledge, which underscores the recognition of variability and complexity within this endeavour. As such, we intend to be diverse in our approach by amplifying silent voices that may have been overlooked, also with a decolonial perspective, and engaging other perspectives from other disciplines, such as but not limited to social sciences and humanities, specifically those whose work intersects sociohydrology, hydro-sociology, hydropolitics and hydronarratives. 


How to cite: Olusola, A., Castelli, G., and Ceperley, N.: HELPING: Co-creating and communicating water solutions in a globally changing world, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4773, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4773, 2024.

On-site presentation
Rachael McDonnell

Water security is impacted by complex inter-related drivers from within and beyond the hydrological system. The demands to address challenges to energy security, food security, climate security, and biodiversity security through various just-transitions all have implications for water security but this dimension is rarely considered in the different solution spaces. Increasing water risks from many drivers including climate change are also challenging the possibilities of these transitions to deliver safe, sustainable and just solutions. 

There is thus a critical need for water research to support insight, innovations, and tradeoffs, that include variables and drivers beyond those of hydrological systems. To bring impact on the ground, researchers need to develop framings, methods, and models that work across traditional siloes to deliver evidence, technical innovations and policy solutions that deliver in the local environmental, social, economic, and political contexts. 

Following this framing, a case study from the Middle East North Africa will be given on joined up research across many disciplinary boundaries to deliver insight and solutions to manage drought risk in Morocco and Jordan. Global and local interactions playing out in these locations demand new water thinking and ideas are put forward on how to achieve this. The approaches used draw on a plethora of methods, data and approaches from development in agricultural water management, through seasonal precipitation forecasting, and policy and planning through to understand the drivers to internal displacement of people through the threat multiplier effects of droughts. 

How to cite: McDonnell, R.: Multiple competing securities and transitions impact future water resource solutions: the importance of integrated approaches to frame, investigate and build resilient water futures, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21346, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-21346, 2024.

On-site presentation
Denise Taffarello, Danielle Bressiani, Adelaide Nardocci, Susana Dias, Dirce Maria Lobo Marchioni, Suzana Gico Montenegro, Marcos Roberto Benso, Gabriel Marinho e Silva, Veber Afonso Figueiredo Costa, Nilo Nascimento, Wilson dos Santos Fernandes, Jose Antonio Marengo, Jamil Anache, and Eduardo Mario Mendiondo

We present a contribution to promote education and community adaptation from a Global South’s case-study to populate the Digital Water Globe. From a NSFC-FAPESP project ‘Flash DRought Event evolution chAracteristics and the response Mechanism to climate change considering the Spatial correlations (DREAMS)', we discuss lessons for the IAHS HELPING Decade. DREAMS aims to respond to “science-for-policy" and “education-for-action” questions around Sustainable Development Goals of what adaptation pathways are feasible to cope with human-water impacts under change. DREAMS is organized into Research Methods of Drought resilience through Community-based Adaptation (CbA), Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA), Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Participatory Action Research (PAR). DREAMS seeks for enhancing local case studies for the IAHS/Digital Water Globe with the multidimensional impacts of flash droughts addressed to SDGs nexuses of poverty, health, education, sanitation, economy and climate action. Here we discuss a DREAMS-CbA initiative in the headwaters of the Corumbataí river basin (PCJ River Basin Committee, MG-SP, Brazil) for building community knowledge of climate change and pro-environmental behaviours adapted into both new climate activism and teachers’ curriculum. In 2023, DREAMS started CbA strategies in different education levels for tradeoffs for drought’s duration, namely: in the primary schools, with teachers and pupils of local schools at the headwaters of selected river basins; in higher education, through the community-adapted curricula.  In primary schools, with a CbA strategy based on educational methods of Science, Technology, Society and Environment (“CTSA, Ciência, Tecnologia, Sociedade, Ambiente” , in Portuguese), the DREAMS’  researchers conducted the local project “Árvores da Amizade e Água: Preservar para não faltar!” (Friendship Trees and Water: Preservation and Conservation) with environmental education and climate-adaptation in the PCJ river basins’ headwaters with teachers, staff and pupils of the public school EMEF Profa Zezé Salles, Analândia-SP (Taffarello, 2023). DREAMS’ communication and open science literacy are expanded by:  a new UNESCO Chair; the USP Center for Education and Research on Disasters (http://www.ceped.eesc.usp.br/); the Braz. Water Resources Assoc. Technical Commission on Education, and three Braz. Inst. of Sci. & Tech., INCTs, of “Climate Change-Phase 2”(CEMADEN), “Food Insecurity (FSP/USP)” and “Nat. Observatory for Water Security & Adaptive Mgmt”, ONSEAdapta (UFPE, https://onseadapta.org). With Panta Rhei groups, and during the 100-year drought of Amazon river, DREAMS promotes archetypes of the Coevolution of the Amazon-Sanitation-Hygiene Paradox. DREAMS’ future work envisages more local examples for DWG, i.e. river basins of Yangtze (China), São Francisco (Brazil), Amazon and Parana (transboundary). References: Mendiondo, E M (2023) Flash DRought Event evolution chAracteristics and response Mechanism to climate change considering Spatial correlations, FAPESP 2022/08468-0, https://bv.fapesp.br/en/auxilios/111385/flash-drought-event-evolution-characteristics-and-the-response-mechanism-to-climate-change-consideri/; Taffarello, D (2023) “Árvores da amizade e Água: preservar para não faltar!”, CTSA Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts in Analândia-SP, EMEF Profa Zezé Salles, Environmental Education Project, Report.

