EOS4.7 | Sharing data, tools, and knowledge: resources and initiatives
Sharing data, tools, and knowledge: resources and initiatives
Co-organized by GM12
Convener: Fabio Crameri | Co-convener: Lucia Perez-Diaz
| Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST), 16:15–17:45 (CEST)
Room 0.15
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X1
Orals |
Mon, 14:00
Tue, 10:45
Science’s “open era” is here (to stay?). Data and software repositories make it possible to share and collectively develop tools and resources. Diamond open-access publishing and pre-print servers are breaking barriers to knowledge exchange. Free virtual meetings make science more accessible to those interested in listening, or speaking.

The benefits for the community are clear – better communication and more collaboration foster scientific advancement. It is therefore surprising that the vast majority of data-, tool-, and knowledge-sharing initiatives rely on the community and the community alone, without financial support from funding bodies and more often than not lacking the recognition they deserve.

We aim to bring together individuals and teams who have, in any way, served the wider geoscience community through knowledge, data, or tool creation and/or distribution. Such efforts include – but are not limited to – online learning platforms, transdisciplinary databases, open-access software and publishing.

Ultimately, this session seeks to:
1. Be a space for sharing, advertising, discussing, and recognising the value of existing resources and initiatives
2. Discuss the challenges faced by those behind them (i.e., lack of funding and institutional support) and possible strategies to eliminate these
3. Inspire new efforts, initiatives, and projects

After the session, we intend to (i) bring together all resources and initiatives in one, ever-growing collection that anyone can access and contribute to (such as a Zenodo Community https://zenodo.org/communities/academic-community-resources/), and (ii) write a follow-up paper describing the initiatives presented and the insights gained in the session.

Session assets

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room 0.15

Chairpersons: Fabio Crameri, Lucia Perez-Diaz
Open tools and data
On-site presentation
György Hetényi, Matteo Scarponi, and Ludovic Baron

In January 2024, our team has launched an open, free, participative gravity-modelling initiative. The idea is to provide all the necessary, pre-processed input data to the community, so that modelling and inversion can be applied by anyone interested in constraining the shape of a geological-geophysical anomaly. This way we hope to step over hurdles related to personal biases. The full description can be found at https://zenodo.org/records/10390437

Beyond advertising the initiative, we would like to share some thoughts on the pathway to launching it: the motivation, the interest, the experienced past difficulties and further challenges on the horizon. By doing so, we hope to contribute to the goals of this session, and to foster further such (scientific and sharing) initiatives.

How to cite: Hetényi, G., Scarponi, M., and Baron, L.: Challenges to implement an open, free, participative gravity-modelling initiative, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6386, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-6386, 2024.

On-site presentation
Nobuaki Fuji

Born in 1994 (Geller and Ohminato 1994) and grounded in the optimally accurate operator theory (Geller and Takeuchi 1994), the Direct Solution Method (DSM) has long been a reliable force in seismic wavefield computation for spherically symmetric planets, particularly excelling in high-frequency efficiency. However, as the nowaday seismology seeks greater realism in 3D heterogeneous media, DSM has been facing substantial hurdles in its extension.

This contribution first revisits the historical successes and failures of the DSM, spotlighting its efficiency in computing seismic wavefields in spherically symmetric planets. However, the shift towards more complex models exposes DSM's limitations due to its trial functions, prompting various attempts to adapt it to 3D heterogeneous media. Analysing these endeavours, we uncover pitfalls and missteps that have hindered the extension of DSM to 3D heterogeneous media. Out critical assessment identifies common challenges, offering insights into essential modifications needed to overcome them. This contribution acts as a guide, emphasising what to avoid and illuminating potential avenues to enhance the DSM's applicability in global seismology within 3D heterogeneous contexts.

We try to elucidate the shortcomings of previous efforts, providing valuable lessons for future endeavours. By steering researchers away from ineffective approaches, we aim to catalyse innovation, paving the way for the continued relevance and effectiveness of DSM in global seismology. This comprehensive exploration serves as a roadmap, directing attention towards necessary adjustments and innovations to sustain DSM's utility amidst the dynamic landscape of seismic wavefield computation.

How to cite: Fuji, N.: Navigating challenges: Revitalising the Direct Solution Method for 3D heterogeneous media in global seismology, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5388, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-5388, 2024.

On-site presentation
Carl Jacquemyn, Matthew D Jackson, Gary J Hampson, Dmytro Petrovskyy, and Sebastian Geiger

Sketch-based geological modelling with flow diagnostics provides an interactive and intuitive prototyping approach to quickly build geomodels and generate quantitative results to evaluate volumetrics and flow behaviour. This approach allows users to rapidly test the sensitivity of model outputs to different geological concepts and uncertain parameters, and informs selection of geological concepts, scales and resolutions to be investigated in more detailed models. Here we apply the sketching and prototyping approach to different aspects of geo-energy modelling and use in geoscience and engineering training.

Rapid Reservoir Modelling (RRM) is a free open-source sketch-based geological modelling tool with an intuitive interface that allows users to rapidly sketch geological models in 3D (bitbucket.org/rapidreservoirmodelling/rrm). Geological models that capture the essence of heterogeneity of interest and related uncertainty can be created within minutes. Geological operators ensure correct truncation relationships between these 3D surfaces by the modelling engine. Flow diagnostics then computes key indicators of predicted flow and storage behaviour within seconds. Example use cases and how models can be shared, will be discussed, including:

(1) Scenario screening to identify heterogeneities with the most impact on CO2 storage. Capturing uncertainty in geological concepts cannot be achieved by changing a numerical variable but can be varied easily by sketching the different concepts, such as lateral connectivity, continuity and geometry of geological heterogeneities that act as flow barriers and pathways. Capturing multiple different concepts in conventional modelling approaches is time-consuming and in practice not often carried out.

(2) Use of mini-models and hierarchical models to derive effective properties. Models with varying complexity of heterogeneity are sketched at smallest relevant scale, and effective properties are calculated. Calculated effective properties can then be used to populated models sketched at larger scale. Sketching is free of existing restrictive templates, realistic subsurface models can be generated easily.

