BG4.4 | Aquatic biogeochemical cycles: From measurements to understanding patterns and processes in stream networks, lakes, wetlands and estuaries
Aquatic biogeochemical cycles: From measurements to understanding patterns and processes in stream networks, lakes, wetlands and estuaries
Co-organized by HS13
Convener: Magdalena Bieroza | Co-conveners: Tom J. Battin, Andrea Butturini, Philipp MaurischatECSECS, Gemma Coxon, Matthias Pucher, Jorien Vonk
| Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)
Room 1.14
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X1
Orals |
Thu, 14:00
Thu, 10:45
Our ability to understand biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus and other elements in aquatic ecosystems has evolved enormously thanks to advancements in in situ sensor and laboratory techniques and predictive models. The aim of this session is to demonstrate how this methodological advancement improves our understanding of coupled hydrological, biogeochemical and ecological processes in freshwater aquatic environments, streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands and estuaries, controlling the fate of organic matter, nutrients, sediments and other chemical substances. In particular, our session focuses on improving the characterisation of the origins, delivery pathways, transformations and environmental fate of organic matter, nutrients and sediments in aquatic environments along with identification of robust numerical tools for advanced processing and modelling of biogeochemical data. As hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological processes undergo accelerated change, this session welcomes also studies presenting approaches and tools to monitor, model, and predict water quality and sensitivity of aquatic ecosystems to global change and human disturbances.

Orals: Thu, 18 Apr | Room 1.14

Chairpersons: Magdalena Bieroza, Jorien Vonk, Philipp Maurischat
Aquatic biogeochemical cycles I
On-site presentation
Erika Freeman, Erik Emilson, Thorsten Dittmar, Lucas Braga, Caroline Emilson, Tobias Goldhammer, Christine Martineau, Gabriel Singer, and Andrew Tanentzap

Soils lose a large amount of carbon annually to freshwaters as dissolved organic matter (DOM), which, if degraded, can undermine climate change mitigation. The degradation state of DOM in aquatic ecosystems can reflect the distance from its source, with DOM increasingly dominated by similar compounds as degradation proceeds. However, the processes underlying the degradation of DOM and its generality across environments are poorly understood. Here we found DOM changed similarly along two soil-aquatic gradients irrespective of environmental conditions. We tracked DOM across soil depths and hillslope positions in forest headwater catchments using ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry and related its composition to soil microbiomes and physical chemistry. Along both gradients, carbohydrate-like and unsaturated hydrocarbon-like compounds increased in mass, suggestive of microbial reworking of plant material. Most of the variation in the abundance of these compounds (>56%) was related to the expression of genes important for breaking down plant-derived carbohydrates. Our results highlight the value of high-resolution molecular data in understanding global carbon cycles, directly implicate microbial processing in shifting DOM towards universal compounds in soils, and suggest that this process is generalizable across ecosystems and spatiotemporal scales. This consistent degradation process could provide insights for estimating the state of DOM in different environments and inform the management of soil-to-stream carbon losses.

How to cite: Freeman, E., Emilson, E., Dittmar, T., Braga, L., Emilson, C., Goldhammer, T., Martineau, C., Singer, G., and Tanentzap, A.: Universal microbial reworking of dissolved organic matter along soil gradients, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3644,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hannah Gunter, Kieran Khamis, Chris Bradley, David M. Hannah, Catherine M. Heppell, Tom Kelly, Rosie Nelson, Hannah Parry-Wilson, and Rob Stevens

Fluorescence spectroscopy is a rapidly evolving method for determining freshwater organic pollution. Historically, measurement was confined to the laboratory with a coarse temporal resolution. The development of field-deployable sensors has enabled in-situ, multi-peak monitoring - although challenges remain regarding fluctuating environmental conditions (e.g. pH and turbidity) that can impact on fluorometer accuracy and interpretation. This study aimed to use fluorescence spectroscopy (including in-situ sensors) to detect and differentiate sources of organic matter pollution in a predominantly groundwater fed, sewage-impacted, chalk stream.

High frequency monitoring (15 min resolution for 12 months) was undertaken at two sites on the River Chess, S. England. Two multi-parameter water quality sondes were installed above and below a Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) effluent outflow point in a mixed land use catchment (105 km2). Additional grab sampling was conducted during baseflow and stormflow for laboratory-based nutrient, spectrofluorimetric and bacterial analysis.

All sites had low turbidity (<10 NTU) and stable pH (7.7-7.8), during baseflow, ideal conditions for using in-situ fluorometers. Both the difference in wavelength intensity and the ratio of Peak T (Ex. 275/ Em. 350) to Peak C (Ex. 325/ Em. 470) could differentiate between sites, with an observable variation in response to diel cycles of effluent release downstream. The T:C ratio was able to characterize events with distinct hydrometeorological signatures (e.g. rainfall total, intensity, and antecedence), hence the ratio offers a feasible way of distinguishing between different sources of organic contamination in real-time. Relationships between fluorescence and nutrient/microbial concentrations varied in response to differing landcover (urban extent) and effluent contributions to bulk discharge. Effluent contributions also affected the strength of relationship between cultures and individual wavelength pairs, highlighting the importance of calibrating data for individual systems.

This study highlights that fluorescence is a valuable tool in both fingerprinting organic pollution and tracing the source across sites of contrasting landcover, and under varying hydro-climatological conditions that occur over event timescales. These findings provide the evidence base to develop a new method of detecting and understanding organic matter pollution events at a time scale that was previously unachievable.

How to cite: Gunter, H., Khamis, K., Bradley, C., Hannah, D. M., Heppell, C. M., Kelly, T., Nelson, R., Parry-Wilson, H., and Stevens, R.: Tracking organic matter pollution and bacteria using fluorescence-based approaches in a UK Chalk stream, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9065,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Liwei Zhang and Emily Stanley

Streams and rivers emit substantial amounts of nitrous oxide (N2O) and are therefore an essential component of global nitrogen (N) cycle. Permafrost soils store a large reservoir of dormant N that, upon thawing, can enter fluvial networks and partly degrade to N2O, yet the role of waterborne release of N2O in permafrost regions is unclear. Here we report N2O concentrations and fluxes during different seasons between 2016 and 2018 in four watersheds on the East Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Thawing permafrost soils are known to emit N2O at a high rate, but permafrost rivers draining the East Qinghai-Tibet Plateau behave as unexpectedly minor sources of atmospheric N2O. Such low N2O fluxes are associated with low riverine dissolved inorganic N (DIN) after terrestrial plant uptake, unfavorable conditions for N2O generation via denitrification, and low N2O yield due to a small ratio of nitrite reductase: nitrous oxide reductase in these rivers. We estimate fluvial N2O emissions of 0.432−0.463 Gg N2O-N yr−1 from permafrost landscapes on the entire Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which is marginal (~0.15%) given their areal contribution to global streams and rivers (0.7%). However, we suggest that these permafrost-affected rivers can shift from minor sources to strong emitters in the warmer future, likely giving rise to the permafrost non-carbon feedback that intensifies warming.

How to cite: Zhang, L. and Stanley, E.: Unexpectedly small N2O emissions from alpine permafrost rivers on the East Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1448,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Dongfeng Li, Ting Zhang, Irina Overeem, Albert Kettner, Jaia Syvitski, Des Walling, Bodo Bookhagen, Amy East, Jim Best, Achim Beylich, Michele Koppes, Jinren Ni, and Stuart Lane

Cryosphere-fed rivers drain glacier, snow, and permafrost landscapes and are characterized by glacial, nival, pluvial and mixed hydrological regimes. Such river systems originate from high-mountain areas and transport water, sediment, nutrients, and organic carbon downstream, underpinning the freshwater and coastal ecosystems and supporting the lives of more than one-third of the world’s population.

In response to the amplified climate change, accelerating glacier-snow melt and permafrost thaw, the cryosphere-fed rivers are overall becoming warmer, wider and muddier associated with markedly increasing river turbidity and suspended sediment concentration. For instance, observational data from 28 headwater rivers in High Mountain Asia reveal that the river suspended sediment loads have been increasing at a rate of ~13% per decade since the 1950s, much faster than rate of increase of river water discharge (~5% per decade). Leveraging over 120 in-field observations and a sediment-climate elasticity model, we estimate that the present-day river suspended sediment load in High Mountain Asia is nearly two billion metric tons per year, and could more than double by 2050 under an extreme climate change scenario. Beyond High Mountain Asia, such warming-driven increases in river turbidity and suspended sediment concentrations have also widely featured in other cryospheric basins such as the Arctic, European mountains, and Andes.

The muddier rivers carry pollutants, nutrients, and organic carbon, thus affecting water quality and aquatic ecosystems in the cold regions and beyond. Increases in sediment-driven river turbidity can threaten river biotic conditions by blocking sunlight from reaching the streambed, limiting respiration, and deteriorating feeding conditions of benthic macroinvertebrates and fishes, thereby affecting habitat availability. Elevated turbidity can disturb habitats of macroinvertebrates and fishes by filling interstitial spaces between pebble and cobbles on the riverbed, thereby reducing the flow of oxygenated water through bed sediment that is essential to the survival of their eggs. The increased sediment supply especially the coarse sediment further magnifies river channel instability and migration, affecting fish habitats and carbon storage and release.

