ST1.14 | Open session on the Sun and Heliosphere
Open session on the Sun and Heliosphere
Including Hannes Alfvén Medal Lecture
Including ST Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture
Convener: Olga Malandraki | Co-conveners: Konstantinos Dialynas, Ranadeep SarkarECSECS, Nour E. Raouafi, Alexis Rouillard, Volker Bothmer, Manuela Temmer
| Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room L1, Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–10:10 (CEST)
Room L1, Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room E2
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X3
Orals |
Mon, 16:15
Tue, 16:15
This session traditionally provides a forum for the discussion of all aspects of solar and heliospheric physics. Popular topics have included solar cycle dependencies of the Sun, solar wind and heliosphere, Coronal Mass Ejection research, studies of energetic particles throughout the heliosphere, and the outer boundaries of the heliosphere. We encourage contributions related to all ongoing and planned space missions, to ground-based experiments and to theoretical research. Papers presenting ideas for future space missions and experiments are very welcome in this session. The session will consist of both oral and poster presentations.

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room L1

Chairpersons: Manuela Temmer, Konstantinos Dialynas
On-site presentation
Limei Yan, Fei He, Xinan Yue, Yong Wei, Yuqi Wang, Si Chen, Kai Fan, Hui Tian, Jiansen He, Qiugang Zong, and Lidong Xia

The Maunder minimum (1645–1715 AD) is a representative grand solar minimum with highly depressed sunspot activity and coincident with the “Little Ice Age” on the Earth. Owing to the limited data quality of the currently used solar activity proxies, the cyclic solar activity variations during the Maunder minimum still need to be explored. By analyzing the red equatorial aurorae recorded in Korean historical books in the vicinity of a low-intensity paleo-West Pacific geomagnetic anomaly, we find clear evidence of an eight-year solar cycle during the Maunder minimum. This result provides a new data source on solar activity and a key constraint to theoretical solar dynamo models. It helps understand the generation mechanism of grand solar minima and the solar-terrestrial relations during the Maunder minimum.

How to cite: Yan, L., He, F., Yue, X., Wei, Y., Wang, Y., Chen, S., Fan, K., Tian, H., He, J., Zong, Q., and Xia, L.:  The eight-year solar cycle during the Maunder minimum , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15320,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Geometric formalism to account for sunspot effects on granulation size distribution
Alexey Sharov and Arnold Hanslmeier
Virtual presentation
Ismo Tähtinen, Alexei Pevtsov, Timo Asikainen, and Kalevi Mursula

A strong correlation between the intensity of chromospheric emissions and the (unsigned) photospheric magnetic field strength has been established in several studies. These studies have typically been based on line-of-sight (LOS) observations of the magnetic field, while measurements of the full 3D magnetic vector, which provide the true field strength and the orientation of magnetic field line, have not been studied in this context. Thus, the possible effect of magnetic field inclination on chromospheric emissions has remained hidden so far.

We study here how the inclination of the photospheric magnetic field, as measured by the full 3D magnetic vector from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI), affects the FUV emission at around 1600 Å from SDO Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA). We analyze 1168 co-temporal observations by the two instruments from 2014 to 2017. We focus on magnetically active regions outside the sunspots (e.g., plages and network) close to the solar disk center.

We find that the AIA 1600 Å emission typically decreases with increasing (more horizontal) inclination. For all inclinations, AIA 1600 Å emission increases with increasing magnetic field to a maximum emission and then slowly decreases for larger field strengths. Maximum emission and the related field strength decrease with inclination. Above this field strength of maximum emission, the emission decouples from the field strength and is mainly governed by inclination. For fixed AIA emission level the associated magnetic field strength decreases with inclination. The difference in the median magnetic field strength can be more than 200 G (about a factor of two) for the same emission level between almost radial (γLoc ≈ 15°) and nearly-horizontal (γLoc ≈ 60°) fields.

AIA 1600 Å emission and magnetic field inclination are bimodally distributed with constant magnetic field strength below 1000 G. One population has a high AIA emission and a roughly vertical magnetic field, the other a lower emission and a horizontal field. The population consisting of less bright pixels with horizontal field is typically found at the border of active region, while the population with bright pixels with a vertical field occupy the bulk of an active region.

Our results show that the chromospheric FUV emission at around 1600 Å is strongly influenced by the inclination of the magnetic field. These results are important, for example, for models aiming to reconstruct the solar spectral irradiance or the past solar activity based on chromospheric emissions. These models would be more accurate if they took into account the effect of inclination of the magnetic field on FUV emissivity.

How to cite: Tähtinen, I., Pevtsov, A., Asikainen, T., and Mursula, K.: Effect of magnetic field inclination on SDO/AIA 1600 Å emission, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6368,, 2024.

ST Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture
On-site presentation
Erika Palmerio

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are humongous structures that permeate the heliosphere as they travel away from the Sun. Beginning their journey from a more-or-less localised region in the solar atmosphere, they expand to many times the size of the Sun through the corona, measure about 0.3 au in radial extent by the time they reach 1 au, and interact with the structured solar wind and other transients to form so-called merged interaction regions in the outer heliosphere. One of the most prominent challenges in heliophysics is the achievement of a complete understanding of the intrinsic structure and evolution of CMEs, in particular of their spatiotemporal variability, which in turn would allow more precise forecasts of their arrival time and space weather effects throughout the heliosphere. The most common methods to detect and analyse these behemoths of the solar system consist of remote-sensing observations, i.e. 2D images at various wavelengths, and in-situ measurements, i.e. 1D spacecraft trajectories through the structure. These data, however, are often insufficient to provide a comprehensive picture of a given event, due to the scarcity of available measurement points and the enormous scales involved. Some ways to circumvent these issues consist of taking advantage of multi-spacecraft observations of the same CME (usually at different heliolongitudes and/or radial distances) and to use simulations to complement the available measurements and/or to investigate the 3D structure of CMEs without constraints on the number of synthetic observers.

In this presentation, we will first provide a review of the advantages of multi-spacecraft observations of CMEs and how they have helped us build the overall picture of CME structure and evolution that forms our current understanding. We will then showcase examples of detailed CME studies, both in the observational and modelling regimes, that have been made possible due to the availability of multi-point measurements. These will include events observed remotely and/or in situ by the latest generation of heliophysics missions, i.e. Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter. Finally, we will speculate on possible future avenues that are worthy of exploring to reach a deeper understanding of CMEs from their eruption throughout their heliospheric journey, especially in terms of novel space missions that may improve not only our knowledge from a fundamental physics standpoint, but also our prediction and forecasting capabilities.

How to cite: Palmerio, E.: Analysing CME observations and simulations with multi-spacecraft techniques, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13951,, 2024.

The physics of the large scale heliosphere: measurements, theory and modeling
On-site presentation
Marc Kornbleuth, Merav Opher, Erick Powell, Chika Onubogu, Xiaohan Ma, and John Richardson

The solar wind travels supersonically in the solar system until it reaches the termination shock, where it
is slowed down due to the interplay between the interstellar medium (ISM) and heliosphere. The region
of slowed down solar wind is referred to as the heliosheath, where a great number of mysteries remain
unsolved. Within the SHIELD NASA Drive Center, investigating the physical processes within the
heliosheath and their consequences is a fundamental goal in understanding both the shape of the
heliosphere and also how it protects the solar system from harmful galactic cosmic rays. Here, we
highlight some of the findings of SHIELD: (1) a Rayleigh-Taylor like instability develops in the
heliosheath due to charge exchange, which in turn allows for mixing between the solar wind and ISM
plasma yielding a short, “croissant-like” heliotail; (2) via magnetohydrodynamic modeling, we can
capture this mixing region, which has potential implications for particle acceleration; (3) current
energetic neutral atom (ENA) observations appear to be insufficient for distinguishing the true shape of
the heliotail, but future ENA-focused missions, such as IMAP, will have the capability to determine the
shape of the heliotail; (4) ENA observations of the heliotail and Lyman-alpha observations may also be
able to reveal the properties of the interstellar magnetic field

How to cite: Kornbleuth, M., Opher, M., Powell, E., Onubogu, C., Ma, X., and Richardson, J.: Investigating the Complex Heliosheath of our Heliospheric Shield, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2490,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lennart Robin Baalmann, Arthur Péronne, Silvan Hunziker, Christoph Strähl, James W. Kirchner, Karl-Heinz Glaßmeier, Shivank Chadda, David M. Malaspina, Lynn B. Wilson III, and Veerle J. Sterken

Through serendipitous measurements with its plasma wave antennas, the Wind spacecraft recorded more than one hundred thousand impacts of cosmic dust particles onto the spacecraft body. Frequency analysis of the time series of impact data reveals signatures of the solar rotation.

These solar rotation signatures are transient in time. Case studies of time periods with particularly long-lasting corotating interaction regions (CIRs) yield stronger solar rotation signatures in the dust data than case studies of time periods with short-duration CIRs or few CIRs. This indicates that CIRs are a likely cause of the solar rotation signatures, possibly in combination with the alternating sector structure of the solar wind.