(3) Training of geoscientists and engineers to investigate the impact of geological interpretations on storage volumes and connectivity. Geomodels addressing all three aspects are constructed and analysed quickly, using simple, geologically intuitive workflows that do not require prior geomodelling expertise. However, using conventional modelling packages, the learning curve to create or adapt a geological model is steep and long and can distract from training objectives. Using intuitive sketch-based approach the entry point to creating a geological model is much more accessible while still maintaining the key learning, i.e. impact of geology on subsurface applications.

How to cite: Jacquemyn, C., Jackson, M. D., Hampson, G. J., Petrovskyy, D., and Geiger, S.: Sketch-based geological modelling with flow diagnostics: the digital back-of-the-envelope for 3D geology and subsurface flow, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18124, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18124, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xuetong Wang, Hylke Beck, and Luigi Lombardo

The “open era” of climate science is marked by an abundance of datasets across various environmental variables. While there are many evaluation studies, researchers and practitioners often still struggle to select the most suitable dataset or product for their study. The year 2023 marked the hottest year on record, resulting in a series of destructive hazard events, including heatwaves, wildfires, and floods. These conditions underscore the urgent need for enhanced preparedness in disaster risk reduction (DRR). In the field of natural hazards, environmental data are crucial for building more accurate models. We will take 'P' (precipitation) as an example in the presentation, as it's a major trigger for multiple hazards such as floods and landslides. There are dozens of publicly freely available global gridded P products available (including satellite, (re)analysis, gauge, and combinations thereof), but estimates  from different products at the same time and location can differ significantly. Currently, there is no effective platform that facilitates the sharing of quantitative information on the relative strengths and weaknesses of these P products between meteorologists and other stakeholders. To address this challenge, we propose the development of a web-based GIS platform which allows users to interactively explore the globe, click on different locations, and access various statistics and databases. Multiple P products and evaluation statistics can be accessed via the platform. We hope this platform will host multiple hazards-related datasets, fostering better collaboration between scientists in the fields of DRR and meteorology. Initially focusing on P data based on our expertise in precipitation and landslide hazard modeling, we aim to expand this resource by involving more scientists from related fields. Additionally, we plan to integrate a ChatGPT-based extension to streamline data access and enhance efficiency for researchers, practitioners, and laypeople. We want to contribute to the collective effort in creating a dynamic, accessible repository of resources and initiatives for the wider geoscience community.

How to cite: Wang, X., Beck, H., and Lombardo, L.: Towards an online GIS platform to enhance data and research sharing among meteorologists, natural hazard experts, governments, and the public, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19782, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19782, 2024.

On-site presentation
Serge Lallemand, Nestor Cerpa, Michel Peyret, Arnauld Heuret, Diane Arcay, and Elenora van Rijsingen

Submap (www.submap.fr) is a web-tool for generating maps and cross-sections, and for displaying datasets of subduction zone areas. Maps and (cross-)sections rely on the (Py)GMT library and global geophysical databases. Submap is also a mean for sharing our own Submap database, which compiles data on subduction kinematics, on the characteristics of the convergent plates and on their geometry, as well as on the seismogenic characteristics of the subduction interface along 260 transects evenly distributed across all active oceanic subduction zones.

What makes this tool so special is that one can access over 200 tectonic parameters for every transect with a single click. , as new studies are produced by the Submap team or by the wider community.

The idea of developing such a tool arose from the subduction zone comparative study carried out by Arnauld Heuret during his PhD thesis in 2005. In a first version (2009), we proposed an aid to the rapid creation of MAPS and SECTIONS using global databases (topo-bathymetry, gravimetry, age of the seafloor, seismicity) using the GMT library in a way that was transparent to the user via a query page. We then added the possibility to extract a number of characteristic parameters for the 260 transects composing the Submap database (module Sub-DATA in 2013). This database has grown over years, incorporating, for instance, new parameters describing the seismogenic zone after we published a global study on this .

In 2023, we decided to fully redesign the web-tool. A major effort has been made to facilitate the use on all types of screens (computers, tablets). We enhanced the range and the rendering of documents made available for download, and the tool was made accessible to all audiences. In terms of content, a new module called MAP-Subquake now allows to plot the rupture envelopes for selected subduction earthquakes together with the roughness of the subducting seafloor facing the ruptures. The latter dataset comes from Submap team publications in 2018. Moreover, several parameters were revised or added to the Submap dataset, such as the sediment thickness in the trench or in the subduction channel, and the kinematics. We are currently working on the geometric characteristics of the volcanic arcs and on a better representation of the strain in the upper plate, planning to update the database by the end of the year.

Submap is primarily a useful working tool for research on subduction zones, as it lists and displays a vast amount of complementary data in an optimized format that facilitates comparative analysis. It is also a meaningful tool for teaching at secondary and higher-education levels, as a support for courses or as part of tutorials or individual work for high school and university students. It can be used to quickly obtain accurate documents to support workshops, for example to determine the best segmentation criteria in order to define the seismic hazard of a zone, or simply to study the lateral variations of certain parameters of a subduction zone.

How to cite: Lallemand, S., Cerpa, N., Peyret, M., Heuret, A., Arcay, D., and van Rijsingen, E.: Submap database & web-tool milestones from their birth to their current state and future developments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11365, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-11365, 2024.

On-site presentation
Paola Mazzoglio, Miriam Bertola, Luca Lombardo, Chiara Sacco, Alberto Viglione, Francesco Laio, and Pierluigi Claps

In Italy, the National Hydrological Service named “Servizio Idrografico e Mareografico Nazionale” (SIMN) was established to collect hydro-meteorological measurements. This Service was also in charge of publishing the Hydrological Yearbooks, a standardized collection of validated measurements available in printed volumes. The dismantlement of the SIMN, performed about 30 years ago, led to the decentralization of data collection to the regional level. This shift has resulted in challenges related to the availability of comprehensive national-scale datasets since historical hydrological measurements are usually available only in the printed Yearbooks. These volumes have seen limited efforts towards digitization over time, increasing the risk of losing a large (but, so far, little exploited) wealth of information related to the hydrology of the last century.
Despite advancements in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, manual transcription remains the most accurate digitization method in certain conditions, e.g., when the ink is partially damaged or when handwritten corrections are reported. Within the SIREN (Saving Italian hydRological mEasuremeNts) project, a citizen science initiative developed on the Zooniverse platform (https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/siren-project/siren-project), hundreds of volunteers are contributing to digitizing this amount of data. Being an expert is not fundamental for being part of this citizen science project: a tutorial automatically pops out when a volunteer enters the workflow, illustrating all the key characteristics of the Yearbooks and how to interpret them, enriched with a step-by-step description of all the phases of the digitization workflow. To minimize digitization errors, each table is digitized by at least 2 different volunteers, and discrepancies are manually checked and corrected.
The time series collected up to now are currently undergoing a detailed quality control procedure to ensure the reliability of the dataset that will be created. The final dataset will be made available on Zenodo in the upcoming months.
The SIREN project represents thus a collaborative effort to bridge the historical hydrological data gap, offering valuable insights for both local and national-scale analyses and aiding in the refinement of models predicting current and future hydrological trends.

