ST4.9 | The transformative role of LEO satellites for studying the geospace dynamics
The transformative role of LEO satellites for studying the geospace dynamics
Co-organized by EMRP2
Convener: Artem Smirnov | Co-conveners: Fabricio Prol, Solene Lejosne, Alessio Pignalberi, David Themens
| Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–17:55 (CEST)
Room 0.16
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X3
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X3
Orals |
Tue, 16:15
Tue, 10:45
Tue, 14:00
Over the last 20 years, numerous spacecraft have been launched into near-Earth space. In particular, the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) is becoming an increasingly popular destination for new missions. There are many advantages of utilizing the LEO orbit, such as the relatively low launch costs, close proximity to the Earth – crucial for studying the atmosphere-ionosphere system, as well as for geomagnetic field observations – and a more rapid turnover of spacecraft which allows to keep up with state-of-the-art technology. The LEO orbit is now home to over 3000 satellites, and the total number of spacecraft is set to substantially increase in the following years. The LEO missions have provided enormous volumes of data, and offer unprecedented opportunities for transforming our knowledge of various regions and processes within the geospace.

This session focuses on the analysis and interpretation of new data sets collected by LEO satellites, including CubeSats, and their possible use for modeling and applications related to Space Weather. We invite contributions that analyze the ionosphere-thermosphere-magnetosphere system, effects of particle precipitation, and geomagnetic field measurements, among other topics. Studies using both in-situ and remote sensing observations are encouraged. This session is also open to exploring novel data sets that were previously inaccessible, including commercial data recently released to the public, as well as data sets where scientific applications arose as unintended by-products of other analyses. Studies involving multi-spacecraft analysis are particularly encouraged. Additionally, submissions related to concept and Observations System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) studies for new and planned missions are welcome.

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room 0.16

Chairpersons: Artem Smirnov, Solene Lejosne
On-site presentation
Robyn Millan and Sasha Ukhorskiy and the CINEMA Science Team

Low-altitude measurements provide a unique vantage point for studying processes occurring in the magnetosphere, taking advantage of the fact that energetic particles move quickly along magnetic field lines. Low-Earth-orbiting (LEO) polar satellites can sample a vast volume of space as they rapidly traverse magnetic field lines, obtaining a radial snapshot of the entire magnetotail in minutes. CINEMA (Cross-scale INvestigation of Earth's Magnetotail and Aurora) is a NASA Small Explorer mission concept with the overarching goal to understand the role of plasma sheet structure and evolution in Earth’s multiscale magnetospheric convection cycle. How the magnetotail maintains steady convection, and when and how it decides to explosively release stored energy, are major unsolved mysteries of space physics. CINEMA’s nine satellites in LEO polar orbits each carry an on-board imager, particle sensors, and magnetometers, and quickly traverse the low-altitude footprint of the magnetotail, capturing its evolution at different scales. CINEMA obtains information about the structure of the magnetotail remotely through its imprint on particle pitch-angle distributions, providing an unprecedented view of particle isotropy boundaries. Mesoscale aurora and bursty energetic particle precipitation serve as tracers of specific mesoscale and kinetic-scale dynamics. Field-aligned currents (FACs) that connect the magnetotail to the ionosphere are sensed by measuring magnetic field variations at each satellite. Together, these observations reveal the physics underlying multiscale magnetotail convection.

How to cite: Millan, R. and Ukhorskiy, S. and the CINEMA Science Team: Remote-Sensing Magnetotail Dynamics from Low Earth Orbit with CINEMA, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4783,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Shri Kanekal

We describe the ELectron Microburst Observatory mission, ELMO  which is proposed as  a
CubeSat constellation mission to fully characterize microburst event spatial extent systematically for the first time both in latitude  and longitude. ELMO comprises 4 CubeSats two per orbit plane in two orbit planes. ELMO will fly in a high inclination LEO at about 500 km in altitude. The CubeSats will systematically separate both in latitude and longitude over the mission lifetime and will carry MERIT, Miniaturized Electron and Proton Telescope as the the payload. MERIT has been built,tested and delivered  to fly on NASA's HERMES, Lunar Gateway mission. MERIT is a solid state detector particle telescope with two identical sensor heads pointed zenith- and nadir-wards enabling measurement of both downgpoing and upwelling electrons thereby accurately estimating  electron precipitation into the atmosphere.  MERIT  will measure electron and protons over a wide energy range in multiple differential channels with a very time resolution of less than 4 ms.    

