EMRP2.4 | Electromagnetic Geophysics: Data, Modelling, Interpretations, and Instrumentations
Electromagnetic Geophysics: Data, Modelling, Interpretations, and Instrumentations
Co-organized by GI5
Convener: Shunguo Wang | Co-conveners: Paula Rulff, Cedric Patzer, Matthew J. Comeau
| Thu, 18 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room -2.20
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X2
Orals |
Thu, 16:15
Wed, 10:45
We welcome contributions to our session dedicated to advancements in electromagnetic (EM) geophysics. EM geophysics applications span from the Earth's surface to its deep mantle. This session highlights innovations in instrumentation, data acquisition, algorithm development, and EM applications in both terrestrial and marine environments, as well as airborne and satellite missions. Discussions will encompass natural and controlled EM sources, geomagnetically induced currents, space weather, and geomagnetic field studies based on observatory data. The significance of EM in global induction, tectonics, magmatic and volcanic systems, and its utility in identifying hydrocarbon, geothermal, mineral resources, and storage is increasingly recognized. Examining near-surface structures with EM geophysics is crucial for environmental, urban, and hydrological studies. Additionally, the session will integrate disciplines other than EM geophysics, better utilizing EM results through additional information from other geophysical methods, rock physics, geochemistry, and geology to reveal complex subsurface structures and their evolving dynamics over time.

Orals: Thu, 18 Apr | Room -2.20

Chairpersons: Shunguo Wang, Matthew J. Comeau, Paula Rulff
Virtual presentation
Qinghua Huang, Tao Ye, Xiaobin Chen, and Huiqian Zhang

Based on broadband magnetotelluric (MT) array data, we have obtained the three-dimensional (3-D) electrical resistivity model in western Yunnan, the southeastern Tibetan Plateau where the Quaternary intraplate Tengchong volcanism and seismic activities occur. Our MT model clearly reveals three conductive bodies in the depth ranges of 10–30 km in the Tengchong volcano area, which we interpret as three middle-lower crustal magma chambers associated with the Tengchong volcanism. Seismogenic faults in the Gaoligong Shear Zone (GLGSZ) are characterized by subvertical conductive zones bounded by resistive upper crustal layer on both sides. Earthquakes of moderate magnitudes near the GLGSZ have all occurred within the conductive fault zones at the bottom of the upper resistive crust. Our model also suggests a bifurcation of the crustal flow in western Yunnan, with a southwestern branch running into the Tengchong Block north of the Dayingjiang Fault and a southeastern branch flowing into the Baoshan Block. The current study provides evidence from electrical resistivity structure for the middle-lower crustal magma chambers in the Tengchong volcano area and detailed 3-D electrical structure of crustal channel flow in this active tectonic region.

How to cite: Huang, Q., Ye, T., Chen, X., and Zhang, H.: Seismo-tectonics and magma chambers revealed by the 3D resistivity model in western Yunnan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2628, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2628, 2024.

On-site presentation
Philipp Koyan, Julien Guillemoteau, Tim Klose, and Jens Tronicke

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a widely acknowledged tool for imaging near-surface environments in various geological, hydrological, and sedimentological applications. In complex and heterogeneous settings, applying 3D GPR is crucial to correctly image subsurface architecture and, thus, to prevent misinterpretations. Recent advancements in GPR system design and instrumentation enable the collection of densely sampled 3D GPR datasets with superior resolution, establishing 3D GPR as a standard for near-surface structure imaging.

This study showcases the latest developments in analyzing and interpreting 3D GPR datasets. We demonstrate how GPR datasets and derived structural models contribute to a detailed understanding of complex near-surface environments. Using selected case studies, we present integrated interpretation approaches combining 3D GPR data and models, respectively, with the results of 3D electromagnetic induction surveying, 2D electrical resistivity tomography as well as 1D geophysical and geological borehole logging. Such a strategy allows for a more comprehensive and reliable near-surface characterization by integrating detailed 3D structural information with electrical/petrophysical property distributions and geological information, surpassing the limitations of typical 2D single-method interpretation approaches.

How to cite: Koyan, P., Guillemoteau, J., Klose, T., and Tronicke, J.: 3D ground-penetrating radar to characterize near-surface environments: Advances in data analysis and integrated geophysical interpretation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3588, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-3588, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lishui Zhou, Letian Zhang, and Sheng Jin

The Beishan Orogen, located in the southernmost part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, comprises ophiolitic complexes, passive-margin strata, arc assemblages, and Precambrian basement rocks, recording oceanic subduction, accretion of oceanic materials onto continental margins, and continental-arc collision. However, debates surrounding its origin and evolution persist, attributed in part to the absence of high-resolution geophysical data, leading to varying interpretations in tectonic evolution models regarding the involved terranes and paleo-subduction polarity (Li et al., 2023). In this study, we present an electrical resistivity model of the crust and uppermost mantle in the Beishan Orogen from magnetotelluric (MT) data. The resistivity model suggests an overall resistive upper crust, with conductive features indicating paleo-suture zones and tectonic boundaries. The high resistivity lithosphere beneath Niujuanzi indicates both north- and southward subduction of the Hongliuhe-Xichangjing Ocean, potentially unveiling remnants of a cold fossil oceanic lithosphere. Conductors in mantle wedges on both sides of the high resistivity body are inferred to result from recycled carbonates introduced deep into the Earth through oceanic subduction, which is substantiated by recent laboratory measurements (Jing et al., 2023). These measurements demonstrate that even unmelted carbonates can enhance electrical conductivity through cation exchange reactions with silicates in the lower crust and uppermost mantle.