How to cite: Mazzoglio, P., Bertola, M., Lombardo, L., Sacco, C., Viglione, A., Laio, F., and Claps, P.: Increasing the availability of Italian daily hydrological measurements with a citizen science approach: the SIREN project, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2080, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-2080, 2024.

On-site presentation
Michael Sanderson, Alex Woods, Catherine Marshall, Laurie Stevens, Anthony Veal, Victoria Ramsey, Katie Hodge, Timothy Mitchell, Mathew Richardson, Jason Lowe, and Samuel Chapter

Across Europe, a wide variety of public and private organisations require climate hazard and impact data both to improve understanding of current and changing risks and inform adaptation measures. Climate hazard and impact data currently require considerable technical expertise to access, download and interrogate creating a barrier for policy makers, local authorities, non-governmental and citizen organisations, and other interested parties. In the UK, the Met Office, in partnership with ESRI, has created a Climate Data Portal to address this issue. It provides a selection of climate data and supporting documentation in user friendly, ready-to-use data formats. Built using ArcGIS Hub, Esri’s cloud-based data engagement platform, the portal makes it much easier for users to view climate data geospatially and analyse climate change projections alongside their own data. Datasets currently available include a selection of historical climate records, climate projections and climate change impact metrics. The authors have also been exploring ways to use the platform to provide bespoke information for different sectors, including Local Authorities which are elected bodies that provide a range of services for particular geographical areas. This presentation will include a brief demonstration of the portal.

How to cite: Sanderson, M., Woods, A., Marshall, C., Stevens, L., Veal, A., Ramsey, V., Hodge, K., Mitchell, T., Richardson, M., Lowe, J., and Chapter, S.: Improving access to climate information: The Met Office Climate Data Portal, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16433, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16433, 2024.

On-site presentation
Natalija Dunic and Ivica Vilibic

Although open science practices have become the standard in disseminating research to research communities, there is a strong discrepancy between declarative principles and actual practice. While this gap has been minimized in some science systems, by certain journal publishers, and in scientific disciplines, there is still a long pathway to fully realizing open science principles. One aspect of open science is the open research data policy, which includes integrating research data with articles, guided by FAIR (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse) principles, particularly emphasizing the reproducibility of research for which open research data is a prerequisite.  This principle applies to the field of ocean sciences, which is rapidly evolving with new technological advancements.

Therefore, we conducted a comprehensive global analysis of research data availability in oceanography over the 5-year period (2018-2022). This analysis involved a randomized selection of 1000 scientific papers in total (200 per year) indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection under the category “Oceanography”. Our investigation encompasses a broad spectrum of oceanographic parameters, spanning sea surface temperatures, ocean currents, sea-level, salinity, and biological indicators, both measured and modelled. We aimed to examine data sharing principles associated with papers, both at a declarative level (i.e., following a data availability statement, if any) and in reality (i.e., checking whether the data is available from public repositories or provided by authors). Our analysis included bibliometric and publications data (e.g., number of authors, country of the corresponding author, multi-country authorship, publisher, journal, impact factor, number of citations, existence and form of a data availability statement, real data availability). Additionally, we contacted corresponding authors to inquire about the data availability, especially if the data was not already accessible from public repositories. With such approach, we aim to highlight the current state of data availability in oceanography and track changes since the introduction of FAIR principles to the research community, ultimately fostering a collaborative and open research culture.

How to cite: Dunic, N. and Vilibic, I.: Advancing Open Science in Oceanography: A Global Assessment of Data Availability and Sharing Practices, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18547, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18547, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Lucia Perez-Diaz, Fabio Crameri
Knowledge exchange
On-site presentation
Kaylin Bugbee, Deborah Smith, Stephanie Wingo, and Emily Foshee

Today’s open science environment, in combination with the Big Data era, means more scientific data, software, tools, documentation, publications and other resources are available than ever. The promise of the open science era is that scientists will spend less time reinventing the wheel and more time doing actionable research. Yet navigating this vast and complex information landscape can feel overwhelming to scientists trying to get their bearings. In this presentation, we define and discuss the importance of scientific content curation for enhancing discovery and use of scientific data and information. We also share two examples of scientific content curation in action: the Catalog of Archived Suborbital Earth Science Investigations (CASEI) and the Science Discovery Engine (SDE). 

How to cite: Bugbee, K., Smith, D., Wingo, S., and Foshee, E.: Scientific Content Curation In An Open Science Era , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12302, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-12302, 2024.

On-site presentation
Melanie Lorenz, Kirsten Elger, Inke Achterberg, and Malte Semmler

The Open Science movement has reached a point where the publication of research data and the creation of data management plans are required by both research funders and research institutions for the approval of research projects. Geoscientific data, in particular, are subject to various data laws. Examples for Germany are the Geological Data Act of 2020, the Geodata Access Act, the Data Use Act and the planned Research Data Act. In addition, all outputs along the lifecycle of research results – including samples, datasets, data reports, research software, scientific papers – are required to be made available/published according to the principles of Open Science and FAIR. This makes the research process increasingly transparent and visible, and at the same time makes the workflows more complex and challenging, especially in communities with low levels of digitalisation.

The Specialized Information Service for Geosciences is a library-based infrastructure funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), which provides various services for the publication of different research results and for supporting the German-based geoscience community in handling their research processes. Research data and software can be published via our associated geosciences domain repository GFZ Data Services, hosted at the German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam. Scientific contributions in the form of scientific articles, conference proceedings etc. can be published via our domain repository for texts and geological maps GEO-LEOe-docs, hosted at the Goettingen State and University Library. Another central service of FID GEO is consulting and training. Here we support our community by training them how to publish and link their research results in the best possible way and how to make the complex research processes involved more practicable. We inform and reach out to our community through conference presentations, workshops, individual and group consultations. In addition, FID GEO supports the digitisation and publication of older data, research results and publications.

