HS7.2 | Precipitation modelling: uncertainty, variability, and downscaling
Precipitation modelling: uncertainty, variability, and downscaling
Convener: Giuseppe MascaroECSECS | Co-conveners: Nikolina Ban, Roberto Deidda, Chris Onof, Alin Andrei Carsteanu
| Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.44
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall A
Orals |
Tue, 08:30
Tue, 16:15
The statistical characterization and modelling of precipitation are crucial in a variety of applications, such as flood forecasting, water resource assessments, evaluation of climate change impacts, infrastructure design, and hydrological modelling. This session aims to gather contributions on research, advanced applications, and future needs in the understanding and modelling of precipitation, including its variability at different scales and its sources of uncertainty.

Contributions focusing on one or more of the following issues are particularly welcome:
- Process conceptualization and approaches to modelling precipitation at different spatial and temporal scales, including model parameter identification and calibration, and sensitivity analyses to parameterization and scales of process representation.
- Novel studies aimed at the assessment and representation of different sources of uncertainty of precipitation, including natural climate variability and changes caused by global warming.
- Uncertainty and variability in spatially and temporally heterogeneous multi-source ground-based, remotely sensed, and model-derived precipitation products.
- Estimation of precipitation variability and uncertainty at ungauged sites.
- Modelling, forecasting and nowcasting approaches based on ensemble simulations for synthetic representation of precipitation variability and uncertainty.
- Scaling and scale invariance properties of precipitation fields in space and/or in time.
- Dynamical and statistical downscaling approaches to generate precipitation at fine spatial and temporal scales from coarse-scale information from meteorological and climate models.

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room 2.44

Chairpersons: Giuseppe Mascaro, Roberto Deidda, Nikolina Ban
Future projections
Virtual presentation
Nadav Peleg and Francesco Marra

Design storms are often used to assess flood risks in urban and rural catchments. These synthetic storms are not replicas of real extreme rainfall events but rather simplified simulations of them. Using rainfall intensity-duration-frequency curves, these storms are parameterized to follow extreme rainfall conditions. To construct design storms for the future, these curves must first be recalculated to reflect future climate conditions. We propose a framework for adjusting short-duration intensity-duration curves and storm designs to future climate conditions that only requires projected temperature changes during rainy days. To do this, we first utilize the TENAX (TEmperature-dependent Non-Asymptotic statistical model for eXtreme return levels) model, a novel physically-based statistical model that can estimate future rainfall short-duration return levels. It is then possible to simulate future rainfall intensities (i.e., a design storm) using the duration-intensity curves for the future climate. In most cases, the information from climate models at a daily scale can be used to construct design storms at a sub-hourly scale without any downscaling or data bias corrections. We illustrate our approach by re-parameterizing the Chicago Design Storm (CDS) in light of climate change. Using the city of Zurich (Switzerland) as a case study, we demonstrate how we can calculate changes in the intensity-duration curve for durations ranging from 10 minutes to 3 hours by applying the TENAX model to the 100-year return level. We will then show how we can construct a synthetic 100-year return period design storm using CDS based on the present and future climates, as well as produce flood inundation maps to assess the changes in flood risk in the city.

How to cite: Peleg, N. and Marra, F.: A physics-based approach for simulating future extreme design storms to assess flood risks, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3239, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3239, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hannes Müller-Thomy, Niklas Ebers, and Kai Schröter

For urban hydrology, rainfall time series and especially design values with high temporal resolution are crucial. Since most climate scenarios offer daily resolution only, statistical downscaling in time seems a promising and computational effective solution. In the presented method, rainfall is first disaggregated to continuous 5min time series, and subsequently design values are derived from these time series.

The micro-canonical cascade model (MRC) is chosen as downscaling method since it conserves the daily rainfall amounts exactly, so the resulting 5 min time series are coherent with the daily time series used as starting point. Rainfall extreme values are often linked to temperature (especially convective events, which are crucial for e.g. urban hydrology or insurance companies). Therefore, a temperature-dependent MRC is introduced in this study. Temperature-dependency is tested for minimum temperature, mean temperature and maximum temperature, which all allow a physical interpretation of rainfall extreme values and provide deeper insights into their future changes.

For this study 45 locations across Germany are selected. To ensure spatial coherence with the climate model data (~∆l=5 km*5 km), the YW dataset (radar-gauge-merged data) from the German Weather Service (DWD) with originally ∆l=1km*1 km and ∆t=5 min was aggregated in space and used for the estimation of the MRC parameters. The DWD core ensemble with six combinations of global and regional climate models is applied for the climate change analysis, for both, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenario.

For the temperature-dependency, class widths of 5 K are chosen to include a representative number of time steps in each class. No significant influence on continuous rainfall characteristics as wet spell amount, average intensity, wet and dry spell duration can be identified. To analyze the impact on rainfall extreme values peak-over-threshold series and 99.9 %-quantile q99.9 are studied. While the reference model without temperature-dependency leads to higher overestimations for ∆t=5 min for ϑ<13 °C and underestimations for ϑ>18 °C, the temperature-dependency reduces the deviations over the whole range to a median overestimation of 1 mm/5 min (range of observations: 4 mm/5 min<q99.9<6 mm/5 min). For peak-over-threshold, the overestimation of rainfall extreme values is reduced significantly by the introduction of the temperature-dependency.

Climate model data are disaggregated using both, MRC without and with temperature-dependent parameters. The rainfall extreme values are analyzed regarding their relative changes from the control period (1971-2000) to near-term (2021-2050) and long-term future (2071-2100). While extreme values from disaggregated time series without temperature-dependency indicate an increase of ‘only’ 12 % for the long-term future, the consideration of temperature shows an increase of 21 % (for duration D=1 h and return period T=2 yrs). Thus, neglecting the temperature impact leads to an underestimation of future rainfall extreme values.

How to cite: Müller-Thomy, H., Ebers, N., and Schröter, K.: High-resolution design rainfall estimation from climate model data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15880, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15880, 2024.

On-site presentation
Deepthi Bhadran and Bellie Sivakumar

Analyzing the complex behavior of extreme precipitation events is essential for a better understanding of the effects of climate change on water resources and for forecasting extreme hydrologic events. In this study, complex network concepts are applied to investigate the synchronization patterns of extreme daily precipitation events across India, with an evaluation of how these patterns may vary in the future. Daily rainfall data provided by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) for the period 1961-2020 at a spatial resolution of 0.25ᵒ×0.25ᵒ are used to investigate the synchronization patterns of extreme rainfall during the historical period. To assess synchronization patterns in the future, rainfall projections from selected General Circulation Models under different Shared Socio-Economic Pathway Scenarios are employed. A day with precipitation greater than 1 mm is considered a wet day, and a wet day is then classified as an extreme precipitation event only if its precipitation exceeds the 95th percentile of all wet days. For the construction of the network, each grid is considered as a node, and the connections between them are identified using the event synchronization method. Both historical and future precipitation networks are analyzed for two different seasons: (i) Summer (June, July, August, and September); and (ii) Winter (December, January, and February). Two network measures, namely degree centrality and clustering coefficient, are determined for these networks. Changes in network measures, relative to the baseline period of 1961–2020, are analyzed across three different timeframes: the 2020s, 2040s, and 2070s. The findings from the network measures can reveal crucial geographic locations in terms of their connection patterns to other areas for both seasons.



How to cite: Bhadran, D. and Sivakumar, B.: Analysis of Extreme Precipitation Events in India under Shared Socioeconomic Pathway Scenarios: Application of Complex Networks, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-542, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-542, 2024.

On-site presentation
Paul C. Astagneau, Raul Wood, and Manuela I. Brunner

Projections from regional climate models are traditionally bias-corrected with ground observations before being used for hydrological modelling in order to improve the representation of local climate features. The choice of correction method affects hydrological projections, especially in mountain regions where the relationship between precipitation and temperature is a key property of the hydrological cycle as it controls the partitioning between solid and liquid precipitation. While several studies have investigated the sensitivity of hydrological projections (i.e., projections generated by feeding a hydrological model with climate projections) to the choice of bias correction technique, none have focused on single-model initial-condition large ensembles (SMILEs), which are a suitable tool for disentangling the response of hydrological extremes to climate change from their natural variability. In addition, the interaction between hydrological model choice and bias-correction method needs to be investigated in order to obtain more reliable hydrological projections.

The objective of this work is to identify the most appropriate statistical techniques to adjust climate SMILEs for studying changes in hydrological extremes in mountainous terrain. For this purpose, we bias-corrected the climate projections of two high-resolution SMILEs (0.11°) under the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 for the domain of Switzerland. Specifically, we used a 2 km gridded reanalysis derived from ground observations and three techniques to correct the precipitation and temperature time series: (1) univariate quantile mapping, (2) trend-preserving univariate quantile mapping, and (3) trend-preserving multivariate quantile mapping. Then, we used the bias-corrected time series as inputs to an ensemble of 11 hydrological models to simulate streamflow at the outlet of 93 near-natural Swiss catchments for the period 1955 - 2099. We compared the performance of the three bias-correction techniques with respect to their ability to simulate historical floods and droughts. In addition, we determined the most fit-for-purpose method by examining both the robustness of the corrections (e.g. towards model choice, transferability in time) and the sensitivity of future hydrological projections to the choice of bias correction technique.

How to cite: Astagneau, P. C., Wood, R., and Brunner, M. I.: Which bias correction methods are suited to represent hydrologic extremes in the Alps?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6118, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6118, 2024.