ELMO will quantify for the first time the contribution of microbursts to radiation belt electron loss using systematic coordinated multipoint measurements. Energetic electron precipitation affects atmospheric chemistry and therefore climate change. ELMO measures
microbursts with unprecedented time and energy resolution. ELMO provides critical knowledge of electron loss processes required for quantitative prediction of global electron fluxes.

How to cite: Kanekal, S.: ELMO: ELectron Microburst Observatory mission to study microbursts, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6388,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andrew Yau, Victoria Foss, Andrew Howarth, Marzena Kastyak-Ibrahim, and Andrew White

The Swarm-E/Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe (e-POP) is in an elliptic (non-circular) and non-Sun-synchronous polar orbit (81° inclination, 325 km perigee × 1500 km initial apogee). This gives the satellite a unique vantage point among LEO satellites for observing plasma and related space weather processes in the topside ionosphere and thermosphere, especially the altitude variations of specific physical phenomena. The imaging and rapid-scanning ion mass spectrometer (IRM) on Swarm E combines the technique of ion time-of-flight (TOF), hemispherical electrostatic analysis, and 2D positional ion detection (imaging) to resolve the mass-per-charge (M/q), energy-per-charge (E/q), and incident direction of each detected ion, and to simultaneously measure the incident plasma current at high (1-ms) cadence. Data acquired over the 8-year period from launch (September 2013) to December 2021 has enabled the quantitative investigation of several important magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere (MIT) coupling processes and the altitude distributions and variations of the resulting plasma composition, structure, and dynamics in the F-region and topside ionosphere-thermosphere. These include the effects of atmospheric photoelectrons on spacecraft charging, molecular and nitrogen (N+) ion enhancements in the active-time auroral ionosphere, and decameter-scale structures in equatorial plasma bubbles, for example. We present an overview of investigations of the long- (solar-cycle time scale) and short-term (down to substorm time scale) variations of the various observed features and associated phenomena in the context of their impact on MIT coupling.

How to cite: Yau, A., Foss, V., Howarth, A., Kastyak-Ibrahim, M., and White, A.: Investigation of Plasma Composition and Small-Scale Density Irregularities on a Non-circular and Non-Sun-Synchronous Polar Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) Satellite: Swarm-E e-POP Observations in the F-region and Topside Ionosphere-Thermosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6986,, 2024.

On-site presentation
John Coxon, Sarah Vines, Steve Milan, and Brian Anderson

Iridium satellites in low-Earth orbit have transformed our knowledge of geospace by enabling the AMPERE dataset. We employ AMPERE data from October 2009 to December 2021 to examine the interhemispheric asymmetry in Birkeland currents over the span of a solar cycle. We take daily averages of the upward and downward current in both hemispheres and examine the systematic asymmetry by removing the seasonal trend. We find that Birkeland currents are stronger in the Northern Hemisphere than in the South after removing the seasonal trend, consistent with Coxon et al. (2016). We explore how this asymmetry manifests over a solar cycle and compare the variation of the asymmetry to other parameters.

How to cite: Coxon, J., Vines, S., Milan, S., and Anderson, B.: The asymmetry towards stronger Birkeland currents in the Northern Hemisphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11337,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jeng-Hwa Yee, Jesper Gjerloev, Nelofar Mosavi-Hoyer, Rebecca Wind-Kelly, William Swartz, and Sidharth Misra

EZIE, the Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer, is a NASA three-Cubesat Heliophysics mission scheduled to launch in late 2024 or early 2025. It employs four downward and cross-track looking miniaturized radiometers on each of the 6U CubeSat, flying in a pearls-on-a-string managed formation, to measure, for the first time, the two-dimensional structure and the temporal evolution of the electrojets flowing at altitudes of ~100–130 km. The four identical radiometers simultaneously measure polarimetric radiances of the molecular oxygen thermal emission at 118 GHz and employs the Zeeman sensing technique to obtain the current-induced magnetic field vectors at ~80 km, an altitude region very close to the electrojet.  This measurement technique allows for the remote sensing of the meso-scale structure of the electrojets at four different cross-track locations simultaneously at altitudes notoriously difficult to measure in situ. The compact 118-GHz heterodyne spectropolarimeters leverage technologies demonstrated by NASA’s TEMPEST-D and CubeRRT missions and the CubeSat bus from RAVAN, CAT, TEMPEST-D, and CubeRRT. Differential drag maneuvers are used to manage satellite along-track temporal separation to within 2–10 minutes between adjacent satellite to record the electrojet temporal evolution without the need for on-board propulsion. The combination of the sensing technique, compact instrument and Cubesat technologies allow EZIE to cost-effectively obtain never-before “mesoscale” measurements needed to understand how the solar wind energies stored in the magnetosphere are transferred to the thermosphere and ionosphere.  In this paper, we will present an overview of the EZIE mission, its science objectives, the Zeeman sensing technique employed, and the measurement products to be provided.