One physical mechanism that can cause the solar rotation signature, besides temporary changes of the spacecraft's floating potential that may influence the signal, is a local depletion of dust particles when a CIR passes by the spacecraft. A similar mechanism has been proposed to occur during coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and has been observed in close vicinity to the Sun with Parker Solar Probe. A statistical depletion analysis of the Wind cosmic dust impact data finds that both CMEs and CIRs with strong magnetic fields can locally deplete dust. This effect is strongest for small particles in CMEs.

How to cite: Baalmann, L. R., Péronne, A., Hunziker, S., Strähl, C., Kirchner, J. W., Glaßmeier, K.-H., Chadda, S., Malaspina, D. M., Wilson III, L. B., and Sterken, V. J.: Solar rotation signatures in cosmic dust data measured by the Wind spacecraft, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-388,, 2024.

On-site presentation
André Galli, Peter Wurz, Nathan S. Schwadron, Eberhard Möbius, Stephen A. Fuselier, Justyna M. Sokół, Maciej Bzowski, Paweł Swaczyna, Kostas Dialynas, and David J. McComas

Energetic Neutral Atoms (ENAs) from the heliosphere are a unique means to remotely image the boundary regions of our heliosphere. NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) has been very successful in measuring these ENAs since 2008 at energies from tens of eV to 6 keV.

The ENA low energy range from tens of eV to solar wind energy (roughly 1 keV) has been sampled throughout an entire solar cycle with the IBEX-Lo ENA imager. This enables us to study the physical implications for the structure of the heliosphere and for the parent proton populations in the heliosheath and other plasma regions that give rise to the observed ENAs. Here, we will discuss in particular the implications of the measured ENA intensities for the plasma pressure balance at the heliospheric boundary.

How to cite: Galli, A., Wurz, P., Schwadron, N. S., Möbius, E., Fuselier, S. A., Sokół, J. M., Bzowski, M., Swaczyna, P., Dialynas, K., and McComas, D. J.: Implications of Energetic Neutral Atoms observed with IBEX-Lo for the pressure balance in the heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5343,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Veerle J. Sterken, Silvan Hunziker, Konstantinos Dialynas, Lennart R. Baalmann, Arthur Péronne, Harald Krüger, Peter Strub, Kyung-Suk Cho, James D. Carpenter, Arik Posner, and Pontus Brandt

Cosmic dust particles with sufficiently high charge-to-mass ratios interact with the heliosphere on both global and local scales due to the coupling of the charged dust with the heliospheric plasma. They are the fingerprints of heliospheric phenomena, and are tracers that can set boundary conditions to heliospheric models in addition to plasma, magnetic field or other measurements like galactic cosmic rays. 

This talk highlights (1) the synergies between the heliospheric and dust science, (2) the dust model predictions and (3) measurement requirements for dust measurements with an Interstellar Probe in different regions inside and outside of the heliosphere. We discuss how the choice of trajectories and launch date can affect the measurements and the science goals. 

Answering pressing questions concerning the dust-heliosphere interactions requires a multi-mission approach with missions inside the solar system as well. We therefore present interstellar dust impact predictions for the Destiny+ mission, and we illustrate how we aim to infer information about the heliosheath filtering using the data and simulations. 

Finally, we conclude - and highlight with some examples - why heliospheric/plasma physics and dust science go hand in hand, in particular for future mission proposals. We illustrate this with specific examples like the DOLPHIN and SunCHASER mission concepts and an instrument on the Lunar Gateway. 

How to cite: Sterken, V. J., Hunziker, S., Dialynas, K., Baalmann, L. R., Péronne, A., Krüger, H., Strub, P., Cho, K.-S., Carpenter, J. D., Posner, A., and Brandt, P.: Heliospheric and cosmic dust science with Interstellar Probe and with missions inside the solar system, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20141,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Drew Turner, Lingling Zhao, Stefan Eriksson, Benoit Lavraud, John Richardson, and Merav Opher

We present new evidence of active magnetic reconnection observed by Voyager-2 in the heliosheath region beyond the termination shock in the outer heliosphere. Multiple cases have been identified in which significant plasma jets are present during heliospheric current sheet crossings, or sector reversals. Using a combination of the plasma and magnetic field measurements from Voyager-2, candidate events are identified by rotating the magnetic field and plasma velocity vector data into a minimum-variance, LMN-coordinate frame, prior to checking consistency with the Walen relation on the corresponding plasma jet. In the LMN frame, the candidate events are selected based on consistency with the expected geometry of current sheets undergoing magnetic reconnection. The Walen relation further supports consistency with the physics of magnetic reconnection, in which the outflow jets of reconnected field and plasma are ejected from the reconnection site at the Alfvén speed. Error analysis based on limitations of the Voyager-2 data is accounted for throughout the process. In this presentation, we detail the event identification and walk through an example case before presenting several other cases. All combined, confirmation of active magnetic reconnection ongoing in the heliosheath has important implications concerning the heating of plasma in the outer heliosphere and the acceleration of pickup ions and possibly even anomalous cosmic rays.

How to cite: Turner, D., Zhao, L., Eriksson, S., Lavraud, B., Richardson, J., and Opher, M.: Evidence of magnetic reconnection observed in the heliosheath by Voyager-2, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13619,, 2024.

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room L1

Chairpersons: Volker Bothmer, Nour E. Raouafi, Olga Malandraki
Exploring the inner heliosphere and solar corona with the Parker Solar Probe – Breakthrough results and synergies with Solar Orbiter
Virtual presentation
Liu Wen and Zhao Jinsong
Determining the mechanism responsible for plasma heating and particle acceleration is a fundamental problem in
the study of the heliosphere. Due to effificient wave–particle interactions of ion-scale waves with charged particles,
these waves are widely believed to be a major contributor to ion energization, and their contribution considerably
depends on the wave occurrence rate. By analyzing the radial distribution of quasi-monochromatic ion-scale waves
observed by the Parker Solar Probe, this work shows that the wave occurrence rate is signifificantly enhanced in the
near-Sun solar wind, specififically 21%–29% below 0.3 au, in comparison to 6%–14% beyond 0.3 au. The radial
decrease of the wave occurrence rate is not only induced by the sampling effect of a single spacecraft detection, but
also by the physics relating to the wave excitation, such as the enhanced ion beam instability in the near-Sun solar
wind. This work also shows that the wave normal angle θ, the absolute value of ellipticity ò, the wave frequency f
normalized by the proton cyclotron frequency fcp, and the wave amplitude δB normalized by the local background
magnetic fifield B0 slightly vary with the radial distance. The median values of θ, ò, f, and δB are about 9°, 0.73,
3fcp, and 0.01B0, respectively. Furthermore, this study proposes that the wave mode natures of the observed left-
handed and right-handed polarized waves correspond to the Alfvén ion cyclotron mode wave and the fast
magnetosonic whistler mode wave, respectively.

How to cite: Wen, L. and Jinsong, Z.: The Radial Distribution of Ion-scale Waves in the Inner Heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2063,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alfredo Micera, Daniel Verscharen, Jesse Coburn, Jasper Halekas, and Maria Elena Innocenti

We provide a picture of the global dynamics of electrons in the inner heliosphere through the study of non-linear interactions affecting the non-thermal features of the solar wind electron velocity distribution function (VDF).
More than 50 years of in-situ observations of the solar wind have shown that the electron VDF consists of a quasi-Maxwellian core, comprising most of the electrons, and two sparser components, the halo, which is formed by suprathermal and quasi-isotropic electrons, and an escaping beam population, the strahl (Marsch 2006; Halekas et al. 2020).
Recent Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter (SO) observations have confirmed the existence of an additional non-thermal feature: the deficit, i.e., a depletion in the sunward region of the VDF (Berčič et al., 2021a; Halekas et al., 2021). This feature had already been predicted by exospheric models (Lemaire and Scherer, 1971; Maksimovic et al., 2001).
By employing Particle-in-Cell (PIC) simulations, we study electron VDFs that reproduce those typically observed in the inner heliosphere and investigate how the electron deficit contributes to the onset of kinetic instabilities and to heat flux regulation in the solar wind.
The strahl electrons drive oblique whistler waves unstable which scatter them in turn (Verscharen et al., 2019, Micera et al., 2021). Our simulation results show that, as a consequence of these scattering processes, the suprathemral electrons occupy regions of phase space where they fulfil resonance conditions with the parallel-propagating fast-magnetosonic/whistler wave.
The suprathermal electrons lose kinetic energy, resulting in the generation of unstable waves. The sunward side of the VDF, initially depleted of electrons, is thus gradually filled by electrons that are resonant with the triggered whistler waves.
As this initial deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium is reduced, a decrease in the electron heat flux occurs.
Our study provides a mechanism that explains the presence of the regularly observed parallel sunward whistler waves in the heliosphere (Tong et al., 2019), whose origin remains uncertain (Vasko et al., 2020). It also suggests an explanation for recent SO observations of whistler waves, concomitant with distributions in which the three above-described non-thermal features are observed (Berčič et al., 2021b, Coburn et al., 2023).

