BG9.3 | Remote Sensing of Vegetation Biodiversity Quantity and Value
Remote Sensing of Vegetation Biodiversity Quantity and Value
Convener: Javier Pacheco-Labrador | Co-conveners: Gregory Duveiller, Mirco Migliavacca, Micol Rossini, Giulia Tagliabue
| Tue, 16 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.17
Posters on site
| Attendance Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X1
Orals |
Tue, 10:45
Tue, 16:15
Quantifying and valuing biodiversity is critical to articulate its conservation. While field sampling efforts limit biodiversity monitoring, remote sensing is arising as a potential tool to provide global and systematic information. Furthermore, remote sensing can follow ecosystems functioning, conservation, and response to the changing environment better and better in space and time. Consequently, remote sensing could potentially quantify not only biodiversity but also its value for sustaining ecosystem services, stability, and resilience. However, the links between spectral diversity and vegetation diversity facets and functions remain unclear and challenging.

Recent advances in remote sensing are identifying the capabilities and limitations of this science to quantify vegetation biodiversity, including metrics, approaches, and resolutions. New and well-known methods used in ecology are enriched and challenged by new opportunities brought by remote sensing, and many are yet to be explored. At the same time, pioneer studies are using these new capabilities to understand the role of biodiversity in ecosystem processes. Still, the different physical natures of ecological and remote sensing studies challenge collaboration and synergy.

This session aims to unite both communities to share challenges and potential, offers and needs, and stimulate collaboration. We welcome both multidisciplinary teams and contributions from one of the sides venturing into the other. The session encourages synergistic solutions but is open to any study quantifying biodiversity and / or its value with remote sensing.

Orals: Tue, 16 Apr | Room 2.17

On-site presentation
Duccio Rocchini

The assessment of species diversity in relatively large areas has always been a challenging task for ecologists, mainly because of the intrinsic difficulty to judge the completeness of species lists and to undertake sufficient and appropriate sampling. Since the variability of remotely sensed signal is expected to be related to landscape diversity, it could be used as a good proxy of diversity at species level. It has been demonstrated that the relation between species and landscape diversity measured from remotely sensed data varies with scale. In this talk, I aim at providing a theoretical and emipircal background of the mostly used diversity indices stemmed from information theory that are commonly applied to quantify landscape diversity from remotely sensed data.

How to cite: Rocchini, D.: Feeling the rhytm of Nature: challenges and prospects of biodiversity prediction from space, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1449,, 2024.

On-site presentation
M. Pilar Martín, Rosario Gonzalez-Cascon, Vicente Burchard-Levine, Lucía Casillas, Victor Rolo, and David Riaño

Grasslands and tree-grass ecosystems play a fundamental role in the global carbon balance and the subsistence of the population in vulnerable regions. Protecting the entire range of ecosystem services provided by grasslands require assessing the influence of management and environmental drivers on these services and the role of biodiversity in their provision. Remote sensing offers tools that can help monitoring and better understand biodiversity in grasslands and its relationship with ecosystem function. The spectral diversity hypothesis suggests that spectral variations can be related to functional and phylogenetic diversity. Thus, different authors estimate foliar functional traits and validate the relationship between spectral optical properties of vegetation and functional diversity providing a powerful tool to understand the different roles species play in their environments. These studies mainly focus on forests, while functional characterization of grassland ecosystems is still limited (specially at leaf level) and key leaf traits, such as specific leaf area or cellulose and lignin content, remain underexplored. The phenology of grasslands has been also largely overlooked in biodiversity studies due to the challenges associated to field sampling. As a result, most datasets are collected only over short periods and do not represent the seasonality of the species and associated functional and spectral changes.

In this study, a monoculture experiment was implemented with 7 herbaceous species, including C3 and C4 grasses, legumes and forbs typical of Mediterranean grasslands to assess the capacity of hyperspectral data to detect intra- and inter-specific differences in foliar functional traits of pasture species at different phenological stages, and their plastic responses to water shortage. The experiment included 42 plots (1.5x1.5 m), with six replicates of every other species, organized in two blocks. Water regimes were manipulated to simulate typical versus water stress conditions. Leaf level reflectance was measured using a full range spectroradiometer ASD Fieldspec® 3 coupled with a plant probe and leaf clip with internal light source. Five regular measurements were carried out following the main phenological periods in the spring-summer growing season (April to June) 2022. Besides the reflectance data, key functional traits were also measured including leaf water content (LWC in g/cm2), leaf dry matter content (LDMC in %), specific leaf area (SLA in cm2/g), and chlorophyll and carotenoids concentrations (Cab and Car in mg/g). The potential of optical information to estimate foliar functional traits was explored using empirical models based on Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) techniques. Best fits (higher R2 and lower normalized root mean squared error (nRMSE)) were achieved for LWC (R2 = 0.94, nRMSE = 0.05) and Ca/Cb (R2 = 0.89, nRMSE = 0.07), with slightly lower values for SLA (R2 0.71, nRMSE = 0.10). To investigate the seasonal dynamics of functional traits and spectral diversity, hierarchical clustering of the analyzed species based on observed and estimated foliar traits was calculated. Results revealed clear effects of phenology on the spectral diversity and the significant role of the LWC. This variable is not typically used for the functional characterization of herbaceous species.

