CR3.2 | Rapid changes in sea ice: processes and implications
Rapid changes in sea ice: processes and implications
Convener: Daniel Feltham | Co-conveners: Gaelle Veyssiere, Daniela Flocco, Srikanth Toppaladoddi
| Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 1.34
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X5
Posters virtual
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X5
Orals |
Thu, 14:00
Wed, 16:15
Wed, 14:00
Significant reductions in Arctic sea ice extent, concentration and thickness have been consistently witnessed during the last decades. In contrast, Antarctic sea ice extent was remarkably stable until 2016/2017. Over recent years we have seen a series of record lows in Antarctic sea ice extent, composed of varying trends in different sectors. 2023 has been particularly stark due to the lack of recovery of the sea ice cover, raising concerns for the future of Antarctic sea ice. Climate projections suggest a reduction of the sea ice cover in both poles, with the Arctic becoming seasonally ice free in the latter half of this century.
The scientific community is investing considerable effort in organising our current knowledge of the physical and biogeochemical properties of sea ice, exploring poorly understood sea ice processes, and forecasting future changes of the sea ice cover, such as in CMIP6.
In this session, we invite contributions regarding all aspects of sea ice science and sea ice-climate interactions in both the Arctic and Southern Ocean, including snow and sea ice thermodynamics and dynamics, sea ice-atmosphere and sea ice-ocean interactions, sea ice biological and chemical processes, sea ice observational and field studies and models. A focus on emerging processes and implications is particularly welcome.

Orals: Thu, 18 Apr | Room 1.34

Chairpersons: Daniel Feltham, Srikanth Toppaladoddi
On-site presentation
Hugues Goosse, Quentin Dalaiden, Feba Francis, and Ryan Fogt

The Antarctic sea ice extent has displayed several regime shifts over the past 65 years. Consistent lines of evidence indicate a decline in Antarctic sea ice extent from 1958 to 1978, which precedes the availability of continuous satellite observations. Subsequently, there was a significant sea ice expansion over 1979–2015 before the large drop observed in the past few years that led to record lows. The origin of those shifts and contrasting trends are analyzed here using a new reconstruction of atmospheric temperature, sea level pressure and sea ice extent spanning the period 1958-2023. We employ a data assimilation method that combines long simulations as well as large ensembles performed with climate models with long-term station-based records of temperature and sea level pressure at mid and high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. The reconstruction is thus totally independent from sea ice extent observations that are used as validation, showing the good performance of the method. In contrast to previous reconstructions and estimates, reconstructing simultaneously the atmospheric circulation, temperature, and sea ice extent ensures compatibility among the variables and thus a more straightforward dynamical interpretation. Our reconstruction indicates that no change in the reconstructed atmospheric circulation could be directly related to the regime shifts in sea ice extent trends but the covariance structure of the temperature strongly varies across periods, with more homogenous temperature anomalies for the early and recent periods and a more complex spatial pattern for the years 1979–2015. This might suggest a time-dependent contribution of the ocean, which will be further analyzed in a simulation performed with the NEMO model driven by the ERA5 reanalysis.

How to cite: Goosse, H., Dalaiden, Q., Francis, F., and Fogt, R.: Origin of the trends in Antarctic sea ice extent over the period 1958-2023 , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-875,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jinfei Wang, François Massonnet, Hugues Goosse, Hao Luo, Qinghua Yang, and Antoine Barthélemy

Antarctic sea ice extent (SIE) reached a new record low of 1.79 million km2 on 21 February 2023, 38% lower than the climatological average. In this study, we trace this record back to its possible origins by providing a detailed view on the evolution of the coupled ocean-atmosphere-sea ice system during the 12 months that preceded the event (March 2022 to February 2023). The impact of preceding winter and spring conditions on the summer minimum is assessed with the help of observations, reanalyses, and output from a regional ocean-sea ice coupled model NEMO3.6-LIM3. We find that the 2022-2023 annual cycle was characterized by consistently low SIE values throughout the year preceding the record, by anomalously high SIE melting rates in December 2022, and by circumpolar negative SIE anomalies in almost all basins of the Southern Ocean in February 2023. Through autumn and winter (March to August 2022), advection-induced positive air temperature anomalies inhibited the development of sea ice in the Weddell and Bellingshausen Seas, which preconditioned an ice-free state in the Bellingshausen Sea as early as October 2022. Concurrently, strong southerly winds in the Eastern Ross Sea caused by an anomalously deep Amundsen Sea Low in spring (September to November) transported significant volumes of sea ice northward, contributing to severe melting offshore in December and, through increased divergence near the coast, triggered the ice-albedo feedback onshore. As a consequence, a coastal polynya appeared in the western part of the Amundsen Sea due to stronger surface sea ice melting. This ice-albedo feedback was unusually active in late 2022 and favored accelerated melt towards the minimum in February 2023. This study highlights the impacts of multifactorial processes during the preceding seasons to explain the recent summer sea ice minima.

