CL1.2.14 | Vegetation-wildfire-climate interactions during the Quaternary: insights from data and models
Vegetation-wildfire-climate interactions during the Quaternary: insights from data and models
Co-organized by BG5
Convener: Nils Weitzel | Co-conveners: Yuval Burstyn, Maria Fernanda Sanchez Goñi, Cameron de Wet, Zhao Wang, Anne Dallmeyer, Sebastian F.M. Breitenbach
| Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 0.31/32
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X5
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X5
Orals |
Tue, 16:15
Tue, 10:45
Tue, 14:00
As the Earth's climate continues to change, rising temperatures and prolonged (seasonal) dry conditions are impacting vegetation and wildfire dynamics. Recent decades have witnessed an increase in the intensity, extent, and frequency of wildfires in fire-adapted regions and areas historically less prone to fires are now experiencing such events. Our understanding of vegetation and fire dynamics from in-situ observations and remote sensing is primarily limited to the past few decades. Palaeoclimate research gives insights into a wide range of interactions between climate, vegetation, and wildfires predating human land management. Documenting past vegetation and wildfire changes and inferring drivers and dynamics is of utmost importance for understanding ongoing and future changes of climate and continental ecosystems. Recent years have seen an increasing number of detailed reconstructions and significant improvement in model performance that allow fresh insights into spatio-temporal dynamics of ecosystems in response to climatic perturbations. Earth system models are increasingly used to understand the complex interactions between the biosphere and physical and biogeochemical components of the Earth system.

This session invites contributions on modern approaches to understand vegetation and wildfire dynamics during the Quaternary and their interactions with climate on seasonal to orbital timescales. These include but are not limited to (a) regional and global-scale reconstructions of vegetation cover and composition from paleontological and geochemical data, (b) the development and application of innovative proxies and archives, (c) Earth system model simulations of various time intervals, (d) studies combining data and models, and (e) proxy system modeling and novel statistical methods to constrain vegetation and wildfire dynamics and their drivers. We also welcome contributions related to technical and analytical advancements in organic and inorganic geochemical analyses, and in-situ calibration studies. Special attention is given to studies focusing on currently understudied regions and time intervals, and research that has the potential to inform future land management policies.

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room 0.31/32

Chairpersons: Nils Weitzel, Yuval Burstyn, Maria Fernanda Sanchez Goñi
On-site presentation
Ji-Woong Yang, Jean-Baptiste Ladant, Amaëlle Landais, Masa Kageyama, Thomas Blunier, Samuel Jaccard, Stéphanie Duchamp-Alphonse, Pascale Braconnot, Nicolas Viovy, Louise Crinella-Morici, and Frédéric Prié

The slowdown of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) caused by accelerated climate change is one of the major concerns as it would have severe impacts at global scale (e.g., Rahmstorf, 1995; Ditlevsen and Ditlevsen, 2023). However, our knowledge on the potential impact of such an event on the global biosphere productivity is still limited, despite its important role in the global carbon cycle. The reasons for this lack of knowledge is mainly two folds: on the one hand, it is challenging to estimate the global biosphere productivity based on local reconstructions as they are often based on qualitative- and indirect micropaleontological or geochemical tracers and are characterized by large spatial heterogeneities (e.g., Averyt and Paytan, 2004; Kohfeld et al., 2005), and on the other hand, numerical experiments using Earth System Models (e.g., Mariotti et al., 2012; Reutenauer et al., 2015) have yet failed to capture the response of global biosphere productivity in its entirety as they do not take into account important forcing factors such as changes in CO2, dust deposition or vegetation cover.  

To address these issues, we present here a preliminary reconstruction of the global biosphere productivity using the triple isotopic composition of air oxygen (Δ17O-O2) trapped in NEEM (North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling) ice core samples over 42 to 37 ka covering Heinrich Stadial (HS) 4, a period marked by the weak intensity of the AMOC. Local reconstructions such as European pollen assemblages (e.g., Sánchez Goñi et al., 2020), Antarctic ice-core non-sea-salt Na and Ca (e.g., Fischer et al., 2007), or marine sediment core opal flux records from sub-Antarctic zone of Southern Ocean (Gottschalk et al., 2016) and previous model studies (e.g., Mariotti et al., 2012; Reutenauer et al., 2015) indicate a weak global biosphere productivity during HS4. However, our preliminary result from ice-core Δ17O-O2 measurements shows little evidence of reduced global biosphere productivity during HS 4. Idealized Heinrich-like freshwater hosing experiments using IPSL-CM5A2-VLR Earth System Model support our findings. In this presentation, the potential role of different forcing factors in regulating the global biosphere productivity will be discussed.

How to cite: Yang, J.-W., Ladant, J.-B., Landais, A., Kageyama, M., Blunier, T., Jaccard, S., Duchamp-Alphonse, S., Braconnot, P., Viovy, N., Crinella-Morici, L., and Prié, F.: Global biosphere productivity changes during Heinrich Stadial 4: Preliminary results from the triple isotope composition of air oxygen and numerical simulation using a coupled climate model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12926,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Charlotte Mention, Julie Aleman, Jean-Charles Mazur, David Au Yang, Corinne Sonzogni, Aude Gebelin, and Anne Alexandre

Vegetation changes during the late Holocene in central Africa, especially in the Republic of Congo, are characterized by transitions between forests and savannas. However, the variables (climatic, anthropogenic) behind these transitions are still poorly identified, leading to an ongoing debate around the drivers of the central African forest block opening. Moreover, in tropical regions, the vapour pressure deficit (VPD) that controls photosynthesis and transpiration, constitutes a primary driver of ecosystems primary production and dynamics. In this context, we use a new proxy of atmospheric relative humidity (RH), which coupled with temperature allow to estimate VPD, the 17O-excess (d’17O – 0.528 x d'18O) of phytoliths. A series of calibrations have shown that the 17O-excess of plant leaf water that, according to the Craig and Gordon model is controlled by RH during transpiration, is transferred to phytoliths. A quantitative relationship linking the 17O-excess of phytoliths and RH of the growing season applies to controlled and natural climatic conditions regardless of vegetation type and atmospheric temperature. We propose to combine this new proxy of past RH, with phytoliths morphology, a long-standing paleo-vegetation proxy, to compare past RH and vegetation changes at the same temporal and spatial scales. Phytoliths were extracted from the sediments of Lake Ngofouo, located in a forest-savanna mosaic zone and which record the last 2000 years. Phytoliths types were identified and the 17O-excess of bulk phytoliths samples were analysed. Our preliminary results show a decoupling between RH and vegetation changes. A transition from forest to savanna was identified between 1534-1505 BP, following an increase in fire activity ca. 1540 BP, which marks the beginning of the recurrence of fires in the landscape. During this period no change in RH was observed (high estimated RH ~80-90%). A forest-savanna mosaic thus emerged in the landscape at 1460 BP, characterized by high percentage of grass phytoliths, despite a still high RH (~80%). RH decreased after from 79 to 62% between 997-829 BP and then increased from 62 to 83% between 829-490 BP. During the same period, tree cover increased from 829 to 662 BP and then decreased from 662 to 490 BP which occurred at the same time as an increase in population density and fire activity. It seems that the RH increase probably triggered an increase in grass biomass and thus in available fuel sufficient for more frequent and/or larger fires, which might be responsible for the later decrease in tree cover. The transition from forest to savanna at lake Ngofouo was not associated with a change in RH and was probably the result of the fire regime change that happened before. Interestingly, the later increase in RH impacted the vegetation differently; first by an increase in tree cover, and then by an increase in fire activity that resulted in a lower tree cover. This highlights the potential and complicated feedback that might exist between climate, fire and vegetation.