Standardisation in the publication of research outputs in the geosciences takes place at very different levels. In geodesy and geophysics, for example, there are already well-established global standards, while in other disciplines there are even regional differences in the description of research results. This means that data curation alone is still very complex. Our experience in recent years has shown that information infrastructures such as FID GEO can act as a hub between different specialist groups so that they can learn from each other and benefit from their experiences.

How to cite: Lorenz, M., Elger, K., Achterberg, I., and Semmler, M.: FID GEO – a hub for the publication and the connection of diverse research results and groups in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17536, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17536, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sascha Brune, J. Kim Welford, Folarin Kolawole, Derek Keir, and Gwenn Péron-Pinvidic

The Rifts and Rifted Margins Seminar is a community-based, international online seminar series. It unites multi-disciplinary expertise in the fields of geology, geophysics, and geochemistry, and aims at covering both fundamental and applied research aspects. The series caters primarily to the community working on active rifts and the one that focusses on rifted margins. We aim to bridge these communities while further, building links to neighboring disciplines.

The seminar series started in June 2020 and has hosted about 70 seminars with roughly 200 individual talks1. Each seminar session is structured as a one-hour Zoom meeting held on Monday afternoon European time. Originally a bi-weekly meeting, the seminar has switched to a monthly rhythm since summer 2022. If speakers agree, their presentations are recorded and shared on the seminar’s YouTube channel2.

We have encountered several challenges since the inception of this project – from technical hurdles to defining the scientific scope of the seminars. We have adopted a technical setup that utilises Zoom for video conferencing, accommodating over 100 attendees at times, DFN3 for broadcasting invitations to a mailing list of more than 700 subscribers, and YouTube for hosting seminar recordings that have gained approximately 40,000 views2. In contrast to the majority of other online seminars, we host three speakers per session, each at different career levels (senior, mid-level, and early career/student) and where possible, from different gender/ethnic groups, delivering a talk of 13-15 minutes length. These presentations concentrate on a single scientific subject, albeit from varied viewpoints. We believe that this setup ensures a more diverse perspective and enhances the discourse. On the downside, it complicates the scheduling of sessions.

In total, 10 researchers have contributed to organizing this seminar series since 2020. To meet individual time commitments and to ensure influx of new ideas, the initial team of organizers has been steadily replaced. The pandemic has seen the emergence of many online seminars which have played a key role in maintaining community connections during that time. The principal advantage of online seminars however endures beyond the pandemic: they enable the exchange of knowledge without the need for travel and with a minimal carbon footprint, accessible to anybody with an internet connection, and at no cost.


[1] https://www.gfz-potsdam.de/sektion/geodynamische-modellierung/projekte/rift-and-rifted-margins-online-seminar

[2] https://www.youtube.com/@riftandriftedmarginsonline1714/playlists

[3] https://www.dfn.de/

How to cite: Brune, S., Welford, J. K., Kolawole, F., Keir, D., and Péron-Pinvidic, G.: Exchanging knowledge in community online seminars: lessons learned from the Rifts and Rifted Margins Seminar series, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14670, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-14670, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kim Senger, Peter Betlem, Rafael Horota, Tereza Mosočiová, Nil Rodes, and Aleksandra Smyrak-Sikora

Field teaching and research in the High Arctic is costly, both economically and in terms of environmental impact. In the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard (74-81°N, 15-35°E), the field season is defined by the extreme annual daylight cycle, with a 4 month long polar night and midnight sun from late April to late August. The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) in Longyearbyen serves as Norway’s field university. Arctic Geology courses at UNIS make use of the excellent vegetation-free outcrops exhibiting various lithologies and tectono-magmatic structures.

At UNIS, geological fieldwork is mostly conducted in the snow free summer with focus on coastal localities accessible by hiking and boats. The snow-covered “spring” season in March and April allows access to inland locations on snowmobiles, but only steep cliffs are snow-free and accessible for investigations.  Irrespective of the time of the year, the harsh Arctic weather conditions, presence of wildlife (i.e. polar bears) and safe access to outcrops (e.g., strenuous hiking in steep terrain) routinely requires adjusting the field plans. In addition, the short field season(s) often only allow relatively short single field site visits. To make most efficient use of the field excursions, we have since 2016 built and developed Svalbox – an effort to systematically digitize Svalbard’s outcrops through digital outcrop models (DOMs) and photospheres integrated with other geoscientific data sets (maps, geophysical data, terrain models, borehole data etc.). 

Starting as an educational tool at UNIS to facilitate year-round (digital) fieldwork and quantitative analyses on outcrops, Svalbox has in recent years become an important resource for the wider geoscientific community. Svalbox comprises three main elements; 1) A database of freely accessible DOMs. 2) An open portal for visualising drone-based virtual field trips (VFTs) and 3) Thematic data packages integrating various data sets for UNIS courses or specific research projects. 

In this contribution, we present all these three Svalbox elements. The database itself, visualised via www.svalbox.no/map, offers a growing number of DOMs and photospheres (i.e. 360 images) from all over Svalbard. Both incorporate georeferenced photographs acquired with consumer cameras and drones (DJI Mavic 2 and 3 in particular). The DOMs are processed with structure-from-motion photogrammetry using the Metashape software. DOMs and photospheres are fully downloadable, including the processing reports  and all associated input data , facilitating reprocessing if needed. Curated data packages are integrated as VFTs and are accessible through a dedicated web portal, www.vrsvalbard.com/map with thematic groupings for specific UNIS courses and larger-scale research projects. 

Thematic data packages are generated from UNIS-internal databases (onshore and offshore seismic data, boreholes, digitized maps, cross sections, and sedimentary logs in publications etc.) and openly available datasets (digital terrain models, bathymetry, geophysical grids, maps etc.)  where data are spatially connected in single software projects (e.g., Petrel, GPlates) for specific courses or projects. 

At this stage, we strive for expanded usage of Svalbox beyond UNIS. In particular, we invite the geoscience and data analytics community to use the exponentially growing number of DOMs to test and train machine learning algorithms for (semi-)automatic interpretation of DOMs.

