ERE2.9 | Deep Geothermal Energy
Deep Geothermal Energy
Co-organized by EMRP1
Convener: Guido Blöcher | Co-conveners: Kalliopi Tzoufka, Mauro Cacace, Jean Schmittbuhl, David Bruhn
| Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–11:55 (CEST)
Room -2.16
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X4
Orals |
Mon, 08:30
Mon, 16:15
This session focuses on the investigation of deep geothermal reservoirs in any geological environment including sedimentary basins to crystalline basement rocks. The targets encompass hydrothermal, petrothermal, enhanced geothermal, and close loop systems. We particularly welcome contributions related to reservoir exploration, monitoring and operation in fractured and faulted reservoirs, including the assessment of their sustainable usage as well as of potential hazards such as induced seismicity. This session features multi-disciplinary and cross-scale studies characterizing the reservoir performance and behavior by additional experimental and numerical analysis of related THMC processes.

Session assets

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room -2.16

Chairpersons: Mauro Cacace, Kalliopi Tzoufka, Guido Blöcher
On-site presentation
Pierre-Olivier Bruna, Jasper Hupkes, Myrthe Doesburg, Giovanni Bertotti, Andrea Moscariello, and Jérôme Caudroit

Naturally fractured geothermal reservoirs (NFGR) represent a challenging frontier for sustainable energy exploration and production. These reservoirs are characterised by the presence of complex fracture networks controlling hot fluid movement at depth. Unfortunately, these networks cannot be directly observed, and their properties need to be modelled. Classically, these models are based on statistic data obtained from outcrops and borehole data. Outcrops allow characterisation of the geometry of networks at a scale up to 100’s of meters. However, the analogy between surface and subsurface is not trivial and surprisingly, the notion that different fracture sets are genetically related is rarely used. Borehole core data provide the only direct sampling of the subsurface. However, cores are challenging and expensive to obtain. As an alternative, geophysical borehole images are acquired to observe fractures in the subsurface. However, the quality of these images is variable, making their interpretation uncertain. In this study, we aim to minimize the uncertainties related to fracture picking in borehole images to accurately recognise specific part of the network interpreted from the surrounding outcrops. This approach will provide new perspective in the characterisation of NFGRs.

We test our approach on the Geneva Basin, located in westernmost part of Switzerland. There, the Lower Cretaceous carbonate units are expected to host geothermal resources. Recently, an exploration well, GEo-01 was drilled in the Canton of Geneva to evaluate the geothermal potential of the Lower Cretaceous reservoir. The basin is bounded to the north by the Jura and to the south by the Saleve mountain and the Borne massif where the Lower Cretaceous rocks are outcropping. This area extends for about 1500 km2.

In these outcrops, we introduce the concept of discontinuity associations where sets of fractures, veins and stylolites which formed under a similar stress regime are grouped together. The characterisation of discontinuity associations allows to map the orientation of the maximal principal paleostress (σ1) of genetically related discontinuities. This method is a more robust way of reconstructing fracture-forming deformation events than assigning one deformation event per discontinuity set. We consistently identify three distinct associations over the investigated mountain ranges. Those associations are formed before the onset of fold-and-thrust belt and therefore constitute a background fracture network expected to be found in the targeted geothermal reservoir.

To prove this hypothesis, we looked for the same discontinuity associations in borehole images of GEo-01. This well disposes of a unique dataset of five independent interpretations of the same 122 m interval of Lower Cretaceous series. To quantify and reduce interpretation uncertainties, our study involves a comparative statistical analysis of these interpretations. The outcomes of this  analysis facilitate the identification of intervals where interpreters reached consensus and those where discrepancies emerged. We delved into the factors influencing interpretation agreement or divergence, considering fracture attribute variability, image log quality variation, and geology. We define guidelines to interpret fractures in the borehole images of the Lower Cretaceous of the Geneva Basin and ultimately validate the presence of the three discontinuity associations as background fractures in the geothermal reservoir.

How to cite: Bruna, P.-O., Hupkes, J., Doesburg, M., Bertotti, G., Moscariello, A., and Caudroit, J.: Best practices in surface and subsurface natural fracture characterisation to advance carbonate geothermal reservoirs insights: a spotlight on the Geneva Basin, Switzerland. , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7499,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ondrej Partl and Ernesto Meneses Rioseco

We develop a computation framework from scratch that allows us to conduct 3D numerical simulations of groundwater flow and heat transport in hot fractured reservoirs to find optimal placements of injection and production wells that sustainably optimize geothermal energy production.

We model the reservoirs as geologically consistent randomly generated discrete fracture networks (DFN) in which the fractures are 2D manifolds with polygonal boundary embedded in a 3D porous medium. The wells are modeled as line sources and sinks.
The flow and heat transport in the DFN-matrix system are modeled by solving the balance equations for mass, momentum, and energy.
The fully developed computational framework combines the finite element method with semi-implicit time-stepping and algebraic flux correction.
To perform the optimization, we use various gradient-free algorithms.

We present our latest results for several geologically and physically realistic scenarios.

How to cite: Partl, O. and Rioseco, E. M.: Optimization of geothermal energy production from fracture-controlled reservoirs via 3D numerical modeling and simulation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4164,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Torsten Tischner and Reinhard Jung

The storage of surplus power generated by wind turbines or solar panels under favourable weather conditions is of significant importance for the successful transition of current energy systems. Surplus power can be used for hydrogen production or for charging batteries. However, there is also an option to store surplus power as mechanical energy due to the injection of water into the deep underground.

Basic investigations for the storage of mechanical energy were performed at the geothermal research well “Horstberg” in Germany. Here a large and highly conductive artificial fracture was created in the Buntsandstone formation at approximately 3800 m depth. For the hydraulic stimulation 20.000 m3 of fresh water were injected at a pressure of about 300 bar. In succeeding production tests, the water was produced back at a pressure level of about 200 bar and a significant portion of the energy used for injection would have been retrievable. Further injection and production tests, originally designed for cyclic heat extraction, showed that approximately half of the electric energy necessary for injection could have been recovered while producing. Obviously, a large portion of the hydraulic pump energy is stored in the underground as mechanical energy due to ballooning of the fracture and due to elastic compression of water and rock surrounding the fracture.

