BG3.16 | Peatland management and restoration
Peatland management and restoration
Convener: Hanna Silvennoinen | Co-conveners: Bärbel Tiemeyer, Franziska Tanneberger, Susan Page, Łukasz Kozub
| Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:25 (CEST), 14:00–15:40 (CEST)
Room N1
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X1
Orals |
Wed, 08:30
Wed, 16:15
Peatland restoration for conservation purposes can solve many problems related to drained peatlands and has been implemented for decades now. However, innovative management measures that sustain economically viable biomass production while reducing negative environmental impacts including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, fire risk and supporting ecosystem services of organic soils are only currently studied. Those management measures include, but are not limited to, productive use of wet peatlands (paludiculture), improved water management in conventional agriculture and innovative approaches in conservation-focused rewetting projects. We invite studies addressing all types of peatland management, i.e. agriculture, forestry and “classical” restoration, their integration into GHG inventories and their impacts on ecosystem services and biodiversity regionally and nationally as well as their integration into GHG inventories. Work on all spatial scales from laboratory to national level addressing biogeochemical and biological aspects and experimental and modelling studies are welcome. Furthermore, we invite contributions addressing policy coherence and identifying policy instruments for initiating and implementing new management practices on organic soils. Implementation and efficiency of management practices depends not only on hydrogeology and climate but also on other regional factors. Therefore, we hope to host contributions from different geographical regions where peatlands are important including boreal, temperate and tropical peatlands.

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room N1

Chairpersons: Hanna Silvennoinen, Łukasz Kozub
On-site presentation
Patrícia Singh, Borja Jiménez-Alfaro, Liene Auniņa, Petra Hájková, Tatiana Ivchenko, Florian Jansen, Tiina Kolari, Paweł Pawlikowski, Tomáš Peterka, Alessandro Petraglia, Teemu Tahvanainen, Łukasz Kozub, and Michal Hájek

Along with the historical decline of fens due to anthropogenic impact, climate change is expected to jeopardise fen biodiversity by reducing their geographic extent and altering species composition. Yet, the impact of climate change on fen distribution and biodiversity in the future remains unclear. We used 27,555 vegetation plots representing eight fen habitat types widely distributed in Europe to compute Ecosystem Distributional Models. For each fen habitat type, we projected their future potential occupancy area and range shift and evaluated the influence of different climate scenarios and groundwater pH on distribution and biodiversity. Our findings could be helpful for the nature protection authorities across Europe to assess conservational and restoration measures to mitigate potential future biodiversity loss in European fen habitats.

How to cite: Singh, P., Jiménez-Alfaro, B., Auniņa, L., Hájková, P., Ivchenko, T., Jansen, F., Kolari, T., Pawlikowski, P., Peterka, T., Petraglia, A., Tahvanainen, T., Kozub, Ł., and Hájek, M.: Modelling the future distribution and biodiversity of European fen habitats under global change , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4032,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mariusz Lamentowicz, Mariusz Gałka, Mateusz Draga, Vincent E.J. Jassey, Christian Fritz, Stephan Glatzel, Bjorn Robroek, Hanna Meyer, Jan Lehmann, Radosław Juszczak, Bogdan H. Chojnicki, and Klaus-Holger Knorr

Peatlands are increasingly prone to climate extremes, such as drought, with long-lasting effects on plant and soil communities and, thus, on C cycling. Unveiling past tipping points is a prerequisite for understanding how individual plant species and entire ecosystems respond to future climate changes. Across Europe, however, vast areas of peatlands have been degraded or destroyed, mainly by drainage, peat extraction or agricultural cultivation. Consequently, degraded peatlands have turned from sinks into sources of atmospheric C, which pivots to restoring ecosystem functions to mitigate climate warming. Our main objective is to develop a spatiotemporally explicit indicator framework for restoration success across peatland sites affected by drainage and/or extraction, as peatlands are increasingly designated as priority areas for conservation/restoration. Yet, knowledge of how management actions play out in the long-term development of protected ombrotrophic peatlands and their response to human activity and climatic changes is often limited. However, palaeoecological high-resolution data can provide such information, reconstructing past vegetation, hydrology, climate, and ecosystem resilience. Palaeoecological investigations on site succession and development can also provide a basis for setting restoration goals regarding the target water table depth for rewetting. Our research evaluates baselines and restoration pathways based on paleoecological proxies and by evaluating the historical development of the site. The project objectives target representative peatland ecosystems in the nemoral zone from Western (Netherlands, Northwest Germany) to Eastern (Poland), and Northern (Southern-Sweden) to Southern (Austria) Europe. The sites are affected by various degradation factors, including drainage, climate change, intensive land use or different management techniques, and different approaches for restoration have been (partly) applied. We analysed testate amoebae and plant macrofossils from the peat. Furthermore, we reconstructed water table depth using a testate amoebae calibration data set. Then, we used broken-line regression models to identify whether plant community composition experienced different states over time. We also analysed patterns in plant species along the hydrological gradient (all sites were pooled) using a threshold indicator taxa analysis. New high-resolution data on testate amoebae and plant macrofossils show that the six peatland ecosystems experienced different disturbances.  All sites experienced noticeable anthropogenic pressure (expressed in vegetation transitions and water table) during the drainage and peat harvesting time. We provide novel data about peatland states before the disturbance and their different resilience potential that may help to set the restoration goals. According to former results, we hypothesised that the critical transition was ca 12 cm. However, in our calculations, the tipping point appeared to be higher at DWT of ca 5 cm, which suggests a range of the ideal wetness for healthy peatlands in various biogeographical and climatic settings. The palaeoecological results provide the critical baseline for the future rewetting scenarios in Sphagnum-dominated peatlands in Europe.

This research was funded through the 2020-2021 Biodiversa+ and Water JPI joint call for research projects, under the BiodivRestore ERA-NET Cofund (GA N°101003777), with the EU and the funding organisations DFG (Germany), FWF (Austria), NSC (Poland) and the LNV (The Netherlands).




How to cite: Lamentowicz, M., Gałka, M., Draga, M., Jassey, V. E. J., Fritz, C., Glatzel, S., Robroek, B., Meyer, H., Lehmann, J., Juszczak, R., Chojnicki, B. H., and Knorr, K.-H.: Investigating ecological baselines and critical thresholds in ombrotrophic nemoral peatlands: implications for ecological restoration, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3047,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Nigel Roulet and Hongxing He

Approximately 1.19 x 106 km2 of Canada is covered by peatlands containing over 110 to 150 Gt C.  Most are relatively pristine.  A tiny area (~ 0.21 x 106 ha) of Canadian peatlands is affected by land-use change.  The most common land disturbances are due to agriculture, fossil fuel and mineral exploration and extraction, and the creation of hydroelectric reservoirs.  A small area of peatlands (~350 km2) is disturbed by peat extraction for use in horticulture.  We have simulated the emissions of CO2 from pristine, extractive and restored peatlands using the Coupmodel.  Coupmodel reproduces the exchanges of energy, water and carbon well for pristine peatlands and shows their sensitivity to changes in water storage.  We have also successfully simulated the emissions from peatlands that are undergoing extraction.  Our results show that extraction converts a peatland from a sink of ~ 20 to 100 g C m-2 yr-1 to a source of ~ 150 – 200 g C m-2 yr-1.  Finally, we have simulated peatlands that have been restored using ecological approaches (e.g. the moss transfer technique).  They return to being a sink in the same range of undisturbed peatlands 14 years after restoration.  The sink strength is a function of water table depth.  Simulations also show that the restored peatlands are relatively insensitive to climate change over the projected conditions for the next one hundred years.  The key to successfully simulating the carbon dynamics of pristine and disturbed peatlands is to be able to simulate the hydrological and thermal conditions well.  We demonstrate Coupmodel’s capabilities against measurements from pristine, disturbed and restored peatlands.   Simulating the biogeochemistry beyond the range of measurements can provide insight for emissions accounting, climate-smart management, and land-use decisions. 

How to cite: Roulet, N. and He, H.: Simulating the exchange of carbon in Canadian pristine, disturbed and restored peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1503,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lukas Guth, Arndt Piayda, Gerald Jurasinski, and Bärbel Tiemeyer

An important share of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of many European and South-East Asian countries is originating from degraded peatlands. However, only the GHG balances of a few sites can be measured directly, as these measurements are both cost- and labour-intensive. Therefore, reliable methods for upscaling peatland GHG balances to a larger scale are necessary. Ideally, such upscaling methods use readily available data and also allow for the assessment of scenarios and implemented restoration measures.

In this study, we focused on unused and extensively used bogs in Germany and collected a dataset of published annual balances of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) from bogs within Germany and the surrounding temperate Europe. Each site was assigned to one of eight vegetation types, which are based on a clustering of the German federal biotope type classification to enable later upscaling based on this data. The relationships of the annual CO2 and CH4-balances to vegetation type, mean annual water level and temperature were then analysed with mixed effects modelling.