How to cite: Martín, M. P., Gonzalez-Cascon, R., Burchard-Levine, V., Casillas, L., Rolo, V., and Riaño, D.: Connecting spectral and functional diversity at the leaf-level in Mediterranean herbaceous species: the DiverSpec monoculture experiment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16335,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Clara Oliva Gonçalves Bazzo, Bahareh Kamali, Murilo Vianna, Dominik Behrend, Hubert Hueging, Farshid Farshid Jahanbakhshi, Inga Schleip, Paul Mosebach, and Thomas Gaiser

Grassland ecosystems play a vital role in biodiversity and carbon sequestration, but assessing these ecosystem services accurately is challenging due to their inherent spatial and temporal variability. Conventional field-based methods are often labor-intensive and may not capture this heterogeneity effectively. Recent progress in assessing grassland ecosystems has utilized a combination of structural and spectral data from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), showing promise for a thorough understanding of vegetation behavior. However, this method frequently overlooks an important factor — the horizontal variability within the vegetation, which significantly influences the precision of estimating plant characteristics, particularly in diverse ecosystems. Our study aims to fill this gap by incorporating texture analysis, a critical but often overlooked element in UAV-based assessments. Our research explored the potential of integrating various UAV-derived features to improve the estimation of above-ground biomass (AGB) and species richness in heterogeneous grasslands, key indicators of ecosystem health and productivity. This research investigated the efficacy of combining UAV-derived canopy height, multispectral data, and texture features for AGB and species richness estimation. The study was conducted in a heterogeneous wet grassland ecosystem, using a UAV equipped with multispectral sensors to capture high-resolution imagery. The imagery was processed to extract a range of features, including spectral indices, canopy height models, and textural information using Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix methods. These features were then used to develop predictive models for AGB and species richness using advanced machine learning techniques, including Random Forest. Model performance was evaluated based on their predictive accuracy and ability to handle the spatial heterogeneity of grassland ecosystems. The study found that models integrating texture analysis with traditional spectral and structural data significantly improved predictive accuracy. For AGB estimation, the best models achieved an R² value of up to 0.84, with a relative root mean square error (rRMSE) of 26.58%. In predicting species richness, the most effective models reached an R² of 0.54 and a relative rRMSE of 31.95%. These results indicate an enhancement in estimation precision compared to models using traditional structural and spectral data types alone. This research demonstrated that UAV-based remote sensing, combined with a fusion of spectral, structural, and textural data, can improve the assessment of grassland characteristics such as AGB and species richness. The findings underscore the potential of integrated UAV-derived datasets in ecological monitoring and highlight the importance of advanced data processing and machine learning techniques in environmental research. This approach offers a promising avenue for more effective grassland management and conservation strategies, contributing to a deeper understanding of ecosystem dynamics.

How to cite: Gonçalves Bazzo, C. O., Kamali, B., Vianna, M., Behrend, D., Hueging, H., Farshid Jahanbakhshi, F., Schleip, I., Mosebach, P., and Gaiser, T.: Innovative Methods in Grassland Monitoring: Integrating UAV Data for Ecosystem Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15919,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Vicente Burchard-Levine, M.Pilar Martín, Rosario Gonzalez-Cascon, Victor Rolo, Alejandro Carrascosa, Héctor Nieto, Lucia Casillas, David Riaño, and Gerardo Moreno

Vegetation diversity has been found to influence ecosystem function and provide essential ecosystem services, intimately linked to societal wellbeing. However, the relationship between vegetation diversity and function is very complex and still not fully comprehended at different spatial-temporal scales. Indeed, in recent years, remote sensing has shown great promise to better monitor plant diversity at different scales, most commonly through the Spectral Variability Hypothesis (SVH), which links spectral diversity to plant diversity. However, there is still some debate over the generality of the SVH, especially in semi-arid grasslands, which tend to be less studied even though they dominate the trend and inter-annual variability of global water and carbon fluxes. This study focused on examining the relationship between functional diversity (FD) and optical traits of the herbaceous understory of a Mediterranean tree-grass ecosystem (TGE) using field spectroscopy and high resolution imagery from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Multiple field campaigns were performed from 2021 to 2023 in the Majadas de Tiétar experimental station located in Western Spain to collect in-situ measurements of plant traits (e.g. specific leaf area (SLA), chlorophyll content (Cab)), diversity metrics (functional dispersion (Fdis), Rao’s entropy (Qrao)), hyperspectral field spectroscopy (ASD Fieldspec® 3 portable spectroradiometer) and high-resolution visible-near-infrared (VNIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) imagery onboard UAVs. By applying partial-least-square regression (PLSR) models, high correlations were observed between field spectroscopy and plant traits (r2 > 0.7) with SWIR bands having the most weight in the predictive power of these empirical models, perhaps related to water being the principal limiting factor for herbaceous plants in these semi-arid conditions. By contrast, in-situ PLSR models showed little/no relation to plant diversity metrics (r2 < 0.1). However, preliminary results from the UAV images showed that the spatial heterogeneity of NDVI and land surface temperature (LST), quantified through Qrao using a 5 x 5 pixel window, were positively related to in-situ diversity metrics such as Fdis. Indeed, Qrao based on LST was found to have a more significant relationship to Fdis (p-value < 0.05) compared to Qrao based on NDVI (p-value > 0.05). While the remote sensing of plant functional diversity has concentrated on shortwave reflectances, the use of TIR imagery has large potential as it is more directly related to ecosystem function with its capabilities to act as a proxy for plant transpiration and inform on water use efficiency (WUE). This work is step forward to better understand the optical-diversity relationship in a semi-arid grassland using data acquired at different scales but also from different sources ranging from in-situ hyperspectral measurements to high-resolution TIR imagery. 