On-site presentation
Chandra Rupa Rajulapati, Hebatallah Mohamed Abdelmoaty, Sofia Nerantzaki, and Simon Michael Papalexiou

High-resolution precipitation and temperature projections are indispensable for informed decision-making, risk assessment, and planning. Here, we have developed an extensive database of high-resolution (0.1°) precipitation, maximum, and minimum temperature projections extending till 2100 at a daily scale for Canada. We employed a novel Semi-Parametric Quantile Mapping (SPQM) methodology to bias-correct the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase-6 (CMIP6) projections for four distinct Shared Socio-economic Pathways. SPQM is simple, yet robust, in reproducing the observed marginal properties, trends, and variability according to future scenarios, and maintaining a smooth transition from observations to projected simulations. The database encompasses a substantial collection of 759 simulations derived from 37 diverse climate models for precipitation. Similarly, for maximum and minimum temperature projections, our database comprises 652 simulations from 30 climate models. These meticulously curated projections carry immense value for hydrological, environmental, and ecological studies, offering a comprehensive resource for analyses within these domains. Furthermore, these projections serve as a valuable asset for the quantification of uncertainties arising from variant labels, climate models, and future scenarios.

How to cite: Rajulapati, C. R., Abdelmoaty, H. M., Nerantzaki, S., and Papalexiou, S. M.: Bias-corrected high-resolution temperature and precipitation projections for Canada , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14970, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14970, 2024.

On-site presentation
Minh Ton Binh and Shou-Hao Chiang

In the 21st century, the Mekong River Delta (MRD), in Viet Nam, is projected to experience intensified extreme precipitation events due to global warming. General Circulation Models (GCMs) offer possible future climate estimations globally that adeptly capture large-scale features of precipitation extremes under different scenario settings. However, challenges persist in replicating detailed regional flood patterns within the MRD. This study focuses on the application of CMIP6 models, including European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis v5—ERA5, Situ-Based Data Set of Temperature and Precipitation Extremes—HadEX3, and Rainfall Estimates on a Gridded Network—REGEN. Before it can be applied for the future flood assessment for the study area, this study compared annual maximum daily precipitation, derived from CMIP6, Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS), and ground-based precipitation records, from 1978 to 2012, and identified the relationships between annual maximum daily precipitation and flooded area. Accordingly, this study projects precipitation and flooded areas for the near future (2026–2050), mid-future (2050–2075), and far future (2075-2100). The preliminary results will be presented in this meeting. In light of the persistent global warming trend, the expected rise in flooding within the MRD and variations in heavy precipitation patterns emphasize the importance of the findings in this study. These results play a crucial role in mitigating adverse effects and fortifying resilience to global warming and climate change in the MRD.

KEY WORDS: CMIP6, CHIRPS, flood, extreme precipitation, global warming.

How to cite: Ton Binh, M. and Chiang, S.-H.: Examining the application of CMIP6 General Circulation Models in regional flood projections for the Mekong River Delta, Viet Nam, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14714, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14714, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ashish Sharma, Youngil Kim, and Jason Evans

How can climate model simulations for the future generate high-resolution sub-daily precipitation that could be trusted for a range of hydrologic design applications? This is a question that often provokes contradicting responses from climate scientists and hydrologists. Our study attempts to unify the knowledge gained from these two disciplines to present the first ever alternative for generating multi-scale (low-to-high frequency temporal persistence), high resolution (down to 1km if needed), sub-daily precipitation for future climates that is dynamically consistent with concurrent climate forcings (including atmospheric moisture, circulation patterns) and local topography. This dynamical precipitation generator contains three components. The first component is the raw temporal resolution climate field simulated using global climate models on the lower and the lateral boundaries of the spatial domain precipitation simulations are needed for. The second component is SDMBC, an innovative alternative for correcting systematic biases at Sub-Daily (SD) time steps, using the Multivariate Bias Correction (MBC) approach which corrects multivariate dependence, persistence and distributional attributes across variables that form the lateral and lower boundaries of the domain of interest. The third and final component is a Regional Climate Model (RCM), chosen to be the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for the present study, which uses the corrected lateral and lower boundary forcings generated from the second component of our framework, and generates dynamically consistent sub-daily precipitation along with other physically consistent atmospheric variables at high-resolution. It is shown here that use of this framework simulates precipitation fields that exhibit features consistent with observations including observed extremes, and storm events that are consistent with our expectations of how precipitation extremes will evolve in future (warmer) climates. A Python software (named SDMBC) that simplifies the implementation of the bias correction process is presented, and results are shown for simulations across the Australian domain. This software is now available from (https://pypi.org/project/sdmbc/) and can be used for applications over any domain worldwide in conjunction with WRF models that have been formulated independently.

How to cite: Sharma, A., Kim, Y., and Evans, J.: A dynamical alternative for simulating multi-scale high-resolution sub-daily space-time precipitation for future climates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7076, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7076, 2024.

Radar + Forecasts
On-site presentation
Monton Methaprayun, Thom Adrianus Bogaard, and Punpim Puttaraksa Mapiam

Radar composite products are essential for tracking and forecasting heavy storms over mountainous catchments where rain gauge information is scarce. The impact of radar beam blockage from an individual radar, resulting in low reflectivity data, can significantly contribute to the underestimation of radar rainfall estimates in such areas. The quality of rain radar composites is critical as these products will be used for near real-time forecasting of hydrometeorological hazards. This study aimed to develop a relative quality index scheme based on the radar reflectivity fraction of the compositing radars to improve the accuracy of heavy rainfall estimates in (partly) blocked areas. Three additional surrounding environmental quality indices, i.e., the distance to the radar station, the height of the beam above the ground, and the radar beam blockage fraction were integrated in the overall quality indices (QI) computation. Furthermore, we expanded the use of the QI to enhance the mean field bias adjustment in tracking high-intensity rainfall. To comprehensively assess the merits and drawbacks of the compositing methods with multiple quality indices, we compared our results with conventional and well-known maximum composite techniques. We have tested this scheme in the Khao Yai National Park, Lamtakong basin, and the surrounding areas. Two rain radar stations were selected: Sattahip, 220 kilometer southwest and Phimai, 140 kilometer North of the Lamtakong basin. Automatic rain gauges in the overlapping area were used to evaluate the radar composite product during storm events in 2020 and 2022. The results indicate that radar composite approach with multiple QIs can effectively identify areas with unreliable radar measurement. The radar reflectivity fraction was the most important quality index in the composite region, especially in the beam blockage area where the reflectivity from Phimai consistently registers lower values compared to that from the Sattahip radar. Combining this novel relative QI scheme with traditional quality indices (distance, height, and beam blockage fraction) increased the overall accuracy and reliability of heavy radar rainfall estimates. While the combined QIs and the maximum composite method resulted in composite products with similar overall accuracy, the proposed new QI method provides more coherent storm structure. Furthermore, a noteworthy finding is that heavy rainstorms in obstructed areas become visibly apparent with higher accuracy when applying thresholds to the quality index values for bias adjustment computation of the composite products. These final products of radar rainfall estimates represent a critical advancement of rain radar based Early Warning Systems for hydrometeorological hazard mitigation in mountainous regions.

How to cite: Methaprayun, M., Bogaard, T. A., and Mapiam, P. P.: Developing a relative quality index scheme for improving radar composite products and bias adjustment in mountainous regions, Thailand, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-409, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-409, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jorge Iván Ramírez Tamayo, Adriana Patricia Piña Fulano, and Alfonso Ladino Rincon

The spatial variability of rainfall is difficult to measure due to the lack of ground weather rain gauges. As a result, meteorological radars have become crucial sources of information for estimating precipitation fields. However, radar cluttering, which refers to external factors of nature that affect radar data quality, poses a significant challenge, and contributes to errors and uncertainties in the estimation process. In this study, we focused on analyzing the impact of cluttering on the Barrancabermeja C-band weather radar, situated between the Eastern and Central Ranges in the Colombian Andes. The analysis was conducted using radar information collected between 2019 and 2020. A frequency analysis of reflectivity of rainless day records showed the topographic interferences caused by the surrounding radar Ranges. Afterwards, the radar quality index (RQI) for both rainy and dry conditions was estimated considering factors such as clutter frequency map, partial beam blockage, effects of range distance quality, radar noise, and attenuation. The evaluation revealed an approximate clutter area of 50% in a beam elevation of 0.5°, primarily associated with the topographical interferences, indicating a direct impact of the Andean region on radar data quality.

Finally, we focused on intense rainfall events (greater than 10mm per event) to determine the parameters of three Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) relationships (Marshall & Palmer (1948), Seliga & Bringi (1976), and Sachidananda & Zrinc (1987) methodologies). Records from 91 available rain gauges were used to obtain relationships for individual gauges and, for four individual rings spaced 50 km from the radar. By employing these relationships, we calculated uncertainty maps of the quantitative precipitation estimation, obtaining an uncertainty of 60% from cluttering in the QPE of the meteorological radar. Overall, our findings emphasize the significant role of cluttering in the estimation of precipitation fields from the Barrancabermeja radar. The study underscores the importance of addressing cluttering effects and accounting for the topographical interferences in radar data interpretation to enhance the accuracy of quantitative precipitation estimates in the Andean region.