*This research is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42074089, 41774087, 41404060).


Jing, C., Hu, H., Dai, L., Sun, W., Wang, M., Hu, Z., 2023. Recycled carbonates elevate the electrical conductivity of deeply subducting eclogite in the Earth’s interior. Commun Earth Environ 4, 276. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-023-00936-w

Li, J., Wu, C., Chen, X., Zuza, A.V., Haproff, P.J., Yin, A., Shao, Z., 2023. Tectonic evolution of the Beishan orogen in central Asia: Subduction, accretion, and continent-continent collision during the closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. GSA Bulletin 135, 819–851. https://doi.org/10.1130/B36451.1

How to cite: Zhou, L., Zhang, L., and Jin, S.: Magnetotelluric Evidence for the Paleo-Subduction Polarity and Recycled Carbonates within the Beishan Orogen, Southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-715, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-715, 2024.

On-site presentation
Georg Andreas Donoso, Oskar Rydman, Maxim Yu Smirnov, Niklas Juhojuntti, and Harald Van Den Berg

The Norrbotten region (Northern Sweden) boasts a rich history of mineral exploration, particularly in the Kiruna and Gällivare areas. Both passive and active geophysical exploration methods, specifically magnetotelluric (MT) and seismic measurements, have played pivotal roles in guiding mineral exploration in this region. In this study, we propose an MT inversion method constrained by interpreted 3D seismic reflections in the Gällivare area of northern Sweden, with a focus on a known iron orebody, primarily composed of magnetite. Constraints were introduced using a covariance matrix created from interpreted 3D seismic reflection surfaces. 

Between 2016 and 2021-2023 (as part of the D-REX project), Luleå University of Technology and LKAB collaborated to collect broadband magnetotelluric data from 116 stations around Gällivare. The survey covered a total area of 15 x 15 km, with a site spacing of approximately 1 km where allowed by terrain conditions. Similarly, in the same area, 3D seismic data was acquired by a service company, made available as 3D stacked data. For this study, a subset of the acquired MT data was used to limit the modelling domain to the area covered by 3D reflection seismic, resulting in a square area of approximately 5 x 5 km, comprising 17 MT stations. Only higher frequencies (10^-3 to 1Hz) were considered to focus on the shallow area where seismic reflections are prominent (approximately 2000 m depth). 

The MT data were inverted using the ModEM code on a 120 x 120 x 50 meters grid with 10 growing boundary cells in horizontal directions and 30 in the vertical direction, facilitating valid electromagnetic boundary conditions during the inversion process. The dense discretization was chosen to better delineate the interpreted seismic surfaces. Subsequently, observed seismic reflection features, expected to be associated with an orebody of interest, were manually picked and interpreted. A Python code was developed to convert the interpreted surfaces into a binary 3D grid, matching the one used for the MT inversion in ModEM. This grid was exported and converted into a covariance matrix, utilized as a smoothing constrain to limit the interaction between cells inside and outside of the observed seismic surface in the inversion model. For comparison purposes, the same MT subset was also inverted using the same parameters but without a covariance matrix constraint.  

Upon comparing the results of both inversions, it was observed that the constrained model converges faster. This is advantageous not only for reduced computing time but also because the mathematical model stabilizes more quickly while achieving similar residual RMS values in both cases.  The resulting electrical resistivity model exhibits a more geological behaviour after including the smoothing constraint, aligning with the surface behaviour observed in the seismic data. 

The successful application of MT inversion methods constrained by seismic data is anticipated to reduce uncertainty in the electrical resistivity models of orebodies in the Gällivare mining area when compared to MT surface measurements alone, thereby enhancing confidence in the final inversion results and exploration efforts. 

How to cite: Donoso, G. A., Rydman, O., Yu Smirnov, M., Juhojuntti, N., and Van Den Berg, H.: Seismic constrained magnetotelluric inversion for iron orebody at Gällivare, Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20378, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20378, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Matias Elias, Marina Rosas-Carbajal, and Fabio I. Zyserman