To better assess the impacts of changing climate on the functions and services of river ecosystems in strategically important cold regions, we highlight the pressing need to integrate multiple-sourced river observations, to develop empirical, physics-based, and AI-based river flux models, and to promote interdisciplinary scientific collaboration. The innovative system approach would best come from the creation of an interdisciplinary collaborative initiative, where climatologists, ecologists, glaciologists, permafrost scientists, hydrologists, civil engineers, and geomorphologists work together to establish an integrated cryosphere–water–sediment–carbon-ecology observation platform that facilitates the mechanism understanding and development of novel and powerful models. Furthermore, dialogues and collaboration between international scientists, stakeholders, local communities, and policymakers would help to bridge the gaps between state-of-the-art scientific findings and practicable adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Li, D., Zhang, T., Overeem, I., Kettner, A., Syvitski, J., Walling, D., Bookhagen, B., East, A., Best, J., Beylich, A., Koppes, M., Ni, J., and Lane, S.: Cryosphere-fed rivers in a warming climate, 1950-2050, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3133,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Guangbo Li and Qixing Ji

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a strong greenhouse gas with ozone layer destruction ability, and its atmospheric concentration has been increasing rapidly due to anthropogenic activities. N2O reduction to dinitrogen (N2), the last step of denitrification, was recognized as the only biological N2O sink. Recently, diazotrophic N2O assimilation to organic nitrogen in biomass by nitrogenase has been discovered in the eastern South Pacific Ocean and cultured diazotroph Crocosphaera and Trichodesmium. N2O assimilation to organic nitrogen is thermodynamically more favored than N2 fixation in higher N2O concentration and cooler environments, but the distribution and detailed mechanism of this new N2O sink are still unclear. We applied isotopic tracing experiments to validate and measure N2O assimilation and built an enzymatic kinetics model for a mechanistic explanation. Cultured diazotroph Crocosphaera (WH8501) and Trichodesmium (IMS101) both showed evident N2O assimilation rates of 0.751 nM N h-1 for Crocosphaera at [N2O]/[N2] = 0.0075, 0.690 nM N h-1 for Trichodesmium at [N2O]/[N2] = 0.01, and 0.481 nM N h-1 for Trichodesmium at [N2O]/[N2] = 0.0005. Although N2O assimilation was assumed to be carried out by nitrogenase, it was asynchronous with the diel rhythmicity of N2 fixation. Field samples from the Pearl River Estuary did not demonstrate the presence of N2O assimilation. Since N2 fixation was absent as well, the isotopic tracer 46N2O barely introduced influences on nitrogen isotopic composition compared to photosynthesis and remineralization, indicating that N2O assimilation is an insignificant N2O sink in eutrophic estuarine waters. Our enzymatic kinetic model revealed that N2 rather than N2O dominated the overall growth rates of cultured diazotrophs. The model indicated the [N2O]/[N2] required for the presence of N2O assimilation in isotopic tracing experiments and explained the absence of this process under natural N2 concentration environments. The insights from this study may suggest new engineering methods to control N2O emissions.

How to cite: Li, G. and Ji, Q.: N2O Assimilation, a New N2O Sink and Organic Nitrogen Source in Aquatic Ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4027,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Anika Große, Nuria Perujo, Alexander J Reisinger, Patrick Fink, Dietrich Borchardt, and Daniel Graeber

Human activities have significantly altered macronutrient concentrations in surface waters, impacting both ecological functions and water quality. Typically, research assesses this alteration and its effects from a single macronutrient perspective. Alternatively, we propose that macronutrient perspectives need to be integrated via a stoichiometric framework via carbon (C) : nitrogen (N) : phosphorus (P) ratios. These ratios may help to assess and improve natural attenuation at ecosystem and catchment level. From the C:N:P perspective, agricultural practices have resulted in a stoichiometric N surplus in temperate stream ecosystems, an issue of which German streams are a prime example.  In contrast, Florida's streams are characterized by a P surplus relative to N and C due to high geological background P supply.  Our study encompasses five streams in Germany and Florida, covering a wide range of C:N:P ratios, each characterized by distinct catchment characteristics. Here, we ask whether C:N:P ratios are the main driver of microbial nitrate-N uptake, irrespective of other differences between the two regions. Through streamside mesocosm and microcosm laboratory experiments employing an isotope tracer approach, we compared nitrate uptake. Additionally, we manipulated C:N:P ratios to assess the short-term effects on nitrate uptake and measured retention in the streamside mesocosm experiment. Enhancing our understanding of the interconnectedness of biogeochemical cycles enables the development of management recommendations for stoichiometric restoration in highly impacted stream ecosystems. This research contributes valuable insights towards sustainable practices and the preservation of aquatic ecosystems facing nutrient-related challenges and water security.

How to cite: Große, A., Perujo, N., Reisinger, A. J., Fink, P., Borchardt, D., and Graeber, D.: Reactive macronutrient ratios as predictors for nitrate cycling in stream ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5808,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Nour El Imene Boukortt, Edouard Metzger, Eric Bénéteau, Yoann Le Merrer, Philippe Souchu, Sophie Sanchez, Mohammed Barhdadi, Grégoire Maillet, and Sabine Schmidt

A characteristic feature of macrotidal estuaries is the presence of a Maximum Turbidity Zone (TMZ), defined by a high concentration of suspended particles (>0.5 g.L-1). It is maintained by frequent resuspension and deposition events, mainly influenced by waves, tidal currents, and river discharge. These cycles often result in enhanced organic matter degradation, generating a local dissolved oxygen (DO) demand, which can lead to drastic declines in DO and even hypoxic conditions (DO<2 mg.L-1). In the Loire estuary (France), a macrotidal and turbid environment prone to summer hypoxia, the TMZ is a focal point of interest as it is the site of a persistent oxygen deficit in the inner estuary. To investigate the effects of particle reactivity on DO consumption within the inner estuary, we conducted 14 sampling campaigns between summer 2022 and summer 2023, covering a wide range of river discharge and temperature conditions. We selected two sampling stations: one subjected to freshwater influence and almost continuous presence of TMZ, and the second exposed to coastal ocean conditions. Suspended particles were collected at mid-tide and incubated in the laboratory under controlled conditions at 20°C with continuous stirring to maintain resuspension. DO concentrations were measured using optic sensors and incubations were stopped when 30% of the oxygen concentration was consumed. Nutrient and organic matter composition were investigated by pre- and post-incubation filtration to analyse ammonium, nitrate, phosphate, particulate organic carbon, and nitrogen (POC, PON). DO consumption rates reached maximum values in spring (52.2±0.1 µmol.g-1.d-1,42.6±0.4 µmol.g-1.d-1) at the upstream and downstream stations, respectively. Overall, the most downstream station had higher oxygen consumption rates due to the marine influence contributing to the input of fresher organic material compared to the upstream station where the presence of TMZ is associated with degraded material. These results emphasize the importance of the material source on oxygen consumption rates. Our discussion will focus on the degradation processes occurring within the TMZ and consider how the reactivity and source of suspended particles may play a role in influencing oxygen consumption patterns, potentially contributing to the development of hypoxic conditions within the estuary.

How to cite: Boukortt, N. E. I., Metzger, E., Bénéteau, E., Le Merrer, Y., Souchu, P., Sanchez, S., Barhdadi, M., Maillet, G., and Schmidt, S.: Impact of Particle Resuspension on Oxygen Consumption and Nutrient Cycling in a Turbid Estuary: Insights from the Loire Estuary, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16364,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jessica Lagroix, David Olefeldt, and Glynnis A. Hood

North American beavers commonly build dams and create ponds, which alter both the stream hydrology and biogeochemistry. Beaver ponds are common in headwaters of boreal and arctic watersheds of Canada, and while they cover only a small portion of watershed area, their position and biogeochemical influence may allow them to have a large impact on the downstream delivery of solutes and their dominant forms. Previous studies have suggested that boreal beaver ponds commonly act as methylmercury (MeHg) sources to downstream ecosystems, but this has not been studied in the wetland-rich areas of the Taiga Plains, western Canada. Since wetlands are also known as key watershed locations of MeHg production, our objective was to determine whether beaver ponds receiving water from wetland-rich areas still act as net sources of MeHg. We sampled water chemistry at the inflow and outflow of 20 beaver ponds over two years to evaluate Hg and MeHg changes. We determined that there was a net loss of MeHg in the beaver ponds (-34.4% on average), particularly during conditions when water residence time was long. This effect was greatly reduced in wet conditions when water was passing through the ponds more quickly. Net MeHg losses were greater when water entering the pond was already high in MeHg, whereas ponds receiving low MeHg concentrations were neutral or even acted as small sources. These decreases were also correlated with higher dissolved oxygen concentration and isotopic changes in surface water which suggests that aerobic microbial demethylation and photodemethylation may be contributing to net MeHg loss. Understanding the conditions that drive solute delivery from these ponds will allow local land managers to determine appropriate courses of action for beaver management and support well-informed water quality risk assessments.

How to cite: Lagroix, J., Olefeldt, D., and Hood, G. A.: I'll be dammed: Beaver ponds as sites for net loss of methylmercury along stream networks on the peatland-rich Taiga Plains, western Canada, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11993,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Charlotte Lloyd, Jonathan Pemberton, Penny Johnes, Davey Jones, Chris Yates, Helen Glanville, Fran Brailsford, and Richard Evershed

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a vital role in river ecosystem function and therefore understanding its composition is key. DOM has important implications for nutrient cycling and riverine health and with this in mind, it is vital to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the composition of riverine DOM at a molecular level and how this varies across contrasting landscapes. There are many factors which will influence DOM signatures, from differences in climate, soil type/geology, land-use, as well as intensity and nature of anthropogenic activity. Through understanding the potential relationships between these factors and DOM composition, we can gain key information regarding both sources of riverine DOM within river catchments, aiding pollution mitigation strategies, and how signatures may vary under changing climate and/or land-use.