This study is part of the PAST-17 and Thresholds projects funded by the ANR and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.

How to cite: Mention, C., Aleman, J., Mazur, J.-C., Au Yang, D., Sonzogni, C., Gebelin, A., and Alexandre, A.: Impact of atmospheric relative humidity on vegetation changes during the Late Holocene reconstructed using the 17O-excess of phytoliths from sediments of Lake Ngofouo (Republic of Congo, Central Africa) , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9872,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Angelica Feurdean, Diana Hanganu, and Andrei Cosmin Diaconu

Grass-dominated ecosystems, encompassing steppe, forest-steppe, savanna, woodlands, and shrublands, cover approximately 40% of the global land surface and are critical for biodiversity, carbon storage, livelihoods, and culture. Grassland ecosystems are often assumed to be dominant in regions that are too cold or dry for tree growth and have limited soil development. Many grassy ecosystems are, however, found in warm and wet climates that could support forests. This pattern may be explained by grassy ecosystems also maintained by consumers of biomass, such as fire and herbivores, which tip the competitive balance in favor of grasses. Central Eastern Europe hosts some of the largest expanses of open ecosystems, notably steppe and forest-steppe woodlands, which humans have heavily impacted for millennia. Despite the critical roles fire may have had in these landscapes, our understanding of grassland fire frequency and intensity relies on contemporary ecological studies and remote sensing. The few long-term fire regime reconstructions worldwide based on charcoal records in grasslands have revealed that many assumptions about fires in grassy ecosystems rely on extrapolations from forested environments, revealing gaps in our knowledge regarding the natural occurrence and intensity of fires to climate, vegetation composition, and biomass dynamics in grassy ecosystems. To address these gaps, we conducted palaeoecological analyses, including pollen, charcoal morphologies, and morphometrics (L/W), in two contrasting grassy ecosystems in south-eastern Romania—Lake Oltina in the forest-steppe and Mangalia Herghelie in the steppe. Our research aims are to explore: i) the variation in biomass burning, fire frequency, and severity of fire over time in response to climate, vegetation changes, and human activities; ii) to compare trends in fire regime between ecosystems with (forest-steppe) and without (steppe) tree cover; and ii) to assess deviations in modern fire regimes from long-term trends. Additionally, we examine charcoal morphological and morphometrical assemblages as signals for reconstructing vegetation composition changes in regions with poor pollen preservation. Our analysis seeks to unravel the intricate interactions and feedback among fire, climate, and vegetation dynamics. Frequent fires in grass-dominated ecosystems act as a bottleneck for tree recruitment, sustaining the dominance of grasslands. We hypothesize that fire activity increases with decreasing rainfall but decreases with increasing rainfall, potentially influencing the transition from steppe to forest-steppe to woodland. The fire regime characteristics are expected to change during this transition, with decreasing fire frequency and increasing severity due to elevated fuel loads and reduced flammable grasses. In the long term, this may lead to a shift towards a landscape dominated by woody vegetation, accompanied by lower frequency but higher severity fires. Human ignitions and the use of fire for land management alter these dynamics. Insights from this feedback and interaction will guide us in identifying thresholds in tree cover as indicators for a fire regime shift and determining tipping points in the balance between vegetation and fire. This study adds valuable knowledge to refine our understanding of the nuanced interplay between fire, climate, and vegetation dynamics in temperate European grasslands.

How to cite: Feurdean, A., Hanganu, D., and Diaconu, A. C.: Fire's legacy: unraveling long-term fire regime and grass-tree interactions in European temperate grassy ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4602,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Abdur Rahman, Yuan-Pin Chang, Hong-Chun Li, Ling-Ho Chung, and Liang-Chi Wang

Climate change is expected to lead to an increased frequency of wildfires within forest ecosystems. To accurately anticipate the ramifications of climate change on forests, a comprehensive understanding of the ecological processes governing fire dynamics—specifically intensity, size, and type—is essential. However, the scarcity of long-term data on the intricate relationship between climate, fire, and vegetation dynamics presents a considerable challenge. In this study, a long-term relationship between wildfire, vegetation has been investigated, and climate in the central Taiwan region, spanning from the late glacial period to the late Holocene. For this, multiple proxy approach, including charcoal (CHAR and fire frequency), pollen data, and the carbon isotopic composition of total organic carbon, have been followed. The current study revealed that wildfire largely occurred during the drier climate conditions in the Taiwan region, which attributed to El-Nino like situation in region. Furthermore, it has been observed that from the late glacial period to the late Holocene, there was a shift in biofuel sources from woody plants to herbaceous plants, with a sharp change at the beginning of the Holocene. High fire frequency and intense wildfires were observed during the late glacial period, attributed to a drier climate. On the other hand, higher fire frequency and more intense wildfires during the late Holocene were attributed to human-induced wildfires in the central Taiwan region. 

How to cite: Rahman, A., Chang, Y.-P., Li, H.-C., Chung, L.-H., and Wang, L.-C.: Wildfire, vegetation, and climate history of central Taiwan from the end of the last glaciation to the late Holocene, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14667,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Michael Hren, Zhao Wang, Jonathan Smolen, Yuval Burstyn, Kesego Letshele, Aida Zyba, Erica Scarpitti, Jessica Oster, Cameron De Wet, and Isabel Montañez

Records of past fire frequency and intensity are critical for understanding the links between atmospheric pCO2, climate and ecosystem change. In terrestrial settings, stalagmites provide one of the most precise, multi-proxy, and high-resolution archives of climate information. Yet, records of past fire occurrence or fire intensity, which are commonly derived from charcoal abundances in sediments, are generally not available within the same archive or at comparable time resolution.

Sedimentary organic molecular biomarkers are increasingly utilized as proxies for past fire, environment and climate, and there is considerable potential for past fire activity to be archived in stalagmites1,2,3. Recent analytical and methodologic advances now allow measurement of molecular markers of climate and fire at trace abundances, and surface-generated, plant-derived biomolecules and fire markers, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), lignin oxidation products (LOPs), and anhydrosugars such as levoglucosan (LG) and its isomers mannosan (MA) and galactosan (GA), have been documented in stalagmites older than 100 ka1.