How to cite: Yee, J.-H., Gjerloev, J., Mosavi-Hoyer, N., Wind-Kelly, R., Swartz, W., and Misra, S.: Overview of the EZIE (Electrojet Zeeman Imaging Explorer) Mission, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11988,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andrew Howarth, Andrew Yau, Paul Bernhardt, Gordon James, David Knudsen, Richard Langley, and David Miles

From the vantage point of an elliptic, polar, low-earth orbit (81o inclination, 325 km x 1500 km initial apogee/perigee), CASSIOPE/Swarm-Echo has been observing the ionosphere-thermosphere system for over ten years. The Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe (e-POP) payload onboard collects data on space weather and related phenomena, including measurements of the local magnetic field, low-energy ion and electron energy distributions, high-frequency radio waves (natural and man-made), GPS signals, and aurora. These observations from a non-sun-synchronous orbit over a range of altitudes constitutes a unique data set that allows for investigation of the earth’s magnetic field and related current systems, upper atmospheric dynamics, auroral dynamics, and related coupling processes among the magnetosphere, ionosphere, thermosphere, and plasmasphere. This presentation will highlight the discoveries of the ten years of e-POP operation, including recent work on plasma waves generated by moving charged space objects and machine-learning techniques applied to analysis of magnetic field data and auroral images. We will also present some of the new Swarm-Echo data products and system tools available for use and look at the future direction of both the mission and the evolving data set.

How to cite: Howarth, A., Yau, A., Bernhardt, P., James, G., Knudsen, D., Langley, R., and Miles, D.: Ten Years of Low-Earth Orbit Observations from CASSIOPE/Swarm-Echo, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12382,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Louis Ozeke, Ian Mann, Christopher Cully, David Milling, Michael Lipsett, Robert Ranking, Kathryn McWilliams, Robyn Fiori, David Cullen, Robert Fedosejevs, Greg Enno, Robert Zee, Martin Conners, William Ward, Leonid Olifer, Robert Marshall, David Barona, Andrew Yau, and Andrew Howarth

The RADiation Impacts on Climate and Atmospheric Loss Satellite (RADICALS) is a low-Earth orbiting Canadian small satellite mission investigating the transport of space radiation into the atmosphere, and its impact on Earth’s climate. Scheduled for launch in late 2026, the mission will launch into a polar orbit with an integrated payload comprising two back-to-back look direction High Energy Particle (HEP) telescopes, an X-Ray Imager (XRI) to remote sense energetic particle precipitation using back-scattered Bremsstrahlung X-rays, and a boom mounted FluxGate Magnetometer (FGM) and Search Coil Magnetometer (SCM). Using an innovative Thomson spin-stabilized configuration, the satellite will sample the pitch angle distributions in the spin-plane twice per spin. The back-to-back HEP look directions allow for a contemporaneous view of the down-going and back-scattered up-going electrons, at the same time as XRI remote-senses the related Bremsstrahlung, and the magnetometers provide in-situ magnetic signatures of a range of plasma waves. The key measurement of the pitch angle resolved energetic electron precipitation (EEP) and related back-scatter, including a resolved loss cone, will allow a detailed assessment of the energetic particle energy input to the atmosphere. Measurements of EEP, in addition to measurements of solar energetic particle (SEP) precipitation, will represent a critical data set for assessing the role of space radiation in the climate system, for example through the catalytic destruction of ozone in the middle atmosphere by NOx and HOx. Accurately quantifying the impacts of this space radiation on climate requires accurate and loss cone-resolved characterization of the flux of these precipitating energetic particles for inclusion into whole atmosphere models. The RADICALS explorer will also enable research into potentially catastrophic space-weather radiation effects on satellite infrastructure, and assess impacts on space weather-related interruptions to high frequency radio communications including in relation to aircraft operations in polar regions. Additional cube- and micro-satellite missions, together with the RADICALS, could form a powerful mini--constellation exploring the space weather-climate system.