How to cite: Wang, J., Massonnet, F., Goosse, H., Luo, H., Yang, Q., and Barthélemy, A.: The 2023 record low Antarctic sea ice traced to synergistic influences of preconditioning, wind-induced transport and the ice albedo feedback, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1737,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kyle Duncan and Sinead Farrell

Since 2015, Antarctic sea ice extent has declined by ~53%, and reached consecutive record lows in the austral summers of 2022 and 2023. These events have raised major concern as to whether a regime shift towards more extreme and frequent low sea ice extents has begun. Potential impacts on the climate system are far-reaching and continent-wide studies are urgently needed. Due to Antarctica's remote and harsh environment, in situ observations are however sparse. NASA's ICESat-2, a laser altimeter launched in 2018, provides precise sea ice surface elevation data at high-resolution, with along-track sampling every ~0.7 m. This sampling allows us to resolve meter-scale features in the sea ice pack, such as pressure ridges, which modify the shape of the ice thickness distribution and play an important role in ocean-atmosphere momentum flux through form drag. We apply a bespoke processing technique, called the University of Maryland-Ridge Detection Algorithm (UMD-RDA), to derive the surface topography of sea ice in the Southern Ocean over a 5-year period, spanning 2018-2023. Using the UMD-RDA we can capture seasonal and interannual variability in surface roughness, pressure ridge sail height, and ridge sail spacing. We find that during the 2018-2023 period, on average, across the full Southern Ocean ice pack, sea ice surface roughness reaches a maximum in January/February followed by a minimum in April. Sail height is at its maximum in January and minimum in June, while sail spacing is at its minimum in January and maximum in June. Interannual variability shows that the 2023 season is an outlier with respect to the 5-year 2018-2023 average. In 2023 there was a decrease of ~20% in surface roughness during the April minimum, a decrease of ~8% in sail height during the June minimum, and an increase of ~31% in sail spacing during the June maximum. This suggests that, in 2023, the sea ice pack was less deformed overall than in preceding years. We also assess seasonal and interannual variability in surface roughness and ridge morphology in five distinct regions including the Amundsen-Bellingshausen (A-B), Ross, Pacific, Indian, and Weddell Seas. The A-B, Ross, and Pacific sectors showed the greatest change in 2023, with respect to the 2018-2023 average, with a decrease in surface roughness of ~34%, ~26%, and ~14%, respectively. Sail spacing within the A-B, Ross, and Pacific sectors, with respect to the 2018-2023 average, increased by ~83%, ~61%, and ~35%, respectively. Furthermore, the ICESat-2 ATL10 sea ice freeboard dataset shows a ~50% decrease in freeboard within the A-B sector in 2023. These results provide evidence that a substantial amount of thicker, older, and rougher ice was likely exported out of the A-B region. Our results can provide insight into the mechanisms responsible for the recent record low sea ice extents and could uncover new relationships between deformation, roughness, and ice extent.

How to cite: Duncan, K. and Farrell, S.: Annual Cycle of Antarctic Sea Ice Deformation from ICESat-2, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10502,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Rachel Diamond, David Schroeder, Louise Sime, Jeff Ridley, and Danny Feltham

The impact of melt ponds on sea ice albedo has been observed and documented. In general circulation models, ponds are now accounted for through indirect diagnostic treatments (“implicit” schemes) or prognostic melt-pond parameterizations (“explicit” schemes). However, there has been a lack of studies showing the impacts of these schemes on simulated Arctic climate. We focus here on rectifying this using the general circulation model HadGEM3, one of the few models with a detailed explicit pond scheme. We identify the impact of melt ponds on the sea ice and climate, and associated ice–ocean–atmosphere interactions. We run a set of constant forcing simulations for three different periods and show, for the first time, that using mechanistically different pond schemes can lead to very significantly different sea ice and climate states. Under near-future conditions, an implicit scheme never yields an ice-free summer Arctic, while an explicit scheme yields an ice-free Arctic in 35% of years and raises autumn Arctic air temperatures by 5° to 8°C. We find that impacts on climate and sea ice depend on the ice state: under near-future and last-interglacial conditions, the thin sea ice is very sensitive to pond formation and parameterization, whereas during the preindustrial period the thicker sea ice is less sensitive to the pond scheme choice. Both of these two commonly used parameterizations of sea ice albedo yield similar results under preindustrial conditions but in warmer climates lead to very different Arctic sea ice and ocean and atmospheric temperatures. Thus, changes to physical parameterizations in the sea ice model can have large impacts on simulated sea ice, ocean, and atmosphere.