We designed an computer efficient, probabilistis 3-D inversion algorithm for CSEM data. It is commonly known that multiple physical descriptions of the subsurface fit the geophysical data equally well, due to incomplete measurement coverage, incomplete physical description of the problem, and model overparameterization. A probabilistic inversion approach allows us to explicitly account for data and model uncertainty. Probabilistic inversion is a demanding process in terms of the number of forward model computations required to sample the posterior probability density function of model parameters. Therefore, we use an efficient sampling algorithm (DREAM(ZS)combined with strategies to optimize the forward model by approximations and error estimation with deep learning techniques. Regarding the latter, we propose an alternative (approximate) approach to our forward model for simulating the electromagnetic (EM) response which reduces the computing time, and we quantify the modeling error committed directly in the inversion process. Thus, we create a statistical error-model related to the approximate EM response by training a Spatial Generative Adversarial Network (SGAN). In contrast to other neural networks, the SGAN training process has the particularity of being a competition between a Generator, which creates fake samples of the training set, and a Critic, which scores the quality of both true or fakesamples. After training the Generator results in a parametric model of the probability density function of the training set (modeling errors). This parametric error-model is incorporated into the inversion process as a complement to correct and quantify the error in our approximate forward model. To test our methodology we first proposed a synthetic experiment of a marine exploration environment. The implementation and subsequent training of the network allowed us to show that SGAN is useful to generate a statistical error-model. The comparison between a set of samples created with the Generator and the training set shows similarities in the statistical properties of both. Thus, we obtain a parameter-reduced error-model capable of representing the different components of the EM response at a considerable number of receivers and frequencies. In addition, the inversion process is significantly accelerated by introducing the forward model approximations, and the incorporation of the statistical error-model improved the determination of the true parameters in our synthetic test case. We then applied our methodology to the inversion of CSEM data acquired in a marine environment.

How to cite: Elias, M., Rosas-Carbajal, M., and Zyserman, F. I.: Deep learning techniques applied to 3-D probabilistic inversion of controlled-source electromagnetic data in a marine environment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5910, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5910, 2024.

On-site presentation
Da Lei and Hao Ren

Imposing structural constraints between grids of variable sizes is problematic because different geophysical techniques employ different grid divisions. We propose a new collaborative inversion approach and utilize it to invert the proposed 2-D ATEM and 2-D Magnetic Methods with Induced Polarization (IP) effects, which overcomes the problem of imposing cross-gradient constraints at different grid sizes. The grid mapping technique is included into the iterative collaborative inversion process by the inversion strategy. The combined data inversion results show that the technique may successfully leverage data complements to improve the accuracy of the medium boundary description results. The concept is suitable to collaborative inversion of geophysical methods with arbitrary grid divisions and successfully solves the problem of mismatched grid divisions in collaborative inversion.

How to cite: Lei, D. and Ren, H.: A cooperative inversion of airborne transient electromagnetic and magnetic methods based on grid mapping, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7184, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7184, 2024.

On-site presentation
Adrian Flores Orozco, Lukas Aigner, Isidro Montes-Avila, Clemens Moser, Fernanda Cerca-Ruiz, Germán Giácoman-Vallejos, and Antonio Cardona-Benavides

Rising temperatures as well as accompanying changes in precipitation rates and periods due to climate change demand an efficient use of water resources for farming. The Yucatan peninsula (Mexico) is not only affected by the climatic changes per se but also by their consequences, such as the deepening of the groundwater table and seawater intrusion, enhanced by population growth. These threats call for the development of efficient irrigation methods to maintain farming activities. Moreover, the management of water resources needs to consider irregular water infiltration as well as groundwater flow and storage due to the presence of fractures, caves and low permeable limestone associated to the karstic geology of the peninsula. We evaluate the application of the transient electromagnetic (TEM) method to gain information about subsurface architecture, in particular to identify the presence of unknown cavities that may act as preferential flow paths. The TEM is a geophysical method well suited for hydrogeological investigations in karst environments as it resolves the subsurface electrical conductivity without galvanic contact with the ground and with a higher spatial resolution compared to borehole data. The TEM survey was planned for a depth of investigation of ca. 60 m across a citrus farm on the Yucatan peninsula where treated wastewater is used for irrigation. While such practice minimizes the exploitation of groundwater, some concerns have been raised about the possible contamination of the aquifer due to with the use of treated wastewater. The difference in the electrical conductivity between the treated wastewater and the groundwater due to their different chemical composition renders the TEM as a suitable method to delineate pathways of the irrigation water within the subsurface as well as hydraulic connections with the aquifer. In a first step, the TEM soundings were inverted independently to enhance the spatial variability associated to the complexity of the karst system. Interpretation of the resulting electrical models in terms of the aquifer geometry and preferential flow paths took into account the existing information from boreholes and irrigation points. We also conducted a sensitivity analysis of the resolved model parameters after the inversion of the data, to better evaluate the interpretation of our results. In a second step, we conducted a stochastic analysis of the TEM data to quantify the uncertainty of our results, in particular, regarding the resolved geometry of the aquifer. Our results reveal changes in the electrical conductivity at different depths and across the farmland. High conductivity values, which were observed close to the surface, are related to the infiltration of the treated wastewater. Deeper variations in electrical conductivity reveal the presence of caves and other preferential flow paths for groundwater. Areas revealing high resistivity values are associated with less karstified rocks that may act as hydraulic barriers.