How to cite: Ozeke, L., Mann, I., Cully, C., Milling, D., Lipsett, M., Ranking, R., McWilliams, K., Fiori, R., Cullen, D., Fedosejevs, R., Enno, G., Zee, R., Conners, M., Ward, W., Olifer, L., Marshall, R., Barona, D., Yau, A., and Howarth, A.: The RADiation Impacts on Climate and Atmospheric Loss Satellite (RADICALS) Mission, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13334,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jeffrey Thayer, Marcin Pilinski, Eric Sutton, Zach Waldron, and Vishal Ray

The charge to the space science community is to improve specification and forecast of the low Earth orbit (LEO) space environment to provide reliable collision avoidance and risk assessment analyses for space traffic management and reduce the number of false conjunction warnings. The challenge is that the prediction of LEO object trajectories is severely limited. This is due primarily to poorly captured variability in neutral density estimates during space weather events, resulting in large and variable position errors of all resident space objects across LEO. To improve operations in LEO, the specification and forecast of the thermosphere neutral mass density must improve.

Most recently launched LEO satellites are equipped with global navigation satellite system (GNSS) devices, making them excellent sources of continuous orbit ephemeris to enable precision orbit determination (POD). Many are also equipped with attitude and vehicle knowledge to allow for the construction of an accurate force model. Combining these “data of opportunity” from LEO satellites with POD processing tools offers the possibility of extracting thermospheric mass density information regularly and globally from the multitude of GNSS-equipped LEO satellites in operation today.

This talk explores this possible trove of LEO space environment data by investigating methods and providing specificity to the level of data information required to provide useful mass density outcomes. The ICESAT-2 spacecraft is used as a test vehicle for this type of analysis. The NASA GSFC GEODYN POD software is employed to produce precise science orbits for the ICESAT-2 spacecraft. These precise science orbits are then used to extract mass density estimates along specified orbital arcs. Simulation is also employed to address the potential errors of system requirements and how they can influence the thermospheric mass density estimate from LEO spacecraft. The future GDC mission will also be highlighted as a much-needed LEO space environment resource for direct multi-point measurements of the thermospheric gas and ionospheric plasma. These direct neutral measurements will enable a careful validation of POD-extracted densities. By fully characterizing all free-stream parameters, GDC is also a well-equipped constellation for studying the gas-surface interactions critical for drag research.

How to cite: Thayer, J., Pilinski, M., Sutton, E., Waldron, Z., and Ray, V.: LEO Satellites as Sensors for Thermospheric Mass Density and Drag Research  , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14017,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lorenzo Bigagli and the SBUDNIC Team (2)

SBUDNIC is a student-managed project that demonstrated the potential for efficient, inexpensive, open-source satellite design and production by (1) launching a 3U CubeSat with a reproducible parts cost of 6.210 USD; (2) completing design, development, and testing within 14 months; and (3) doing this in a team of under 30 undergraduate and graduate students with no prior Space systems experience.

SBUDNIC’s low unit cost precluded the use of most Space-qualified components, leading to novel subsystem designs that deviated from industry practices. A particularly important contribution to Space technology was a Kapton drag sail designed to stabilize SBUDNIC and accelerate its deorbiting.

Over SBUDNIC's lifetime, the team used publicly available positioning data (collected by the United States Space Force, and as compiled and shared on to monitor the trajectory of SBUDNIC and the other 3U satellites that launched with it. SBUDNIC's reentry from 550 km was swift, especially in comparison to the 3U reference satellites: it occurred on August 10, 2023, after only 441 days in Space. By comparison, the orbit of the 3U reference satellites decayed around 50 kilometers over that same time span. SBUDNIC's rapid decay therefore suggests that the drag sail was effective and functioned to purpose. SBUDNIC’s deorbit was 95% faster than anticipated by pre-launch engineering simulations, suggesting a far-higher-than-average atmospheric density at its altitude, likely influenced by heightened solar activity, although further investigation might identify additional contributing factors to such accelerated descent.