How to cite: Taffarello, D., Bressiani, D., Nardocci, A., Dias, S., Marchioni, D. M. L., Montenegro, S. G., Benso, M. R., Marinho e Silva, G., Costa, V. A. F., Nascimento, N., dos Santos Fernandes, W., Marengo, J. A., Anache, J., and Mendiondo, E. M.: On promoting education and community adaptation in Global South’s studies populating the Digital Water Globe: the DREAMS project for the HELPING Science Decade, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21088, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-21088, 2024.

On-site presentation
Miriam Bertola and Paola Mazzoglio and the HELPING REHYDRATE working group

Historical hydrological observations are often stored in printed documents and volumes of archives worldwide. This makes them practically inaccessible and unusable for modern hydrological studies as well as puts them at risk of permanent loss due to the deterioration of their medium. In addition to the intrinsic value of rescuing past observations, having access to historical data is essential for understanding better the complexity and changes in the hydrological cycle and its extremes.

Several data rescue initiatives exist, but the efforts are highly fragmented in space and time. Current tools for data digitization include optical character recognition (OCR) software and manual transcription. The latter is often carried out through participatory citizen science projects. The use of OCR software is cheap and fast, but it still requires a considerable amount of manual work due to the diversity of the documents, and its accuracy is, to date, not always acceptable. Manual transcription is more accurate, but extremely resource-intensive. For these reasons, there is a general need for better and less costly methods for hydrological data rescue. New tools are becoming available, and new technologies are developing rapidly. 

In response to these challenges, the REHYDRATE Working Group has been proposed as part of the IAHS HELPING Science for Water Solutions decade in summer 2023 (https://iahs.info/uploads/HELPING/WG%20Proposal%20REHYDRATE.pdf). The Working Group aims to connect scientists engaged in data rescue, fostering a collaborative community to exchange knowledge, experiences, and best practices in hydrological data rescue and digitization. The ultimate objective is to promote and facilitate hydrologic data digitization initiatives and to ensure their accessibility through open-access repositories.

Approximately 80 scientists from diverse geographical regions have joined the Working Group at the time of writing this abstract. Initial meetings were organized in late 2023, and the group is currently working towards its first short-term objective: conducting a comprehensive state-of-the-art assessment of methods, initiatives, and articles related to the digitization of historical hydrological data.

How to cite: Bertola, M. and Mazzoglio, P. and the HELPING REHYDRATE working group: REHYDRATE - an international HELPING working group to REtrieve historical HYDRologic dATa and Estimates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5911, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5911, 2024.

On-site presentation
Wouter Buytaert and the iMHEA network

The IAHS HELPING decade aims to foster a stronger connection and interaction between scientists, practitioners, policy makers, and end-users towards the goal of global water security. This is a formidable challenge. Despite increasing and highly valuable efforts of scientists to reach out beyond their own discipline and working environment, the ultimate goal of co-creating actionable knowledge is still a long way off in most contexts. Establishing communities of practice has been posited as an approach to creating inter- and transdisciplinary environments that enable cross-learning, pooling of expertise, and collaborative working towards a common goal. However, establishing such communities of practice is very hard, and the conditions and driving factors that allow them to emerge and be productive are poorly understood. It is therefore informative to analyse existing case studies to gain a better understanding of how they can be created and made sustainable. Here I analyse the case of the Initiative for the Hydrological Monitoring of Andean Ecosystems (iMHEA), which is a grassroots initiative that emerged 15 years ago as a collaborative attempt to generate a solid scientific evidence base to support water management in the upper Andes.