How to cite: Burchard-Levine, V., Martín, M. P., Gonzalez-Cascon, R., Rolo, V., Carrascosa, A., Nieto, H., Casillas, L., Riaño, D., and Moreno, G.: Monitoring Grassland Functional Diversity in a Semi-Arid Ecosystem using Multi-Source Close-Range Remote Sensing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15741,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jean-Baptiste Féret

Earth observation is a key component for the establishment of biodiversity monitoring systems. The increasing number of instruments acquiring information on Earth surface provides opportunities to assess and monitor various properties of vegetated ecosystems, including vegetation biochemical and biophysical traits and associated processes such as photosynthesis, growth and adaptation to environmental stress. Multiple approaches have been developed during the past decades to link forest taxonomic diversity with remotely sensed information, with varying degrees of success. Statistical metrics directly derived from the vegetation reflectance such as spectral variance have shown limitations for the estimation of taxonomic diversity. One reason is that factors intrinsic and extrinsic to vegetation influence reflectance and contribute to this variance. On the other hand, this reflectance can be converted into optically effective plant properties (optical traits) using statistical methods (e.g. spectral transformation, machine learning or spectral indices) or physical methods (e.g. physical model inversion) applied to optical imagery, with an objective to reduce the influence of extrinsic factors. The spatial heterogeneity of a set of optical traits may then be used as a relevant proxy for vegetation diversity. Statistical methods are computationally efficient, but lack generalization ability, while physical approaches show better potential for generalization ability, but show limitations when applied on complex systems. Moreover, the set of optical traits accessible from optical data varies with sensor characteristics: new imaging spectroscopy missions expand the range of variables for which quantitative assessment is possible compared to multispectral imagery.

We introduce a framework taking advantage of physical modelling to assess a set of vegetation traits then used to feed remotely sensed diversity mapping techniques in the context of forest ecosystems. This approach intends to convert the optical information on a physical basis, in terms of vegetation traits related to structural, compositional and functional properties prior to computing diversity metrics. Physical modeling contributes to minimizing the influence of factors extrinsic to vegetation on optical traits, as a way to improve the generalization ability of existing frameworks taking advantage of Earth observation through space and time. To illustrate it, we used the model PROSAIL to assess Leaf Area Index, leaf chlorophyll content, equivalent water thickness and leaf mass per area from imaging spectroscopy acquired over forested areas. The method implemented in the R package biodivMapR was then applied to compute various diversity metrics from these vegetation biophysical properties, including α- and β-diversity metrics usually obtained from species inventories in ecological applications. We illustrate this framework with data acquired over different sites and with various optical sensors, including airborne and spaceborne imaging spectroscopy, and discuss current limitations.

How to cite: Féret, J.-B.: Mapping forest biodiversity from optical imagery: a plant trait-based method, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13456,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Giovanni Nico and Olimpia Masci

The current availability of hyperspectral images (HS) acquired by the PRecursore Iperspettrale della Missione Applicativa (PRISMA) mission of the Italian Space Agency and the recently launched Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) mission of the German Space Agency, as well as the planned missions, e.g., the Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment (CHIME) of the European Space Agency open unique perspectives for the multi-temporal mapping of forest biodiversity. In this work we use the high spectral resolution of spectral signatures provided by PRISMA images to derive unsupervised maps of vegetation diversity. Study areas are located in the National Parks of Gargano, Alta Murgia, Cilento-Vallo di Diano-Alburni, Appennino Lucano Val D’Agri Lagonegrese and Pollino, all in Southern Italy. Two indexes are used to pre-filter forested areas in HS images: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI). The high spectral resolution of HS images allows to compute the different combinations of NIR and Red bands, for the computation of NDVI, and of NIR and SWIR bands for the computation of NDWI. This gives a more statistical weight to the thresholding of index maps to identify the areas covered by vegetation. The spectral signature profiles at the pixels, selected based on the index maps, are further processed using the Principal Component Analysis to reduce data dimensionality, and clustered using the K-means algorithm. As a result, a map of the vegetation diversity is obtained, with the location of pixels belonging to the different clusters identified by the K-means algorithms. The set of spectral signatures measured at pixels belonging to the same cluster are used to statistically characterize the reflectivity of vegetation.



Project carried out using ORIGINAL PRISMA Products - © Italian Space Agency (ASI); the Products have been delivered under an ASI License to Use.

How to cite: Nico, G. and Masci, O.: Forest biodiversity mapping based on PRISMA hyperspectral images, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20068,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ana Kilgore

The global biodiversity crisis emphasizes the importance of diversity monitoring to examine ecosystem stability and resilience, including regeneration capacity. As a critical driver of change in tropical mountains, landslides alter the structure, composition, and function of landscapes. One possibility to study the large-scale causes and consequences of landslides on diversity is to use remote sensing to characterize ecosystem traits and functions at several spatial and temporal scales. An increasing availability of satellite-borne hyperspectral offers the possibility to capture morphological and physiological traits of vegetation to characterize functional diversity in areas affected by landslides. Using hyperspectral data to characterize functional diversity often involves the removal of bare soil to eliminate background reflectance. Given that landslides of different ages contain a mixture of vegetated and bare soil pixels, the challenge is to incorporate the latter into image processing, and ultimately into metrics that provide an integrative functional characterization of areas undergoing succession. We define landscape diversity as the structural, functional, and historical characteristics of ecosystems and may be useful to expand functional diversity monitoring beyond purely vegetated areas. Using a historical landslide database and the novel PRISMA (PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa) hyperspectral data we addressed two questions to assess the role of landslide history on landscape diversity. First, do areas with different landslide histories exhibit distinct functional trait and landscape diversity patterns? Second, which landscape traits distinguish landslides of different recovery stage considering landslide size, age, frequency, and reactivation status?