How to cite: Ramírez Tamayo, J. I., Piña Fulano, A. P., and Ladino Rincon, A.: Radar cluttering incidence in the estimation of rainfall fields in the Colombian Andes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1507, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1507, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Karthika Kusuman, Likhitha Pentakota, Nruthya Kishore, Nagaraju Gaddam, Ananthula Rishika, Pradeep P. Mujumdar, and Rajarshi Das Bhowmik

In the past decade, there has been an increment in the magnitude and frequency of severe flood events across Bangalore city due to rise in rainfall intensities, increase in urban population, and drastic changes in urban landscape. The effect of urban development in a rapidly growing city has a substantial impact on the urban environment, leading to frequent flooding during monsoon and post-monsoon. Hence, a reliable forecasting system for rainfall at an urban scale is of priority to enhance the preparedness for disaster management. In this regard, a framework is developed for Bangalore City to dynamically downscale the daily rainfall prediction from National Centers for Environmental Prediction-Global Forecast System (NCEP-GFS) to high-resolution rainfall predictions, 3 km and 1 km spatial resolutions at 15-minute interval, employing the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The model utilizes the initial and the boundary conditions forced at 06 UTC, resulting in a 24-hour lead-time forecast. The primary objective of this study is to test the performance of high-resolution WRF forecast with respect to the observed rainfall, using qualitative and quantitative statistical skill scores for the monsoon of 2023. Rank probability score at the municipal administrative level and performance indices such as critical success index, bias score, heidke skill score, false alarm ratio, and probability of detection at grid level are used for qualitative analysis. Whereas, quantitative measures are coefficient of determination, correlation, root mean square error, mean bias, and mean absolute error at grid as well as station levels. These metrics are estimated for various rainfall events and for different lead times. The study found that, the grid level correlation coefficient values for heavy rainfall events in 2023 fall in the range of 0.6 – 0.8 for the northern part of Bangalore city for both the spatial resolutions. Overall, our findings suggest that the forecasting framework can efficiently issue rainfall prediction with a lead time of 24 hours. This forecast can be further coupled with 1D and 2D hydrological models to predict flood inundation.

How to cite: Kusuman, K., Pentakota, L., Kishore, N., Gaddam, N., Rishika, A., Mujumdar, P. P., and Bhowmik, R. D.: A Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of the WRF Model Simulations for High Resolution Urban Rainfall Forecasting , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14385, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14385, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Chris Onof, Alin Andrei Carsteanu
On-site presentation
Kwinten Van Weverberg, Nicolas Ghilain, Edouard Goudenhoofdt, Matthias Barbier, Ester Kostinen, Sébastien Doutreloup, Bert Van Schaeybroeck, Amaury Frankl, and Paul Field

This paper presents an evaluation and sensitivity analysis of km-scale simulations of the unprecedented extreme rainfall event of July 2021 over Belgium and Germany, with a specific focus on sub-hourly extremes, size distributions and kinetic energy (KE) of rain. These variables are critical for hydrological applications, such as flood forecasting or soil loss monitoring, but are rarely directly obtained from Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) or climate models. We present an extensive set of simulations exploring sensitivities to realistic variations in a newly implemented double-moment microphysics parameterization in the UK Met Office Unified Model. Most simulations reproduce the overall characteristics of the event, but overestimate the extreme rain rates. The rain rate - KE relation is captured well, despite too large volume-mean drop diameters. Amongst the sensitivities investigated, the representation of the raindrop self-collection - breakup equilibrium and the raindrop size-distribution shape have the most profound impact on the rainfall characteristics. While extreme rain rates vary within 30 %, the rain KE varies by a factor of four between the realistic perturbations to the microphysical assumptions. Changes to the aerosol concentration and the rain terminal velocity have a relatively smaller impact on the extreme rainfall characteristics. However, larger aerosol loading produces slightly smaller domain total rainfall, for which we propose a mechanism involving dynamical impacts of warm-rain suppression. Given the large uncertainties, a continued effort to improve the model physics will be indispensable to reliably estimate sub-hourly rain intensities and KE for direct hydrological applications.

How to cite: Van Weverberg, K., Ghilain, N., Goudenhoofdt, E., Barbier, M., Kostinen, E., Doutreloup, S., Van Schaeybroeck, B., Frankl, A., and Field, P.: Sensitivity of simulated rain intensity and kineticenergy to aerosols and warm-rain microphysicsduring the extreme event of July 2021 in Belgium, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3245, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3245, 2024.

On-site presentation
Philipp Maier, Caroline Ehrendorfer, Sophie Lücking, Fabian Lehner, Franziska Koch, Mathew Herrnegger, and Herbert Formayer

Models like the conceptual hydrological model COSERO and the physically-based mountain surface process model Alpine3D are highly sensitive to meteorological inputs, especially precipitation. Gridded precipitation data sets usually originate from spatially interpolated weather station data, which are not corrected for precipitation undercatch. The term precipitation undercatch describes the deviation of measured precipitation in rain gauges to the actual amount in a given area due to several factors like instrument design or effects of splash, evaporation and especially wind. Specifically solid precipitation is prone to wind drag. Because of these effects, models or model chains fail to simulate observations for discharge, reservoir inflow, snow and ice melt as well as glacier mass balance due to the lack of realistic precipitation input into the system in high-alpine regions. However, correcting the undercatch directly within the gridded data set leads to an overestimation of precipitation, which has two main reasons: First, undercatch correction functions are not derived for alpine temperatures and wind speeds. Second, stations at lower elevations, where the undercatch is comparatively small, are usually over-represented in gridded data sets.

Therefore, we composed a method to perform a precipitation undercatch correction in high-alpine areas by using a gridded precipitation data set and quality-controlled, representative station data in the vicinity of snow-dominated and glacierized catchments as well as their altitude and exposure to generate spatial undercatch correction fields for three selected catchments in Austria (Maltatal, Zillertal and Vernagtferner) on a monthly basis. These correction factors are a function of elevation and the month and result from a stepwise linear interpolation with elevation, whereas the highest factors are obtained in the winter months due to low temperatures. Using the topography and averaging over whole catchments, the highest (lowest) correction factors are obtained in February (August), ranging from 2.16 to 1.04, depending on the catchment and season.

The meteorological data (with and without the undercatch corrected precipitation) was used as an input for a coupled snow-glacier-discharge simulation with the models COSERO and Alpine3D on the selected catchments. The output was validated against reservoir inflow, observed glacier mass balances and satellite derived snow depth maps. With the undercatch corrected precipitation, the models perform substantially better in simulating observations for glacier mass balance as well as reservoir inflow.

Acknowledgements: We thank VERBUND AG for fruitful discussions and providing us with data.

How to cite: Maier, P., Ehrendorfer, C., Lücking, S., Lehner, F., Koch, F., Herrnegger, M., and Formayer, H.: On the improvement of runoff and glacier mass balance modelling by performing an undercatch correction on gridded precipitation data sets based on independent station data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2047, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2047, 2024.

On-site presentation
Pietro Devò, Maria Francesca Caruso, Marco Borga, and Marco Marani

The estimation of extreme rainfall based on short records is of considerable interest, above all in the context of rapidly changing rainfall regimes. Regionalization techniques, by trading space for time, allow us to partially overcome the lack of long observational records. The recently introduced Metastatistical Extreme Value Distribution (MEVD), a non-asymptotic extreme-value model, accounting for all observed rainfall events to infer the probability distribution of annual maxima, also contributed towards improving our ability to determine large quantiles based on short observational time series. Here we combine established regionalization techniques, aggregating data from multiple adjacent stations complying with set homogeneity criteria, with MEVD-based methodologies to explore how their joint use may further reduce the predictive uncertainty associated with the estimates of the probability of large events. In this work, we use precipitation data sets from a selection of worldwide regional station networks (Europe, USA, Middle East, and Asia) deployed in a wide range of elevations and different rainfall regimes. The temporal data resolution varies according to country ranging from sub-daily to daily scales. We analyze different event durations, between 5 minutes and 24 hours for the sub-daily scale, 1 day and 2 days for the daily one, and we implement a cross-validation procedure to evaluate predictive uncertainty. To evaluate possible improvements with respect to regionalization techniques based on traditional extreme value theory, such as the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution, we comparatively apply them and the proposed MEVD-based regionalization approach. The results show the benefits arising from the regionalization technique, which enhances the robustness of the models by increasing the consistency of the observed data population within the stations of the same cluster, particularly in the lowlands, where homogeneous regions can be more trivially identified. The proposed regionalization approach based on the metastatistic distribution brings a significant reduction of the estimation uncertainty for very high ratios between the forecasting return period value and the length of the calibration sample when compared to traditional methods.


How to cite: Devò, P., Caruso, M. F., Borga, M., and Marani, M.: A regionalized framework for the Metastatistical Extreme Value Distribution applied to daily and sub-daily rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17329, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17329, 2024.

Rainfall modeling and ML
On-site presentation
Lionel Benoit, Matthew Lucas, Denis Allard, and Thomas Giambelluca

In mountains, topography-atmosphere interactions generate orographic effects which make windward slopes usually wetter than leeward ones, and highlands wetter than lowlands. The transitions between wet and dry areas can occur within few kilometers, which creates strong horizontal gradients of rainfall statistics such as frequency of occurrence, daily mean accumulation, or extreme intensities. This spatial variability of rainfall statistics breaks the hypothesis of stationarity on which rely most geostatistical models that are used for the spatial analysis of rainfall data. Using stationary models to process non-stationary data can lead to a degraded performance in spatial prediction (e.g., mapping rainfall by interpolation of sparse rain gauge observations) and to unrealistic rainfall features in simulations (e.g., emulation of synthetic rain fields using a stochastic rainfall generator). 
To overcome these limitations, we present in this work a fully non-stationary trans-Gaussian geostatistical model dedicated to the spatial analysis of daily rainfall over complex topography. This model allows not only for a non-stationary marginal distribution of daily rainfall accounting for rainfall intermittency and non-Gaussian intensity, but also for a non-stationary covariance structure of Matérn type that models the spatial dependencies.

The model is tested for the Island of Hawai‘i (State of Hawaii, USA) where rainfall gradients are amongst the strongest on Earth and can reach 1000 mm.year-1/km. To make our model operable in practice, we designed a procedure to infer model parameters from rain gauge observations that are freely available in near-real-time on the Hawai‘i Climate Data Portal. Model assessment demonstrates good skills at reproducing the spatial variability of daily rainfall occurrence, intensity distribution and spatial dependencies.