SBUDNIC's key goal of making Space exploration more accessible is not limited to the availability of the parts used. The entire satellite project follows the Open Architecture philosophy, and significant effort was made to engage student and hobbyist communities with the mission. The timely program execution, launch, and subsequent deorbit of SBUDNIC demonstrated techniques for manufacture and design that can facilitate low-cost, short-timeline satellite programs for many applications. Additionally, SBUDNIC's orbital decay data sets, though unintended, offer scientific value for Space Weather studies, underscoring the potential of LEO satellites in understanding geospace dynamics.

The SBUDNIC project was a collaboration between the National Research Council of Italy and the Brown University School of Engineering, with support from D-Orbit, AMSAT-Italy, La Sapienza-University of Rome and NASA Rhode Island Space Grant.

How to cite: Bigagli, L. and the SBUDNIC Team (2): Demonstrating the accessibility of Space with SBUDNIC, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19763,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Angelica M. Castillo Tibocha, Yuri Y. Shprits, Nikita A. Aseev, Artem Smirnov, Alexander Drozdov, Sebastian Cervantes Cervantes, Ingo Michaelis, Marina Garcı́a Peñaranda, and Dedong Wang

Understanding the dynamics of energetic electrons in the radiation belts is key to protect space borne equipment and astronauts on-board spacecraft missions. Therefore, global reconstruction of the near-Earth radiation environment should be available at all times, radial distances and geomagnetic latitudes. Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites provide a large data set of rapid observations of the radiation belt region over a wide range of magnetic local times (MLT). However, the use of this data set is rather complicated due to possible proton contamination of electron fluxes and the observation of electron precipitation, leading to high variability of electron measurements, considerable instrumental errors and the need for background correction. In this study, we present a new intercalibration method for satellite measurements of energetic electrons in the radiation belt region using a data assimilation approach. Our aim is to intercalibrate the electron flux measurements of the POES satellites NOAA-15,-16,-17,-18,-19 and MetOp-02 against RBSP observations for the period October 2012 to December 2013. For this, we use a reanalysis of the radiation belt region, obtained by assimilating RBSP and GOES electron data into 3-D Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB-3D) code simulations via a standard Kalman filter. Since the reanalysis provides global reconstruction of the state of the system. We compare the POES/MetOp data with our reanlysis and estimate the flux ratios at each time, location and energy. These ratios are averaged over time and space to obtain energy dependent recalibration coefficients. In order to validate our results, we perform a traditional conjunction study between POES/MetOp satellites and the Van Allen probes. Similarly, we estimate flux ratios for all the found conjunctions and calculate the corresponding energy dependent recalibration coefficients. The conjunction coefficients and the DA estimated coefficients show very good agreement. Additionally, the use of data assimilation allows for improved statistics, as the number of possible ratios is considerably improved. The recalibration coefficients estimated using the our data assimilation approach leads to good resemblance and agreement between the recalibrated POES/MetOp data set and the RBSP observations.

How to cite: Castillo Tibocha, A. M., Shprits, Y. Y., Aseev, N. A., Smirnov, A., Drozdov, A., Cervantes, S. C., Michaelis, I., Garcı́a Peñaranda, M., and Wang, D.: Can we intercalibrate satellite measurements by means of data assimilation? An attempt on LEO satellites, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20341,, 2024.

Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X3

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr 12:30
Ashley Smith, Martin Pačes, and Daniel Santillan and the ESA & Swarm DISC

VirES is an ESA service which was been developed to support the goals of the Swarm mission, providing a number of mechanisms for accessing and working with Swarm products. It has since been extended to cover other LEO datasets under the Swarm umbrella: calibrated platform magnetometer data from Cryosat-2, GRACE, GRACE-FO, GOCE, as well as INTERMAGNET ground observatory data, with plans for more. We provide a graphical web interface (currently only supporting Swarm data) [1], API-based access via both the OGC standards and the HAPI specification [2], a Python client [3], and a Jupyter-powered cloud environment (so-called Virtual Research Environment - VRE) and associated notebook collection [4]. Through these connected approaches, we provide a variety of pathways for interaction with the data and models (see also: the Swarm data handbook [5]).

Swarm activities are shifting to toolboxes and on-demand processing (to interactively deliver higher-level products), more open-source software, and more connection with other datasets and data providers. We provide some of these Python tools preinstalled in the VRE alongside other thematic libraries, and are developing SwarmPAL [6] in collaboration with the Swarm community.

