AS3.12 | Anthropogenic and natural aerosols in regional climate change: From physical hazards to climate risk and impacts on nature and society
Anthropogenic and natural aerosols in regional climate change: From physical hazards to climate risk and impacts on nature and society
Co-organized by CL4
Convener: Laura Wilcox | Co-conveners: Bjorn H. Samset, ben booth, Daniel Westervelt
| Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 1.85/86
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X5
Orals |
Wed, 10:45
Wed, 16:15
Anthropogenic and natural aerosols play key roles in driving climate change over a range of spatial and temporal scales, both close to emission sources and also remotely through teleconnections. Aerosols can directly interact with radiation by scattering and absorption and indirectly through modulating cloud properties, and thereby modify the surface and atmospheric energy balance, cloud dynamics and precipitation patterns, and the atmospheric and oceanic circulation. Changes in regional aerosol emissions accelerate greenhouse gas-driven climatic changes in some regions, counteract them in others, and may interact with natural variability to further stress human and ecological systems. However, our understanding of these impacts still lags those due to greenhouse gases. The poor aerosol integration in many climate risk and impact studies currently leads to potentially dangerous omissions in projections of near-term climate change impacts.

This session addresses: the strong and spatially complex trends in temperature, hydroclimate, air quality, and extreme events driven by aerosol changes over the historical era, and those expected in the near future; the interplay between aerosol-driven changes and those induced by other forcing factors; and their extensions to climate risk and impact studies. We encourage contributions based on model and observation-based approaches to investigate the effects of aerosols on regional decadal climate variability and extremes, tropical-extratropical interactions and teleconnections, and the interactions with modes of variability such as the NAO, ENSO, AMV, and PDO. We also welcome focused studies on monsoon systems, midlatitude and Arctic responses, extreme temperature and precipitation, atmospheric and oceanic circulation changes, tropical cyclones, and daily variability, using for example CMIP6 projections, large ensemble simulations, or specifically designed experiments. We especially encourage studies focusing on climate risk and concrete regional impacts on nature and society resulting from changes in anthropogenic and natural aerosol emissions.

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room 1.85/86

Chairpersons: Laura Wilcox, ben booth
On-site presentation
Tiffany Shaw, Joonsuk Kang, and Lantao Sun

Reanalysis data show the summertime circulation in the Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes has weakened significantly in the satellite era. Recent work shows the circulation weakening is not significantly affected by Arctic Amplification and Arctic Sea ice loss, but did not examine the role of other anthropogenic forcings such as aerosols. Here we use Detection and Attribution Model Intercomparison Project (DAMIP) simulations, which capture the weakening trend in reanalysis data, to quantify the impact of anthropogenic forcing due to aerosols and greenhouse gases. The DAMIP simulations show aerosol forcing dominates the weakening of the circulation across the Eurasia-Pacific sector, including the Pacific jet and storm track. Aerosol and greenhouse gases contribute equally to weakening the Atlantic jet and storm track. We use an energetic framework to understand the impact of aerosols on the storm track. In particular we show aerosol forcing leads to an increasing surface shortwave radiation trend over Western Europe and a decreasing surface shortwave trend over South and East Asia. These shortwave trends induce a weakening trend of the equator-to-pole energy gradient that leads to a weaker downstream storm track. Overall, our results show aerosol forcing is a dominant factor in regional circulation trends during Northern Hemisphere summertime in the satellite era. They have important implications for interpreting summertime heatwave trends in the Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes during summertime.

How to cite: Shaw, T., Kang, J., and Sun, L.: Anthropogenic aerosol forcing has significantly weakened regional summertime storminess in the Northern Hemisphere in the satellite era, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5265,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yanda zhang, Tom Knutson, Elena Shevliakova, and Daniel Westervelt

Aerosol effects on precipitation are crucial factors in climate change, yet they remain poorly understood, representing a large source of uncertainty in climate models. In the GFDL Earth System Model 4 (ESM4), simulated historical century-scale trends of global land precipitation demonstrate significant dry biases compared to observations, even with observed historical variations of sea surface temperature and sea ice concentrations (LongAMIP simulation). The biases manifest as overestimated decreasing precipitation trends over tropical-subtropical land and underestimated increases in higher latitudes. In this study, we investigate the “fast response” of precipitation to historical anthropogenic aerosol emissions and its contributions to the model trend biases, by conducting idealized ESM4 LongAMIP experiments with emissions of either black carbon (BC) sulfate (SO4) aerosol precursors set to near-pre-industrial levels (1850). Aerosol direct radiative effects emerge as critical drivers of excessive precipitation declines in some regions: (1) over East Asia, the negative SO4 effect and positive BC effect contribute to changes in historical precipitation and the associated model responses lead to the simulation bias. (2) For regions of Africa, the negative fast response to SO4 partially contributes to the overestimated precipitation decline. (3) Over west-central North America, the negative fast response to BC in the model contributes toward underestimating a modest observed increasing precipitation trend. However, over eastern North America and Northwest Eurasia, the fast responses of precipitation to aerosols cannot account for the opposite direction of model bias, indicating the dominant influence of other factors.

