BG7.1 | Sources and sinks of methane in the aquatic realm
Sources and sinks of methane in the aquatic realm
Convener: Helge Niemann | Co-conveners: Alina Stadnitskaia, Tina Treude, Claudio ArgentinoECSECS, Miriam RömerECSECS
| Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.95
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X1
Posters virtual
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X1
Orals |
Tue, 10:45
Tue, 16:15
Tue, 14:00
Methane is of utmost importance as a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, and we know that the majority of environmental methane is produced — and consumed — in sediments and the water column of marine and lacustrine systems. Nevertheless, understanding methane dynamics in the aquatic realm is still a major scientific challenge because it is governed by a vast diversity of geological, oceanographic/limnological and biological factors.
In this session we will discuss controls on methane dynamics in marine and lacustrine systems at present, in the geological past, and in future scenarios. Within this overarching theme we welcome contributions related to the following topics:

- methane formation: from water-rock interactions to petroleum systems and microbial methanogenesis
- methane transport: from diffusive transport mechanisms to advective fluxes and bubble releases
- methane sinks: from microbes and biogeochemical pathways and kinetics to physicochemical processes
- methane and element cycling: from interactions with the carbon-, sulphur-, and nitrogen cycle to trace metals and involved biota
- methane ecosystems: from symbioses to methane-fuelled food webs
- methane timescales: variations on diel, seasonal, and geological time scales
- methane geobiology: methane-derived carbonates, microbe-mineral interactions, and molecular/micro/macro fossils.
- methane in silico: modelling methane dynamics from molecular to planetary scales and deep time to the far future.

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room 2.95

Chairpersons: Alina Stadnitskaia, Tina Treude, Claudio Argentino
Marine / Estuary
On-site presentation
Olga M. Zygadlowska, Jessica Venetz, Wytze K. Lenstra, Niels A. G. M. van Helmond, Robin Klomp, Thomas Röckmann, Annelies J. Veraart, Mike S. M. Jetten, and Caroline P. Slomp

The production of methane in coastal sediments and its release to the water column is intensified by anthropogenic eutrophication and bottom water hypoxia, and it is uncertain whether this enhances methane emissions to the atmosphere. Here, we assess seasonal variations in methane dynamics in a eutrophic, seasonally euxinic coastal marine basin (Scharendijke, Lake Grevelingen). In-situ benthic chamber incubations reveal high rates of methane release to the water column (74 – 163 mmol m-2 d-1) between March and October 2021. Comparison of in-situ benthic and calculated diffusive fluxes indicates that methane was primarily released from the sediment in the form of bubbles. In spring and fall, when the water column was oxic, most of the dissolved methane was removed aerobically in the bottom water. In early summer, in contrast, methane accumulated below the oxycline. Enrichments in δ13C–CH4 and δD-CH4 and the abundant presence of methane oxidizing bacteria point towards removal of methane around the oxycline, possibly linked to iron oxide reduction. Methane emissions to the atmosphere were substantial in all seasons with the highest, in-situ measured diffusive chamber fluxes (1.2 mmol m-2 d-1) observed upon the onset of temperature-induced mixing at the end of summer. Methane release events detected in the chamber incubations and model calculations point towards a high year-round flux of methane to the atmosphere in the form of bubbles (55 – 120 mmol m-2 d-1), which bypass the microbial methane filter. Because of such bubble formation, methane emissions from eutrophic coastal systems are likely much higher than previously thought.

How to cite: Zygadlowska, O. M., Venetz, J., Lenstra, W. K., van Helmond, N. A. G. M., Klomp, R., Röckmann, T., Veraart, A. J., Jetten, M. S. M., and Slomp, C. P.: High methane emissions from a eutrophic marine coastal basin driven by bubble release from the sediment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5144,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Olivia Fandino, Panagiotis Michalopoulos, Christophe Peyronnet, Jean-Pierre Donval, Christophe Brandily, Pierre Guyavarch, Jeremie Gouriou, Olivier Dugornay, Petar Petsinsk, Atanas Vasilev, Violeta Slabakova, Valentin Georgiev, Anton Antonov, Dimitar Trukhchev, Ekaterina Batchvarova, Dilian Kuzmanov, Anton Krastev, and Livio Ruffine

The Black Sea experiences widespread methane-rich gas emissions and elevated hydrogen sulfide concentrations, extending from coastal to deep basin areas. The toxicity of hydrogen sulfide and the powerfull greenhouse gas methane, can lead to local acidification, posing threats to ecosystems. Monitoring these compounds is essential for economic growth tied to Black Sea ecosystem services. Also, the rise in seawater temperatures due to climate change increases the risk of the Black Sea releasing methane stored under gas hydrates form into the atmosphere, potentially becoming a important carbon source.The significant release of methane from the seafloor accentuates environmental apprehensions, playing a role in the creation of the Earth's largest anoxic water body (Kosarev, 2007; Riboulot et al., 2017). This underscores the necessity of investigating the dynamics of these gases and closely monitoring their concentrations to gain a comprehensive understanding of their environmental repercussions.

This presentation outlines the fieldwork conducted under the European Project H2020 - DOORS, comprising two field campaigns, METZE and METZE2 (Methane dynamics at Varna lakes and the Zelenska coastal Seeps), which investigated methane dynamics in distinct Black Sea environments, namely Varna Lake and Zelenka gas-seeps. They took place in September 2022 and March 2023. The purpose of this research is to enhance our understanding of the environmental challenges associated with methane concentrations in this unique marine setting. The work initiated a study focused on comprehending methane emissions off the coast of Varna by mapping gas emission sites and measuring their flow rates, taking into account environmental factors such as seasonality and extreme events affecting methane flow rate variability. So, in situ methane sensor deployed for several months at Varna lake indicaticates that the coastal methane fluxes exhibit a noteworthy variability, with daily processes exerting discernible influences on fluxes levels. Also, preliminary findings suggest discernible seasonal fluctuations in both the molecular and isotopic compositions in the water column and sediment pore waters, alongside variations in emission flow rates.



The authors thank the different projects and programs for their financial supports: DOORS by the EU Project number 101000518, ORAGGE by Interdisciplinary graduate School for the Blue planet (ANR-17-EURE-0015 and "Investissements d'Avenir"), SEAMLESS by INSU LEFE Programme 2022.


Kosarev, A. N., 2007, The Black Sea Environment, Springer.

