AS3.41 | Constraining feedbacks between greenhouse gas exchange processes and climate variability using in situ observations and remote sensing
Constraining feedbacks between greenhouse gas exchange processes and climate variability using in situ observations and remote sensing
Co-organized by BG9, co-sponsored by AGU
Convener: Thomas Lauvaux | Co-conveners: Mathias Göckede, Sanam Noreen Vardag, Andrew Schuh, Brendan Byrne
| Fri, 19 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
PICO spot 5
Fri, 16:15
With the atmosphere serving as an integrator for surface-atmosphere exchange processes across scales, monitoring and interpretation of atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) signals provides fundamental information on carbon, energy and water fluxes from natural and anthropogenic sources. Combining observations with modeling frameworks in process-based studies can reveal key mechanisms and drivers governing carbon-climate feedback processes, generating vital information to predicting their future evolution in a changing climate.

This session focuses on modeling frameworks (top-down and bottom-up) that investigate GHG exchange processes using observational platforms such as, localized surface networks (e.g. ICOS Atmosphere and Ecosystem, Fluxnet, NOAA,…), aircraft campaigns (e.g. MAGIC, COMET, ), active and passive remote-sensing missions (e.g., ECOSTRESS, OCO-2/3, TROPOMI, GOSAT).

We invite contributions on: 1) estimation of GHG budgets from global to local scales using inverse and direct methods (e.g. eddy-covariance fluxes, fossil fuel inventories, vegetation modeling); 2) examination of the role of errors (e.g. atmospheric transport, measurement errors) on estimated fluxes and associated GHG budgets; 3) innovative use of remote sensing (e.g. SIF), isotopes (e.g. 14CO2, 13CH4), & novel atmospheric tracers (e.g. NOx, carbonyl sulfide, APO) to improve attribution of carbon fluxes to specific processes, and 4) Observing System Simulation Experiments and Machine Learning approaches targeting the optimization of observing system constraints required to advance our understanding of the carbon cycle and carbon-climate feedbacks.

PICO: Fri, 19 Apr | PICO spot 5

Chairpersons: Thomas Lauvaux, Mathias Göckede, Sanam Noreen Vardag
On-site presentation
Auke Van Der Woude, Joram Hooghiem, Remco De Kok, Ingrid Luijkx, Marnix Van de Sande, Aleya Kaushik, John Miller, and Wouter Peters

Quantification of the long-term carbon uptake by the land biosphere is of key importance for climate action. Traditional methods of estimating the carbon sink include atmospheric inversions, which use CO₂  measurements to reduce inherent biases in simulations of the land biosphere. The atmospheric  CO₂ measurements used are informative on different time scales from days to decades, which are often difficult to separate from the data. Additional data sources can be used to separate the decadal change in sink magnitude from the shorter-term impacts of e.g. droughts. An example is the use of remotely-sensed above-ground biomass changes that have recently gained traction to estimate the stock change of carbon at the surface (Δbiomass), caused by months and years of integrated Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE). We therefore built a Bayesian framework in which we constrain decades of daily NEE with both atmospheric CO2 observations as well as satellite-based Δbiomass products. With this integration we aim to better constrain the magnitude, inter-annual variability and location of land carbon sinks and sources. We focus the initial tests of the system on European carbon fluxes and find that Europe is a small long-term sink of CO₂, albeit with large regional differences. Most notably, vegetation of central European comes out as a net source of CO₂  into the atmosphere in our system, a finding that is supported by both by the Δbiomass product and the atmospheric CO₂ data. In this presentation we further explore the limits of the attempted integration, aiming to pave the way for future syntheses of atmospheric inversions with novel data products.