It started as a small network of 4 partners operating 6 catchments in Ecuador and Peru, using a common monitoring protocol. Since then, it has grown into a network of 22 partners, monitoring 51 catchments at 24 sites along the Andes. Partners represent academia, civil society, and local, regional, and national governments. Originally focused on sharing technical expertise, iMHEA has evolved into a more holistic knowledge co-creation community with a strong focus on community involvement, knowledge exchange, and supporting decision making at various levels.

We attribute the success of iMHEA to several factors, of which we believe the following are key. The members’ ability to raise funding, both at the start and at various stages of its development has certainly been a major factor. At the same time, its nature as an informal network has allowed it grow organically and bridge periods of very limited resource availability. Another identified factor is the clear common goal and mission statement, which gave it a clear sense of purpose, direction, and transparency for existing and future members. Lastly, the active approach to multidirectional knowledge exchange, allowed it to create value for all its members, creating a strong motivation to participate and contribute actively.

How to cite: Buytaert, W. and the iMHEA network: Building a community of practice to produce hydrological evidence: the iMHEA example, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13108, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13108, 2024.

On-site presentation
Maria Elena Orduna Alegria, Sam Zipper, James J. Butler Jr, Bill Golden, Blake B. Wilson, Burke W. Griggs, Chung-Yi Lin, David J. Yu, Donald O. Whittemore, Geoffrey C. Bohling, Hoon C. Shin, Jillian M. Deines, Jonah J. Allen, Landon T. Marston, Matthew R. Sanderson, Nathan P. Hendricks, Qiuyun Yu, Stephen Lauer, and Steven M. Smith

Groundwater depletion driven by intensive pumping for irrigated agriculture poses a global threat to economies, food security, and ecosystems. Addressing this issue requires pumping reductions, but their implementation is a wicked problem due to interlinked hydrological, social, and economic factors. Our study inspired the working group "Effective Aquifer Governance for Agriculture," aiming to contribute to the HELPING decade's goals by understanding local socio-hydrological processes and promoting recognition in the implementation of general policies at the local level.

This interdisciplinary study explores the success of the Sheridan 6 Local Enhanced Management Area (SD-6 LEMA) in the US High Plains Aquifer—a rare example of effective collective action in agricultural-groundwater systems. In its first decade, SD-6 LEMA exceeded reduction goals, reducing depletion rates by over 50% without significantly impacting net income. By analyzing hydrologic, climatic, economic, and social data from the SD-6 LEMA and the presence of Ostrom Design Principles in the SD-6 LEMA conservation program, we identified transferable governance tenets applicable to groundwater-dependent regions. These include multi-year allocations for flexibility, regulatory oversight to support irrigators' plans, and a strong scientific foundation for monitoring the agricultural-groundwater system. Furthermore, we identified key actors (government, scientific community, resource users) responsible for each tenet and emphasized interdisciplinary collaboration (hydrologic, economic, social) and data availability necessary for each tenet. The success of the SD-6 LEMA underscores the pivotal role played by collaborative institutional crafting and evidence-based decision-making in legitimizing groundwater governance rules, enhancing rule compliance, and promoting overall effectiveness.

Our presented tenets provide a framework for groundwater conservation efforts worldwide, addressing the global challenge of groundwater depletion while minimizing economic and social impacts. Addressing the scale mismatch between global drivers of depletion and local communities requires future studies and socio-hydrological modeling approaches. Our working group will utilize these approaches to bridge the gap, linking hydrological, agricultural, and socio-economic modeling tools into a comprehensive framework. By doing so, we aim to help achieve sustainable groundwater management, mitigating the global challenge of depletion while promoting economic and social resilience.

How to cite: Orduna Alegria, M. E., Zipper, S., Butler Jr, J. J., Golden, B., Wilson, B. B., Griggs, B. W., Lin, C.-Y., Yu, D. J., Whittemore, D. O., Bohling, G. C., Shin, H. C., Deines, J. M., Allen, J. J., Marston, L. T., Sanderson, M. R., Hendricks, N. P., Yu, Q., Lauer, S., and Smith, S. M.: From Local Success to Global Solutions: Tenets for Effective Groundwater Governance, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13368, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13368, 2024.