The efficiency of energy storage can be improved significantly by implementing a horizontal well design with multiple fractures. This is shown based on model calculations. If water is injected in parallel artificial fractures the static pressure level between the fractures increases, water losses into the far field decrease and the back-production is improved. Furthermore, overpressure reservoirs and low permeable rock are favourable. Thereby the injected water remains in the closed surrounding of the fractures and the complete artesian back production at high pressure is ensured. Overpressure formations seem to be widespread in the deep underground of sedimentary basins as in the North German Basin.

Mechanical energy storage in the deep underground should be combined with geothermal heat extraction. At the test site Horstberg thermal water at a temperature of more than 100°C was produced in cyclic tests. Numeric modelling results suggest that a thermal power of appr. 1 MW can be extracted by cyclic production in the long term via the large fracture in Horstberg.

For the realisation of this storage concept several challenges have to be met. Besides the creation of good underground conditions, the handling of the produced saline water and its reinjection without scaling or corrosion are serious issues. On the other hand the storage of surplus power as mechanical energy in the underground and its retransformation to power can be more efficient than the conversion into hydrogen and less expensive than battery storage. The reuse of abundant deep wells for energy storage could be a cost-efficient starting point for this concept.

How to cite: Tischner, T. and Jung, R.: Storage of mechanical energy and heat extraction via artificial fractures in low permeable rock, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21854,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Rose-Nelly Ogandaga Capito and Dominique Bruel

The Upper Rhine Graben (URG) is the central segment of the European Cenozoic Rift System which is known for hosting some of Europe’s major geothermal anomalies. Historically, the region has been explored for its hydrocarbon resources and more recently the area has been targeted for deep geothermal energy. Since then, several heat and/or power plants have been commissioned and are currently in operation. However, despite the gradual development of the sector, the technical potential of the URG remains under-exploited. While the first deep geothermal projects benefited from thermal anomalies known at surface, new projects require costly exploration techniques to ensure a right combination of elevated temperature and sufficient permeability.

Several numerical modelling studies have attempted to reproduce thermal anomalies by integrating a complex three-dimensional geometry of the URG and assuming a topography-induced forced convection largely dominating free convection. As a result, the authors observe a basin-wide graben-perpendicular flow from the graben shoulders towards its center, with an upflow axis approximately below the Rhine River. These conclusions are in contrast to previous geochemical studies which suggest that deep brines discharged from the granitic basement are rather homogeneous on a large scale and have a common origine in deep Triassic sedimentary formations with temperatures close to 225 ± 25 °C. The brines would then migrate through sedimentary layers and permeable fault zones in the basement, from the center of the graben to its western flank, where they would flow up into horst structures such as Soultz or Landau. Moreover, this deep brine circulation in the central part of the graben is thought to be almost completely decoupled both from the circulation of less saline fluids in its upper part, in the Tertiary layers, and from flows along bordering faults, which would be characterized by a rapid recycling of meteoric water via deep circulation loops.

Here, we suggest that thermal anomalies in the French western border of the graben result from deep convective cells developing in the basement along the inclined basement-sediments interface without any help from external pressure forces. Therefore, we used the GeORG public database to build a simplified three-dimensional numerical model of the central part of the URG. Results are obtained using the OpenGeoSys software. Conceptual numerical experiments of thermo-hydraulically coupled simulations were carried out, assuming density-driven convective heat transport with thermal dependence of density and viscosity parameters. The first series of models were constructed without any faults, and we show that an integration of basement morphology, a depth-decreasing basement permeability and a fixed heat flow condition at the base of the model is sufficient to trigger multiple upwellings in the basement within a few million years. Current on-going work is to further calibrate the model to reproduce known existing temperature records and to observe how the integration of permeability heterogeneity or one or more fault zones can reorganize the convective system, thus allowing to trace an effective permeable pattern at larger scale. 

How to cite: Ogandaga Capito, R.-N. and Bruel, D.: Influence of basement morphology on hydrothermal convection in the Upper Rhine Graben , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8838,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Samuel Scott, Alina Yapparova, Philipp Weis, and Matthew Houde

This study explores the power generation potential of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) at depths of >15 km, where continental crust typically exhibits ductile behavior at temperatures above 400 °C. We employed a numerical model to evaluate the response of such deep crustal rock to fluid injection-induced pressurization and cooling. Our simulations indicate that circulating 80 kg/s of water through rock initially at 425 °C could yield ~100-120 MWth (approximately 20 MWe) for two decades. Even after a century of fluid circulation, fluid temperatures at the production wells exceed 250 °C and thermal energy output exceeds 40 MWth. However, achieving effective permeability in the stimulated volume is crucial to developing an exploitable resource; our model suggests that bulk permeability values between ~10-15 and 10-14 m2 in a rock volume of 0.1 km3 are optimal. This range balances the need to avoid excessive injection pressures and the risk of rapid thermal depletion. As the reservoir cools, the transition from ductile to brittle behavior in rock is assumed, reducing fluid pressures but increasing the risk of fluid pathway short-circuiting, a common challenge in EGS operations. Our theoretical investigation underscores the importance of geological (e.g., rock temperature and permeability) and operational (e.g., injection rate) factors in harnessing the energy potential of the ductile crust. However, practical implementation hinges on revolutionary advancements in deep drilling technology and a better understanding of rock behavior under high temperature and pressure conditions.

How to cite: Scott, S., Yapparova, A., Weis, P., and Houde, M.: The power generation potential of enhanced geothermal systems in ductile crust at >15 km depth, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20785,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hemmo Abels, Auke Barnhoorn, Alexandros Daniilidis, David Bruhn, Guy Drijkoningen, Kaylee Elliott, Beer van Esser, Susanne Laumann, Piet Van Paassen, Liliana Vargas Meleza, Andrea Vondrak, Denis Voskov, and Phil Vardon