These works contain contributions from EOX IT Services and many people across ESA, Swarm DISC, and the wider community.


How to cite: Smith, A., Pačes, M., and Santillan, D. and the ESA & Swarm DISC: The VirES service as a platform for accessing and analysing geomagnetic data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10946,, 2024.

Solène Lejosne, David Auslander, John Bonnell, Scott Candey, Dave Klumpar, Tatsuyoshi Kurumiya, Neli Montalvo, David Pankow, John Sample, and Van Vu

No instrument is currently capable of consistently measuring all three components of the DC and low frequency electric field (E-field) throughout the heliosphere with sufficient accuracy to determine the smallest, and most geophysically relevant component: the E-field component parallel to the background magnetic field. E-field measurements in the heliosphere are usually made on spinning spacecraft equipped with two disparate types of double probe antennas: (1) long wire booms in the spin plane, and (2) ~10 times shorter rigid booms along the spin axis. On such systems, the potential difference (signal + noise) is divided by the boom length to produce a resultant E-field component. Because the spacecraft-associated errors are larger nearer the spacecraft, the spin plane components of the E-field are well measured while the spin axis component are poorly measured. As a result, uncertainty in the parallel E-field is usually greater than its measured value. The new design proposed by the Grotifer team is a way to overcome this difficulty. It consists of mounting detectors on two rotating plates, oriented at 90 degrees with respect to each other, on a non-rotating central body. Each rotating plate has two component measurements of the E-field such that the Twin Orthogonal Rotating Platforms provide four instantaneous measurements of the E-field, and the three E-field components are well-measured by the rotating detectors. Grotifer marks a profound change in E-field instrument design that represents the best path forward to close the observational gap that currently hampers resolution of significant science questions at the forefront of space plasma physics research. Here, we present recent advances in the development of the Grotifer design and we demonstrate the feasibility of its implementation in a 27-U CubeSat designed for a Low Earth Orbit mission.

How to cite: Lejosne, S., Auslander, D., Bonnell, J., Candey, S., Klumpar, D., Kurumiya, T., Montalvo, N., Pankow, D., Sample, J., and Vu, V.: Grotifer: a Profound Change in the Double-Probe Instrument Design to Provide Highly Accurate Three-Component Electric Field Measurements throughout the Heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13910,, 2024.

Artem Smirnov, Yuri Shprits, Hermann Lühr, Alessio Pignalberi, and Chao Xiong

    The European Space Agency's Swarm constellation consists of three spacecraft (A, B, and C). Each of the satellites is equipped with a Langmuir probe (LP), which measures ion densities and temperatures. The LP processing assumes that the plasma consists exclusively of oxygen ions, which leads to the nighttime overestimation of plasma densities due to non-negligible influence of light ions that is not accounted for in the LP processing. Each of the Swarm satellites also provides electron density measurements by the Faceplate (FP), which is part of the Thermal Ion Imager (TII) suite. The FP densities do not depend on assumptions of the plasma composition. In this study, we use the FP densities as a reference, in order to calibrate the LP observations. We model the ratio of FP to LP data using neural networks. We create three models, for each of the satellites, and are able to produce, even from sparse observations, correction factors for Swarm LP densities. The proposed correction exhibits significant variations based on local time, season, altitude, and solar activity, consistent with the presence of light ions due to the downward ambipolar diffusion from plasmasphere. The developed model resolves the nighttime overestimation by Swarm-LP. The corrected LP data are in excellent agreement with COSMIC radio occultation observations, and can be used for numerous applications including empirical modeling of the topside ionosphere.

How to cite: Smirnov, A., Shprits, Y., Lühr, H., Pignalberi, A., and Xiong, C.: Neural network-based calibration of Swarm Langmuir Probe ion densities, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17736,, 2024.