Fire markers are preserved in stalagmites at multiple caves across the fire-prone landscape of California, USA, and recent study of LG and LOPs in a California Coast Range stalagmite provides evidence for a strong connection between fire activity and climate whiplash2, while measurements of PAHs from a well-studied stalagmite in McLean’s Cave located in the central Sierran foothills (ML-1) captures a link between increased fire intensity and climate change during Heinrich Stadial-13. Despite clear preservation of fire-derived molecules in stalagmites, results from modern California cave systems and surface environments show that fire markers produced from recent fire events have variable mobility through soils and the epikarst system, while plant lipids produced by surface vegetation record significant degradation during transit from the surface to cave drip water.

Here, we discuss the promises and pitfalls of producing organic molecular records of climate and fire from speleothems. Specifically, we present modern surface to cave organic molecular data from several sites in California, USA to review: 1) factors that influence the terrestrial production of organic molecular markers of ecosystem, fire and climate; 2) mobilization of organic markers through the soil, epikarst and cave environment; 3) alteration of surface-generated molecular signatures due microbial activity or preferential mobilization of different molecular classes; and 4) incorporation of organic markers of fire and climate in stalagmites.


1Blyth, A.J., Baker, A., Collins, M.J., Penkman, K.E.H., Gilmour, M.A., Moss, J.S., Genty, D. & Drysdale, R.N. (2008) Molecular organic matter in speleothems and its potential as an environmental proxy. Quat. Sci. Rev., 27, 905-921.

2Homann, J., Oster, J. L., de Wet, C. B., Breitenbach, S. F. M., & Hoffmann, T. (2022). Linked fire activity and climate whiplash in California during the early Holocene. Nature Communications, 13(1), 7175.

3Smolen, J., Montañez, I., and Hren, M.: Fire, Work with Me: A PAH record from a Southwestern US speleothem , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16912,, 2023.

How to cite: Hren, M., Wang, Z., Smolen, J., Burstyn, Y., Letshele, K., Zyba, A., Scarpitti, E., Oster, J., De Wet, C., and Montañez, I.: Reconstructing Paleofire-Climate Connections in Speleothems Using Organic Molecules: A Source to Sink Perspective , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13877,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Shivangi Tiwari, Francesco S. R. Pausata, Anne de Vernal, Hugo Beltrami, Allegra N. LeGrande, and Michael L. Griffiths

The mid-Holocene (MH) was characterized by substantial vegetation changes over northern Africa, termed the Green Sahara. Concurrently, several proxy reconstructions have indicated anomalous warmth over some Arctic regions during the MH, with some records also indicating an abrupt cooling coinciding with the Saharan desertification. This has prompted studies into a potential teleconnection between the MH Green Sahara and the Arctic, leading to conflicting hypotheses regarding the dominant direction and mechanism for this teleconnection.

In this study, we analysed outputs from four fully coupled global climate models to identify the impact of the Green Sahara on the Arctic region. Through the difference of two sets of mid-Holocene simulations – with and without the Green Sahara – we isolated the effect of the northern African vegetation and land cover changes on Arctic temperatures. We show that simulations incorporating the Green Sahara yield considerably higher Arctic warming relative to simulations without explicit prescriptions of vegetation changes. We also conducted atmosphere-only global climate model simulations to identify whether or not Arctic temperature changes impacted northern African precipitation. Our results suggest that while the Arctic temperature changes induced changes to the atmospheric circulation over northern Africa, they were too weak to substantially contribute to Saharan desertification.

How to cite: Tiwari, S., Pausata, F. S. R., de Vernal, A., Beltrami, H., LeGrande, A. N., and Griffiths, M. L.: Northern African vegetation and land cover changes led to increased Arctic warming during the mid-Holocene, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14971,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andria Dawson, John W. Williams, Marie-José Gaillard, Simon Goring, Behnaz Pirzamanbein, Johan Lindstrom, R. Scott Anderson, Andrea Brunelle, David Foster, Konrad Gajewski, Daniel G. Gavin, Terri Lacourse, Thomas A. Minckley, Wyatt Oswald, Bryan Shuman, and Cathy Whitlock

Land cover governs biogeophysical and biogeochemical feedbacks between the land surface and atmosphere. Holocene vegetation-atmosphere interactions are of particular interest, both to understand the climate effects of intensifying human land use and as a possible explanation for the Holocene Conundrum, a widely studied mismatch between simulated and reconstructed temperatures. Progress addressing the Conundrum has been limited by a lack of data-constrained, quantified, and consistent reconstructions of Holocene land cover change. Following protocols from PAGES LandCover6k, a network of 1445 sedimentary pollen records from the Neotoma Paleoecology Database, and the REVEALS pollen-vegetation model coupled with a Bayesian spatial model, we developed land cover reconstructions with uncertainty for North America for 25 time intervals spanning the Holocene. We use these spatially comprehensive land cover maps to determine the pattern and magnitude of land cover changes at continental to regional scales and discuss underlying ecological, climatic, and anthropogenic drivers. Finally, we infer Holocene radiative forcing from these land cover shifts.

Major land cover changes in North America include: 1) Early Holocene afforestation is attributed to rising temperatures and deglaciation, which likely amplified early Holocene warming via the albedo effect; 2) A continental-scale mid-Holocene peak in summergreen trees and shrubs (8.5 to 4 ka) may have been caused by a positive and understudied feedback loop among insolation, temperature, and phenological seasonality.  3) A  last-millennium decrease in summergreen trees and shrubs with corresponding increases in open land, likely driven by intensifying land use and neoglacial cooling. 

Land cover trends vary within and across regions due to individualistic taxon-level responses to environmental change.  Major species-level events, such as the mid-Holocene decline of eastern hemlock, may have altered regional climates. The substantial land-cover changes reconstructed here underscore the importance of biogeophysical vegetation feedbacks to Holocene climate dynamics. Continental-scale radiative forcing inferred from land cover change indicates early and late pre-industrial Holocene warming interrupted by a mid-Holocene period of cooling and followed by cooling in the recent millenia. These forcings from natural vegetation change are of the same order of magnitude as global forcings resulting from changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations from 1750 to 2019.

These Holocene reconstructions for North America serve the Earth system modeling community by providing better-constrained land cover scenarios and benchmarks for model evaluation, that improve the understanding of regional- to global-scale processes driving Holocene land cover dynamics.