How to cite: Benoit, L., Lucas, M., Allard, D., and Giambelluca, T.: Non-stationary geostatistical modeling of daily rainfall over complex topography, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7137, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7137, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marco Lompi, Francesco Marra, Elenora Dallan, Roberto Deidda, Enrica Caporali, and Marco Borga

Climate change is changing the intensity and frequency of extreme precipitation. Understanding the impact of climate change on extreme precipitation quantiles is fundamental for managing flood risk and taking adaptation measures. Convection-Permitting Models (CPM), run at spatial resolutions for which deep convection is resolved (≤ 4 km), have been demonstrated to be more accurate than Regional Climate Models (RCM, ~10 km resolution) in describing the intensity of extremely short-duration events.

This study uses the projections of a CPM to evaluate quantiles of precipitation extremes at the national scale (Italy) with a high spatiotemporal resolution. Indeed, VHR-PRO_IT, a recent downscale product of the CMCC model at a convection-permitting scale of 2.2 km, with 1h temporal resolution, is used as a dataset. So far, this is the only CPM projection that covers the entire Italy in both emission scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) and for a temporal coverage of 90 years (1981-2070).

A non-stationary implementation of the Simplified Metastatistical Extreme Value (SMEV) non-asymptotic approach is used to evaluate continuous changes in precipitation quantiles for different durations (1h, 3h, 6h, 12h and 24h) over the period 1981-2070 (1981-2005 historical + 2006-2070 emission scenarios). We adopt a two-parameter Weibull distribution to model the marginal distribution of the ordinary precipitation events. Three different models are compared: i) a stationary SMEV, with the two parameters constant over the entire time series; ii) a non-stationary model in which the higher-order parameter is kept constant; iii) a fully non-stationary model in which both parameters are allowed to change linearly in time.

The results show a clear geographical organization of the projected changes, with both increases and decreases in precipitation quantiles depending on the zone, the emission scenario, the precipitation duration and the return period of interest. The non-asymptotic approach allows us to discuss the results in terms of dynamic and thermodynamic drivers.


The research is carried out within the RETURN – multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT comUnities undeR a changiNg climate Extended Partnership and received funding from the  European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005).

How to cite: Lompi, M., Marra, F., Dallan, E., Deidda, R., Caporali, E., and Borga, M.: Non-stationary frequency analysis of extreme precipitation over Italy using projections from a Convection Permitting Model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10004, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10004, 2024.

On-site presentation
Manuel del Jesus, Javier Diez-Sierra, and Salvador Navas

Daily rainfall records are the most common form of rainfall information. These records are the ones normally used to characterize the extremes of rainfall. However, in many situations, sub-daily information is required, normally to characterize the extreme response of small watersheds. Different methods exist to extrapolate the daily information to smaller time scales -normally, hourly time scales-, which tend to be based on a limited number of finer than daily observations.

In this work, we will deal with two common downscaling problems that the hydrologist faces: transforming daily rainfall observations into estimates of sub-daily rainfall statistics and incorporating climate change information into these estimates. Although generally, these two procedures are different, both conceptually and mechanically, we will combine stochastic generators and machine learning to create a unified framework where both problems are connected and solved in a similar manner.

We will use NEOPRENE (Diez-Sierra et al., 2023), a Python-based open source library that implement the Nyeman-Scott, or Cox and Isham, stochastic model of rainfall (Cox & Isham, 1988) to characterize the rainfall process, and random forests to relate daily and hourly rainfall statistics (del Jesus & Diez-Sierra, 2023). The model assumes a geometric description of the rainfall process, that allows to decompose observed time series and reproduce several statistics at different levels of aggregation.

We will also demonstrate how downscaling can be carried out to generate plausible hourly rainfall distributions from daily ones, and how this process serves to characterize the uncertainties of the estimates.

Cox, D. R. & Isham, V., 1988. A Simple Spatial-Temporal Model of Rainfall. Proceedings of the royal society a: Mathematical, physical and engineering sciences, 415 ​(1849), 317–328.

Diez-Sierra, J., Navas, S. & Jesus, M. del., 2023. NEOPRENE v1.0.1: A Python library for generating spatial rainfall based on the NeymanScott process. Geoscientific model development, 16 (17), 5035–5048.

Jesus, M. del & Diez-Sierra, J., 2023. Climate change effects on sub-daily precipitation in Spain. Hydrological sciences journal, 68 (8), 1065–1077.

How to cite: del Jesus, M., Diez-Sierra, J., and Navas, S.: Rainfall downscaling using stochastic generators and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6450, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6450, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Rahul Sreedhar, Akshay Sunil, and Raghu L Murthy

Precipitation events are one of the most crucial processes governing the water cycle and therefore acts as a major input in majority of water resource studies. Furthermore, the modern era is witnessing an unprecedented increase in the frequency of extreme events highlighting the importance of understanding and predicting the precipitation events. Current precipitation prediction methods utilise complex physics-based models that require large number of input parameters as well as powerful computational facilities, making precipitation prediction a complex task. This scenario has not improved much over the years as advancements are often limited to either improving the model’s physics or input data quality. Hourly precipitation prediction is even more challenging due to increasing complexity and non-linearity with decreasing scale and therefore studies on understanding hourly precipitation is limited. Recent trends have shown a shift towards utilizing deep learning models in weather prediction owing to the ability of neural networks to capture complex patterns leading to high accuracy predictions. The current research introduces a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) neural network adept at forecasting fine-scale hourly precipitation patterns up to two hours ahead, a critical development for real-time rain predictions. The Bi-LSTM's architecture, with its forward and backward processing capabilities, is particularly suited to capture the dynamic temporal relationships among the limited meteorological variables helping in effective precipitation prediction. Granger Causality analysis is done to capture relevant information for improving model performance. The model's performance is evaluated on its ability to accurately forecast weather conditions by learning from the historical inter-variable influences that were clearly detailed in the causality diagram. The findings from this study and the interlinks observed is expected to enhance our understanding of variable impact and improve the predictive power of precipitation models for future weather forecasting

How to cite: Sreedhar, R., Sunil, A., and L Murthy, R.: Hourly Precipitation Prediction: Integrating Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Networks with Granger Causality, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10291, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-10291, 2024.

On-site presentation
Bilal Ahmed Al-Saeedi, Oscar M. Baez-Villanueva, and Lars Ribbe

The accurate estimation of precipitation (P) at a high spatio-temporal resolution is vital in various applications such as climatic modelling, water resources management, drought and flood assessment, and climate change adaptation, among others. However, an adequate representation of P products in space and time remains challenging, particularly over regions with sparse or non-existent gauge-reference observations. Jordan, ranked among the top four driest countries in the world, urgently requires reliable P in good spatio-temporal resolutions to enable decision-makers and researchers to manage water resources effectively. In this study, seven state-of-the-art P products (MSWEPv2.8, ERA5, CHIRPSv2, CMORPHv1, PERSIANN-CDR, IMERG-FR, and ERA5 LAND) were evaluated against 124 gauge stations over the region using point-to-pixel evaluation at daily, monthly, annual, and seasonal temporal scales. Kling-Gupta efficiency as a continuous index with its three components (temporal dynamic r, bias ratio β, and variability ratio) was used to identify the systematic errors and uncertainties of the P products. Additionally, four categorical indices (probability of detection (POD), frequency bias (fbias), false alarm ratio (FAR) and the Critical success index (CSI) were used to assess the ability of the P products to capture different P intensities. The best performing daily scale P products were then resampled to a finer resolution of 0.05° (5 km) and merged with the gauge station observations to improve the representation of P over the region using two distinct approaches: i) machine learning approach, the Random Forest based MErging Procedure (RF-MEP), and ii) geostatistical approach, Kriging with External Drift (KED). We applied RF-MEP and KED over Jordan for the period 2001 - 2017 with a focus on its arid and climatic conditions; thus, we also applied the models to each climatic zone using daily observations of 80% of the gauge stations as a training dataset, and 20% were used for the verification of the merged P products. The results revealed that MSWEPv2.8 emerged as the top-performing P product. For this reason, and already being a merged dataset, MSWEPv2.8 was used as a benchmark in evaluating the merged products. For RF-MEP, The remaining datasets, excluding ERA5-LAMD and IMERGE-FR due to their poor performance, were merged with gauge observations, while KED was merged with the second-top performance product, ERA5. Both merged products demonstrated significant improvements in P patterns, linear correlation, bias, and variability at different temporal scales and in capturing different precipitation intensities. RF-MEP showed superior performance across Jordan compared to KED. However, KED outperformed RF-MEP in elevated terrains. Subsequently, a practical application of the newly merged P products was tested through simple drought assessment, using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) specifically, SPI-12. The outcomes demonstrated that RF-MEP showed promising results in the detection of extreme long-term dry spells, highlighting its ability for practical application in drought assessment.

Keywords: Precipitation; Gridded Precipitation products; Point to pixel evaluation; KGE; Categorical indices; Merging; RF-MEP; KED; SPI; Jordan

How to cite: Al-Saeedi, B. A., M. Baez-Villanueva, O., and Ribbe, L.: An optimized representation of precipitation in Jordan: Merging gridded precipitation products and ground-based measurements using machine learning and geostatistical approaches, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11510, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11510, 2024.

On-site presentation
Maria Laura Bettolli, Jorge Baño-Medina, Matias Olmo, and Rocio Balmaceda-Huarte

Southern South America (SSA) covers the extratropical part of South America (20–60°S) and presents a wide variety of climates. To the west of the Andes mountain range, annual precipitation increases southward from very dry conditions along the Atacama Desert in northern Chile to more than 3000 mm in the south. Conversely, east of the Andes, it increases from the Argentinian Patagonia in the south towards southeastern South America (southern Brazil, northeastern Argentina and Uruguay) where severe thunderstorm environments are typical. Global climate models project that the observed negative (positive) trends in precipitation over the subtropical central Andes (Southeastern South America) are expected to be more intense causing concern about water availability, ecosystems and socio-economic activities. However, the regional-to-local information that can be obtained by downscaling over GCMs outputs and needed for adaptation and mitigation policies, is still scarce over SSA. Unlike other parts of the world, limited studies analyzing the statistical downscaling (ESD) potential to simulate daily precipitation are available over the region and deep learning-based models have not been tested for downscaling daily precipitation over the region up to now.