How to cite: Micera, A., Verscharen, D., Coburn, J., Halekas, J., and Innocenti, M. E.: Modelling near-Sun solar wind electron distribution functions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17259,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Oleksiy Agapitov, James Drake, Marc Swisdak, Kyung-Eun Choi, and Nour Raouafi

Switchbacks (SBs) are localized structures in the solar wind containing deflections of the magnetic field direction relative to the background solar wind magnetic field. The amplitudes of the magnetic field deflection angles (θ) for different SBs vary from ~40 to ~160-170 degrees. Alignment of the perturbations of the magnetic field (Δ\vec{B}) and the bulk solar wind velocity (\Delta \vec{V}) is observed inside SBs, so that \Delta\vec{V}~\Delta \vec{B} when the background magnetic field is directed toward the sun (if the background solar wind magnetic field direction is anti-sunward then \Delta\vec{V}~-\Delta\vec{B}, supporting anti-sunward propagation in the background solar wind frame). This causes spiky enhancements of the radial bulk velocity inside SBs. We have investigated the deviations of SB perturbations from Alfvénicity by evaluating the distribution of the parameter α, defined as the ratio of the parallel to Δ\vec{B} component of Δ\vec{V} to Δ\vec{V}_A=Δ\vec{B}/sqrt(4π n_i m_i) inside SBs, i.e. α=V_{}/Δ\vec{V}_A (α=Δ\vec{V}/Δ\vec{V}_A when Δ\vec{V}~-Δ\vec{B}), which quantifies the deviation of the perturbation from an Alfvénic one. Based on Parker Solar Probe (PSP) observations, we show that α inside SBs has systematically lower values than it has in the pristine solar wind: α inside SBs observed during PSP Encounter 1 were distributed in a range from ~0.2 to ~0.9 The upper limit on α is constrained by the requirement that the jump in velocity across the switchback boundary be less than the local Alfvén speed. This prevents the onset of shear flow instabilities. The consequence of this limitation is that the perturbation of the proton bulk velocity in SBs with θ>π/3 cannot reach α=1 (the Alfvénicity condition) and the highest possible alpha for an SB with θ=π is 0.5. These results have consequences for the interpretation of switchbacks as large amplitude Alfvén waves.

How to cite: Agapitov, O., Drake, J., Swisdak, M., Choi, K.-E., and Raouafi, N.: Constraints on the Alfvénicity of switchbacks, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20892,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Greta Cappello, Manuela Temmer, Angelos Vourlidas, Carlos Braga, Paulett Liewer, Jiong Qiu, Guillermo Stenborg, Athanasios Kouloumvakos, Astrid Veronig, Paulo Penteado, Volker Bothmer, and Iulia Chifu

Parker Solar Probe (PSP; launched in 2018) observes the Sun from unprecedented close-in and out-of-ecliptic orbits. The unique and high-resolution data from the Wide-Field Imager for Solar Probe (WISPR) aboard PSP give us new insights about the initiation and early evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) in the inner Heliosphere. We investigate the morphology and propagation behavior of distinct small-scale structures associated with a CME caused by a filament eruption, together with blobs related to the post-CME current sheet. Within this work we want to answer the following questions: how do the small scale magnetic field structures develop, how do they change in shape over time and what is their relation with the erupting filament and flux rope, respectively. The fast PSP motion at perihelion allows one to have views from different angles of the same event, hence we apply a single-spacecraft triangulation technique to derive coordinates and kinematics of each tracked feature. We find distinct groups of small-scale features which appear to be the building blocks of the global CME. We categorised the small scale magnetic structures based on their morphology and extent in longitude and latitude. We obtained a large range of longitudes among the different blobs related to the CME-aftermath. Thread-bundles are identified in the inner Heliosphere, which might be related to the vertical threads that are seen evolving during the filament eruption. Finally, we discuss on the different global appearances of the CME as observed from 1 AU compared to 0.18 AU (PSP).

How to cite: Cappello, G., Temmer, M., Vourlidas, A., Braga, C., Liewer, P., Qiu, J., Stenborg, G., Kouloumvakos, A., Veronig, A., Penteado, P., Bothmer, V., and Chifu, I.: Internal magnetic field structures observed by PSP/WISPR in a filament-related CME event, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16583,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mihir Desai and the Parker Solar Probe, ISOIS, FIELDS, and SWEAP Science TE]tams

We report observations of time-intensity profiles, velocity dispersion, pitch-angle distributions, spectral forms, and maximum energies of <500 keV/nucleon suprathermal (ST) H, He, O, and Fe ions in association with eight separate crossings of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) that occurred near perhelia during Parker Solar Probe (PSP) encounters E7-E15. We find that the ST ion observations fall into three categories, namely: 1) the E07 observations posed serious challenges for existing models of ST ion production in the inner heliosphere; 2) ST observations during 6 separate HCS crossings are consistent with a scenario in which the accelerated ions escape out of sunward-located reconnection exhausts; and 3) a near 4-hr HCS crossing during E14 when PSP traversed regions close to the reconnection exhaust and observed ST protons up to ~550 keV in energy. The reconnection exhaust or the source of these ST ions subsequently moved outside of PSP orbit thus resulting in a >10:1 sunward flow of the accelerated ST ions. We present detailed analysis of the evolution of the pitch-angle distributions and spectral properties during this crossing which have revealed, for the first time, important clues about the nature of ion acceleration via reconnection-driven mechanisms at the near-Sun HCS.

How to cite: Desai, M. and the Parker Solar Probe, ISOIS, FIELDS, and SWEAP Science TE]tams: Suprathermal Ion Acceleration at the Near-Sun Heliospheric Current Sheet Crossings observed by Parker Solar Probe During Encounters 7-15, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2482,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Gabriel Muro and the Parker Solar Probe team

During Parker Solar Probe’s 16th orbit, two solar energetic particle (SEP) events were detected by the Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun (ISʘIS). The spacecraft measuring these SEP events were oriented near-perfectly along the same nominal Parker spiral magnetic field line which connected Earth to the solar source for ambient solar wind speeds. Both events were also observed by STEREO and ACE, which provided the opportunity to examine how SEP velocity dispersion, CME shock arrival, energy spectra, and elemental composition varied during transport from 0.65 and 0.76 AU to ~1 AU.

On 17 July 2023, near the southwestern face of the Sun, the solar magnetic active region 13363 underwent considerable evolution which resulted in the largest SEP event of orbit 16 measured by ISʘIS. Two M5.0+ flares at 23:34 and 00:06 UT coincided with a confined prominence eruption and major halo coronal mass ejection (CME). A similar magnetic evolution occurred on 7 August 2023, at the northwestern limb of the Sun, in the solar magnetic active region 13386 when an M1.4 and X1.4 flare at 19:37 and 20:30, respectively, coincided with a confined prominence eruption and large CME.

We utilized a variety of remote observations from GOES, SDO, and SOHO to characterize the magnetic configuration of the local active regions, estimate low coronal temperature, and discuss confined prominence eruptions as a key particle injection source. The notable result from this multi-spacecraft alignment is that SEP fluence appears qualitatively similar at different radial distances, but heavy ions, such as O and Fe, are depleted in comparison to lighter ions during transport.

How to cite: Muro, G. and the Parker Solar Probe team: Orbit 16 observations of SEP events from Parker Solar Probe to STEREO and ACE, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17105,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Laura Rodríguez-García

A new era of spacecraft probing the inner heliosphere make now possible the study of the spatial distribution of solar energetic particle (SEP) events closer to the Sun. Recent missions, such as Solar Orbiter, along with the constellations of spacecraft near 1 au facilitate the study of the radial dependence of SEP parameters, such as the peak intensity and spectrum. In this work, we use the solar energetic electrons (SEE) measured by the MESSENGER mission from 2011 to 2015 to derive statistical results about the radial dependence of some SEE parameters, which are compared with the results from Solar Orbiter near its first nominal perihelion in March 2022.  The main conclusions are: (1) There is a wide variability in the radial dependence of the electron peak intensities, but on average and within uncertainties, the radial dependence can be expressed as R-3, being R the heliocentric distance to the Sun. (2) Between near 0.3 au and 1 au, the energy spectrum of the near-relativistic electrons becomes softer.

We also analyse the relations between the solar activity and the SEE peak intensities measured by MESSENGER, STEREO and ACE spacecraft during 2010-2015. We investigate the 3D early kinematic profile of the CME and associated wave and determine their main morphological (size) and dynamic (propagation and expansion speeds, acceleration) properties and study their relationship with the particle (electron and proton) energies and timing measured in situ. A summary of the results, implications for the Space Weather research, and comparison with previous works is presented.