How to cite: Van Der Woude, A., Hooghiem, J., De Kok, R., Luijkx, I., Van de Sande, M., Kaushik, A., Miller, J., and Peters, W.: An atmospheric data assimilation system combining biomass and atmospheric CO₂ data for constraining biosphere carbon fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10117,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mingu Kang, Kyo-moon Shim, Yongseok Kim, Jina Hur, Sera Jo, Eungsup Kim, and Sueng-gil Hong

  Unlike natural ecosystems, agricultural ecosystems are unique ecosystems in which artificial factors play a significant role. The material cycling within an agricultural ecosystem is influenced by factors such as agricultural activities, weather, and soil conditions. Understanding the material cycling and energy flow in these ecosystems is important to cope with climate change. In this study, we measured energy and carbon dioxide flux using the eddy covariance method to assess material cycling in rice paddy and soybean field ecosystems with similar weather conditions but different vegetation. Additionally, growth surveys were conducted every two weeks to analyze crop development. During the summer, the weather and soil conditions in rice paddy and soybean field were comparable, resulting in similar levels of latent heat flux for both ecosystems. In July 2020, despite the rainy season, the water use efficiency(WUE) of rice paddy was higher than that of other periods, influenced by vegetation and weather conditions. WUE during the summer resembled that of the cropping period, indicating a potential impact on overall crop grain weight.

How to cite: Kang, M., Shim, K., Kim, Y., Hur, J., Jo, S., Kim, E., and Hong, S.: Study on energy and CO2 flux in a monsoon temperate rice paddy and soybean field in Korea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14255,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Carla D'Angeli, Thomas Lauvaux, David Matajira Rueda, Charbel Abdallah, Hassan Bazzi, Philippe Ciais, Morgan Lopez, Michel Ramonet, and Léonard Rivier

The global Stocktake, a fundamental component of the Paris Agreement tracking progress on national mitigation actions, collects the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) generated through the means of annual national inventories. Greenhouse gases (GHG) inventories are prone to uncertainties, especially when considering sub-national scales, sub-annual frequencies, or the natural component of GHG budgets, lacking verification and transparency. Atmospheric observations assimilated through the inverse approach can help constrain both the natural and anthropogenic components of national carbon budgets. Here, we aim at quantifying the carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes over continental France by combining atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations from the ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) measurement network and a high-resolution inversion system.

We present an assessment of the observational constraint from the current ICOS network. We also determine the optimal locations and number of additional stations to monitor CO2 fluxes from human activities and different ecosystems. The CO2 concentration measurements influenced by surface CO2 fluxes are analyzed using a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion (LPDM) model. LPDM is run backward in time with meteorological inputs from the Weather Research Forescating (WRF) model, at 3km resolution over continental France. We infer the origin of the CO2 using the TNO high-resolution fossil fuel inventory and biogenic CO2 fluxes produced by the Vegetation Photosynthesis Respiration Model (VPRM). The VPRM model simulates both the CO2 uptake from photosynthesis and the release from respiration using meteorological re-analysis products and surface remote sensing data.

We start by evaluating the improved model performances at high resolution compared to low resolution simulations. Then we analyze the influence of biogenic and fossil fuel sources at each tower of the ICOS network, and finally we explore which areas are constrained by atmospheric stations using different criteria: by ecosystem type, by land cover, and in terms of net carbon fluxes and fossil fuel emissions. We discuss here how our future inversion system could help constrain the regional distribution of CO2 fluxes, sub-annual variations at seasonal and monthly timescales to track current climate change impacts (forest fires, droughts), and the effects of emission mitigation policies.

How to cite: D'Angeli, C., Lauvaux, T., Matajira Rueda, D., Abdallah, C., Bazzi, H., Ciais, P., Lopez, M., Ramonet, M., and Rivier, L.: Optimal network designs of in situ atmospheric CO2 stations over continental France, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13160,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Dafina Kikaj, Mareya Saba, Alistair Manning, Peter Andrews, Edward Chung, Grant Foster, Angelina Wenger, Simon O’Doherty, Matt Rigby, Chris Rennick, Joseph Pitt, and Tim Arnold

Atmospheric transport model (ATM) uncertainty continues to be a significant constraining factor in making confident top-down (inverse model based) GHG emission estimates. Despite its importance, accurately gauging model uncertainty and capturing its temporal fluctuations remains a challenge. Inversion frameworks typically involve an empirical selection of data to be assimilated whereby only the data from periods where the ATM has the lowest uncertainties are used for the inversion.  There are numerous data filtering methods, that often depend on modelled parameters (mixing height, wind speed, potential temperature), which could result in data selection bias.