How to cite: Dawson, A., Williams, J. W., Gaillard, M.-J., Goring, S., Pirzamanbein, B., Lindstrom, J., Anderson, R. S., Brunelle, A., Foster, D., Gajewski, K., Gavin, D. G., Lacourse, T., Minckley, T. A., Oswald, W., Shuman, B., and Whitlock, C.: Holocene Land Cover Change in North America:  Trends, Drivers, and Feedbacks, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14386,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andriantsilavo Hery Isandratana Razafimanantsoa, William Bond, and Lindsey Gillson

The climate in the tropic is favourable for forest development and the presence of open and mosaic ecosystems in this region lead to confusion and controversies. The Central Highlands of Madagascar is dominated by a matrix of grassland with forest patches, but whether these open ecosystems are ancient or anthropogenically derived is still scientifically debated. Understanding the landscape history including vegetation history and its drivers of change is therefore required to identify the nature and origin of the vegetation particularly prior to and after human settlement to inform appropriate conservation and management plans in the region. Here we provide a high-resolution environmental reconstruction of the last 6300 years from a sediment core collected at a lake called Dangovavy from the Central Highlands. Pollen and stable carbon isotopes were used to reconstruct vegetation history, while charcoal and coprophilous spores were used for fire frequency and herbivory activities, respectively. The data showed that open and mosaic ecosystems comprising forest patches of variable extent in a matrix of open montane grassland and ericoid shrubland occupied the area surrounding the lake from at least 6000 years ago, i.e. 4000 years before human settlement suggested around 2 cal. ka BP. Variations in forest extent and montane possibly C3–dominated grassland were recorded until 1 cal. ka BP., associated with fluctuations in fire, herbivory and rainfall. However, an expansion of the grassland ecosystem supported by C4 plant dominance, as shown in the stable carbon isotopes (δ13C) results, was recorded in the last millennium. This change was also associated with highly increasing fire frequency and herbivory activities most likely linked to human influence. Based on these findings, the natural presence of open and mosaic ecosystems in the Central Highlands of Madagascar should be considered, as well as their validity as conservation targets other than closed forests.

How to cite: Razafimanantsoa, A. H. I., Bond, W., and Gillson, L.: Mid-Holocene environmental change in the Central Highlands of Madagascar: pre- and post-human settlement, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-892,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jierong Zhao, Sandy P.Harrison, and Iain Colin Prentice

Changes in climate have had a significant impact on global vegetation patterns during the Quaternary. However, variations in CO2 levels also play a key role in shaping vegetation dynamics by influencing plant water-use efficiency, and consequently, the competitive success of employing the C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathways. In this study, we use an eco-evolutionary optimality (EEO) based modelling approach to examine the respective impacts of climate fluctuations and CO2-induced alterations on vegetation shifts. We consider two distinct periods, the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21,000 years before present) and the mid-Holocene (MH, 6,000 years before present) and compare these to contemporary conditions. The LGM, characterised by generally colder and drier climate, had a CO2 level close to the minimum threshold for effective C3 plant operation. In contrast, the MH had warmer summers, increased monsoonal rainfall in the northern hemisphere, with CO2 levels lower than the present day. We simulate vegetation changes at the LGM and the MH using a light-use efficiency model that simulates gross primary production (GPP) coupled to an EEO model that simulates leaf area index (LAI) and C3/C4 competition. We show that low CO2 at the LGM is as important as climate in reducing tree cover, increasing the abundance of C4 plants and lowering GPP. Global GPP is also lower than today in the MH (although increased compared to the LGM), reflecting CO2 constraints on plant growth despite the positive impacts of warmer and/or wetter climates experienced in the northern hemisphere and tropical regions on plant growth. These results emphasise the importance of taking account of impacts of changing CO2 levels on plant growth in order to simulate ecosystem changes correctly.

How to cite: Zhao, J., P.Harrison, S., and Prentice, I. C.: Eco-evolutionary Modelling of Global Vegetation Dynamics and the Impact of CO2 during the late Quaternary: Insights from Contrasting Periods , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6612,, 2024.


Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X5

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Nils Weitzel, Cameron de Wet
Laura Schild and Ulrike Herzschuh

Forests play a critical role in carbon storage and actively mitigate climate change. By fostering biodiversity they offer further intrinsic and economic value through ecosystem functions and services. However, logging and the increasing frequency and intensity of wildfires and pest outbreaks pose significant disturbances to forests. Understanding the interactions between forest cover, biodiversity, and disturbance is essential for determining effective strategies for forest management and conservation. 

To investigate past dynamics in diversity and forest cover, we utilized pollen-based vegetation reconstructions for the Northern Hemisphere over the past 10 000 years. We derived richness and forest cover and computed metrics for forest cover trends, centennial forest cover variability, and disturbance frequency and intensity. We analyzed the relationship of these potential drivers and forest cover and richness using loess models and explored spatio-temporal patterns.

Our findings reveal a negative relationship of richness with forest cover, with maximum richness observed at low to intermediate forest cover values.This indicates a potential tradeoff between high forest cover for optimal carbon storage and high biodiversity. Richness also demonstrates a normal response to centennial forest cover variability, supporting the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Interestingly, we also find that increasing the cumulative disturbance intensity increases richness. This indicates a positive effect on forest richness from both many small and few large disturbances. This highlights the potential of disturbances to increase and maintain biodiversity in temperate and boreal forest.
These findings could help with designing forest management and conservation measures that align with carbon storage and biodiversity goals.

How to cite: Schild, L. and Herzschuh, U.: Impacts of forest cover and disturbance on Holocene forest biodiversity, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19277,, 2024.

Isabeau Aurore Bertrix, Nicolas Viovy, Hisashi Sato, and Didier M Roche

European landscapes have known a variety of transformations through the Holocene as a consequence of large-scale climate changes and anthropogenic impact. Recent evolution of the European area has seen a recession of agriculture in several regions (e.g. Navarro & Pereira, 2012, Ecosystems ; Perpiña Castillo et al, 2018, European Commission) putting into question what is to happen to the land so abandoned (Fayet et al, 2022 Environmental Science & Policy), for example if more « natural » conditions are to be implemented.

During the Holocene, European forests evolved in response to both climatic and human pressure. This joint evolution makes it hard to understand what the rôle of each factor is. Recent simulations at the global scale show that there could be significant delay between the natural vegetation evolution as computed in climate models and the observed evolution as recorded in palynological assemblages (Dallmeyer et al., 2023).

We aim at exploring the effect of human and climatic impacts on the vegetation evolution in Europe during the Holocene by means of high spatial resolution modelling.

To better understand how human pressure impacted vegetation cover in Europe, initial DGVM simulations were conducted using SEIB model, and were compared to pollen-based reconstruction from the REVEALS database. That way, the difference between simulations (representing european vegetation cover without homo sapiens presence) and data (representing real european vegetation cover) are a mean to evaluate the extent of the human impact. The simulations were running using climatic inputs from the intermediate complexity climatic model iLOVECLIM, using a downscaling approach to increase the spatial resolution and a bias correction method to improve the climate representation over the european area. Using steps of 300 years time windows periods from the begining of the Holocene to the preindustrial period, we present the results of those simulations and the comparaison with the pollen database as well as comparison with another vegetation model to assess the inter-model dispertion. The outcome could help us understand how our species has shaped the lands even before agricultural times as well as the extent of the climate induced vegetation evolution.