How to cite: Rodríguez-García, L.: Acceleration and transport of solar energetic particles in the inner heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6213,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Nikolett Biro, Andrea Opitz, Zoltan Nemeth, Akos Madar, Aniko Timar, and Gergely Koban

In order to improve the predictions of the ambient solar wind plasma at planets, moons, comets, and interplanetary spacecraft, we are conducting a multi-spacecraft investigation to study the spatial variation and temporal evolution of solar wind structures. Here we present our results on the spatial variation by investigating the impact of latitudinal spacecraft-target separation on extrapolation accuracy. Using ballistically propagated bulk velocity datasets of the ACE, STEREO A, Parker Solar Probe, and Solar Orbiter spacecraft, we perform statistical analyses and case studies. Our findings indicate that a separation of even a few degrees in latitude can introduce errors into propagation accuracy and needs to be taken into account when incorporating in-situ measurements into solar wind forecasting. We further investigate the role of the heliospheric current sheet in this phenomenon by utilizing coronal modeling. The results are useful in supporting out-of-ecliptic solar wind observations and for the improvement of propagation models.

How to cite: Biro, N., Opitz, A., Nemeth, Z., Madar, A., Timar, A., and Koban, G.: Latitudinal Variation of the Background Solar Wind in the Inner Heliosphere from Multi-Spacecraft Observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19033,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tomas Karlsson, Henriette Trollvik, Andrew Dimmock, Lina Hadid, Michiko Morooka, Martin Volwerk, Giuseppe Arró, Hadi Madanian, Francesco Callifano, Luis Preisser, Diana Rojas Castillo, and Cyril Simon-Wedlund

Solar wind magnetic holes are small-scale, isolated decreases of the magnetic field strength. They are commonly divided into two types, linear and rotational magnetic holes, based on the rotation of the magnetic field vector from one side of the hole to the other. We present Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probem and MESSENGER measurements of magnetic holes from the inner heliosphere (~0.1-1.0 AU) and Cassini measurements from the outer heliosphere (~9 ̶ 10 AU). We compare properties such as rate of occurrence, and distributions of scale size, depth, and amount of magnetic field rotation, and discuss the findings in terms of local generation of magnetic holes, versus transport of magnetic holes generated in the inner heliosphere. We also discuss the relative importance of magnetic holes in interacting with the magnetospheres of planets in the inner and outer heliosphere.

How to cite: Karlsson, T., Trollvik, H., Dimmock, A., Hadid, L., Morooka, M., Volwerk, M., Arró, G., Madanian, H., Callifano, F., Preisser, L., Rojas Castillo, D., and Simon-Wedlund, C.: Solar wind magnetic holes in the inner and outer heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3154,, 2024.

Coffee break

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room E2

Chairpersons: Alexis Rouillard, Emilia Kilpua
On-site presentation
Mattia Sangalli, Andrea Verdini, Simone Landi, and Emanuele Papini

Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are among the main drivers of geomagnetic storms. 
The intensity of such storms is related to both the amplitude, coherence
and orientation of the magnetic field embedded in the magnetic cloud carried by
the CME, which can be often identified as a Magnetic Flux Rope (MFR).

During their propagation in the Heliosphere, MFRs are subject
to meso/small-scale processes such as magnetic reconnection and interaction with
turbulent fluctuations. The latter arise from solar wind turbulence,
but also include the turbulent sheath region which can form behind the
interplanetary shock driven by the CME.
These processes are difficult to capture in global numerical simulations of
CMEs and are possibly responsible for the rather small magnetic
correlation lengths which have been estimated for magnetic clouds, as short as a few tenth of AU.

We present a new numerical approach that exploits a lagrangian reference frame
to follow the evolution of a MFR via a high-resolution, 2.5D, visco-resistive 
MHD code implementing spherical expansion (Expanding Box Model).
In particular, we simulate the evolution of a low-beta MFR immersed in a
turbulent medium and study the resiliency of the magnetic structure as a
function of the amplitude and correlation length of the surrounding turbulence.
We present preliminary results using different proxies to estimate the evolution
of MFR coherence and helicity.

How to cite: Sangalli, M., Verdini, A., Landi, S., and Papini, E.: MHD simulations of meso-scale processes in an ICME-like Magnetic Flux Rope, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20405,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Christian Möstl

Understanding the large-scale structure and evolution of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is essential for accurately forecasting their space weather impacts at Earth and other planets. There are several open issues concerning the global shape, evolution and magnetic configuration of CME flux ropes as they travel through the heliosphere, notably their deformation, erosion, deflection, rotation and coherence. Extensive progress is currently made in both regimes of observations and modeling. All types of models, being numerical, empirical or analytical, have their advantages and disadvantages. While 3D-MHD models capture the physics of CMEs in detail, very fast models can map the full parameter space and can quickly interpret multipoint CME flux rope observations. With solar cycle 25 on the rise, the spacecraft fleet Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, BepiColombo, STEREO-A, and several probes at L1 now routinely provide us with multi-spacecraft lineup observations of the same CME event. This makes it possible to combine remote sensing and in situ observations to constrain CME models. However, entirely novel types of observations are driving the field forward now. In June and September 2022, Parker Solar Probe observed CMEs in situ at 0.07 AU, setting new records for the observations of CMEs closest to the Sun. In 2023, STEREO-A acted as the first sub-L1 monitor while passing the Sun-Earth line. In March 2022, Solar Orbiter was able to measure the magnetic flux rope of a CME in situ prior to Earth impact with a long lead time, for the first time in space science history. From early 2025, Solar Orbiter will provide out-of-ecliptic measurements of CMEs, which is a much needed perspective to constrain large-scale CME flux rope models. The PUNCH mission will provide polarized heliospheric images of CMEs, which leads to the exciting possibility to determine the handedness and possibly flux rope type from remote sensing observations. Distant retrograde mission concepts like MIIST and HENON could routinely sample CMEs at spatial separations of 1-10° and 0.01 to 0.1 AU in the 2030s, when also ESA Vigil is expected to start operations.

How to cite: Möstl, C.: On the current understanding of large-scale flux ropes within solar coronal mass ejections, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4025,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jon Linker, Cooper Downs, Ronald Caplan, Emily Mason, Michal Ben-Nun, Ryder Davidson, Roberto Lionello, Erika Palmerio, Andres Reyes, Pete Riley, Viacheslav Titov, Tibor Torok, and James Turtle

Total solar eclipses offer an unparalleled opportunity to observe the low and middle corona.  As is our tradition, the solar physics team at Predictive Science is predicting the structure of the solar corona for the April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse, using a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model of the corona.  The model incorporates thermodynamic transport terms and employs a wave-turbulence-driven (WTD) description of coronal heating and solar wind acceleration.  Our previous coronal predictions employed relaxed MHD solutions corresponding to a boundary condition based on a single photospheric magnetic map, incorporating data that at best was measured 10 to 14 days prior to the eclipse.

This year, we introduce a new paradigm:  A continuously updated prediction based on a time-evolving model.  To accomplish this near-real time description, we have incorporated 3 new elements:  (1) a time-evolving MHD model driven by evolution of the photospheric magnetic field,  (2) an automated method for energizing the non-potential corona near polarity inversion lines that evolve in time, and (3) The Open-source Flux Transport (OFT) model, that assimilates near-real time surface magnetic flux observations from SDO HMI as well as low-latency observations from the Solar Orbiter PHI instrument made away from the Sun–-Earth line.

This presentation will give an overview of the entire prediction effort and describe the time-dependent coronal dynamical features that appear in the solutions.

Research Supported by NASA and NSF.  Computational resources provided by the NSF ACCESS program and the NASA Advanced Supercomputing division at Ames.

How to cite: Linker, J., Downs, C., Caplan, R., Mason, E., Ben-Nun, M., Davidson, R., Lionello, R., Palmerio, E., Reyes, A., Riley, P., Titov, V., Torok, T., and Turtle, J.: Prediction of the Structure of the Corona for the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse:  A Continuously Updated Model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4200,, 2024.

Hannes Alfvén Medal Lecture
On-site presentation
Sandra Chapman

The sun, solar wind and magnetospheres exhibit non-linear processes that can couple across a broad range of space and time scales. These multiscale processes can be central to the dynamics of far from equilibrium plasmas, where collisionless processes dominate. This talk offers highlights from two interconnected approaches to advancing our understanding of multi-scale processes in solar system plasmas.

From the plasma physics: If sufficient simplifications can be made, we can study the plasma dynamics from first principles. The non-linear scattering and acceleration of energetic particles in current sheets, by wave particle interactions, and in shocks, can be approached from non self-consistent single particle dynamics allowing the full non-linear physics, including low-dimensional chaos, to be considered. The physics of shocks, reconnection, and its interplay with turbulence can be approached by fully kinetic self-consistent simulations, albeit with restrictions on physical dimension and the range of scales resolved. If bursty energy and momentum transport is an emergent process, then it can be captured by reduced models.

From the data: The full dynamics is revealed in all its richness in observations. A wealth of in-situ and remote observations are available from the fastest physical timescales of interest to across multiple solar cycles. In principle, these afford the study of specific physical process such as reconnection and turbulence, and system-scale processes such as the dynamics of magnetospheres, all of which are fully multiscale and non-linear. In practice, determining the physics from observations relies upon establishing robust, reproducible patterns and relationships from multipoint data in these inhomogeneously sampled, non time-stationary systems. As well as providing fundamental physical insights, these can deliver quantitative estimates of space weather risk.