Riboulot, V., Cattaneo, A., Scalabrin, C., Gaillot, A., Jouet, G., Ballas, G., Marsset, T., Garziglia, S., and Ker, S., 2017, Control of the geomorphology and gas hydrate extent on widespread gas emissions offshore Romania: Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France, v. 188, no. 4.

How to cite: Fandino, O., Michalopoulos, P., Peyronnet, C., Donval, J.-P., Brandily, C., Guyavarch, P., Gouriou, J., Dugornay, O., Petsinsk, P., Vasilev, A., Slabakova, V., Georgiev, V., Antonov, A., Trukhchev, D., Batchvarova, E., Kuzmanov, D., Krastev, A., and Ruffine, L.: Monitoring Cold-Seep Emissions at the Shallow Bulgarian Coastal Shelf, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12348,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Shuya Huang, Xia Zhang, and Chunming Lin

Coastal systems are particularly sensitive to climate divers such as sea-level rise and environmental evolution, playing important roles in greenhouse gas sink and carbon sequestration. Despite the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) consumes 90% of global methane (CH4) produced by marine sediments, and AOM rates are also considerable in freshwater environments, most attention was paid to AOM in surface sediments, and little work has addressed the potential occurrence of AOM from coastal systems in the geological past and its interaction with climate change.

A 60-m-long sediment core was investigated at the Qiantang River (QR) mouth, eastern China. The QR incised valley underlies the main part of the modern QR estuary, its sediment fill recorded the complete postglacial transgressive-regressive cycle in response to Holocene sea-level rise. Combining sedimentary Fe and P speciation with the distribution of vivianite and 34S-enriched pyrite, the sulfate-driven AOM (SD-AOM) was proved to occur at the depth interval of 38.8-39.6 m, a transition zone between two stratigraphic units (paleo-estuarine and offshore shallow marine). The intense and sustained SD-AOM is likely triggered by the rapid sea-level jump and plays a critical role in CH4 and P sink, which gives us a new perspective on understanding the elemental cycling and climate change in coastal systems in the past.

How to cite: Huang, S., Zhang, X., and Lin, C.: Evidence of past anaerobic oxidation of methane from coastal sediments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19746,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Emily Klonicki-Ference, Tina Treude, Tanner Waters, Christopher Jones, Caroline Hung, Charles Diamond, and Timothy Lyons

Earth has experienced significant shifts in its ecosystems over its long history, propelled by microbial metabolic diversification in its ancient oceans. However, unraveling the contribution of the earliest forms of life to planetary evolution poses a persistent challenge because of limited physical and chemical records. Hindered by the lack of well-preserved rocks and microbial fossils from the Archean and Proterozoic Eons, ancient Earth analog sites have deepened our knowledge of early life and its co-evolving environments. Modern stratified euxinic water bodies are particularly relevant, given the evidence in the rock record that portions of the Earth's oceans were at least intermittently euxinic during the Proterozoic eon (2.5 to 0.541 Ga). Because early oxygen levels were very low, the role of biogenic methane cycling between the ocean and atmosphere as a potential regulator of atmospheric oxygen levels takes on special importance. Anaerobic methanogenesis is regarded as one of the oldest microbial metabolisms, with carbon isotope fractionation measurements and phylogenomic estimates suggesting its existence deep in Earth history during the Archean eon (4 to 2.5 Ga). As methane accumulated in the environment, it may have also facilitated the evolution of anaerobic methanotrophy. The relevance of modern analogs is elevated because of remaining uncertainties in methane’s early role in the primitive biosphere.

Green Lake near Fayetteville, New York, is an exceptional analog site given its persistent anoxic/euxinic conditions and productive shallow chemocline. Using a combination of sediment and water column analysis across the chemocline, potential electron acceptors and donors (sulfur, nitrogen, iron, and carbon-species) were constrained. Relevant methane cycling metabolic rates were investigated using radiotracer techniques, specifically, incubations with 14C-methane, 14C-mono-methylamine, and 35S-sulfate were conducted ex-situ. Water column methane increased significantly below the chemocline (1.3 to 5.6 μM from 19.5 to 35m depth) and sulfate (~11.5 mM) fueled high rates of sulfate reduction (400 nmol/L/day) and methanotrophy (360 nmol/L/day). 14C-mono-methylamine incubations revealed concurrent methanogenesis below the chemocline. Microbial population analysis and visualization through Next-generation sequencing and microscopy identified the presence of aerobic and anaerobic methanotrophs, as well as methanogens and potential syntrophic sulfate-reducing partners. Methanotrophy and sulfate reduction rates decreased in the upper sediment, while sequencing indicated the presence of pertinent methane cycling organisms. The evidence examined from Green Lake supports the notion of productive biogenic methane cycling in early euxinic settings with important implications for climate regulation and biosignatures that are relevant within and beyond our solar system. Further, demonstrated involvement of symbiotic microorganisms highlights the possibility of similar pathways in modulating oxygenation of Earth's early surface oceans.

How to cite: Klonicki-Ference, E., Treude, T., Waters, T., Jones, C., Hung, C., Diamond, C., and Lyons, T.: The Potential Role of Marine Biogenic Methane Cycling on the Early Earth Biosphere: Insights from Green Lake in Fayetteville, New York, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7051,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sara E. Anthony, Sizhong Yang, Christian Knoblauch, Jens Kallmeyer, Maren Jenrich, Jens Strauss, and Susanne Liebner

Thermokarst lagoons form at the terrestrial-marine interface when thermokarst lakes, hotspots for Arctic methane emissions, erode into the ocean. These lagoons are dynamic environments with seasonal ice build-up and potential alternations between freshwater and marine discharge and make an excellent natural laboratory for studying methane cycling communities as they shift from a terrestrial to marine environment. Our study site encompassed two thermokarst lakes and one thermokarst lagoon on the Bykovsky Peninsula in NE Siberia. In-situ methane concentrations, methane-carbon isotopic signatures, analysis of amplicon sequencing variants (ASVs), metagenomics, and pore-water geochemistry point towards efficient communities of anaerobic methane oxidizers (AOM) in a sulfate-methane transition zone 2-3 meters below the sediment surface of the lagoon. The methanogenic community in the sediment was dominated by methylotrophic methanogens. This is potentially the first known example of dominance of these often-ignored methanogens in a terrestrial/semi-terrestrial environment. Further molecular analyses also revealed an unusual co-occurrence of terrestrial/freshwater ANMEs, specifically of Candidatus Methanoperedens, with typical marine ANME2 a/b in the sulfate-methane transition zones of both systems. Our studies suggest that AOM can locally efficiently reduce sediment methane concentrations of subaquatic permafrost environments, especially of those with marine influence.