To address these two questions, we derived two sets of variables that represent landslide history and landscape diversity. To represent landslide history, we processed historic and current remotely sensed data from the Sierra de Las Minas (SLM) mountains in eastern Guatemala to create a geodatabase that includes landslide inventories (1973 – 2021) in which each landslide is characterized by age, size, and shape. In ArcGIS Pro we identified degree of overlap among landslides from all inventories to mark landslide reactivation. Specifically, a model identifying landslide overlap distinguished landslides that occur once from landslides that occur repeatedly. To represent landscape diversity, we processed PRISMA data to create functional indices representative of vegetation and soil traits across the SLM. To include areas across all stages of succession, both traits of vegetation and bare soil three separate indices were created. A first masked out bare ground, a second masked out vegetation, and a third version combined the vegetation and bare ground. Finally, we examined the relationship between landslide history and the three versions of functional indices using geographic Random Forest algorithm. The outcomes of this study could reveal lasting structural, compositional, and functional impacts of landslides in tropical mountains, which serve as critical safeholds for biodiversity and ecosystem services during drastic global change.

How to cite: Kilgore, A.: Landslide history shapes landscape diversity: Applying hyperspectral data for functional diversity monitoring of tropical mountainous ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17915,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mária Šibíková, Jozef Šibík, Marek Šlenker, Aneta A. Ožvat, Michal Kollár, and Karol Mikula

Remote sensing plays a crucial role in ecology and nature conservation by allowing for effective monitoring of spatio-temporal changes in ecosystems. The NaturaSat software, developed by a multidisciplinary team of botany fieldwork scientists, nature protection managers, mathematicians, and software developers (Mikula et al., 2021), is a recent tool that focuses on vegetation exploration. This software offers solutions to challenging questions, such as accurately estimating the areas and boundaries of Natura 2000 habitats and tracking their spatio-temporal changes using an evolving curves approach. It also enables the monitoring of biodiversity and habitat quality through the use of a graph-Laplacian function. Additionally, the software utilizes a novel deep learning method called the Natural Numerical Network to classify habitats on the most detailed scale represented by vegetation units.


Within this talk, we will present how NaturaSat software has been extensively tested in various habitats, ranging from temperate lowland wetlands along the Danube River to riparian forests, broadleaved deciduous forests, ancient montane woodlands of the Carpathian Mountains, and even the arctic tundra vegetation in the Alaska region. The results have demonstrated the software's capability to accurately identify habitat borders and detect shifts in these borders due to changes in water regimes or climate. Furthermore, it has proven effective in distinguishing between species-rich natural forests and planted forests dominated by the same tree species. The software also enables the classification of habitats and the automatic detection of new habitats in previously undiscovered areas. In conclusion, the NaturaSat software complements detailed ground-based approaches in biodiversity exploration and habitat monitoring. The presented methods can be repeated over long time periods, ensuring temporal consistency, and they offer a cost-effective means of identifying trends in vegetation changes and biodiversity.

How to cite: Šibíková, M., Šibík, J., Šlenker, M., Ožvat, A. A., Kollár, M., and Mikula, K.: Advancing Biodiversity Exploration and Habitat Monitoring: Utilizing the NaturaSat Software for ecosystems from temperate lowland wetlands to Arctic tundra vegetation., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8583,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Thomas Lafitte

Context :

This work is part of a doctoral thesis being carried out on the marshes of the regional natural park of Brière (France, Loire-Atlantique, 44). The main purpose is to study the changing dynamics of plant formations on the entire sector, in order to enable prospective modeling. The natural park of Brière would like to set up a Biodiversity Observatory in order to gain a better understanding of the functioning of this fast-changing ecosystem. Field sampling efforts are very costly and time-consuming, and are hampered by difficult access to the extensive marsh areas (over 18 000 hectares). As a result, existing maps are not spatially exhaustive and present a simplification of habitats mosaics, making modeling impossible.

Purposes :

The aim of the study is to (1) map the current distribution of plant communities (2) identify their dynamics through the historical evolution of potential habitats in relation with hydrology, invasion by trees, agro-pastoral and traditional practices and (3) deduce the marsh's capacity for stability and resilience in the coming decades.

Materiel and methods :

The first step involves an hyperspectral and LiDAR aerial survey across the whole sector. It is completed by the acquisition of a World View 3 scene, in order to assess the contributions of the different types of data. At the same time, floristic field surveys were carried out to characterize the textural and spectral variability of the images. Automatic classification methods were then applied.
Based on the results obtained from the mapping, we can assess the quality of the biodiversity in the Brière region. Indeed, plant formations differ in terms of stability and resilience.

Main results :

A complete mapping of the 18 000 hectare of marshland has been carried out, according to the Eunis declination, at a spatial resolution of 1.30 meter. This includes areas not yet mapped. In addition to these classic communities, we have also added invasive exotic species, which are very present in the Brière region. The relation between biodiversity loss and human factors from the Middle Ages to the present day has been established.
Standardized data acquisition and processing methods have been set up to enable long-term changes monitoring.