How to cite: Diamond, R., Schroeder, D., Sime, L., Ridley, J., and Feltham, D.: The Significance of the Melt-Pond Scheme in a CMIP6 Global Climate Model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6230,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Alek Petty, Christopher Cardinale, and Madison Smith

Future projections of Arctic sea ice remain poorly constrained, due in large part to the significant inter-model spread across the CMIP6 archive. Various recent studies have explored novel calibration methods to better constrain future sea ice conditions, especially the timing of an ice-free Arctic, but can come to different conclusions based on the calibration approach taken. Some approaches exclude outlier models, while others seek to exploit sensitivities of sea ice area/extent to global warming (e.g., Northern Hemisphere temperatures) to better constrain the multi-model ensemble. As long-term and reliable observations of sea ice thickness are lacking, calibration efforts have primarily relied on sea ice concentration/area data from the passive microwave satellite record. 

We are leading a new NASA-funded effort to utilize the multi-year record of observed sea ice freeboard and derived sea ice thickness from ICESat-2, together with similar data from the original ICESat and ESA’s CryoSat-2 missions, to reduce inter-model uncertainty in future sea ice projections. Although the sea ice altimetry data record is more limited in space and time than the longer-term passive microwave concentration record, it can offer significant advantages; for example, freeboard is measured very accurately by modern laser altimetry satellites, providing more information within the consolidated ice pack, and is now output by some of the CMIP6 models, enabling direct comparisons between the model and the satellite measurements. Only a small fraction of CMIP6 models provide the direct output of derived freeboard so assumptions (mainly related to the bulk ice and snow density) need to be made when estimating freeboard with the core model output. Initial results suggest this can have an important impact on the comparisons. Converting the observations of freeboard to sea ice thickness introduces significantly more uncertainty to the observed data but can radically simplify the model comparison effort. 

In this presentation we will showcase our initial efforts to better utilize the satellite altimetry record for calibrating CMIP6 simulations of future sea ice conditions across both poles, but with a primary focus on projections of the timing of an ice-free Arctic. We discuss some of the nuances of using freeboard as a more direct observational constraint compared to thickness, providing motivation for more modeling groups to provide the direct ice density and freeboard outputs in the lead-up to CMIP7. 

Finally, our analysis has all been carried out within the NASA-supported CryoCloud compute environment using the cloud-based (AWS) CMIP6 data archive, so we include additional insight into the benefits of this analysis approach and the small but important impact from differences in model output availability (compared to the recent IPCC analysis). 

How to cite: Petty, A., Cardinale, C., and Smith, M.: Improving sea ice projections with the modern-era satellite altimetry record of freeboard and thickness, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10681,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Valentin Ludwig, Carole Belot, Elodie Da Silva, Sara Fleury, Christian Haas, Stefan Hendricks, Eric Munesa, Javier Pastor, Stephan Paul, Michel Tsamados, Jérôme Bouffard, Alessandro Di Bella, and Michele Scagliola

Sea-ice thickness is a crucial parameter for a variety of scientific disciplines, including climate science, oceanography, and ecology. It plays a vital role in regulating exchanges of heat, moisture and momentum between the polar oceans and the atmosphere, influencing ocean currents, and affecting local cloud cover and precipitation.

The ESA-funded project SIN’XS, led by NOVELTIS, AWI, LEGOS, and UCL, aims to comprehensively assess available sea-ice thickness and snow thickness products and their uncertainties. We are building up a database of large-scale datasets (satellite-based and models) as well as reference datasets (in-situ, airborne, moorings, etc.) to better understand the variability and change in observed ice thickness in both hemispheres. A web portal enables users to interactively explore and analyse data. In the talk, we will introduce the project and database and present the first results. We will also encourage potential collaborators to contribute to the project by submitting data to our website. We look forward to collaborating with the scientific community to better understand the complexities of sea-ice thickness and its impact on our planet. The ultimate goal of SIN’XS is to provide a reconciled and comprehensive sea-ice thickness estimate.

How to cite: Ludwig, V., Belot, C., Da Silva, E., Fleury, S., Haas, C., Hendricks, S., Munesa, E., Pastor, J., Paul, S., Tsamados, M., Bouffard, J., Di Bella, A., and Scagliola, M.: Comprehensive assessment of sea-ice thickness datasets: The ESA SIN’XS project, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9852,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Matias Uusinoka, Arttu Polojärvi, and Jari Haapala

Sea-ice deformation is commonly estimated from satellite imagery in low spatial and temporal resolutions. This coincides with the fact that the lower bound of scale invariance in ice deformation is analytically estimated at the scale of ice thickness. Estimating deformation patterns from more accurate buoy records can in turn be problematic due to their sparse spatial coverage while the previous analysis of radar imagery has been disturbed noisy data. In response to the gap in high resolution empirical data, we deploy a novel deep neural network-based motion tracking method with ice-radar imagery gathered continuously during MOSAiC expedition for statistical analysis of sea ice deformation. The proposed method enables estimating ice dynamics at length scales down to 10 meters at a 10-minute temporal scale in a 10 km ×10 km domain. Overcoming issues with high-frequency noise in radar data, we output ~10^8 daily deformation-rate estimates with accuracy comparable or higher than those gained by using ice buoys. The method allows quantification of the highly intermittent and localized deformation and, thus, the analysis of established scaling laws at resolutions never analyzed before. In light of the changing ice conditions in the Arctic, we emphasize seasonal variability and separation between ice zones.