On-site presentation
Elena Volpi, Svenja Fischer, Eleonora Dallan, Salvatore Grimaldi, Aldo Fiori, Krzysztof Kochanek, and Cristina Prieto

Hydrologic design is one of the key tasks of hydrologists and most important for the majority of stakeholders, authorities and practitioners. Generally, hydrologic design consists of the dimensioning of hydro-structures in order to fulfill a pre-specified purpose related to water, e.g. flood protection or water supply. Hydrologic design, therefore, is a key element also for engineering activities beyond the hydrological application, and therefore must be communicated to the interested parties in an appropriate and comprehensive way.

In this context, the “Hydrologic Design: Solutions and Communications” working group aims at:

1- development of novel, goal-oriented procedures for the design of hydrologic solutions for the societal problems (e.g. extremes like floods and droughts, water management, control of water contamination etc.), bringing the best of the available methods;

2- development of novel methods to improve the understanding, characterization, quantification and reduction of uncertainty in hydrology, which will be able to extrapolate the results to data-scarce regions, ungauged catchments or beyond the observation range. The usage of available information from local sources will be improved, by combining different sources of information;

3- advances towards more reliable predictions by innovating the combination of the knowledge from deterministic models, probabilistic models and artificial intelligence methods, as well as, analyzing the predicted problem from different angles.

We plan to involve the stakeholders into the whole process of acquisition, modeling and/or concluding. Altogether, this will result in a simplified communication of hydrological design and the corresponding uncertainty to stakeholders, local people and authorities and, hence, strengthen the connection between science and practice.

How to cite: Volpi, E., Fischer, S., Dallan, E., Grimaldi, S., Fiori, A., Kochanek, K., and Prieto, C.: Hydrologic Design: Solutions and Communication, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20150, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20150, 2024.

Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall A

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Moctar Dembélé, Salvatore Grimaldi, Christina Anna Orieschnig
Fuqiang Tian and Zhen Cui

Comprehending runoff generation processes remains a formidable challenge for hydrologists. This study advocates for a comparative examination of these processes across global experimental watersheds. As part of the HELPING decadal initiative, a dedicated working group has been established. Embracing a Darwinian methodology, our objective is to synthesize information through comparative studies across a diverse array of local ecosystems, with the aim of cultivating a global perspective and formulating overarching theories.

We warmly welcome and invite research groups managing experimental watersheds worldwide to actively participate in this collaborative effort. The working group is designed to achieve the following objectives:

1) Compile datasets for experimental watersheds globally, maximizing the utilization of available information.

2) Identify both similarities and differences in watershed characteristics and processes across diverse experimental sites.

3) Develop a more quantitative framework to discern dominant processes within specific watersheds, thereby contributing to a profound understanding of hydrological dynamics.

By bringing together researchers and research groups from across the globe, this collaborative initiative seeks to transcend geographical boundaries and foster a holistic understanding of runoff generation processes.

How to cite: Tian, F. and Cui, Z.: Exploring Runoff Generation Processes: A Global Comparative Study of Experimental Watersheds, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2274, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2274, 2024.

Berit Arheimer, Christophe Cudennec, Salvatore Grimaldi, and Günter Blöschl

IAHS has proudly and successfully coordinated two subsequent Scientific Decades, which, amongst other things, set a research agenda worldwide through collaborative forces; and IAHS now set up the third one. The overall aim with a Scientific Decade is to accumulate knowledge and streamline the efforts so that coherent engagement, sharing and focus accelerate scientific methodologies and synthesise understanding of a specific hydrological problem or phenomenon. It stimulates vivid discussions between young and senior scientists globally.

The first IAHS Scientific Decade (2003–2012), entitled Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB), was implemented with the primary aim of reducing uncertainty in hydrological predictions.

The second IAHS Scientific Decade (2013–2022) of IAHS, entitled “Panta Rhei – Everything Flows”, was dedicated to research activities on change in hydrology and society, investigating their co-evolution.

The third IAHS Scientific Decade (2023-2032) is and will be dedicated to local solutions under the global water crisis. The short name is HELPING, which stands for Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world. The vision is to solve fundamental water-related environmental and societal problems by engaging with other disciplines and local stakeholders. We envisage that this will contribute in realising the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030 of the United Nations. Hence, HELPING has the ambition and great potential to become a vehicle for putting science in action, with strong co-creation and open science dimensions, in local contexts and through the epistemic added value of networking.