How to cite: Anthony, S. E., Yang, S., Knoblauch, C., Kallmeyer, J., Jenrich, M., Strauss, J., and Liebner, S.: Methane Cycling Communities in Arctic coastal and submarine permafrost environments , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8576,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lia Costa Pinto Wentzel, Petra Klímová, Anna Stehrer Polášková, Jade Hatton, Jakub Žárský, Jakub Trubač, Philip Píka, Jack Murphy, Jon Hawkings, and Marek Stibal

The basal environments of ice sheets play an important role as places of methane (CH4) production, storage, and release. Recent investigations have confirmed the release of subglacial methane of microbial origin at the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS). This methane may then serve as a substrate for methane-consuming microorganisms and thus significantly shape microbial community assembly in GrIS subglacial environments.

We conducted a comparative analysis of the composition of exported microbial assemblages from six regions spanning a 2,000-km transect along the western margin of the GrIS. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, we identified taxa predominantly affiliated with Pseudomonadota (formerly Proteobacteria), Actinomycetota (formerly Actinobacteriota), and Acidobacteriota. Within the Pseudomonadota, notable genera such as Rhodoferax, Polaromonas, and the methylotrophic Crenothrix and Methylotenera were identified as the most abundant. Importantly, we observed a pattern in community composition related to measured methane concentrations at each site, resulting in three distinct clusters: samples from sites with atmospheric methane levels (i.e., with no significant methane release), those from sites with elevated methane concentrations, and methane release hotspots.

Our results align with recent findings, suggesting that microbial communities colonizing methane-emitting sites may have the potential to utilize methane as a resource, thereby reducing its release into the atmosphere and so mitigating its impact on climate change. Furthermore, our findings may facilitate the identification of potential methane release hotspots based on microbial community analysis.

How to cite: Wentzel, L. C. P., Klímová, P., Stehrer Polášková, A., Hatton, J., Žárský, J., Trubač, J., Píka, P., Murphy, J., Hawkings, J., and Stibal, M.: Methane release drives subglacial microbial community assembly at the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2203,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Getachew Agmuas Adnew, Thomas Röckmann, Thomas Blunier, Christian Juncher Jørgensen, Malavika Sivan, Sarah Elise Sapper, Maria Elena Popa, Carina van der Veel, and Jesper Riis Christiansen

 Recent observations have revealed that the subglacial meltwater from the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is a net source of methane (1,2). In the future, the Arctic region might become an important methane source due to its vulnerability to anthropogenic warming, glacier retreat, and thawing permafrost.

Mapping the sources of methane and understanding its controlling mechanisms in the subglacial environment of the GrIS are essential for predicting its potential as a climate amplifier and determining its significance in the global carbon cycle. Previous studies used the bulk isotopic composition of methane (δ13C(CH4) and δD(CH4)) to understand the source and underlying cycling processes of methane below the GrIS (1,2). However, the bulk isotopes have overlapping isotope signatures from microbial, thermogenic, and abiotic sources. In addition, methanotrophic oxidation can modify the isotopic composition, making it challenging to distinguish the source of methane under the GrIS. Using only the bulk isotopes of methane, it is not possible to distinguish aerobic from anaerobic oxidation processes.

Clumped isotopes are measures of how the distribution of heavy isotopes over the various isotopologues deviates from the expected random or stochastic distribution. Measuring the clumped isotopes of methane provides additional constraints to investigate the turnover of methane in the environment. When the methane is at thermodynamic equilibrium, clumped isotopes provide the formation temperature and when the methane is out of thermodynamic equilibrium, the clumped signatures can be used to identify various kinetic gas formation/consumption and fractionation processes that are not possible to reconstruct from the bulk isotopic composition alone.

 In this study, we will present the first data on clumped isotope composition of subglacial methane. We will discuss how this new data is used to detail our understanding of the source and sink pathways of subglacial methane. Furthermore, we will show the potential of measuring the clumped isotopes of methane in discerning environmental conditions and types of methanotrophs (oxidation pathways).


  • Christiansen et al. (2021). DOI: 10.1029/2021JG006308
  • Lamarche-Gagnon et al. (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0800-0

How to cite: Adnew, G. A., Röckmann, T., Blunier, T., Jørgensen, C. J., Sivan, M., Sapper, S. E., Popa, M. E., van der Veel, C., and Christiansen, J. R.: Clumped isotopes as a tool to discern the sources and sinks of methane in a subglacial environment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5367,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Annalisa Delre, Furu Mienis, Geert de Bruin, Ilona Velzeboer, Noortje Verstaijlen, Henk de Haas, Julia Engelmann, Gert-Jan Reichart, and Helge Niemann

The coastal ocean is highly dynamic and typically rich in methane, which is produced in sediments by microbial or thermogenic processes. In the North Sea subsurface methane is commercially exploited; once a gas field is exhausted the extraction wells are sealed with concrete. Despite this precaution, these wells may leak, becoming a potential source of methane, which might reach the atmosphere. There are several thousand abandoned wells in the North Sea, but the amount of methane escaping from these and the further fate of this methane including microbial methane oxidation and liberation to the atmosphere are not well constrained. We investigated methane dynamics at an abandoned well in the Dutch sector of the North Sea (A15-3), using a combination of different sampling and investigation tools. We conducted continuous in situ measurements of water column methane concentration, currents and various other physicochemical parameters using a bottom lander (ALBEX). Furthermore, temporally replicated hydro casts were carried out to resolve methane concentrations, vertically. We also recovered discrete water samples to investigate aerobic methanotrophs and associated methane oxidation rates, both vertically and over time. First results show an elevated background methane level of about 30 nM – yet, we recorded several events of high methane concentration reaching up to 300 nM for a duration of 10 - 60 minutes. Intervals of elevated water column methane concentrations and methane oxidation rates were also found during hydro casts. We will discuss these data in relation to environmental forcing factors including tidally induced current and hydrostatic pressure changes, as well as biological factors such as the methanotrophic community dynamics.