How to cite: Uusinoka, M., Polojärvi, A., and Haapala, J.: Local-scale analysis on sea-ice deformation based on radar imagery and deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19034,, 2024.

On-site presentation
The rapid increase in ice thickness along Nares Strait following ice arch formation
Kent Moore, Steve Howell, Thomas Ballinger, Kaitlin McNeil, and Mike Brady
On-site presentation
Peter Yu Feng Siew, Yutian Wu, Mingfang Ting, Cheng Zheng, Qinghua Ding, and Richard Seager

The Arctic has experienced a rapid sea ice loss in the Barents and Kara Seas in winter during the last few decades. Such sea ice loss has been attributed to anthropogenic warming and internal variability, but their relative contribution remains unclear. Using machine-learning methods and large ensemble simulations, we successfully reproduce Barents-Kara sea ice trends as the joint impact of anthropogenic and internal atmospheric variability components. Results show that the loss of Barents-Kara sea ice extent over the recent 20 years (1997-2017) is significantly enhanced by atmospheric internal variability (>50%) acting on top of anthropogenic warming. Overall, this study highlights that internal variability plays a more important role in recent winter Arctic sea ice loss than previously thought, and promotes similar machine-learning methods for attributing sea ice trends in other polar regions and seasons.

How to cite: Siew, P. Y. F., Wu, Y., Ting, M., Zheng, C., Ding, Q., and Seager, R.: Significant contribution of internal variability to recent Barents-Kara sea ice loss in winter, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14415,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Fanyi Zhang, Ruibo Lei, Mengxi Zhai, Xiaoping Pang, and Na Li

Arctic sea ice outflow to the Atlantic Ocean is essential to the Arctic sea ice mass budget and the marine environments in the Barents and Greenland seas (BGS). With the extremely positive Arctic Oscillation (AO) in winter (JFM) 2020, the feedback mechanisms of anomalies in Arctic sea ice outflow and their impacts on winter–spring sea ice and other marine environmental conditions in the subsequent months until early summer in the BGS were investigated. The results reveal that the total sea ice area flux (SIAF) through the Fram Strait, the Svalbard–Franz Josef Land passageway, and the Franz Josef Land–Novaya Zemlya passageway in winter and June 2020 was higher than the 1988–2020 climatology. The relatively large total SIAF, which was dominated by that through the Fram Strait (77.6 %), can be significantly related to atmospheric circulation anomalies, especially with the positive phases of the winter AO and the winter–spring relatively high air pressure gradient across the western and eastern Arctic Ocean. Such abnormal winter
atmospheric circulation patterns have induced wind speeds anomalies that accelerate sea ice motion (SIM) in the Atlantic sector of Transpolar Drift, subsequently contributing to the variability in the SIAF (R=+0.86, P<0.001). The abnormally large Arctic sea ice outflow led to increased sea
ice area (SIA) and thickness in the BGS, which has been observed since March 2020, especially in May–June. The increased SIA impeded the warming of the sea surface temperature (SST), with a significant negative correlation between April SIA and synchronous SST as well as the lagging SST of 1–3 months based on the historic data from 1982–2020. Therefore, this study suggests that winter–spring Arctic sea ice outflow can be considered a predictor of changes in sea ice and other marine environmental conditions in the BGS in the subsequent months, at least until early summer. The results promote our understanding of the physical connection between the central Arctic Ocean and the BGS.

How to cite: Zhang, F., Lei, R., Zhai, M., Pang, X., and Li, N.: The impacts of anomalies in atmospheric circulations on Arctic sea ice outflow and sea ice conditions in the Barents and Greenland seas: case study in 2020, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3299,, 2024.


Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X5

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 14:00–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Srikanth Toppaladoddi, Daniel Feltham
Shaoyin Wang, Jiping Liu, Zixin Wei, Hua Li, Dongxia Yang, and Xiao Cheng

This study investigates the specific circulation anomalies that have sustained the low Antarctic sea ice state since 2016. Firstly, we find a significant strengthening and southward shift in the Ferrel Cell during 2016–2022, resulting in a marked increase in zonally southward transport of heat and moisture. Secondly, this enhanced Ferrel Cell is closely associated with a stronger circumpolar wave pattern (CWP) over the same period. This pattern is zonally asymmetric and greatly amplifies the poleward advections of heat and moisture, leading to the increased downward longwave radiation, more liquid precipitation and sea ice retreat in specific regions, including the western Pacific and Indian Ocean sectors, eastern Ross and northern Weddell Seas. The strong correlation between the Ferrel Cell and CWP was reproduced by the Community Earth System Model - Large Ensemble. As global warming continues, the potential southward shift of the Ferrel Cell poses a major threat to sea ice retreat.