Navarro, L.M., Pereira, H.M. Rewilding Abandoned Landscapes in Europe. Ecosystems 15, 900–912 (2012).

Perpiña Castillo, C., Kavalov, B., Diogo, V., Jacobs-Crisioni, C., Batista e Silva, F., Lavalle, C, Agricultural land abandonment in the EU within 2015-2030, JRC113718, European Commission 2018

Fayet, C., Reilly, K., Van Ham, C., Verburg, P. H. (2022) The potential of European abandoned agricultural lands to contribute to the Green Deal objectives: Policy perspectives, Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 133, pages 44-53.

Dallmeyer, A, Kleinen, T, et al The deglacial forest conundrum, Nature Communications, 2022

How to cite: Bertrix, I. A., Viovy, N., Sato, H., and Roche, D. M.: Holocene Integrative Vegetation Evolution (HIVE) : dynamical modelling under transient climate conditions in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16394,, 2024.

Qing Sun and Fortunat Joos

The terrestrial vegetation plays a crucial role in co-regulating global energy, water, carbon, and nutrient cycles. Shifts in vegetation, including changes in forest and peatland areas as well as species distribution, contribute to the large uncertainties in terrestrial ecosystems and their services under increasing disturbances caused by anthropogenic climate change.

To comprehensively assess vegetation responses and feedback to perturbations, particularly regarding carbon-nitrogen cycles and greenhouse gas exchanges, modelling efforts are indispensable. For instance, dynamical vegetation models can be exploited to investigate the terrestrial biogeochemical processes under past climate changes, such as glacial-interglacial transitions. However, such efforts often remain limited by the computational demands of complex Earth system models that struggle to capture multi-millennial timescales, which is further exacerbated by the challenges associated with model validation, leaving the long-term terrestrial vegetation dynamics largely under-constrained.

Here we employ the LPX-Bern model, a cost-efficient Dynamic Global Vegetation Model of intermediate complexity with fully coupled water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles, and present the results for simulations since the last interglacial. We critically evaluate the current model configuration, validated for pre-industrial to present-day conditions, for the last glacial cycle. The challenges in applying the model to these past times, such as the knowledge gaps in process representation, limited data availability for validation, and the limitations in model parameterisations, are addressed. The implications from simulating such long timescales and potentials to enhance the terrestrial biogeochemical processes in DGVMs are discussed. This study thus aims to contribute to advancing model development in carbon-nitrogen cycles for improved future climate projections.

How to cite: Sun, Q. and Joos, F.: Modelling terrestrial vegetation dynamics and carbon-nitrogen cycles over the last glacial using LPX-Bern, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10571,, 2024.

Tiffanie Fourcade, Maria Fernanda Sanchez Goñi, Jonathan Lesven, Christelle Lahaye, and Anne Philippe

Deep-sea pollen records from the Western European margin indicate that regional vegetation oscillated between open forest and steppe during the Last Glacial period (ca. 115-27 ka), in response to the millennial scale climate variability, specifically the Dansgaard-Oeschger, (D-O) cycles and Heinrich events (HE). The magnitude of the forest expansions during D-O warming events was modulated by orbital parameters. However, the vegetation response in the north-western Mediterranean region during this period remains poorly understood due to the fragmentary nature of the available sequences.

In this study, we present a new well-chronologically constrained high-resolution marine pollen record from the Gulf of Lion (MD99-2343, 40°29'N, 4°01'E) documenting the vegetation response in southeastern France during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 4 to 2 (ca. 73-27 ka). Initial findings highlight that the extent of the temperate forest expansions in SE France, i.e. the forest colonizing the Rhône valley, in response to D-Os warming events is modulated by precession, as previously indicated by Western European margin pollen records located in the Mediterranean region below 40°N. In Western Europe, the HEs are all characterized by steppe expansions, but the new pollen analysis documents another scenario with an increase in forest cover during HE 6. We hypothesize that the combination of minima in precession and local atmospheric and marine processes in the Gulf of Lion allowed the development of the temperate forest in SE France during HE 6, while the expansion of open environments occurred in Western Europe.

How to cite: Fourcade, T., Sanchez Goñi, M. F., Lesven, J., Lahaye, C., and Philippe, A.: Vegetation response in SE France to the millennial-scale climate variability of the last glacial period, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15920,, 2024.

Dmitrii Sadokov, Natalia Kostromina, Natalia Mazei, Nikita Bobrov, Ping Ding, Alexey Petrov, Larisa Savelieva, Maksim Ruchkin, Andrey Kuznetsov, Andrey Tsyganov, and Yuri Mazei

Across the northern East-European Plain, and especially in the Mologa-Sheksna Lowland (MSL), short-term climate variability in the Late Glacial caused significant palaeohydrological alterations, which drove vegetation successions. The MSL is prominent for the dense river and lake network, which have evolved through multiple water level and sedimentation regime oscillations since the Last Glacial Maximum. Extensive bogs inherit morphology of the basins, which had been filled with paleolakes for several millennia until their ultimate drainage in the early Holocene. Correspondingly, intricate morphology of lakes and deltas conditioned mosaic distribution of vegetation across the MSL.

Continuous palaeoenvironmental record for the Holocene in the MSL has been derived from several peat and lacustrine sites. The data regarding the Late Glacial is much more scarce, due to the low abundance of the relevant deposits, and poor state of preservation. Except for the MSL bog plains, pronounced evidence for the short-term palaeoenvironmental offset was discovered in the section of the sand terraces in the Mologa River catchment. The onset of Allerød warming has been traced via an organomineral layer, which was confirmed to have a continuous bedding over the area of 100 km2 in the central MSL, as revealed by auger drilling and ground-penetrating radar survey at eight sites. This layer dates back to 13.4– 12.1 cal ka BP, and is represented by interbedding of fine sand with medium decomposed peat. Palynological and plant macrofossil studies of the buried peat from three boreholes reveal several inferences about the formation of this layer and the general palaeohydrology of the MSL in the Late Glacial.

The first palaeoclimatic evidence is provided by the high abundance of spruce pollen and bark pieces, supporting the hypothesis that the layer formation occurred during the Allerød interstadial, which was characterized by a rapid expansion of spruce in the region. Secondly, high abundances of pollen and remains of hydrophytes or hydrophilous lacustrine vascular plants (Cyperaceae, Poaceae, Potamogetonaceae), mosses (Sphagnum sp., Drepanocladus aduncus and Calliergonella cuspidatum) and chara algae indicate lentic shallow water environment or the proximity of the paleolake shoreline. In general, a transition from shallow lacustrine environments, surrounded by spruce-birch forests, to tundra steppes and bogged grasslands can be deduced, based on the pollen spectra and subfossils assemblages. Third, true altitude of the buried peat layer (96.5 – 102.5 m above sea level) may be considered as a limit for the paleolake water level in the Allerød, because it delineates the surface uncovered from water or proximate to the shoreline. Thus, its lowermost discovered position can trace the extent to which the paleolake level had dropped in the Allerød. The peat was rapidly formed and buried during the late Allerød, which makes it a reliable regional isochronous stratigraphic level for the poorly studied Late Glacial sedimentary successions. This level can be used as a reference point for tracing recent short-term climate-environment interactions and effects.