How to cite: zhang, Y., Knutson, T., Shevliakova, E., and Westervelt, D.: The fast response of precipitation to historical black and sulfate aerosols in the GFDL ESM4 climate model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12414,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Vidya Varma and Stephanie Fiedler

Past decades witnessed strong spatial changes in the emissions of anthropogenic aerosols and their precursors resulting in a global redistribution of maxima in the anthropogenic aerosol optical depth. This study investigates the response of the circulation to the different anthropogenic aerosol patterns around the 1970s and 2000s with focus on the meridional heat transport. Our analysis uses 309 historical model experiments of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 and 94 single-forcing experiments for anthropogenic aerosols from the Detection and Attribution Model Intercomparison Project (DAMIP). We substantially reduce the influence of internal variability by computing multi-model multi-realization means and additional averaging over time periods of 15 years. The results highlight the influence of anthropogenic aerosol radiative effects on the total northward heat transport. Around the 1970s, most anthropogenic aerosols were located over Europe, North America and the North Atlantic. At that time, the anthropogenic aerosol increase explains almost half of the total change in the summertime northward heat transport in the tropics compared to pre-industrial times. In polar regions, the anthropogenic aerosols around the 1970s counteracted the induced response of the northward heat transport to greenhouse gas forcing. It suggests that changes induced by the aerosol pattern until the 1970s delayed the increase in Arctic warming in CMIP6, later known as Arctic amplification. The later change in the anthropogenic aerosol pattern between the 1970s and the 2000s led to different hemispheric asymmetries in the anthropogenic aerosol optical depth and hence the reflected shortwave radiation. Due to the associated different regional radiative effect, the change in the summertime northward heat transport in the polar region is now qualitatively similar for anthropogenic aerosols and greenhouse gas forcings for the 2000s against the 1970s. Specifically, the heat transport to the Arctic during summer increases for the 2000s compared to the 1970s consistent with emergence of Arctic amplification in the late 1970s.   

How to cite: Varma, V. and Fiedler, S.: Response of the northward heat transport depends on regional anthropogenic aerosol effects in CMIP6, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5070,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Dominik L. Schumacher, Jitendra Singh, Mathias Hauser, Erich M. Fischer, Martin Wild, and Sonia I. Seneviratne

Since 1980, mean summer temperatures in Western Europe have warmed three times faster than global mean temperatures. This strong warming of about 2.3 °C tends to be underestimated in model simulations, affecting both global and in particular regional climate models (RCMs). We demonstrate that the majority of global and regional climate model simulations exhibit weaker circulation-related warming contributions than observed, partly accounting for the discrepancy between observations and models. Crucially, most RCMs from the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) additionally underestimate the thermodynamic contribution to warming that occurs primarily in response to anthropogenic forcings. Because the driving global climate models of the CORDEX RCM simulations all provide at least sufficient, and typically even excessive global background warming, this partly compensates for the frequent lack of regional thermodynamic warming. We find that the main cause of the latter is the widespread use of constant aerosol concentrations in RCM simulations, such that the regional brightening and associated warming in Europe due to aerosol reductions in the past decades is not captured. 

We infer a summer warming underestimation of about 0.5 °C since 1980 when relying on RCMs with constant rather than evolving aerosols over Western Europe, although this depends on the GCM–RCM ensemble subset. Locally, in parts of Eastern Europe with stronger aerosol reductions than further west, the discrepancies can exceed 1 °C. The use of constant aerosol representations not only contributes to the summer warming discrepancy in Europe but also impacts other seasons except winter. At the timescales of heat extremes, the aerosol representation-inflicted mismatch manifests even more clearly: heatwave intensity changes since 1980 are already underestimated by RCMs with constant aerosols by about 1°C in western Europe, and the warming discrepancies grow even larger in projections, exceeding 2 °C in large parts of Europe and at the end of the ongoing century. Our work highlights the importance of representing all relevant external forcings and associated responses in RCM simulations, as the added value of high-resolution climate projections is questionable when the strong regional brightening and warming in Europe and other regions is by design omitted.

How to cite: Schumacher, D. L., Singh, J., Hauser, M., Fischer, E. M., Wild, M., and Seneviratne, S. I.: Why climate models underestimate the exacerbated summer warming in Western Europe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18153,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Feifei Luo

Current and expected future aerosol emission changes are particularly strong in East and South Asia, where high population densities imply high potential climate risk. Hence, there is an urgent need for improved knowledge about the near-term influences of changes in aerosol emissions. Here we have developed a set of Systematic Regional Aerosol Perturbations (SyRAP) using the reduced complexity climate model FORTE 2.0 to explore the effects of aerosol-driven climate change. Results show that the increased Black Carbon(BC) concentrations over China and India lead to decreased local surface Temperature (Ts) and precipitation, with seasonal differences in the spatial distribution. Chinese (Indian) BC emissions also impact on Indian (Chinese) climate in specific seasons. The changes of shortwave radiation (SW) dominate the surface cooling and the lower tropospheric warming due to the absorption of BC. The reductions of column-intergrated diabatic cooling lead to the decreased local precipitation, while the changes in atmospheric circulation play an opposite role (weakened EAWM, enhanced EASM and ISM). The horizontal/vertical distributions of air temperature anomalies can induce the changes in cloud cover and atmospheric circulation, which further impact on the radiation flux and precipitation. Additionally, the increased surface albedo in winter is helpful to decrease Ts and precipitation.

How to cite: Luo, F.: Physical processes influencing the Asian climate due to the black carbon emissions over China and India, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8099,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Zixuan Jia, Massimo Bollasina, and Wenjun Zhang

The East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) is a prominent feature of the northern hemisphere atmospheric circulation during boreal winter, which has a large influence on the weather and climate of the Asian-Pacific region. At interannual time scales, the strength of the EAWM is strongly influenced by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). With the increasing influence of human activities, the greenhouse gas-driven changes in the climate mean state and the interannual variability of the EAWM received widespread attention. However, the impact of anthropogenic aerosols has been considered only in a few studies, which may accelerate or counteract greenhouse gas-driven climatic changes over different regions. Using fixed sea surface temperature and atmosphere–ocean coupled simulations from the Precipitation Driver Response Model Intercomparison Project (PDRMIP), the local and remote impacts of Asian aerosol forcings on the broad East Asian-Pacific region are examined. Results indicate that increased sulfate concentrations over Asia by a factor of 10 strengthen the EAWM through the regional aerosol‐induced cooling first, then extend the EAWM circulation southeastward through the broader cooling over the Maritime Continent and the North Pacific. Remotely, the cooler Northern Hemisphere shifts the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) toward the south, and the warmer sea surface temperature (SST) over the equatorial eastern Pacific leads to western-central equatorial Pacific westerly wind anomalies. These changes contribute to the increase in the ENSO’s amplitude, mainly through strengthening the Bjerknes or zonal wind feedback. Furthermore, in response to the increase in extreme El Niño and La Niña frequency, the interannual variability of the EAWM increases, with more extreme strong and weak EAWM years.