The analysis of DOM poses a significant analytical challenge due to its complexity, however the advances in mass spectrometry now allows detailed characterisation at molecular scale. This study examines the DOM composition across 56 UK field sites spanning contrasting landscapes, including four different geologies/soil types. Additionally, 18 effluents from UK sewage treatment works (STW) were investigated. River water samples were collected and an untargeted analysis carried out using direct-infusion high-resolution mass spectrometry (DI-MS) and the resultant DOM signatures across the samples were compared.

Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering analysis methodologies were applied and showed that the DOM molecular composition between sites could be distinguished according to landscape character. Specifically, the PCA analysis showed that contrasting geologies/soil types were separated by the derived Principle Component (PC) 2 while PC1 separated the riverine samples from the STW effluents in the analytical space. Explanatory variables including landcover, land-use and population density alongside bulk nutrient data were used to begin to elucidate the driving factors behind the PCs. In addition to differences in DOM signatures, further analysis of the molecular compositions identified anthropogenically derived organic compounds, for example, series of polypropylene glycol (PPG) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) oligomers, which were present in almost all landscapes across the UK, illustrating that they are now ubiquitous across riverine environments. Using these data, we can begin to provide generalisable information regarding the molecular composition of DOM across different UK landscapes.

How to cite: Lloyd, C., Pemberton, J., Johnes, P., Jones, D., Yates, C., Glanville, H., Brailsford, F., and Evershed, R.: Exploring dissolved organic matter (DOM) signatures across contrasting UK landscapes using a high-resolution mass spectrometry ‘fingerprinting’ approach., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17208,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Timo Rhyner, Benedict Mittelbach, Margot White, Lisa Broeder, Olivier Raymond, Negar Haghipour, Alex Brunmayr, Florian Storck, Lucas Passera, Melissa Schwab, Robert Hilton, Jürg Zobrist, and Timothy Eglinton

The lateral transport of riverine carbon is a key component of the global carbon cycle, yet several aspects are poorly understood. In particular, the magnitude and nature of carbon cycle responses in freshwater aquatic networks to on-going climate and environmental change remain unclear. Addressing this issue requires assessment of temporal changes in riverine carbon dynamics and identifying the underlying factors that influence the fate of transported carbon. For example, long-term observations of river chemistry from the Swiss National River Monitoring and Survey Program have revealed a steady increase in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentrations in the major four Swiss rivers (Rhine, Rhone, Ticino, and Inn) over the past ~50 years, yet the cause of this increase remains unclear. Potential contributors include increased DIC inputs from bedrock weathering, soil organic matter (OM) respiration or OM remineralization within aquatic systems. All of these processes are potentially accelerated with increasing temperatures due to global warming, but they have markedly different implications with respect to carbon cycling and ecosystem dynamics. While sensor monitoring and remote sensing approaches are invaluable for creating high-resolution spatially and temporally resolved data, distinguishing specific source components requires ancillary information. In this context, radiocarbon (14C) measurements obtained through coordinated sampling programs can serve as a powerful complementary constraint on carbon sources, turnover and transport times.

Switzerland provides a unique opportunity to use radiocarbon to assess carbon provenance in alpine streams and rivers, thanks to its high diversity of watersheds spanning strong climatic, elevational, lithological, ecological as well as anthropogenic gradients. This diversity is expressed in a wide range of 14C signatures for particulate organic carbon (POC; Δ14C values, −446‰ to −158‰), for dissolved organic carbon (DOC; −377‰ to −43‰) and DIC (−301‰ to −40‰). We argue carefully designed parallel field sampling of streams and rivers and subsequent measurement of radiocarbon and ancillary geochemical parameters would aid in groundtruthing high-resolution sensor data. To illustrate the value of 14C measurements, we present a multi-year 14C time-series from the sub-alpine Sihl River system to highlight event- and seasonally-driven changes in the composition of riverine carbon POC, DOC, and DIC. We place these observations in the context of 14C measurements on a broad range of Swiss river systems to further investigate overarching controls on fluvial carbon export from alpine and sub-alpine watersheds. Such information can help the design of targeted sampling and measurement programs to complement sensor measurements in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of changing river carbon biogeochemical dynamics.

How to cite: Rhyner, T., Mittelbach, B., White, M., Broeder, L., Raymond, O., Haghipour, N., Brunmayr, A., Storck, F., Passera, L., Schwab, M., Hilton, R., Zobrist, J., and Eglinton, T.: Radiocarbon as a key constraint for prediction of river carbon biogeochemistry, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9236,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Tom J. Battin, Andrea Butturini, Gemma Coxon
Aquatic biogeochemical cycles II
On-site presentation
Taylor Maavara, Kelly Aho, Craig Brinkerhoff, Laura Logozzo, Lee Brown, William McDowell, and Peter Raymond

River networks have been conceptualized as “leaky pipes” for carbon loss. However, there remains considerable uncertainty regarding where, when, and how carbon loss takes place along the aquatic continuum across hydroclimatic conditions. Recent modelling efforts have been developed to (1) connect river reaches with non- or semi-lotic systems including lakes, reservoirs, floodplains and wetlands, and (2) account for river network connectivity via quantification of ephemeral streamflow. These models, which use techniques such machine learning to scale from local measurements to high-resolution river network data products, enable the quantification of relative carbon loss fluxes in lentic vs. lotic systems across stream orders (“where”) within standardized hydroclimatic scenarios representing the full continua of flows and seasonal conditions possible within a watershed (“when”). These models further quantify carbon uptake via both biomineralization and photomineralization (“how”). We frame findings into an updated conceptual model of the Pulse-Shunt Concept, which builds on the representation of river networks as leaky pipes by correlating the “leakiness” with dependence on flow and stream order. We suggest that lakes and other lentic systems should be considered as reactivity “nodes” interspersed along mostly unreactive or passive river reaches. We additionally discuss how these river network modelling approaches can continue to be improved using sensor networks.

How to cite: Maavara, T., Aho, K., Brinkerhoff, C., Logozzo, L., Brown, L., McDowell, W., and Raymond, P.: Recent developments integrating connected non-lotic and ephemeral water bodies into the Pulse-Shunt Concept, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1498,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Nicola Deluigi and Andrew L. Robison

Streams and rivers are increasingly recognized as vital components of the global carbon cycle, especially in the context of climate change. To comprehensively understand their impact, it is essential to move beyond the study of individual reaches and consider the entirety of fluvial networks, including their terrestrial interactions. This holistic perspective is crucial for integrating fluvial networks into Earth System models and accurately assessing their role in the global carbon cycle.

In this context, we describe the Metabolic Regimes in Alpine Stream Networks Program (METALP,, an ecohydrological and biogeochemical monitoring study of high-mountain streams in the Swiss Alps, running since 2016. Employing a network of high-frequency sensors (10-min) paired with monthly grab sampling, METALP examines the hydrological, thermal, light, and carbon regimes of high-mountain streams. Initially focused on the metabolism of alpine streams, the project has evolved to explore long-term trends in ecosystem characteristics and functions, with a particular emphasis on understanding climate change impacts. This unique observatory has so far collected over 20 million usable data points, describing annual regimes of streamwater flow, temperature, sediment load, carbon fluxes, and ecosystem metabolism.

We present insights into the hydrologic and biogeochemical consequences of glacier loss, along with findings on dissolved organic carbon, gas exchange and CO2 emissions, oxygen concentrations, and gross primary production. Building on these insights, we then delve into the unique challenges associated with long-term monitoring in high-mountain catchments. These include marked hydrologic variability, with flows ranging over several orders of magnitude, and the need for monitoring equipment to withstand high flows, sediment loads, and avalanches, and remain functional during low flow periods. Seasonal snow cover and the remoteness complicate sampling campaigns and sensor maintenance. Additionally, the oligotrophic nature of high-mountain streams, with low analyte concentrations, necessitates sensitive monitoring programs capable of detecting subtle changes. These challenges inherently lead to gaps in data, necessitating not only technical adaptations for monitoring under difficult conditions but also innovative modeling strategies for compensating data loss.

Finally, the METALP network, along with river networks located in different climatic regions (i.e., the Krycklan catchment in Sweden, the StreamPULSE project, or the Arctic Great Rivers Observatory), provides a broader perspective, enabling us to understand biogeochemical patterns and dynamics across multiple streams. This approach is crucial for constructing a comprehensive picture of stream biogeochemistry and its response to climate change.

How to cite: Deluigi, N. and Robison, A. L.: Deciphering alpine stream responses to climate change: lessons from the METALP monitoring network, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10927,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Joanne Shorter, Joseph Roscioli, Elizabeth Lunny, and Scott Wankel

Coastal ecosystems are dynamic regions especially rich in diverse biological and geochemical interactions.  However, major gaps exist in our knowledge of the primary biogeochemical processes and the factors regulating their relative importance.  The study of the biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen and carbon in aquatic systems is important for understanding the fate of nutrients and other chemical components present there. Nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4), have important roles in these nitrogen and carbon biogeochemical processes as they are produced and cycled within coastal and ocean environments.  They are also significant greenhouse gases with major roles in climate change.  The gaps in our understanding of the distribution and dynamics of the underlying processes controlling their fluxes can be filled with the development and deployment of high-resolution spatial-temporal measurement methods.