How to cite: Sadokov, D., Kostromina, N., Mazei, N., Bobrov, N., Ding, P., Petrov, A., Savelieva, L., Ruchkin, M., Kuznetsov, A., Tsyganov, A., and Mazei, Y.: Allerød interstadial vegetation and lacustrine palaeoenvironment of the central Mologa-Sheksna Lowland (East-European Plain), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12877,, 2024.

Huan Li, Chunzhu Chen, Wenwei Zhao, and Yan Zhao

Investigations of past biotic responses to rapid climate shifts are useful for developing biological scenarios that may result from future climate change. Vegetation responses to the Younger Dryas (YD) cold climatic reversal, the 8.2 ka cooling event, and the 4.2 ka event are of considerable interest. In this paper, we conduct model simulations of vegetation responses to these rapid climate changes over East Asia, and compare them with pollen-based vegetation records. Our aims were to investigate the vegetation responses to rapid climate changes with different magnitudes and to analyze dominant impact factors on vegetation in East Asia. Our results reveal that all major Plant Functional Types responded to the climate changes, but the magnitude, timing, and impact of their responses varied, with most changes in vegetation composition rather than vegetation type succession. In addition, it was found that after the abrupt cooling events the vegetation did not always recover to the state simulated before the perturbation, suggesting that different vegetation compositions may occur under similar climate conditions. Notably, there was a latitudinal gradient in the magnitude of these cold events in East Asia and in the resulting vegetation response, indicating a more pronounced vegetation responses to the severe cooling in the north and weaker responses to less cooling in the south. Changes in temperature exerted a major influence on the vegetation dynamics in the most high latitude regions, and changes in both temperature and precipitation were responsible for the vegetation changes at mid-to-high-latitudes. Vegetation compositions show a long-lasting effect of abrupt climate changes through eco-physiological and ecosystem demographic processes.

How to cite: Li, H., Chen, C., Zhao, W., and Zhao, Y.: Vegetation responses in East Asia to rapid climate changes: comparisons among the Younger Dryas event, the 8.2ka event, and the 4.2ka event, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15834,, 2024.

Tropical volcanic eruptions reduce vegetation net carbon uptake on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau under background climate conditions
(withdrawn after no-show)
Zhiwei Yong, Zegen Wang, Junnan Xiong, and Jie Tian
Jie Chen

The Holocene temperature conundrum, marked by inconsistencies between proxy-based reconstructions and transient model simulations, challenges our understanding of Holocene temperature evolution. Reconstructions suggest a cooling trend after the Holocene Thermal Maximum, while model simulations indicate a consistent warming trend due to ice-sheet retreat and rising greenhouse gas concentrations. Various factors, such as seasonal biases and overlooked feedback processes, have been proposed as potential causes for this discrepancy. In this study, we found the impact of vegetation-climate feedback on temperature anomaly patterns in East Asia during the mid-Holocene (6000 BP). By utilizing the fully coupled Earth system model EC-Earth and performing simulations with and without coupled dynamic vegetation, we aim to isolate the influence of vegetation changes on regional temperature patterns. Our findings reveal that vegetation-climate feedback contributed to warming across most of East Asia, resulting in spatially diverse temperature changes during the mid-Holocene and significantly enhanced the model-data agreement. These results highlight the crucial role of vegetation-climate feedback in addressing the Holocene temperature conundrum and emphasize its importance for simulating accurate climate scenarios.

How to cite: Chen, J.: Reconciling East Asia's mid-Holocene temperature discrepancy through vegetation-climate feedback, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4255,, 2024.

Isabel P. Montañez, Jessica L. Oster, Eliot A. Atekwana, Gabriel Bowen, Yuval Burstyn, Cameron de Wet, Elizabeth M. Griffith, Michael Hren, Kesego P. Letshele, Sarah Pederzani, Erica A. Scarpitti, Jonathan Smolen, Zhao Wang, and Aida Zyba

Global climate change is projected to lead to an expansion of wildfire-prone regions coupled with increase in fire frequency and intensity. In the Western US the characteristic fire season has changed considerably in recent years. Notably, there has been an observed doubling of autumn fire activity, an increase in the occurrence and duration of extreme fire weather conditions, and an intensification of wildfire severity. This trend is expected to persist and intensify with increased warming. For California (CA), climate models predict minimal changes to mean annual precipitation, but a substantial increase in climate volatility on the decadal and sub-centennial scale. This volatility manifests as persistent droughts interrupted by pluvial episodes, creating what is referred to as a 'whiplash climate.' However, predicting how the wildfire regime in CA will evolve with increased climate volatility remains a challenging task.

StalFire is multi-lab collaborative framework (consortium) established to facilitate research focused on utilizing paleoclimate data archived in stalagmites. The primary goal is to provide new insights into paleo-wildfires, with a specific emphasis on assessing the paleoclimate-wildfire relationship in CA across multiple timescales and under different climate states. Drawing upon over a decade of monitoring and stalagmite record development in CA caves exposed to significant fires, this consortium project is guided four research objectives: (1) Monitoring tracer evolution across karst systems to improve conventional proxies and expand the understanding and application of promising new qualitative hydroclimate proxies and fire tracers. (2) Developing aquantified representation  — a forward proxy system model — of the conditions and processes that govern the different proxy signals of past hydroclimate and fire behavior in stalagmites. (3) Expanding and improving existing CA multi-proxy records for stalagmites representing transects of the north-south climate dipole extending from coastal to Sierra Nevada regions. 4) Conducting site-specific to regional proxy-model comparisons and providing quantitative reconstructions of hydroclimate and fire activity in CA over the past 70,000 years. 

We provide a summary of initial results of the StalFire Consortium that focus on developing a 'surface-to-stalagmite' understanding of hydroclimate and fire tracers through monitoring coupled with proxy development (d44Ca, fluid inclusion water isotopes, dual clumped isotope, and plant/microbial biomarkers, biomass burning-derived organic molecules like anhydrosugars and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). Finally, we aim for this presentation to encourage discussion among researchers, labs, and work groups involved in paleo-fire coupled with hydroclimate research, from method development to paleorecord analysis.

How to cite: Montañez, I. P., Oster, J. L., Atekwana, E. A., Bowen, G., Burstyn, Y., de Wet, C., Griffith, E. M., Hren, M., Letshele, K. P., Pederzani, S., Scarpitti, E. A., Smolen, J., Wang, Z., and Zyba, A.: StalFire Consortium: Defining the paleoclimate-fire relationship in California across temporal and spatial scales , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13457,, 2024.