How to cite: Lafitte, T.: Remote sensing for mapping Natura 2000 habitats in the Brière marshes (France, Loire-Atlantique, 44) : setting up a long-term monitoring strategy to understand changes , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17576,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Eetu Puttonen, Juha Hyyppä, Matti Hyyppä, Xiaowei Yu, Juho-Pekka Virtanen, Mariana Campos, Arttu Kivimäki, and Yunsheng Wang

There exists an urgent need towards forest value chain optimization on societal level. Effective policy making is required to reduce effects of global climate change and or to improve yields in forestry. Unfortunately, these two ecosystem services are competing and even conflicting with each other. To succeed in their joint optimization, precise carbon intake and water balance estimates in different biomes are crucial and require new tools for the task.

Forest data are typically collected with forest inventories. These inventories provide the fundamental information for all decision-making in society and industry that are relevant to human interventions, including harvest planning. Nordic countries have long performed forest inventories on a national level to estimate the country-wide forest averages with area-based inventories (ABA) and at stand level relying on airborne laser scanning (ALS). Current ABA techniques are limited in their spatial resolution and can be improved by focusing on individual tree level. Individual tree level mapping allows to focus not only on the wood material volumes, but also to their quality and health. Computation of this information, especially over wide geographic areas, is a significant computational and data management challenge and requires high-performance computing.

Our goal is to develop the missing mapping technology and demonstrate this in Finland where we will automatically count and characterize all five billion dominant and co-dominant forest trees. We will do this by merging already existing laser scanning technologies on different scales, by developing novel methods as needed, and finally implementing them in the EuroHPC LUMI supercomputer. Each tree will be individually segmented and imputed with wood quality information. All trees and their parameters are collected into the “Metsäkanta” database for interactive mapping and Digital Twinning applications.

We will further enhance the database by computing the CO2 sink potential for each detected tree. The CO2 sink potential is modelled from dense spatiotemporal in-situ laser scanning references collected from individual trees. The results are then imputed to all trees. The outcome of these efforts will be a Digital Forest Replicate (DFR) at individual tree level. The DFR combines the information of individual tree wood quality, growth potential, and near real-time carbon sink reporting. This allows improved country-level carbon stock estimates.

How to cite: Puttonen, E., Hyyppä, J., Hyyppä, M., Yu, X., Virtanen, J.-P., Campos, M., Kivimäki, A., and Wang, Y.: Towards nation-wide individual tree carbon sink and biodiversity mapping utilizing high performance computing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19757,, 2024.

Posters on site: Tue, 16 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X1

Display time: Tue, 16 Apr, 14:00–Tue, 16 Apr, 18:00
Nikolina Mileva, Marc Paganini, and Diego Fernandez

The increasing number of hyperspectral sensors have opened the path to more widespread application of imaging spectroscopy. While hyperspectral data is currently not available on a global scale, the upcoming SBG and CHIME missions will fill this gap collecting images with a ground sampling distance of 30m over the globe offering unprecedented abilities to observe biological diversity on Earth. Coupling this data with existing multispectral time series can give us a glimpse into how biodiversity has changed in the last decades marked by the sixth mass extinction. The purpose of our research is to explore the use of hyperspectral and multispectral data for measuring biodiversity indicators, determine their limitations in terms of spatial and spectral resolution and how these affect biodiversity measures. We calculate alpha and beta diversity using the recently developed biodivMapR R package with a set of images from Sentinel-2 and EnMAP. Subsequently, several methods representing the state of the art in fusion are selected to create a compound product with higher spatial and spectral resolution. This new product is used as an input for calculating alpha and beta diversity elaborating on the discrepancies and similarities with the previous estimates. To validate the results, we make a link between “spectral” diversity and the actual number of species observed taking into account in-situ data of well studied biodiversity supersites. The outcome of this study will help us evaluate the feasibility of creating a new Earth observation based product for monitoring biodiversity.

How to cite: Mileva, N., Paganini, M., and Fernandez, D.: Opportunities and limitations of hyperspectral and multispectral data fusion for monitoring biodiversity, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12380,, 2024.

Gonzalo Oton, Marco Girardello, Guido Ceccherini, Matteo Piccardo, Mark Pickering, Agata Elia, Mirco Migliavacca, and Alessandro Cescatti

Forests stand as vital components of the Earth's biosphere, comprising a significant fraction of the world's terrestrial biomes. The management of forest ecosystems is pivotal in addressing environmental challenges, including the development of climate mitigation strategies. The three-dimensional architecture of forest ecosystems, defined by canopy height, height heterogeneity, and horizontal canopy distribution, is known to be a major driver of ecosystem processes. Thus, quantifying structural heterogeneity of forest ecosystems is fundamental for predicting their resilience and ability to moderate environmental fluctuations.

Historically, comprehensive data on forest structure at a macro scales have been scarce. However, advancements in spaceborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), particularly through the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) mission, have revolutionized our capacity to monitor forest structure.

In this study, we integrated various earth observation datasets, including Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), along with optical imagery, within a machine learning framework to predict structural complexity. We constructed a forest structural complexity dataset encompassing Europe, including eight structural metrics that characterize the three-dimensional nature of forests. The metrics encapsulate the variability, dispersion and asymmetry in vertical stratification, the dispersion and volume of the canopy in the horizontal plane. Our findings elucidate the multifaceted nature of the structural complexity forest ecosystems. Furthermore we provide a prognostic framework for monitoring changes in this key ecosystem property. By providing a comprehensive picture of forest structural complexity across Europe, our study offers tangible support for the development of effective forest management strategies and climate change mitigation plans.