We have developed a field deployable, real-time, in situ system to quantify dissolved greenhouse gases (N2O and CH4 and their isotopologues) in aquatic ecosystems including coastal wetlands.  This measurement system consists of i) an array of permeable, hydrophobic probes that can be brought under a partial vacuum without intrusion of liquid water; ii) a collection protocol for efficiently drawing dissolved gases into the sampling system without isotopic fractionation; and iii) an interface of the probe array and the extraction and sampling system with real time analytical instrumentation.  By integrating an Aerodyne tunable infrared laser direct absorption spectrometer (TILDAS) into the measurement system, we can achieve real time determination of concentration and isotopic abundances of N2O and CH4.

We have compared dissolved gases extracted from a variety of collected water samples including different tap water sources, ocean water, and wetland “swamp” water.  We observed higher N2O in the tap water samples compared to the ocean waters.  Swamp water collected from two areas of the wetland (i.e., still and moving water zones) had elevated CH4 and N2O, with the still water having higher methane and lower N2O than observed in water from area with movement.  We also compared dissolved N2O isotopologues with headspace in dosing experiments, achieving excellent comparisons of the 15N2O isotopic ratios (δ456, δ546) and site preference (SP = δ456- δ546) of dissolved N2O with the headspace.  Laboratory results as well as plans for field demonstrations in coastal areas will be discussed.

How to cite: Shorter, J., Roscioli, J., Lunny, E., and Wankel, S.: A Real-time Monitoring System of Dissolved Nitrous Oxide, Methane and other Gases and their Isotopes in Aquatic Ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11259,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jacob Diamond and Enrico Bertuzzo

The freshwater riverine carbon budget has an unexplained imbalance (~1.5 Pg-C y−1) between estimates of terrestrial C lateral imports and freshwater emissions. This imbalance may be resolved by investigating the source of freshwater CO2 emissions. That is, what proportion of the excess CO2 in rivers comes from lateral CO2 inputs (external, allochthonous sources) versus from riverine respiration of organic matter (internal, autochthonous sources)? We address this question by developing a model to estimate the reach-scale dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) mass balance using sub-daily time series of dissolved O2 and CO2. The approach extends the classical single station model for the estimation of stream metabolism based on O2 observation by coupling the mass balance of DIC with the lateral input of water, O2 and DIC, and the mass balance of total alkalinity. Here, we present the results of the model application to several study sites across varying discharge and carbonate chemistries. We further show the model's utility in estimating magnitudes of river metabolism, lateral DIC concentration, photosynthetic and respiratory quotients, and carbon flux to the atmosphere.

How to cite: Diamond, J. and Bertuzzo, E.: A coupled O2-CO2 model to understand CO2 source partitioning in flowing freshwaters, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5918,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Frederick Cheng, Junehyeong Park, Mukesh Kumar, and Nandita Basu

Wetlands protect downstream waters by filtering excess nitrogen (N) generated from agricultural and urban activities. Small ephemeral wetlands, also known as geographically isolated wetlands (GIWs), are hotspots of N retention but have received fewer legal protections due to their apparent isolation from jurisdictional waters and are typically left out of restoration efforts. Here, we hypothesize that the isolation of the GIWs make them more efficient N filters, especially when considering transient hydrologic dynamics. We use a reduced complexity model with thirty years of remotely sensed monthly wetland inundation levels in 3,700 GIWs across eight wetlandscapes in the United States to show how consideration of transient hydrologic conditions that capture disconnectivity dynamics can increase N retention estimates by up to 130%, with greater retention magnification for the smaller wetlands. This effect is more pronounced in semi-arid systems, where transient assumptions lead to 1.8 times more retention, compared to humid landscapes where transient assumptions only lead to 1.4 times more retention.  Our results highlight how GIWs have an outsized role in retaining nutrients, and this service is enhanced due to their hydrologic disconnectivity. Under the context of the new EU Nature Restoration Law and other global conservation efforts, these unique ecosystems must be protected and considered in restoration plans to maintain the integrity of downstream waters.

How to cite: Cheng, F., Park, J., Kumar, M., and Basu, N.: Disconnectivity matters: The outsized role of small ephemeral wetlands in landscape-scale nutrient retention, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14106,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Diane McKnight, Keira Johnson, Ruth Heindel, and kathi jo Jankowski

In the polar deserts of Antarctica, meltwater from glaciers flows in streams for only about two months during the summer. As the water flows downstream and interacts with the sediment in the stream channel, weathering reactions increase the concentrations of dissolved constituents in the stream water, especially silica. In the McMurdo Dry Valleys, the glacial meltwater streams that flow during the austral summer are important biogeochemical links between the alpine and terminal glaciers and the lakes in the valley floors.  As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long-Term Ecological Research (MCMLTER) project, 17 first and second order streams are monitored for flow and water quality, and diatom community composition in the perennial microbial mats on the streambed. This study found that in streams that are about 1 km long and have abundant microbial mats, the diatoms can take up enough silica to reduce the concentrations of dissolved silica to very low values (>/= 1 mg/L). In comparison, in longer streams Si concentrations are greater (2 mg/L and greater) due to the input of Si from weathering in the hyporheic zone. A previous study has found that diatom community composition in two short streams is significantly related to total flow during the austral summer, leading to a hypothesis that decreases in Si concentrations with increasing flow may favor smaller diatoms with less silicified frustules. We analyzed the 25-yr discharge and silica record for 10 streams using the Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) model to estimate mean 5-day silica concentrations for December through January. These analyses revealed that the shortest stream with the strongest relationship between flow and diatom community composition consistently exhibited minimum Si concentrations of ~ 0.5 mg/L at peak flow. In contrast, Si concentrations were higher and more stable throughout the summer for long streams that exhibit little variation in diatom community composition. These results suggest that Si uptake by diatoms can control both in-stream Si concentrations and diatom community composition.  Understanding the relationship between the diatoms in the mat communities and environmental change is useful for interpreting the record of the stream diatoms preserved in lake sediments and for considering future scenarios for the Dry Valleys.

How to cite: McKnight, D., Johnson, K., Heindel, R., and Jankowski, K. J.: Stream Length and Diatom Communities Control Si Dynamics in Glacial Meltwater Streams of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14428,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Benoit Demars, Maeve McGovern, Leah Jackson-Blake, James Sample, Magnus Norling, Kjell Høgda, Stein Karlsen, Peter Dörsch, Marc Stutter, Barry Thornton, Jim Junker, and Juliana D'Andrilli

QUANTOM aims to quantify how changes in quality and quantity of dissolved organic matter (DOM) supply alter the metabolic balance of rivers, i.e. the contribution of in-stream DOM degradation to CO2 emissions. QUANTOM will determine the coupling between land vegetation growth from satellite observation and DOM delivery and transformation in streams using in-situ sensor technology and whole stream metabolism. QUANTOM will characterise the molecular transformations (reactive pathways) of DOM, from riparian soils to the Barents sea, through the river continuum at control points (hot spots and hot moments) using carbon stable isotope ratios and FT-ICR-MS. QUANTOM will formalise mathematically our novel understanding into a parsimonious river basin model for DOM with in-stream processes. QUANTOM’s vision is to have a model applicable across the natural northern rivers around the globe and transform the way we see and study rivers.

We have completed three years of fieldwork in the river Tana (Northern Norway), draining 16,000 km2 of north boreal and sub-arctic landscapes and discharging in the Barents sea (70°N). We will present the outline of the project, our conceptual approach and preliminary results such as satellite and in-situ sensor data, carbon fluxes and metabolic balance of the river network.   

How to cite: Demars, B., McGovern, M., Jackson-Blake, L., Sample, J., Norling, M., Høgda, K., Karlsen, S., Dörsch, P., Stutter, M., Thornton, B., Junker, J., and D'Andrilli, J.: QUANTOM – QUANTification of dissolved Organic Matter and the metabolic balance in river networks: mechanisms and model simulations of CO2 emissions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20681,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Johannes Paetsch, Gennadi Lessin, Yuri Artioli, and Jeremy Blackford

Nitrogen and phosphorus inputs via rivers entering the North Sea showed maxima in the early 1980s. This led to eutrophication phenomena near the coast with high primary production and further negative consequences for the North Sea ecosystem.

Recent simulations with the ecosystem model ECOHAM for the North Sea, nested in the model NEMO-ERSEM for the Northwest European continental shelf, show that diatom and non-diatom driven productions behave differently with respect to decreasing eutrophication. In the southern and central North Sea, non-diatom production including calcifiers has indeed responded to the changes in nutrient supply via the rivers. However, diatom production in this region mostly remained stable and even increased in some cases.

A different picture emerges in the northern North Sea, where the reversal of the winter NAO index from high to lower values (1995/1996) was followed by a drastic collapse in the inflow of North Atlantic water. This also led to a cut in the nutrient supply. Here, both phytoplankton groups reacted similarly: from 1996, the primary production of both species declined and then recovered again from 1999.

Our results confirm the hypothesis of Desmit et al. (2019) that in the southern North Sea primary productivity responds to reduction in nutrient inputs with shifts in community structure, and in the northern North Sea with decrease in total productivity rates.


Desmit, X., A. Nohe, A. V. Borges, T. Prins, K. De Cauwer, R. Lagring, D. Van der Zande and K. Sabbe (2019). Changes in chlorophyll concentration and phenology in the North Sea in relation to de-eutrophication and sea surface warming. Limnology and Oceanography 9999. DOI: 10.1002/lno.11351.