How to cite: Flores Orozco, A., Aigner, L., Montes-Avila, I., Moser, C., Cerca-Ruiz, F., Giácoman-Vallejos, G., and Cardona-Benavides, A.: Application of transient electromagnetic to understand infiltration in farmlands in karst areas of Yucatan, Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11238, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11238, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hao Dong and Kai Sun

The forward modelling for curl-curl equations is the fundament for time-harmonic electromagnetic (EM) problems in geophysics. The simulations with the discretized partial differential equations (PDE) are computationally intensive and crucial to practical geophysical EM problems like Magnetotelluric/Controlled Source EM. However, most published algorithms for curl-curl PDEs are still CPU-based and cannot utilize the rapid development of modern large-scale multi-GPU parallel architectures. Based on previously proposed CPU-based divergence-free modelling algorithm, we develop a hybrid parallel paradigm to exploit the high-throughput of interconnected heterogenous parallel systems equipped with multiple GPUs. The large sparse linear system derived from the staggered-grid finite-difference approximation of curl-curl problem is decomposed into sub-domains and solved efficiently with a mixed-precision Krylov subspace GPU algorithm in parallel. To demonstrate how the practical inversion problems can be substantially accelerated, we test the new algorithm with both the synthetic and real-world 3D models, for forward/adjoint calculations. The test results show a promising ~3.5x improvement regarding the computation speed on a small NVIDIA® HGX based system, over a conventional CPU-base server cluster with 12 nodes. This may significantly reduce the computation time and carbon footage for large-scale frequency domain EM inversion problems and brings the possibility of near real-time EM imaging, as in engineering and environmental applications.

How to cite: Dong, H. and Sun, K.: Multi-GPU accelerated parallel modelling for geophysical electromagnetic inversions , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13759, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13759, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Faraz Sakhaeyan, Sayyed Mohammad Abtahi Forooshani, and Hamzeh Sadeghisorkhani

The  Ernest Henry copper mine is one of the main Australian copper resources and a typical Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) deposit case. These deposits have specific geophysical signatures, e.g., considerable magnetic susceptibility and low resistivity due to magnetite mineralization. This research studies the geophysical models estimated via the inversion of magnetic and magnetotelluric in the Ernest Henry mine area. We also conducted these inversions in two other areas close to the Ernest  Henry mine, named A and B, which show magnetic anomalies similar to the Ernest Henry mine. Then, we compared the estimated models in these areas with those in  Ernest Henry's area. Three-dimensional inversion of magnetic data using the Li and Oldenburg algorithm revealed masses with magnetic susceptibilities higher than 0.019, 0.048, and 0.011 in SI units in the Ernest Henry, A and B areas, respectively. All the masses were extending from the surface to depths of one to three kilometres. Next, impedance analyses of magnetotelluric data indicated a two-dimensional behaviour of the Earth up to a frequency of 1 Hz in all the areas. Also,  we conducted two-dimensional inversions of these data along a profile for each area. A comparison of the estimated resistivities demonstrated a relatively conductive mass with a resistivity of less than 30 ohmm at depths of 5 km and beyond in all three areas. These models also demonstrated a decrease in the resistivity along the fault lines within the ranges, corresponding to the location of masses with relatively significant magnetic susceptibility identified during the magnetic data inversions. Geochemical analysis of copper grade variations in exploratory boreholes drilled in areas A and B indicated an increase in copper concentration exceeding 400 ppm in both areas. The structure of the estimated geophysical models in areas A and B and those estimated in the Ernest Henry area is similar. Besides, geochemical analysis of copper grade in exploratory boreholes drilled in areas A and B indicated an increase in copper concentration exceeding 400 ppm in both areas. Therefore, we deduce the possibility of IOCG copper mineralization deposits similar to the Ernst Henry mine in areas A and B. Meanwhile, since the concentrations of probable mineralizations have occurred along a fault zone in all the models, we suspect that the mineralization likely originated from hydrothermal solutions. These solutions spread from fault lines adjacent to highly resistive intrusive masses to the surface, causing the mineralization of magnetite and copper ores.

How to cite: Sakhaeyan, F., Abtahi Forooshani, S. M., and Sadeghisorkhani, H.: Exploration of IOCG deposits in Queensland, Australia using geophysical models of Ernest Henry copper mine, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14779, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14779, 2024.


Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X2

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr, 12:30
Chairpersons: Shunguo Wang, Cedric Patzer, Matthew J. Comeau
Space-Domain Forward Modeling-Based Inversion Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Controlled Source Electromagnetic Method
(withdrawn after no-show)
Iktesh Chauhan and Rahul Dehiya
Abid Khogali, Panagiotis Kirmizakis, Konstantinos Chavanidis, Abdul Latif Ashadi, Tilman Hanstein, Alexandros Stampolidis, Emin Candansayar, and Pantelis Soupios