How to cite: Jia, Z., Bollasina, M., and Zhang, W.: The Local and Remote Impacts of Asian Aerosol Forcings on the East Asian Winter Monsoon and ENSO, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7782,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jie Jiang

High Mountain Asia (HMA) has experienced a spatial imbalance in water resources in recent decades, partly because of a dipolar pattern of precipitation changes known as South Drying–North Wetting. These changes can be influenced by both human activities and internal climate variability. Although climate projections indicate a future widespread wetting trend over HMA, the timing and mechanism of the transition from a dipolar to a monopolar pattern remain unknown. Here we demonstrate that the observed dipolar precipitation change in HMA during summer is primarily driven by westerly- and monsoon-associated precipitation patterns. The weakening of the Asian westerly jet, caused by the uneven emission of anthropogenic aerosols, favoured a dipolar precipitation trend from 1951 to 2020. Moreover, the phase transition of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation induces an out-of-phase precipitation change between the core region of the South Asian monsoon and southeastern HMA. Under medium- or high-emission scenarios, corresponding to a global warming of 0.6–1.1 °C compared with the present, the dipolar pattern is projected to shift to a monopolar wetting trend in the 2040s. This shift in precipitation patterns is mainly attributed to the intensified jet stream resulting from reduced emissions of anthropogenic aerosols. These findings underscore the importance of considering the impact of aerosol emission reduction in future social planning by policymakers.

How to cite: Jiang, J.: Precipitation regime changes in High Mountain Asia driven by cleaner air, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1924,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Duncan Watson-Parris, Bjørn H. Samset, Robert Allen, Massimo Bollasina, Annica Ekman, Carley Iles, Manoj Joshi, Anna Lewinschal, Marianne T. Lund, Joonas Merikanto, Kalle Nordling, Geeta Persad, Camilla W. Stjern, Dan Westervelt, Laura J. Wilcox, and Andrew Williams

In 2020, motivated by improving air quality in major ports and shipping lanes, the International Maritime Organization imposed strict new regulations on the sulfur content of shipping fuel. This led to a rapid reduction in the number of observed ship tracks (linear tracks of clouds brightened by aerosol perturbations; Watson-Parris et al. 2022), and presumably a commensurate reduction in anthropogenic aerosol forcing. The magnitude of this forcing, and the resulting temperature change, are uncertain however. The recent confirmation that 2023 was the hottest year on record can only partly be explained by the onset of the El Niño phase of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Such warming, in addition to the sizable warming in NH ocean basins- geographically collocated with shipping- raise the question of how much shipping emissions changes might have contributed to this signal, and any extreme weather events associated with it.


In this study we aim to answer this question by utilizing a large ensemble of fully-coupled Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2) simulations with and without the shipping emissions changes. We leverage the CESM2 large ensemble and choose 20 simulations with varying ENSO conditions from which to branch off with shipping emissions reduced to 20% of their baseline value. These are integrated forward for another 20 years, while non-shipping emissions follow the SSP3-7.0 scenario, in order to robustly explore the transient climate response.

In this talk we will highlight the forced climate response, focusing on temperature (T), precipitation (P), and atmospheric circulation, both globally and in key regions such as the North Atlantic. Given the change in ENSO phase during 2023, we will also describe how this climate response is modulated by different ENSO conditions, the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability and other modes of climate variability. The underlying relevant climate processes, including cloud dynamics, radiative imbalances at the top of the atmosphere, and daily variability will be summarized to link our single model study to observed changes.


[1] Watson-Parris, D., Christensen, M., Laurenson, A., Clewley, D., Gryspeerdt, E., Stier, P. “Shipping regulations lead to large reduction in cloud perturbations”. PNAS 119 (41) e2206885119: (2022)

How to cite: Watson-Parris, D., Samset, B. H., Allen, R., Bollasina, M., Ekman, A., Iles, C., Joshi, M., Lewinschal, A., Lund, M. T., Merikanto, J., Nordling, K., Persad, G., Stjern, C. W., Westervelt, D., Wilcox, L. J., and Williams, A.: Climate responses to a rapid phaseout of sulfur in shipping emissions: A large ensemble study, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21847,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Vichawan Sakulsupich, Paul Griffiths, and Alexander Archibald

Understanding the link between emissions, atmospheric chemistry and the Earth’s radiative budget remains a challenge in climate research. Such linkage arises from the fact some aerosols are produced chemically in the atmosphere. Unlike well-mixed greenhouse gases, anthropogenic aerosols are heterogeneously distributed because of localised emissions and the short atmospheric residence time. Over the historical period emissions of greenhouse gases, and near-term climate forcers (NTCFs) including aerosol precursors, O3 precursors and CH4 have broadly increased. We ask how changes in anthropogenic emissions over the historical period feed through aerosol and cloud radiative forcing.  This is important because a lack of understanding of regionally heterogeneous aerosol-climate effects is hampering our understanding of historical climate change. It also limits our confidence in future climate projections and the assessment of their impacts, as aerosol emissions are expected to decline in many regions over the coming decades.