How to cite: Delre, A., Mienis, F., de Bruin, G., Velzeboer, I., Verstaijlen, N., de Haas, H., Engelmann, J., Reichart, G.-J., and Niemann, H.: Water column methane dynamics at an abandoned well (southern North Sea, sector A15), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17830,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Martina Schmidt, Sarah Reith, Ingeborg Bussmann, Moritz Schroll, Annika Palzer, Lasse Sander, Cedric Couret, Julia Wietzel, Danieal Polag, and Frank Keppler

CH4 emission from coastal regions contribute with up to 1 % to the global CH4 budget but show large uncertainties in terms of spatial resolution and temporal variability. In-situ measurements of CH4 and CO2 in ambient air are carried out by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) at the coastal station Westerland (Sylt, Germany). High-resolution CH4 data from 2022, with a temporal resolution of several seconds, show CH4 spikes of up to 400 ppb above background. These spikes occurred under west wind conditions (marine air from the North Sea) during low tide and mainly in summer.

Beach nourishment at the west coast of Sylt have been regularly carried out since 1984. From April to October, dredging vessels extract a mixture of sand and water from the seafloor of a spatially confined area (Westerland II), located 8 km off the coast and transport it to the beach and foreshore on the west coast of Sylt. To investigate the relation between sand dredging and the observed atmospheric CH4 spikes, continuous measurements of dissolved and atmospheric CH4 concentrations, were conducted on board of RV “Mya II” (AWI) from Sylt along the coast to the dredging site Westerland II. In addition, water samples were taken at different depths to determine dissolved CH4 concentrations and isotopic signatures.

Near the dredging area, we observed elevated CH4 concentrations in ambient air (400-500 ppb above background) and in surface and bottom waters (80 – 100 nmol/L). The saturation of dissolved CH4 in surface waters ranged from around 100% in the control area to up to 3600% in the dredging area. Depending on the wind strength this resulted in a diffusive flux of 48 ± 47 µmol m2 d-1 in the dredging area, in contrast to a diffusive flux of 25 ± 30 µmol m2 d-1 in the control area. Taking the severe storm just before our cruise which should have led to a strong degassing of the whole area into account, the dredging seems to be a strong point source for dissolved CH4.

Our measurements clearly confirmed elevated concentrations and fluxes of CH4, both in the atmosphere and the water column above the sand dredging site, compared to the surrounding areas. Moreover, dissolved CH4 within the dredging site was characterized by more negative stable carbon and hydrogen values compared to outside Westerland II, indicating a microbial origin of the excess CH4 there.

How to cite: Schmidt, M., Reith, S., Bussmann, I., Schroll, M., Palzer, A., Sander, L., Couret, C., Wietzel, J., Polag, D., and Keppler, F.: CH4 emissions from a marine aggregate extraction site offshore Sylt (eastern North Sea, Germany), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18936,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Knut Ola Dølven, Håvard Espenes, Magnus Drivdal, Muhammed Fatih Serth, and Bénédicte Férré

Estimates of atmospheric methane emissions due to seabed methane seepage are hard to constrain. Additionally, high concentrations of methane can have an impact on local biology due to local ocean acidification. In both cases, better tools for modeling the fate of methane in the water column are needed.  

We present a new approach where we include and couple a wide range of water column processes by using several already verified models in tandem, attempting to form a complete modelling framework for the fate of methane in the water column. Included processes are gas phase changes, advection, dilution, direct and diffusive atmospheric flux and microbial oxidation. The modelling framework allows for a complete estimate of atmospheric emissions, both direct and diffusive fluxes, as well as the 3-dimensional distribution of methane in the water column. The framework can be applied to specific seep sites of interest using hydroacoustic data as input. Additionally, it is also possible to simulate atmospheric fluxes in potential edge cases and future scenarios in areas where local seepage is expected to change or is unknown.

We tested the methodology using hydroacoustic field data from a seep site in the Hola trough offshore North-Western Norway in Spring 2020. We calculated both direct and diffusive atmospheric methane fluxes, distribution of methane in the water column and its potential for affecting local biology due to acidification.

How to cite: Dølven, K. O., Espenes, H., Drivdal, M., Serth, M. F., and Férré, B.: Modeling the fate of methane in the water column by model coupling, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20009,, 2024.


Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X1

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 14:00–Tue, 16 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Helge Niemann, Miriam Römer
Yuki Ota, Masahiro Suzumura, Ayumi Tsukasaki, Atsushi Suzuki, Akira Iguchi, Miyuki Nishijima, Hideyoshi Yoshioka, Tomo Aoyagi, and Tomoyuki Hori

We investigated characteristics of benthic macrofaunal communities and geochemical parameters in and around microbial mat-covered sediments associated with a methane seepage on Sakata Knoll in the northeastern Japan Sea. A depression on top of the knoll corresponds to a gas-hydrate-bearing area with seepage of methane-rich fluid, and microbial mats patchily cover the seafloor sediments. Sediment cores were collected at three sites for this study: one within a microbial mat, a second a few meters outside of the microbial mat, and a third from a reference site outside the gas-hydrate-bearing areas.The profile of porewater sulfate ion concentrations below the microbial mat showed linear decreases from near seawater values close to the sediment-water interface to zero concentration at approximately 7 cmbsf. Compared to the reference site, total sulfur (TS) contents were significantly higher and δ13C of total inorganic carbon were strongly negative values in the entire core below the microbial mats and in sediments below 10 cm depth outside mat, respectively. These results indicate the presence of the authigenic carbonates and sulfide minerals produced by the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) in these sediments. There is no fall in sulfate concentration in the whole core collected outside microbial mat, which may be explained by the higher upward flow of methane gas inside than outside the mat. Both the 18S rRNA genes and morphological analyses showed that the surface sediment inside the microbial mat noticeably favored annelids, with dorvilleid Ophryotrocha sp. and ampharetid Neosabellides sp. identified as major constituents. The sulfidic sediment conditions with concentrations of H2S up to 121 µM resulting from AOM likely resulted in the predominance of annelids with tolerance to sulfide. In addition, the higher contents of Mo in whole cores collected inside the microbial mat than that at the reference site indicate strong enrichments of molybdenum in the sediment inside the mat. The positive correlation of Mo with TS contents suggests that the AOM-derived H2S favored the capture of Mo on sulfide minerals such as pyrite. Because of the absence of enrichments of redox-sensitive trace elements other than Mo in the Sakata Knoll sediments, molybdenum may be efficiently transported into the AOM-induced sulfidic seafloor by absorption on the particulate Fe-Mn hydroxides that are well preserved in oxic water column of the Japan Sea Proper Water.

This study was conducted as a part of the methane hydrate research project funded by METI (the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan).