A geothermal doublet has been installed in a sedimentary reservoir for direct-use heating on the TU Delft campus, targeted to supply around 25 MW of thermal energy at peak conditions. This contribution presents the implementation and initial data collection from the doublet, including an initial evaluation of the logging and coring campaign. Nearly half of Netherlands natural gas consumption is allocated to heating, and the on-campus CO2 emissions from heating exceed 50%. The doublet has been designed with two primary aims of research and commercial heat supply, with the wells being completed in December 2023. The project will be operated by a commercial entity, and built into a larger thermal energy system including a high temperature underground storage system, with the first energy production planned in 2025. The research questions relate to field-scale geothermal operations, e.g. how reliable is the long-term energy production?, how do materials perform in the long-term? and how can geothermal projects be best monitored? The research programme involves the installation of a wide range of instruments alongside an extensive logging and coring program and monitoring network. The doublet has been cored, with substantial continuous samples from the heterogenous reservoir, alongside a large suite of open hole well logs in the reservoir and through casing logs in overlying geological units. A fiber-optic cable will monitor distributed pressure throughout the producer reservoir section, at approximately 2300m depth, which will be installed during commissioning. A local seismic monitoring network has been installed in the surrounding area with the aim of monitoring very low-magnitude natural or induced seismicity. The project is a key national research infrastructure and is being incorporated into the European EPOS (European Plate Observing System,, such that accessibility and data availability will be as wide as possible. All observations will be included in a digital-twin framework that will allow to make better decisions in future geothermal projects.

How to cite: Abels, H., Barnhoorn, A., Daniilidis, A., Bruhn, D., Drijkoningen, G., Elliott, K., van Esser, B., Laumann, S., Van Paassen, P., Vargas Meleza, L., Vondrak, A., Voskov, D., and Vardon, P.: A newly installed research infrastructure for geothermal energy in a subsurface sedimentary reservoir for direct-use heating: the TU Delft campus geothermal project, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20414,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Theis Winter and Kai Zosseder

The carbonate Upper Jurassic aquifer (UJA) in the South German Molasse Basin (SGMB) is the most important exploration horizon for geothermal energy supply in Bavaria. The UJA shows a complex hydrogeology caused by a heterogeneous geology with karstic features and deep fault zones.

The great interest in the Upper Jurassic aquifer for geothermal energy supply led to an increasing construction of geothermal power plants in the greater Munich area. Today, there are 18 geothermal power plants in this area used for district heating and electricity generation.

To guarantee a long and sustainable use of the geothermal resource, understanding the dynamics within the reservoir is important. Tracer tests are a key tool for investigating groundwater flow paths, detecting potential thermal breakthroughs, and minimizing negative interactions between geothermal power plants.

In recent years, several tracer tests have been conducted, and the growing number of projects will lead to even more tracer testing in the coming years. Future tracer tests need to be carefully designed, as there is, up to now, only a limited number of traditional tracer substances available for use in a deep geothermal setting under high temperatures and pressures. Therefore, we developed tracer management for the UJA, including guidelines for different tracer tests, the suitability of different tracers for usage in a geothermal setting, and recommendations for individual locations.

How to cite: Winter, T. and Zosseder, K.: Developing tracer management for long and sustainable use of the Upper Jurassic geothermal reservoir in South Germany, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17350,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Felix Schölderle and Kai Zosseder

Besides the amount of a thermal fluid produced and its chemical composition, temperature is one of the key parameters for the utilization of hydrothermal heat. This applies in particular to geothermal fields with low temperature/low enthalpy, as too low extraction temperatures can mean the failure of a project, while higher temperatures can enable electricity generation or generally better economic efficiency. This concerns the undisturbed (natural) temperature in the reservoir as well as that of the produced fluid at the surface, which depends on the well completion, the undisturbed reservoir temperature, and the depth and contributions of hydraulically active zones. Subsequently, improved forecasts of both the undisturbed temperature and the production temperature with a valid estimate of their uncertainty are required to provide a reliable basis for field development and risk assessment.

In the national projects Geothermal-Alliance Bavaria and KompakT, we studied the temperatures in the North Alpine Foreland Basin in Bavaria, Germany. The carbonate rocks form one of Europe’s most important reservoirs for the use of deep geothermal energy, and projects for district heating and electricity generation have been realized here for more than 30 years.

We developed a good practice workflow for the correction of low-quality bottom hole temperature (BHT) values based on a probabilistic Monte Carlo approach. Using this workflow, we corrected BHTs from over 300 hydrocarbon and geothermal wells and predicted the natural temperature field inside the study area. The resulting temperature model is based on risk scenarios and contains a range of uncertainty, the extent of which depends on the uncertainty of the correction input parameters at the individual locations.

To study the short-term and long-term thermal behavior in the reservoir and the wellbore during production conditions, in 2019, a fiber optic cable was installed below the pump into the reservoir of a geothermal production well. We used distributed temperature sensing (DTS) to observe the hydraulically active zones and to thermally derive their contribution to the available heat amount.

The knowledge gained underlines the importance of flow zone characterization and can be used to improve existing temperature models and estimate what temperatures can really be expected during extraction.

How to cite: Schölderle, F. and Zosseder, K.: The Uncertainty of Temperature Predictions and the Influence of Flow Zones on the Production Temperature in a Low Enthalpy Geothermal Field, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10641,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Pawel Slupski, Enrico Zampieri, Eloisa Di Sipio, Adele Manzella, Riccardo Pasquali, Luc Pockele, Arno Romanowski, Raffaele Sassi, Olaf Steinmeier, and Antonio Galgaro

The technology envisioned in the DeepU project (Deep U-tube heat exchanger) is expected to revolutionize the geothermal energy sector, increasing the accessibility of deep geothermal resources for low-carbon heating and power generation. The ultimate project goal is to create a deep (>4 km) closed-loop connection in the shape of a U-tube exchanger by developing a fast and effective laser drilling technology. The project comprises the development of a novel drilling technique and its application via geothermal modeling at selected sites. A prototype of a drill-head has been realized, combining the laser system with drill strings, sustaining the coupled action of laser and cryogenic gas. The fine particles of drilled rocks are ejected to the surface in the gas stream via the borehole annulus. This contribution focuses on the project’s activities related to the laser-rock interactions studied in the experimental laser drilling tests based on previous works (Seo et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022a, 2022b). Three types of lithologies were selected for initial laboratory tests: granite, sandstone, and limestone (50 x 35 x 15 cm). Constant rates of penetration (ROP) upwards of 20 m/h have been achieved in all lithologies with borehole diameter reaching 18 cm. The petro-thermo-mechanical phenomena occurring during laser drilling, such as spallation, melting, and evaporation, were recognized and described. The drilling process was investigated by thermocamera imaging providing information about the most effective process induced by heating the rocks, up to 700°C. The laser working parameters and experimental setup were optimized regarding observed phenomena. In the next step, sections of boreholes were cut out and examined. The microscopic observations on the thermal unaffected and affected rocks’ thin sections have been performed with the use of polarized optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy revealing micro-fracturing patterns of the rock induced on rock samples by the heating processes. The change of physic-mechanical properties of rocks was investigated and acknowledged in geothermal models. This innovative and comprehensive study revealed macro- and micro-scale phenomena occurring during laser drilling, contributing to the successful development of this new drilling method and subsequently its application for exploitation of geothermal energy from depths below 4 km.