Lisa Danius, Paul Strobel, Maximilian Prochnow, Roland Zech, and Marcel Bliedtner

The southern European Alps are currently suffering from serious drought conditions and wildfires due to climate change. For this reason, paleoenvironmental research is fundamental in this vulnerable region to better understand the interactions between climate, humans, and landscape in the past, which are still largely unknown. Therefore, we established an 8 ka sediment record from Lago di Pusiano in the Brianza region (northern Italy) to reconstruct previous drought and wildfire dynamics since the Neolithic period using biomarker analyses. Specifically, besides well-established geochemical analyses, we use compound-specific hydrogen isotope analyses (δ2H) of n-alkanes to reconstruct hydroclimatic conditions and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to reconstruct fire activities.

Our results show that δ2Hof the terrestrial n‑C29 and n-C31, which both reflect the δ2H signal of the growing season precipitation, is enriched during the Mid Holocene (~8 to 4.2 cal. ka BP), depleted from ~4.2 to 2.5 cal. ka BP and enriched from ~2.5 to 0.4 cal. ka BP. On longer timescales, we interpret our terrestrial δ2H to reflect the isolation-driven temperature change due to northern hemispheric cooling, showing an ongoing depletion in δ2H from the Mid to Late Holocene. However, on shorter timescales, especially during the Late Holocene, terrestrial δ2H can be overprinted by changes in the moisture source of precipitation, which are mostly related to the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the position of the Westerlies. Compared to the terrestrial n-alkanes, δ2H of the aquatic n‑C25, which reflects the δ2H signal of lake water, is generally more enriched due to lake water evaporation. Consequently, the offset between aquatic and terrestrial δ2H gives a valuable indication about evaporation at Lago di Pusiano and indicates wetter conditions during phases of enriched terrestrial δ2H and dryer conditions during depleted terrestrial δ2H.

PAHs are abundant throughout the sediment core and increase during periods of higher regional human activity (e.g., Bronze Age pile dwellings ~4 cal. ka, Roman settlements ~2 cal. ka, and during Medieval times ~1 cal. ka), especially strongly during industrialization. The occurrence of PAHs in the Pusiano sediments, especially the large amount of high molecular PAHs, indicates significant local fire episodes with biomass combustion at high burning temperatures. The comparison of PAHs and δ2H of n‑alkanes suggests the presence of increased fire activities during wetter periods, possibly due to higher biomass availability as fuel for more extensive wildfires, and/or increased anthropogenic burning due to increased human presence during wetter periods.

How to cite: Danius, L., Strobel, P., Prochnow, M., Zech, R., and Bliedtner, M.: An 8 ka record of drought and fire dynamics in the southern European Alps based on biomarker analyses , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15781,, 2024.

Line Rittmeier, Maximilian Prochnow, Paul Strobel, Marcel Bliedtner, Fabian Rey, Willy Tinner, and Roland Zech

Charcoal has been the first choice when studying paleofire and related ecosystem disturbances over decades, because it can be easily obtained, for example, together with pollen. It is used to track changes in local versus regional fire activity (e.g., Vachula et al., 2018; Vachula, 2021, Paleo3). However, despite many progresses in charcoal analyses, specific information about paleofires such as fire intensity partly remains elusive, although such information is highly interesting particularly for archaeological sites where human impacts are expected.

Moossee is a small lake located near Bern (Switzerland) and is a key site to study past interactions between environment and human impacts because the presence of humans is documented at the site by lake pile dwellings since the Neolithic ~7 kyr ago. Moreover, the sedimentary record of this lake covers the last 19 kyr, has an excellent chronological control, and was already extensively studied by pollen and charcoal analyses at high temporal resolution.

We present first results of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Moossee sediments covering the Mid and Late Holocene in 30-year resolution. PAHs are a relatively new, innovative proxy showing great potential to investigate fire characteristics and to corroborate charcoal data, since their composition varies depending on multiple factors, such as combustion temperature, intensity, and distance.

Our newly obtained PAH dataset generally agrees with the existing charcoal record from Moossee, although the PAH concentrations reveal a stronger variability in paleofires especially during pre-Roman times (i.e., prior to ~2500 cal. yr BP) where charcoal concentrations are low. However, we find high PAH concentrations during Late Iron Age (~2200 cal. yr BP) coinciding with higher charcoal concentrations related to the founding of a settlement at Bern. PAHs are dominated by low molecular weight compounds (molecular mass 152 to 202) until ~1300 cal. yr BP. The predominance of light PAHs together with low microscopic charcoal concentrations likely indicates local fire activity. This is also supported by new spatial calibrations suggesting that the distribution of light PAHs is spatially rather limited (Vachula et al., 2022, Paleo3). With the beginning of the Middle Ages (~1300 cal. yr BP), high molecular weight PAHs (molecular mass 252 to 278) are dominant documenting higher burning temperatures and increasing regional fire intensity, which is in line with increased charcoal influx. This coincides with increasing human impact across the Swiss Plateau. A massive increase of PAHs with a simultaneous drop in charcoal concentrations since 150 cal. yr BP can be attributed to the industrialization and the combustion of fossil fuels.

In conclusion, our preliminary high-resolution PAH dataset from Moossee provides valuable new information that are only partly recorded by the already existing charcoal and pollen data. Thus, PAHs have great potential for studying paleofire history at Moossee, although more evaluation of the PAHs and their differences to charcoal is necessary. During the upcoming months, we will extend this PAH dataset with high-resolution compound-specific deuterium analyses on leaf waxes to further investigate links between hydroclimatic dynamics, environmental changes and the presence of paleofires at Moossee.

How to cite: Rittmeier, L., Prochnow, M., Strobel, P., Bliedtner, M., Rey, F., Tinner, W., and Zech, R.: Refining Holocene environmental change and human impacts at Moossee, Switzerland, by exploring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as innovative proxies for paleofire, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16656,, 2024.

Harry Roberts, Luke Andrews, Leeli Amon, Atko Heinsalu, Piotr Kołaczek, Katarzyna Marcisz, Michał Słowiński, Normunds Stivrins, Siim Veski, and Mariusz Lamentowicz

Peatlands are important ecosystems for carbon storage, storing an estimated 25-30% of global soil carbon despite covering just 3% of Earth’s terrestrial surface. These ecosystems are under increasing pressure due to human activity and climate change, which threaten to turn peatlands from being carbon stores to sources. Human activities such as peat draining are extremely damaging to peatland hydrology, and fire was often used by people as a tool for land management clearance in the past. Fire is one of the foremost forces impacting peatlands, as it destroys surface peat and the subsequent release of stored carbon. Fire frequency is predicted to increase due to more frequent and severe droughts in some areas, and increasing human activity in areas where peat can form (particularly in the Northern Hemisphere). These trends, if realised, can accelerate climate warming as previously stored carbon is released into the atmosphere.