In this context, this work presents a comprehensive assessment of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to downscale daily precipitation at a continental-scale, building on the validation framework of the European project VALUE. To this end, we conduct a sensitivity analysis to the domain size as well as to the selection of the loss function on the modeling of precipitation in both present and future climates. Overall, the CNNs show skilful performance in modeling daily precipitation characteristics, including the extremes, over the different climatic regions of SSA. Nevertheless, we find the selection of the loss function to be a source of uncertainty over the arid regions of northern Chile and northwestern Argentina for both present and future climates by projecting different climate change signals. Regarding the domain size, the CNNs show to be effective in selecting informative predictors and their area of influence demonstrating their self-learning skill and their efficiency to be applied on a continental scale. These results encourage the construction of ensembles of deep learning models based on different loss functions in SSA to account for this type of uncertainty in the modeling of precipitation, especially in future climates.

How to cite: Bettolli, M. L., Baño-Medina, J., Olmo, M., and Balmaceda-Huarte, R.: Modeling local precipitation in Southern South America using Deep Learning: A sensitivity analysis on the choice of input features and loss function in the climate change signal, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-786, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-786, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hylke Beck, Xuetong Wang, and Raied Alharbi

We introduce a new version of the gridded near real-time Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation (MSWEP) product, developed to address the urgent need for accurate precipitation (P) data in the face of escalating climate change challenges. The product has an hourly 0.1° resolution spanning 1979 to the present, and is continuously updated, with a latency of approximately one hour. The development process involves two stages. Firstly, baseline P fields are generated from multiple satellite and (re)analysis P products, along with several static P-related variables, using random forest models trained on 3-hourly and daily P observations from gauges across the globe (n=17,322). Subsequently, these baseline P fields are locally corrected using available daily P observations, employing a procedure that accounts for the reporting times of gauges. To assess the accuracy of the product, we conducted the most comprehensive global evaluation of P products to date, using daily observations from independent P gauges as a reference (n=15,184). The new P product (prior to gauge corrections) outperformed all 18 other evaluated products, attaining a mean daily Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) value of 0.65. In contrast, widely used products such as CHIRP, ERA5, GSMaP, and IMERG achieved mean KGE values of 0.31, 0.57, 0.37, and 0.40, respectively. Furthermore, our P product consistently ranked first or second across various metrics, including correlation, overall bias, peak bias, wet days bias, and critical success index. Notably, the new product also outperformed several gauge-based products like CHIRPS and CPC Unified, which had mean KGE values of 0.37 and 0.54, respectively. Set for release in late 2024, we anticipate that the new product will be useful for climate research, water resource assessment, and flood management, among numerous other potential applications.

How to cite: Beck, H., Wang, X., and Alharbi, R.: Hourly 0.1° Gridded Near Real-Time Precipitation (1979–Present) via Machine Learning Fusion of Satellite, Model, and Gauge Data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19191, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19191, 2024.

Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall A

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–Tue, 16 Apr, 18:00
Chairpersons: Giuseppe Mascaro, Roberto Deidda, Alin Andrei Carsteanu
Fakhry Jayousi and Fiachra O'Loughlin

The availability of precipitation data from in-situ stations faces various challenges including varying quality and resolutions, improper distribution, and scarcity in many regions. This is particularly true for the West Bank. Hence, identifying the best available alternatives is a priority since high quality precipitation estimates are essential for most hydrological applications. This study focuses on examining the suitability of four satellite precipitation products (IMERG Final Run, PDIR-Now, CCS-CDR, CMORPH) in the Levant region taking Historical Palestine (West Bank, Israel) a case study. These precipitation products were compared to 502 in-situ rainfall stations (132 Palestinian and 370 Israeli) across the region at a daily time-step and had fine spatial resolutions varying 4-10 Km. Results show that IMERG estimates outperform all other products, with a mean R2 = 0.33 and Probability of Detection (POD) =0.7 with no adjustments applied. This R2 value is significantly higher than those found in other studies with similar climates. CMORPH was found to be the next best with a mean R2 =0.2 and POD = 0.4. The impact of elevations was also investigated and while IMERG was again the best overall, CCS-CDR performed better at lower elevations. Additionally, the satellite products were used to compare nearby Israeli and Palestinian stations and all satellites achieved higher results when compared to the Israeli stations. This potentially indicates the need for further investigation into the quality of Palestinian stations. Overall, this study found that IMERG provided the best performing satellite-based precipitation estimate for the Levant Region across a range of elevations, climatic regions, and rainfall thresholds. In addition to identifying the best performing date sets and examining newly released satellite products, this study’s finding will open the way to the application of these data sets for many hydrological purposes using available, easy-access remotely-sensed products.

How to cite: Jayousi, F. and O'Loughlin, F.: Assessment of The Applicability of Remotely Sensed Rainfall Products for Hydrological Analysis in The Levant Region (Case Study: Historical Palestine), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1434, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-1434, 2024.

Chien-Yu Tseng and Li-Pen Wang

The utilisation of spatial-temporal rainfall generators for urban drainage design or operational planning has largely increased for better reflecting the hydrological response of the catchment. However, a significant challenge that persists within these models is their inadequate representation convective storms. More specifically, the overall variation in spatial and temporal rainfall modelling comprises those resulting from advection and evolution. Most of the generators however neglect the modelling of cell evolution. This deficiency poses difficulties to precise convective storm simulations, consequently leading to potential underestimations of flood risk.

In addressing the challenge of modelling convective storms, this study proposes a statistical-based algorithm that enables the generation of convective cell lifecycles accounting for the evolution of cell properties. To develop the algorithm, we first chose an area of approximately 431 km2, centred at Birmingham city, as our study area. A total of 176 effective convective storm events, spanning from 2005-2017, were then identified using ground rain gauge records within the study area. We then utilised the enhanced TITAN storm tracking algorithm, proposed by Munoz et al (2018), to extract convective cell lifecycles for the selected events. Finally, a total of 116,287 lifecycles, comprising 354,855 individual cells, were retrieved, with an average of 660 per storm event.

We then investigated these cell lifecycles in three stages. The initial stage was to statistically characterise individual properties of convective cells, including rainfall intensity, spatial extent, and movement velocity. Following this, an investigation of the inter-correlations among these cell properties was conducted. Similar to the findings outlined in the literature, strong correlations could be found between cells’ intensity and their lifespans and between cells’ intensity and their spatial extents. The final stage focused on examining the evolution of these cell properties during their lifetimes. An interesting finding here is that the growth and decay rates of these cell properties are in fact correlated with cell properties themselves. This observation points to the need to incorporate this correlation structure into the process of sampling convective cells.

To resolve the complex correlation structure within convective cell evolution, we employed the Copula method, which is innovatively applied to statistically model the complex multi-variate interrelations among the characteristics of convective cells. The vine-copula approach, in particular, can well-reproduce the interrelations present in the dataset. The development of a novel copula-based algorithm for modeling convective cell lifecycles marks a key advancement, offering the potential for enhanced precision in spatial-temporal rainfall generators (McRobie et al., 2013), in depicting regional convective rainfall patterns.

How to cite: Tseng, C.-Y. and Wang, L.-P.: Modelling convective cell lifecycle with a copula-based approach, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4906, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4906, 2024.

Mengzhu Chen, Xiaogang He, and Simone Fatichi

Over the past few decades, increased record-breaking precipitation events have occurred in many places worldwide, leading to devastating flood disasters. Conventional design criteria for hydraulic infrastructure and flood mitigation projects are generally dependent on the analysis of historically observed data to inform projections of future conditions through fitting a probability distribution. Beyond the conventional stationarity assumption, it is also assumed that the past observed extreme data can approximate well the entire statistical distribution of future events of extreme precipitation. However, conventional methods solely relying on an extreme value analysis have been shown to fail to capture record-breaking precipitation extremes, potentially underestimating the risk of failure of hydraulic structures and flood prevention measures. This study leverages on the capability of a stochastic weather generator (AWE-GEN) to simulate record-breaking precipitation events at a point-scale by reproducing an ensemble of hourly synthetic precipitation time series that accounts for the intrinsic variability of the rainfall process. Compared with conventional extreme value analysis methodologies, the approach is capable of reproducing internal climate variability well and often reproduces extreme values of precipitation, which have not been recorded in the data yet. This study showcases the relevance of stochastic rainfall generators for estimating precipitation extremes for hydrological design under an uncertain climate. 

How to cite: Chen, M., He, X., and Fatichi, S.: Simulation of Record-Breaking Precipitation Events Using an Advanced Stochastic Weather Generator, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7125, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7125, 2024.

Giuseppe Mascaro, Stefano Farris, and Roberto Deidda

Increasing empirical evidence has been showing that, over the last decades, the frequency of daily heavy precipitation has risen in some regions of the United States (U.S.); less evidence has instead been presented at subdaily resolutions. In this study, we describe the challenges and opportunities associated with the detection of trends in subdaily heavy P in the U.S. using Version 2 of the Hourly Precipitation Data (HPD) from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). This dataset comprises records from 1897 gages which we found to be affected by several issues preventing their use in trend studies, including long periods with missing observations, changes of instruments, and different signal resolutions (largely, 0.254 and 2.54 mm). Despite this, after proper checks, we were able to identify 370 gages with ≥40 years of statistically homogenous data in 1950-2010 that cover the U.S. with a good density. To improve the ability to detect trends, we designed a framework that quantifies the degree to which the observed over-threshold series above a given empirical q-quantile are consistent with stationary count time series with the same marginal distribution and serial correlation structure as the observations. We also applied the false discovery rate test to account for spatial dependence and multiplicity of the local tests. Analyses were performed for the signals aggregated at Δt = 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 h and for q = 0.95, 0.97, and 0.99, finding that most gages exhibit increasing trends across all Δt’s and that their statistical significance increases with Δt and decreases with q, but only for Δt ≥ 2 h. This might indicate that the physical generating mechanisms of precipitation have changed in a way that leads to larger accumulations over durations >1 h but similar intensities within 1 h. An alternative possible explanation for these outcomes is instead that the coarse signal resolution (2.54 mm) reduces the power of the test for trend detection as Δt decreases. Investigating these issues will be the subject of our immediate future work.