This research is funded by the European Union (G.A. 101046937). However, the views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EISMEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Li, G., Shi, D., Hu, S., Ma, C., He, D., and Yao, K., 2022a, Research on the mechanism of laser drilling alumina ceramics in shallow water: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v. 118, p. 3631–3639, doi:10.1007/s00170-021-08190-0.

Li, Q., Zhai, Y., Huang, Z., Chen, K., Zhang, W., and Liang, Y., 2022b, Research on crack cracking mechanism and damage evaluation method of granite under laser action: Optics Communications, v. 506, p. 127556, doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2021.127556.

Seo, Y., Lee, D., and Pyo, S., 2022, The interaction of high-power fiber laser irradiation with intrusive rocks: Scientific Reports, v. 12, p. 680, doi:10.1038/s41598-021-04575-z.

How to cite: Slupski, P., Zampieri, E., Di Sipio, E., Manzella, A., Pasquali, R., Pockele, L., Romanowski, A., Sassi, R., Steinmeier, O., and Galgaro, A.: Deep U-tube heat exchanger breakthrough: combining laser and cryogenics gas for geothermal energy exploitation – a perspective of laser-rock interactions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18812,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: David Bruhn, Jean Schmittbuhl
On-site presentation
Francesca De Santis, Julie Maury, Emmanuelle Klein, Mariane Peter-Borie, Isabelle Contrucci, and Pascal Dominique

Deep geothermal projects can trigger seismic events depending on geological context and operations. This seismicity is generally of low magnitude but, in some cases, larger events may occur, which could lead to geothermal project abandonment and could present risk to neighboring populations. Thus, development of deep geothermal projects requires the management of induced seismicity to control it and to avoid any surface disturbance. It is from this perspective that, in 2023, Ineris and BRGM published a guide of good practices and recommendations for operators and French administration involved in deep geothermal energy.

The guide provides recommendations for assessing geothermal-induced seismic hazard, depending on the type of geothermal system and its intrinsic and operational characteristics, at each key step of a project (i.e. from the exploration phase until the end of the project). A worldwide review of deep geothermal projects, carried out with the aim of identifying key factors triggering induced seismicity, has enabled the definition of the most relevant criteria to take into account in the hazard assessment. In this review, geothermal projects were chosen to be representative of different types of geothermal systems (e.g. deep sedimentary aquifers, volcanic and plutonic regions, deep dry crystalline basements, etc.) and operating conditions (e.g. well configuration, type of operation, etc.). Moreover, the review includes projects associated with several episodes of induced seismicity, ranging in magnitude from microseismicity (M < 2) to large seismic events (M > 5), as well as projects marked by the absence of induced seismic activity.

From the 53 projects and 77 seismic episodes analyzed in this review, we can state that not all geothermal projects are equally prone to seismic events. The occurrence and the intensity of induced seismicity are the results of interactions between several natural (intrinsic) and anthropogenic (operational) factors, often concomitant and dependent on each other. Seismic response of analyzed projects appears to be largely different depending on the type of geothermal system. Indeed, the type of geothermal system characterizes reservoir porosity, as well as heat transfer and fluid circulation modes in the reservoir. Other key factors include the presence of faults that can be critically loaded and/or connected with the basement, the use of EGS technologies, and situations where injected and produced volumes are highly unbalanced. These results allowed defining key criteria for seismic hazard assessment methodology proposed within the good practice guide.

How to cite: De Santis, F., Maury, J., Klein, E., Peter-Borie, M., Contrucci, I., and Dominique, P.: Seismic hazard related to deep geothermal operations (Part I): identification of key criteria for hazard assessment , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11082,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Julie Maury, Francesca De Santis, Mariane Peter-Borie, Emmanuelle Klein, Pascal Dominique, and Isabelle Contrucci

Ineris and BRGM published a good practices guide and recommendations for the management of seismicity induced by deep geothermal energy operations. It includes a method to assess the seismic incident hazard, defined as an event whose intensity could cause nuisances for the population, affect the local buildings and infrastructures and which could adversely impact the operating conditions and even the continuation of the project. This method has been developed based on more than 50 case studies consisting of projects representative of different types of geothermal systems where induced seismicity occurred or not. Based on an iterative approach, the method recommends hazard assessment at each key step of a geothermal project to benefit from the additional knowledge it bring. The main key steps identified are the initial assessment before frilling occur, a reevaluation just after drilling and a reevaluation before any potential stimulations. Hazard assessment is based on a decision tree approach, involving specific criteria for each project phase. The seismic incident hazard is rated with a score between 0 and 3. At the lowest level (0), no specific measures to manage induced seismicity are required. For level 1 and 2, monitoring and management methods must be developed. At level 3, the project is considered to be beyond potential induced seismicity management (it’s deviating from the plan) and operations must be suspended pending the outcome of further investigations. This method has been tailored for helping and guiding operators and French administration to consider and manage induced seismicity hazard for every deep geothermal project. 