As expected, wet extensive grassland had relatively high CO2 and low methane emissions, while semi-natural bogs showed a small CO2-uptake but higher methane emissions. Most degeneration stages showed an intermediate behaviour. Noteworthy are the comparatively low CH4 emissions of recently rewetted sites with sparse vegetation and of wet unused forested areas. Due to very little available data, the uncertainties of GHG emissions from some vegetation types are large. For very wet vegetation types such as semi-natural Sphagnum-dominated sites, water levels did not improve the GHG emission estimates compared to solely using vegetation data. For dryer sites such as wet extensive grassland, incorporating water levels significantly improved the estimation of both CO2 and CH4 fluxes.

The results are broadly in line with previous findings and provide a basis for future upscaling to a German-wide estimation. In some cases, knowledge on water levels after having taking restoration measures will still improve the estimation of GHG exchange. The most severe data shortage occurred for recently rewetted sites with sparse vegetation and wet unused forested bogs as well as subalpine and alpine peatlands.

How to cite: Guth, L., Piayda, A., Jurasinski, G., and Tiemeyer, B.: Modelling greenhouse gas balances of bogs in Germany based on vegetation types and water levels, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9267,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Dewy Verhoeven

Peatlands are crucial carbon reservoirs, containing one-third of global soil carbon. Many peatlands undergo extensive drainage for agriculture, causing land subsidence and substantial greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Peatland drainage contributes approximately 5% to global anthropogenic GHG emissions. Rewetting is considered an effective climate and subsidence mitigation strategy, strongly reducing CO2 emissions. However, this comes at the cost of reduced agricultural productivity and can (temporarily) increase methane emissions. This paper addresses these trade-offs by developing a bio-economic optimal control model for managing subsiding peatlands, incorporating social costs and emission impacts.
Our model integrates water level management, subsidence dynamics, and monetization of effects on agricultural profits, management costs, and GHG emissions. Through numerical simulations, the model optimizes the groundwater level pathway (g(t)) over time achieved through drainage, maximizing net societal benefits. We model the relation between drainage intensity and the peat thickness (S(t)), and monetize the impacts on agricultural profits (y(S, g, t)), water management costs (m(g, t)), and climate costs (c(S, g, t)), thus considering the objective function:

Subject to land subsidence:

Where t ∈ [0, T ] represents the exploitation period of peat before full rewetting.
We apply our model to the Dutch peat meadows, which suffer from severe subsidence and are responsible for 3% of Dutch yearly GHG emissions. We parametrize our model based on empirical data found in literature, existing physical subsidence models and peatland emission factors. For a welfare analysis, we compare the optimal pathway to a Business-as-Usual (BAU) scenario in which financial net benefits are maximized, ignoring climate costs.
Baseline simulations for a typical peatland plot indicate that it is socially optimal to lower drainage intensity from year 0 and reduce the exploitation period before full rewetting, compared to the BAU. Sensitivity analysis reveals that optimal pathways are particularly sensitive to changes in agricultural prices and marginal damage costs of carbon. The net social benefit of adopting the optimal drainage path over BAU is around € 46,800 ha−1 in the baseline, growing considerably with lower discount rates and higher marginal cost of carbon. Using a spatial soil and subsidence data set of Dutch peat meadows, we are able to analyse spatial differences in optimal pathways and identify key areas where (quick) rewetting would be most beneficial.
This research underscores the efficacy of a bio-economic optimal control model in designing sustainable subsidence and climate mitigation measures for peatlands. Results suggest that (partial) rewetting of peatlands yields significant long-term social benefits, even with reduced agricultural productivity.

How to cite: Verhoeven, D.: Optimal Control Model for Managing Land Subsidence and GHG Emissions in Peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3619,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Johannes WM Pullens, Andres F. Rodriguez, and Poul Erik Lærke

Peatlands, vital carbon sinks, face significant challenges due to drainage activities, thereby disrupting their natural functions. When drained for agriculture, peatlands release stored carbon into the atmosphere. Rewetting may reduce further carbon emissions and promote carbon sequestration, but restoring anaerobic soil conditions may also promote methane emissions. The rewetting of such nutrient-rich agricultural peatland could lead to different patterns and pathways in terms of GHG balance compared to a more pristine peatland.

In this study, we want to identify the different drivers of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in a previously drained agricultural fen peatland while rewetting is ongoing. We hypothesize that the increase in the water table will have a positive effect on the carbon balance, i.e. a higher amount of carbon sequestered. We also hypothesize that during different periods, different drivers of the NEE will be dominant and that these drivers do not match with the drivers for methane (CH4) emissions from the peatland.

Here we present two-year Eddy Covariance data (CO2 and CH4) obtained from a fairly wet peatland in Vejrumbro, central Jutland, Denmark. This fen-type peatland was drained in the early last century and used for agriculture. The field became gradually wetter during this century because of land subsidence, and during the period of EC measurements, the water table in the ditches gradually increased (mean water table depth in winter: -0.3 ± 2.8 cm, in summer: -27.5 ± 9.5 cm). This site provides a unique context to explore the impacts of restoration efforts on carbon dynamics. Eddy Covariance data, raw data analysis, meteorological data, and modelling techniques are used to elucidate the temporal patterns of carbon exchange during this rewetting process.

The study utilizes a comprehensive dataset, including high-resolution EC measurements containing net ecosystem exchange (NEE), gross primary productivity (GPP), and ecosystem respiration (Re). The analysis of the combined datasets indicates nuances in carbon fluxes associated with the rewetting process. Meteorological data integration enhances the contextual understanding of environmental drivers influencing carbon dynamics.

Our modelling approach incorporates theoretical concepts to explore the mechanistic underpinnings of carbon exchange in the rewetted peatland, by looking at the annual, seasonal, and monthly drivers of CO2 and CH4 fluxes. The effects of air/soil temperature, water table depth, global radiation and vegetation dynamics are assessed on these different timeframes. The preliminary results indicate that the shorter the timeframe, the better the fit of the model compared to the measured data indicating the importance of short-term periodic drivers of CO2 and CH4 fluxes. The results also show differences in drivers during the rewetting process. By focusing on two years of rewetting, our research contributes valuable insights into the trajectory of carbon fluxes during the critical early phases of restoration.

How to cite: Pullens, J. W., Rodriguez, A. F., and Lærke, P. E.: Carbon Dynamics in a Passively Rewetted Fen Peatland: A Two-Year Study, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12469,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Caroline Daun, Vytas Huth, Greta Gaudig, Anke Günther, Matthias Krebs, and Gerald Jurasinski

The cultivation of peat mosses on rewetted peatlands (= Sphagnum paludiculture) is a promising alternative to drainage-based land use, as the production function is maintained while greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are reduced. However, to date, GHG exchange studies that cover the entire production system and a complete production cycle are missing. Therefore, we combined data from the establishment phase (2011-2013) with data from the production phase (2017-2018) of a seven-year Sphagnum paludiculture in northwestern Germany including export by harvest. GHG exchange was recorded on all elements of the production system (Sphagnum production fields, ditches, causeways) with closed chamber measurements. Over the entire production cycle, Sphagnum production fields represented net GHG sinks of -3.2 ± 4.2 t ha-1 a-1 (in CO2-eq), while ditches and causeways were GHG sources of 13.8 ± 11.5 and 29.3 ± 9.8 t ha-1 a-1, respectively. Corrected for the percentage of area of each element of the production system and including partial harvest of peat moss (in dry matter) of ~13.8 ± 0.6 t ha-1, Sphagnum paludiculture was a net GHG source of 10.7 ± 4.6 t ha-1 a-1, reducing net GHG emissions by ~20 t ha-1 a-1 compared to grassland on drained organic soils. Per ton of dry biomass harvested, Sphagnum paludiculture emitted 9.9 ± 4.6 t CO2-eq. Because of their high area share, causeways contributed the most to net warming, suggesting a reduction in causeway area in future Sphagnum paludiculture. Therefore, a realistic future "best practice" approach features area percentages of 80% Sphagnum production fields, 5% ditches, 15% causeways, and a full biomass harvest, with the top 5 cm of harvested peat moss lawn used on-site for reseeding Sphagnum production fields. This approach reduces CO2 equivalent emissions from Sphagnum paludiculture to up to 4.3 ± 1.9 t ha-1 a-1 or 0.9 ± 2.1 t per ton of dry matter harvested.

How to cite: Daun, C., Huth, V., Gaudig, G., Günther, A., Krebs, M., and Jurasinski, G.: Full-cycle greenhouse gas balance of a Sphagnum paludiculture site on formerbog grassland in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6280,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Philipp Köwitsch, Bärbel Tiemeyer, Sonia Antonazzo, and Ullrich Dettmann

Current agricultural practices on peatlands require drainage, leading to substantial emissions of the greenhouse gases (GHGs) carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Paludiculture is an option to mitigate these adverse environmental impacts while maintaining productive land use. Whereas the GHG exchange of paludiculture on rewetted bog peat, i.e., Sphagnum farming, is relatively well examined, data on GHG emissions from fen paludicultures remain scarce. Considering that typical fen paludiculture species are aerenchymous plants, the release of methane (CH4) is a crucial aspect when optimizing the GHG balance of such systems. One potential method to reduce CH4 emissions upon rewetting involves removing the topsoil, but retaining a nutrient-rich topsoil might foster the biomass growth.