How to cite: Ota, Y., Suzumura, M., Tsukasaki, A., Suzuki, A., Iguchi, A., Nishijima, M., Yoshioka, H., Aoyagi, T., and Hori, T.: Characteristics of geochemistry and benthic communities in microbial mat-covered sediments related to methane seepage, northeastern Japan Sea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3316,, 2024.

Tina Treude, Emily Kloniki- Ference, Jiarui Liu, Kira Homola, Yuhe Li, Daniel R. Utter, Rebecca L. Wipfler, Magdalena J. Mayr, John S. Magyar, Victoria J. Orphan, Shana Goffredi, and Lisa A. Levin

The deep ocean methanosphere is defined by the microbial communities that cycle methane, the animals that directly consume or form symbioses with methane-consuming microbes, and the transitional animal communities that gain energy indirectly from methane and/or take advantage of the methane-derived authigenic carbonate. Our research seeks to redefine our understanding of the fate and footprint of methane on Pacific continental margins. By applying molecular, isotopic, geochemical, and radiotracer tools to the seep microbes and fauna we hope to better understand the contribution of methane to deep-sea diversity and ecosystem function. During the 2023 expedition AT50-12 with the RV Atlantis and the submersible Alvin we explored a set of methane seeps located in the Southern California Borderland. Samples were taken from seep carbonates, sediments, and the water column surrounding methane vents to study microbial methanotrophic activity and its relevance for methane removal, habitat engineering, and primary productivity. This poster will provide a first glance into new datasets on methanotrophy generated during the expedition and into the heterogeneity of deep ocean methane seeps off the coast of southern California.

How to cite: Treude, T., Kloniki- Ference, E., Liu, J., Homola, K., Li, Y., Utter, D. R., Wipfler, R. L., Mayr, M. J., Magyar, J. S., Orphan, V. J., Goffredi, S., and Levin, L. A.: The Life Methanic: Microbial Activity in the Deep Ocean Methanosphere of the Southern California Borderland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3678,, 2024.

Claudio Argentino, Giuliana Panieri, Luca Fallati, Alessandra Savini, Ines Barrenechea Angeles, Abidemi Akinselure, and Benedicte Ferré

Methane seepage in the Hola area off the coast of Vesterålen (N. Norway) has long been known for its peculiar association with cold-water coral mounds, but only recently it was possible to explore the distribution of seafloor ecosystems using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) and to conduct microhabitat-specific samplings for biogeochemical investigations. Here, we describe the results from sediment (carbon-nitrogen systematics) and pore fluid geochemistry (sulfate, dissolved inorganic carbon, methane) and interpret them in relation to the seafloor ecosystems. Microbial mats are the dominant seep-related community and form small white patches of a few tens of cm in diameter located at various distances from the coral mounds. Seep carbonates are widespread at this location and form extensive pavements. The seafloor distribution of methane bubbling and chemosynthetic communities seem controlled by fractures in the carbonates. Microbial mats are associated with intense sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane producing shallow sulfate-methane transitions coupled with highly 13C-depleted dissolved inorganic carbon in the pore water.

Acknowledgments: this research was supported by Eman7 project (Research Council of Norway grant No. 320100) and AKMA project (Research Council of Norway grant No. 287869).

How to cite: Argentino, C., Panieri, G., Fallati, L., Savini, A., Barrenechea Angeles, I., Akinselure, A., and Ferré, B.: Biogeochemistry of seep-impacted sediments at a cold-water coral site off the Vesterålen coast, Northern Norway, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6944,, 2024.

Dong-Hun Lee, Chang-Bum Jeong, Seung-Hee Kim, and Kyung-Hoon Shin

We investigated water chemical properties (chlrolophyll a, nutrients), particulate/dissolved organic carbon (POC, DOC) and methane in water columns of the semi-closed estuarine system (Masan-Jinhae Bay, South Korea). Together with the overall OM increase in upper boundaries (chlrolophyll a; 13.3±2.3 μg/L, POC and DOC; 0.2-2.1 mg/L) of Masan-Jinhae Bay, methane profiles within water columns showed the distinct predominance (101.2±7.6 nM) near surface layers. Considering OC isotopic compositions (δ13CPOC; -19.4±0.6 ‰, δ13CDOC; -22.5±0.4 ‰) may reflect the decomposition of autochthonous OC sources, the methane production near surface seems to be potentially related to chemical reactions (e.g., demethylation and OM aggregates) of biological sources. Specifically, methane concentrations at adjacent terrestrial realm (inner Masan Bay) showed the most increased patterns (401.5±47.3 nM), indicating significant correlations with dissolved nitrogen and DOC. Together with the substantial transport of anthropogenic derived-nitrogen (δ15NNO3,δ18ONO3; 4.3±0.3 ‰, 6.0±1.0 ‰), our results infer that methanogenic process may be potentially influenced from the predominant OC production/decomposition under increased discharge of domestic wastewater. In near future, the additional analysis of methane isotopes may provide important clues for effectively understanding methane dynamics such as production and removal.

How to cite: Lee, D.-H., Jeong, C.-B., Kim, S.-H., and Shin, K.-H.: Potential methanogenic evidence related to the transportation of anthropogenic elements in semi-closed estuarine system (Masan-Jinhae Bay, South Korea) , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11260,, 2024.

Livio Ruffine, Constant Art-Clarie Agnissan, Thomas Giunta, Roberto Grilli, Mathis Lozano, Christophe Peyronnet, Jean-Pierre Donval, Jean-Daniel Paris, Arnaud Desmedt, Vincent Riboulot, Stéphanie Dupré, and Olivia Fandino

Methane is widely found on continental margins. It originates from either microbial processes at shallow sedimentary depth or thermal cracking of organic matter at deep depth, and occurs as disolved or free gas, or hydrates. It is the main chemical compound found both in natural gas hydrate deposits and seafloor gas emissions at the cold-seep.

There are extensive methane manifestations both in the sedimentary and water columns of the Black Sea.  This stratified sea is characterized by large quantities of methane bubbles discharged at the seafloor from the very shallow coastal shelf to the deep basin (Riboulot et al., 2017), contributing to the high concentration level measurement in the water column. Hydrate-bearing sediments are also widely distributed within the sediment on the continental slope, and Riboulot et al. (2018) showed that the seawater infiltration make them vulnerable and prone to dissociation since the reconnection of the Atlantic Ocean via the Sea of Marmara.