How to cite: Wang, S., Liu, J., Wei, Z., Li, H., Yang, D., and Cheng, X.: How Has the Ferrel Cell Contributed to the Maintenance of Antarctic Sea Ice at Low Levels Since 2016?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14705,, 2024.

Daniel Topal, Thierry Fichefet, François Massonnet, Antoine Barthélemy, Hugues Goosse, Quentin Dalaiden, and Pierre-Yves Barriat

During the austral autumn/winter of 2023 Antarctic sea ice exhibited a pan-Antarctic wide delay in refreezing of roughly a month (peaked in July 2023, hereafter referred to as W23 event). As such it is unprecedented over the satellite era and may point to a start of a transitioning to a new state of Antarctic sea ice. However, the relatively short observational record obscures our understanding how natural variability in Antarctic sea ice can act together with anthropogenic climate change in creating favorable conditions for extreme Antarctic sea ice changes. Here we show that an anomalous atmospheric circulation pattern prior to W23 (May-to-July 2023) is part of a longer-term (1979-2022) trend in observed mid-to-upper tropospheric winds around the Antarctic continent towards a wavier manner that favors anomalous moisture transport to the Weddell Sea. We further show that this circulation pattern is associated with winter sea ice anomalies on both year-to-year and interdecadal timescales in preindustrial control simulations of CMIP6 climate models as well as in future projections of large ensemble simulations under greenhouse gas emission scenarios. By conducting standalone simulations with the global ocean-sea ice model NEMO4-SI3 (forced by the atmospheric reanalysis ERA5) at two horizontal resolutions (1º & 0.25º), we also study the influence of the recently observed acceleration of ocean warming around the Antarctic continent and the effect of model horizontal resolution on the simulation of sea ice extremes. Our results overall suggest that internal atmospheric-sea ice coupling could be an important contributor to future winter Antarctic sea ice changes, enhancing the forced Antarctic sea ice changes that are primarily driven by ocean warming.

How to cite: Topal, D., Fichefet, T., Massonnet, F., Barthélemy, A., Goosse, H., Dalaiden, Q., and Barriat, P.-Y.: Intensifying circumpolar winds contributes to reducing winter Antarctic sea ice growth, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14727,, 2024.

Yongwu Xiu, Yiguo Wang, Hao Luo, Lilian Garcia-Oliva, and Qinghua Yang

Antarctic sea ice is an important part of the Earth's system and provides key habitats for wild animals. This study assesses the variability and predictability of regional Antarctic sea ice, particularly focusing on the impact of the initialization of different components on its seasonal predictions. We run three hindcasts (retrospective forecast) experiments within the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model (NorCPM), whose atmosphere, ocean, or sea ice is initialized, respectively. These hindcasts are conducted four times per year over 1985-2010 and last for 13 months. We first evaluate three reanalyses that provide initial conditions for the hindcasts. It shows that solely constraining the ocean or atmosphere cannot reproduce the overall observed sea ice concentration (SIC) trend, but has some skill in capturing the variability of the SIC and Antarctic sea ice extent (SIE). Sea ice assimilation further improves the estimate of the SIC/SIE trend and variability, but the performance in the Pacific section is degraded. According to the hindcast experiments, the predictive skill varies with region and season. For example, winter SIE in the Weddell Sea and Amundsen-Bellingshausen Sea can be skillfully predicted 12 months in advance and the predictive skill in the Pacific Section is lower. Among the three hindcast experiments, atmosphere initialization generally yields comparable or even more prolonged prediction skills when compared to ocean or ocean/sea-ice initialization. Compared to ocean initialization, additional sea ice initialization improves prediction in the Indian Section, Pacific Section, and the Ross Sea, but degrades in the Amundsen-Bellingshausen Sea. Further analysis demonstrates that a large part of regional SIE predictability can be explained by high SST predictability on seasonal timescale. In addition, sea ice thickness plays a key role in prolonging the prediction skill in the Ross Sea until the summer season due to the memory of thick ice.

How to cite: Xiu, Y., Wang, Y., Luo, H., Garcia-Oliva, L., and Yang, Q.: The variability and predictability of regional Antarctic sea ice on seasonal timescale, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9532,, 2024.

Na Li, Ruibo Lei, Petra Heil, Bin Cheng, Minghu Ding, Zhongxiang Tian, and Bingrui Li

Landfast ice (LFI) is an indispensable component in the Antarctic coastal system, which is very important for coastal climate and ecological processes. However, the regional differences of LFI mass balance with respect to the seasonal and inter-annual variations and the impact factors responsible to those differences have not been investigated systematically in the Prydz Bay, i.e., the third largest bay along the Antarctic coast. 