How to cite: Chapman, S.: Multiscale matters: when coupling across multiple scales drives the dynamics of solar system plasmas, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3620,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Samriddhi Sankar Maity, Ranadeep Sarkar, Piyali Chatterjee, and Nandita Srivastava

Solar flares are known to leave imprints on the magnetic field at the photosphere, often manifested as an abrupt and permanent change in the downward-directed Lorentz force in localized areas inside the active region. Our study aims to differentiate eruptive and confined solar flares based on the vertical Lorentz force variations. We select 26 eruptive and 11 confined major solar flares (stronger than the GOES M5 class) observed during 2011-2017. We analyze these flaring regions using SHARP vector-magnetograms obtained from the NASA's Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI). We also compare data corresponding to 2 synthetic flares from a delta sunspot simulation reported in Chatterjee et al. We estimate the change in the horizontal magnetic field and the total Lorentz force integrated over an area around the polarity inversion line (PIL) that encompasses the location of the flare. Our results indicate a rapid increase of the horizontal magnetic field along the flaring PIL, accompanied by a significant change in the downward-directed Lorentz force in the same vicinity. Notably, we find that all the confined events under study exhibit a total change in Lorentz force of < 1.8 x 10^22 dyne. This threshold plays an important factor in effectively distinguishing eruptive and confined flares. Further, our analysis suggests that the change in total Lorentz force also depends on the reconnection height in the solar corona during the associated flare onset. The results provide significant implications for understanding the flare-related upward impulse transmission for the associated coronal mass ejection.

How to cite: Maity, S. S., Sarkar, R., Chatterjee, P., and Srivastava, N.: Changes in Photospheric Lorentz Force in Eruptive and Confined Solar Flares, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7182,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alexander G.M. Pietrow, Michael Cretignier, Malcolm K. Druett, Julian D. Alvarado-Gómez, Stefan J. Hofmeister, Meetu Verma, Robert Kamlah, Martina Barlatella, Eliana M. Amazo-Gómez, Ioannis Kontogiannis, Ekatarina Dineva, Alexander Warmuth, Carsten Denker, Katja Poppenhaeger, Olexa Andriienko, Xavier Dumusque, and Mats G. Löfdahl

Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) remain a focal point of solar and stellar research due to their significant impact on space weather dynamics and exoplanet habitability. Unfortunately, it has so far proven difficult to measure these events on other stars, with only a handful of confirmed detections. 

On the Sun, strong flares (X1-class and above) are almost always accompanied by a CME. This connection has not been found for other stars, where strong flares are regularly detected without a CME counterpart. To investigate this discrepancy we compare resolved solar observations taken from the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope with disk-integrated Sun-as-a-star observations taken from the HARPS-N solar telescope. We studied two strong X-class flares, one of which was accompanied by a large (halo)CME, and one that was not. While we have successfully detected flare-related signatures in the activity indices and the radial velocity profile in the Sun-as-a-star data, we detect no significant differences between the two flares and no indications of the presence of the CME, despite other works having previously detected CMEs in Sun-as-a-star data.

We propose that the absence of CME signatures in our data is due to a geometric effect. CMEs far enough away from the disk center are likely to be oriented in such a way that they have limited line-of-sight velocity, and thus cannot produce a strong enough Doppler signature. Therefore, we believe that the lack of observed stellar CMEs is at least partly an observational limitation and does not necessarily represent the underlying physical reality.

How to cite: Pietrow, A. G. M., Cretignier, M., Druett, M. K., Alvarado-Gómez, J. D., Hofmeister, S. J., Verma, M., Kamlah, R., Barlatella, M., Amazo-Gómez, E. M., Kontogiannis, I., Dineva, E., Warmuth, A., Denker, C., Poppenhaeger, K., Andriienko, O., Dumusque, X., and Löfdahl, M. G.: Investigating the absence of stellar CMEs through solar observations , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12140,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Aneta Wisniewska, Marianna B. Korsos, Ioannis Kontogiannis, Szabolcs Soós, and Robertus Erdélyi

This work aims to investigate the long-period oscillations of NOAA12353 prior to a series of C-class flares and to correlate the findings with the 3-5 minute oscillations that were previously studied in the same active region. The objective of this work is to elucidate the presence of various oscillations with long periods in the lower solar atmosphere both before and after the flare events. Understanding the relationship between oscillations in solar active regions and their solar eruption activity is essential. To detect long-period oscillations the emergence, shearing, and total magnetic helicity flux components were assessed from the photosphere to the top of the chromosphere. To analyse the magnetic helicity flux in the lower solar atmosphere, linear force-free field extrapolation was used to construct a model of the magnetic field structure of the active region. Subsequently, the location of long-period oscillations in the active region was probed by examining the spectral energy density of the measured intensity signal in the 1700Å, 1600Å, and 304Å channels of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Significant periods of oscillations were determined by means of wavelet analysis. Based on the evolution of the three magnetic helicity flux components, 3-8 hour periods were found both before and after the flare events, spanning from the photosphere to the chromosphere. These 3-8 hour periods were also evident throughout the active region in the photosphere in the 1700Å channel. Observations of AIA 1600Å and 304Å channels, which cover the chromosphere to the transition region, revealed oscillations lasting 3-8 hours near the region where the flare occurred. The spatial distribution of the measured long-period oscillations mirror the previously reported distribution of 3-5 minute oscillations in NOAA12353, seen both before and after the flares. 
This case study suggest that varying oscillation properties in a solar active region could be indicative of future flaring activity.

How to cite: Wisniewska, A., Korsos, M. B., Kontogiannis, I., Soós, S., and Erdélyi, R.: Examination of Magnetic Helicity and Plasma Oscillation Periods in the Active Region NOAA12353 Prior to three C-Class Flares., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-724,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Exploring Interplanetary Small Flux Ropes: A Comprehensive Review 
Reka Winslow, Sahanaj Banu, Amy Murphy, Noé Lugaz, Nada Al Haddad, and Charlie Farrugia

Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X3

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–Tue, 16 Apr, 18:00
Chairpersons: Manuela Temmer, Olga Malandraki, Alexis Rouillard
Konstantinos Dialynas, Stamatios Krimigis, Robert Decker, Matthew Hill, and Romina Nikoukar

The path-breaking observations of the two Voyager spacecraft over the past two decades, have revolutionized our understanding of interplanetary space within our solar bubble. The crossings of the Voyagers (V1, V2) of the Termination Shock (TS) led to the discovery of the previously unknown reservoir of ions and electrons that constitute the heliosheath, whereas the combination of in-situ particle and fields measurements from V1 and V2 with remote images of ~5.2 to 55 keV ENAs from Cassini/INCA at 10 AU, revealed a number of previously unanticipated heliospheric structures such as the “Belt”, a region of enhanced particle pressure inside the heliosheath. The V1 and V2 crossings of the heliopause (HP) pinpointed the extent of the upwind heliosphere’s expansion into the VLISM and its rough symmetry. We will provide a brief discussion for the contribution of the >28 keV Voyager 1 & 2/LECP observations that established “ground truth” to the ENA images from Cassini/INCA towards addressing longstanding, fundamental questions for the heliosphere’s interaction with the Very Local Interstellar Medium (VLISM), such as the shape and properties of the ion spectra inside the heliosheath, the acceleration of low energy ions and Anomalous Cosmic Rays (ACR) in the heliosheath, the pressure balance and plasma beta in the heliosheath that dictate the magnitude of the magnetic field upstream at the heliopause, the thickness of the heliosheath, the effects of the solar cycle through the outward propagating solar wind that result in an “breathing” (inflating and deflating) heliosphere, together with the implications of these measurements towards addressing the global shape of the heliosphere. The crossings of V1 and V2 from the HP revealed that the primary driver of the interaction of the heliosphere with the VLISM is the pressure of the interstellar (IS) magnetic field, whereas this interaction is more complex than previously thought: The V1 crossing of the HP was associated with the discovery of a flow stagnation region, possibly due to flux tube interchange instability. Further, V1 showed the existence of a radial inflow of low energy ions within the HS for ~9 AU before the HP, and a small radial outflow over a spatial scale of at least 33 AU past the HP, that corresponds to an ion population leaking from the HS into interstellar space. The use of these observations drive the requirements for the particle and fields measurements for a possible future Interstellar Probe mission.

How to cite: Dialynas, K., Krimigis, S., Decker, R., Hill, M., and Nikoukar, R.: The science of our Sun’s astrosphere: in-situ ions from the Voyagers and remotely sensed ENAs from Cassini, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5009,, 2024.