How to cite: Mascaro, G., Farris, S., and Deidda, R.: Challenges and Opportunities in the Detection of Trends in Subdaily Heavy Precipitation in the United States, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12710, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12710, 2024.

Athanasios V. Serafeim, Stergios Emmanouil, Anastasios Perdios, and Andreas Langousis

The development and regular revision of the Greek National Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) serve as direct response to the guidelines introduced by the Floods Directive (Directive 2007/60/EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council, in order to effectively mitigate and manage potential risks related to extreme precipitation events. The current study presents a comparison between: a) the Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves obtained in 2016 over Greece using the Koutsoyiannis et. al (1998) methodology, and b) their 2023 revised version using a more recent approach (Koutsoyiannis, 2022; Iliopoulou et al., 2022).

Through a comparative analysis of the two distinct IDF sets, we assess the inherent statistical variability of rainfall fields and its probable influence on extreme rainfall estimation. Focus is on determining both the nature and extent of potential spatiotemporal alternations, while identifying emerging trends and possible abnormalities that indicate substantial shifts in precipitation patterns, thus enhancing understanding of the evolution of flood risk over Greece.

As the IDF curves form the cornerstone of Flood Risk Management Plans, it is crucial to identify significant variations in their profiles over short periods of time. Consequently, the current work highlights the necessity for regular updates of the national Flood Risk Management Plans, in accordance with the Floods Directive guidelines, while identifying areas that exhibit substantial statistical variability. Ultimately, the obtained results will allow for the development of robust decision-making frameworks, enabling stakeholders and policymakers to develop flexible and compliant mitigation strategies against potential hydrological hazards to protect the community and infrastructural assets.


Iliopoulou, T., Malamos, N. and Koutsoyiannis, D. (2022) Regional ombrian curves: design rainfall estimation for a spatially diverse rainfall regime, Hydrology, 9(5), 67, https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrology9050067.

Koutsoyiannis, D., Kozonis, D. and Manetas, A. (1998) A mathematical framework for studying rainfall intensity-duration-frequency relationships, Journal of Hydrology, 206 (1-2), pp 118-135, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0022-1694(98)00097-3.

Koutsoyiannis, D. (2022) Stochastics of Hydroclimatic Extremes - A Cool Look at Risk, 2nd Edition, ISBN: 978-618-85370-0-2, 346 pages, Kallipos Open Academic Editions, Athens, 2022, https://doi.org/10.57713/kallipos-1.

How to cite: Serafeim, A. V., Emmanouil, S., Perdios, A., and Langousis, A.: Assessing the Evolution of Intensity – Duration – Frequency Curves over Greece: A Comparative Study between 2016 and 2023, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14562, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14562, 2024.

Nur Banu Özcelik, Johannes Laimighofer, Stefan Strohmeier, Cristina Vásquez, Andreas Klik, Peter Strauss, Georg Pistotnik, Shuiqing Yin, Tomas Dostal, and Gregor Laaha

Soil erosion is a major threat to soil resources. Our ACRP-supported project EROS-A aims to improve erosion modelling by investigating the role of extreme precipitation and associated erosivity on soil erosion in the Main Agricultural Production Zones (MAPZ) of Austria. For this purpose, it is important to separate precipitation events into different process types (e.g. convective and stratiform events), as these are expected to follow different distributions and can be modelled more accurately using a mixture model approach.

In this contribution, we assess the performance of different clustering methods to establish a process typology of precipitation events. The study uses high-resolution rainfall data with a time resolution of 5 minutes from 27 stations in the agricultural area of Austria. Hourly lightning data (ALDIS) is used as a conditional variable, as thunderstorms are a good indicator of convective events. In our approach, a precipitation event is defined as time spell when precipitation exceeds 0.1 mm per 5 minutes. Similar to a drought analysis, this can result in short, interdependent events. These are pooled using a minimum precipitation of 1.27 mm in 6 hours as an interevent time and volume criterium. The temporal characteristics of rainfall events are characterized by five indices: the amount (aggregated event precipitation), duration (the time between the start and end of the event), intensity (amount divided by duration), peak intensity (the maximum 5-min intensity), and the time-to-peak (relative to the duration of the event). These characteristics are typically dominated by small (positive) values and are thus assumed to follow a Gamma distribution. In addition, the binary lightning index was considered as this is expected to have discriminative power as well.

Based on the rainfall events so obtained, cluster analysis is performed using partitioning around medoids (PAM) with Gower metric transformed lightning index. For comparison, model-based cluster analysis for mixtures of multivariate Gamma distributions is conducted. The results are compared using the discriminative power of principal component analysis (PCA) and measures of cluster homogeneity and discriminability.  In a final evaluation, the discriminative power of the event classification is assessed in terms of event type distributions. Initial results indicate that the event indices contain a wealth of information that can be profitably used to establish a typology of precipitation events. The results will feed into future studies to perform rainfall simulations that can serve as an input for erosion scenario modeling for agricultural decision support.

How to cite: Özcelik, N. B., Laimighofer, J., Strohmeier, S., Vásquez, C., Klik, A., Strauss, P., Pistotnik, G., Yin, S., Dostal, T., and Laaha, G.: A comparison of classification methods to perform a typology of precipitation events for soil erosion modelling, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16545, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16545, 2024.

Santa Andria, Marco Borga, and Marco Marani

Changes in the hydrological cycle and, in particular, in rainfall extreme events induced by global warming are expected to pose significantly increased hazards in the coming decades. However, changes in the probability of occurrence of intense precipitation remain poorly understood even in observations. Here we investigate the thermodynamic and large-scale constraints to the generation of extreme rainfall at both hourly and daily scales. To this aim, we address some of the ambiguities intrinsic to the traditional definition of the dependence of extreme rainfall on temperature as mediated by the Clausius-Clapeyron (CC) relation. For this purpose, we use a non-asymptotic extreme value distribution (Marani and Ignaccolo, 2015) as a basis for our analysis. In this framework, the distribution of extremes emerges from the distribution of the ordinary events, here allowed to vary under climate change. The distribution of annual maxima is expressed as a function of the probability distribution of all events (that may be inferred using most of the available data, rather than just on yearly maxima) and of the number of event occurrences per year. The rationale here is that a warming of the atmosphere will affect the distribution of all rainfall events, i.e. the shape of the ordinary event distribution, rather than just rainfall extremes as in traditional CC arguments. Based on this approach, we then analyze the relation between the parameters of the probability distribution of ordinary precipitation events and temperature at the daily and hourly scales, using observational data in Padova, Italy (where almost 300 years of observations are available) and multiple stations in the continental US.

While local temperature is widely considered to be a major driver of change in rainfall regimes, changes in large-scale circulation are also expected to play a significant role in shaping future rainfall regimes. In order to represent the effects of large-scale circulation, and analyze changes that remain unexplained by local temperature, we compute here the Vertically Integrated Moisture Convergence, derived from the ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) dataset.

Our results indicate that hourly precipitation is mainly controlled by thermodynamics, with the scale parameter of the probability distribution of hourly precipitation intensity showing a CC dependence. Conversely, at the daily scale, we show that precipitation variability is not explained by temperature changes but is rather driven by other factors such as large-scale circulation. These results support the need for an integrated approach, which quantitatively accounts for both local thermodynamics and large-scale circulation to estimate future changes in daily precipitation extremes under a climate change.

How to cite: Andria, S., Borga, M., and Marani, M.: A Matter of Scale: Thermodynamic and Large-Scale Constraints in Extreme Rainfall Under a Changing Climate, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17189, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17189, 2024.

Alin Andrei Carsteanu, César Aguilar Flores, and Félix Fernández Méndez

Predictability, in its informational sense, has been defined as the expected value of the logarithm of conditional probability of the predicted variable, conditioned on its predictors (Fernández Méndez et al., SERRA 37, pp.2651–2656, 2023). While the formulation in the cited work allows for assigning a normalized predictability value between 0 and 1 for any conditional probability distribution whose essential range has finite cardinality, the application therein only deals with Bernoulli-type distributions (i.e., 2 feasible states, in the case of rainfall, rain / no rain). The present study extends the scope of the application of informational predictability to multiply-thresholded rainfall intensity time series, and analyses the resulting conclusions.

How to cite: Carsteanu, A. A., Aguilar Flores, C., and Fernández Méndez, F.: Multiple-threshold informational predictability applied to rainfall intensities, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15180, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15180, 2024.

Valentin Dura, Anne-Catherine Favre, David Penot, and Guillaume Evin

The estimation of annual precipitation in ungauged mountainous areas where stations

are primarily situated in valleys is a crucial task in hydrology. Water Resources are very un-

certain at high altitudes due to difficult estimations of ice cover, water content in snowpacks,

and the weak instrumentation of these remote lands. Precipitation lapse rates (PLRs) are

defined as the increasing or decreasing rate of precipitation amounts with the elevation, and

play a pivotal role in this regard. However, the documentation of PLR in mountainous re-

gions remains weak even though their utilization in hydrological applications is5 important.