How to cite: Senger, K., Betlem, P., Horota, R., Mosočiová, T., Rodes, N., and Smyrak-Sikora, A.: Svalbox – from an educational tool to systematic digitization of Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7637, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7637, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sabrina H. Szeto, Julia Wagemann, Madalina Ungur, Federico Fierli, Simone Mantovani, and Sally Wannop

This presentation provides an overview of the open source training materials produced by the EUMETSAT Atmospheric Composition training team. The training materials covered in this presentation include: (1) LTPy - the Learning Tool for Python on Atmospheric Composition Data, (2) FANGS - Fire Applications with Next-Generation Satellites, (3) Dust Aerosol Detection, Monitoring and Forecasting, and (4) a self-paced training course on Identifying and Quantifying Dust using Satellite Data. 

The first three sets of training materials were developed using Jupyter notebooks, which allow for a high-level of interactive learning, as it makes code, instructions and visualisations available in the same location. Executable notebooks are available on a dedicated Jupyterhub-based course platform which has the required programming environment and data already preinstalled. In addition, an accompanying Jupyter Book is also available for two of the training modules. The final self-paced training course consists of a series of mini-modules on the Moodle platform.

The Learning tool for Python on Atmospheric Composition Data is a Python-based training course on Atmospheric Composition Data. The training course covers notebooks on data access, handling and processing, visualisation, case studies and exercises. LTPy features data from six different satellites, including the Copernicus satellites Sentinel-3 and Sentinel-5 as well as the polar-orbiting meteorological satellite series, Metop, and five different model-based product types from the two Copernicus services on Atmosphere Monitoring (CAMS) and Emergency Management (CEMS). The course facilitates the uptake and use of atmospheric composition data and showcases possible application areas. 

FANGS - Fire Applications with Next-Generation Satellites features Python-based training material and application cases on fire detection and monitoring of the fire life-cycle. The training material makes use of proxy and simulated data, including data from precursor instruments of the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) and EUMETSAT Polar System - Second Generation (EPS-SG) satellite missions. The training material consists of modular Jupyter notebook case studies on the 2020 wildfires in California, USA and the Mediterranean wildfires in 2021. In total, 24 notebooks were developed comprising five narrative notebooks and 19 workflow notebooks. 

The training course on ‘Dust Aerosol Detection, Monitoring and Forecasting’ provides a hands-on introduction to satellite-, ground- and model-based data used for dust monitoring and forecasting. This Python-based course is organised in three main chapters: (i) observations (satellite- and ground-based), (ii) forecast models and a (iii) practical case study. It features twelve different datasets derived from satellites, ground-based measurement networks and forecast models. The course material is developed in the form of well-described and modular Jupyter notebooks. In total, the course consists of 17 notebooks; 12 data workflows and five practical exercise notebooks.

This presentation finally introduces a self-paced training course on identifying and quantifying dust using satellite data. This course is targeted at two audiences, namely, forecasters and researchers. At the end of the self-paced course, learners would have gained the skills to either (1) visualise dust events using Level 1 and Level 2 satellite data or (2) plot and interpret a time series of dust aerosol optical depth (AOD). 

How to cite: Szeto, S. H., Wagemann, J., Ungur, M., Fierli, F., Mantovani, S., and Wannop, S.: Applications of Atmospheric Composition Data: Open Source Training Materials by EUMETSAT, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20245, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-20245, 2024.

On-site presentation
Caroline Johansen

The Deep Network is an initiative which brings together multidisciplinary practitioners who in some way support adults outside of formal learning environments. Deep Network members are supporting adults to become ocean literate and effectively motivating learners to actively participate in pro-climate action and marine sustainability. To achieve the ambitious targets set out in the SDGs, our adult population must learn not only to recognise economic, social, and environmental challenges but also act upon this knowledge. In this session, we will present specific barriers that adult learners experience and acknowledge the challenge of participation in non-formal education, and also address scientists’ limitations of time, funding, and partnerships for these types of initiatives. We will present how the Deep Network responds to these needs, providing space for informal and interactive collaboration between marine researchers, educators, and activists. Over 40 active participants from more than 10 countries participated in Deep Network online Hub Meetings to present their educational initiatives. They developed new partnerships and support the curation of an online library of inspiring practice. The overarching consensus in post-meeting evaluations was that learning about and recognizing the value in different methodologies and audiences of initiatives was inspiring and gave participants tangible ideas as well as hope and motivation to continue developing much needed educative materials for adult learners. This is also a strong motivator for participants to use the Deep Network as a springboard for future interdisciplinary collaborations. In this presentation we will detail the conclusions of the Deep Network meetings and show how practitioners learnt from and with each other to build capacity in marine sustainability and adult education. We conclude by making recommendations for future practice.

How to cite: Johansen, C.: The Deep Network - Curating and co-producing quality ocean-education information for adults, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7704, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7704, 2024.

On-site presentation
Eivind Olavson Straume, Grace Shephard, and Fabio Crameri

Launched in early 2022, the s-Ink project makes high-quality (geo)scientific figures freely available via an always-on online platform, https://s-ink.org. The website hosts figures that can be searched and downloaded by everyone, including students, researchers, teachers, the media, and the public. Hosted content is intentionally broad in nature, and can include data visualisations, animations, artistic impressions, icons, templates, and more.

The open graphics collection, that is also designed for you to share your own graphics, is built around the fundamental principles of science: accuracy, accessibility, and acknowledgment. First, the graphics hosted on s-ink.org are subject to transparent and permanent community-review, versioned and therefore updatable to the latest understanding – an academic novelty. Second, s-Ink graphics are, without exception, universally readable, also to colour-blind viewers – an academic rarity. Third, all content has metadata and is licenced (e.g., via Creative Commons), so those who create the images and the sources they are based on will receive credit.

The s-Ink.org initiative is currently coordinated by three scientists, working on a volunteer-based approach with non-permanent contracts (one a free-lancer, two with the backing of employers). We are finding financial sponsors to cover the minimal costs involved and actively bridge other valuable community initiatives by hosting their graphical and providing our educational resources.

Both the collection and the contributing creators are ever-growing, and the rising views and downloads are signalling the demand. The open collection of geoscience graphics that we envisage (see Crameri et al., 2022) is of direct use well beyond to geoscience community. Indeed, somewhat of a holy grail to science communication.

Crameri, F., G.E. Shephard, and E.O. Straume (2022, Pre-print), The open collection of geoscience graphics, EarthArXiv, https://doi.org/10.31223/X51P78

How to cite: Straume, E. O., Shephard, G., and Crameri, F.: Building and establishing the open collection of geoscience graphics, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16864, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16864, 2024.


Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X1

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Lucia Perez-Diaz, Fabio Crameri
Amira Zaki, Ling Chang, Irene Manzella, Mark van der Meijde, Serkan Girgin, Hakan Tanyas, and Islam Fadel

SNAP (Sentinel Application Platform) is an ESA open-source package distinguished by its stability and user-friendly interface, especially while conducting interferometric SAR (InSAR) processing. However, SNAP-ESA is limited by the lack of a flexible algorithm to generate InSAR time series stacks for both Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) techniques. Moreover, another limitation is the computational requirement to generate InSAR time series interferometric stacks for the available data time span over large areas. In this research, we introduce an innovative automated Python Workflow built upon SNAP-ESA, namely SNAPWF. SNAPWF integrates the capabilities of open-source ASF-search and SNAP-ESA software, enabling network graph generation for PSI and SBAS. The generated network graphs are then utilized to generate the InSAR stacks using SNAP-ESA flexible Graph Processing Framework (GPF) through the Graph Processing Tool (GPT). SNAPWF has the capability to export the interferometric stacks to different file formats that enable further analysis in other available software packages. We implemented and tested SNAPWF on a dedicated geospatial cloud computing platform (GCP). The results demonstrated its capability to generate complete interferometric stacks for Sentinel-1 scenes for PSI and SBAS implemented for a study area across Kenya and Tanzania in 6 hours for one year of data. Moreover, the performance test results showed the possible utilization of the variable resources to accelerate the processing steps.

How to cite: Zaki, A., Chang, L., Manzella, I., Meijde, M. V. D., Girgin, S., Tanyas, H., and Fadel, I.: Automated Python workflow for generating Sentinel-1 PSI and SBAS interferometric stacks using SNAP on the Geospatial Computing Platform, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13283, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13283, 2024.

Dominik C. Hezel, Thomas Rose, Michael Finkel, Ira Gerloff, and Jie Xu

The NFDI4Earth – the National Research Data Infrastructure for the Earth System Sciences (ESS) – is currently building a web-based entry point – called OneStop4All – to serve ESS researchers with access to ESS data, means to process and analyse these, educational ESS material, and more. One core product of the OneStop4All is the NFDI4Earth Living Handbook (LHB). This NFDI4Earth LHB aims to structure and harmonise all information related to research data management and data science approaches in the ESS in a community-driven effort. It allows researchers, societies, funding agencies, companies, authorities, or the interested public to improve their knowledge about ESS research data, how these are best analysed and interpreted as well as managed to ensure their sustainability and reusability for future projects. The LHB has an encyclopedia-style, allowing all ESS community members to provide content on all levels and to all aspects of the LHB collaboratively. This means that, like e.g., for Wikipedia, LHB articles can be added, edited, and curated at any time and by any ESS community member, to make the LHB a living library with up-to-date information that evolves with the needs of the ESS community. 

An editorial board curates the LHB content. This editorial board is open for members and non-members of the NFDI4Earth alike. Its main task is supporting the authors and curating their contributions, as well as developing the NFDI4Earth Living Handbook further by e.g., optimising the editorial process, providing new features, or initiating coordinated contributions on specific topics. 

The LHB content is structured along the research data life cycle through "collections". Collections bundle topically related articles. They can be part of other collections, and articles – as well as collections themselves – can belong to more than one collection. This way, a network-like structure is implemented that allows to structure the sometimes heavily intertwined topics in a more appropriate way than a typical table of contents. In addition, links between articles allow for easy navigation between articles.


How to cite: Hezel, D. C., Rose, T., Finkel, M., Gerloff, I., and Xu, J.: The NFDI4Earth Living Handbook, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16816, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16816, 2024.

Marina Amadori, Monica Pinardi, Claudia Giardino, Mariano Bresciani, Rossana Caroni, Anne J. Greife, Stefan Simis, Jean-Francois Crétaux, Laura Carrea, Herve Yesou, Claude Duguay, Clément Albergel, and Andral Alice

The influence of climate change on freshwater ecosystems is becoming increasingly concerning worldwide. At the global level, lakes are facing rising temperatures, shifts in stratification phenology and precipitation patterns, and an increased frequency of extreme weather events. Understanding the long-term effects and the complex responses of lakes and inland waters in a changing environment is essential to managing water resources effectively and mitigating the effects of climate change. The preservation of freshwaters in good health status is a key issue for water potability, food and industry production, nature conservation, and recreation. To support the comprehension of this topic at a global scale, satellite technologies provide a unique source of data. Remote sensing can indeed enable long-term monitoring of freshwaters, supporting water managers' decisions providing data, and filling knowledge gaps to a better understanding of the regional and local areas most affected and threatened by health status degradation. With this aim, space agencies and the remote sensing community have joined the efforts to provide global, stable, consistent, and long-term products openly available and easily accessible to different kinds of users.

In this contribution, we present the latest release of the dataset from the Lakes_cci project (funded by the European Space Agency), which provides the most complete collection of the Essential Climate Variable LAKES consisting of six thematic products (lake water extent and level, lake ice cover and thickness, lake surface water temperature, lake water-leaving reflectance). The dataset spans the time range 1992 to 2022 and includes over 2000 relatively large lakes, which represent a small fraction of the number of lakes worldwide but a significant portion of the global freshwater surface. The dataset has been already adopted by 27 (to date) studies from several disciplines since 2019, including (but not limited to) limnology, hydrology, atmospheric physics and climatology, freshwater ecology, and biology. A WebGIS portal allows users to discover most of the variables and extract small sections of data for download or plotting. The portal has already been used as a resource for training and education. Products also come with example scripts to help new users familiarize themselves with data extraction as well as with basic analyses. 

With this contribution, we aim to discuss how this kind of product can be useful to the several research communities involved, their limits, potential improvements and chances to further joint research also respect to the research community's expectations and needs.  

How to cite: Amadori, M., Pinardi, M., Giardino, C., Bresciani, M., Caroni, R., Greife, A. J., Simis, S., Crétaux, J.-F., Carrea, L., Yesou, H., Duguay, C., Albergel, C., and Alice, A.: A global dataset for lake physical variables from satellite measurements, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18520, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18520, 2024.