Using the UK Earth System Model 1 (UKESM1), we investigate how sulfate aerosols form under emission and oxidant changes between 1850 and 2014. We analyse simulation output from the Aerosol Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project (AerChemMIP) atmosphere-only transient experiment which was designed to evaluate NTCF transient effective radiative forcing. These simulations target each NTCF thus suitable for isolating the effects of NTCF on the Earth system responses such as aerosol and cloud formation. First, we investigate the effect of emission location on oxidation, aiming to characterise regional sulfate aerosol formation. Two regions, Europe and Eastern Asia region, were chosen to allow comparison between two regions with different emission profiles in different periods. In the UKESM1, SO2 reacts with OH in the gas phase and O3 and H2O2 in the aqueous phase. We show that emissions location and timing determine oxidation tendency via the available oxidant and meteorological properties such as clouds. Both regions see up to 80% of total sulfate production via gas phase oxidation in summer when high OH and low cloud cover are observed. The opposite is true for wintertime when aqueous phase reactions with O3 and H2O2 form up to 90% of aerosol. Each region also shows distinct characteristics, for example, H2O2 oxidation in the European region is generally lower than that of the Eastern Asia region but it is more variable with bimodal features showing peaks in spring and autumn. Second, we investigate the effects of O3 precursors and CH4 on SO2 oxidation to quantify the regional contribution of NTCFs. Influence from O3 precursors is localised while CH4 affect SO2-OH oxidation on a more global scale. This work shows that the same amount of SO2 emitted at different regions does not form aerosol at the same amount or with the same aerosol size distribution.

We present an analysis of monthly changes of oxidants and emissions to sulfur oxidation, aerosol and cloud properties. Ultimately, this work contributes to the improvement of our process-level understanding of Earth system models that interactively simulate aerosol from precursors and aims to improve the accuracy of aerosol radiative forcing predictions.

How to cite: Sakulsupich, V., Griffiths, P., and Archibald, A.: Historical sulfate aerosol formation in earth system model with interactive-chemistry: interplay between emission location, seasonality, meteorology and available oxidants, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1018,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Gregory L. Schuster, Elisabeth Andrews, Eduard Chemyakin, Mian Chin, Jacek Chowdhary, Cheng Dang, Yevgeny Derimian, Arlindo da Silva, Fabrice Ducos, William Reed Espinosa, Philippe Lesueur, Richard Moore, Hans Moosmuller, Nobuhiro Moteki, Greema Regmi, Masanori Saito, Snorre Stamnes, Bastiaan van Diedenhoven, and Ping Yang

There is a need to quickly convert aerosol microphysical properties into optical properties for global modeling, data assimilation, and remote sensing applications. This is generally accomplished through look-up tables (LUTs) of aerosol mass extinction coefficients (MEC), mass absorption coefficients (MAC), asymmetry parameters, normalized phase functions, etc. Unfortunately, many scientists are using outdated LUTs that are based upon measurements and computational techniques first published by Shettle and Fenn (1979) and later updated by Hess et al. (1998). Thus, the computations in common use are still largely based upon Mie theory and in situ information that has not been updated during this century.

The Table of Aerosol Optics (TAO) is an open relational database (under construction) that expands upon existing LUTs by including recent measurements and new computational techniques for non-spherical particles ( The ‘open’ aspect of TAO is important, since the measurements and techniques of today will undoubtedly yield to different values in the future. This open architecture allows specialists to add new tables and gain exposure for their work and benefits modelers and remote sensing scientists by giving them easy access to computations that utilize the latest techniques. Quality is controlled by requiring methods to be peer-reviewed in the scientific literature.

Thus far, we have computed mass extinction coefficients, mass absorption coefficients, lidar ratios, etc., at 73 wavelengths ranging from 0.25-40 µm for black carbon (BC), brown carbon (BrC), non-absorbing organic carbon, and mineral dust. For mineral dust, we use hexahedra shapes and mineral mixtures of montmorillonite, illite, hematite, and goethite. The illite volume fraction varies from 0 to 59% to capture the range of real refractive indices found in AERONET climatologies; the sum of the hematite and goethite mass fractions are ~2%. Additional mixtures will be added as appropriate.

We have also computed optical properties for 22 size distributions of bare aggregated BC using the Multi-Sphere T-Matrix (MSTM) code ( at several remote sensing wavelengths. Our MSTM computations use aggregates of 20-nm spherules with particle-cluster growth. We obtained mass absorption coefficients (MACs) of 7.2-7.5 m2/g at a mid-visible wavelength (532 nm) when the BC fractal dimension was fixed at Df = 1.8 (i.e., fresh BC), consistent with values commonly recommended in literature reviews.

We will present the TAO vision and example results for several aerosol types. TAO is part of the Models, In situ, and Remote sensing of Aerosols (MIRA) working group. MIRA seeks to build collaboration, consistency, and openness amongst the aerosol disciplines. We seek community feedback from aerosol scientists regarding the construction and content of TAO, especially  in this early phase. Check out the MIRA webpage at and subscribe to our mailing list at

Hess et al. (1998): Optical properties of aerosols and clouds: The software package OPAC, BAMS, 79, 831–844.

Shettle and Fenn (1979): Tech. Rep. AFGL-TR-790214, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, 1979.

How to cite: Schuster, G. L., Andrews, E., Chemyakin, E., Chin, M., Chowdhary, J., Dang, C., Derimian, Y., da Silva, A., Ducos, F., Espinosa, W. R., Lesueur, P., Moore, R., Moosmuller, H., Moteki, N., Regmi, G., Saito, M., Stamnes, S., van Diedenhoven, B., and Yang, P.: The Tables of Aerosol Optics (TAO), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20840,, 2024.

Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X5

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 14:00–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Laura Wilcox, ben booth
Mohd Talib Latif, Sharifah Mazrah Syed Zain, Norfazrin Mohd Hanif, Md Firoz Khan, and Jivantiran Myilravanan

Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are persistent organic pollutants that affect human health. This study aimed to quantify the concentrations of 17 PCDDs/PCDFs congeners in ambient air in the urban environment of Kuala Lumpur and their potential risk to humans. PM2.5 and TSP were collected on quartz microfibre using separate high-volume samplers, whereas the gaseous phase and passive samples were captured on polyurethane between December 2021 and October 2022. The results show the Ʃ17PCDD/PCDF concentration in ambient air is 736 ± 375 fg WHO-TEQ m-3, whereas PM2.5, TSP, and gaseous phase concentrations are 223 ± 161 fg WHO-TEQ m-3, 337 ± 213 fg WHO-TEQ m-3 and 507 ± 273 fg WHO-TEQ m-3, respectively. The hepta- and octa-group congeners dominated up to 80% of the Ʃ17PCDDs/PCDFs and are more likely to bind with the particle phase than the gaseous phase. The Ʃ17PCDDs/PCDFs displayed a significant difference between gaseous and particle concentrations (p <0.001). Exposure to the gaseous phase of Ʃ17PCDDs/PCDFs resulted in a greater inhalation lifetime cancer risk (1.58E06-5.28E-06). This study found that the toxic equivalent (TEQ) concentrations are dominant in the gaseous phase, while cancer risks from exposure to PCDDs/PCDFs in the air are tolerable in children and adults.

How to cite: Latif, M. T., Zain, S. M. S., Mohd Hanif, N., Khan, M. F., and Myilravanan, J.: Concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in Kuala Lumpur urban environment and their potential risk to human health, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20552,, 2024.

Tailpipe on-road emissions of carbonaceous aerosols and gaseous pollutants from light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles for Indian on-road conditions
(withdrawn after no-show)
Mohd Shahzar Khan, Jyoti Kumari, Niraj Kumar, Rahul Kumar, and Gazala Habib
How Does Climate Variability Affect Dust Trend in the Middle East?
(withdrawn after no-show)
Hossein Mousavi, Davood Moshir Panahi, and Zahra Kalantari
The changing role of dust PM2.5  and its impact on Africa's air quality and human health
(withdrawn after no-show)
Adwoa Aboagye-Okyere
Fangxuan Ren, Jintai Lin, Jamiu A. Adeniran, Jingxu Wang, Randall V. Martin, Aaron van Donkelaar, Melanie S. Hammer, Larry W. Horowitz, Steven T. Turnock, Naga Oshima, Jie Zhang, Susanne Bauer, Kostas Tsigaridis, Øyvind Seland, Pierre Nabat, David Neubauer, Gary Strand, Twan van Noije, Philippe Le Sager, and Toshihiko Takemura and the ACM Group

Earth system models (ESMs) participating in the latest Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) simulate various components of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) as major climate forcers. Yet the model performance for PM2.5 components remains little evaluated due in part to lack of observational data. Here, we evaluate near-surface concentrations of PM2.5 and its five main components over China as simulated by fourteen CMIP6 models, including organic carbon (OC, available in 14 models), black carbon (BC, 14 models), sulfate (14 models), nitrate (4 models), and ammonium (5 models). For this purpose, we collect observational data between 2000 and 2014 from a satellite-based dataset for total PM2.5 and from 2469 measurement records in the literature for PM2.5 components. Seven models output total PM2.5 concentrations, and they all underestimate the observed total PM2.5 over eastern China, with GFDL-ESM4 (–1.5%) and MPI-ESM-1-2-HAM (–1.1%) exhibiting the smallest biases averaged over the whole country. The other seven models, for which we recalculate total PM2.5 from the available components output, underestimate the total PM2.5 concentrations, partly because of the missing model representations of nitrate and ammonium. Concentrations of the five individual components are underestimated in almost all models, except that sulfate is overestimated in MPI-ESM-1-2-HAM by 12.6% and in MRI-ESM2-0 by 24.5%. The underestimation is the largest for OC (by –71.2% to –37.8% across the 14 models) and the smallest for BC (–47.9% to –12.1%). The multi-model mean (MMM) reproduces fairly well the observed spatial pattern for OC (R = 0.51), sulfate (R = 0.57), nitrate (R = 0.70) and ammonium (R = 0.75), yet the agreement is poorer for BC (R = 0.39). The varying performances of ESMs on total PM2.5 and its components have important implications for the modeled magnitude and spatial pattern of aerosol radiative forcing.

How to cite: Ren, F., Lin, J., Adeniran, J. A., Wang, J., Martin, R. V., van Donkelaar, A., Hammer, M. S., Horowitz, L. W., Turnock, S. T., Oshima, N., Zhang, J., Bauer, S., Tsigaridis, K., Seland, Ø., Nabat, P., Neubauer, D., Strand, G., van Noije, T., Le Sager, P., and Takemura, T. and the ACM Group: Evaluation of CMIP6 model simulations of PM2.5 and its components over China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3748,, 2024.

Marianne T. Lund, Joe A. Amooli, Sourangsu Chowdhury, Ane N. Johansen, Bjørn H. Samset, and Daniel M. Westervelt

We explore the wide spread in projections of African mid-century anthropogenic air pollution levels, and associated health impacts, resulting from the large diversity in available future emission pathways for the region.

While emissions of aerosols and their precursors have declined in some regions, first in North America and Europe, more recently in China, many low- and middle-income countries, including much of Africa, are increasing their emissions and are projected to continue to do so with future industrialization, although the evolution depends in socioeconomic and technological factors. This is likely to drive changes in climate hazards as well as deterioration of air quality, increasing risks for under-resourced, vulnerable populations. The impacts of African aerosols on regional temperature, hydroclimate, and extreme events are, however, less well studied and quantified than for other historical emission hotspots. Moreover, very limited data availability and distinct regional characteristics of sources result in high uncertainties in estimates of African emissions. This uncertainty translates into future projections, which exhibit a striking spread in magnitudes and trends. For instance, available estimates for emissions of sulfur dioxide and black carbon in 2050 differ by up to 70% and 90% between the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) and scenarios developed for the UN Environmental Programme’s (UNEP) Integrated Assessment of Air Pollution and Climate Change in Africa.