Olga Malandraki, Christina M. S. Cohen, Joe Giacalone, John G. Mitchell, Rohit Chhiber, David J. McComas, Javier Rodríguez -Pacheco, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, George C. Ho, Niels Janitzek, and Mihir Desai

Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) constitute an important contributor to the characterization of the space environment. They are emitted from the Sun in association with solar flares and Coronal Mass ejection (CME)-driven shock waves. SEP radiation storms may have durations from a period of hours to days or even weeks and have a large range of energy spectrum profiles. These events pose a threat to modern technology strongly relying on spacecraft, are a serious radiation hazard to humans in space, and are additionally of concern for avionics and commercial aviation in extreme circumstances. However, our knowledge of the origin, acceleration and transport of these particles from close to the Sun through the interplanetary medium has advanced dramatically in the last 40 years, many puzzles have still remained unsolved due to the scarcity of in situ measurements well inside 1 AU. The Solar Orbiter (SolO) ESA mission and NASA Parker Solar Probe (PSP) pioneering missions have been providing unprecedented measurements of energetic particles in the near-Sun environment. In this work, unexpected energetic particle observations as measured by the PSP Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun (ISʘIS) and the SolO Energetic Particle Detector (EPD) experiments will be presented which revealed surprises that challenge our understanding.

How to cite: Malandraki, O., Cohen, C. M. S., Giacalone, J., Mitchell, J. G., Chhiber, R., McComas, D. J., Rodríguez -Pacheco, J., Wimmer-Schweingruber, R., Ho, G. C., Janitzek, N., and Desai, M.: Unexpected energetic particle observations near the Sun by Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16504,, 2024.

Marc Kornbleuth, Merav Opher, Maher Dayeh, Justyna Sokol, Drew Turner, Igor Baliukin, Kostas Dialynas, and Vladislav Izmodenov

Determining the magnitude and direction of the interstellar magnetic field (BISM) is a longstanding problem. To date, some methods to infer the direction and magnitude have utilized best fit models to the positions of the termination shock and heliopause measured by Voyager 1 and 2. Other models use the circularity of the IBEX Ribbon assuming a secondary energetic neutral atom (ENA) mechanism. Previous studies have revealed that the BISM organizes the orientation of the heliotail with respect to the solar meridian. Here, we propose a new way to infer the direction of the BISM based on ENA observations of the heliotail. IBEX observations of the heliotail have revealed high-latitude lobes of enhanced ENA flux at energies >2 keV. Analyses showed that the high latitude lobes are nearly aligned with the solar meridian, while also exhibiting a rotation with solar cycle. We show using steady state solar wind conditions that the inclination of the lobes reproduced with commonly used values for the angle (αBV) between BISM and the interstellar flow in the hydrogen deflection plane (40 deg. < αBV < 60 deg.) is inconsistent with the IBEX ENA observations. We report that 0 deg. < αBV < 20 deg. is required to reproduce the heliotail lobe inclinations observed by IBEX. Additionally, we find that the variation of the solar magnetic field magnitude with solar cycle causes the longitudinal rotation of the lobes observed by IBEX by affecting the inclination of the lobes.

How to cite: Kornbleuth, M., Opher, M., Dayeh, M., Sokol, J., Turner, D., Baliukin, I., Dialynas, K., and Izmodenov, V.: Inferring the Interstellar Magnetic Field Direction from Energetic Neutral Atom Observations of the Heliotail, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6567,, 2024.

Alexis Jeandet, Nicolas Aunai, Benjamin Renard, Vincent Génot, Patrick Boettcher, Myriam Bouchemit, Bayane Michotte de Welle, Ambre Ghisalberti, and Nicolas André

The SCIentific Qt application for Learning from Observations of Plasmas (SciQLop) project allows to easily discover, retrieve, plot and label in situ space physic measurements stored on remote servers such as Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) or Automated Multi-Dataset Analysis (AMDA).  Analyzing data from a single instrument on a given mission can raise some technical difficulties such as finding where to get them, how to get them and sometimes how to read them.  Thus building for example a machine-learning pipeline involving multiple instruments and even multiple spacecraft missions can be very challenging. Our goal here is to remove all these technical difficulties without sacrificing performances to allow scientist to focus on data analysis.

The SciQLop project is composed of the following tools:

  • Speasy: An easy to use Python package to retrieve data from remote servers with multi-layer cache support.
  • Speasy_proxy: A self-hostable, chainable remote cache for Speasy written as a simple Python package.
  • Broni: A Python package which finds intersections between spacecraft trajectories and simple shapes or physical models such as magnetosheath.
  • Orbit-viewer: A Python graphical user interface (GUI) for Broni.
  • TSCat: A Python package used as backend for catalogs of events storage.
  • TSCat-GUI: A Python graphical user interface (GUI).
  • SciQLop-GUI: An extensible and efficient user interface to visualize and label time-series with an embedded IPYthon terminal.

While some components are production ready and already used for science, SciQLop is still being developped and the landscape is moving quite fast.

In this poster we will demonstrate how the SciQLop project makes masive in-situ data analysis simple and fast and we will also take the oportunity to exchange ideas with our users.

How to cite: Jeandet, A., Aunai, N., Renard, B., Génot, V., Boettcher, P., Bouchemit, M., Michotte de Welle, B., Ghisalberti, A., and André, N.: SciQLop:  a tool suite to facilitate multi-mission data browsing and analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3515,, 2024.

Sandra Chapman and Thierry Dudok de Wit

Sunspot records reveal that whilst the sun has an approximately 11 year cycle of activity, no two cycles are of the same duration. Since this activity is a direct driver of space weather at earth, this presents an operational challenge to quantifying space weather risk. The sunspot number record can be used to map the variable cycle length onto a regular 'clock' and this mapping reveals in each cycle a clear active-quiet switch-off and quiet-active switch-on of activity, with around 2% of extreme space weather events occurring within the quiet intervals of the cycles over the last 155 years [1]. Some of the most extreme geomagnetic storms have occurred around the switch-on and switch-off times, rather than at solar maximum, motivating their determination and prediction. The times of the switch-on/off can be approximately determined directly from the sunspot time-series [2] so that future switch-on and switch-off times can be directly identified in model predictions for future solar activity as characterized by sunspot number. The clock supports charting – a tool to integrate observational estimates of risk (observed events and their likelihood) with narrative reports of impacts on technological systems to improve our understanding of space weather hazard. The sunspot number Hilbert transform phase is found to correspond to solar-cycle scale evolution of sunspot latitudinal bands, so that there is a direct relationship between the well known sunspot ‘butterfly pattern’ and the intensity and character of geomagnetic activity and its switch-on/off [3].

[1] S. C. Chapman, S. W. McIntosh, R. J. Leamon, N. W. Watkins, Quantifying the solar cycle modulation of extreme space weather, Geophysical Research Letters, (2020) doi:10.1029/2020GL087795 

[2] S. C. Chapman, Charting the Solar Cycle, Front. Astron. Space Sci. - Space Physics,  (2023) doi:10.3389/fspas.2022.1037096

[3] S. C. Chapman, T. Dudok de Wit, A solar cycle clock for extreme space weather (preprint, 2024) doi:10.21203/


How to cite: Chapman, S. and Dudok de Wit, T.: A regular clock for the solar cycle variation of sunspot and geomagnetic activity, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3626,, 2024.

Julia Ruohotie, Simon Good, and Emilia Kilpua

ICMEs are often observed as large-scale flux ropes with smoothly varying magnetic fields, but a spectrum of fluctuations is present at smaller scales. A well-known feature of solar wind plasma is that, when moving from large to small scales, distributions of fluctuation amplitudes become more non-Gaussian. This behaviour is a manifestation of intermittency, i.e., an increasingly uneven spatial distribution of energy with decreasing scale in the plasma. While intermittency has been studied extensively in the solar wind, few studies have considered intermittency within ICMEs.

This presentation introduces a statistical study of intermittency of magnetic field fluctuations within ICMEs observed by Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter at heliospheric distances ranging from 0.2 to 1 AU. The analysis uses structure functions with kurtosis as the main measure of intermittency. The analysis is repeated within ICME sheath regions, as well as in the upstream and downstream solar wind. The results obtained from these plasma environments are compared to the ones obtained within ICMEs. Finally, the connection between intermittency and heliospheric distance, cross-helicity, and residual energy is investigated.

How to cite: Ruohotie, J., Good, S., and Kilpua, E.: Intermittency in interplanetary coronal mass ejections observed by Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10241,, 2024.

Alexis Rouillard, Paul Lomazzi, Simon Thomas, Victor Réville, Bahaeddine Gannouni, Nicolas Poirier, Jean-Baptiste Dakeyo, and Chuanpeng Hou

The physical mechanisms that regulate the abundance of heavy ions in the solar wind are not well understood. Variations in composition are measured in the charge state of heavy ions as well as the abundance of alpha particles and of elements with low first ionisation potential (FIP). The ionisation state and the abundance of heavy ions remain unchanged beyond the solar corona in the solar wind. Since the slow and fast solar winds have very different compositions, the slow wind being enriched in low-FIP elements, it has been argued that they must form through different processes in the solar corona. We analyse solar wind data taken in situ at different points in the inner heliosphere by Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter and ACE to study the relation between ion abundances and solar wind properties (focusing on plasma moments, cross-helicity and non-thermal particles). This leads us to classify the different solar wind types according their composition and Alfvénicity during the different phases of the solar cycle. We then compare this classification with recent results of a new multi-species model of the solar corona and solar wind to study the various mechanisms potentially controlling solar wind composition, including diffusion processes and wave-particle interactions, to regulate heavy ion abundances. This work was funded by the ERC SLOW SOURCE project.