To address this, we present analysis of radon measurements, a natural radioactive noble gas with simple and well-constrained source and sink. Radon’s unique characteristics make it an ideal tracer to study the transport and mixing of air and thus has potential to act as an independent metric to evaluate ATM performance. A new approach involves utilising measured and modelled radon (calculated using the Met Office Numerical Atmospheric Modelling Environment (NAME) dispersion model and radon flux map) to classify the ATM output uncertainty as either high (poor performance) or low (the best performance). This approach could be universally applied to any location measuring radon from a single inlet height and in conjunction with any other dispersion modelling scenarios.  

To evaluate the effectiveness of the radon selection method, we assess the methane (CH4) emissions across the UK using four tall tower sites (part of the Deriving Emissions linked to Climate Change - DECC network): Heathfield, Ridge Hill, Tacolneston and Weybourne. The CH4 emissions are estimated by the Met Office’s inversion modelling system – Inversion Technique for Emission Modelling (InTEM). We will compare how emissions sensitivity varies between our radon-based approach and the current selection method, which relies on model parameters and the vertical gradient of CH4 measurements. This comparative analysis aims to demonstrate the potential advantages of using radon as a tool for improving the accuracy of ATM performance assessments in GHG emission estimates.

How to cite: Kikaj, D., Saba, M., Manning, A., Andrews, P., Chung, E., Foster, G., Wenger, A., O’Doherty, S., Rigby, M., Rennick, C., Pitt, J., and Arnold, T.: Analysis of atmospheric radon for uncertainty evaluation in regional-scale greenhouse gas emissions estimation , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18698,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Charbel Abdallah, Thomas Lauvaux, Lilian Joly, Cyril Crevoisier, Bruno Grouiez, Delphine Combaz, Nicolas Dumelié, Yao Té, Hao Fu, Morgan Lopez, Frank Hase, Neil Humpage, Caroline Bès, Axel Guedj, Jérôme Pernin, and Aurélien Bourdon

Metropolitan areas are known to be anthropogenic “hot spots” of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) fluxes. To track the effectiveness of climate mitigation policies and emission reduction objectives, large metropolitan areas like Munich and Paris regions are currently being instrumented with dense atmospheric GHG networks, further assimilated in inversion systems with high-resolution inventories, also complementing the data collected by remote sensing instruments on the ground and in space. To study medium-sized cities, where a large fraction of the global population lives, spaceborne measurements often fail to quantify fossil fuel emissions since the atmospheric signatures are below the detection threshold of current instruments. For the past two years (2022 and 2023), two large-scale campaigns of the MAGIC initiative led by CNRS and CNES ( have been taking place in Reims, France, a city with a population of 300,000 inhabitants (207 hab./km2) located to the East of Paris (approx. 100 km away). During these two intensive measurement campaigns, a wide range of ground-based instruments have been deployed around the city to measure CO2 concentrations, in addition to instrumented balloons and aircraft. The goal of these campaigns was to evaluate CO2 emissions from the area and to assess the detection capabilities of current satellite instruments.

In our study, we simulated the atmospheric CO2 mixing ratios using the Weather Research Forecast model coupled to a chemistry transport model (WRF-Chem) at 4 horizontal resolutions (9 km, 3 km, 1 km, and 333 m). Typically, mesoscale models are used for resolutions coarser than 1 km while microscale Large-Eddy Simulation models (LES) are used for resolutions finer than 100m. In between, i.e. the grey-zone, turbulent motions are not resolved explicitly but high resolutions might offer a better representation of fine plume structures. Here, we present the results of a multi-scale multi-instrument comparison between the model and the observations to characterize the model performances and the ability of the model to reproduce the observed variations in concentrations. We found that the detectability of the various CO2 plumes remains challenging. First, the strength of the anthropogenic signals from the city remains low compared to gradients from nearby sources, whether industrial or metropolitan, hence making the city plume hard to study. We also showed that improvements in the modelling of CO2 plumes were not significant between the 1 and 0.3 km horizontal resolution scales, thus suggesting that LES models might be better suited for such studies.