How to cite: Oton, G., Girardello, M., Ceccherini, G., Piccardo, M., Pickering, M., Elia, A., Migliavacca, M., and Cescatti, A.: Predicting forest structural complexity in Europe through an integration of radar, optical data and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16688,, 2024.

Eric Kosczor

The agricultural landscape of Central Europe underwent big changes over the last decades, especially between the 1960s and 1980s. Through measures like land consolidation, collectivization and profit-driven agriculture policies the structure of rural areas has changed significantly which affected not only farming activity but also led to the destruction of species habitats and wildlife corridors. In order to quantify these shifts in landscape structure and their impact on biodiversity, we analyzed historic CORONA spy imagery from the years 1965 and 1975 together with digital orthophotos from current years in the German federal state of Saxony. Specifically, we used the presence and absence of agricultural boundaries and field margin strips as a proxy for landscape heterogeneity. By applying a feature detection algorithm, we found a significant decline of field boundaries in all of Saxony between 1965 and 1975 which has either not or partly recovered until the present day. The findings of the analysis are considerably affected by the differences in data quality which complicates comparison between time steps. Research is ongoing with focus on optimizing the workflow and minimizing detection errors as well as assessing ecological records to link the findings to biodiversity trends.

How to cite: Kosczor, E.: Mapping changes in structural diversity of the agricultural landscape of Saxony using historical remote sensing data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13040,, 2024.

Maxim Shoshany

Dwarf-shrubs patterns of Sarcopoterium Spinosum (SS) cover wide Mediterranean landscapes. Following Global warming SS is suspected to further spread into areas of disturbed ecosystems due mainly to fires, and into fields abandoned due to decreasing water resources. On one hand, SS patterns may decrease runoff and soil erosion and allow use of these woody shrubs for heating and cooking, but on the other hand, they decrease primary productivity, and slow down natural succession processes and ecological recovery. Despite their wide current extents, their potential future  expansion, and their ecological implications, mapping SS patterns and monitoring their spatio-temporal change received relatively  limited  attention by the environmental remote sensing community. Part of the explanation concerns difficulties in detecting  these plants during the winter due to their spectral similarity to other green plants  and their spectral resemblance  to bare soil and other dry plants  in their vicinity during the summer.

At the Landsat TM resolution (30 meters) there were developed phenological algorithms which allow estimation of dwarf-shrubs coverage based on their slower drying rates compared with herbaceous growth. This method is applicable  in areas  characterized by short rainy season and long dry and hot summer. However, such  mid-resolution phenological techniques are highly affected by the selection of appropriate dates according to rainfall distribution at the end of the winter, and has limitations concerning the density and the size of  individual dwarf-shrubs’ patches. Global and wide regional land cover mappings utilizing diverse sensors in the VIS/NIR/SWIR and SAR spectral regions processed by  different spectral/temporal and spatial techniques disregarded  dwarf-shrubs in general and Sarcoproterium Spinosum in particular.  Yet, there is a possibility that some areas of this cover category are implicitly  included in the broad “shrubs” classification.

High spatial resolution hyperspectral imagery was found to allow detection of few dwarf-shrub species in general and SS in particular. However, hyperspectral  mapping at the required spatial resolution is still expensive and does not allow frequent mapping of wide areas. The current growing availability of high resolution RGB and NIR imagery  (e.g., WorldView) may be instrumental for detecting dwarf-shrubs and SS. The use of spectral indices such as NDVI and  red-edge, of color transformations (such as HIS) and of texture techniques had shown  potential  for serving this purpose. Recent implementation of Deep learning methods  on RGB 30 cm. resolution orthophotographs showed good potential  for discriminating SS patterns at three densities.

During my presentation I will review the different techniques as implemented along a semi-arid to arid gradient at the South-Eastern corner of the Mediterranean Sea. Their results and  limitations will be discussed together with methodological improvements required for achieving better regional spatio-temporal coverage of the SS phenomenon and by that contribute to better understanding their wide regional ecological  implications in the context of Climate Change and Desertification.

How to cite: Shoshany, M.: Mapping and monitoring the wide spread of Sarcoproterium Spinosum across the Mediterranean Basin: Challenges and Opportunities, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14141,, 2024.

Elena Roitberg and Maxim Shoshany

This research investigates the spatiotemporal landscape characteristics within the Mediterranean Basin in the context of climate change in the South-Eastern Mediterranean. Desert-fringe ecosystems in general and the arid margins of Mediterranean regions had undergone numerous cycles of climate and human disturbance which built their resilience. Following current climate change indications, fundamental questions concerning changes in climate conditions and their corresponding surface changes are raised on one hand, there is limited data regarding the spatial distribution of climate parameters and their change in time, and on the other hand, resilient ecosystems may “absorb” climate changes to a certain extent.

Landsat TM offers 35 years, from 1986 to 2021, of monitoring surface conditions. When used in conjunction with corresponding climatic data there is an opportunity to investigate impacts of climate change at desert margins and to better understand relationships between climatic conditions and surface conditions at these important zones. During the time frame of these years, there had been an extreme drought period. Thus, an important aspect of our study concerns the response of Mediterranean ecosystems to such an anomaly.

The research area consists of the climatic gradient between the Judean mountains and the Negev Desert (Beit Shemesh to Lehavim). This area is characterized by notable variations in both precipitation and temperature over a relatively small geographic area and represents diverse desert-fringe ecosystems.