Al-Hassa area features Saudi Arabia's largest oasis and one of the world's largest naturally irrigated land. Moreover, Al-Hassa area is very close to Ghawar, known as the largest conventional oil-field in the world. Additionally, more than 280 natural springs used in the past to water the farmland where the water in some of the springs, is used to be warm. The quality of water also exhibits spatial variations, hinting at a complex subsurface that must be characterized. Finally, the available geological information from outcrops, are very limited, since the majority of the study area is covered by a sand-layer. Based on the above, it seems that this important for its natural resources (oil & gas, groundwater, low-enthalpy geothermy) area is partly unexplored or the data are not available. The purpose of this work is to reconstruct the 3D subsurface geophysical structure of the study area by combining different geophysical electromagnetic (EM) methods. Thus, three EM geophysical methods to construct a detailed 3D model of the subsurface were applied. Specifically, 46 magnetotelluric (MT) stations, 6 audio magnetotelluric (AMT) stations, and 35 transient electromagnetic (TEM) stations were acquired within Al-Hassa National Park. The data from all these EM soundings were processed and integrated to achieve the highest resolution from the surface to the maximum depth of investigation. 2D and 3D processing, and joint interpretation was applied to all EM data. The EM findings were confirmed by gravity measurement conducted in the same area. The integration of various geophysical data sets, including TEM, MT, AMT and gravity data, uncovers lateral discontinuities in resistivity, a complex structure, and fracture zones acting as pathways or barriers to groundwater flow. This comprehensive modelling approach offers invaluable insights into the subsurface dynamics, enhancing our understanding for the complexity of the study area.

How to cite: Khogali, A., Kirmizakis, P., Chavanidis, K., Ashadi, A. L., Hanstein, T., Stampolidis, A., Candansayar, E., and Soupios, P.: Electromagnetic Insights: 3D Subsurface Modeling of Al-Hassa, Saudi Arabia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2343, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2343, 2024.

Bülent Tank, Ruken Yazıcı, Esra Doğukan, Tunç Demir, Gözde Taşseten, Pınar Duran, and Tannaz Assar

The Ganos Fault, in the westernmost part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ), stayed quiet for approximately 146 years before two catastrophic events shook the area in the summer of 1912. The historical records point out that two devastating activities shook both sides of the Marmara Sea in 1766, too. Following the 1766 events, on August 9th, 1912, two blocks of the dextral Ganos Fault shifted one more time to create an Mw = 7.4 event near Mürefte in Tekirdağ. Nearly a month later, further to the west, the fault zone moved on September 13th, forcing another disastrous Mw= 6.8 earthquake. Almost 112 years have passed since then (leaving approximately 34 more years to complete the recurrence), and the Ganos Fault is again acting as a seismic gap. In brief, the Ganos Fault tends to generate another series of earthquakes in the region, and the fault zone characteristics of this locked segment are poorly known. In this study, magnetotellurics (MT) method is utilized to image the crustal electrical resistivity structure for deciphering the fault zone geometry. With this object in mind, simultaneous electric and magnetic observations were made at nearly 40 sites in two campaigns. For each observation point, the collected data were transferred to the frequency domain where the electromagnetic impedance tensor elements were calculated with robust processing algorithms (Birrp) for wideband frequencies. Following the dimensionality analyses performed with various tools such as Groom and Bailey decomposition, phase tensor analysis, etc., which eventually pointed out a geo-electric strike angle of nearly ~N60oE, numerical models based on two- and three-dimensional algorithms (such as MT2D and ModEM) were developed to image the fault zone properties of the Ganos Fault. Several numerical models were calculated to realize the influence of the coast-effect caused by the Marmara Sea. Pre-modeling analysis results and the final models suggest that (i) the geo-electric strike angle of ~N60oE agrees well with the earlier results, the geology and the fault’s geometry, (ii) the Ganos Fault acts as a geological boundary between the Eocene-aged Keşan Formation in the north and Miocene-aged Çengelli Formation in the south, (iii) while the Keşan Formation defines a continuous tubular highly resistive zone (~500- 800 Ωm) that may be acting as the seismogenic zone along the Ganos Fault, the Çengelli Formation appears to be less resistive in coherent with the ages of the formations highlighted earlier, (iv) the aforementioned resistive block reaches to a depth of nearly 15 - 18 km and this feature may mark the bottom of the seismogenic zone.          

How to cite: Tank, B., Yazıcı, R., Doğukan, E., Demir, T., Taşseten, G., Duran, P., and Assar, T.: Imaging the Electrical Resistivity Structure of a Locked Fault Segment: The Ganos Fault example, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15344, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15344, 2024.

Rafael Rigaud, Matthew J. Comeau, Erdenechimeg Batmagnai, Mikhail Kruglyakov, Alexey Kuvshinov, Michael Becken, Shoovdor Tserendug, and Sodnomsambuu Demberel

We are investigating the lithospheric properties and lithospheric architecture beneath Mongolia with three-dimensional models of the electrical resistivity generated from magnetotelluric measurements. In addition, thermo-mechanical numerical modelling, with geophysically-guided constraints, is being used to provide valuable insights by testing the mechanical viability of different hypotheses for the temporal evolution and dynamic processes within this region.  

Mongolia is located between the relatively stable Siberian craton and the extensional regime near the Baikal rift zone to the north and to the south the North China and Tarim cratons that have a northward-directed compressional regime. Due to its location, it is an excellent region to study intracontinental deformation. Furthermore, enigmatic continental intraplate basaltic volcanism of the Cenozoic age exists across Mongolia. In addition, this region contains economically important mineral zones (copper and gold), with the origin and evolution of the mineral systems linked to the whole-lithosphere architecture, crust-mantle interactions, and mantle convection dynamics.   