In this project, Typha angustifolia, Typha latifolia, and Phragmites australis are grown at a fen peatland formerly used as grassland. Water levels are maintained at the surface or slightly above it. In parts of the newly created polder surrounded by a peat dam, approximately 10 cm of topsoil had been removed before planting. In order to separate the effects of topsoil removal and water level, four smaller sub-polders were installed. Here, the water levels can be adjusted independently from the main polder. Greenhouse gas exchange is measured for all three species with and without topsoil removal. Additionally, a reference grassland site close by and a site on the dam are included in the measurements. Using manual transparent and non-transparent chambers and a portable analyser for both CH4 and CO2, GHG measurements are carried out every two to four weeks on a campaign basis. N2O is measured using non-transparent chambers and gas chromatographic analysis. Here, we present GHG balances of the first three years after planting the paludicultures.

Challenges in water management during the initial year after planting caused an infestation with Juncus effusus, especially at the Phragmites australis sites. However, despite suboptimal water levels in the first year, all paludiculture species were a net CO2 sink, irrespective of topsoil treatment. During this period, fluctuating water levels led to very low CH4 emissions, whereas N2O emissions played a more significant role in the GHG balance. Even under more stable hydrological conditions in the second year, CH4 emissions remained rather low, leading to a GHG sink for almost all paludiculture species, even including the first harvest year. Therefore, the current results of our study do not indicate topsoil removal to be necessary as a significant optimization strategy concerning CH4 emissions in fen paludiculture.

How to cite: Köwitsch, P., Tiemeyer, B., Antonazzo, S., and Dettmann, U.: Effects of topsoil removal on greenhouse gas exchange of fen paludicultures, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9607,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andres F. Rodriguez, Johannes W.M. Pullens, and Poul E. Lærke

Even though peatlands cover 3% of the terrestrial surface, they store approximately 30% of the global soil C pool. Peatland drainage promotes peat mineralization and CO2 emissions. Water table is the main controlling factor of CO2 emissions from drained peatlands; however, nutrient status can also affect emissions. Rewetting can reduce emissions, therefore, paludiculture has emerged as an alternative productive management of peatlands under wet conditions. The objectives of this study were to (1) quantify the effect of reed canary grass (RCG) management on a rewetting fen peatland, (2) relate water chemistry parameters to CO2 emission trends, and (3) calculate annual CO2 emissions using detailed water table data. The study was conducted in a fen peatland in central Denmark. Four plots established with RCG in 2019 were selected and subdivided into subplots corresponding to three management (harvest, fertilisation) treatments (0, 2, and 5-cut). The 2-cut and 5-cut harvest treatments received 200 kg N ha-1 y-1 in equal split doses. CO2 and CH4 measurements were conducted biweekly between May 1st 2021 and April 30th 2022 using a transparent manual chamber connected to a GLA131-GGA Los Gatos gas analyser and manipulating light intensities with four shrouding levels. Water chemistry parameters (NO3, NH4, total N, total dissolved N, total P, total dissolved P, total organic C, dissolved organic C, and Fe) were measured biweekly in water samples collected from piezometers. Auxiliary measurements (water table depth (WTD), ratio vegetation index (RVI), soil and air temperature, photosynthetically active radiation, and redox potential) were taken on each campaign or continually to assist model-based interpolation of measured ecosystem respiration (Reco) and gross primary productivity, the latter calculated as the difference between net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and Reco. Hourly CH4 fluxes were calculated from linear interpolation of measured data. The Reco models gave the best fit to measured data when WTD and RVI were included (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiencies between 0.74 and 0.98). The net ecosystem C balances were between 6.0 and 6.9 t C ha-1 yr-1 for all harvest treatments, while the NEE was 2.16, 2.18, and 6.90 t C ha-1 yr-1 for the five, two, and zero cut treatments, respectively. Considerable differences in NEE were found between the studied plots with some plots having as much as 8 times higher NEE than others. Significant differences in water chemistry parameters were found between plots, with the plot farthest from the stream (plot with lowest NEE) having the lowest C, N, P, and Fe concentrations and the plot closest to the stream (plot with highest NEE) having the highest nutrient concentrations. Methane emissions averaged 118 kg CH4 ha-1 yr-1 with most of the emissions taking place during summer. Results showed considerable differences in NEE among plots with the same management, which could be explained partly by differences in nutrient status of the peat soil. Results also indicated that paludiculture may reduce CO2 emissions from nutrient rich fens in comparison with no biomass management during the process of peatland rewetting.

How to cite: Rodriguez, A. F., Pullens, J. W. M., and Lærke, P. E.: Management alternatives on a poorly drained fen peatland , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15045,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Shane Regan, Mark O'Connor, Peter Cox, Mohammad Shamsuzzaman, Francis Mackin, and Owen Naughton

The restoration of drained peatlands is now considered to be an essential and effective natural solution to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This is particularly relevant in Ireland, where a nationwide programme in peatland restoration is underway, backed by significant financial investment and driven by international biodiversity and climate action plans and obligations. To demonstrate the impact of restoration on GHG emissions a representative lowland peatland in the midlands of Ireland was instrumented in 2020 with an eddy covariance tower and hydrometric monitoring network measuring water levels and flow, coupled with fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) sensors and static flux-chambers. The site, All Saints Bog, was formerly used as a horticultural site, with significant drainage, though over 2m of peat remained in-situ isolating the peatland from underlying groundwater flows. Between 2021 and 2022, large scale engineering restoration management was carried out across the site and consisted mainly of the construction of contoured berms and water level control stations. Prior to the start of the restoration the baseline emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), was in the order of 10t CO2 per ha per year. This flux increased to c. 20t CO2 per ha per year following restoration. It is likely this is a result of CO2 degassing from substantial areas of open water resulting from the restoration work and the decomposition of peat organic matter from the formerly exposed substrate. Whilst the peatland system is still equilibrating and stabilising after restoration, the loading of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) has decreased significantly, due mainly, to the reduction in runoff on account of an increase in water storage on the site. So whilst the land based CO2 emissions have increased significantly, and also methane (CH4), DOC has reduced and overall the net increase in C is marginal. The results indicate that until ecology reforms substantially across the site, it will take time for the land-atmosphere C-emission to be significantly reduced from the baseline levels preceding restoration. However, fluvial C losses are reduced due to enhanced water storage, and the overall net C emission has not increased significantly, and will reduce in the long-term. This study demonstrates that long-term, system-based studies are critical when interpreting ecosystem dynamics, carbon budgets and the short to long-term impacts of restoration management.  

How to cite: Regan, S., O'Connor, M., Cox, P., Shamsuzzaman, M., Mackin, F., and Naughton, O.: The impacts of peatland restoration on greenhouse gas emissions – importance of holistic carbon and water budget quantification and integration, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18878,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Bärbel Tiemeyer, Franziska Tanneberger
On-site presentation
Amey Tilak, Stephen Barry, Michael Clancy, Clare O’ Doherty, Harry Kelly, Mark McCorry, Hannah Mealy, Brian Mollahan, Matthew Saunders, and Kenneth Byrne

     Rewetting of drained peatlands is known to substantially reduce the carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes. However, rewetting can increase the methane (CH4) fluxes from peatlands to the atmosphere, especially from peatland/wetland vegetation species specialized in plant-mediated transport. The typical peatland/wetland vegetation species exhibiting plant-mediated transport and commonly found in rewetted Irish peatlands are Eriophorum vaginatum, Carex rostrata, Typha latifolia and Phragmites australis. Two rewetted peatlands (namely Ballycon and Derries), located in Co. Offaly, Ireland were monitored for CH4 fluxes using the chamber method. Both sites were used for industrial peat extraction from the 1960s until 2000-2001. Ballycon and Derries were rewetted in 2005-2006 and 2017 respectively by constructing drain blocking structures to raise the water table at the peat surface. Ballycon has shallow (0.5-2.5 m) and deep (> 2.6 m) peat depths, while the Derries has a shallow peat depth of less than 1 m. The CH4 flux monitoring at Ballycon and Derries began in June 2023 and October 2023 respectively and is on-going at both sites. The CH4 flux is being monitored in different microsites at Ballycon (Sphagnum mosses, Eriophorium, Molonia grass, open water (no vegetation), Carex rostrata and Phragmites australis) and Derries (Carex rostrata, open water (no vegetation) and Typha latifolia). At both the peatland sites, CH4 fluxes in each microsite measured using a 60 x 60 cm stainless steel square collar (3 collars each microsite), transparent chamber (L x W x H: 60 x 60 x 50 cm), 2 stacked transparent chambers (50 cm height) and a LICOR 7810 gas-analyzer. The CH4 flux measurements were conducted at each of these microsites between 10.00 am to 4.30 pm on the sampling days. The measurements were conducted twice every month in the spring, summer, and autumn, and once in the winter months. Alongside the CH4  flux measurements, environmental variables such as peat and air temperatures and water table depths were measured. In this presentation, the field measured CH4 fluxes from different wetland vegetation species (Carex, Eriophorum, Typha and Phragmites) at two peatland sites (Ballycon and Derries) will be discussed alongside environmental variables. Field results from the Ballycon site showed that the CH4 fluxes from the Carex species (range: 0.029 to 0.144; average: 0.083 g m−2 hr−1) were larger than CH4 fluxes from the Eriophorum species (range: 0.0028 to 0.24; average: 0.059 g m−2 hr−1), while the CH4 flux from the Phragmites species (range: 0.00023 to 0.004; average: 0.00158 g m−2 hr−1) was the smallest. Field results from the Derries site showed that the CH4 fluxes from the Typha species (range: 0.0019 to 0.083; average: 0.033 g m−2 hr−1) were higher than the CH4 fluxes from the Carex species (range: 0.0026 to 0.0161; average: 0.011 g m−2 hr−1) based on the transparent chamber data. We concluded that all wetland vegetation species specialized in plant mediated transport at both peatland sites (Ballycon and Derries) were CH4 sources to the atmosphere.