Here we explore implications of this spread for downstream modeled quantities of relevance for climate and health impact assessments. We use emissions from 10 different pathways as input to the chemical transport model OsloCTM3 and simulate the distribution of anthropogenic aerosols across the African continent in 2050. The associated impact on premature mortality is calculated. Preliminary results show surface PM2.5 concentrations differing by up to a factor 2 between the highest and lowest scenario when averaged over the African continents, with markedly higher local spread. Sub-continental differences are substantial, pointing to the need to consider Africa in more geographical detail than often done.

How to cite: Lund, M. T., Amooli, J. A., Chowdhury, S., Johansen, A. N., Samset, B. H., and Westervelt, D. M.: An uncertain future for anthropogenic aerosols in Africa, and their climate and health impacts, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15079,, 2024.

Cleaner air in the future will exacerbate the risk of compound flood-heatwave extremes in the Northern Hemisphere
Zhili Wang, Yingfang Li, Yadong Lei, and Xiaochao Yu
Daniel Westervelt, Yanda Zhang, Joe Adabouk Amooli, Kostas Tsigaridis, Larissa Nazarenko, Bjørn Samset, Laura Wilcox, and Robert Allen

The climatic implications of regional aerosol and precursor emissions reductions implemented to protect human health are poorly understood. However, quantitative estimates of climate responses to emission perturbations are needed by the climate assessment and impacts community. The Regional Aerosol Model Intercomparison Project (RAMIP) project builds on recent CMIP5 and CMIP6-era studies to help address this knowledge gap. Briefly, RAMIP will use contrasting SSP aerosol emissions (SO2, BC, OC) scenarios (SSP3-7.0 and SSP1-2.6) to isolate the impact of realistic, near term aerosol changes on climate and air quality over rapidly developing regions of South Asia, East Asia, and Africa, and over North America and Europe. At least 9 CMIP6-generation global climate models are contributing to this new MIP, which uniquely focuses on specific regional aerosol emissions changes rather than simultaneous global changes. This presentation will specifically present the first results from several participating models in RAMIP, namely the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) ModelE, UKESM, CESM2, and NorESM. All Tier 1 simulations of RAMIP are included, with 10 ensembles for each simulation. Initial analysis at the time of writing confirms the anticipated changes in aerosol optical depth, downwelling shortwave radiation, and aerosol mass concentration over each of the regions. The warming response to a decrease in SO2, BC, and OC is strongest in the US and Europe perturbation simulations, both globally and regionally, with Arctic warming up to 0.3 K due to a removal of US and European anthropogenic aerosol emissions alone; however, even emissions from regions more remote to the Arctic, such as South Asian aerosols, can significantly warm the Arctic up to 0.2 K. In most regions, temperatures are most sensitive to emissions perturbations within that region. Arctic warming is the most robust model response across the regional aerosol emissions perturbations. 

How to cite: Westervelt, D., Zhang, Y., Amooli, J. A., Tsigaridis, K., Nazarenko, L., Samset, B., Wilcox, L., and Allen, R.: Enhanced aerosol-induced near-term Arctic warming due to remote regional aerosol perturbations in RAMIP, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20722,, 2024.

Tianyi Fan, Xiaohong Liu, Chenglai Wu, and Yi Gao

     Regional aerosol simulation biases in climate models have been noted since the CMIP5 era. The biases can cause noticeable error in the radiative forcing estimations. In this research, we investigate the aerosol optical depth (AOD) biases over China from 2002 to 2015 in nine climate models that participate the Aerosol and Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project (AerChemMIP) of CMIP6. The AerChemMIP ensemble mean is high biased over four populated regions in winter and low biased in two populated regions compared to the MODIS satellite retrievals. The patterns of model biases were persistent over years. Large inter-model spread is found in the high AOD regions. We decompose AOD to the product of emission rate, lifetime and mass extinction coefficient such that the AOD biases can be attributed to the errors of each term and their cross error term. The error of each term is analyzed by first regressing to several observable predictors, such as precipitation, Angström exponent, and relative humidity, followed by constraining the predictors by observational or reanalysis data. The results show that error due to emission dominates for many models, followed by lifetime and MEC errors. Furthermore, we argue that for regional analysis, due to imbalance between emission and removal fluxes, the removal/emission ratio should be further constrained by observations. This study provides a diagnosis for climate models to improve their simulation in aerosol loading on regional scale by optimizing the modeling of meteorology as well as aerosol properties and life cycle. 

How to cite: Fan, T., Liu, X., Wu, C., and Gao, Y.: Observational Constrained Attribution of Regional Aerosol Simulation Biases in the AerChemMIP models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3279,, 2024.

chandan sarangi, Pradeep Rai, Sunny Kant, Arun Nair, Soumendra Kuiry, Eric Wilcox, and Ruby Leung

Aerosol-cloud interactions (ACI) is a key uncertainty in our ability to forecast future climate. Robust evidences of aerosol-induced modifications to the structure and lifetime of both, rain bearing and non-rain bearing clouds has emerged from satellite observations across the globe in last two decades. These observations were also substantiated by many process-level simulation studies using weather models at cloud resolving scales in last decade. Thus, the significance of ACI at process scale on short-term meteorological perturbations is well agreed. However, the role of aerosol-cloud interactions on trends at climate scale is not evident yet. For example, if cloud occurrence is increasing over India, it is not clear if there is any substantial role of ACI in comparison to other governing factors. Here, we will present our analysis on the association of ACI with the recent trends in clouds, temperature and rainfall over India using satellite observations and global climate model simulations.