Magnetotelluric data has been collected across Western, Central, and Eastern Mongolia. Three field campaigns in 2016, 2017, and 2018 collected more than 328 sites on an array (50 km spacing) and along three dense profiles (3-15 km spacing) that focused on the Hangai Dome (plateau) and Gobi-Altai (Arkhangai, Bayankhongor) over an area of approximately 800 km (north-south) by 400 km (east-west). Between 2020 and 2022, the array was extended to the east with 77 sites collected across central-east Mongolia (Bulgan, Selenge, Tuv, Uvurkhangai, Dundgovi; 400 by 200 km), including 34 sites along an 810 km long north-south profile crossing the Mongol-Okhotsk suture zone. In late 2022, 79 measurements were acquired in northern Mongolia across the Hovsgol region and Darhad (200 by 200 km) with an array and several profiles, which connect to data west of Lake Baikal. In early 2023, 38 sites were collected in central-east Mongolia (Umnugovi; 200 by 200 km), completing the eastern array. Later in 2023, a major field campaign was launched that successfully collected 150 measurements in western Mongolia (Zavkhan, Uvs, Govi-Altai, Khovd) over an area of approximately 500 by 400 km. This included an array (50 km spacing) and three dense profiles (5-10 km spacing). This gives approximately 700 magnetotelluric measurements collected over a total area of approximately 1000 km (north-south) by more than 1150 km (east-west).   

This is a large area that approaches the scope of several other regional and national magnetotelluric survey programs. What’s more, this dataset fills an important gap between the existing magnetotelluric data across China and the Tibetan Plateau with several profiles across the Siberian Craton, in principle completing a remarkable transect of 4000 km across a variety of tectonic domains.  

In this presentation, we will report on the new measurements. They will be integrated into the previously collected dataset, and new models will be generated that incorporate all data. We will also present new models of western, central and eastern Mongolia that provide insights on the properties, structure, and evolution of the Hangai Dome, the Mongol-Okhotsk suture and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.  

How to cite: Rigaud, R., J. Comeau, M., Batmagnai, E., Kruglyakov, M., Kuvshinov, A., Becken, M., Tserendug, S., and Demberel, S.: Regional Magnetotelluric Studies across Mongolia: Report on New Measurements, New Models, and Implications for Intracontinental Deformation, Deep Mineral Systems, and Intraplate Volcanism, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5602, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5602, 2024.

Renáta Szebenyi and János Kiss

Magnetotellurics is often used as a tool in general geologic research. At the Supervisory Authority for Regulatory Affairs (SARA), Hungary, one of our aims is to form large-scale magnetotelluric (MT) key sections in order to be able to gain new insights into the diverse geologic and tectonic settings of our area through mapping the distribution of rocks’ electrical properties. For this purpose, MT sections have been created which cross Hungary from one country border to the other. Mainly archived MT data is used but, in some cases, new field measurements are needed to fill data gaps in the created profiles.

One of the magnetotelluric key sections is the MTOA-02 which crosses the western part of Hungary in a NW-SE direction. It is composed of three archived sub-sections and new supplementary MT stations which were measured during the past year in order to fill a 20 km long part of the profile without data. All these data were integrated into the dataset, analyzed and processed together which resulted in an approximately 210 km long magnetotelluric section. The processing of the data in this way is considered a novelty in the institute’s activity since previously, archived sub-sections were not handled together, they were only processed separately at the period of their acquisition.

As a part of data processing filtering, smoothing, the correction of static shift, 1D, and 2D inversions were carried out. For the interpretation both inversion results and observations from raw magnetotelluric data were used accompanied with information from other geological-geophysical methods (gravity, magnetism, geologic maps and cross sections) to confirm our conclusions from the resistivity profiles. As a result, main tectonic elements and geologic units were identified. Main structural lines include the Rába line, Balaton line, Kapos line and Mecsekalja line. Identified geologic units are as follows: the Penninic Unit and the subducted European passive margin, the Austroalpine Unit, the Transdanubian Range Unit, the Mid-Hungarian Megaunit, the Tisza Megaunit and Miocene sedimentary rocks filling the Pannonian back-arc basin. During data analyzes, we have noticed that phase-depth sections may be used to identify the depth of the Pre-Cenozoic basement in certain areas where low resistivity sedimentary rocks filling the basins do not show significant resistivity contrast with the underlying strata and hence the basement cannot be distinguished accurately on resistivity sections. This may help interpretations in the area of the Little Hungarian Plain.

How to cite: Szebenyi, R. and Kiss, J.: Regional-scale magnetotelluric data processing and interpretation in Transdanubia, Hungary, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8201, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8201, 2024.