How to cite: Tilak, A., Barry, S., Clancy, M., O’ Doherty, C., Kelly, H., McCorry, M., Mealy, H., Mollahan, B., Saunders, M., and Byrne, K.: Measuring Methane (CH4) Fluxes from Two Rewetted Peatland Sites located in Irish Midlands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1976,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Roosa Hautala, Paavo Ojanen, Gopal Adhikari, Liisa Jokelainen, Otto Liutu, and Kari Minkkinen

Peatland restoration starts with rewetting by blocking or filling the ditches. Successful rewetting is anticipated to start the restoration process towards the conditions of natural peatland. One of the major processes, affected by drainage and restoration, is hydrology and more precisely water table depth (WT). Drainage lowers the water table creating oxic conditions where rewetting aims to increase the WT and restore anoxic environment in the soil.

Most of the methane production in peatland happens in anaerobic waterlogged conditions by methanogenic Archaea during methanogenesis, and we know that the rate of CH4 gas flux is influenced by factors such as soil temperature, water table depth, plant community and pH. At the same time, methane oxidation happens in the aerobic peat layer and the balance between production and consumption determines the methane flux to the atmosphere.

We measured methane gas flux at 27 rewetted, 6 natural and 7 drained, fertile peatland forests in Southern and Central Finland between 6/2021-11/2023.  Sites were rewetted 3-30 years ago. We used the closed chamber method with portable gas analyzers. Flux measurements were done biweekly to monthly while water table and soil temperature were measured with automatic water and temperature loggers hourly. Vegetation mapping was done during the summer 2023. We will compare methane fluxes in drained, rewetted and pristine peatlands using this new material and old published data from Finnish peatlands.

We hypothesize to see an increase in methane emissions after rewetting from drained towards natural levels. We also expect to see higher seasonal methane dynamics in rewetted than in natural peatlands, as WT dynamics appears to be higher in rewetted than in natural mires.


How to cite: Hautala, R., Ojanen, P., Adhikari, G., Jokelainen, L., Liutu, O., and Minkkinen, K.: Quantifying methane flux dynamics in rewetted boreal peatlands: Impact of water table depth and soil temperature, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17316,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Joshua Dean, Michael Billett, Edward Turner, Mark Garnett, Roxane Andersen, Rebecca McKenzie, Kerry Dinsmore, Andy Baird, Pippa Chapman, and Joseph Holden

Peatlands accumulate soil carbon (C) over millennia and are a globally important long-term terrestrial C store. This C store is at risk of destabilisation by climate and human disturbance. Many peatlands have pools or ponds at the surface which often contain very high C concentrations in organic (dissolved and particulate organic C) and gaseous (CO2 and CH4) forms. The radiocarbon composition (14C) of this C can tell is where these high C concentrations are primarily generated; i.e., from contemporary primary production or C released from deeper, old peat layers due to destabilisation. We present novel 14C and stable C (δ13C) isotope data from six peatland pool locations in the United Kingdom. Our data are from two distinct pool types: natural peatland pools and those formed by ditch blocking efforts to rewet peatlands (restoration pools). We focus on dissolved and particulate organic C and dissolved CO2, with additional sediment, CH4 and ebullition (bubble) observations (total n = 97). The majority of pools contained mainly contemporary C, with the most C (~50-75%) in all forms being younger than 300 years old. Both natural and restoration pools were found to transform and decompose organic C in the water column and emit CO2 to the atmosphere. Mixing with ambient atmosphere and subsequent greenhouse gas emissions were more evident in the generally larger natural pools. Little evidence of deep, old C was found either in natural or restoration pools, even though there is substantial old C in the surrounding peat matrix. We did observe some potential evidence for old C emission via CH4 ebullition, however. Our results suggest that some millennial-aged C can be emitted by peatland pools. But the overwhelming age of C in our sampled pools was contemporary. Our results suggest that restoration pools formed by management interventions such as ditch blocking can be effective at preventing the release of old C via the aquatic pathway.

How to cite: Dean, J., Billett, M., Turner, E., Garnett, M., Andersen, R., McKenzie, R., Dinsmore, K., Baird, A., Chapman, P., and Holden, J.: Natural and restoration peatland pools contain mainly contemporary carbon, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5504,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Guy Sapir, Alon Angert, Yoav Oved Rosenberg, and Rotem Golen

Peatlands cover about 3% of the earth's land surface and store ~650 Pg of carbon in organic matter (OM), about 20% of the total global soil carbon stock. Unfortunately, these carbon stocks are largely at risk as many have been exploited intensively by humans since the Industrial Revolution. The most common reason for peatland deterioration is land reclamation for agricultural purposes which led to a massive global peat draining. The drainage of the Hula Marsh in Israel, in 1957, caused soil fires, enhanced erosion, subsidence, and nutrient enrichment of the downflow water system. This led to the decision to reflood part of the area in 1994 and to keep the groundwater level in surrounding cropland at roughly ~ 0.8 to 1.4 m below the surface. As a result, the Hula Marsh has peat sections that were drained for ~37 years before reflooding, while other sections are still drained for more than ~ 66 years. Hence, the Hula Marsh allows us to study the aerobic degradation of organic matter following drainage, and its preservation following reflooding. Five sediment cores (4 m long) were excavated from cropland over the historic marsh area at different discrete locations. Using RockEval-7 (RE7) analyses and soil aerobic respiration experiments, we have evaluated the organic matter of the drained, re-flooded, and saturated sections of the soil profile.


Our findings show that in the upper, drained peat section, total organic carbon (TOC) is the lowest and the OM resistivity index (R-index) is the highest, inversely to the saturated section. The reflooded section values are a transition between these two sections. Both trends align with the expected oxidation and mineralization of the upper peat section and correlate to the water table history in all the soil profiles. The reflooded section experienced mineralization in the past, which presumably was lessened under the newly saturated conditions. Preliminary respiration experiment results indicate that the reflooded section has the highest decomposition rates and is more prone to decomposition. However, the drained and saturated sections have lower and similar respiration rates (per gram carbon) despite the differences in their OM characteristics.

Further study will focus on respiration rates in all cores and the OM characterization in the drained and reflooded sections.

How to cite: Sapir, G., Angert, A., Oved Rosenberg, Y., and Golen, R.: Organic Carbon Degradation and Preservation in a Drained and Reflooded Peat Soil , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11725,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yuting Wang, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Guangyuan Xu, Dejing Sun, Zhiwei Xu, and Shengzhong Wang

Hydrological conditions are the most important environmental controlling factors in the restoration of drained peatlands. And soil microorganisms are sensitive to environmental changes. In this study, soil samples were collected from 0 - 50 cm in the natural area, drained area, and rewetted area in the Baijianghe peatland of the Changbai Mountains to determine soil physicochemical properties, phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), two oxidative enzymes (peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase) and three hydrolytic enzymes (β-1,4-glucosidase, β-1,4-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase and acidic phosphatase). This study aimed to reveal the characteristics of changes in soil microbial communities and enzyme activities during water table restoration and their influencing factors, and to provide data to support the restoration of drained peatlands. The results showed that the microbial communities and enzyme activities differed considerably among the three areas and that the degree of change varied by depth in the profile. Soil oxidase activities of the oxic zone were significantly lower in the rewetted area than in the drained and natural areas. However, for the transitional and anoxic zones, they were higher than the drained area but lower than the natural area. Soil hydrolytic enzymes in the oxic zone were significantly higher in the rewetted area than in the drained. For the transitional zone, soil hydrolytic enzyme activities were significantly lower in the rewetted area than in the drained area. Water table depth (WTD) restoration had significant effects and soil microbial biomass and community structure. Soil total PLFAs, fungal, actinomycetes, and G- bacterial PLFAs of the oxic zone were significantly higher in the rewetted area than in the drained and natural areas. For the transitional zone, soil total PLFAs, bacterial, and G+ PLFAs were significantly higher in the rewetted area than in the drained. We found that these variations in the microbial communities and enzyme activities were associated with differences in the litter quality, soil organic carbon (SOC), soil water content (SWC), phenolics (PHEN), and pH among three areas. Changes in the WTD the SWC and affect other physicochemical properties of the soil by changing the redox conditions and the availability of O2, which in turn affects the decomposition of SOC. PHEN and SWC explain the highest degree of SOC accumulation, but mainly regulate it by controlling the C limitation of soil microbial activities. Rewetting is conducive to improving the C sink capacity of drained peatlands. 