How to cite: Paetsch, J., Lessin, G., Artioli, Y., and Blackford, J.: Variability of annual primary production in the North Sea from 1983 to 2014: diatoms and non-diatoms show different trends, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10994,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alexander Brunmayr, Timo Rhyner, Dylan Geissbühler, Luisa Minich, Margot White, Florian Storck, Lucas Passera, Stephanie Zimmermann, Margaux Moreno Duborgel, Thomas Laemmel, Benedict Mittelbach, Negar Haghipour, Timothy Eglinton, Sönke Szidat, Frank Hagedorn, and Heather Graven

Each year, rivers export more than one teragram of carbon out of Switzerland as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), integrating diverse atmospheric, terrestrial, and aquatic carbon sources over their catchments. However, the contributions of the different carbon sources to riverine DIC – and thus the implications of DIC dynamics for the global carbon balance and climate – remain uncertain. Building upon the 50-year dataset from the national long-term river monitoring network of Switzerland (NADUF), we attempt to predict the vertical CO2 fluxes between rivers and the atmosphere, and to quantify catchment-scale DIC production through rock weathering, leaching of soil-respired CO2, and mineralization of organic carbon during fluvial transport. Supported by the national network of groundwater monitoring sites (NAQUA) and soil sampling sites covering Switzerland, a Bayesian mixing model disentangles the sources of riverine DIC using measured data of carbon and water isotopes (14C, 13C, 2H, 18O), as well as ion concentrations. The exchanges between river DIC and atmospheric CO2 across the air–water interface are predicted with a diffusion model, validated with measurements of the CO2 flux and isotopes from in situ floating-chamber experiments. Our predictions of the DIC source contributions and the net CO2 flux from rivers help to elucidate the role of DIC in the carbon balance of alpine and perialpine river catchments, and contribute towards closing the national carbon budget of Switzerland.

How to cite: Brunmayr, A., Rhyner, T., Geissbühler, D., Minich, L., White, M., Storck, F., Passera, L., Zimmermann, S., Moreno Duborgel, M., Laemmel, T., Mittelbach, B., Haghipour, N., Eglinton, T., Szidat, S., Hagedorn, F., and Graven, H.: Sources and fate of dissolved inorganic carbon in rivers of Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14012,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Michael Peacock, Martyn Futter, Sara Jutterström, Dolly Kothawala, Filip Moldan, Johanna Stadmark, and Chris Evans

European ecosystems have been subject to extensive shifts in anthropogenic disturbance, primarily through atmospheric deposition, climate change, and land management. These changes have altered the macronutrient composition of aquatic systems, with widespread increases in organic carbon (C), and declines in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Less well known is how these disturbances have affected nutrient stoichiometry, which may be a more useful metric to evaluate the health of aquatic ecosystems than individual nutrient concentrations. The Swedish west coast has historically experienced moderate to high levels of atmospheric deposition of sulfate and N, and eutrophication. In addition, coastal waters have been darkening with damaging effects on marine flora and fauna. Here, we present three decades of macronutrient data from seven watercourses (plus additional lakes) along the Swedish west coast, including headwaters and river mouths, across a range of land covers, and with catchments ranging 0.037 – 40000 km2.

We find a high degree of consistency between these diverse sites, with widespread increasing trends in organic C, and declines in inorganic N and total P. These trends in individual macronutrients translate into large stoichiometric changes, with a doubling in C:P, and increases in C:N and N:P by 50% and 30%, showing that freshwaters are moving further away from the Redfield Ratio, and becoming even more C rich, and depleted in N and P. These changes were not restricted to headwaters but were also evident in larger rivers and at river mouths. Although recovery from atmospheric deposition is linked to some of these changes, land cover also appears to have an effect; lakes buffer against C increases, and decreases in inorganic N have been greatest under arable land cover. Taken together, our findings show that freshwater macronutrient concentrations and stoichiometry have undergone substantial shifts during the last three decades, and these shifts can potentially explain some of the detrimental changes that adjacent coastal ecosystems are undergoing. Our findings are relevant for all European and North American waters that have experienced historically high levels of atmospheric sulphate and N deposition, and provide a starting point for understanding and mitigating against the trajectories of long-term change in aquatic systems.

How to cite: Peacock, M., Futter, M., Jutterström, S., Kothawala, D., Moldan, F., Stadmark, J., and Evans, C.: Three decades of changing nutrient stoichiometry from source to sea on the Swedish west coast, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6645,, 2024.


Posters on site: Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X1

Display time: Thu, 18 Apr 08:30–Thu, 18 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Magdalena Bieroza, Tom J. Battin, Gemma Coxon
Joint poster viewing Thursday, 18 Apr, 10:45 at poster EGU24-2583
Examination of Land Use Resolution Impact on the Correlation Between Fluvial Catchment Landscapes and Riverine Water Quality
Yucang Wang and Dingjiang Chen
Helen Baulch, Anthony Baron, Ali Nazemi, and Colin Whitfield

Elevated dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations are a major concern for drinking water treatment plants that draw from surface waters, owing to effects on disinfection byproduct formation, risks of bacterial regrowth in water distribution systems, and treatment costs. Yet within the vast Great Plains of North America water supplies are limited. As a result, water utilities often rely on water bodies with naturally elevated DOC. Using a 30-year data set encompassing both extreme wet and dry conditions we investigate the drivers of high variation in DOC, exploring effects of changing flow management and in-lake water chemistry. Using wavelet coherence analyses and generalized additive models of DOC, we find DOC concentration was significantly coherent with flow from a large upstream mesotrophic reservoir. DOC was also coherent with sulfate, total phosphorus, ammonium, and chlorophyll a concentrations across the 30-year record. These variables accounted for 56% of the deviance in DOC from 1990 to 2019, suggesting that water source and in-lake nutrient and solute chemistry are effective predictors of DOC concentration. Clearly, climate and changes in water and catchment management will influence source water quality in this already water-scarce region. Our results highlight the importance of flow management to shallow eutrophic reservoirs and demonstrate impacts on source water quality.  Results also highlight a key management challenge where wet periods can exacerbate water quality issues and these effects can be compounded by flow rules that dictate reducing inflows from systems with lower DOC. Our work shows that current flow management decisions to address water level and flood risk concerns also have important impacts on drinking water treatability, creating important tradeoffs and highlighting complex challenges for regional water security.  

How to cite: Baulch, H., Baron, A., Nazemi, A., and Whitfield, C.: Flow source drives extreme variation in dissolved organic carbon in an important North American Great Plains reservoir, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13957,, 2024.

Sivakiruthika Balathandayuthabani, Balathandayuthabani Panneer Selvam, Magnus Gålfalk, Peter Saetre, Sari Peura, Ulrik Kautsky, Leif Klemedtsson, Lakshmanan Arunachalam, Geethalakshmi Vellingiri, and David Bastviken

Inland waters are important sources of methane (CH4) to the atmosphere. Significant quantities of CH4 are shown to be emitted from stream networks, despite their small areal coverage. Considerable gaps and uncertainties exist in the knowledge on the regulation of stream CH4 emissions, and their contribution to landscape scale C emissions. When the CH4 input from groundwater/surface runoff or from sediment production reaches the discharge areas, CH4 can either be microbially oxidised to carbon dioxide or emitted to the atmosphere. The relative importance of these sources and fates has implications for modelling and assessing long-term ecosystem CH4 balances. In the existing body of literature, there is a clear lack of data on the share of groundwater CH4 and sediment-produced CH4 to the total CH4 input in streams, the extent of CH4 oxidation or emission of these sources and the spatial variability over whole-catchment scales. Here we present a study on the fates of ground water and sediment-produced CH4 reaching stream environments in two different boreal catchments in Sweden. A combination of measurements, including CH4 concentration gradients below stream beds, stable carbon isotope gradient measurements, high resolution stream flux and discharge assessments, were used to follow the transport of CH4 below the stream bed to the stream water surface using inverse mass-balance modelling. The measurements covered all parts of the stream network in both catchments to include spatial variability. We show that around half of the total CH4 entering the streams were from groundwater. Almost all the groundwater and sediment-produced CH4 were oxidised (> 97%) before reaching atmosphere. Emissions to the atmosphere only represented a small fraction of the groundwater and sediment-produced CH4 reaching the stream (< 3%), indicating that CH4 oxidation is a major sink in the studied streams. Our data also reveals large spatial variability in surface water CH4 concentrations, concentration gradients below the stream beds, CH4 inputs, oxidation, and emission related to morphometry and presumably soil characteristics. We emphasize the importance of including spatial variability in stream networks to constrain the uncertainties in stream CH4 budget studies.

How to cite: Balathandayuthabani, S., Panneer Selvam, B., Gålfalk, M., Saetre, P., Peura, S., Kautsky, U., Klemedtsson, L., Arunachalam, L., Vellingiri, G., and Bastviken, D.: Relative importance of groundwater and sediment-produced methane in stream emissions of two boreal catchments , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2512,, 2024.

Ann-Kathrin Wild, Christina Fasching, and Peter Chifflard

Predictions regarding the export of organic carbon (OC) linked to glacier runoff remain constrained. Conventional mass balance approaches, which calculate annual OC export based on singular sampling points, overlook potential diurnal and seasonal variations in OC dynamics. In our study, we address this gap by employing high temporal resolution to systematically explore the concentration and composition of glacier-derived OC. Moreover, we examine the bioavailability of OC in glacial discharge directly at the terminus. This comprehensive investigation aims to enable accurate predictions of future OC release resulting from glacier retreat. Our chosen study site is the temperate Icelandic glacier Falljökull, part of the Öræfajökull and Vatnajökull ice cap, selected for its year-round accessibility.