How to cite: Abdallah, C., Lauvaux, T., Joly, L., Crevoisier, C., Grouiez, B., Combaz, D., Dumelié, N., Té, Y., Fu, H., Lopez, M., Hase, F., Humpage, N., Bès, C., Guedj, A., Pernin, J., and Bourdon, A.: WRF-Chem CO2 simulation over a medium sized city: An evaluation across grey-zone resolutions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18123,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Cheng He, Xiao Lu, and Shaojia Fan

Top-down constraints of CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants are critical to improving the accuracy of CO2 emission inventory and designing carbon reduction strategies. Different top-down models based on satellite observation have been proposed in previous studies, but discrepancies between these models and the underlying drivers are rarely explored, limiting the confidence of their application to monitor point-source CO2 emissions from satellite. Here, we apply three top-down models to estimate CO2 emissions from individual coal-fired power plants in the United States (US) and China in 2014-2021 from Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO-2) satellite observations. The first one applies the Gaussian plume model to optimize emissions by fitting modeled CO2 enhancement to the observation. The second and third methods apply the same inversion framework, but with WRF-Chem and WRF-FLEXPART as forward models, respectively. We evaluate consistency between the three methods in estimating emissions of 10 power plants in the US, using daily reported values from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a benchmark, and then apply the three methods to quantify emissions of 13 power plants in China. Results show that the WRF-Chem and WRF-FLEXPART based inversion results are more consistent with the EPA reported emission rates compared to the Gaussian plume model method, with correlation coefficients of 0.76 and 0.89 and mean biases of 4.06 and 3.22 ktCO2/d relative to EPA reports at 10 power plants, respectively. This is because application of high-resolution three-dimensional wind fields better captures the shape of observed plumes, compared to the Gaussian plume model which relies on wind field at a single point, and thus the Gaussian plume model has difficulty to optimize emissions under inhomogeneous wind fields or when observations are far away from the power plant. In general, using the WRF-FLEXPART model as the forward model in the inverse analysis shows the best consistency with the EPA’s reports, likely due to its capability to simulate narrow-shape plumes in the absence of numerical diffusion which is inherent in Eulerian model such as WRF-Chem. Emissions estimated by the three top-town methods show a moderate consistency at 13 coal-fired power plant cases in China, with 8 of 13 cases showing differences of less than 30% between at least two methods. However, large differences emerge when wind fields are inhomogeneous and number of available observations is limited. Using different meteorological wind fields and OCO-2 data versions can also bring substantial differences to the posterior emissions for all three approaches. We find that the posterior CO2 emissions, though only reflecting instantaneous emission rates at satellite overpass time, are not proportional to the reported capacities of these power plants, indicating that attributing CO2 emissions simply based on the capacity of power plants in some bottom-up approaches may have significant discrepancies. Our study exposes the capability and limitation of different top-down approaches in quantifying point-source CO2 emissions, advancing their application for better serving increasing constellations of point-source imagers in the future.

How to cite: He, C., Lu, X., and Fan, S.: Revisiting the quantification of power plant CO2 emissions in the United States and China from satellite: a comparative study using three top-down approaches., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1269,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Buhalqem Mamtimin, Thomas Rösch, Beatrice Ellerhoff, Diego Jiménez de la Cuesta Otero, and Andrea K. Kaiser-Weiss

In this study, we present an ICON-ART (ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic Aerosols and Reactive Trace gases) model based sectoral differentiation of CH4 concentration in terms of a feasibility study. ICON-ART is an extension of the numerical weather prediction model ICON used by DWD. The physical parameterizations and numerical methods of ICON used in ICON-ART, which simulated the interactions between trace subtances and the state of the atmosphere.