We analyzed the data measured by 11 ice mass balance buoys (IMBs) obtained in the coastal areas off the Chinese Zhongshan station (ZS) and Australian Davis station (DS), and covered 2009–2010, 2013–2016 and 2018 ice seasons. We identified the local spatial changes in LFI based on the data.  The observed annual maximum ice thickness for LFI off ZS (DS) was 1.59±0.17 m (1.64±0.08 m), with the dominant influencing factors of air temperature anomaly, snow depth atop, local topography and wind regime, and oceanic heat flux. Larger interannual and local spatial variabilities for the seasonality of LFI mass balance were observed at ZS than at DS because of the differences in local topography and katabatic wind regime. LFI at DS (0.6±0.2 cm d-1) grew faster in winter due to the relatively low air temperature and small oceanic heat flux compared to that at ZS (0.5±0.2 cm d-1). Snow ice contributes up to 26% of the observed LFI maximum ice thickness at the offshore site close to ground icebergs off ZS because of substantial snow accumulation. Oceanic heat flux would promote the LFI growth during winter at the sites nearby Dålk Glacier off ZS because of the supercooled meltwater. At interannual timescale, we find that variability of LFI properties across the study domain prevailed, over any trend during the recent decades. Our results suggests that increased understanding of local atmospheric and oceanic conditions, as well as surface morphology and coastal bathymetry, are required to improve Antarctic LFI modelling at local and regional scale.

How to cite: Li, N., Lei, R., Heil, P., Cheng, B., Ding, M., Tian, Z., and Li, B.: Seasonal and interannual variations in landfast ice mass balance between 2009–2018 in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13674,, 2024.

Haihan Hu, Jiechen Zhao, Petra Heil, Zhiliang Qin, Jingkai Ma, Fengming Hui, and Xiao Cheng

High-frequency observations of the ice–ocean interaction and high-precision estimation of the ice–ocean heat exchange are critical to understanding the thermodynamics of the landfast ice mass balance in Antarctica. To investigate the oceanic contribution to the evolution of the landfast ice, an integrated ocean observation system, including an acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV), conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) sensors, and a sea ice mass balance array (SIMBA), was deployed on the landfast ice near Chinese Zhongshan Station in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica from April to November 2021. The CTD sensors recorded the ocean temperature and salinity. The ocean temperature experienced a rapid increase in late April, from −1.62°C to the maximum of −1.30°C, and then, it gradually decreased to −1.75°C in May and remained at this temperature until November. The seawater salinity and density exhibited similar increasing trends during April and May, with mean rates of 0.04 psu day1 and 0.03 kg m3 day1, respectively, which was related to the strong salt rejection caused by freezing of the landfast ice. The ocean current observed by the ADV had mean horizontal and vertical velocities of 9.5±3.9 cm s1 and 0.2±0.8 cm s1, respectively. The domain current direction was ESE (120°)–WSW (240°), and the domain velocity (79%) was 5–15 cm s1. The oceanic heat flux (Fw) estimated using the residual method reached a peak of 41.3±9.8 W m2 in April, and then, it gradually decreased to a stable level of 7.8±2.9 W m2 from June to October. The Fw values calculated using three different bulk parameterizations exhibited similar trends with different magnitudes due to the uncertainties of the empirical friction velocity. The spectral analysis results suggest that all of the observed ocean variables exhibited a typical half-day period, indicating the strong diurnal influence of the local tidal oscillations. The large-scale sea ice distribution and ocean circulation contributed to the seasonal variations in the ocean variables, revealing the important relationship between the large-scale and local phenomena. The high frequency and cross-seasonal observations of oceanic variables obtained in this study allow us to deeply investigate their diurnal and seasonal variations and to evaluate their influences on the landfast ice evolution.

How to cite: Hu, H., Zhao, J., Heil, P., Qin, Z., Ma, J., Hui, F., and Cheng, X.: Annual evolution of the ice–ocean interaction beneath landfast ice in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1943,, 2024.