Our findings reveal an average concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from the glacier of 0.14 mg L-1 based on 72 streamwater samples from the glacier terminus. Seasonal variations are evident with higher concentrations measured in winter (0.19 mg L-1) compared to summer (0.10 mg L-1). While the DOC concentration was relatively low during rain and glacial melt (0.12 mg L-1), snowmelt doubled the DOC concentration (0.20 mg L-1) indicating deposition as a source of glacial DOC. Furthermore, DOC concentration in glacial melt varied on a diurnal basis with peak values during early afternoon at highest discharges. The different weather events are reflected in the glacier discharge which could be shown by comparing the isotopic signature of ice, snow, and precipitation to the isotopic signature of the discharge water during designated events.

Absorbance and fluorescence measurements pointed to a predominantly protein-like, labile composition of DOC in glacial runoff. However, using incubation experiments with glacial meltwater we often found DOC values to increase pointing to the production of OC. Preliminary results highlight the seasonal and diurnal variability of glacial OC concentration and composition and the need to further study glacial OC bioavailability.

How to cite: Wild, A.-K., Fasching, C., and Chifflard, P.: Seasonal variation in organic carbon and its bioavailability (Falljökull glacier, Iceland), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2894,, 2024.

Ultraviolet radiation enhances the degradation of humus-like substances in DOC in Permafrost streams of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Yuhao Li, Genxu Wang, and Chunlin Song
Dariusz Ficek, Damian Stoltmann, Mirosława Ostrowska, Magdalena Pawlik, and Roman Majchrowski

Present systems based on data recorded by satellites allow for the determination of many characteristics of seas and oceans, including the photosynthetic production of primary organic matter in the water column (PP). The SatBaltic system, launched in 2015, was used to determine PP in the Baltic Sea waters. This system provides daily maps of the spatial distribution of PP values and other characteristics of this sea. Relevant data can be found on the SatBaltic website ( The collected extensive data bank allowed for the analysis of a number of processes occurring in the ecosystem of this sea. Photosynthetic primary production of organic matter was analyzed based on data from 2005-2019. Statistical analyzes of PP data available in the SatBaltic System allowed for a quantitative description of its variability in the entire Baltic Sea area. The average daily PP value for the entire Baltic Sea varied from approximately 5 mgC m-2 day-1 in winter (December and January) to over 700 mgC m-2 day-1 in July. The total annual PP value of the Baltic Sea in the analyzed period ranged within (37 to 45)* 106 tC yr-1. The obtained results indicate a slight increase in the productivity of the Baltic Sea over a period of 15 years. PP analyzes also showed significant differences between the productivity of individual reservoirs. In the East Gotland Basin, PP is 4% higher than in the Bornholm Basin, while in the Gdańsk Basin it is 33% higher.

How to cite: Ficek, D., Stoltmann, D., Ostrowska, M., Pawlik, M., and Majchrowski, R.: Fifteen years of remote sensing and analyses of the Baltic Sea primary production (2005–2019), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3814,, 2024.

Jörg Tittel, Yvonne Rosenlöcher, Tallent Dadi, Oliver J. Lechtenfeld, and Carsten Simon

Dams are a globally relevant source of greenhouse gases (GHG), which impair their function as a source of green energy. High burial rates of organic carbon (OC) in dam sediments may partly or fully offset the emissions. We argue that only the burial of carbon fixed in the timespan of dam operation changes the GHG balance. Here, we took sediment cores from a temperate dam. We analyzed radiocarbon age and OC molecular composition by laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry in the bulk OC and in four extract fractions. The bulk samples included modern OC, fixed after 1950. However, the extracted OC was of different ages (modern to 1900 years BP). Compounds with H/O ratios >2.5 predominated in 14C-old fractions, while compounds with ratios <2.5 were abundant in modern extracts. We conclude that only 43% of buried carbon originated from the contemporary atmosphere and can be offset against recent GHG emissions.

How to cite: Tittel, J., Rosenlöcher, Y., Dadi, T., Lechtenfeld, O. J., and Simon, C.: The age of buried carbon changes the greenhouse gas budget of a dam, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5677,, 2024.

Buyun Jeong, Gunwoo Shim, Jinsung An, and Kyoungphile Nam

The evaluation of metal toxicity in sediment has traditionally involved measuring sulfide concentrations and considering organic carbon content through the sediment biotic ligand model. This model operates on the assumption that the predominant formation of insoluble metal sulfides (MeS) renders the metals unavailable for uptake by benthic organisms. Specifically, in cases where the quantity of metals exceeds that of sulfides, the model postulates that the surplus metals will partition to organic carbon. It holds relevance in anoxic environments where sulfides and organic carbon play pivotal roles in metal binding. However, heavy metals susceptible to redox changes may be released from both MeS and organic carbon, particularly in oxidized sediments. Literature indicates elevated concentrations of dissolved Cadmium under oxidizing conditions compared to reduced sediments. Such liberated metals subsequently re-adsorb onto Fe oxides, another significant phase for metal binding.

To enhance cadmium toxicity prediction, we propose an advanced model that considers contributions from both Fe oxides and organic carbon, in addition to sulfide, in oxidized sediment. Partition coefficients (Kd) for both phases were determined using the Windermere Humic Aqueous Model, version 7 (UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, 2012), and the relationship with pH was derived through curve fitting to optimize data fitting. Previous studies' data align well with the predicted Kd values. A comprehensive model equation for determining a total Kd, incorporating these Kd values of Fe oxides and organic carbon contents, was formulated. Upon comparison with experimental data from sediment samples collected from 21 different regions in South Korea, the model exhibited accurate predictions within one order of magnitude.

To validate the proposed model, a toxicity test was conducted using a benthic invertebrate, Hyalella azteca, with the same sediment samples. While the previous model predicted toxicity, the observed mortality was less than 24%, indicating non-toxicity to the organism. The new model accurately assessed toxicity and serves as a valuable tool for predicting cadmium toxicity in oxidized sediment.

How to cite: Jeong, B., Shim, G., An, J., and Nam, K.: Integrated Prediction Model for Cadmium Toxicity in Oxidized Freshwater Sediment: Emphasis on the Role of Fe Oxides and Validation with Hyalella azteca, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7236,, 2024.

Archita Bhattacharyya, James Sorensen, Daren Gooddy, Daniel Read, and Ben Surridge

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) serves as crucial nutrient for microorganisms in oligotrophic groundwater environment. This study investigated regional-scale variations in fluorescent DOMs (fDOM) across three major English aquifers: Jurassic limestone, Permo-triassic sandstone, and Cretaceous chalk, which display different dominant groundwater flow regimes ranging from karstic, intergranular and fractured respectively. Untreated groundwater samples from 134 public supply pumps were analysed using Fluorescence spectroscopy to characterize fDOM in these aquifers with distinct properties. Our aim was to find the baseline fDOM concentrations in uncontaminated groundwater and explore the associations between fDOM, DOC, and bacterial biomass. PARAFAC modelling of the Excitation Emission Matrices (EEMs) revealed two humic-like components (HLF): component-1 peak-C, and component-2 or peak-M; and two protein-like components: component-3 or peak-T (tryptophan like or TLF) and component 4 or peak-B (Tyrosine like). Humic-like components were predominant in groundwater, with median total HLF of 0.19 raman unit (RU). Bacterial cells were enumerated using flow cytometry. Absence of E. Coli in the samples suggested no surface microbial contamination. DOC concentration ranged from 0.76 to 1.11 mg/L, lower than the UK groundwater mean of 3.1 mg/L, implying a carbon-poor environment. Significant difference of fDOM and DOC across three aquifers were observed. Median DOC and HLF were significantly higher in limestone and chalk aquifers than in sandstone aquifers. Higher humification index in limestone (HIX=0.8) and chalk (HIX=0.74) aquifer suggested less complex and high H/C ratio fDOM was present in sandstone aquifer (HIX=0.68). Sandstone also exhibited higher β/α ratio (0.97) and fluorescence index (FI=1.53) than chalk (β/α=0.85, FI=1.4) and limestone aquifer ((β/α=0.75, FI=1.4) suggesting fresher and more microbially derived autochthonous fDOM in sandstone aquifer in contrast with more mature and allochthonous fDOM in limestone and chalk aquifers. Positive correlations between HLF, TLF, and total bacterial cell concentration (TCC) were observed across all aquifers. However, DOC was only correlated with TCC in sandstone aquifers. This emphasised that the type of DOM, rather than its quantity, closely associates with bacterial biomass. Median TCC in karstic limestone aquifer (2×104/ml) was nearly double that of intergranular sandstone (1×104/ml), and fractured chalk aquifer (8×103/ml). Despite relatively high fDOMs in chalk aquifers, TCC was significantly lower due to size exclusion of suspended bacteria through smaller pore-throats of the chalk. This also suggested that the correlation of TCC and fDOMs might not be due to more DOM promoting more bacterial productivity, but possibly due to their similar source. This study highlighted the carbon-poor nature of uncontaminated groundwater environments, with spatially distinct baseline values of fDOM, DOC, and TCC. Limestone and chalk aquifers have high permeability and surface connectivity and are therefore more vulnerable to quality degradation.

How to cite: Bhattacharyya, A., Sorensen, J., Gooddy, D., Read, D., and Surridge, B.: Relating fluorescent dissolved organic matter to bacterial biomass in English aquifer systems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11765,, 2024.