The motivation for the sectoral differentiation based on the model is directed towards the comparison of the field measurements, with the assumption that the modeled simulations could represent a response signal of how each sector contributes to the measured concentration on the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) stations of interest.

The CH4 concentrations for various economic sectors of Europe and of Germany are simulated using ICON-ART model. In order to compare the model results and against measurements  from the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) stations, the model equivalents have been extracted at the locations of the ICOS monitoring stations. We test our experimenal setup in a feasibility study, which shows benefits of using the ICON-ART model to comprehend emissions from various sectors.

How to cite: Mamtimin, B., Rösch, T., Ellerhoff, B., Jiménez de la Cuesta Otero, D., and Kaiser-Weiss, A. K.: Sectoral differentiation of CH4 footprints by using the ICON-ART model – A feasibility study, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10050,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Anne-Marlene Blechschmidt, Buhalqem Mamtimin, Thomas Rösch, and Andrea Kaiser-Weiss

A greenhouse gas satellite data assimilation system is currently being developed for the ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) - Aerosols and Reactive Trace gases (ART) - Limited Area Mode (LAM) model at the German Weather Service. This work is part of the modelling module of the Integrated Greenhouse Gas Monitoring System project (ITMS-M). A first step towards the satellite data assimilation system is the derivation of vertical columns of methane from ICON-ART-LAM simulations that can be compared to column retrievals of CH4 from satellite sensors such as the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on board of the Copernicus Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite. As the ICON-ART-LAM simulations are limited to about 20 km altitude, vertical columns cannot directly be derived from the model output alone.

In this presentation, the potential of adding CH4 concentrations from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) egg4 greenhouse gas reanalysis and CAMS inversion optimized products above the ICON-ART-LAM upper boundary is evaluated for the time period May-June 2018 and a domain covering Europe (6.5 x 6.5 km2 horizontal grid spacing). The vertical profiles of ICON-ART-LAM are investigated for consistency with the CAMS simulations and ICON-ART-LAM vertical columns derived from the model output will be compared against CH4 vertical columns from TROPOMI. For the latter, the satellite orbit and the sensitivity of the satellite sensor towards retrieving CH4 in different layers of the atmosphere are considered.

How to cite: Blechschmidt, A.-M., Mamtimin, B., Rösch, T., and Kaiser-Weiss, A.: Evaluating ICON-ART-LAM vertical profiles and columns of CH4 for May-June 2018 over Europe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10496,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Félix Langot, Cyril Crevoisier, Thomas Lauvaux, Charbel Abdallah, Antoine Berchet, Klaus-Dirk Gottschaldt, Alina Fiehn, Jérôme Pernin, Axel Guedj, Thomas Ponthieu, Anke Roiger, Sophie Wittig, Marielle Saunois, and Xin Lin

Boreal wetlands are components of the terrestrial carbon cycle, acting as significant natural sources of methane (CH4) in circumpolar regions. With accelerated Arctic warming, emissions from these ecosystems become hard to predict with high uncertainties on future hydrological regimes, wetland/permafrost extent, and organic matter decomposition rates, subsequently affecting CH4 emissions. Validation of accurate quantification methods for these emissions is therefore pivotal in order to better understand and manage potential climate feedbacks.

In this context, the MAGIC2021 international large-scale field campaign's airborne measurements provide key empirical data to assess CH4 emissions from boreal wetlands in Fennoscandia. Led by CNRS and CNES, the campaign took place in August 2021 and involved 70 scientists from 14 international research teams. More than twenty instruments were deployed, onboard research aircraft (in-situ and lidars), as well as on stratospheric balloons (AirCores) and on the ground (EM27/SUN). In particular, obtaining CH4 concentrations from aircraft flights within the boundary layer allowed to directly capture the signatures of wetland emissions, offering a robust dataset for model validation.