How to cite: Maury, J., De Santis, F., Peter-Borie, M., Klein, E., Dominique, P., and Contrucci, I.: Seismic hazard related to deep geothermal operations (Part II) : iterative methodology for hazard assessment , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10490,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Simon Hinterwirth, Hugo Ortner, Marcellus Schreilechner, Heinz Binder, Ewald Lüschen, Makus Jud, Stefan Hoyer, Magdalena Bottig, and Esther Hintersberger

In western Austria, especially in Tyrol, the potential for geothermal energy use is unexplored. The project GeoEN Inntal is aiming to determine this potential and the risks for the use of geothermal energy in a complex tectonic setting in the Inn valley. The valley is bordered by the Permo-Mesozoic sedimentary succession of the Northern Calcareous Alps in the north and the south-east, as well as Upper Austroalpine basement units in the south. Since the early Late Cretaceous, during Eoalpine orogeny, the Austroalpine basement and its Mesozoic cover were involved in nappe stacking and folding. The nappe stack was again refolded and faulted in the Palaeocene-Eocene collision of Adria and the European distal margin, as well as in Oligocene-Miocene, when post-collisional processes lead to an eastward extrusion of crustal blocks, out-of-sequence thrusting and the development of major faults. One of these faults is the Inntal shear zone, a sinistral ENE-trending shear zone, controlling the course of the Inn valley (“Inntal” in German). The shear zone has a multi-phase activity and is kinematically linked with the Brenner normal fault south of Innsbruck, the Alpine basal thrust at the Alpine front, and the Sub-Tauern ramp, rooting below the Tauern window. As the deep subsurface of the Inn valley was only explored geophysically, but no exploration boreholes were drilled, little is known about these structures at depth. Here we present the reprocessed Inntal part of the TRANSALP seismic section, which serves as a base for multidisciplinary modelling approaches. As part of the GeoEN Inntal project, we present first results from our 3D modelling of fault geometry, results from mechanical modelling of the Inntal shear zone, as well as first temperature gradient assessment from hydrological modelling.

How to cite: Hinterwirth, S., Ortner, H., Schreilechner, M., Binder, H., Lüschen, E., Jud, M., Hoyer, S., Bottig, M., and Hintersberger, E.: From seismic re-processing to mechanic modelling, a new interpretation of the TRANSALP seismic section as a base for future geothermal energy projects, lower Inn Valley, Tyrol, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6571,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Rachit Gautam, Jannes L. Kinscher, Jean Schmittbuhl, Matsen Broothaers, and Ben Laenen

The Balmatt geothermal doublet, developed and managed by VITO (Flemisch Institute of Technological Research), targets the fractured Lower Carboniferous Limestone reservoir in the Campine Basin at the depth of 3000 m to 4000 m. The development of the project started in 2015 and the operation began in 2018. The geothermal plant consists of two active wells, one injection well and one production well. The geothermal production had to be suspended after the occurrence of a stronger ML 2.2 event on the 23rd of June 2019 which triggered a red alert status on the local traffic light system (TLS). Production was then resumed in April 2021, following an extension of the seismic monitoring network and an update of the TLS. Activities were suspended again in November 2022 after another strong ML 2.1 event was induced. Thanks to the network extension, current investigations aim at understanding in detail the main structural features (active faults) and hydromechanical processes involved in the generation of such larger events which will contribute to improving seismic forecast possibilities for future monitoring operations. Here we present insights into ongoing data processing to create a high resolution unbiased (complete) seismic catalog providing the basis for future interpretation of the spatio-temporal and energetic behavior of seismicity towards different production settings. Our current work focuses in particular on the development of an automatic detection routine based on continuous data of the deep borehole sensor (installed at the depth of 2052 m) by combining a machine learning based automatic events detection algorithm and template matching method. The events detection in the continuous data is complicated by the periodic malfunctioning of the sensor and the presence of aseismic noise which leads to the large number of false events detection. To address this issue and to minimize the number of false detections, we employ frequency and amplitude analysis of the seismic data. Secondly we analyze source attributes of the detected events which involve source mechanism inversion and source parameter determination as well as clustering analysis and constraining source location for noisy small magnitude events. Further more the comparison between the production data (injection pressure, temperature, volume etc.) with the results from the seismic analysis will provide us with better constrain on the hydromechanical characteristics of the reservoir and the relation between the geothermal operations and seismicity at Balmatt geothermal site. 

How to cite: Gautam, R., Kinscher, J. L., Schmittbuhl, J., Broothaers, M., and Laenen, B.: Generation of High Resolution Seismic Catalog Associated With the Production Phase 2021 - 2022 at the Balmatt Geothermal Site, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20667,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Zhiwei Wang, Olivier Lengliné, and Jean Schmittbuhl

The injection of geothermal water into subsurface rock formations often induces a cascade of seismic events. However, a comprehensive understanding of the resulting temporal and spatial seismic density evolution remains elusive. In this study, we meticulously analyze both spatial and temporal earthquake probability density distributions. Leveraging data from multiple injection sequences obtained from the EPOS TCS-AH through the EPISODES Platform, our objective is to elucidate the spatiotemporal evolution of seismic activity across distinct phases of water injection. We extend our focus to quantify seismicity during the post-injection phase and assess whether the largest magnitude event in each sequence aligns with the derived distribution. This time, our primary emphasis is on conducting the above-mentioned analysis on the 09/1993 Soultz-sous-Fôret sequence. Our research is supported by Horizon Europe under grant agreement No. 101058129 as part of the DT-Geo Project.

Our findings reveal a distinctive characteristic of seismic spatial density, marked by a sudden decay at extended distances. Remarkably, there is no significant divergence in spatial density decay observed before and after the cessation of injection. Furthermore, we observe that the occurrence of the maximum magnitude event coincides with the peak of the probability spatial density. Shifting to temporal density, we identify a close correlation with the increase in injection volume, displaying a skewed normal distribution. Notably, the maximum magnitude event aligns with the peak of the probability temporal density.

In essence, our research substantively contributes to a quantitative comprehension of the dynamic features governing the temporal and spatial evolution of seismic density during intensified water injection scenarios.