Nicolas Valiente, Laurent Fontaine, Andrea L. Popp, Anja Sundal, Jing Wei, Peter Dörsch, Sigrid Trier Kjær, Dag O. Hessen, and Alexander Eiler

In the Arctic, climate change leads to increased nutrient levels and organic carbon in freshwaters, caused by factors like permafrost thaw and growing populations of geese. Such alterations significantly impact freshwater ecosystems, potentially influencing community composition and diversity across various levels, including general microbial metabolism. We tested the hypothesis that a transition from autotrophy to heterotrophy occurs across a chronosequence of lakes in the high Arctic as a result of glacier retreat, influenced by distinct nutrient supplies and varying ecological succession statuses. To do so, we studied 5 lakes in the vicinity of Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard) following a chronosequence. The older lakes, closer to the fjord, were strongly impacted by birds, notably geese. For each lake, we tested the response to nutrients by adding an artificial nutrient solution with N and P, and the response to light or dark conditions. We incubated unfiltered water samples (80 mL) at 4 ºC in 120 mL flasks with atmospheric air as headspace. After 24h, samples for gases (O2, CO2, CH4 and N2O), nutrients (organic C, P and N) and eDNA (16S metabarcoding) were collected. Ar-corrected gas saturation of each GHG was used as a proxy of net metabolic changes. Regardless of the treatment applied, our results showed an increase in N2O saturation coupled with a decrease in O2 saturation after 24h in bird-impacted lakes, likely related to heterotrophic microbial activity. In such lakes, dark conditions promoted P accumulation, while N accumulated equally in light and dark incubations. In younger lakes (i.e., not impacted by birds), increased O2 saturation after 24h of incubation suggested that phototrophic metabolism was dominant. For nutrients, no significant pattern was observed for both light and dark incubations in younger lakes. Bacterial community composition differed between locations after 24h of incubation with a greater uniformity of species in younger lakes. This research advances our understanding of how nutrient enrichment affects biodiversity in the Arctic and metabolism in freshwater ecosystems.

How to cite: Valiente, N., Fontaine, L., Popp, A. L., Sundal, A., Wei, J., Dörsch, P., Trier Kjær, S., Hessen, D. O., and Eiler, A.: Microbial response to climate-induced nutrient alterations in high Arctic freshwaters, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8400,, 2024.

Tal Godinger, Zafrir Adar, and Shai Arnon

Water quality in streams provides fundamental information on ecosystem functioning and status. The use of sensors instead of grab sampling provides near-continuous information on the water quality, which reveals information on hydrological and biogeochemical processes that were unrecognized before. While information from sensors on water quality in temperate climates becomes ubiquitous, it is still rare in semi-arid and Mediterranean climate. The aim of this work was to quantify the dynamics and patterns of water quality and metabolism in a Mediterranean low-land urban stream. Sensors that measure oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrate, cDOM, chlorophyll a, turbidity, electric conductivity, pH, water level, and light were deployed in July 2019 in the Yarkon Stream, an urban lowland stream in Israel. Preliminary results indicated that seasonal differences were observed under base-flow conditions for parameters that are indicative of biological processes. For example, the average concentrations of nitrate and oxygen were higher in the winter than in the summer. Differences between summer and winter to spring and autumn were less consistent. Seasons also affected the daily fluctuations of the biological-related parameters. For example, oxygen concentrations were roughly stable during the day in the winter but followed a clear peak in the afternoon during the summer. In addition, oxygen consumption was dominant all year long, leading to hypoxic conditions in the stream for most of the year. The driving mechanisms for the observed patterns will be discussed in the presentation, and further comparisons will be made to patterns in streams from temperate climates. It is expected that this work will provide new insights into the water quality dynamics and ecosystem status of Mediterranean streams, which can potentially improve water resources management and future restoration efforts.

How to cite: Godinger, T., Adar, Z., and Arnon, S.: Dynamics and patterns of water quality and stream metabolism in a low-land Mediterranean urban stream, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9024,, 2024.

Fluorescence indices of organic matter in groundwater and other aquatic environments : proposal for improvement
Leïla Serène, Naomi Mazzilli, Christelle Batiot-Guilhe, Christophe Emblanch, Milanka Babic, Julien Dupont, Roland Simler, Matthieu Blanc, and Gérard Massonnat
Pei-Ling Wang, Ya-Fang Cheng, Jing-Yi Tseng, and Li-Hung Lin

Stream dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is an important component of the global carbon cycle. The export ofDOC from land to the ocean is well quantified by examining large rivers, but this often excludes small mountainous rivers (SMRs), where DOC is primarily allochthonous and acts as a microbial energy source, shaping stream biogeochemical cycling. Revealing the temporal and spatial variation of DOC in SMRs is crucial for filling the missing piece of DOC export and understanding the role of DOC in stream ecology.Taiwan frequently experiences extreme weather events and earthquakes, thereby featuring deep river incisions, rapid uplift and erosion, and limited soil development. It represents an ideal model system for studying SMRs with high area-normalized material fluxes. Two catchments, the Gaoping and Beinan River systems, with high particulate organic carbon (POC) flux in Taiwan, were examined. The variation of DOCconcentrations was wider in the Gaoping River system (ranging from 0.07 to 8.85 mg/L with a mean of 0.66 mg/L) compared to the Beinan River system (ranging from 0.26 to 0.67 mg/L with a mean of 0.37 mg/L). However, the mean values in both systems are significantly lower than the global average. Despite a greater human impact in the lower reach of the Gaoping River as a result of the dense population, temporal variations were substantial at all sites, but the disparities between wet and dry seasons were notable at specific sites. Temperature appeared to be the primary factor controlling DOC concentrations during the non-typhoon period. During the typhoon event, the DOC concentrations were positively correlated with total suspended solids (TSS). By analyzing the temporal sequence, the variation in DOC concentration and TSS exhibited a clockwise hysteresis with the DOC max proceeding TSS max. This event contributed approximately 10% of the annual DOC flux in the catchment. Compared with the POC flux, the DOC flux derived from these two catchments is much lower, indicating a decoupling of transportation for particulate and dissolved materials and limited river metabolisms in SMR catchments.

How to cite: Wang, P.-L., Cheng, Y.-F., Tseng, J.-Y., and Lin, L.-H.: Low dissolved organic carbon flux in small mountainous catchments of Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10723,, 2024.

Giulia Grandi, Gianluca Botter, Nicola Durighetto, Mirco Peschiutta, Mauro Masiol, Barbara Stenni, and Enrico Bertuzzo

Freshwaters are key players in global carbon (C) cycle as they collect C leaked from the terrestrial ecosystem and host in-stream production and respiration processes. C transported by streams and rivers can be out-gassed to the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2), buried in the sediments or reach the coastal oceans. In the last decades, the relevance of these exchange fluxes to global CO2 emissions has been recognised, as well as the importance of describing the C dynamics at the stream sediment-water-atmosphere interfaces. Describing the functioning of fluvial C cycling under varying hydrodynamic and morphological traits is even more critical in mountain catchments due to the rapid change they are facing under global warming. However, estimation of these fluxes is largely uncertain and requires the integration of multidisciplinary theoretical and observational studies.

This work illustrates the planned activities and the preliminary results of two synergistic research projects aimed at resolving C cycling and stream metabolism in an alpine catchment: project CONSTRAIN (CarbON exchange processes across STReAm INterfaces) funded by the Italian Ministry of Research, and project iNEST (Interconnected North-Est Innovation Ecosystem) funded by the European Union Next-Generation EU. 

The projects focus on the Rio Valfredda, a pristine mountain stream network draining a 5.3 km2 catchment in the Italian Alps. The planned activities include the continuous, high frequency measurement of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide, along with environmental ancillary variables like photosynthetic active radiation, stream temperature, barometric pressure, pH and electrical conductivity, in four reaches within the stream network. Through a newly proposed model that couples the diel fluctuations of O2 and CO2, we aim to jointly estimate stream metabolism (i.e. gross primary production and ecosystem respiration), lateral input of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and CO2 out-gassing to the atmosphere. 

We aim at linking C cycling patterns with hydrologic traits of the selected reaches. To that end, water stable isotopes (δ18O and δ2H) are being monitored in several tributaries of the stream network (grab samples with monthly frequency), at the catchment outlet (at daily frequency) and in the precipitation collected by rain gauges placed at different altitudes. From the analysis of the isotopic signature of streamflow and precipitation we reconstruct summary statistics of the travel time distribution of water within the hillslope with the goal of relating it with the lateral flow of DIC.

The comprehensive set of information collected, together with the previous knowledge about the hydrological dynamics of the Valfredda catchment, which has been closely monitored for the past 5 years in the framework of the DyNET project funded by the European Research Council, will allow upscaling C cycling at the level of the whole network rather than focusing on individual reaches. These projects will enhance our understanding of the role played by hydrology on the metabolism of complex river networks, unraveling the multifaceted dynamical relations that link rivers with the surrounding environment and allowing a robust assessment of the contribution of freshwaters to CO2 emissions.

How to cite: Grandi, G., Botter, G., Durighetto, N., Peschiutta, M., Masiol, M., Stenni, B., and Bertuzzo, E.: Combining isotope measurements, water quality sensors and computational methods to unravel in-stream carbon dynamics of a complex stream network in the Italian Alps, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12040,, 2024.

Alfonso Senatore, Corrente Giuseppina Anna, Perri Alessio Carmelo, Greco Francesco, Mendicino Giuseppe, Beneduci Amerigo, and Botter Gianluca

This study investigates the spatial and temporal dynamics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and several other chemical-physical parameters concentrations in a Mediterranean headwater catchment (Turbolo River catchment, southern Italy) equipped with two multi-parameter sondes providing multiple-year (from 2019 to 2023) high-frequency measurements, complemented by discrete monitoring campaigns. The sondes were installed in two nested sections, a quasi-pristine upstream sub-catchment and a downstream outlet with anthropogenic water quality disturbances. Altogether, sixteen chemical-physical parameters were assessed: temperature, turbidity, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), salinity, pH, ORP, ammonia nitrogen (N-NH4+) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in continuous mode; alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), free CO2, not purgeable organic carbon (NPOC), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), anionic and cationic content for discrete monitoring. In particular, DOC estimates were achieved by correcting the fluorescent dissolved organic matter -fDOM - values through an original procedure that did not require extensive laboratory measurements. Then, parameter dynamics at the seasonal and storm event scales were analyzed.