The expeditions Ghass 2 in September 2021 allowed the investigation of several methane emission sites from the continental shelf to the deep basin in the Romanian sector of the Black Sea, including hydrate-bearing sites. The water column was probed to measure in situ dissolved methane concentration using a commercial methane sensor and the prototype laser spectrometer SubOcean and sampled from CTD-Rosette. A ~6m-length hydrate-bearing core was collected from a long Calypso piston corer from which a high-resolution sampling of hydrates was performed to estimate the influence of geological factors on their cage occupancy.

The presentation aims to provide further background on methane dynamics in the Black Sea.



Agnissan Constant Art-Clarie, Guimpier Charlène, Terzariol Marco, Fandino Olivia, Chéron Sandrine, Riboulot Vincent, Desmedt Arnaud, Ruffine Livio (2023). Influence of Clay-Containing Sediments on Methane Hydrate Formation: Impacts on Kinetic Behavior and Gas Storage Capacity . Journal Of Geophysical Research-solid Earth , 128(9).

Riboulot Vincent, Ker Stephan, Sultan Nabil, Thomas Yannick, Marsset Bruno, Scalabrin Carla, Ruffine Livio, Boulart Cedric, Ion Gabriel (2018). Freshwater lake to salt-water sea causing widespread hydrate dissociation in the Black Sea . Nature Communications , 9(117), 1-8



The authors thank the different projects and programs for their financial supports DOORS by the EU Project number 101000518, ENVRIPLUS by EC Project number 654182, Blame ANR-18-CE01-0007, ORAGGE by Interdisciplinary graduate School for the Blue planet (ANR-17-EURE-0015 and "Investissements d'Avenir"), SEAMLESS by INSU LEFE Programme 2022

How to cite: Ruffine, L., Agnissan, C. A.-C., Giunta, T., Grilli, R., Lozano, M., Peyronnet, C., Donval, J.-P., Paris, J.-D., Desmedt, A., Riboulot, V., Dupré, S., and Fandino, O.: Methane occurrence in the Black Sea: From hydrates to the water column, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12819,, 2024.

Martin Scherwath, Michael Riedel, Yann Marcon, Miriam Römer, Laurenz Thomsen, Autun Purser, Damianos Chatzievangelou, and Cherisse Du Preez

Cabled ocean observatories enable permanent continuous observations in situ in addition to regular sampling during observatory maintenance expeditions, which allow for some of the most comprehensive monitoring to understand the fate of methane all the way from below the seafloor (with instrumented boreholes), through the seafloor (with bottom sensors, cameras or cabled vehicles) into the water column (with sonars). Ocean Networks Canada is operating the NEPTUNE observatory off the coast of Vancouver Island since 2009 with two of its instrument nodes at gas hydrate sites. The first site, Clayoquot Slope, is at around 1200 m water depth and is a site of high fluid expulsion including large amounts of methane gas seepage, which has been observed for over a decade with permanent sonar scanning. The second site, Barkley Canyon, is at about 900 m water depth and has hydrate mounds with exposed gas hydrate on the seafloor, and is unique for its thermogenic methane and also oil seepage, and the most important observations have been made by a remotely-operated cabled and instrumented a seafloor crawler called Wally. This presentation will provide a few highlights on gas hydrate observations and invites the research community for new ideas how to expand the use of the permanent and continuous data flow opportunities that stem from the 24/7 presence of power and communication availability at the two different hydrate sights.

How to cite: Scherwath, M., Riedel, M., Marcon, Y., Römer, M., Thomsen, L., Purser, A., Chatzievangelou, D., and Du Preez, C.: Observing the fate of methane utilizing Ocean Network Canada's cabled seafloor NEPTUNE Observatory, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14307,, 2024.

Edouard Metzger, Bruno Bombled, Vivien Hulot, Grégoire Maillet, Aurélia Mouret, Cyril Fleurant, Bruno Deflandre, Sylvain Rigaud, Aubin Thibault de Chanvalon, Sophie Sanchez, Eric Beneteau, Yohann Poprawski, and Christophe Rabouille

Particles generating Maximum Turbidity Zones (MTZ), in estuaries undergo several cycles of deposition/resuspension cycles before definitive burial or expelling towards the continental shelf. Positioning and spatial coverage depend on its morphology, riverine discharge and tidal dynamics. In the Loire estuary, the decadal flood of February 2021 displaced a lot of material from the upper to the lower estuary. Consequently, cores sampled at four sites upstream Paimboeuf (15 km from estuarine mouth) showed very dark cohesive sediments while those taken at two stations downstream, within the MTZ, showed a thick (10-50 cm), unconsolidated layer of a light-brown sediment over a darker-cohesive one. More striking, these four upstream stations, covering a river line of some 40 km, showed gas ebullition generating numerous cracks on the first decimetres of interface cores.

A few months later (June 2021), interface and long cores were sampled and methane analysed at three stations along the salinity gradient (two upstream and one downstream of Paimboeuf). Upstream, the entire interface and long cores showed methane saturated samples (about 2 mmol L-1) and cracks remained ebullitive. Near Paimboeuf, the cores were no longer ebullitive and a clear sulphate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) was observed at 50 cm depth. Downstream, the SMTZ was located at 30 cm depth. These results suggest that the important currents induced by the 2021 winter flood eroded a significant layer of sediment to generate depressurization and allow methane to escape in the upper estuary while the lower estuary remained capped by enough sediment to maintain the SMTZ. They also showed that the decrease of riverine discharge allowed the MTZ to migrate upstream stopping methane to escape in the mid estuary while the upper estuary continued to release methane through ebullition four months after the erosion event. Crack formation and methane release also affected benthic fluxes, increasing total oxygen uptake by a factor of ten (94 mmol m-2 d-1) compared to diffusive flux, for example.

The rare opportunity to document such processes because of extreme navigation conditions, particularly for the deployment of the corer, allows us to emphasize that winter flooding can be an important source of methane that is immediately transferred to the atmosphere due to shallow depth of estuaries and must be taken into consideration for budgets and fluxes between reservoirs. This process must also be taken into account for a better understanding of other estuarine biogeochemical cycles, such as oxygen and nutrient cycles, as crack formation and methane release significantly increase their benthic fluxes.

How to cite: Metzger, E., Bombled, B., Hulot, V., Maillet, G., Mouret, A., Fleurant, C., Deflandre, B., Rigaud, S., Thibault de Chanvalon, A., Sanchez, S., Beneteau, E., Poprawski, Y., and Rabouille, C.: The exceptional winter flood of Loire river 2021: an unexpected source of methane in the inner estuary, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19144,, 2024.