PLRs are often computed from rain gauge amounts, which are dependent on spatial sampling

and are not representative of high-altitude areas. The emergence and accessibility of gridded

precipitation products offer a remarkable opportunity to investigate the spatial variability

and the spatial-scale dependence of PLR in a varied and complex topography region. At the

regional scale (10,000 km2), six different rainfall products (rainfall reanalysis, satellite, radar)

are compared in their ability to reproduce the altitude dependence of the annual precipita-

tion of 1836 stations located in France. The Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Model

(CP-RCM) AROME is found to be more appropriate than radar and satellite-based products

commonly used in hydrology. The fine resolution of AROME (2.5 km) allows for a precise

assessment of the influence of the altitude on annual precipitation on 23 massifs ( 1000

km2) and 2748 small catchments ( 100 km2) through linear regressions. With AROME,

PLRs are in the majority positive (95 % in the range 0.55–13.10 %/100 m). The variabil-

ity of PLR is higher in high-altitude regions such as the French Alps, reflecting sheltering

effects. This study emphasizes the interest of conducting PLR investigation at a fine scale

to effectively assess their spatial variability and therefore reliable precipitation estimates in

mountainous areas, respecting the hydrological balance in high-altitude catchments.

How to cite: Dura, V., Favre, A.-C., Penot, D., and Evin, G.: Spatial Variability of precipitation lapse rates incomplex topographical regions - application in France, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22418, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-22418, 2024.

Enzo Pinheiro and Taha B.M.J. Ouarda

This research assesses the deterministic and probabilistic skill of an Artificial Neural Networks ensemble (EANN) for a 1-month-lead precipitation forecast. The EANN employs low-frequency climate oscillation indices to predict precipitation in the Brazilian state of Ceará, a key region for climate forecasting studies due to its high seasonal predictability. Additionally, a combination of the EANN and dynamical models into a hybrid multi-model ensemble (MME) is proposed. The EANN's forecasting ability is compared to a Multiple Linear Regression, a Multinomial Logistic Regression and North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) models through leave-one-out cross-validation based on 40 years of data. A spatial comparison showed that the EANN was among the models with the highest deterministic and probabilistic accuracy, except in the southern region of the state. Moreover, an analysis of the area-aggregated reliability and sharpness diagrams showed that the EANN is better calibrated than the individual dynamical models and has better resolution than traditional statistical models for above-normal (AN) and below-normal (BN) categories. Both statistical and dynamical models depict a bad-calibrated NN category. It is also shown that combining the EANN and dynamical models improves forecast system reliability compared to an MME based only on NMME models.

How to cite: Pinheiro, E. and B.M.J. Ouarda, T.: Seasonal Precipitation Forecast Using an Ensemble of Artificial Neural Networks and Climate Oscillation Indices. A Case Study of Ceará, northeastern Brazil., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2896, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2896, 2024.

Jeong Sang, Maeng-Ki Kim, and Youngseok Lee

In this study, we produced grid climate data set of 1km×1km horizontal resolution in South Korea using 5 types of RCM (HadGEM3-RA, CCLM, RegCM4, WRF, GRIMs) results based on Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) four scenarios (tier1: SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, SSP5-8.5) of the IPCC 6th report. The high-resolution future scenario data of South Korea were calculated using the PRIDE (PRism based Dynamic downscaling Error correction) model based on MK (Modified Korean)-PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model), a statistical downscaling method that can estimate grid data of horizontal high-resolution using observational station data in South Korea. And then, the QDM (Quantile Delta Mapping) method was used to correct bias due to climate change trend in high-resolution data of future period. The PRIDE model results were evaluated as realistically reflecting seasonal changes and topographical characteristics in South Korea. Furthermore, we assessed uncertainty for future climate data using the results of 5-ensemble models. As a result, in temperature, uncertainties due to internal variability and model were larger than due to scenario in the near future, and the influence of the scenario became greater as it progressed towards the end of 21st century. On the other hand, in the case of precipitation, the uncertainty according to the model over the entire future period was the largest, exceeding 60%.

How to cite: Sang, J., Kim, M.-K., and Lee, Y.: Statistical downscaling and bias correction for daily precipitation in the South Korea using the PRIDE model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19280, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19280, 2024.

Adrian Huerta, Roberto Serrano-Notivoli, Benjamin Stocker, and Stefan Brönnimann

Long-term weather observations are required to understand past climate and extreme weather events. However, there are a host of factors that affect the measurements and make the data unsuitable for direct use and analysis. In this regard, the proposed research attempts to create a serially complete observed and gridded dataset of daily precipitation in South America, a region with sparse station networks, complex orography (Andes Mountain range) and a diversity of climates (tropical to sub-polar climates). To accomplish this challenging purpose, we will create in a first step a station-based database with high-quality standards using reproducible quality control, gap-filling and homogenisation procedures. In a second step, we will construct a gridded-based dataset by employing weather reconstruction approaches such as analogues plus machine learning together with multiple satellite precipitation products and other remote-sensing- and reanalysis-based variables. Further, we will account for uncertainty in the station- and gridded- based dataset, which is critical for adequately understanding uncertainty in any application modelling chain, especially in complex-sparse terrain regions. Once the gridded data is available, we will evaluate it by analysing extreme events indices in conjunction with other established gridded precipitation products. This analysis will not only evidence the added value of the gridded data but also will enhance the knowledge of high-impact extreme events in South America, particularly over the Andes chain as a whole. Finally, we expect that the data products from the research will be useful for climate science and other geoscientific and operational applications in Earth-system fields in South America. The proposed study will continue previous projects in the tropical Andes (DECADE and CLIMANDES) by the University of Bern as it will expand to the entire continent, providing a wide variety of applications. 

How to cite: Huerta, A., Serrano-Notivoli, R., Stocker, B., and Brönnimann, S.: A weather reconstruction approach for daily precipitation since 1960s in South America , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2561, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2561, 2024.

Leonardo Valerio Noto, Dario Treppiedi, and Antonio Francipane

Rainfall depth-duration-frequency (DDF) curves serve as an essential tool for the design of hydraulic infrastructures, helping engineers and planners make informed decisions about system resilience and water management strategies. Over the past decades, several works have shown how climate change is altering the characteristics of extreme rainfall events, compromising the reliability of current DDFs for the future. Indeed, as climate evolve, the historical observation on which these curves are based may become less representative of current and future precipitation scenarios.

This is the case of Sicily, which is the largest island of the Mediterranean Sea and lies in its center. The island has been always screened for changes in the characteristics of rainfall extremes and, recently, it has been found that that especially shorter duration rainfall (i.e., hourly and sub-hourly) has intensified in the past years (Arnone et al., 2013; Treppiedi et al., 2021). This has resulted in a significant underestimation of rainfall quantiles calculated by most up-to-date regional frequency analysis, which is based on observations from 1928-2010, especially at shorter durations and low return periods (Treppiedi et al., 2023).

Starting from these results, we project the current DDFs in the future climate following what has been proposed by Martel et al. (2021). This framework is based on correcting the curves by including the expected rainfall scaling of the 24-h duration and 2-year return period rainfall with temperature and by integrating some factors that consider how the rainfall extremes are projected to change with frequency and with duration. To compute the future DDFs, we use the daily rainfall and temperature data from an ensemble of regional climate models (RCMs) in the EURO-CORDEX project. After validating the historical experiment of the RCM ensemble with observations from rain gauges, we use the future projections under the Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5. In this context, the use of daily rainfall and temperature data helps to reduce the uncertainty that models generally have in simulating short-lived phenomena, providing more accurate estimates.


Arnone, E., Pumo, D., Viola, F., Noto, L. V., and La Loggia, G. (2013). Rainfall statistics changes in Sicily, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 2449–2458, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-17-2449-2013, 2013

Martel, J. L., Brissette, F. P., Lucas-Picher, P., Troin, M., & Arsenault, R. (2021). Climate change and rainfall intensity–duration–frequency curves: Overview of science and guidelines for adaptation. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 26(10), 03121001.

Treppiedi, D., Cipolla, G., Francipane, A., & Noto, L. V. (2021). Detecting precipitation trend using a multiscale approach based on quantile regression over a Mediterranean area. International Journal of Climatology, 41(13), 5938–5955. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.7161

Treppiedi D., Cipolla G., Francipane A., Cannarozzo M., Noto L.V. (2023). Investigating the Reliability of Stationary Design Rainfall in a Mediterranean Region under a Changing Climate. Water. 2023; 15(12):2245. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15122245

How to cite: Noto, L. V., Treppiedi, D., and Francipane, A.: Projecting the current Depth-Duration-Frequency curves in the future climate for Sicily (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18814, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18814, 2024.

Hung-Ming Lin and Li-Pen Wang

Probabilistic radar-based precipitation nowcasting is increasingly vital for real-time hydrological applications because not only it produces timely rainfall input but also the informative ensemble nowcasts may facilitate decision making. There are two primary sources uncertainty while using radar-based nowcasts for hydrological applications. The first one lies in nowcasting algorithm itself; for example, inaccurately predicted rainfall magnitudes and rainfield advection displacement errors, both exacerbated as the lead time increases. The second one is the ‘measurement’ error. There is a notable discrepancy between radar-derived precipitation estimates and measurements from rain gauges, underscoring the inherent uncertainties, including systematic and random errors, in radar data. This discrepancy necessitates aligning indirect radar measurements with actual ground-level precipitation for practical hydrological applications and analyses.

In this study, we focus on tackling the ‘measurement’ uncertainty, such that the applicability of ensemble nowcasts to hydrological practices can be improved. In the proposed method, rain gauge observations are treated as the ground truth. The Censored and Shifted Gamma Distribution (CSGD) model is then constructed using these gauge data and the co-located radar rainfall estimates. The use of CSGD model lies in its ability to not only condition actual rainfall estimates on radar data values but also account for precipitation climatology at gauge locations. Based on the CSGD parameters at know locations, we can further interpolate parameters for any locations within our study domain. We then employed the STEPS (Short-Term Ensemble Prediction System) to generate radar-based ensemble nowcasts, which are then adjusted at each radar pixel locations using CSGD model with the corresponding parameters. This leads to CSGD-enhanced ensemble nowcasts.