Martin Fillion, Patrick Alken, Gary Egbert, Astrid Maute, Gang Lu, and Kevin Pham

The study and modeling of Earth’s ionospheric electric currents and of the associated magnetic fields is fundamental for geomagnetic field modeling, and for the study of ionosphere coupling with the neutral atmosphere and the magnetosphere. Ionospheric electric currents, which exist during both quiet and disturbed geomagnetic activity periods, can be studied using magnetic field measurements from ground magnetic observatories and satellites. Modeling these currents during geomagnetic storms is particularly challenging due to the limited data available combined with high time-space variations during such events. In this study, we propose a new approach to modeling the storm-time ionospheric electric currents and magnetic fields. The approach relies on a joint utilization of magnetic data and the physics-based Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIEGCM). The TIEGCM time-space variations are first analyzed using a toroidal-poloidal decomposition of the magnetic field. To extract a priori information on the 3D spatial structure of the ionospheric magnetic field, principal component analysis is next applied to the spherical harmonics coefficients to obtain a small number of spatial modes that represent a substantial amount of magnetic field spatial variations. Temporal variations are represented by temporal modes computed with ground observatory data following Egbert et al. (2021). The entire procedure can be carried out in the frequency domain to account for induced fields. Spatial and temporal modes can be combined to parametrized the magnetic field measured by the Swarm satellites and the model coefficients estimated by solving an inverse problem. We present preliminary results obtained with this approach for the geomagnetic storm of September 2017.

How to cite: Fillion, M., Alken, P., Egbert, G., Maute, A., Lu, G., and Pham, K.: A new approach to modeling the time-space variations of ionospheric electric currents and magnetic fields during the September 2017 geomagnetic storm, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4009,, 2024.

Investigation of atmospheric drag effect on the trajectory of identified LEO objects and its implication on ISS safety during the 25th solar cycle
(withdrawn after no-show)
Victor Nwankwo, Jens Berdermann, Frank Heymann, Timothy Kodikara, Liangliang Yuan, and Isabel Fernandez-Gomez
Pouya Pourkarim and David Knudsen
Ionospheric Pedersen conductance ∑P can be remotely measured using electric and perturbation magnetic fields measured above the high – latitude ionosphere, subject to assumptions of sheet – like current systems, quasi – static electric and magnetic fields, neglect of magnetic perturbations generated by Hall currents, and locally constant ∑P (Sugiura et al., 1982). Using Swarm measurements, we see large variability and lower – than expected magnitudes at small scales, and dawn – dusk asymmetries in large scales of ∑P upon comparison with existing models and results. To rectify the observed discrepancies, we revisit the underlying assumptions, provide root – cause analysis, and discuss the implications.

How to cite: Pourkarim, P. and Knudsen, D.: Ionospheric Conductance Derived from Satellite Measurments: Limitations and Implications, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6566,, 2024.

Rayan Imam, Yuhao Zheng, Luca Spogli, Lucilla Alfonsi, Claudio Cesaroni, Chao Xiong, Yaqi Jin, Lasse B. N. Clausen, Alan Wood, and Wojciech J. Miloch

Irregularities in the plasma density in the ionosphere affect trans-ionospheric radio signals, resulting in fluctuations in the amplitude and phase of these signals, known as amplitude and phase scintillations. We recently developed a model that relies on ESA’s Swarm constellation to estimate the amplitude scintillation index (S4), representing the plasma density irregularities affecting the L-band Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) signals. One of the main challenges for this model is the need for estimates/measurements of the outer scale length which, for operational considerations, must be available to the model independent of ground measurements as much as possible. In this paper, we show how this challenge was addressed.

In particular, we rely on the combined measurements from ionosondes, GNSS scintillation monitoring receivers, Swarm 16 Hz faceplate instrument, and Rino’s formula for weak scattering scenario to solve for the outer scale wave number. Then, we develop a climatological map for the outer scale wavenumber to be utilized by the Swarm S4 model.

To achieve this, we rely on conjunctions between Swarm satellites trajectories and GNSS signals paths over locations with co-located ionosondes and ionospheric monitoring GNSS scintillation receivers. We rely on models and assumptions to simplify the equations and to translate the different instruments’ measurements into their equivalent values at the phase screen height (hmF2) assumed by Rino’s formula. We detail the methodology and show the results. The outer scale length has been finally sorted into climatological in magnetic coordinates under different space weather conditions.

How to cite: Imam, R., Zheng, Y., Spogli, L., Alfonsi, L., Cesaroni, C., Xiong, C., Jin, Y., Clausen, L. B. N., Wood, A., and Miloch, W. J.: A model to estimate the L-band amplitude scintillation index from Swarm: the outer scale length assumption, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8092,, 2024.