Jan Devátý, Jonas Lenz, and Conrad Jackisch

Every model calibration/validation task is as good as the range of data available for the task and using other team’s data can greatly enhance the calibration outcome for wider range of conditions. Lot of data was gathered during the long research history on soil erosion, but the interoperability of this data is in many cases hindered by inhomogeneous data structure of the single datasets, if these are at least available digitally. The analysis and aggregation of existing digital data sets is a complicated task due to vastly heterogeneous field situations, various spatio-temporal scales involved, different experimental setups and equipment, and numerous repository types and structures. Resources often lack sufficient description in metadata making it hard for humans and impossible for computers to fully understand the structure and contents of the data set. The missing common data management and data structure format in soil erosion research can be seen as major drawback, which hampers data reusability and scientific exchange and progress. However, expecting all the research teams to adopt a common data management approach is naïve.

Within the NFDI4Earth pilot SoilPulse (soilpulse.github.io) we aim to develop a software library responsible for handling metadata from existing data sets of various types. The package will contain tools for metadata extraction (if already existing), creation (by parsing the data set and recognizing metadata elements), representing by a common general metadata scheme, storing the resource’s metadata image, and providing tools to query the storage to reach all available data sets fitting particular conditions.

The poster presents a SoilPulse package structure, intended process-flow of interactive dataset registration and recognition, and metadata mining tools overview. As SoilPulse is in active development we highly appreciate comments, hints and impulses to further improve the tool!

How to cite: Devátý, J., Lenz, J., and Jackisch, C.: SoilPulse – A software package for semi-automated metadata management and publication, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18775, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18775, 2024.

Melissa Hart, Chris Lennard, Ma. Laurice Jamero, Lora Batino, Pablo Borges de Amorim, Feba Francis, and Dorcas Kalele

The WCRP Academy is the research training advisory and coordination arm of the World Climate Research Program. It is the flagship activity for WCRP´s mission: “to develop, share, and apply climate knowledge that contributes to societal well-being” and works to equip current and future climate scientists with the knowledge, skills and attributes required to tackle the world’s most pressing and challenging climate research questions. The Academy is a hub which connects training providers and users of training. Inclusion within the Academy implies that the training is of high quality and, as such, is a legitimate source of training and professional and capacity development platform that is targeted to climate scientists.


In this presentation, we will introduce the Academy and our catalogue of climate science training, which collates in-house WCRP training activities and educational materials to the global science community. Further, the WCRP Academy encourages and invites all research and expert groups, academic and research institutions, government agencies and non-government organizations who provide climate science training and education to register as training providers and contribute to our online training catalogue.

The WCRP Academy is building a global community of climate researchers at all career stages to provide global networking and development opportunities to facilitate lifelong learning, global equity, and skills matching for current and future research projects. 


How to cite: Hart, M., Lennard, C., Jamero, Ma. L., Batino, L., Borges de Amorim, P., Francis, F., and Kalele, D.: Introducing the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Academy, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13649, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-13649, 2024.

Fabio Crameri

Academia is in dire need of more openness and transparency, inclusivity and fairness (see Crameri 2023). While other branches of academia, such as publishing, are being lift onto a next level by the passionate early-career community, academic evaluation is lagging behind and stuck with its outdated focus on quantitative publication output.

Despite some whitewash, the ruling metric, the h-index, is still misused widely to rank us based upon numbers of papers published and number of received citations: Who published the most adequately-cited papers (only papers) wins permanent jobs, project funding, and awards (e.g., “publish or perish”). Something that is most easily achieved by an academic, who blends in, and works in, an established research entity and along an established line of research, and does not share methodologies. The impact is clear: huge competition between peers (often culminating in entire research groups that stop communicating with each another), self-centred (instead of community-centred) research focus, little attention to methodological correctness, and an disproportional brain-drain of valuable academics (see Crameri 2023).

Scientific evaluation built upon numeric metrics is advantageous: It’s time effective (saving precious research time), fair (directly comparable and less biased by subjective reviewer opinions), and does not require, and cannot be altered by, individual linguistic or other skills that are only tangential to actual research (unlike written CVs, for example). By taking a step back from the prejudiced search for a single-number metric, we realise that a multi-metric profile would serve us better: Our aim is to characterise, and not rank, academics.

A multi-metric profile, in contrast to traditional academic practices, has the potential to reshape academic incentives at large. When carefully designed, a numeric profile can prioritise the quality of research over its quantity and represent (and thereby foster) the openness of methodologies and tools through single, candid metrics. It offers a unique opportunity to promote academic diversity, encourage disruptive science, and enhance communication with the general public. Today, an evaluation based on a multi-metric profile allows for a nuanced assessment of research quality. This approach recognises pivotal contributions in method and tool development, teaching, and outreach, providing a comprehensive view of an academic's achievements. Instead of relying on a simplistic ranking, a multi-metric profile highlights individual strengths and weaknesses, facilitating the assembly of effective research teams. This not only improves the likelihood of research success but also enables supervisors and individual academics to leverage strengths and address areas for improvement.

ProAc 1.0.0 (www.fabiocrameri.ch/proac), the first and ready-to-be-used version of the academic profile, is geared towards making academic evaluation fairer and more time-effective, and science the best it can be: diverse, collaborative, disruptive. ProAc is neither perfect nor complete – it never will be. This is why it is designed for continuous improvements and adjustments. ProAc has been crafted truly independently of any traditional academic bounds, but with all your gain in mind. Despite this radical approach, I do hope for your expert feedback and support down along its exciting roadmap.

Crameri, Fabio (2023), Multi-metric academic profiling with ProAc (1.0.0), Zenodo, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4899015

How to cite: Crameri, F.: Towards a fair and inclusive next-generation of academic evaluation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17597, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17597, 2024.

Kirstie Wright, Lucia Perez-Diaz, Maëlis Arnould, Claire Mallard, and Nicolas Coltice

The “Did This Really Happen?!” project has been providing a safe space since 2016 for the submission of anonymised testimonies of real lived experiences of everyday sexism in scientific environments, including sexist biases and a range of micro and macro aggressions. These are, in turn, converted into comic strips by the DTRH team, as a way to increase awareness of these experiences and counter these behaviors.