Surface properties are represented by a time series of NDVI corresponding to relative shrubs and dwarf shrubs cover and their photosynthetic activity. Even though numerous remote sensing studies analyzed relationships between spectral vegetation indices and climatic parameters, the uniqueness of this study concerns the differentiation between Primary Productivity (PP) representing the total new herbaceous growth and new shrub leaves at the end of the winter and Woody Growth (WG) representing the greenness of the shrubs at the end of the summer. The PP is obtained as the difference between the end of the winter and the end of the summer NDVI, and WG is represented by the NDVI at the end of the summer. These vegetation forms are affected not only by the immediate yearly rainfall but also by the long-term balance of the water accumulated in the subsoil.

The main goals of the present work are to study the impact of climate shifts on PP and WG patterns across a climatic gradient, spanning three and a half decades and to assess the changes in the geographical extent of aridity based on the PP and WG time series, with a particular focus on locations that had experienced vegetation loss and transitioned to bare soil.

Examining both PP and WG through a temporal lens sheds light on dominant long-term trends in the ecosystem. We suggest that despite fluctuations in the vegetation conditions and their NDVI following droughts and other climatic changes, no definitive northward migration of aridity could be confirmed.

How to cite: Roitberg, E. and Shoshany, M.: Primary Productivity and Woody growth: a 35 years Landsat TM NDVI time series investigation across desert-fringe in the south-eastern Mediterranean, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18067,, 2024.

Noah Mihatsch, Michael Lechner, Ardalan Daryaei, Markus Immitzer, and Clement Atzberger

The climate crisis is threatening native forests all over Europe and a change in the composition of species can be expected in the future. Diversity of tree species is one key aspect of resilience against the climatic stress caused by the climate crisis. To maintain one of the last huge floodplains in Europe – the Danube Floodplain – for future generations, it is necessary to monitor the change of the species distribution and the development of eco-systems. Remote sensing is widely used for establishing a constant monitoring of forests, including tree species classification (TSC). Currently, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) offer very high-resolution data together with temporal flexibility and cost efficiency which can be used in the management practice of forests and national parks in particular. However, due to the extensive diversity inherent in different forest types and tree species, the results obtained in the state-of-art research in TSC via very high-resolution optical data cannot be generalised. As there is still a gap in research in the field of TSC in riparian forests, this study aims at filling this gap with preliminary results of TSC in a riparian forest, namely the Danube Floodplain National Park (Austria). Therefore, three drone flights were conducted during October, September, and May spanning the years 2021 and 2022 together with a simultaneous collection of reference data in the field. Tree crowns were delineated manually in two different ways: point-buffered and exact delineation of the crown shape. Multiple object-based Random Forest models were performed, comparing mono- and multitemporal data as well as two different spatial resolutions (3.0 cm and 6.4 cm) and the two different levels of detail of the delineation of tree crowns. Highest Overall Accuracy (OA) for 12 different tree species and one dead wood class could be reached by the multitemporal model at 82.1 % (kappa = 80.8 %) with the higher spatial resolution (3.0 cm) and the exact delineation of the reference data. Producer’s Accuracy (PA) and User’s Accuracy (UA) varied between 50 % and 100 % for different classes. Promising results from this study showed that the presented method can be used for precise monitoring of tree species diversity in the Danube Floodplain National Park. Further improvement could be reached by merging data from different sensors.

How to cite: Mihatsch, N., Lechner, M., Daryaei, A., Immitzer, M., and Atzberger, C.: Multitemporal and Multispectral Drone Data for Classifying Tree Species in an Austrian Riparian Forest, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10104,, 2024.

Eros Caputi, Gabriele Delogu, Alessio Patriarca, Miriam Perretta, Lorenzo Boccia, and Maria Nicolina Ripa

Remote sensing (RS) images are fundamental for earth observation and for the analysis of land cover and land cover change providing useful information for agroforestry planning and management. Multispectral data are the most common, such as those provided by the Sentinel-2 satellite, which inherits the legacy of the Landsat satellite. More recently, images from the Italian PRISMA satellite, which provides hyperspectral images, have opened new perspectives in land analysis due to an improved spectral resolution. The study area is situated in the Lazio region (Italy), it was selected for the presence of homogeneous and extensive wooded surfaces of large forest areas and orchards.  In this study an evaluation and a comparison of the results of Tree Cover classes classification obtained using images from different sources has been carried out. The PRISMA and Sentinel 2 images have been downloaded and preprocessed for comparison. The classification based on advanced machine learning techniques was carried out and the results have been compared by evaluating the achieved accuracy metrics with the different images. The study showed that the advantages represented by the higher spectral resolution are at least partially offset by the lower spatial resolution of PRISMA images. Due to the short time since the beginning of the PRISMA mission and the limited availability of images, the study represents one of the early examples of applying the potential of the PRISMA satellite.

How to cite: Caputi, E., Delogu, G., Patriarca, A., Perretta, M., Boccia, L., and Ripa, M. N.: PRISMA Hyperspectral images for Tree Cover classification with Machine Learning algorithms a comparison with Sentinel-2 , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17909,, 2024.

Gabriele Delogu, Eros Caputi, Miriam Perretta, Alessio Patriarca, Maria Nicolina Ripa, and Lorenzo Boccia

The Serre Regional Park in the south of Italy (lat. 38.55, long. 16.35) extends over an area of 17900 hectares, largely covered by forests with a high level of biodiversity. The forest cover is mainly composed of about 15 tree species. This type of area is a natural laboratory for experimenting with forest classification techniques. Indeed, this work aimed to test how to use remote sensing (RS) hyperspectral data combined with innovative AI-based classification techniques to classify forest tree species. The potential of RS for monitoring agricultural and forestry conditions is enhanced by the wealth of information provided by hyperspectral imagery (HSI) and new classification techniques. HSI derived from recent satellite missions (e.g. PRISMA or EnMAP) provides information in multiple bands, from visible/near infrared (400-1010nm) to shortwave infrared (920-2505nm). In addition, the last decade has seen renewed interest in Deep Learning (DL) methods. In particular, convolutional neural networks (CNN) have been widely used in the analysis of images.