Shradha Mohanty and M. Mainul Hoque

Low-earth orbiting (LEO) satellite missions are frequently using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Radio Occultation (RO) technique for atmospheric and ionospheric remote sensing. The application of GNSS RO technique has increased manifolds with the advent of CubeSat technology. In this study, we investigated the simultaneous occurrence of local nighttime F-layer ionospheric irregularities and amplitude scintillations in low-latitude equatorial regions using 1 Hz COSMIC-2 electron density profiles (ionPrfs) and high rate 50 Hz ionospheric profiles (conPhs) from Spire’s CubeSat constellation, respectively. Both datasets are accessed from the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) repository.

An ionospheric irregularity detection algorithm is developed using a digital non-recursive finite impulse response (FIR) high-pass filter and applied on both the electron density (Ne) and total electron content (TEC) profiles from COSMIC-2 mission. The filter operates in the s domain, where s is defined as the distance between the highest and lowest tangent point heights. If the fluctuations in Ne and TEC exceed a set threshold, the corresponding COSMIC-2 profile is identified as having irregularities. In case of Spire GNSS-RO profiles, scintillation events are identified when the amplitude scintillation index (S4) at GPS L1 frequency exceeds the set threshold. COSMIC-2 and Spire datasets from September 2021 until May 2023 (20 months) are used in this long-term comparative study.

We observe a good agreement in the statistics of number of Spire and COSMIC-2 profiles detecting (showing possible signature of) scintillations/ ionospheric irregularities. Both Spire and COSMIC-2 data show that the scintillation occurrence rate is much higher during the equinoxes (spring and autumn seasons) agreeing well with existing scintillation literature. From the COSMIC-2 data alone, we also notice a direct relation with the solar activity, i.e., the number of irregularity events slowly increases as we approach the solar maximum. This study indicates the capability of LEO satellites and CubeSat missions, especially in GNSS-RO configuration, for providing an important contribution to scintillation monitoring.

How to cite: Mohanty, S. and Hoque, M. M.: Harnessing LEO and CubeSat constellations for ionospheric irregularity detection, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9669,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X3

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr 18:00
Constantinos Papadimitriou, Georgios Balasis, Adamantia Zoe Boutsi, Stelios Potirakis, Ioannis A. Daglis, and Omiros Giannakis

In November 2023, the ESA Swarm constellation mission celebrated 10 years in orbit, offering one of the best-ever surveys of the topside ionosphere. Among other important achievements, it has been recently demonstrated that Swarm data can be used to derive space-based geomagnetic activity indices. These can be used like the standard ground-based geomagnetic indices for monitoring magnetic storm and magnetospheric substorm activity. Given the fact that the official ground-based index for the substorm activity (i.e., the Auroral Electrojet – AE index) is constructed by data from 12 ground stations, solely in the northern hemisphere, it can be said that this index is predominantly northern, while the Swarm-derived AE index may be more representative of a global state, since it is based on measurements from both hemispheres. Recently, many novel concepts originated in time series analysis based on information theory have been developed, partly motivated by specific research questions linked to various domains of geosciences, including space physics. Here, we apply information theory approaches (i.e., Hurst exponent and a variety of entropy measures) to analyze the Swarm-derived magnetic indices around intense magnetic storms. We show the applicability of information theory to study the dynamical complexity of the upper atmosphere, through highlighting the temporal transition from the quiet-time to the storm-time magnetosphere, which may prove significant for space weather studies. Our results suggest that the spaceborne indices have the capacity to capture the same dynamics and behaviors, with regard to their informational content, as the traditionally used ground-based ones. A few studies have addressed the question of whether the auroras are symmetric between the northern and southern hemispheres. Therefore, the possibility to have different Swarm-derived AE indices for the northern and southern hemispheres respectively, may provide, under appropriate time series analysis techniques based on information theoretic approaches, an opportunity to further confirm the recent findings on interhemispheric asymmetry. Here, we also provide evidence for interhemispheric energy asymmetry based on the analyses of Swarm-derived auroral indices AE North and AE South.

How to cite: Papadimitriou, C., Balasis, G., Boutsi, A. Z., Potirakis, S., Daglis, I. A., and Giannakis, O.: Dynamical Complexity in Swarm-Derived Storm and Substorm Activity Indices Using Information Theory: Further Evidence for Interhemispheric Asymmetry, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18046,, 2024.