How to cite: Wang, Y., Knorr, K.-H., Xu, G., Sun, D., Xu, Z., and Wang, S.: Effect of water table restoration on microbial communities and enzyme activities in drained peatland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22515,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sate Ahmad, Adam Bates, Miaorun Wang, Francesco Martini, Shane Regan, Jennifer McElwain, and Laurence Gill

Fens, in their natural states, are characterized by rich biodiversity and high carbon and water storage, playing a major role in providing several important ecosystem services. However, most fens in Europe were drained in the past for agriculture, leading to degradation and a reduction of their multifunctionality. While restoration, primarily through rewetting, is gaining prominence in Europe, there are substantial knowledge gaps in understanding spatial landscape and ecosystem processes in these environments, rendering successful restoration or rehabilitation of functions challenging. Determining peat properties and their relation to soil surface processes at small scales is key to revealing different pathways that ecosystem recovery may take, not only in terms of carbon storage but also hydrophysical functioning. In the absence of long-term monitoring of fen peatlands, both pre- and post-rewetting, drained and rewetted paired comparison studies are the next best approach to study the effects of drainage and rewetting and how degraded peatlands differ from their near-natural counterparts. Here, we compare the spatial structures of peat properties, such as soil moisture content, soil organic matter, and carbonate content, in a drained and a rewetted fen peatland in Ireland and investigate how surface microtopography influences such properties. This is done by constructing variograms and investigating the differences in range, partial sill, and nugget-to-sill ratio. Overall, soil properties in the near-natural fen show much lower spatial autocorrelation based on nugget-to-sill ratios, and these properties reach autocorrelation range at much shorter distances compared to those of the drained site. This indicates that the drained site is more homogeneous in terms of soil properties compared to the near-natural fen. The bivariate autocorrelation between the different soil properties and surface microtopography is much stronger in the drained site compared to the rewetted site, indicating that surface microtopography plays a larger role in controlling ecosystem processes in drained peatlands than in the near-natural fens. Our results highlight the importance of spatial peat sampling at short intervals for small-scale processes and for the identification of carbon storage hotspots and formulation of appropriate monitoring scale and plan.

How to cite: Ahmad, S., Bates, A., Wang, M., Martini, F., Regan, S., McElwain, J., and Gill, L.: Small-scale spatial relationships between peat properties and surface microtopography in minerotrophic peatlands depend on management regimes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20580,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Markku Koskinen, Sofia Marttunen, Aino Korrensalo, Annalea Lohila, Xuefei Li, Dominik Zak, Valerie Vránova, Paavo Ojanen, Kari Minkkinen, Päivi Mäkiranta, Mika Aurela, Tarmo Virtanen, Jürgen Kreyling, Meline Brendel, Mari Pihlatie, Klaus-Holger Knorr, and Raija Laiho

Anoxic conditions in soils cause microbial populations dependent on oxidation of organic carbon to subsitute alternate terminal electron acceptors (TEA) for oxygen to facilitate the reactions they acquire energy with. Most commonly available alternate TEAs include nitrate, manganese, iron(III) and sulphate, in descending energetic yield. Oxidation by reducing these TEAs offers the microbes more energy per reaction than methanogenesis, and thus they are in principle preferred over it. Different moieties in organic matter itself can also act as TEAs and support non-methanogenic anaerobic decomposition, the most widely known of these being quinones.

Each redox pair (comprising the oxidised and reduced species of a TEA) in principle supports a known electron activity (pe) in solution when they are present in roughly equal activities in the solution. Pe can be measured by an electrode and compared to a reference electrode comprising of a known redox pair, thus creating an electric potential known as redox potential (Eh, mV). 

Continuous Eh measurements are emerging as a tool for ecosystem monitoring, particularly on peatlands and wetlands. Because redox conditions are intrinsically linked to environmental outcomes such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane fluxes and phosphorus and iron leaching, there are great hopes that measurements and modelling of redox conditions will improve our understanding of and ability to predict processes in peatlands under sub- and anoxic conditions, and to model the changes in these processes under different management scenarios, such as drainage, restoration, continuous-cover forestry or paludiculture.

Here we present long-term Eh measurements from several boreal peatlands of varying ecohydrological characteristics (ombrotrophic pine bog-mesoeutrophic flark fen) and drainage state (pristine, forestry drained, agricultural). We see the differences in the Eh profiles and their dynamics caused by the dominant water table level (WTL) and the nutrient status, but also that WTL is not sufficient to predict temporal changes in redox conditions. We further explore possible connections between Eh measurements and microform- and ecosystem-level flux measurements.

We also present results of a laboratory incubation experiment showing that iron is the most important mineral TEA in a range of boreal peatland types.

How to cite: Koskinen, M., Marttunen, S., Korrensalo, A., Lohila, A., Li, X., Zak, D., Vránova, V., Ojanen, P., Minkkinen, K., Mäkiranta, P., Aurela, M., Virtanen, T., Kreyling, J., Brendel, M., Pihlatie, M., Knorr, K.-H., and Laiho, R.: Peatland ecohydrology and redox potential, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8801,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jim Boonman, Sarah Faye Harpenslager, Duygu Tolunay, Alexander Buzacott, Merit van den Berg, Gijs van Dijk, Alfons Smolders, Mariet Hefting, and Ype van der Velde

Peat decomposition processes account for ~2% of the annual anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). The rate of microbial peat respiration is determined by temperature, the quality and abundancy of organic matter, moisture and electron acceptor (such as O2, Fe[III], SO42-) availability. The redox potential and pH reflect the chemical state of the soil and are an indicator for biogeochemical metabolic processes that occur within the soil. Here, we introduce a novel methodology to estimate peatland GHG emission (CO2 and CH4) by linking soil temperature and redox potential over time and depth with aerobic and anaerobic CO2 and CH4 incubation fluxes. Soil metabolic processes (at 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 m depth) were classified based on the redox potential and pH. Individual rates of CO2 and CH4 emission (based on newly acquired and literature lab incubation data) were assigned to aerobic, anaerobic and methanogenic metabolic processes and were multiplied by a soil temperature factor relying on a Q10 relation. The estimated GHG emissions were compared with measured eddy covariance and automated transparent chamber GHG fluxes, both on short and long timescales for various agriculturally managed or semi-natural minerotrophic peatlands in the Netherlands. Our results indicate that seasonal patterns in GHG emissions are well captured by our approach. Moreover, estimations of short term (< 1 week) GHG dynamics matched measured GHG fluxes well for research locations with high methane emission. During our presentation we elaborate upon new results and discuss the suitability to indirectly determine peatland GHG emissions by measuring the soil redox potential.

How to cite: Boonman, J., Harpenslager, S. F., Tolunay, D., Buzacott, A., van den Berg, M., van Dijk, G., Smolders, A., Hefting, M., and van der Velde, Y.: Peatland GHG emissions estimated with redox potential, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10588,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Piotr Banaszuk, Andrzej Kamocki, Mateusz Grygoruk, Michael Manton, and Wendelin Wichtmann

Rewetting peatlands and restoring wetland buffer zones are often considered primary measures to support local biodiversity and mitigate non-point agricultural pollution loads. However, rewetting peat soils (histosols) that were previously used for agriculture, intensive grasslands, or croplands could lead to the release of soil phosphorus and cause eutrophication of soil, groundwater, and adjacent watercourses (Smolders et al., 2006; Banaszuk et al., 2011). Estimates suggest that phosphorus concentration in soil pore water of rewetted fen can be up to three orders of magnitude higher than under natural conditions (Zak et al., 2008).

Under the framework of the Interreg Baltic Sea region project "DESIRE", we estimated the total phosphorus (TP) accumulation within the topsoil (up to 50 cm in depth) in four peatlands planned for restoration in three countries (Lithuania, Poland, Russia - Kaliningrad Region) of the Neman River basin.