Results showed that all parameters have values consistent with those expected for fluvial water. Furthermore, the majority of the parameters generally recorded the highest values during the autumn season, showing then a decrease to spring lows and a new rise with the arrival of the driest months of the year. In particular, the seasonal scale analysis confirmed the climate control on DOC production, with increasing background concentrations in hot and dry summer months. On the other hand, the hydrological regulation proved crucial for DOC mobilization and export, with the top 10th percentile of discharge associated with up to 79% of the total DOC yield. The analysis at the storm scale using flushing and hysteresis indices highlighted substantial differences between the two catchments. In the steeper upstream catchment, the limited capability of preserving hydrological connectivity over time with DOC sources determined the prevalence of transport as the limiting factor to DOC export. In the downstream catchment, transport- and source-limited processes were observed almost equally. The correlation between the hysteretic behaviour and antecedent precipitation was not linear since the process reverted to transport-limited for high accumulated rainfall values. The influence of storm events was also verified for other parameters, which were either positively (turbidity, N-NH4+) or negatively (electrical conductivity, TDS and salinity) correlated with the streamflow variation.

Exploiting high-resolution measurements, the study provided insights into DOC and several other chemical-physical parameter dynamics in nested headwater catchments at multiple time scales.


Reference: Senatore et al., Water Resources Research, 2023, 59(11), e2022WR034397,

How to cite: Senatore, A., Giuseppina Anna, C., Alessio Carmelo, P., Francesco, G., Giuseppe, M., Amerigo, B., and Gianluca, B.: Space-time dynamics of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and water quality in the Turbolo River catchment (southern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13199,, 2024.

Magdalena Pawlik and Dariusz Ficek

Every year, pine pollen occurs at the water surface and cover large areas of the Baltic waters in spring. Its concentrations in the Baltic are sometimes so large that they actually form a conspicuous yellow layer on the surface. Pine pollen is a very important source of carbon and nutrients to the Baltic Sea.

The objective of this work was to estimate the absolute and relative concentrations of pine pollen and to show the spatial differentiation of pollen levels in Baltic Sea waters.

The measurements showed that practically the whole study area was covered with pollen. substantial pollen concentrations were recorded not only in the coastal zone but also at considerable distances from the shore. Pollen levels in Baltic surface waters, measured during the 2018 pollen season, varied from 0.5 to 14.7 µl l-1, which is 10–49.2% of the total suspension, ranging from 1.25 to 250 µm. To examine the biological role of pollen in the aquatic environment, the contents of carbon C, nitrogen N and phosphorus P were measured in pollen acquired from pine trees growing close to the Baltic shore. The levels of these elements were as follows: 47.66% C, 0.32% P and 2.50% N.

This work was supported by the National Science Centre of Poland (contract No. 2017/25/N/ST10/02578 to M.M.P).

How to cite: Pawlik, M. and Ficek, D.: Pine pollen is an important component of the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14742,, 2024.

The Mobius2 model building system
Magnus Norling
Goulven G. Laruelle, Vincent Thieu, Antoine Casquin, Marie Silvestre, Steeve Bonneville, and Anicée Massant

Most downstream compartments of the continental hydrological network, estuaries are the last biogeochemical filter of the Land-Ocean Aquatic Continuum before the oceanic realm. As such, they receive substantial amounts of carbon and nutrients from rivers and their intense biogeochemical processing allows the removal of part of those inputs, hence potentially contributing to the prevention of coastal eutrophication. Indeed, eutrophication resulting from enhanced nutrients loads from rivers is a pressing global issue, affecting numerous coastal areas and regional seas worldwide. However, simulating ecosystems as intricate as estuaries, characterized by numerous biogeochemical gradients, an intense benthic-pelagic coupling and controlled by complex hydrodynamics is a challenge often associated with intensive computation and data requirements. As a result, the development of numerical models suitable to quantify the filtering function of estuaries is often limited to scarce well studied systems. This highlights the still unresolved challenge of designing and applying a generic modeling strategy able to capture the complexity and intensity of biogeochemical processes for a diversity of often data-limited estuaries along a continuous coastal stretch.

In this study, we present the first spatially explicit, regional, fully transient simulation of the estuarine biogeochemical filter over a multi annual period. This application to 40 estuaries of the Atlantic coast of France from its southern border with Spain to Belgium was performed in the context of the nuts-STeauRY project which aims at illustrating the interest of integrated land-sea modelling approaches to better design spatialized scenarios of agriculture and land-use practice to limit coastal eutrophication in France.

                The simulations were performed using the proven generic estuarine model C-GEM coupled with the OMEN_SED sediment module and constrained, upstream by the pyNuts-Riverstrahler model, which describes the transfer of nutrients and carbon from the headwaters streams to the outlets of river hydrosystems. In its current version, C-GEM resolves tidally induced transport within the estuary along its longitudinal axis and its biogeochemical module includes all the main processes involving carbon and nutrients (i.e. production, remineralization, nitrification, denitrification…). The addition of a new explicit benthic module allows simulating sediments processes and burial which are essential to properly quantify carbon and nutrient retention. The strategy to simulate estuaries devoid of measurements relies on Monte Carlo simulations performed by varying the model’s parameterization constrained by an extensive literature survey and thoroughly validated on well monitored reference systems. Our results over the 2014-2019 period provide an insight into the parameters controlling the temporal and spatial variability of carbon and nutrient retention within a large set of estuaries with varying riverine nutrients loads and ranging from very small (<10km) to the Loire, Seine or Gironde estuaries, which lengths exceed 100km. The simulated retention rates vary widely from just a few percent in the smallest systems to over 40%, 30%, 20% in the largest ones for total organic carbon, total phosphorus and total nitrogen, respectively.

How to cite: Laruelle, G. G., Thieu, V., Casquin, A., Silvestre, M., Bonneville, S., and Massant, A.: Quantifying estuarine carbon and nutrients retention at the regional scale using a generic process-based model and Monte Carlo simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17925,, 2024.

Tracing the Origins: Investigating Anthropogenic and Natural Sources of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Himalayan River System
(withdrawn after no-show)
Diptimayee Behera and Anoop Ambili
Wu Hao and Chen Dingjiang

In response to gradually expanding populations and the demand for food, excess anthropogenic phosphorus (P) input to watersheds leads to accumulating large P reservoirs in land systems, which becomes a persistent source of P pollution to aquatic systems, hindering the effectiveness of implementing water quality management. Therefore, clarifying the cycling process of P in watersheds, quantifying the legacy effects of P and identifying the spatial distribution of legacy P are key scientific issues for effectively developing watershed P management. We applied a modification Exploration of Long-tErM Nutrient Trajectories-Phosphorus model in a typical agricultural watershed in eastern China, which can well quantify the dynamics of legacy P over 40 years along the land-aquatic continuum. Modification of P erosion loss module improved the efficiency metrics of the model. The model indicated that the lag time for legacy P effects in the watershed was up to 10 years. P inputs increased by 40% (5.1 kg P ha-1 yr-1-9.8 kg P ha-1 yr-1) between 1980 and 2000 and decreased by 55% (9.8 kg P ha-1 yr-1-3.4 kg P ha-1 yr-1) between 2000 and 2020. Riverine P export fluxes increased from 0.11 kg P ha-1 yr-1to 1.49 kg P ha-1 yr-1 (13-fold increase) from 1980 to 2012, and then decreased to 0.96 kg P ha-1yr-1from 2012-2020 years to 0.96 kg P ha-1 yr-1 (35% decrease). The modification model was effective in clarifying the spatial and temporal distribution of legacy P and proposed an effective method to guide watershed P management.

How to cite: Hao, W. and Dingjiang, C.: Modification of exploration of long‐term nutrient trajectories for phosphorus (ELEMeNT-P) model to quantify legacy phosphorus dynamics in a typical watershed of eastern China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-713,, 2024.

Kwang-Hun Lee and Jonghun Kam

Understanding the dynamics of organic carbon load in lakes and reservoirs is vital for comprehending the potential impact of human disturbance on the hydrological and carbon cycle. This study investigates the spatial and temporal variability of water volume and total organic carbon (TOC) concentration and examines changes in the TOC load during a drought year. We conducted a systematic analysis of water volume and TOC concentration data from 2,484 agricultural reservoirs in South Korea, covering 2020 to 2022 at both provincial and county levels. At the national level, the yearly TOC loads range between 1387 tons and1464.84 tons. This study conducts the rotated Principal Component Analysis (rPCA) of water volume and TOC concentration. The first rPCA mode showed a decreasing trend of water level (38% of the explained variance) and increasing trend of TOC concentration (23%) over the southern Korea region. The second rPCA mode is related to interannual variability of water level (23.5%) and TOC concentration (20%) over the central Korea region. In 2022, the southern and central Korea regions have a noticeable difference in water volume and TOC concentration. These variations were closely associated with a prolonged meteorological drought event in the southern Korea region, causing increased TOC levels and reduced water volume and thus changing a role of reservoirs from a carbon sink to a carbon source. This study provide insight about how organic carbon interacts with an extreme hydroclimatic condition in agricultural reservoirs.

How to cite: Lee, K.-H. and Kam, J.: Spatiotemporal patterns of water volume and total organic carbon concentration of agricultural reservoirs over South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2420,, 2024.