This presentation will describe the first year of the decade and the collaborative process in the IAHS community, which lead to the HELPING vision and set-up in 25 working groups under 3 Themes.

Read more and join the working groups:


How to cite: Arheimer, B., Cudennec, C., Grimaldi, S., and Blöschl, G.: Setting up the new Scientific Decade of IAHS: Science for Solutions with HELPING, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14824, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14824, 2024.

Tarryn Payne and Christina Orieschnig

The IAHS’ scientific decades are unique as international scientific initiatives in the hydrological community, linking researchers from around the globe, from different professional backgrounds, and at different career stages. The current HELPING - Science for Solutions decade in particular aims to address the current water crises by synthesising hydrological knowledge, establishing links between local and global processes, applying cross-cutting methods, and providing science-based decision support. This approach aims to involve not just hydrologists worldwide, but also practitioners, decision-makers, and a broader general public. Given these objectives, (science) communication is paramount. It is also the main focus of a dedicated HELPING Working Group. 

This study aims to analyse which internal and external communication approaches can be harnessed to support the success of an international scientific initiative like HELPING, both through streamlining internal workflows between participants, and through providing a coherent, easily digestible message to an external public. It strives to assess communication lessons learned from previous IAHS scientific decades - Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB) and Panta Rhei - while also taking into account the changes in communication technology since the launch of the first decade in 2003. Subsequently, it casts the net wider and analyses successful communication and diffusion approaches used by similar scientific initiatives launched recently at different scales. 

On a meta level, the different approaches needed for internal and external HELPING communication are assessed. What strategies can be leveraged to raise awareness for the scientific decade within the hydrological community, especially among researchers in locations and at career stages where they would typically not be highly involved? What tools can be harnessed to communicate the aims and achievements of HELPING to a wider public and to encourage interactions and participation? And, ultimately, what workflows are needed to assess the progress and impact of the HELPING decade itself, and to track all the initiatives and research by individual hydrologists carried out under its banner? 

Keywords: science communication, IAHS, scientific decades

How to cite: Payne, T. and Orieschnig, C.: (Science) Communication is Key - Analysing and Adapting Outreach Approaches and Internal Workflows to Support HELPING as a Major International Scientific Initiative., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19045, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19045, 2024.

Anwesha Mukhopadhyay, Sonali Banerjee, Sonam Jha, Saibal Ghosh, Pradip Bhattacharyya, and Abhijit Mukherjee

The depletion of groundwater storage is being acknowledged as a progressively severe global issue. Around 69% of the total groundwater abstracted is used in the agricultural sector. Hence, it is imperative that we refrain from excessive abstraction of groundwater for irrigation and instead focus on utilizing surface water or reclaimed wastewater. However, these alternate sources can be contaminated with certain emerging contaminants (EOCs) that might raise concern in the future. Hence, this study aims to investigate the effect of surface water or reclaimed wastewater irrigation on rice (Oryza sativa), a water-intensive staple grain in the Asian region. A field experiment was carried out on rice, in which they were subjected to irrigation with water spiked with three commonly detected pharmaceuticals in the environment, namely sulfamethoxazole (SMX), carbamazepine (CBZ), and ibuprofen (IBP). The crops were irrigated at regular intervals for ten times throughout the growing period with three different pharmaceutical doses (0.5g), medium (1g), and high (5g). The control set was irrigated with uncontaminated water. Post-harvest agronomical analysis suggests that the grain yield remained unaffected by contaminant addition, whereas the straw yield was increased by up to 25%, 29% and 33% for SMX, CBZ, and IBP, respectively. The contaminant concentration in the rice grains was found to be greater than the limit of detection (LOD) for all the contaminants at different doses but was not > LOQ for some of them. The health quotient (HQ) for SMX and IBRU was <0.1, signifying lower risk, while for CAR, it ranged from 0.1 to 1, indicating medium risk. Overall, irrigation with reclaimed wastewater or surface water can be detrimental only if higher concentrations of certain pharmaceuticals, like CAR, are present. However, further studies are required as far as metabolites are concerned. Hence, this study will help in determining appropriate concentration thresholds for pharmaceuticals present in surface water or reclaimed wastewater that are considered safe for agricultural purposes.