Results show that the long-term agricultural use of histosols may result in total phosphorus accumulation in the topsoil, ranging from 50 to over 300 g P m2. A significant part of P consists of metal oxide compounds as redox-sensitive phosphorus characterized by variable dynamics. Soil anoxia increases after rewetting, causing reductive Fe (III) compounds to dissolve, leading to a high discharge rate of Fe (II) and P. Therefore, a significant P release is expected, which can amount to up to 6 g P m2 (NH4Cl_P + BD_P fractions), followed by severe ground- and surface water pollution.

The initial influx of nutrients after rewetting can be significant, and affect the expected restoration outcome (Cabezas et al., 2013). Eutrophication can support the spread of fast-growing generalist plant species, mainly Phragmites australis and Typha sp., instead of the diverse vegetation composition targeted by restoration planners (Kreyling et al., 2021). Nonetheless, these new rewetted ecosystems may provide some services comparable to pristine wetlands, and the export of nutrients by regular harvesting under paludiculture management reduces the risk of nutrient losses to open waters.

In conclusion, elevated release of P is initially expected for nutrient-rich rewetted histosols. Nevertheless, in the long run the benefits from rewetting outweigh the disservices of draining peatlands. 

How to cite: Banaszuk, P., Kamocki, A., Grygoruk, M., Manton, M., and Wichtmann, W.: Eutrophication and phosphorus release of rewetted peatlands - lesson learned from Neman River basin, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11393,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kari Minkkinen, Raija Laiho, and Jaana Salomäki

Drainage for forestry alters the carbon (C) dynamics and stocks of peatlands. After drainage soil C stocks usually decrease, because of increased soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition, while the C stocks in vegetation (trees) increase, because of increased primary production. However, sometimes also the soil C stocks have been reported to have increased after drainage, despite of increased SOM decay. This observation can only be explained by the increased above- and belowground litter production.  Above ground litterfall can be easily measured with litter collectors, and there is a rather good understanding of its dynamics and magnitude in forested peatlands. However, the rate of below ground litter input through the growth and death of fine roots, has remained uncertain, because of methodological challenges. One laborous but plausible method to estimate belowground litter input is the minirhitzotron-method, in which the lifetime, i.e., longevity (and its complement: turnover) of roots is measured with repeated photographing of roots through a transparent tube inserted into the ground. With the measurements of in situ root biomass, the root production rate can then be calculated as turnover rate × biomass.

We measured the longevity and biomass of fine roots (d<0.5 mm) in 11 undrained and forestry-drained peatland sites in the southern and central Finland. We followed the life of altogether 23303 roots in 102 minirhitzotrons for 4 years (19 sessions). The median longevity was estimated with the nonparametric Kaplan-Meier -method and a parametric regression model with Weibull error distribution. Root biomass samples (50 cm deep, one core beside every minirhitzotron tube) were collected once in late summer. The roots were separated from the peat sample, dried, and weighed to calculate fine root biomass (g m-2). We analysed the effects of drainage, peatland site type, tree and understory plant species, root thickness, root depth, soil water table level and soil temperature on fine root lifetime/turnover and biomass production.

The median tree fine root longevity varied from 65 to 294 weeks among the 11 sites. Drainage had no effect on the FR lifetime. The longevity was distinctly, and significantly higher in the ombrotrophic, pine-dominated sites (Anova LS mean 276±17 weeks) than in the minerotrophic, spruce/alder -dominated sites (94±10 weeks). In the most nutrient poor site, no tree roots died during the four study years. Pine roots lived longer than spruce, birch, and alder roots, but there was a strong interaction with the site type. Sedge roots had the shortest lifetime. Thicker fine roots lived longer than thinner roots. The annual turnover values for all tree FR together varied between sites from 0.19/year to 0.83/year. Fine root production varied, on average, from 35 to 310 g m–2 a–1 among the sites. Drainage increased fine root production in the minerotrophic, spruce/alder dominated sites but not in the ombrotrophic, pine dominated sites.

How to cite: Minkkinen, K., Laiho, R., and Salomäki, J.: Fine root longevity and biomass production in boreal peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10218,, 2024.

Lunch break
Chairpersons: Susan Page, Hanna Silvennoinen
On-site presentation
Ariane Tepaß, Bärbel Tiemeyer, and Stefan Erasmi

The majority of peatlands in Germany were drained for agriculture and other land use and therefore make a significant contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF). In Germany, they correspond to around 7.5% of the total emissions and 44% of emissions from agriculture and agriculturally used land (UBA 2022). According to the Climate Protection Act, the LULUCF sector should have a sinking capacity of 40 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2045 (German Federal Council 2021). If the water level is raised accordingly, peatlands have enormous GHG reduction potential. A comprehensive data basis is needed for monitoring and evaluating climate protection measures on peatlands. In this context, the project “Copernicus lights green”, which focusses on satellite applications in grassland monitoring, developed satellite-based indicators with Copernicus data that are suitable for characterizing the hydrological condition of peatland areas under agricultural use. In addition to the intensity of use, reflected by mowing events, overflowing or surface water caused by waterlogging was considered as an indirect proxy for the water level of the organic soils.

This contribution presents the method and results of an approach that estimates the duration and extent of waterlogged areas based on monthly composites of satellite data time series from Sentinel-1 and -2. The work builds on a random forest classifier using the Framework for Operational Radiometric Correction for Environmental monitoring (FORCE) (Frantz, 2020) that detects waterlogged areas in agricultural land on organic soils. Due to the heterogeneity of agricultural land use in Germany and its varying open ground frequency as well as the lack of availability of cloud-free images in the winter months, an approach considering a combination of two models according to the vegetation period was developed. It optimizes the selection of training data and input features in order to generate reliable information on a monthly basis. The chosen study area in Lower Saxony in Germany showed good prediction results in 2018 and 2019, whereas the resulting model predictions achieved an F1 score between 85-91% with a variability of 2-5%. This provides a methodological base for comprehensive monitoring.

How to cite: Tepaß, A., Tiemeyer, B., and Erasmi, S.: Monitoring of waterlogging in peatland under agricultural land use with Copernicus satellite data , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17283,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tommy Wils, Jan van den Akker, Mandy Korff, Guido Bakema, Dries Hegger, Rudi Hessel, Mandy van den Ende, Martijn van Gils, and Daan Verstand

Worldwide, peatlands suffer from land subsidence and greenhouse gas emissions due to artificial drainage inducing peat decomposition. Under anthropogenic climate change, these issues require measures to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and protect low-lying areas from increasing flood risk. It is evident that tighter control of groundwater levels is required, both within existing agricultural systems and through the development of new agricultural systems suitable for farming under high groundwater levels or inundation. The complexity and value-laden nature of the issue warrants the development of a comprehensive overview of potential and side effects of measures. In this paper such an overview is synthesized based on a mixed-method approach for a special case, The Netherlands. The Dutch peatlands comprise extensive land areas in the low-lying west and north of The Netherlands. The case is exceptional as most of the these peatlands lie below sea level, sustain world-class intensive dairy farming and are subject to multiple other environmental, economic and societal challenges. Here, land subsidence increases flood risk, salt water intrusion and the costs of water management, particularly under global climate change. We review 27 technical measures and alternative land use options and synthesize evidence and insights for 15 effects. Technical measures allowing continuation of existing dairy farming provide relatively low-risk interventions, but will only reduce, not stop land subsidence and greenhouse gas emissions. Alternative land-use options, particularly paludiculture, are in a pioneering stage of development and can stop land subsidence. However, more research is required to reduce and control methane and nitrous oxide emissions during inundation required for crops such as (narrowleaf) cattail and azolla. Paludiculture can provide ecosystem services related to water management and nutrient status, as well as raw materials for a bio-based economy. Gradual transitions in space and time between farming and nature can be envisaged, providing incentives to diversify land use in the Dutch peatlands. This case study identifies key questions and provides valuable insights for peatland management worldwide. Reducing land subsidence and greenhouse gas emissions from peatlands is feasible, but requires thoughtful interventions that cautiously make and align trade-offs between various interests and uncertainties.

How to cite: Wils, T., van den Akker, J., Korff, M., Bakema, G., Hegger, D., Hessel, R., van den Ende, M., van Gils, M., and Verstand, D.: Measures to reduce land subsidence and greenhouse gas emissions in peatlands: a Dutch case study, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1417,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Greenhouse gas fluxes monitored for 5 years in two drained boreal peatlands using eddy covariance and automatic light-dark chambers
Poul Larsen, Andreas Ibrom, Norbert Pirk, Preben Jørgensen, and Klaus Steenberg Larsen
On-site presentation
Miranda L. Hunter, Laura Clark, Rebecca J. Frei, Ian B. Strachan, Nigel T. Roulet, and Maria Strack

Peat extraction substantially alters the carbon dynamics, peat structure, and hydrology of peatland sites. In Canada, companies install drainage ditches every ~30 m, dividing the sites into fields of peat bounded by ditches, and remove the surface vegetation and upper acrotelm. Peat is then vacuum harvested, processed, and sold for horticulture use. Despite this disturbance covering only a small percentage of Canadian peatlands, the shift from being a net sink to a net source of carbon during the 15-35 years of extraction makes them an important system to study.