How to cite: Rouillard, A., Lomazzi, P., Thomas, S., Réville, V., Gannouni, B., Poirier, N., Dakeyo, J.-B., and Hou, C.: Observations and modelling of the solar wind composition variations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11666,, 2024.

Boian Kirov, Katya Georgieva, Vladimir Obridko, and Simeon Asenovski

This study compares the geomagnetic activity observed during the last two secular solar activity maxima: solar cycles 12 and 13,  and 23 and 24, respectively, highlighting the differing patterns of dual and single maxima. In sunspot cycles 12 and 13, we observe a distinct dual-maximum pattern in geomagnetic activity. This pattern contrasts sharply with the singular peaks evident in sunspot cycles 23 and 24. As is well known, the dual peaks in the geomagnetic activity during a sunspot cycle result from the action of two different geoeffective manifestations of solar activity. The peak around sunspot maximum is driven by the Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) which are maximium in number and intensity in sunspot maximum. The second peak is due to high-speed solar wind streams (HSS’s) originating from extended coronal holes which maximize during the sunspot declining phase.

This well studied picture is observed during the secular solar minimum between the 19th and 20th centuries (sunspot cycles 12 and 13). In contrast, sunspot cycles 23 and 24 in the minimum between the 20th and 21st centuries present a different scenario. Despite reaching sunspot maxima, these cycles did not witness corresponding peaks in geomagnetic activity. Our research focuses on unraveling the reasons behind the absence of a geomagnetic peak concurrent with the solar activity maxima in these latter cycles

How to cite: Kirov, B., Georgieva, K., Obridko, V., and Asenovski, S.: Comparison of geomagnetic activity in solar cycle 12 and 13 with that in cycle 23 and 24., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11838,, 2024.

Diana Rojas Castillo, Xochitl Blanco-Cano, Christopher T. Russell, Cyril Simon-Wedlund, and Martin Volwerk

Wave-particle interactions are important in the momentum and energy transfer across a planetary magnetosheath, from the solar wind upstream of the bow shock to the magnetosphere. In the highly perturbed magnetosheath plasma of Earth and Mars, anisotropic ion distributions have enough free energy to drive low-frequency instabilities such as the mirror mode instability. The resulting mirror mode waves are therefore common structures inside those magnetosheaths. In the solar wind, long trains of holes and peaks in the magnetic field magnitude that can last for hours have been reported (Russell et al.,2009; Enriquez-Rivera et al., 2013). In this work, we explore the existence of mirror mode storms in the sheaths of the Earth and Mars like those observed in solar wind regions. We study the characteristics of a few observed storms and possible dependencies on factors such as the plasma beta and distance from the bow shock.  We also study the evolution of the ion distributions associated with mirror mode structures to investigate the waves' origin.

How to cite: Rojas Castillo, D., Blanco-Cano, X., Russell, C. T., Simon-Wedlund, C., and Volwerk, M.: Mirror Mode Storms at the Magnetosheaths of Earth and Mars, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13491,, 2024.

Katya Georgieva, Svetlana Veretenenko, Boian Kirov, and Simeon Asenovski

Sun is the main energy source in the vicinity of the Earth. The terrestrial atmosphere is governed by the energy it receives from the Sun. Many studies during the last two centuries have demonstrated correlations between solar activity and atmospheric parameters.  The problem is that these correlations, even if highly statistically significant, are not stationary. They may strengthen, weaken, disappear, and even change sign depending on the time period.

In earlier studies it has been found that the sign of the correlations in the Northern hemisphere depends on the prevailing large-scale atmospheric circulation. According to the Vangengeim–Girs classification, there are three main forms of atmospheric circulation: W (zonal or westerly), C (meridional), and E (easterly) for the Atlantic–Eurasian sector, as well as three similar forms: Z, M1, and M2 for the Pacific–American sector. It has been also found that the reversals of the correlations between solar activity and atmospheric parameters is preceded by (or coincides with) the turning points in the evolution of the large-scale circulation forms and mainly of the meridional forms C and M1.

The epochs of large-scale circulation are in turn affected by the stratospheric polar vortex (a large-scale circulation pattern in the stratosphere which develops during polar winter), so the changes in circulation epochs may be associated with the changes in the state of the vortex which can affect the troposphere-stratosphere interaction via planetary waves. If the zonal wind velocity in the vortex exceeds a critical value, planetary waves propagating upward can be reflected back to the troposphere. Under a weak vortex, planetary waves propagate to upper atmospheric levels. Both the circulation epochs and the state of the vortex have cyclic variations with a period of about 60 years.

Two types of solar activity agents are supposed to influence the state of the polar vortex: solar UV irradiance, and energetic particles, mostly electrons, which are trapped in the Earth’s magnetosphere and during geomagnetic disturbances are accelerated and precipitate into the atmosphere. They are related to the two components of the solar magnetic field which is the basis of solar activity. These two components have opposite effects on the stratospheric polar vortex. Here we demonstrate that the relative variations of these two components are in antiphase and oscillate with a period of about 60 years, ultimately determining the correlations between sunspot activity and atmospheric parameters.

How to cite: Georgieva, K., Veretenenko, S., Kirov, B., and Asenovski, S.: Solar magnetic field and the correlation between sunspot activity and Earth atmospheric parameters, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14730,, 2024.

Simeon Asenovski, Katya Georgieva, and Boian Kirov

The provided open-access database compiles information on various solar wind types and their durations in near-Earth space, encompassing high-speed solar wind streams, coronal mass ejections, and slow solar wind. The categorization of these different flows relies on criteria derived from experimental data on the primary solar wind parameters. Employing physical conditions, the database precisely delineates the commencement and conclusion of each solar wind event. Its primary objective is to span the last five 11-year solar cycles (cycles 20 to 24) and partially 25, leveraging in situ satellite observations. The study also explores the temporal dynamics of high-speed solar wind streams (HSS) and endeavors to establish their precise duration.

How to cite: Asenovski, S., Georgieva, K., and Kirov, B.: Exploration of Solar Wind Phenomena: Database and Duration Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15379,, 2024.

Mihaly Horanyi, Ethan Ayari, and Antal Juhasz

The local interstellar medium contains plasma, magnetic fields, neutral atoms, cosmic rays, and dust which all influence the heliosphere through interconnected time-dependent and multi-scale processes. The Interstellar Dust Experiment (IDEX) instrument onboard NASA's IMAP mission, to be launched in early 2025, will measure the flux, size distribution, and composition of interstellar (ISD) and interplanetary (IDP) dust particles characterizing the inflowing solid matter from the local interstellar medium reaching the inner heliosphere. IDEX dust detection is based on impact ionization, where elemental and molecular ions are generated in a high-velocity dust impact and analyzed in a time-of-flight (TOF) setup. The size, composition, and the large-scale structure of the heliospheric magnetic fields strongly influence the propagation of the charged ISD particles, including the effects of the so-called heliospheric filtering that prevents small ISD particles from entering the heliosphere. We report on the status of our modeling results and predictions for the expected IDEX measurements. 









How to cite: Horanyi, M., Ayari, E., and Juhasz, A.: Interstellar Dust Dynamics and the Large-Scale Structure of our Heliosphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14312,, 2024.

Shuting Li, Li Feng, and Beili Ying

The Lyman-alpha (Lyα) Solar telescope (LST) is one of the three payloads onboard the Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory (ASO-S) mission. As one of the instruments of LST, the Solar Disk Imager (SDI) works in the Lyα waveband of 121.6 ± 10nm with a field of view (FOV) up to 1.2 R⊙. In this work, we construct the Carrington maps (or so-called synoptic map) of solar Lyα intensities based on full-disk images acquired by SDI. We present two versions of Carrington maps, one is synthesized once in a Carrington cycle, and the other is daily-updated. The former gives the general view of the emission distribution in Lyα during the whole CR, while the latter provides a better near-real-time measurement of the intensity. By establishing the relation between the emission of Lyα in 121.6 nm and He II in 30.4 nm, we provide a possible way to offset the observation gaps of SDI from AIA/304 channel. The radiometric calibration is performed using the cross-calibration method with GOES/EUVS data. To this end, the calibrated carrington map can be applied to constrain the incident emission to the corona in Lyα. Regarding this application, we propose an upgraded version of the carrington map to correct the emission variation caused by eruptions like coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and flares. The comparison between the SDI Carrington map and the magnetogram synoptic map serves as the final example of the application of SDI Carrington map in our work, the locations of different features in line-of-sight magnetic field and in Lyα are directly compared.

How to cite: Li, S., Feng, L., and Ying, B.: The Carrington Map in H I Ly-alpha Passband Based on ASO-S/LST/SDI, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19576,, 2024.