First, we will discuss data analysis of simulations from CMIP5 models, to quantify the importance of ACI on extreme climate indices over Indian monsoon region. The climate models were grouped based on whether the models represent only aerosol-radiation interactions (REMADE) or the full suite of aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions (REMALL). Compared to REMADE, including all aerosol effects significantly improves the model skills in simulating the observed historical trends of all three climate indices over India. Specifically, AIE enhances dry days and reduces wet days in India in the historical period, consistent with the observed changes. However, by the middle and end of the 21st century, there is a relative decrease in dry days and an increase in wet days and precipitation intensity. Further, we will also illustrate unprecedented satellite evidences of aerosol induced positive trends in marine cloud occurrences and surface temperature during pre-monsoon over the Bay of Bengal (BOB) region. In last 15 years, increased aerosol emissions over North India have led to an increase in aerosol loading till 3 km over the BOB outflow region in monsoon onset period. The elevated aerosol loading stabilizes the lower troposphere over the region in recent years and leads the low-level cloud occurrences (below 3 km) to increase in recent years by ~20%. Incidentally, the sea surface over entire BOB is steadily warming under climate change except the pollution outflow region, suggesting potential contributing to the observed non-intuitive cooling trends in sea surface temperatures.

Our findings underscore the crucial role of ACI in trends and future projections of the Indian hydroclimate and emphasizes the crucial need for improved aerosol representations in coupled models for accurate predictions of regional climate change over South Asia.

How to cite: sarangi, C., Rai, P., Kant, S., Nair, A., Kuiry, S., Wilcox, E., and Leung, R.: Aerosol-cloud interactions constrain climatic trends in rainfall and temperature of India, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-832,, 2024.

Wolfgang Junkermann and Jorg Hacker

Current extremes within regional water cycles, extensive drought periods and torrential flooding, are   associated in literature and media to first indicators of greenhouse gas driven climate change. Indeed, they are among major threats to be expected from climate change model results. The main obvious physical process behind such global warming water cycle extremes, is the temperature dependent water vapor content of air (Clausius Clapeyron, 1834, CC) and it’s increase by ~ 7% per degree C. Naturally the water vapor input into the atmosphere via evapotranspiration is dependent on shortwave radiation reaching the surface, a process controlled partially by fine particles, partially by clouds. Here the ultrafine, invisible, fraction of the aerosols is becoming important.

Ultrafine particles (UFP) acting as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) are the driving force behind cloud modification and changing rainfall patterns. However, the sources and budgets of anthropogenic primary and secondary particles were not well known. Based on airborne measurements we identified as a major contribution modern fossil fuel flue gas cleaning techniques to cause a doubling of global primary UFP number emissions. The subsequent enhancement of CCN numbers has several side effects. It’s changing the size of the cloud droplets and delays raindrop formation, suppressing certain types of rainfall and increasing the residence time of water vapor in the atmosphere. This additional latent energy reservoir is directly available for invigoration of rainfall extremes. Additionally it’s a further contribution to the column density of water vapor as a greenhouse gas and important for the infrared radiation budget. The localized but ubiquitous fossil fuel related UFP emissions and their role in the hydrological cycle, may thus contribute to regional or continental climate trends, such as increasing drought and flooding, observed within recent decades.

We discuss the impact of the ultrafine fraction on the hydrological cycle and its historical timeline. Ultrafine particles (UFP) initially don’t interact with radiation like fine ones. However, a significant increase of the ultrafine particle burden may serve similar to CC to more water vapor molecules, respectively more latent energy in the troposphere, especially in the altitude range of convective clouds. We also discuss the origin of the majority of UFP, whether a simple dependence of ultrafine particles on the atmospheric sulphur load is a reasonable and valid assumption and what should be taken additionally into account for future UFP szenarios.

Junkermann, W. & Hacker, J., 2022, Unprecedented levels of ultrafine particles, major sources, and the hydrological cycle, Nature Scientific Reports, 12:7410

Junkermann, W. (2022). Ultrafine particle emissions in the Mediterranean region. In F. Dulac, S. Sauvage, & E. Hamonou (Eds.), Atmospheric chemistry in the Mediterranean region (Vol. 2, From air pollutant sources to impacts). Springer, 21 pp.

How to cite: Junkermann, W. and Hacker, J.: Invisible, overlooked, climate relevant? Unprecedented levels of ultrafine particles and the hydrological cycle, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20286,, 2024.

Dominik Stolzenburg, Runlong Cai, Sara Blichner, Jenni Kontkanen, Putian Zhou, Risto Makkonen, Veli-Matti Kerminen, Markku Kulmala, Ilona Riipinen, and Juha Kangasluoma

The process of new particle formation from gas-phase precursors holds significant importance in Earth's atmosphere and introduces a notable source of uncertainty in climate change predictions. The growth of freshly formed molecular clusters should in theory be crucial for the climate impact of new particle formation, influencing the survival probability of these particles exponentially and determining their ability to act as cloud condensation nuclei. However, defining the fundamental aspects of nanoparticle growth is intricate. It involves a complex interplay of condensational and reactive vapor uptake, aerosol coagulation, sink processes, and a diverse array of potential gaseous precursors. Observational nanoparticle growth rates, derived from the evolution of the particle-size distribution, portray growth as a collective phenomenon. However, models often interpret these rates at a single-particle level, integrating them into simplified size-distribution representations (Stolzenburg et al., 2023). dditionally, many models only consider a limited subset of condensable vapors, while recent experimental observations identify an increasing number of potential contributors to new particle growth.

Our objective here is to bridge the gap between experimental and modeling studies on nanoparticle growth. We compare three large-scale models (NorESM, ECHAM, and TM5) regarding their sensitivity to organic nanoparticle growth processes. Surprisingly, we find a much lower sensitivity than anticipated from box models. Through the inclusion of a sectional scheme into NorESM, we demonstrate that representing the complexity of size distribution dynamics leads to significantly different cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) levels. Furthermore, our results suggest that, on regional scales, sensitivity to organic growth is much higher. Inclusion of additional growth processes and/or a scaling of condensable vapor concentrations could yield a significantly altered climate response. In turn, comprehensive experimental observations from e.g. the open oceans are still lacking and we show that continental data exhibit surprisingly little variation in measured particle growth rates. The latter indicates limited sensitivity in current experimental approaches and potential unaccounted multi-phase chemistry in the growth process.