How to cite: Wang, Z., Lengliné, O., and Schmittbuhl, J.: Quantifying the 4D Seismic Density Evolution Caused by Geothermal Injection, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21025,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Barnaby Fryer, Corentin Noël, Feyza Arzu, Mathias Lebihain, and François Passelègue

The mechanical stimulation of a fault or fracture in the case of an Enhanced Geothermal Reservoir (EGS) is generally reliant on inducing shear dilation of a targeted discontinuity. However, this same process can lead to the nucleation of a potentially-damaging seismic event. Here, a reservoir stimulation technique known as preconditioning is demonstrated experimentally for the first time. This technique consists of initially increasing the effective normal stress along the fault, in practice corresponding to a period of fluid production. Following this the fault is locally unloaded, corresponding to fluid injection. As the unloading continues, a slipping patch may form, eventually leading to dynamic rupture. However, the previously-induced high effective normal stress further along the fault acts as a fracture energy and reduced-stress-drop barrier, potentially resulting in rupture arrest. Here, a highly-instrumented (strain gauges, accelerometers, acoustic sensors, displacement sensors, load cells) biaxial apparatus is used to demonstrate this procedure, making use of the translucence of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and a high-speed camera to image the development of propagating ruptures. It is demonstrated, as previously predicted from theory, that preconditioning has the ability to halt dynamic ruptures and may therefore be a viable stimulation technique resulting in reduced hazard in EGS stimulation. Specifically, experiments are performed at nominal normal stresses of 60, 90, and 120 bar, with preconditioning (or normal stress increase) corresponding to approximately 8, 16, and 24%; in addition to control cases with no preconditioning. Generally, preconditioning slows rupture propagation at 8% normal stress increase and completely halts it for larger values of preconditioning. It further results in a reduced shear stress drop, increased fracture energy, and reduced slip velocity. These results may one day have further implications for the potential of controlled stress release along natural faults.

How to cite: Fryer, B., Noël, C., Arzu, F., Lebihain, M., and Passelègue, F.: An experimental demonstration of fault preconditioning for reduced seismic hazard, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9960,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yunliang Wang, Jérôme Azzola, Dimitri Zigone, Olivier Lengliné, Vincent Magnenet, Jérôme Vergne, and Jean Schmittbuhl

Monitoring of geothermal reservoir deformation is essential for the normal development of the Enhanced geothermal system (EGS). Coda wave interferometry (CWI) with ambient noise is regarded as an effective and low-cost monitoring technique and draws more and more attentions. But the connection between the obtained CWI measurements and the undergoing physical changes of deep reservoir is still not so clear. In this study, we take Rittershoffen geothermal system (France) as a case study and conduct a series of forward simulations regarding the propagation of scattered wavefield through the deformed model considering acoustic-elastic effect based on Code_ASTER (mechanical loading) and SPECFEM2D (wave propagation). The simulations are based on a two dimensional numerical model with a scale of 12km (width)×20km (height), in which the upper reservoir model contains 8 layers to mimic Rittershoffen geothermal reservoir, the lower sub model with multiple circular inclusions is set to scatter the waves emitted from point source at bottom and produce scattered wavefield; two seismic stations are located at the top of the model. The model is first verified by reproducing the seasonal variation of relative wave velocity changes obtained from ambient noise cross-correlation functions (ANCCF) induced by the underground water table elevation changes. Based on the validated model, we study the effect of in-situ reservoir deformation on CWI measurements by modelling the hydraulic pressure increases on an open hole and the aseismic slip of an embedded fault which is based on the case of hydraulic injection of GRT-1 well, Rittershoffen. The result indicates the induced small reservoir deformation in both situations can be detected by CWI measurements, which helps us to have a better understanding about the connection between the obtained CWI measurements and the undergoing deformation of deep geothermal reservoir.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Azzola, J., Zigone, D., Lengliné, O., Magnenet, V., Vergne, J., and Schmittbuhl, J.: Geothermal Reservoir Deformation Monitoring Based on Coda Wave Interferometry, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4549,, 2024.

Posters on site: Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X4

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr 14:00–Mon, 15 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Guido Blöcher, Mauro Cacace, Kalliopi Tzoufka
Timothy C. Schmid, Marco Herwegh, Alfons Berger, Sandro Truttmann, Larryn W. Diamond, Christoph Wanner, Daniela B. Van den Heuvel, Herfried Madritsch, and Tobias Diehl

Meteoric water may or may not infiltrate deeply into high-relief mountain ranges. Along its subsurface circulation path, the water heats up according to the background geothermal gradient and eventually emerges at lower elevation as thermal springs. Whether such topographically-driven circulation establishes or not depends on the host rock’s permeability and/or the hydraulic head. In terms of permeability, fault zones play an important role as they can provide preferential flow paths for fluids. This is particularly the case of active fault zones along which recurring slip counteracts clogging caused by mineral precipitation often found along non-active structures. Thus, the investigation of 4D fault and fracture geometries and their kinematics is a means to understand the locations and dynamics of geothermal systems in orogenic belts. Here, we present preliminary results from the ongoing GeoTex research project, which aims at better defining the geothermal potential of the Rhône Valley, an area of rugged topography in SW Switzerland. The Rhône Valley represents a geothermally active zone within the Alpine orogen, which is characterised by numerous thermal springs, regional-scale faults and enhanced seismic activity. It is therefore a promising setting to explore further for exploitation.

Based on structural data from fieldwork and quantitative remote sensing, we characterise fault geometries (i.e., spatial orientation, relationship of intersecting fault families as well as kinematics) in the vicinity of known thermal springs. Observable paleo-fluid pathways marked by veins and rock alteration are being considered as analogues for recent thermal water circulation. These circulation paths are linked to major Alpine structures in the underlying basement units, such as large-scale strike-slip faults or the axial planes of uplifting basement domes. Our results suggest spatial correlations between the locations of hydrothermal springs and the 3D structure of the host massifs. Specifically, basement–cover contacts exert geometric and lithologic control at some sites, whereas locally dilatant domains along strike-slip faults as well as intersections of fault families focus outflow at other sites. Through the above approach in combination with seismological data, we have derived conceptual models for fluid flow, which may help to predict the locations of blind active geothermal systems elsewhere in the Rhône Valley.

How to cite: Schmid, T. C., Herwegh, M., Berger, A., Truttmann, S., Diamond, L. W., Wanner, C., Van den Heuvel, D. B., Madritsch, H., and Diehl, T.: Structural characterization of hydrothermal fluid pathways in orogenic belts: Insights from the GeoTex project, Rhône Valley, Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11792,, 2024.

Gabriel Meyer, Ghassan Shahin, Benoît Cordonnier, and Marie Violay

Geothermal projects relying on superhot rocks (SHR), such as the Japan Beyond-Brittle Project, Iceland Deep Drilling Project, and Newberry Volcano, aim to harness heat from geothermal reservoirs where water reaches a supercritical state (temperature ≥ 400 °C and pressure ≥ 22 MPa). Such projects could multiply the power output of geothermal power plants by a factor of ten, positioning them at the forefront of the energy transition. However, a major challenge hindering the widespread application of SHR is the fact that supercritical water resources are often found in regions of the crust where rocks exhibit ductile behavior, a rheological regime where the formation of large-scale fractures and cracking is hindered. However, these fractures are crucial for enabling water flow, and currently, the evolution of rock permeability and other hydraulic properties in this context remains largely unknown.