Radial Evolution of Non-Maxwellian Solar Wind Electrons Derived From Quasi-Thermal Noise Spectroscopy: Parker Solar Probe Observation
(withdrawn after no-show)
Xianming Zheng, Mihailo M. Martinović, Kaijun Liu, Viviane Pierrard, Mingzhe Liu, Kristopher Klein, Winry Ember, and Joel B. Abraham
Andrea Lienhart, Greta M. Cappello, Manuela Temmer, Guiseppe Nistico, Russell Howard, Angelos Vourlidas, and Volker Bothmer

Extended coronal structures can be observed in white-light using coronagraphs or heliospheric imagers. These instruments observe the Thomson-scattered emission by the electrons of that feature. The scattered emission shows a dependence on the geometry between the Sun, the observer and the scattering structure. The maximum scattering efficiency is obtained on a circle whose diameter is equal to the distance between the Sun and the observer (called Thomson surface). The aim of this study is to investigate the brightness profile of different coronal features in terms of the Thomson-scattering geometry using data from the Wide-Field Imager for Solar Probe (WISPR) aboard Parker Solar Probe (PSP). Due to the special orbit of PSP, the size of the Thomson surface is constantly changing. Brightness curves are calculated for features with different properties, e.g. static structures such as helmet streamers, dynamic but compact structures such as streamer blobs and expanding structures such as coronal mass ejections. The results are then compared with raytracing simulations.

How to cite: Lienhart, A., Cappello, G. M., Temmer, M., Nistico, G., Howard, R., Vourlidas, A., and Bothmer, V.: Study of brightness profiles for different coronal structures, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9162,, 2024.

Srijan Bharati Das and Samuel Badman

Deflections in magnetic fields accompanied by Alfvenic velocity fluctuations are observed in the solar wind and have been termed as switchbacks. While signature of switchbacks have been reported from analysis of Ulysses, Wind and Helios satellites at distances of distances of about 2.4 A.U, 1.0 A.U and 0.3 A.U respectively, since 2018, Parker Solar Probe (PSP) has been providing us a wealth of in-situ measurements within as close as 10 solar radius. Studies on identification of SBs and its properties have boomed in the era of PSP and Solar Orbiter. Open questions regarding the origin of SBs exist which require rigorous quantification of SB properties. However, in order to assess properties across SB events, choices have to be made for how to categorize SBs based on classifying criteria for example, the extent of deflection of the magnetic field compared to the background field (commonly known as the Z-angle), the duration and strength of field or velocity fluctuations during the SB event. A key feature that also requires quantification when classifying SBs is what constitutes the quiet background --- currently common choices include using a running average to build a smooth background and picking out deflections about the smoothened fields or choosing the Parker spiral to construct the background fields. By picking out specific criteria for classifying SBs and analyzing common time periods on the same SB definitions, we investigate to what extent inferred properties depend on the chosen definitions.

How to cite: Das, S. B. and Badman, S.: How do inferred statistical properties of switchbacks depend on their definition?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13547,, 2024.

Simon Good, Anna-Sofia Jylhä, Emilia Kilpua, Timo Makelä, Julia Ruohotie, Juska Soljento, and Jose Suihkonen

ICME plasma fluctuates across a broad range of scales, with fluctuations that display many similar spectral properties to other kinds of solar wind. These fluctuations, which may represent turbulence, waves or structures in the plasma, are not well understood holistically in the ICME context. Using data from Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter, we present analysis of magnetic field spectra from ICME flux ropes at scales between the flux rope radial width and the magnetic field correlation length. The presence of the global flux rope causes significant steepening of the spectra at these scales, with spectral indices as steep as -2. The underlying fluctuations, in contrast, show much shallower spectral slopes. Key properties of the fluctuations are determined and compared to those found at the same scales in other solar wind types. Interpretations of the fluctuations as an energy source for turbulence at smaller scales or as mesoscale ICME substructure are discussed.

How to cite: Good, S., Jylhä, A.-S., Kilpua, E., Makelä, T., Ruohotie, J., Soljento, J., and Suihkonen, J.: Spectral properties of mesoscale fluctuations in ICMEs, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18120,, 2024.

Peter Wurz, Rico Fausch, Jonathan Gasser, André Galli, Audrey Vorburger, Pontus Brandt, and Stas Barabash

The proposed Interstellar Probe (IP) spacecraft of NASA will travel through the heliosphere and advance into the local interstellar medium (LISM) within roughly 16 years, i.e., at twice the speed as the Voyager spacecraft. IP will enable the dedicated exploration of the heliospheric boundary by imaging the heliosphere from inside and outside the heliopause, and by directly sampling the unknown LISM. IP will also enable in situ measurements in the undisturbed LISM beyond the heliospheric bow shock or bow wave. The measurement of the chemical composition of the neutral gas in the local interstellar cloud is an important element of the scientific investigations of IP. So far, the chemical composition of the LISM was mostly inferred from pickup ions in the solar wind, from anomalous cosmic rays, and from spectroscopic observations of nearby stars. We are designing a highly specialized mass spectrometer to measure the neutral gas of the LISM in situ at these extremely low densities. The expected species to be recorded are H, He, C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Ar, Ca, and Fe. This list of species allows to derive astrophysical important element ratios, like the Ne/O ratio. In addition, this mass spectrometer will measure the isotope composition of D/H, 3He/4He, 22Ne/20Ne, and 36Ar/38Ar of the LISM with unprecedented accuracy. These measurements will take advantage of the long duration of the IP mission, allowing for long integration times. The design of the instrument will be presented, together with estimated signals, and the operation scenario for the 50-year IP mission.

How to cite: Wurz, P., Fausch, R., Gasser, J., Galli, A., Vorburger, A., Brandt, P., and Barabash, S.: Measurement of the Composition of the Local Interstellar Cloud with the Interstellar Probe Mission, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5893,, 2024.

Eva Weiler, Christian Möstl, Emma E. Davies, Tanja Amerstorfer, Ute V. Amerstorfer, Hannah T. Rüdisser, Rachel L. Bailey, Astrid Veronig, Timothy Horbury, Noé Lugaz, Justin Le Louëdec, and Maike Bauer

Sub-L1 monitors are currently being researched in mission concepts for small satellites and may be deployed on distant retrograde orbits around the Earth in the future. Depending on the location of the sub-L1 monitor, the lead time for the arrival of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and for determining their geo-effectiveness could be prolonged. If the sub-L1 monitor was to orbit the Earth at a distance of 0.05 AU, as is proposed for the MIIST mission, for example, Dst predictions could be made up to 5 hours in advance. The close encounter of STEREO-A and Wind from April 2023 to November 2023 represents such a constellation, and therefore allows us to investigate potential impacts of future sub-L1 missions. Following the method of Bailey et al. (2020), the data from STEREO-A are mapped to L1, taking into account an expansion of the CME. We then calculate the Dst of the temporally and spatially shifted data, and compare the result with the Dst calculated from L1 solar wind data and the observed Dst. In this way, we can analyse and quantify the implications of sub-L1 monitors on space weather forecasting.

The events included in our study are part of the HELIO4CAST lineup catalog v2.0 ( The catalogue includes CMEs that were observed by at least two spacecraft such as Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, BepiColombo, STEREO-A, and Wind. In contrast to single in situ measurements, which do not adequately capture the vast structure of CMEs, the events in the catalogue allow us to study the temporal and spatial evolution of CMEs and improve our current understanding of the large-scale structure of their magnetic flux ropes. In view of the upcoming maximum of solar cycle 25, further multipoint events are expected to be continuously added to the catalogue.

How to cite: Weiler, E., Möstl, C., Davies, E. E., Amerstorfer, T., Amerstorfer, U. V., Rüdisser, H. T., Bailey, R. L., Veronig, A., Horbury, T., Lugaz, N., Le Louëdec, J., and Bauer, M.: Using STEREO-A data from April to November 2023 as a sub-L1 monitor, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15074,, 2024.

Giuseppe La Vacca, Stefano Della Torre, and Massimo Gervasi

When developing a model to accurately predict the solar modulation of galactic cosmic rays, it is crucial to consider the global characteristics of the heliosphere. The dynamics and variability of the boundaries of the heliosphere have a significant impact on the long-term variation of cosmic rays, even at Earth's location. Therefore, it is highly desirable to have a global, time-dependent, and user-friendly heliospheric structure modelization. With this aim, we developed a semi-analytical, data-driven model that uses a simplified approach for solving the solar wind dynamics through the heliosphere, including the effect of the pick-up ions on the termination shock. The model also uses measurements of the energetic neutral atoms' spectra at 1AU to determine the distance of the heliopause. The model's predictions have been compared with the observations of the Voyager probes.

How to cite: La Vacca, G., Della Torre, S., and Gervasi, M.: Towards a Semi-Analytical Model of the Long-Term Variations of the Heliospheric Structures, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10428,, 2024.

Innovating Solar Observation: The Potential of Volume Holographic Grating Filters as Optical Correlators
(withdrawn after no-show)
Luis Eduardo Antunes Vieira, Ivan de Oliveira, Felipe Tavares, Fernando Guarnieri, and Keiji Miyazawa