How to cite: Mukhopadhyay, A., Banerjee, S., Jha, S., Ghosh, S., Bhattacharyya, P., and Mukherjee, A.: Reclaimed wastewater or surface water use in irrigation: Delineating potential fate and impacts of pharmaceuticals , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1500, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1500, 2024.

Jun Xia, Junguo Liu, Dunxian She, Liangsheng Shi, Sidong Zeng, Lei Zou, Yanjun Zhang, and Chen Hu

The river basin is a fundamental natural unit interlinked with water, soil, air, ecology, and society, serving as a water management system for local communities. The River Basin Simulator (RBS) operates as a simulation system driven by datasets and hydrological knowledge, utilizing the technology of a digital twin basin. This paper addresses the initiative of WG1.14, specifically the Development & Application of River Basin Simulators, under Theme 1 of the HELPING program for IAHS, encompassing the goals and work plan of WG1.14. The development and applications of RBS in China, including the Yangtze River Simulator and its practical applications, are presented.

Through RBS development, it can play a pivotal role in supporting the integration of natural hydrology with socio-hydrology, thereby fostering sustainable development. The initiative of WG1.14 has the potential to promote the development of tools for the digital twin basin, building a bridge from Change (Panta Rhei) to Solution (HELPING). This includes understanding hydrological processes, utilizing advanced hydrological models, and the practical application of socio-hydrology insights, supporting Theme 1 of HELPING with global and local interaction.

How to cite: Xia, J., Liu, J., She, D., Shi, L., Zeng, S., Zou, L., Zhang, Y., and Hu, C.: Development of Watershed Simulator and Its Application in China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2412, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2412, 2024.

Meron Teferi Taye, Ellen Dyer, Mengistu Dessalegn, and Katrina Charles

The Awash basin of Ethiopia experiences frequent climate extremes-related disasters. Climate change is contributing to frequent flooding in different parts of the basin. This study explores the drivers of extreme rainfall, the multi-causality and consequences of flooding, governance, and policy implications using a combination of interdisciplinary approaches. The multi-dimensional perspective includes analysis of hydroclimatic variables at the basin level including global drivers, flood characterization, and understanding of affected communities at different parts of the basin through examining the experiences of different water and land users. The study covered urban and rural areas, small-scale agricultural, and pastoral or agropastoral catchments. To obtain diversified perspectives consultation with various basin stakeholders was conducted. By considering the 2020 extreme wet season the study aims to contribute to future management practices that might adapt to extremes and associated floods. The results show that recent rainfall extreme during the summer of 2020 occurred in unusual parts of the basin. Compared to the 1981-2010 baseline the lower part of the basin had a rainfall anomaly of more than 50%. Moreover, antecedent rainfall conditions during April-June contributed to saturating the soils as the months before July were wetter than the base period on average by 62%. The soil moisture content conditions were wetter than average from 10 to 40% in these antecedent months. Unusual rainfall in terms of location, magnitude, and timing is the major cause of flooding in the cases of 2020.  First, the western part of the lower basin received higher rainfall than normal earlier in the season. Then, in the later part of the season, the upper basin received high rainfall that increased the amount of water in upstream rivers which contributed to the massive flooding in the lower basin. This characterizes the 2020 flood occurrences by early onset and delayed recession. The extreme rainfall collided with weak La Nina and positive Western Indian Ocean as global drivers. There are other contributing factors that exacerbate the cause and impacts of flooding on communities. This includes challenges in river morphology, flood forecasting, reservoir management, and differences between private investors and local vulnerable communities in managing extreme cases. For instance, the Awash River broke off its normal course during 2020 extreme rainfall. Uncontrolled water diversion by farmers for irrigation created new water pathways. Low quality of engineering structures e.g., dikes failed to prevent extreme floods. Land use changes, such as urbanization and deforestation increased erosion and blocked drainage ways. Lack of coordination among institutions, weak collective action and governance aspects are exacerbating factors of climate extreme impacts on vulnerable communities. A holistic approach to solving the devastating impact of climate extremes provides better understanding of the multi-causality and multi-dimensionality of water-related risks, to support implementation of adaptive management and coordination approaches in monitoring human-physical systems interactions across sectors.

How to cite: Taye, M. T., Dyer, E., Dessalegn, M., and Charles, K.: Obtaining holistic solutions for wet extremes and flooding in the Awash basin, Ethiopia  , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3020, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3020, 2024.