The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary unveiled through trans-dimensional Bayesian inversion of geomagnetic satellite data
Cong Yang, Zhengyong Ren, Chaojian Chen, Hongbo Yao, Yu Gu, Jingtian Tang, and Keke Zhang
Forecasting of GICs in Local Power Grid by Comprehensive Analysis Based on Hilbert-Huang Transform and Deep Learning Methods
(withdrawn after no-show)
Jin Liu and Yihao Fang
Adamantia Zoe Boutsi, Georgios Balasis, Stavros Dimitrakoudis, Ioannis A. Daglis, Kanaris Tsinganos, Constantinos Papadimitriou, and Omiros Giannakis

Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs) flowing along electrically conductive infrastructure, such as power transmission lines, are produced by a naturally induced geoelectric field during geomagnetic disturbances, such as magnetic storms. GICs can cause widespread blackouts across power grids, resulting in the loss of electric power. Although GIC intensity is greater in high latitudes, recent studies highlight the importance of considering GIC risks for countries located in the low and middle latitudes, including the Mediterranean region. GIC index is a proxy of the geoelectric field calculated entirely from geomagnetic field variations. Following a recent study where we investigated the GIC index levels for the Mediterranean (i.e., Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Algeria, and Turkey) for the most intense magnetic storms of solar cycle 24 (2008–2019), here we expand the analysis to encompass solar cycle 25. From the beginning of solar cycle 25 six major magnetic storms occurred with Dst index ≤ -100 nT. The three most intense magnetic storms (-163 nT < Dst < -212 nT) occurred in March, April and November 2023. We focus on those to compare with previous results showing that GIC index increases are well correlated with Storm Sudden Commencements (SSCs) and shed more light upon the expected GIC activity levels in the Mediterranean region during extreme events.

How to cite: Boutsi, A. Z., Balasis, G., Dimitrakoudis, S., Daglis, I. A., Tsinganos, K., Papadimitriou, C., and Giannakis, O.: Investigating the GIC index levels in the Mediterranean region during the strongest magnetic storms of solar cycle 25, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12696, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12696, 2024.

Longying Xiao, Cedric Patzer, and Jochen Kamm

The rapid development of geophysical systems utilizing drones facilitates mineral exploration with more efficient and economical data collection. To align the progress of hardware advancement and meet the model complexity needs for exploration, we aim to develop an efficient and robust 3D inversion code to interpret the drone-based EM data. Here, we present the framework of the implementation and show some preliminary results of the development.

We use a total electric field formulation with curl-conforming Nédélec elements to solve Maxwell equations in the frequency domain. Octree grids are used to accommodate the meshing of even large models at adequate resolution, separately in forward and inverse domains. A direct solver (MUMPS) is applied to solve the linear system of equations of the forward problem. The code is implemented in C++ and allows for easy adaptation for various sources and data types.

Currently, to solve the inverse problem, we minimize the misfit using a Gauss-Newton scheme with explicit computation of the Jacobian. The implementation was built on the deal.II library, where the interface wrappers allow to use MUMPS and PETSc for numerically intensive computations, such as system equation solving (MUMPS) and inversion model update (PETSC Conjugate Gradient solver). Currently, the code is parallelized using MPI throughout for both forward and inverse modeling and additionally OpenMP for MUMPS only.

The code is planned to be a reliable and competent imaging tool, that can be applied for both commercial and educational use. Currently, the code is under the development and testing stage. The preliminary results will be shown on-site.

How to cite: Xiao, L., Patzer, C., and Kamm, J.: Parallel inversion of drone-based electromagnetic data for near-surface geophysical prospecting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15298, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15298, 2024.

Wouter Deleersnyder, Thomas Hermans, and David Dudal

Airborne electromagnetics made its first successful entry into mineral exploration applications, mainly by interpreting anomalies in the data. Airborne EM methods will increasingly be used for more advanced large-scale applications, such as mapping the fresh saltwater interface. Every step in the data interpretation is crucial in this regard. We believe the state-of-the-art (such as in [1]) is a good starting point for an initial data interpretation, though not the endpoint. We propose a workflow for airborne EM processing, where the current state-of-the-art may be too limited for your advanced applications. It consists out of four steps:

1. First processing with Quasi(or pseudo)-2D/3D inversion (with your favourite or typical smooth inversion scheme, such as in [1])

2. If the sharpness of the obtained inversion model is inappropriate, perform a tunable regularization with the inversion model from step 1 as the initial model. This can be achieved with wavelet-based regularization schemes [2], where prior information can be incorporated by the choice of the wavelet or, in the absence of prior information, the non-uniqueness can be assessed with the ensemble approach.

3. Where is multidimensionality a possible issue? In steps 1 and 2, we have used a 1D forward approximation, potentially yielding multidimensionality issues. An appraisal method, such as [3], enables the assessment of an inversion model obtained with 1D forward approximation for areas that do not fit the true multidimensionality of the observed data because it deviates from the 1D assumption.

3. Re-interpret zones with significant multidimensionality with either full 3D simulations or a surrogate model [4], replacing the computationally demanding 3D full simulations.


[1] Siemon, B., Auken, E., & Christiansen, A. V. (2009). Laterally constrained inversion of helicopter-borne frequency-domain electromagnetic data. Journal of Applied Geophysics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jappgeo.2007.11.003.

[2] Deleersnyder, W., Maveau, B., Hermans, T., & Dudal, D. (2023). Flexible quasi-2D inversion of time-domain AEM data, using a wavelet-based complexity measure. Geophysical Journal International,  https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggad032.