It is apparent that, despite quotas, increased advocacy and movements like Me Too and Time’s Up, sexism in both science and the wider world is as prevalent as ever. Is this due to the expectation that as women and minorities are more common in the workplace, the fight for equality and inclusivity is seen to be “won” or the greater recognition of sexist behaviors and microaggressions? Or is it the rise of “incels” and the encouragement of “masculinity influencers” who subscribe to a brand of extreme misogyny? Whatever the root cause, how can we change things?

Since the project’s inception, we have received over 175 testimonies which have been turned into more than 60 comics, and counting! Topics have ranged from treating women as objects to questioning female competencies and confining males to stereotypical roles (Bocher et al., 2020). These have been disseminated not only by the project, but by members of the community who have used them to start conversations and challenge discrimination. In this presentation we explore how and where the comics the DTRH project has created were used, and their impact. We aim to understand the benefit of creating an open access resource, from the community, for the community. In addition, we will share our plans to continue and expand the DTRH project, with help from the IGNITE+ network.

How to cite: Wright, K., Perez-Diaz, L., Arnould, M., Mallard, C., and Coltice, N.: Did This Really Happen?!: Creating Comics as a Resource for a More Inclusive Scientific Community, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17098, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17098, 2024.

Graeme Eagles, Lucía Pérez Díaz, Mohamed Gouiza, Clare Bond, David Fernández-Blanco, Dave McCarthy, Tony Doré, Janine Kavanagh, Robin Lacassin, Craig Magee, Gwenn Peron-Pinvidic, Renata Schmitt, and Kim Welford

Science, without effective dissemination, has a very short life and little impact. Yet, most scientific research is hidden away behind exclusive and expensive paywalls imposed by traditional publishers. Tektonika is an Earth Science community-led diamond open-access journal (DOAJ: free for authors, free for readers) publishing peer reviewed research in tectonics and structural geology. It is a grass-roots initiative driven by the enthusiasm and devotion of a wide and diverse spectrum of Earth Scientists from around the globe, intended to help shape a new landscape for publishing in the geosciences. 

Since its launch at EGU2022, Tektonika has been growing steadily thanks to a constant stream of new manuscript submissions, many of which have already been published as part of the journal’s first two issues (the first compiled in July 2023, and the second in January 2024). In order to meet the increasing demands of running a growing journal, the original team of editors was expanded in 2023 (from 6 to 8 Executive editors, and from 13 to 21 Associate Editors). 

Despite initial external skepticism, our experience over the last few years mirrors those of our sister journals, proving that community-driven DOAJs can not only succeed but thrive. The community support has been palpable throughout - from those submitting their work for publication, to others helping us reach a wider audience through social media, to the many that volunteer their time to support the editorial work, the review process, and the typesetting and pagination of the accepted research papers.

How to cite: Eagles, G., Pérez Díaz, L., Gouiza, M., Bond, C., Fernández-Blanco, D., McCarthy, D., Doré, T., Kavanagh, J., Lacassin, R., Magee, C., Peron-Pinvidic, G., Schmitt, R., and Welford, K.: Tektonika: one more year of open science , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19376, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-19376, 2024.

Katy Burrows, Roberto Fernandez, Matthieu Giaime, Guillaume Goodwin, Bastian Grimm, Larry Syu-Heng Lai, Sjoukje de Lange, Alice Lefebvre, and Melanie Stammler

Geomorphica (http://geomorphica.org) is a community-led and -driven scientific journal that fosters academic discourse and research advances in the field of geomorphology. It is hosted by Penn State University Libraries and supported by the International Association of Geomorphology. Geomorphica adds to the growing family of Diamond Open-Access journals in the Geosciences alongside Volcanica, Tektonika, Seismica, and Sedimentologika. Diamond Open-Access publishing is free to access and publish, with no subscription fees or article processing charges, promoting inclusivity and eliminating barriers in scientific communication.

Over the past two years, we have established an initiative with more than 30 volunteers who contribute to all functions including administration, editing, reviewing, typesetting, and visual branding. Geomorphica has been officially launched since June 2023 and is open for manuscript submissions related (but not limited) to landscapes and landforms, Earth’s and planetary near-surface processes, and the mechanisms, dynamics and timescales pertaining to these processes. Experts in related fields are encouraged to join our reviewer database (https://geomorphicaadmin.pythonanywhere.com/) to participate in the quality control of scientific advances or to get in contact if they are interested in volunteering. To reduce bias, we have developed a triple-anonymous review policy, whereby the authors, reviewers and the associate editor making the recommendation are anonymous to each other. The reviewer’s reports and authors’ rebuttals will become publicly available along with the published articles. In this presentation, we will introduce our diverse editorial board, celebrate our first article submissions, and share our experiences during recent progress. We welcome feedback from the broader community to help us continually improve Geomorphica and look forward to your involvement with the initiative.

How to cite: Burrows, K., Fernandez, R., Giaime, M., Goodwin, G., Grimm, B., Lai, L. S.-H., de Lange, S., Lefebvre, A., and Stammler, M.: Geomorphica: The Diamond Open-Access Journal for Geomorphology, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16894, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16894, 2024.

Thibault Duretz, Maelis Arnould, Mandy Bethkenhagen, Mohamed Gouiza, Maffei Stefano, and van Zelst Iris

Over the past few years, different fields of Earth Sciences have witnessed the inception of several community-led diamond open access journals (e.g., Volcanica, Tektonika, Seismica). The aim is to remove the paywall barriers by publishing peer-reviewed articles at no cost to both authors and readers, thus offering a platform for true open science. Alternatives to classical for-profit scientific journals do exist: it is time to bring research on the dynamics of Earth and (exo)planets’ interior to the diamond open access arena. 

Therefore, we are pleased to announce the birth of a new diamond open access journal initiative called Geodynamica: Earth & Planets, with a target launch date in autumn 2024. Coordinated by a core committee of six scientists, the community-led Geodynamica: Earth & Planets journal aims at promoting academic discourse and disseminating research pertaining to the quantitative study of Earth and (exo-)planetary internal structure, dynamics, and evolution from observational to modeling perspectives. In this contribution, we will provide the vision behind this initiative, report on the structure of this journal, its scope, and the remarkable community effort that will make this new diamond open access journal a reality. 

How to cite: Duretz, T., Arnould, M., Bethkenhagen, M., Gouiza, M., Stefano, M., and Iris, V. Z.: Geodynamica: Earth & Planets slinging Earth and (exo)planets’ structure and dynamics into Diamond Open Access , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7937, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-7937, 2024.