Anna Stehrer Polášková, Jade Hatton, Jacob Clement Yde, Siri Hesland Engen, Jakub Trubač, Lia Costa Pinto Wentzel, Guillaume Lamarche-Gagnon, Sarah Tingey, Jemma Wadham, Marek Stibal, and Sarah Elise Sapper

Recent research underscores a potential, yet overlooked, positive climate feedback mechanism: the transport of subglacially produced methane (CH4) to the atmosphere via meltwater. While the majority of research focused on release from beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet, mountain glaciers have been largely understudied, creating a gap in our understanding of the spatial distribution of subglacial CH4 emissions. Emerging research from glaciers in Iceland, Canada, Alaska, and China suggests the presence of CH4 release also from glaciers other than the Greenland Ice Sheet.


Here, we explore the potential of CH4 release from outlet glaciers of the Jostedalsbreen ice cap and Midtdalsbreen in central Norway. We investigated whether meltwaters from outlet glaciers of Jostedalsbreen (Tuftebreen, Fåbergstølsbreen, Bøyabreen, Supphelebreen, Austerdalsbreen and Nigardsbreen), along with Midtdalsbreen in Finse, act as a source of CH4 to the atmosphere. We collected discrete samples for dissolved CH4 (dCH4) and CO2 concentrations at all glacier outlets multiple times throughout the melt season. Additionally, we conducted longer time-series measurements of dCH4 at Tuftebreen, Fåbergstølsbreen and Midtdalsbreen, utilizing custom-made dCH4 sensors. Accompanying these measurements were samples analysed for water chemistry and stable isotopes of dCO213C-CO2) in samples where concentrations were elevated compared to atmospheric equilibrium.


Our results indicate that dCH4 concentrations in the meltwater of all studied glaciers remained below atmospheric equilibrium concentrations throughout the melt season. In contrast, dCO2 concentrations surpassed atmospheric equilibrium levels, suggesting that the studied glacial runoffs do not act as CH4 source to the atmosphere but might contribute as a small source of CO2. This dataset of dissolved greenhouse gases enhances our understanding of the spatial distribution of subglacial CH4 emissions, fostering discussions on carbon cycling beneath glaciers and the factors influencing the presence or absence of CH4 emissions from the subglacial domain.

How to cite: Stehrer Polášková, A., Hatton, J., Yde, J. C., Engen, S. H., Trubač, J., Costa Pinto Wentzel, L., Lamarche-Gagnon, G., Tingey, S., Wadham, J., Stibal, M., and Sapper, S. E.: Is methane being released from Norwegian glaciers? , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19278,, 2024.

Tetyana Gilevska, Amelia Rotaru, Alexis Fonseca, Steffen Kümmel, Martin Krauss, Pedro Inostroza Inostroza, and Stefano Bonaglia

Naproxen and caffeine may enter marine environments through discharge of wastewater, subsequently accumulating in marine sediments at nanogram per gram (ng/g) levels. These compounds, containing methyl groups linked to heteroatoms, may serve as potential substrates for microbial communities, including methanogens.  Methanogens could utilize these methyl groups directly for methylotrophic methanogenesis, or indirectly for hydrogenotrophic or acetoclastic methanogenesis. Alternatively, some other microorganisms are capable solely of demethylation. Our study investigates the capacity of marine sedimentary communities to demethylate naproxen and caffeine, potentially leading to methane production in marine sediments.

To elucidate the biotransformation pathways and potential methane production from these compounds, we employed a multiple line of evidence approach, including microbial incubation with surface marine sediments, stable isotope analysis, concentration analysis, and 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. Sediments were collected from Hakefjorden, near the town of Stenungsund on the Swedish west coast, adjacent to the Strävliden WWTP's discharge outflow. Sediments were characterized to contain 4 and 7 ng/g of caffeine and naproxen, respectively. The top sediment layer (2-10 cm) was used for microbial incubation experiments with 13C-labeled methyl group substrates, including naproxen, caffeine, and standard methanogenesis substrates such as acetate, methylamine, and carbonate. This enabled tracing of the microbial transformation of the methyl groups within these compounds. Results indicate that both naproxen and caffeine act as precursors to 13C-methane production, with naproxen additionally leading to 13C-carbon dioxide formation. The presence of these compounds enriched specific microbial populations, including methanogens (Methanomicrobiaceae), other Archaeal groups (Lokiarchaeia), various fermentative bacteria, and sulfate-reducing bacteria.

The transformation of naproxen and caffeine stemming from wastewater into methane and carbon dioxide highlights alternative substrates for greenhouse gas production in marine sediments, an area of concern considering these and other anthropogenic compounds' presence in the sediment. This underscores the need for detailed research into the interactions between marine microbes and methylated pharmaceuticals, given their potential impact on greenhouse gas emissions.

How to cite: Gilevska, T., Rotaru, A., Fonseca, A., Kümmel, S., Krauss, M., Inostroza, P. I., and Bonaglia, S.: Demethylation of Naproxen and Caffeine by Marine Sedimentary communities, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19350,, 2024.

Quantifying Methane Ebullition Flux: Investigating Spatial and Seasonal Variability 
Lauren Ing, Edmund Tedford, and Lawrence Gregory
Katja Heeschen, Stefan Schlömer, Robert Kopte, Miriam Römer, and Martin Blumenberg

In the North Sea a number of surveys have turned their attention to the extent of methane emissions from abandoned or decommissioned wells that may provide gas migration pathways for shallow biogenic gas accumulations. As part of the diverse and partly contradicting investigations, the research cruise MSM98 was to study sedimentary gas ebullition and the consequent distribution and fate of methane (CH4) within the water column in the German EEZ, particularly at the eastern Dogger Bank in the German EEZ, where a number of abandoned wells and natural gas ebullition sites are present. During MSM98 in January 2021, sedimentary gases were sampled from two different ebullition sites using an ROV. Their main component was biogenic methane, isotopically light ethane with concentrations of 50 - 125 ppm and traces of propane. The area of the Berta salt dome on the eastern Dogger Bank was the only study site with significant elevations of methane in the water column. Four additional abandoned well sites in the German EEZ had methane concentrations close to the background values, with methane profiles at two sites showing a slightly irregular pattern. Methane maxima at known ebullition sites were significantly lower compared to an earlier study in summer 2019, when the water column was stratified with a clear thermocline. During the first three days of sampling at the eastern Dogger Bank, trace amounts of ethane and propane were detected in water samples throughout the water column showing decreasing concentrations with time. For these thermogenic gases, the analysis of currents and hydrographic properties indicated a source outside the working area. In conjunction with ventilated offshore waters coming into the working area these allochthonous light hydrocarbons disappeared except for background concentrations of methane. Short-term changes, likely horizontal input of light hydrocarbons, and rapid mixing of the complete water column did not allow for any quantitative statement with regard to sedimentary input of methane into the water column or export of methane into the atmosphere.