We conducted research at eight actively extracted peatland study sites in Quebec (Eastern Canada) and Alberta (Western Canada), ranging from 3–28 years post the start of extraction. Our objectives were to i) assess spatial distribution of CO2 and CH4 emissions; 2) assess seasonal and interannual variability of these emissions; and 3) understand their environmental drivers. To do this, we employed measurement techniques at the plot and ecosystem scale. 

Plot scale chamber-based measurements of CO2 and CH4 were conducted weekly to biweekly from May to September at eight sites from 2018 to 2022, with each site being measured in at least one study year. The drainage ditches were hotspots of carbon emissions with around double and at least seven times the CO2 and CH4 emissions respectively, of the fields. Time since the start of extraction was a useful metric to estimate current CO2 emissions when sites were within one bog complex. More research will be required to extrapolate emissions to other locations however, as peat substrate quality differences between locations also contributed to variation in carbon loss.

Ecosystem scale measurements of daytime March to October CO2 and CH4 emissions were conducted at a subset of the study sites for two to three years using the eddy covariance technique. We observed comparable March and April CO2 emissions to those in July, highlighting the importance of thaw dynamics on the yearly carbon budget. Interannually, CO2 emissions were lowest during a dry summer, suggesting a moisture limitation for decomposition at the surface under severe drainage. We found weak dependence of CO2 emissions on soil temperature, though it was strongest when the water table was within the top 40 cm of the peat.

This research will aid in validating Canada’s emission factor values for peat extraction, which are currently based on a few measurements in Quebec at post extracted, unrestored peatlands. Using several different assumptions for wintertime emissions, we estimated annual CO2 budget of 256 – 385 g C m-2 yr-1, which agrees with Canada’s current Tier 2 emission factor value of 310 g C m-2 yr-1. Methane emissions accounted for < 1 g C m-2 yr-1. This research will also support process-based models looking at the effect of site management, and the changing climate, on carbon emissions from these sites.

How to cite: Hunter, M. L., Clark, L., Frei, R. J., Strachan, I. B., Roulet, N. T., and Strack, M.: Carbon Emissions from Active Horticulture Peat Extraction Sites in Canada: Five Years of Field-based Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6373,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mounir Takriti, Miyuru Gunathilake, Synnøve Rivedal, Bjørn Kløve, and Peter Dörsch

The need to mitigate climate change has shifted practices and policy towards restoration and sustainable use of agricultural peatlands as a means to protect carbon (C) stores and other ecosystem services. However, a significant percentage of peatlands in Europe are still maintained under drainage and in use as agricultural land, resulting in continuing loss of soil organic C and CO2 emissions. Mineral soil addition has been used in different regions to improve the agronomic performance of agricultural peatlands, with conflicting effects on GHG emissions reported in the literature. In Norway, “peat inversion” has been employed since the 1970s as an alternative drainage method. Under peat inversion, previously drained peat is covered with a layer of mineral soil excavated from underneath the peat. It has been proposed that peat inversion protects C stores by limiting aerobic decomposition. Data from previous field trials indicate that peat inversion reduces oxygen content in the peat during dry conditions and reduces CH4 emissions under poor drainage conditions. However, the effect on C-budgets, i.e., the balance of gross primary production and ecosystem respiration, remains unknown. We present results from an ongoing study comparing peat inversion with conventional drainage in a peatland used for grass production in Western Norway. Chamber flux measurements are used in combination with continuous measurements of meteorological and soil conditions, as well as biomass exports, to establish annual C budgets. Preliminary results indicate that peat inversion reduces ecosystem respiration under dry conditions without reducing overall productivity.


How to cite: Takriti, M., Gunathilake, M., Rivedal, S., Kløve, B., and Dörsch, P.: Effects of peat inversion on carbon balance and GHG emissions in agricultural peatland, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10714,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Alina Widmer, Lisa Tamagni, Chloé Wüst-Galley, Sonja Paul, Valerio Volpe, Markus Jocher, Robin Giger, Sebastian Dötterl, Thomas Keller, and Jens Leifeld

Large areas of European peatlands have been drained for agriculture, but drained organic soils are a strong source of carbon dioxide (CO2). Reinstalling high water tables would inhibit further peat oxidation and reduce CO2 and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, but most cash crops do not grow in waterlogged conditions. Paddy rice cultivation could offer a new option for continuing the agricultural use of these soils under wet conditions. However, paddy rice cultivation is known to be a strong source of methane (CH4), which might cancel out the potential climate benefit from reduced CO2 and N2O emissions. The main aim of this study was, therefore, to quantify for the first time the greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of paddy rice grown on organic soil in the temperate climate zone of the Swiss Plateau.

In an outdoor mesocosm experiment, we measured the greenhouse gases CO2, CH4, and N2O with manual chambers on a weekly to biweekly interval for one year. During the experiment, rice (Oryza sativa L.) was cultivated under flooded conditions with mid-season drainage on organic soil. As a reference treatment, ley was grown on drained organic soil (water table -100 cm).

Preliminary results from the growing season (April - October) including planting and harvest suggest that the overall GHG balance of paddy rice cultivation on organic soil (9.3 ± 1.9 t CO2 eq. ha-1 including harvest exports) was significantly lower than of ley grown on drained organic soil (27.9 ± 5.0 t CO2 eq. ha-1 including harvest exports). This difference was mainly attributed to the strong reduction in ecosystem respiration under flooded conditions compared to ley on drained organic soil. Paddy rice cultivation was a source of methane (49.2 ± 19.7 kg CH4 ha-1), while the drained organic soil covered with ley was a CH4 sink (-0.6 ± 0.1 kg CH4 ha-1). The flooded conditions in the paddy rice mesocosms significantly lowered N2O emissions (0.7 ± 0.3 kg N2O ha-1) compared to drained grassland (4.7 ± 3.1 kg N2O ha-1). N2O and CH4 accounted for 16.0 ± 6.8 % of the total GHG balance in the rice on organic soil treatment, whereas it was only 4.9 ± 2.6 % in the ley on drained organic soil.

Together, we show that paddy rice cultivation on organic soil is a valid alternative to upland agriculture in the temperate zone and offers significant GHG emission reduction potentials.

How to cite: Widmer, A., Tamagni, L., Wüst-Galley, C., Paul, S., Volpe, V., Jocher, M., Giger, R., Dötterl, S., Keller, T., and Leifeld, J.: Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from managed organic soils in the temperate zone by paddy rice cultivation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11075,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sonja Paul, Christof Ammann, Yuqiao Wang, Christine Alewell, and Jens Leifeld

The agricultural use of organic soils usually requires drainage, resulting in soil subsidence and high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, particularly CO2. One proposed strategy to maintain the productivity of these soils is applying a mineral soil cover. However, the impact on the overall GHG budget is unknown. Herein, we determined the net ecosystem carbon budget (NECB) for a pair of covered (Cov) and uncovered (reference, Ref) organic soils under intensive grassland management in the Rhine Valley, Switzerland, over four years (1 March 2018–29 February 2022). The net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 fluxes was measured using the eddy covariance method, in addition to recording additional carbon exports and imports for harvest and organic fertilisers. N2O and CH4 fluxes were measured using an automatic time-integrating chamber system over three years. Both of the drained peatlands under agricultural use showed substantial soil organic carbon (SOC) losses of 6.5 to 28.9 t CO2 ha- 1 year -1 (Ref) and 4.6 to 30.3 t CO2 ha- 1 year -1 (Cov), driven by the aerated peat carbon stock during summer and accounting for 1.4 %–0.5 % of the total aerated carbon stock. Covering the organic soil with a mineral layer did not significantly reduce the SOC losses relative to the reference site in any of the four years at either site, and CH4 uptake was marginal. However, soil coverage reduced the contributions of N2O to total GHG emissions from 28 % (Ref) to 7 % (Cov). Thus, we conclude that mineral soil coverage per se has little potential to reduce carbon losses from drained organic soils. However, if combined with a considerable rise in the water table, SOC losses may be effectively reduced while maintaining agricultural productivity.

How to cite: Paul, S., Ammann, C., Wang, Y., Alewell, C., and Leifeld, J.: Does a mineral soil coverage reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculturally managed peatlands?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11391,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lars Elsgaard, Cecilie Hermansen, Peter L Weber, Charles Pesch, Mogens H Greve, Lis W de Jonge, Jens Leifeld, and Zhi Liang

Drained agricultural peat soils are hotspots for biogenic CO2 emissions, contributing to elevated atmospheric CO2 levels. Due to microbial mineralization, the organic carbon (OC) content of these soils transitions to that of mineral soils, but it remains unclear how the residual OC content controls the rate of CO2 emission. This hinders the integration of soils with 6-12% OC into national greenhouse gas inventories. Based on a comprehensive laboratory study with organic soils from 103 sites in Denmark, we show that area-scale CO2 emissions from soils with >6% OC are not controlled by OC content and OC density, i.e., that soil OC content (wt/wt) is a poor predictor of area-specific CO2 emissions. The empirical data suggest that CO2 emission factors for 6-12% and >12% OC soils should be considered the same. On the other hand, the data also suggest that disaggregation of emission factors for soils with even higher OC contents is not necessary. We conclude that a global underestimation of CO2 emissions from 6-12% OC soils occurs in countries with large proportions of organic soils in transition from organic to organo-mineral soils due to agricultural management. Refining CO2 emission estimates for 6-12% OC soils is critical for the accuracy of national inventories, but also for recognizing the climate benefits of emerging initiatives to rewet drained organic soils.