Suxia Liu and Xingguo Mo

Currently, to explore spatial and temporal pattern of hydrological elements is not a difficult job as there are so many easy-use models and more and more open-source datasets ready to be downloaded. However, most research so far pays more attention to providing what it looks like. Less is for why. For those for why, there have been lots of attribution studies, but more mathematical results, few for guiding the practice. Deep explanation and evaluation for practices in hydrological Changes (DEEPHY) is yet the weak links in hydrological study. In the following decade, DEEPHY becomes one of the important foci of International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) with DEEPHY as the name of one of its HELPING decadal program’s working groups from 2023 to 2033, initiated at IUGG2023 in Berlin in July, 2023 (https://iahs.info/Initiatives/Topic-for-the-Next-IAHS-decade/helping-working-groups/). The main approaches of DEEPHY include working hard to monitor hydrological system long-termly, fully making use of large-sample data from multiple sources, careful designing the evaluation tools and focusing more on the practical applications. Short term result of DEPPHY will explain out more mechanisms and explore out deeper drivers behind the spatial and temporal pattern of hydrological elements. In the long-term, DEEPHY will acquire deeper understanding of hydrological changes evaluated based on the casual relationship with mechanisms and drivers being well explained. Ultimately, a better decision on how to administrate the hydrological change will be given to guide people to better adapt to the hydrological changes and be more resilient to the hydrological changes. This study will display how these possible approaches can help us to achieve the goal(s) of DEEPHY, and finally establish balances between science and practice and serve the people at different conditions worldwide to be collaborated better.


How to cite: Liu, S. and Mo, X.: Why we need DEEPHY (Deep Explanation & Evaluation for Practices in Hydrological Changes)  ?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14832, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14832, 2024.

Katie Facer-Childs, Lucy Barker, Harry Dixon, Alan Jenkins, Sulagna Mishra, Luis Roberto Silva Vara, Dominique Berod, Hwirin Kim, Jim Nelson, Riley Hales, Rachel Huber, and Angelica Gutierrez

Many hydroclimate services exist across the world at different scales. However, these services all use different categorisation schemes, different presentation styles, and are hosted across countless different websites. The Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS) is a World Meteorological Organization initiative uniting, or “knitting”, hydrological status and sub-seasonal to seasonal outlooks products across scales in a consistent framework, weaving seamless services for water resources assessment.

HydroSOS extends beyond uniting existing services, also building capacity where services do not currently exist. It provides essential guidance and frameworks enabling the assessment of hydrological status for different variables. Additionally, HydroSOS is reviewing methods of producing useful hydrological forecasts in data sparse regions using statistical methods, or hydrological models, with and without real-time meteorological forecast inputs. Working in collaboration with the GEOGloWS initiative, global scale services are being improved with bias correction using machine learning and local scale data.

This fiber-art poster presents the HydroSOS initiative, its progress, and calls for ideas and collaborations on how we can knit hydroclimate services together to make the best fabric for water resources management.

How to cite: Facer-Childs, K., Barker, L., Dixon, H., Jenkins, A., Mishra, S., Silva Vara, L. R., Berod, D., Kim, H., Nelson, J., Hales, R., Huber, R., and Gutierrez, A.: HydroSOS: Knitting local and global hydrological status and outlooks systems together for seamless water resources assessment , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15283, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15283, 2024.

Posters virtual: Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall A

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Berit Arheimer, Moctar Dembélé
Enhancing Water Security through Stepwise Ecological Restoration and Nature-Based Solutions
(withdrawn after no-show)
Junguo Liu and Nejc Bezak
Multivariate validation at multistation of distributed watershed hydrological modeling based on multisource data on Chinese Loess Plateau
(withdrawn after no-show)
Peiling Liu, Dengfeng Liu, Xudong Zheng, Yun Hu, Guanghui Ming, and Man Gao
Evaluation of the coupled coordination of the water–energy–food–ecology system based on the Sustainable Development Goals in the Upper Han River of China 
(withdrawn after no-show)
Dengfeng Liu, Nan Fu, Hui Liu, Baozhu Pan, Guanghui Ming, and Qiang Huang
Variation-based complementarity assessment between wind and solar resources in China
(withdrawn after no-show)
Bo Ming, Yi Guo, and Qiang Huang