The focus of this study, Mustjärve bog, is an ombrotrophic peat bog located in northwest Estonia. Our project aims to assess changes in peatland fire regimes, vegetation dynamics, and hydrology to evaluate how the resilience of the site has changed over time within the context of relative changes in climate and human activity. A peat core was analysed using multiple palaeoecological proxies at high resolution (1 cm contiguous samples), to reconstruct past fire frequency, vegetation, and hydrological change over the past ~2500 years at the site. We also used historical data (population, past climate, and archaeological records) to better understand the drivers of changes uncovered in the palaeoecological record.

Our data reveals a distinct anthropogenic signal from ~700 CE onwards, coincident with increasing population and expanding land exploitation. Human activity from ~700 CE to ~1800 CE causes an increase in local fire events, culminating in lowered carbon accumulation rates, lowered water tables and higher peat bulk density. This trend continued until ~1950 CE, when there was a recovery in carbon accumulation and water table depth. Mustjärve’s vegetation history was predominantly Sphagnum, with Sphagnum Sect. Acutifolia indicative of drier conditions becoming much more prevalent from ca. 200 BC onwards, possibly owing to changes in water table depth. In the last 150 years, arboreal taxa such as Pinus sylvestris and Betula nana have encroached onto the bog, reflecting a decreasing water table and increased human activity that has impacted hydrological conditions, such as peat draining. We find little evidence for a significant climate influence on Mustjärve bog, as anthropogenic pressures on the site appear to dominate over the palaeoclimatic signal.

How to cite: Roberts, H., Andrews, L., Amon, L., Heinsalu, A., Kołaczek, P., Marcisz, K., Słowiński, M., Stivrins, N., Veski, S., and Lamentowicz, M.: Impact of human activity and fire on vegetation, hydrology, and carbon accumulation in Mustjärve bog, Northwest Estonia (PEATFLAMES), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8157,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X5

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Sebastian F.M. Breitenbach, Maria Fernanda Sanchez Goñi
Mesut Kolbüken, Demet Biltekin, Ali Engin Aksu, Richard Hiscott, Bülent Arıkan, and Nurettin Yakupoğlu

Pollen analysis of the MAR03-02 core from the Aegean Sea (38°03.97'N, 26°22.30'E), western Türkiye allows us to reconstruct paleo-vegetation patterns and paleo-climate dynamics of the surrounding territory since the Late Glacial Period. We present palynological record from the topmost 2.8 m of a sediment core (MAR03-02) collected in the Aegean Sea, covering the last 20.7 ka. Variation in Mediterranean/temperate forests and herb/step plants indicates major climatic shifts connected to Heinrich Stadial 1, Bølling-Allerød, Younger Dryas, and the Holocene Climatic Optimum as well as some Rapid Climate Changes such as the 9.4, 8.2 and 5.9 ka events, Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age during the Holocene. In the cold and dry periods, low Arboreal Pollen (AP) and high amounts of herbaceous and steppe plants, including Artemisia, Cyperaceae, and Asteraceae Chichorioideae were recorded.  In warmer periods, high AP which was mainly characterized by deciduous Quercus, and low herbaceous/steppe plants dominated in the region. A warm-temperate and Mediterranean trees, consisted of mainly deciduous Quercus and Quercus ilex-type, reached the maximum level from the onset of the Holocene to 6 ka, which corresponded to the Holocene Climate Optimum. The pollen records show similarities with regional proxy records. Anthropogenic impacts occurred clearly during the last 2 ka when cultivated plants become prominent in the pollen records (e.g. Olea europea and Pistacia).

How to cite: Kolbüken, M., Biltekin, D., Aksu, A. E., Hiscott, R., Arıkan, B., and Yakupoğlu, N.: Vegetation and Climate Patterns of Western Türkiye since the Late Glacial Period Based on Pollen Records in the Aegean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6575,, 2024.

Zhao Wang, Jonathan Smolen, Aida Zyba, Erica A. Scarpitti, Jessica L. Oster, Isabel P. Montañez, and Michael Hren

Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) cycles had profound impacts on climates of the northern hemisphere in the last glacial period. However, knowledge of terrestrial climatic responses in western North America and consequently vegetation responses to climatic extremes (e.g., highly variable paleohydroclimate and wildfire events) remains limited. Analysis of organic molecular traces (i.e., plant lipids and fire markers) in speleothems is one of the most promising ways to investigate feedbacks between climatic extremes and vegetation changes. Fire-derived markers, such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and levoglucosan (LG), a derivative of plant cellulose burning, are increasingly applied as proxies of paleofires in speleothem records. Here, we present a new record of plant lipids, LG, and PAHs from a precisely dated and well-studied stalagmite (~55-67 ka) collected from McLean’s Cave (ML-2) in the Sierra Nevada foothills, CA (Oster et al. 2014). The variation of PAHs over the interval 62 to 67 ka corresponds with variations in stalagmite δ13C during the D-O stadials and interstadials 15-18. The highest concentration of low (≤ 4 rings) and high (≥ 5 rings) molecular weight PAHs as well as LG is found between ~64.25-63.75 ka, suggesting elevated wildfire events during D-O interstadial 18. Dehydroabietic acid (abietane-type acid) is predominantly produced from conifers, and its highest concentration occurs at 63.75 ka and then decreases from 63.5 to 62 ka. The study of modern plants (e.g., Kozłowska et al., 2022) shows that abietane-type acid accumulates at lower radiation and cooler climates and declines in heat and drought due to its antioxidative role in protecting cell membranes from stress-induced damage. The variation of dehydroabietic acid followed the changes in stalagmite δ13C between 64 and 62 ka (Oster et al., 2014), implying changes in coniferous input affected by the wet and dry cycles (D-O stadials and interstadial 18). This highlights the ability of organic molecular records archived in stalagmites to capture the links between wildfire activity, vegetation, and hydroclimate in central California during D-O cycles.   


Kozłowska, W., Matkowski, A., Zielińska, S., 2022. Light Intensity and Temperature Effect on Salvia yangii (B. T. Drew) Metabolic Profile in vitro. Frontiers in Plant Science 13.

Oster, J.L., Montañez, I.P., Mertz-Kraus, R., Sharp, W.D., Stock, G.M., Spero, H.J., Tinsley, J., Zachos, J.C., 2014. Millennial-scale variations in western Sierra Nevada precipitation during the last glacial cycle MIS 4/3 transition. Quaternary Research 82, 236–248.

How to cite: Wang, Z., Smolen, J., Zyba, A., Scarpitti, E. A., Oster, J. L., Montañez, I. P., and Hren, M.: Variations of fire events and vegetation in the western Sierra Nevada archived in speleothems during Dansgaard–Oeschger (D–O) cycles , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11926,, 2024.