Marta Stentella, Ghislain Picard, Petra Heil, Stuart Corney, Jonathan Wille, and Vincent Favier
Sea ice is a fundamental, highly variable element of the polar environments. Its variability deeply affects, not only the local climate- and ecosystem but also the global Earth system. Until recently Arctic sea ice experienced a general retreat as expected under global warming whilst Antarctic sea ice extent increased up to 2014. However, Antarctic sea-ice extent at maximum annual cover shifted from a record high (2014) to a record minimum extent (2023), begging to explore the relationship between sea ice and ocean/atmospheric forcing. In this work, we pinpoint some extreme atmospheric events, specifically, atmospheric rivers (ARs) to analyse their influence on sea ice and snow properties. ARs can have a direct impact on the nature of oceanic surface gravity waves. Increasing wind speed causes an increase in wave height and energy, leading to greater repercussions on snow and sea ice. The sea ice area most affected by this forcing is the one that separates the pack ice from the open oceans, known as the marginal ice zone (MIZ). Our analysis aims to understand wave-sea ice interaction and its effect on accelerating snow melt or changing sea ice morphology. To accomplish this we focus on the influence of wave overwash on sea ice surfaces during the spring season in the Weddell Sea. The MIZ is identified by posing the limits of sea ice concentration (SIC) ranging from 15% to 80%. ARs events are identified using ERA5 reanalysis data, estimating their integrated water vapour transport (IWV) and vertically integrated vapour transport (vIVT) values, which are considered extreme if they exceed 95% of historical norms for the same location and time of year over a time interval that spreads from 1980 to 2022. Data obtained from AMSRE, AMSR2 & SMOS passive microwave sensors are used to generate time series and local maps of brightness temperature. These microwave signatures serve in the analysis of the possible spatial and temporal correlation between ARs events and sea ice and snow characteristics. Initial findings suggest that ARs and their subsequent gravity waves may significantly affect the wetting of sea ice and of the snow on it leading to increased melting of the MIZ. This study will improve the methods to inform models used to forecast the impact that extreme atmospheric events can have on sea ice and snow, offering new directions to investigate the coupled ocean-sea ice-atmosphere system in a changing climate.

How to cite: Stentella, M., Picard, G., Heil, P., Corney, S., Wille, J., and Favier, V.: Satellite-based detection of snow wetness and wave-induced surface wetting of Antarctic sea ice, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10094,, 2024.

Daniel Feltham, Jake Aylmer, and David Ferreira

Decades of literature propose ocean heat transport (OHT) as a potential cause for uncertainty in the rates of Arctic sea ice loss based on strong correlations across different climate models. This study presents a simple underlying physical theory, derived from the large-scale energy budget of the polar region, that explains the impact of OHT on Arctic sea ice. Expressed in an intuitive linear equation, we show that this captures the relationship between historical and future Arctic sea ice loss, OHT, and polar warming, across 20 of the latest-generation climate models. Furthermore, using a lagged-correlation analysis, we find that changes in OHT lead the losses in sea ice, implying that OHT exerts a systematic modulation of historical and future Arctic sea ice loss. Our simple equation applies equally in the Southern hemisphere, for which Antarctic sea ice loss is also strongly correlated with the change in poleward OHT. However, here sea ice loss leads changes in the OHT, with further scrutiny of the other terms in our equation identifying changes to the atmospheric circulation as the primary driver. On the basis of these findings, we strongly advocate further research into the causes of different ocean (atmospheric) circulation changes in the Arctic (Antarctic) and better validation in climate models to ultimately reduce uncertainty in future projections

How to cite: Feltham, D., Aylmer, J., and Ferreira, D.: Ocean heat transport modulates Arctic sea ice loss, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3173,, 2024.

David Schroeder, Danny Feltham, Kyle Duncan, and Sinead Farrell

The efficiency of air-sea momentum exchange depends on top and bottom sea ice surface roughness which varies with ice types and conditions, but constants are applied in most climate models. Future sea ice reduction is expected to lead to an increase in efficiency of air-sea momentum transfer. Accurate representation of momentum transfer processes will be a requirement for realistic model predictions. Within the CANARI project (Climate change in the Arctic-North Atlantic Region and Impacts on the UK) we have implemented the CICE form drag scheme into the sea ice model SI3. Based on parameters of the ice cover such as ice concentration, size, and frequency of the sails and keels, freeboard and floe draft, and size of floes and melt pond fraction, the total form drag can be computed as a sum of form drag from sails and keels, form drag from floe edges, form drag from melt pond edges, and a reduced skin drag due to a sheltering effect. Ocean – sea ice simulations reveal that the inclusion of form drag has a significant impact by reducing sea ice drift and near surface ocean currents by more than 20% in the marginal sea ice regions. However, results depend on the poorly know input variables which are parameterised from the volume of ridged ice. We apply a new surface topography data set which has been derived from the ICESat-2 ATL03 global geolocated photon height data product. We use the continuous data sets of surface roughness, sail heights and frequency of pressure ridges across the Arctic to calibrate the form drag parameterization and present new simulation results.

How to cite: Schroeder, D., Feltham, D., Duncan, K., and Farrell, S.: Implementation of form drag into the ocean – sea ice model NEMO-SI3, calibration of input parameters with ICESat-2 surface heights and its impact on sea ice and ocean circulation , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5940,, 2024.

Andrew Wells, Joseph Fishlock, and Christopher MacMinn

Gas bubble nucleation and transport within porous sea ice is an important factor in the biogeochemistry of sea ice. Freezing concentrates dissolved gas species present in ocean water, which can subsequently exceed saturation and nucleate as bubbles. Buoyant gas bubbles can escape to the atmosphere or redissolve into the liquid inclusions. The resulting transport is a key physical uncertainty for the flux of climatically important gases between the ice and the atmosphere, as well as the chemical and optical properties of the ice. 