How to cite: Heeschen, K., Schlömer, S., Kopte, R., Römer, M., and Blumenberg, M.: Sedimentary gas ebullition in shallow waters of the Central North Sea (German Dogger Bank), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21466,, 2024.

Philip Pika, Sandra Arndt, Guillaume Lamarche-Gagnon, Jade Hatton, Jakub Žárský, Lia Costa Pinto Wentzel, Jakub Trubač, Anna Stehrer Polášková, Petra Klímová, Jon R. Hawkings, and Marek Stibal

Recent studies have shown the release of methane (CH4) from the melting Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) and identified it as having an additional potential positive climate feedback. This methane originates mainly from acetoclastic methanogenesis in subglacial sediments, accumulates over time, and subsequently diffuses into the subglacial hydrologic network which transports it to the ice sheet margin. The rates of methane production and emission from GrIS subglacial sediments likely depend on a number of factors, including sediment depth and distribution, organic matter content in the sediment and its reactivity, the redox conditions, and downstream methanotrophic activity; however, their relative significance remains unquantified.

Here, we use a reaction-transport model that accounts for heterotrophic methane production, methane oxidation, as well as advective and diffusive methane transport to quantitatively assess the potential for biogenic methane production and emissions from subglacial sediments underneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. The model is run over a large environmental condition model ensemble (n=3840) covering the entire range of plausible subglacial sediment thickness, subglacial organic matter availability and reactivity, oxygen concentration and methanotrophic activity as constrained by available field observations from subglacial and/or similar environments and/or laboratory experiments. Model results are discussed in the context of available field observations.

Results show that methanogenic activity in subglacial sediments can produce large quantities of methane (10-5 -7.9⋅101 mmol m-2 yr-1). Subglacial methane production rates compare well with observations from laboratory studies. They are strongly controlled by organic matter availability and subglacial sediment depth, but are less sensitive to the availability of oxygen in overlying waters. Only for low organic carbon contents, low methanotrophic rate constants and/or high oxygen concentrations does methane production become more sensitive to oxygen concentration in overlying waters. Simulated methane effluxes vary four orders of magnitude and again strongly depend on organic matter availability and subglacial sediment depths. However, in contrast to methane production, methane efflux is also sensitive to oxygen concentration and methanotrophic activity. Methane effluxes generally decrease with increasing oxygen concentration and their sensitivity to oxygen concentration increases with increasing methanotrophic activity. Model results show that subglacial sediments can support methane effluxes that are up to 100 times higher than the flux required to sustain observed subglacial methane fluxes at the outflow (0.653 mmol m-2 yr-1 Lamarche-Gagnon et al., 2019) for realistic organic carbon contents (0.06 - 0.5 wt%), reactivity (0.013-1.1 yr-1), subglacial sediment depths (100-500 cm) and methanotrophic rate constants (1010-1012 mol cm-3yr-1) under both anoxic and partly oxic conditions (<100 µM).

How to cite: Pika, P., Arndt, S., Lamarche-Gagnon, G., Hatton, J., Žárský, J., Wentzel, L. C. P., Trubač, J., Stehrer Polášková, A., Klímová, P., Hawkings, J. R., and Stibal, M.: The potential for methane production and release from subglacial sediments underneath the Greenland Ice Sheet – a model sensitivity study, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17526,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X1

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr 08:30–Tue, 16 Apr 18:00
Chairperson: Miriam Römer
Enze Ma, Xiuyu Liang, Qianlai Zhuang, Zhe Li, Lian Feng, Kewei Chen, Jiangwei Zhang, and You-kuan Zhang

Ebullition is a primary pathway of CH4 emission from water reservoirs, which is poorly constrained due to its episodic nature, especially in large reservoirs. Here, by inducing the intrinsic link between sedimentation and CH4 production, and hence ebullition, a novel mechanistic reservoir CH4 model is developed for quantifying CH4 emissions from reservoirs. The model is first validated and applied in the Saar River reservoirs, effectively reproducing the seasonal patterns of ebullitive fluxes and the enhanced effects of sedimentation on ebullition. Through analyzing modelling CH4 production, bubble formation, dissolved CH4 concentration in sediments, and their interplay at different sedimentation rates, the regulatory mechanisms of sedimentation on ebullition are investigated. The results indicate that the increase in sedimentation rate augments sediment CH4 production. Excessive CH4 production beyond diffusive transport in the sediment is required to induce porewater CH4 super-saturation and trigger bubble generation. Under porewater super-saturation, the majority of the increased sediment CH4 production, resulting from an elevated sedimentation rate, is released via ebullition. Thus, sedimentation can regulate reservoir CH4 bubble formation and ebullition by influencing CH4 production. Then, the proposed model is applied to estimating CH4 emissions from the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR). The TGR have trapped 80% sediments derived from the upstream Yangtze River since dam closure, potentially fueling CH4 production and ebullition, which has not been quantified yet. We find that the CH4 flux of the TGR is 6.71 (4.12-11.41) mg CH4-C m-2d-1 with 3.07 (0.90-6.06) mg CH4-C m-2d-1 via ebullition and 3.64 (1.88-5.35) mg CH4-C m-2d-1 via diffusion. This flux is 36% larger than other estimates in the literature. By trapping most of the sediments from upstream, the TGR experiences a surge in CH4 emission from 0.17 to 1.38 Gg CH4-C yr-1 after impoundment, mainly via ebullition (0.63 Gg CH4-C yr-1). Ebullition is highly related to the sedimentation along the channel. The proposed model provides a mechanistic approach for estimating reservoirs ebullition and introduces a new aspect for the effects of reservoir sedimentation on river carbon budget.

How to cite: Ma, E., Liang, X., Zhuang, Q., Li, Z., Feng, L., Chen, K., Zhang, J., and Zhang, Y.: Modelling of sedimentation-regulated methane ebullition from reservoirs, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4817,, 2024.