Consequently, we propose specific guidance for future research to address questions regarding the buffered climate response in large-scale models and the unexpectedly low variation observed in global growth measurements. We advocate for more sensitivity studies and improved model-measurement comparisons.


Stolzenburg, D., Cai, R., Blichner, S. M., Kontkanen, J., Zhou, P., Makkonen, R., Kerminen, V.-M., Kulmala, M., and Kangasluoma, J.: Atmospheric nanoparticle growth, Rev. Mod. Phys., 95, 045002,, 2023.


How to cite: Stolzenburg, D., Cai, R., Blichner, S., Kontkanen, J., Zhou, P., Makkonen, R., Kerminen, V.-M., Kulmala, M., Riipinen, I., and Kangasluoma, J.: Aligning experimental and model perspectives on atmospheric nanoparticle growth, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7692,, 2024.

Clarissa Baldo, Brigitte Language, Tommaso Isolabella, Virginia Vernocchi, Dario Massabò, Claudia Di Biagio, Pieter Van Zyl, Stuart Piketh, and Paola Formenti

South Africa, with its industrialised economy, faces unique air pollution challenges. Our study investigates aerosol composition and absorption in the Highveld region. Understanding aerosol absorption is critical as it affects climate, air quality, and public health. Aerosol absorption in the lower atmosphere affects the evolution of the boundary layer and the dispersion of pollutants, which in turn affects air quality and public health. Aerosol filter samples (PM10 fractions) were collected from residential, traffic, and industrial sites during the dry season. Chemical analyses, including X-ray fluorescence, thermo-optical analysis, and ion chromatography, were carried out to determine elemental species, carbonaceous species, and water-soluble ions, respectively. Based on this, a mass closure calculation was performed to define the contribution of five major aerosol components. The calculated aerosol mass concentrations were in good agreement with the measurements (Normalised Mean Bias, NMB < 7%). No significant variation in PM10 concentration was observed between site types. Mineral dust appeared to be the main contributor to PM10, varying from about 48%-60% at different sites, followed by organic matter (OM, 22%-35%), secondary inorganic aerosols (SIA, 9%-12%), elemental carbon (EC, 4%-7%), and sea salt (ss, 1%-2%).

Aerosol spectral absorption was obtained from multi-wavelength absorbance analysis (MWAA) measurements at 375, 407, 532, 635, and 850 nm. High absorption was measured in the following order: industrial> residential> traffic sites. The estimated absorption Ångström exponent (AAE) varied from 0.8 to 2 at different sites, indicating the contribution of several sources. At 850 nm absorption correlates well with EC as expected (r = 0.85). The obtained mass absorption efficiency (8 m2/g) is in line with expectations. Specific tracers were used to determine the contribution of the main absorbing aerosol components - black carbon (BC), brown organic carbon (BrC) from incomplete biomass combustion, and mineral dust - using correlations between estimated mass and measured absorption. Preliminary results indicate that although BC is the major contributor to absorption, accounting for 30%-60% absorption at 375 nm, followed by BrC 10%-50%, the contribution of the less absorbing but more abundant mineral dust is not negligible and can range from 2% to 50% in different samples. These results underline the complexity of aerosols in the region and their high absorption properties, and the need for a comprehensive understanding of its various components to accurately assess its impact.

How to cite: Baldo, C., Language, B., Isolabella, T., Vernocchi, V., Massabò, D., Di Biagio, C., Van Zyl, P., Piketh, S., and Formenti, P.: Apportionment of absorption in complex aerosols in South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16012,, 2024.

A Robust Solar Zenith Angle Dependency for Passive versus LiDAR Sensor AOD Retrieval Biases, and it’s Implications for Arctic Aerosol Seasonality
(withdrawn after no-show)
Sarah Smith, Yutian Wu, and Mingfang Ting
Yevgeny Derimian, Fabrice Ducos, Philippe Lesueur, and Gregory L. Schuster

This effort is dedicated to construction of a relational database and an interactive web system that organizes and communicates aerosol optical and microphysical characteristics assembled in the Table of Aerosol Optics (TAO) community repository. The TAO project ( is an extension of historical efforts (e.g., Shettle and Fenn, 1979; d’Almeida et al., 1991; Koepke et al., 1997; Hess et al., 1998) on providing libraries of aerosol characteristics for applications in global chemical transport modeling and remote sensing. Aerosol characteristics such as size distribution, complex refractive index, shape, mixing state, extinction, absorption, single-scatter albedo, lidar ratio, etc. are provided for different aerosol types, wavelengths, be originated from laboratory measurements, in situ or remote sensing observations. Combination of aerosol characteristics, their origins, types, spectral domains, computational techniques used for single-scatter properties become quickly very complex and is expected to evolve in future. The open access and interactive principles of TAO implies increasing complexity of its database structure that requires involvement of dedicated computer science technics for its organization and management. The relational database conception, for instance, is widely used in many domains that require such data organization and naturally appropriates to TAO. The relational database consists in structuring the data in multiple tables, with so-called primary or foreign keys that relates between entity types, parameters and their value in unique or multiple connections. We therefore started development of tools for uploading of the TAO data into the format of relational database and creation of a web interface for an interactive communication with the community. This work is expected to be presented as complimentary to a more general presentation about the TAO project by G. L. Schuster and gather valuable feedbacks from modelers, in situ and remote sensing experts on the data needs, convenient exchange formats and potential applications.

How to cite: Derimian, Y., Ducos, F., Lesueur, P., and Schuster, G. L.: Relational database construction for Table of Aerosol Optics, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20865,, 2024.