We develop a phenomenological model for the motion of a bubble rising in porous sea ice which includes viscous drag and bubble trapping. We apply this description of bubble transport to a thermodynamic model of sea ice growth. Our model extends the traditional mushy-layer theory describing the solidification of saltwater solutions to include a gas phase. The resulting model is solved numerically to investigate idealized gas dynamics during a seasonal cycle of ice growth and melt. We find that the total gas flux to the atmosphere during a season is highly sensitive to the ratio of the bubble size to the characteristic scale of the ice pore geometry. We also extend the description of bubble transport to include a distribution of bubble sizes. We evaluate the output of different versions of the model by comparing to field observations of argon content in sea ice from a study in Barrow, Alaska.

How to cite: Wells, A., Fishlock, J., and MacMinn, C.: A Mushy Model of Gas Bubble Nucleation and Transport in Sea Ice, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12970,, 2024.

Alexander Komarov, Alain Caya, and Mark Buehner

Arctic sea ice type information is essential for various operational and scientific applications including the support of marine users and guiding ice thickness retrieval algorithms operating with SMOS and CryoSat-2 data for improved sea ice prediction. A sea ice type analysis system developed at Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) generates pan-Arctic ice type analyses at 5 km resolution every 6 hours. The ice type analysis system assimilates ice type information provided by passive microwave (AMSR2, SSMIS) and scatterometer (ASCAT) data, but assimilation of these observations is not reliable in the areas near land and in the narrow channels of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago due to their low spatial resolution of ~20-50 km. Therefore, assimilation of high-resolution ice type observations from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is highly desired.

In this study, we extended our approach for automated detection of winter multi-year ice (MYI) and first-year ice (FYI) at 1.6 km scale from RADARSAT-2 to RCM data. To this end, we collected more than 2,000 RCM images and corresponding image analyses products that were manually generated by the Canadian Ice Service (CIS) ice experts for the period of time between July 1, 2020 and July 31, 2023. From these RCM images we extracted SAR information for more than 30,000 pure MYI and more than 619,000 pure FYI data samples under no melt conditions as identified by the CIS image analyses.

We demonstrated that separability measures for MYI and FYI classes in the spaces of the two predictor parameters (HV/HH polarization ratio and standard deviation of HV signal) are consistent with those we previously observed for RADARSAT-2. Furthermore, we found that our RCM-based MYI/FYI detection approach allows us to classify 60% of the winter CIS ice data samples with the accuracy of 99.6%. Preliminary results of assimilating RCM-based MYI/FYI high-resolution retrievals in combination with passive microwave and scatterometer data in the ECCC ice type analysis system will be also presented.

How to cite: Komarov, A., Caya, A., and Buehner, M.: Multi-year and first-year ice from RCM for assimilation in ECCC ice type analysis system, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4173,, 2024.

Anne Braakmann-Folgmann, Jack Landy, Geoffrey Dawson, Robert Ricker, Stefan Hendricks, Lin Gilbert, David Brockley, and Eero Rinne

Arctic sea ice thickness impacts various physical and biogeochemical processes at the air-ice-ocean interface. For example, it determines how much sunlight reaches the base of the ice – a key parameter for primary production. It is also an essential variable for sea ice forecasts, shipping and other marine activities. During the summer months (May-September) melt ponds complicate the retrieval of sea ice thickness compared to winter. On the other hand, summer sea ice thickness observations are particularly important as this is when most shipping and biological production happen. Summer sea ice thickness estimates are also crucial to extend predictions by many months.

In this study, we present the novel summer sea ice Cryo-TEMPO product. Cryo-TEMPO is a set of easily accessible thematic products derived from CryoSat data targeted at both expert and non-expert users. The summer sea ice product contains freeboard measurements and smoothed freeboard, which are calculated at each lead position along the altimetry tracks. The product covers the whole Arctic and the full CryoSat lifetime since 2010. It will be updated operationally from summer 2024 onwards. Comparisons against various airborne and mooring data were conducted for validation and will be presented, too.

How to cite: Braakmann-Folgmann, A., Landy, J., Dawson, G., Ricker, R., Hendricks, S., Gilbert, L., Brockley, D., and Rinne, E.: Arctic sea ice freeboard during summer – a new Cryo-TEMPO product, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16719,, 2024.

Phasic variations of winter Beijing haze and its possible association with Arctic sea ice loss
(withdrawn after no-show)
Wenli Hua and Bingyi Wu
Physical phenology of air-sea heat budget for the Beaufort Sea autumn freeze-up
Yanxu Chen, Viviane Menezes, Lisan Yu, and Joseph Carrigg

Posters virtual: Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X5

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairperson: Gaelle Veyssiere
Influence of stratospheric circulation on recent sea ice records in Antarctica.
(withdrawn after no-show)
Raul Cordero, Sarah Feron, Alessandro Damiani, Pedro Llanillo, and Jorge Carrasco