This study presents experiments conducted in TARGET, a newly designed gas-based triaxial apparatus located at EPFL, CH. Cylindrical cores of Lanhélin granite (40 x 20 mm) were deformed under an effective confining pressure of 100 MPa, temperatures ranging from 200 to 800 °C, and a strain rate of 10-6 s-1. Continuous recording of sample permeability using the pore pressure oscillation method was carried out during deformation. Moreover, post-mortem samples were retrieved and scanned at the ESRF synchrotron facility (Grenoble, FR) and the tomographs were used to reconstruct the 3D crack network. Flow in the sample was then modelled using the Avizo XLab extension and permeability was computed in the x y and z direction.

We report that Lanhélin granite transitions from being in the localized regime with the formation of a sample scale fracture to becoming ductile between 600 and 800°C. In the brittle, localized regime, sample permeability remains relatively constant throughout deformation. In the ductile regime, sample strength is halved, and beyond the initial decrease upon loading, permeability increases monotonically by more than an order of magnitude. These results suggest that sample bulk controls the sample permeability in our experiments. In localizing samples, fractures do not connect the ends of the rock core but concentrate all strain after nucleation, limiting permeability improvement through micro-cracking in the bulk. In the ductile regime, where no localization occurs, the bulk permeability of the rock continuously improves with strain. Flow modeling in post-mortem samples yielded permeability values up to seven orders of magnitude greater than in-situ measurements. This substantial difference is attributed to the effect of confining pressure on the crack network aperture. Despite this absolute difference, our modeling results confirm that flow in nominally ductile samples is controlled by bulk cracking rather than macroscopic fractures. Our study demonstrates that low-porosity rocks in the ductile regime can be more permeable than often anticipated. These results hold significant implications for the engineering of SHR reservoirs, showcasing the potential for permeability enhancement in ductile rocks.

How to cite: Meyer, G., Shahin, G., Cordonnier, B., and Violay, M.: Permeability of experimentally deformed ductile granite derived from in-situ measurements and post-mortem X-ray tomography: perspectives for superhot rock reservoirs., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10980,, 2024.

Le Zhang, Alexandros Daniilidis, Anne-Catherine Dieudonné, and Thomas Hermans

Utilizing existing deep mining systems for geothermal extraction not only facilitates the development of geothermal systems but also helps meeting the cooling requirements for deep mining operations. In this study, a thermo-hydro-mechanical model of geothermal extraction in deep mines is developed to investigate the evolution of mine galleries stability and temperature, and the temperature changes in geothermal production wells. The uncertainty in system responses is predicted through the Bayesian Evidential Learning framework.

Due to our limited understanding of the material properties and the scarcity of measurement data, uncertainties emerge in the forward simulations. Ideally, a comprehensive uncertainty analysis would be conducted to predict all possible outcomes and assess any risks. However, In light of the intractability of performing comprehensive uncertainty analyses in scenarios with vast unknown data, particularly due to the computational overhead of multiple inverse problem-solving, we employ the Bayesian Evidential Learning framework, which provides a feasible and rapid alternative for approximating prediction post-distributions and choosing the most informative data sets. Before implementing BEL, we employed Latin Hypercube Sampling to create 500 sets of realizations for forward simulations, and subsequently utilized global sensitivity analysis to evaluate the data's informational value, aiming to diminish the uncertainty in predictions. In this paper, the BEL framework is utilized to achieve two: firstly, to stochastically predict the responses of the system (stability and temperature) within the BEL framework, using machine learning to discover direct correlations between predictors (sensitive parameters) and targets (system responses). Subsequently, newly collected data can be utilized to predict the approximate posterior distributions of the corresponding gallery stability, temperature, and production well temperature, thus circumventing traditional data inversion steps. This framework can be adjusted to accommodate any predictions related to subsurface conditions; hence, our second goal involves predicting the system's long-term responses within the BEL based on short-term data collection, forecasting posterior distributions from the acquired short-term data, and validating the efficacy of this approach.

Our study indicates that in practical engineering, by (1) obtaining data of material properties and (2) key responses of short-term simulation, it is possible to predict the critical responses of the system in long-term geothermal extraction, thereby maximizing the information content of any measurement data while minimizing budget constraints and computational costs.

How to cite: Zhang, L., Daniilidis, A., Dieudonné, A.-C., and Hermans, T.: Bayesian Evidential Learning Approach to Uncertainty Quantification in THM Model of Geothermal Energy Extraction in Deep Mines, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10336,, 2024.

3D Hydrothermal model at the Upper Rhine Graben scale considering faults
Antoine ArmandineLesLandes, Jacquin Annaelle, Romain Chassagne, Chrystel Dezayes, Théophile Guillon, Simon Lopez, and Laurence Beaude
Javier Abreu Torres, Gergo Hutka, Mauro Cacace, Guido Blöcher, Vincent Magnenet, and Jean Schmittbuhl

During the Vendenheim deep geothermal project (Strasbourg Eurometropole, France), large induced seismic events led to the arrest of the project. Two important features of the induced seismicity were unexpected : the large distance to the wells of a cluster of seismic events (4-5km) and the occurrence of the largest event Mlv3.9 at the bottom of the wells, six months after shut-in. To better understand the mechanisms of seismicity, we develop within the framework of the DT-GEO project (Horizon Europe) a large-scale model (8kmx8kmx8km) of the area. We aim at performing in-silico experimentation to reproduce the geophysical responses of the geothermal reservoir with different geological geometries, different geomechanical properties and constrained with a variety of crustal stress conditions and variety of the external forcing representing the anthropogenic control. The model is based on the MOOSE/GOLEM framework (finite element approach) and integrate the public regional geological model GEORG that includes major lithologies and large-scale faults of the area. We will present the preliminary of coarse-grained simulations of the natural fluid circulation and fluid injections.