The United Kingdom, with its comprehensive weather data, served as the experimental area for this study. The 1-km UK C-band radar composite from the Met Office Nimrod System and the Met Office Integrated Data Archive System (MIDAS) gauge data were utilised. By aggregating these datasets into hourly scales, climatological and conditional CSGD parameters from 2015 to 2020 were estimated. The evaluation involved two stage. Initially, about 10% of rain gauges were excluded from the CSGD model fitting, with parameters estimated via Kriging interpolation. This is to ensure the quality of interpolated CSGD parameters. Then, a total of 30 storm events from 2021 to 2023 were selected to test the proposed method. Preliminary results show that the CSGD-enhanced ensemble nowcasts show a higher agreement with rain gauge observations as compared to the original nowcasts.

The proposed method is of great practical potential to provide not only timely but also enhanced precipitation nowcasts to critical hydrological applications, such as landslide or flooding warnings.

How to cite: Lin, H.-M. and Wang, L.-P.: Enhancing Radar-Based Ensemble Nowcasting with CSGD: A UK Study, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2799, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2799, 2024.

Koray K. Yilmaz, Gökhan Sevinç, Çağdaş Sağır, Orhan Karaman, M. Tugrul Yilmaz, and Ismail Yucel

Reliable precipitation estimates are crucial for any hydrologic study. Representation of high spatio-temporal variability in precipitation using rain gauges is challenging over complex terrain. Geographical variability of Türkiye, such as orography, land–sea distribution and the high Anatolian peninsula strongly controls the climate and results in highly variable climate regimes. The objective of this study is the evaluation of tree-based machine learning algorithms (Random Forest & XGBoost) for bias correction of IMERGLate precipitation estimates over complex topography and climatic regimes. We utilized SHAP values to improve the transparency and the interpretability of machine learning models, thus to better understand the factors controlling the bias correction models. 301 quality-controlled rain gauges (244 for training and 57 for testing) were used, covering a 600 km wide North-South region from the Black Sea coast to the Mediterranean coast. The selected explanatory variables consist of daily IMERG precipitation estimates and probability of liquid precipitation, climate zones, aspect, elevation, distance to coast, effective terrain height, longitude and latitude. The results showed that both Random Forest and XGBoost algorithms significantly improved precipitation estimates. While the Random Forest Model provided better correlations, the XGBoost Model performed better in correcting the precipitation distribution. Both models show high performance in error correction and have similar Kling-Gupta performance. Analysis of SHAPLEY values showed that the IMERG product, effective terrain height, distance to coast and elevation are the most important variables in the precipitation bias correction process.

How to cite: Yilmaz, K. K., Sevinç, G., Sağır, Ç., Karaman, O., Yilmaz, M. T., and Yucel, I.: Evaluation of Various Machine Learning Algorithms for Bias Correction of Satellite-based Precipitation Estimates over Complex Topography, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18456, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18456, 2024.

Keith Shotton, Liz Lewis, David Pritchard, Nick Rutter, and Stephen Blenkinsop

Around 22% of the global population depend on mountain runoff for their water supply. Due to its importance for future water resources, as well as flood and drought planning, an improved understanding of spatial precipitation patterns in mountain regions is needed. Precipitation gauge networks are sparse and traditional methods of interpolation yield inadequate precipitation fields for poorly gauged mountain catchments.

This research project builds on a new method, Random Mixing, to generate multiple random spatial daily precipitation fields, conditioned on gauge observations. The Random Mixing algorithm has so far been tested on larger, densely gauged catchments. This project adapts the approach for a sparsely gauged, small 9.1 km2 mountain catchment, Marmot Creek Research Basin in Alberta, Canada, where elevations range between 1600 m and 2825 m above sea level (a.s.l.). Quality-controlled total precipitation (i.e., rainfall and snowfall) gauge observations, for an 11-year period, from three weather stations around the catchment have been used to condition the random spatial fields.

Three modifications have been made to the Random Mixing method: improving spatial covariance, introducing elevation dependence and evaluating seasonal effects. Leave-one-out cross-validation is used, comparing spatial fields from the new method with other spatial interpolation techniques, including Inverse Distance Weighting and Kriging with External Drift. Results are promising: even with very few gauges, improving the way that spatial covariance relationships between gauge locations are represented in the model has enhanced the quality of the spatial fields.

To optimise selection of the most plausible fields, ensemble hydrological simulations are run, using a modified version of the HBV spatially-distributed conceptual model, and the physically-based Cold Regions Hydrological Model (CRHM), with spatial precipitation fields generated on a 50 m2 regular model grid. Optimisation involves the use of metrics, primarily Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) and bias, to identify the fields that result in the best match between observed and simulated streamflows. Outputs from HBV and CRHM ensemble simulations are compared to evaluate the impact of model structure on catchment response and spatial precipitation field optimisation.

How to cite: Shotton, K., Lewis, L., Pritchard, D., Rutter, N., and Blenkinsop, S.: Improving estimation of spatial precipitation in mountain regions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17859, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17859, 2024.

Matteo Ippolito, Marcella Cannarozzo, Nunzio Romano, Paolo Nasta, Roberto Deidda, and Dario Pumo

Global warming may induce significant alterations to the rainfall regimes, especially in the Mediterranean basin, which can be considered as a hot-spot for climate change. Several previous studies focused on the variations in annual rainfall and extreme values, while rainfall seasonal variations were less explored. Rainfall seasonality is a critical climate factor affecting the evolution of natural vegetation, water resource availability, and water security. Rainfall seasonality anomalies may have a high impact, especially in areas of the Mediterranean basin where water supplied during the wet season is used to offset rainfall shortages in the dry season. In southern Italy, the occurrence of long water deficit periods and extremely concentrated rainy seasons could limit water uses and cause serious effects on crop yield and, consequently, on food production.

This study aims at exploring potential variations in rainfall seasonality over the last 100 years across three regions of southern Italy (Campania, Sardinia, and Sicily) through a dynamic approach proposed by Feng et al. (2013). The study area is characterized by a Mediterranean climate, where the hydrological year consists of a net alternation of two seasons: a cold-rainy period (wet season), usually including fall-winter months, and a hot-dry period (dry season), typically including spring-summer months. The analysis proposed involves the determination of time-variant values of rainfall magnitude and frequency of the two seasons (wet and dry).

Daily rainfall values, recorded between 1916 and 2023, are gathered from hundreds of rain gauge stations distributed over the three regions. A pre-processing procedure was applied for data quality check, data reconstruction in years with less than 80% of missing data, and rain gauge selection; then, only rain gauge datasets with adequate data availability (i.e., more than 70 complete years, with at least 15 years in the last two decades, 15 years in the pre-World War II period, and without significant data interruptions) were retained and used for data analyses. Rainfall depth over each season is idealized as an exponentially distributed independent random variable with mean values h (mm), whereas the seasonal rainfall occurrence is modelled as a Poisson process with rate l (d-1). Rainfall seasonality at each rain gauge was defined annually, considering different indices: the Dimensionless Seasonality Index (DSI); the seasonal rainfall depth and the seasonal values of h and l; the wet season timing (i.e., centroid of the season) and duration. The reference period was divided into different equal-size and non-overlapping subperiods.

Differences in the various rainfall seasonality indices and their distributions among the various gauges, regions, and subperiods were analyzed, also investigating the influence of some climatic and topographic factors (i.e., temperature, gauge distance from the sea and elevation). A trend analysis based on Mann-Kendall's and Sen's Slope Method with statistical significance at 95% level of confidence, was also carried out considering a limited subset of gauges with the largest data availability for each region.

How to cite: Ippolito, M., Cannarozzo, M., Romano, N., Nasta, P., Deidda, R., and Pumo, D.: Exploring changes in rainfall seasonality over the last 100 years across three regions of southern Italy: Campania, Sardinia, and Sicily, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17831, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17831, 2024.

Maria Francesca Caruso, Eleonora Dallan, Giorgia Fosser, Marco Borga, and Marco Marani

The statistical properties of rainfall at short durations are pivotal for many hydrological applications. Commonly available rainfall records nor km-scale model, i.e. Convection-Permitting Models (CPMs), do not provide rainfall data at the sub-hourly scales needed for many applications, such as hydrological modelling in small or urban catchments or landslide or debris-flow models. Motivated by the above considerations, in this application a statistical downscaling technique is proposed for inferring the rainfall correlation structure at sub-hourly scale by using hourly statistics from CPM simulations. The proposed approach is based on the theory of stochastic processes, which establishes statistical relationships between coarse-scale predictors and fine-scale predictands. To validate the temporally downscaled results against observations, here we use, as a benchmark, high-resolution rainfall records from a dense network of rain gauges in northeastern Italy considering aggregation timescales ranging from 5 minutes to 24 hours. We then explore how the downscaling method developed here, coupled with the Complete Stochastic Modelling Solution (CoSMoS; Papalexiou, 2018) framework, may be used to generate sub-hourly rainfall sequences that reproduce the observed short- and long-timescale variability. Applied to statistics for each month in a year, to reproduce seasonality, the proposed downscaling method appropriately reproduces the observed correlation structure at desired fine-scale resolution. Consequently, the rainfall generator used here, by exploiting the downscaled information from CPM runs, allows to generate rainfall records at the desired scale that may be used for evaluating risk and risk change scenarios, for example associated with debris flows.

How to cite: Caruso, M. F., Dallan, E., Fosser, G., Borga, M., and Marani, M.: Stochastic temporal downscaling in Northeast Italy using convection-permitting climate models: from hourly to sub-hourly timescales, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15507, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15507, 2024.