[3] Deleersnyder, W., Dudal, D., & Hermans, T. (2022). Novel airborne em image appraisal tool for imperfect forward modeling. Remote Sensing, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14225757.

[4] Deleersnyder, W., Dudal, D., & Hermans, T. (2023, February). Machine learning assisted fast forward 3D modelling for time-domain electromagnetic induction data–lessons from a simplified case. In EGU General Assembly 2023, Location: Vienna, Austria, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12015.

How to cite: Deleersnyder, W., Hermans, T., and Dudal, D.: An efficient workflow for airborne electromagnetic data processing for advanced applications., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16111, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16111, 2024.

Maria Carrizo, Dieter Werthmüller, and Evert Slob

Geothermal heat production might pose the risk of degrading groundwater quality due to temperature changes, which may lead to ecological and economic impacts. Monitoring and quantifying spatial and temporal changes in the groundwater temperature are challenging but necessary for reliable environmental evaluations. Electromagnetic Induction (EMI) measurements have been extensively used in environmental monitoring, since Electrical Conductivity (EC) is very sensitive to changes in the groundwater properties, such as the presence of contaminants or changes in fluid temperature. Subsurface EC estimates can be obtained through the inversion of EMI measurements in a non-invasive and cost-effective way. However, these estimates are inherently ambiguous because of the ill-posed nature of the inverse problem.

In this project, we investigate how to provide an accurate EC estimation of the subsurface using EMI measurements, with the aim of understanding the near-surface groundwater temperature evolution. We test two different inversion methodologies to estimate horizontally layered EC models. The first, using a search in a pre-computed and stored database containing a discrete version of the full solution space finds the model that fits the data best in the least squares sense. The second, using a gradient descent optimization. We tested the method using different numerical scenarios. We show that for a horizontally 3-layered model using a gradient descent optimization might be insufficient to obtain an accurate estimate. Moreover, we demonstrate that the in-phase part of the measurement contains information about the electrical conductivity that might be useful to include in the estimation. Finally, our results give insight into the challenges and limitations of the estimation of EC horizontally layered models using frequency domain EMI data in the context of geothermal operations in the Netherlands.

How to cite: Carrizo, M., Werthmüller, D., and Slob, E.: The potential of the electromagnetic induction method to monitor temperature changes in the near-surface, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9665, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9665, 2024.

Shunguo Wang, Martin Landrø, Mehrdad Bastani, Kenneth Duffaut, Ståle E. Johansen, and Robin A. Rørstadbotnen

Recent years have witnessed an alarming increase in quick-clay landslides in Nordic countries, such as in Alta (Norway), Gjerdrum (Norway), and Stenungsund (Sweden), resulting in substantial damages and loss of lives. This study focuses on the application of geophysical methods, particularly the Controlled-source Radio-magnetotelluric (CSRMT) technique, to understand the characteristics and model the geometry and possibly dynamics of quick clay in these regions. The CSRMT method, combines Radio-magnetotelluric (RMT) and Controlled-source Magnetotelluric (CSMT) techniques and offers an innovative approach for investigating the electrical resistivity of subterranean structures, crucial for identifying quick clay zones. The Rissa region in Norway provides a unique opportunity for this research due to its historical context and existing infrastructure for geophysical studies. The catastrophic Rissa landslide of 1978 led to an extensive national quick clay mapping initiative, forming the basis for this study. We have also collected Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) data at Rissa, intending to integrate it with CSRMT data for comprehensive analysis.

Borehole analyses at the Rissa site reveal a relatively simple stratigraphy with a flat terrain and a marine clay stratum about 20 meters thick. Quick clay layers, identifiable due to their higher electrical resistivity compared to marine clays, are sandwiched in borehole samples. Our study utilizes (CS)RMT to model these layers and assess the impact of seasonal variations on their characteristics. Data collection involved a 250-meter long CSRMT profile with a 10-meter station spacing conducted in both summer and winter seasons. The EnviroMT instrument from Uppsala University was used for data acquisition. This time-lapse approach was critical to study the resistivity differences due to seasonal variation at the quick clay site.

Results from modelling the CSRMT data show a four-layer model including L1-L4. L2 appeared thicker in winter, possibly due to reduced freshwater. Conversely, in some locations, L2 appeared thicker. These findings show that CSRMT data can distinguish resistivity differences at a quick-clay site due to seasonal variations. This research offers significant insights into the modelling of seasonal variations of the resistivity related to changes in the water content which in turn might lead to development of areas with quick clays. The integration of CSRMT and DAS data presents a novel approach to studying these phenomena, potentially aiding in better understanding and predicting quick-clay landslide triggering. The findings are not only crucial for academic research but also have profound implications for infrastructure planning and disaster management in regions prone to quick-clay landslides.

How to cite: Wang, S., Landrø, M., Bastani, M., Duffaut, K., Johansen, S. E., and Rørstadbotnen, R. A.: Investigating Quick Clays in Norway Using CSRMT Data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20520, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20520, 2024.