The study area includes the Park and corresponds to an acquisition of 900 km2 of the PRISMA satellite (taken in July 2023). The PRISMA L2D level cube (Cube 1) used in this study was first processed, for format conversion and georeferencing improvement of the image, with a Python script developed by the authors ( Next, two different techniques were used to reduce the dimensionality. A second cube (Cube 2) was obtained using a band selection operation and a third cube (Cube 3) was obtained using a PCA technique. For the next classification step, both cubes were used as input. Specifically, a Convolutional Neural Network was selected to classify the data using the open source AVHYAS plugin in the Qgis environment. Ground truths were derived from four SAC site plans provided by the Park Authority, covering approximately 9000 hectares, and were split (70 - 30 %) both to train the network and to test the results. The classes chosen for the classification task includes the most common tree species in the Park area: chestnut (Castanea sativa), larch pine (Pinus nigra), alder (Alnus glutinosa), beech (Fagus sylvatica), silver fir (Abies alba), oak (Quercus ilex) and poplar (Populus alba).  

Cube 2 gave better results than Cube 3 as input data with an OA higher than 90%. The best results with F1 around 90% among tree species were obtained for Fagus sylvatica, Abies alba and Castanea sativa. Populus alba was the species with less accurate results. HSI contributes to a better definition of the trends of the spectral signature of trees and makes it possible to distinguish even between similar species.

How to cite: Delogu, G., Caputi, E., Perretta, M., Patriarca, A., Ripa, M. N., and Boccia, L.: Benefits of PRISMA hyperspectral data for tree species classification in an area of high forest biodiversity, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18298,, 2024.

Javier Pacheco-Labrador, Ulisse Gomarasca, Ulrich Webber, Wantong Li, Zayd Hamdi, Daniel Pabon, Daniel Loos, Martin Jung, and Gregory Duveiller

Climate change and human activities jeopardize ecosystems’ biodiversity, functions, and services. However, biodiversity monitoring is resource-intensive and unable to provide the coverage and resolution necessary to understand biodiversity responses to these drivers. Remote sensing can contribute to monitoring plant biodiversity status and change by exploiting the variability of the spectral imagery acquired from space platforms. Still, several gaps must yet be solved regarding what approaches, metrics, sensors, and techniques can provide reliable biodiversity maps. One of the main challenges is the generation of field datasets with the spatial coverages and temporal resolutions necessary to determine the best methods.

To overcome this problem from a theoretical point of view, we have developed BOSSE, a biodiversity observing system simulation experiment. BOSSE simulates dynamic scenes in time where vegetation properties change as a function of meteorological conditions and adopt different spatial patterns. High-spatial resolution scenes can be used to quantify plant functional diversity from plant traits. Moreover, BOSSE can simulate hyperspectral reflectance factors, sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence, and land surface temperature that are coherent with plant traits of meteorology. Spectral imagery can be generated at different spatial and temporal resolutions, allowing us to test different approaches, metrics, and methods to estimate plant functional diversity.

We have used BOSSE to determine the best approaches to characterize plant functional diversity of large areas, which is a fundamental step prior to assessing the links between remote sensing and ecosystem functions. Additional analyses have compared the capability of different spectral signals to capture plant functional diversity, the role of spatial resolution, and the role of seasonality in those estimates. We expect BOSSE to contribute to solving hypotheses and test methods and help determine what field datasets would be necessary to validate remote sensing biodiversity products.

How to cite: Pacheco-Labrador, J., Gomarasca, U., Webber, U., Li, W., Hamdi, Z., Pabon, D., Loos, D., Jung, M., and Duveiller, G.: BOSSE: The Biodiversity Observing System Simulation Experiment for Remote Sensing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6746,, 2024.

Aneta Alexandra Ožvat, Karol Mikula, Michal Kollár, Mária Šibíková, and Jozef Šibík

Our study focuses on identifying and classifying Natura 2000 habitats using Sentinel-2 multispectral data. The Natural Numerical Network is a deep learning algorithm for the classification of complex structures such as plant communities. It is based on the optical information from Sentinel-2 satellite bands and the basic statistical characteristics calculated from that information. Using the Natural Numerical Network, desired areas are classified, and relevancy maps are created. The relevancy map tells us about the relevancy of the classification of the segmented area into the chosen habitat. Our research is putting emphasis on the riparian forests along the Danube River. We construct the mean graph-Laplacian and show its application in distinguishing the natural riparian forests of the Natura 2000 system with high biodiversity from the planted monodominant forests with a similar species composition. The basic idea is that the natural forests are represented by much higher variability of the optical data from satellites than the planted ones. Using the relevancy maps calculated by the Natural Numerical Network, we find the potential Natura 2000 habitat-riparian forest areas, and the mean graph-Laplacian eliminates the planted forests from the relevancy maps by assigning the low or zero values to the areas with low optical data variability.

How to cite: Ožvat, A. A., Mikula, K., Kollár, M., Šibíková, M., and Šibík, J.: Distinguishing natural and planted riparian forests by the Natural Numerical Network and the graph-Laplacian, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5445,, 2024.