How to cite: Abreu Torres, J., Hutka, G., Cacace, M., Blöcher, G., Magnenet, V., and Schmittbuhl, J.: Large-scale reservoir modeling of the Vendenheim geothermal site (France), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18451,, 2024.

Jean Schmittbuhl, Qinglin Deng, Mauro Cacace, and Guido Blöcher

Natural or artificial fluid flow in deep fractured reservoirs, such as Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), is primarily controlled by open fractures and faults, and is considered a key element for hydraulic performance. Flow along these fractures is strongly affected by channeling between fracture asperities and by deposits sealing the open fracture space due to mineral precipitation. Fracture asperities and fracture sealing also impact the mechanical behavior of fractures, especially their mechanical stiffness. Here, we study both the permeability and the stiffness of a rough fracture at the field scale during its closure.We base our approach on a well established self-affine geometrical model for fracture roughness. We develop a finite element model based on the MOOSE/GOLEM framework and conduct numerical flow experiments in a 256 × 256 × 256 m^3 granite reservoir hosting a single, partially sealed fracture under variable normal loading conditions. Navier-Stokes flow is solved in the embedded 3-dimensional rough aperture, and Darcy flow is solved in the surrounding poroelastic matrix. We study the evolution of the mechanical stiffness and fluid permeability of the fracture-rock system during fracture closure by considering the asperity yield and the depositing of fracture-filling material in the open space of the rough fracture. The evolution of the fault volume, fracture normal stiffness and permeability are monitored until fluid percolation thresholds are exceeded in two orthogonal directions of the imposed pressure gradient. Finally, we propose a physically based law for the stiffness and permeability evolution as a function of the fault volume. It is demonstrated that during closure, stiffness increases exponentially as the fault volume decreases. A strong anisotropy of the fracture permeability is also evidenced when reaching percolation thresholds.

How to cite: Schmittbuhl, J., Deng, Q., Cacace, M., and Blöcher, G.: Mechanical stiffness and permeability of a reservoir-scale rough fracture during closure, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17666,, 2024.

Understanding driving mechanisms of induced seismicity at the Balmatt geothermal site
Brecht Wassing, Matsen Broothaers, Loes Buijze, Thibault Candela, and Justin Pogacnik
Annette Dietmaier and Thomas Baumann

Geothermal heat and power generation are two of several competing uses of deep groundwater reservoirs. The stress state of these slowly regenerating systems is increasing as drinking water production from shallow resources suffers from anthropogenic influences: overexploitation, total depletion, and deterioration through anthropogenic contaminants are exacerbated by a climate change-induced failure to recharge. In contrast to shallow groundwater, deep aquifers are shielded from short-term influences, like contamination, by protective overlying strata. The groundwater age is generally much higher, indicating slow regeneration processes because the system is nearly closed in its natural state. Recent data, however, suggests that this assumption is not valid for many geothermal systems with high flow rates. Therefore, a careful assessment of all competing operations using deep groundwater reservoirs is required. It should focus on the interactions between different aquifers and those within the reservoirs, all leaving their marks on the waters’ hydrochemical composition.
The lack of dedicated monitoring wells around geothermal production and injection sites makes it difficult to quantify the development of these reservoirs’ flow patterns. Furthermore, regular complete analysis data are usually only available at long intervals of 12 months. Still, short-term flow path development is a crucial factor in assessing heat extraction efficiency. Impaired extraction due to preferential flow paths forming between production and injection sites will degrade overall operation efficiency.

Here, we challenge state-of-the-art practices for monitoring deep aquifers. Based on decades worth of hydrochemical data on groundwater extraction at both single-well operations and geothermal doublets, we discuss how hydrochemical signatures can help determine the grade of sustainability at which deep geothermal wells are operated. Acknowledging that these assessments depend on an adequate database, and that deep groundwater research is plagued by notorious data scarcity, we tested the application of virtual sensors to these wells was tested. Lab experiments complete the analysis, quantifying the kinetics of the fluid-matrix interactions between the injector and producer.

The outcomes of this dissertation include a statistically reproducible algorithm assessing how sustainably a well is operated, focusing on the inherent dynamics at play in deep groundwater. A series of regression analyses conclude that the databases associated with deep groundwater wells are still insufficient to train virtual sensors; however, they allow conclusions on the required minimum amount of hydrochemical analyses needed to adequately represent inter-seasonal fluctuations in the aquifer. Fluid-matrix interactions result in threshold values for hydrochemical changes, which serve as a trigger to review well operation strategies and to update hydraulic and thermal models. They also indicate that changes are likely following an increasing dynamic because the surface area available for reactions increases geometrically and in roughness. Our calibrated model shows that decreasing the injection temperatures and adding CO2 as a scaling inhibitor significantly increases the reservoir's reactivity.

Hydrochemical data can provide valuable insight into the flow processes in deep reservoirs, which are inaccessible otherwise. With smart sampling procedures and a tailored set of parameters, acquiring relevant data becomes feasible with relatively small financial investments.

How to cite: Dietmaier, A. and Baumann, T.: Hydrochemical Indicators for Sustainable and Optimized Geothermal Use of Deep Groundwater , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1522,, 2024.

Fahim Mumand and Jörg Renner

Heat and cold storage in the subsurface as well as geothermal energy provision intrinsically involve cyclic pumping operations, often in fields of several boreholes. We investigated the pressure and flow-rate fields resulting from the simultaneous periodic operation of two boreholes. The interference in pressure experienced by further (monitoring) boreholes can be assessed by an analytical solution when assuming radial flow from and to the pumping wells. This solution is derived through superposition, relying on the known solution for periodic pumping in a single well. The pressure gradient field, indicative of flow direction, is distorted from radial form, implying dominant flow and consequently heat advection between the two boreholes. We compared the analytical results to observations from field tests conducted in four boreholes located close to the northwestern banks of an artificial freshwater reservoir, the Kemnader See, at the southern city-limits of Bochum, Germany. In the light of the derived solutions, the field observations allow us to assess the role of inhomogeneity and fracture flow for the flow focusing between the pumping wells. Solving and investigating the hydraulic problem constitutes the necessary first step towards devising schemes for the optimization of cold and heat storage or geothermal energy provision by varying the period and phase of pumping coeval operations in several boreholes.

How to cite: Mumand, F. and Renner, J.: Flow focusing associated with doublet operation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18565,, 2024.