Our study employs two Lagrangian models, FLEXPART driven by ERA5 data and WRF-LPDM, to estimate wetland CH4 fluxes from these measurements. The use of these distinct Lagrangian approaches allows for cross-validation of results, enhancing the reliability of our findings. The derived fluxes are compared with outputs from two bottom-up emission models, WetCHARTs and JSBACH-HIMMELI, which simulate wetland CH4 dynamics at different scales and resolutions. This comparative analysis not only benchmarks the performance of these models against observational data but also sheds light on discrepancies in modelled bottom-up fluxes that can guide future improvements.

Contributions of this study to the session include:

  • A high resolution assessment of boreal wetland CH4 emissions and atmospheric distribution, using state-of-the-art airborne observational techniques.
  • Integration of multiple Lagrangian modelling frameworks to validate and corroborate CH4 flux estimates.
  • A critical evaluation of bottom-up models WetCHARTs and JSBACH-HIMMELI against empirical data, advancing our understanding of model uncertainties and informing on possible enhancements in wetland CH4 emission.

This research aims to further improve our understanding of methane emission processes from boreal wetlands, which helps improve predictions about these important ecosystems. The outcomes contribute to a more accurate global methane budget and underscore the importance of synergistic observational and modelling strategies in environmental science.

How to cite: Langot, F., Crevoisier, C., Lauvaux, T., Abdallah, C., Berchet, A., Gottschaldt, K.-D., Fiehn, A., Pernin, J., Guedj, A., Ponthieu, T., Roiger, A., Wittig, S., Saunois, M., and Lin, X.: Evaluating Boreal Wetland Methane Emissions in Fennoscandia using MAGIC2021 airborne measurements and Atmospheric Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11312,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jade Eva Guisiano, Thomas Lauvaux, Zitely Tzompa Sosa, Éric Moulines, and Jérémie Sublime

Atmospheric methane contributes to approximately 20-30% of the current global radiative forcing by greenhouse gases. Despite the potential for a 39% reduction in emissions from the oil and gas sector at no net cost, the lack of dependable emission data hinders governments from implementing timely and impactful mitigation actions aligned with the Global Methane Pledge. Existing regulations rely on national methane emission inventories, significantly underestimating methane sources across various emission sectors as revealed by recent studies. The primary cause of this discrepancy is the exclusion of super-emitters in these inventories. Super-emitters, characterized by high emission rates, collectively account for an average of 40% of total methane emissions. To implement effective regulations for reducing methane emissions, a novel, reliable, and accurate inventory methodology is needed. We propose here a framework for an innovative dynamic and intelligent inventory based on artificial intelligence tools.  The dynamic component involves the collection and automatic association, over time, of methane plume detections from satellite source points with the oil and gas infrastructures at their origin. The intelligent part of the inventory enables automatic statistical and forecasting analyses contributing to the definition of multi-level emission profiles in near real-time, spanning country, region, basin, operator, site, and infrastructure levels. The proposed framework is divided into two main parts, the first part focusing on instantiated detection of potentially methane-emitting infrastructures, without recourse to fixed inventories of oil and gas (O&G) infrastructures. As the landscape of O&G infrastructures is constantly evolving, the use of an emission inventory produced at time t can quickly become inaccurate. The principle of snapshot instantiation is essential for building up an up-to-date inventory of infrastructures especially in the context of quasi-continuous monitoring. This first part is based on the use of object detection algorithms to automatically detect and recognize O&G infrastrucutres for each methane plume detection with an accuracy of over 94%. The second part of the framework consists in matching the infrastructure closest to that of the detected plume, using the K-nearest-neighbor algorithm. Carried out successively in time, this method allows to build up a time series of the rate and frequency of methane emissions by O&G infrastructures which form the basis for methane emissions spatio-temporal analysis and forecasting. To show how this framework can be used, we present a study case that consists in estimating a methane emissions inventory for compressors, tanks and wells in the Permian Basin (USA).

How to cite: Guisiano, J. E., Lauvaux, T., Tzompa Sosa, Z., Moulines, É., and Sublime, J.: Artificial intelligence for dynamic and intelligent methane inventory , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19625,, 2024.