How to cite: Elsgaard, L., Hermansen, C., Weber, P. L., Pesch, C., Greve, M. H., de Jonge, L. W., Leifeld, J., and Liang, Z.: High CO2 emissions from drained peat soils that transition to organo-mineral soils: Implications for GHG inventories, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16603,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ype van der Velde, Ralf Aben, Daniel van de kraats, Merit van den Berg, Stijn Peeters, Coline Boonman, Jim Boonman, Bart Vriend, and Gilles Erkens and the NOBV Team

Peatlands used for intensive daity farming are drained to increase productivity. However, drainage lowers the groundwater table, increases oxygen intrusion, and causes decomposition of the peat soil. This decomposition emits CO2 and is estimated to contribute up to 5% of the Dutch national GHG-emissions. Reducing these emissions requires detailed understanding of the spatial and temporal variability of these emissions and the effects of rewetting measures.

Here, we present a unique measurement setup and its results to quantify CO2 emissions of Dutch peatlands. We show the results of more than 30 site years of near continuous CO2 flux measurements with automated chambers across a wide range of peat types and different wetness conditions. We interpret the net yearly CO2 emissions in relation to water management, peat type and profile. We find clear relationships between yearly average groundwater level, the carbon density in the top 30 cm of the peat profiles, and the estimated yearly CO2 emissions from peat decomposition. However, these relationships come with a large variability between sites and between years that requires further attribution to other site characteristics such as management and history. Moreover, we compare our results to previous studies and discuss the differences and similarities.

How to cite: van der Velde, Y., Aben, R., van de kraats, D., van den Berg, M., Peeters, S., Boonman, C., Boonman, J., Vriend, B., and Erkens, G. and the NOBV Team: GHG emissions of agricultural peatlands in the Netherlands., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17687,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Erne Blondeau, Dorien Westerik, Gerard Velthof, Marius Heinen, and Jan Willem van Groenigen

Peat soils store a large part of the global soil carbon stock, which can potentially be lost when they are drained and taken into cultivation. In the Netherlands, 75% of the peat and peaty soils are drained and are mainly used for grassland cultivation. This results in an estimated yearly emission of 5.6 Mton CO2 due to peat oxidation, accounting for about 3% of the national CO2 emissions. Groundwater level (GWL) management has been proposed to mitigate peat soil oxidation, but this may lead to increased emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O). Peat meadows experiencing (intermediate) wet conditions, and frequent fertilization events, are favorable locations for N2O production.

We hypothesize that the selection of a fertilizer with a relatively low mineral nitrogen (N) content (such as farmyard manure), will limit the risk for increased N2O emissions as a result of raising the GWL, compared to fertilizers with a high mineral N content (such as calcium ammonium nitrate).


The effects of these two management factors (groundwater level and fertilizer type) were studied in a two-year field experiment. The experiment took place in 2022 and 2023, on two adjacent grassland fields of a dairy farm near Zegveld, in the low-lying western peat area in the Netherlands. On the first field, drainage was controlled by the ditch water levels, leading to GWLs ranging between -100 cm in the summer and -20 cm in the winter. The GWL of the second field was maintained at a more steady level around -40 cm using infiltration drainage pipes. In year two, a third groundwater level treatment was added, with infiltration drainage aimed at a GWL of -20 cm. Following a randomized block design for each GWL object, the N2O emissions and N yields were compared for six fertilizer products and an unfertilized control treatment in four replicates: calcium ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate, farmyard manure, cattle slurry and the liquid and solid fraction products after slurry separation.


The results of 2022 suggested that the combination of raising the GWL (using infiltration drains aimed at -40 cm) and application of cattle slurry or its liquid fractionation product - both having a relatively high mineral N content - led to a strong increase in N2O emissions. As expected, emissions were lowest for farmyard manure and the solid fraction of slurry. However, these fertilizers in combination with a raised GWL resulted in significantly lower N yield in the harvested grass, making the combination less attractive to a dairy farmer. Variation in N2O emissions was still large, indicating the importance of several measurement years. Here, we will present the combined results of 2022 and 2023, including fertilizer-specific N2O emission factors calculated over two years.

How to cite: Blondeau, E., Westerik, D., Velthof, G., Heinen, M., and van Groenigen, J. W.: Raising a peat meadow’s groundwater level: fertilizer strategies to minimize N2O emissions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9800,, 2024.

Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X1

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 14:00–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Susan Page, Łukasz Kozub, Hanna Silvennoinen
Gerardo López Saldaña, Michel Bechtold, Susan Page, Fred Worrall, Stefano Salvi, Kevin Tansey, Gabrielle De Lannoy, Iuliia Burdun, Ian Jory, and Yara Al Sarrouh

Peatland restoration and conservation, including sustainable peatland management, require robust, consistent, efficient, and accessible methodologies to map peatlands, and identify and better understand the changes and impacts of natural and anthropogenic changes, including restoration measures. Peatland mapping and monitoring tools should enable users to (i) locate peat soils; (ii) identify peatlands at risk of degradation and in need of protection and/or restoration; (iii) monitor the success of management interventions; and (iv) support national and international reporting requirements. Given the spatial scale of peatlands lend themselves to use of Earth Observation techniques. In response to these needs, ESA’s WorldPeatland project will work closely with stakeholders in the peatland community to define, validate, and promote Earth Observation-based products and tools that facilitate the mapping and monitoring of peatlands in different states and biomes.  

This presentation consists of two parts. In the first part, we summarize the outcome of a survey on the user requirements for Earth Observation-based peatland mapping and monitoring and the associated EO-based tools. The survey consisted of an online questionnaire and two user requirement workshops. In the second part, the project structure is presented with details about the planned development of innovative monitoring products and tools along with some initial results from case studies. 

How to cite: López Saldaña, G., Bechtold, M., Page, S., Worrall, F., Salvi, S., Tansey, K., De Lannoy, G., Burdun, I., Jory, I., and Al Sarrouh, Y.: ESA’s WorldPeatland project – Developing Earth Observation-based peatland mapping and monitoring tools for peatland restoration and conservation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13987,, 2024.

Stefan Frank, Ullrich Dettmann, Arndt Piayda, and Bärbel Tiemeyer

Peat and other organic soils store large amounts of soil organic matter, which is highly vulnerable to drainage. Thus, drained organic soils contribute around 7% to the total German greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and around 44% to the emissions from agriculture and agriculturally used soils, despite covering less than 7% of agricultural area in Germany. With approximately 90% of the total emissions, carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most important GHG with regards to drained organic soils. To evaluate possible GHG mitigation measures such as classical re-wetting, paludiculture or adjusted water management compared to the still widespread status quo of drainage-based peatland agriculture, an improved data set on GHG emissions, in particular CO2, and their drivers is needed. Furthermore, spatial data and upscaling methods need to be improved.

To meet these needs, a long-term monitoring programme for organic soils is currently (2020-2025) being set up for open land at the Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture. A consistent long-term monitoring of soil surface motions, representatively covering a broad range of organic soils and land use types will be combined with the repeated measurement of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks to assess CO2 emissions using standardized and peat-specific methods. Land use types comprise grassland, arable land, paludiculture as well as unutilized re-wetted and semi-natural peatlands. At each of the envisaged approximately 150 monitoring sites important parameters such as groundwater table, vegetation and soil properties are monitored. Together with the updated map of organic soils, all collected data form the basis for improving regionalisation approaches for drivers – particularly water levels and SOC stocks – and CO2 emissions from organic soils in Germany. Here, we will present the structure of the monitoring programme, the used methods for data collection as well as the current status of site establishment.

How to cite: Frank, S., Dettmann, U., Piayda, A., and Tiemeyer, B.: Establishment of a German peatland monitoring programme for climate protection - Open land (MoMoK). Monitoring network and data collection., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8662,, 2024.

Bärbel Tiemeyer, Stefan Frank, Arndt Piayda, Ullrich Dettmann, Ronny Seidel, and Dirk Lempio

The surface of both wet and drained peatlands is permanently in motion due to both physical and biological processes. For a long-time, manually measured changes in surface elevation have been used as a proxy for carbon losses. High resolution measurements, however, are needed to avoid misinterpretation of such, e.g., annual, measurements, to improve process understanding and, potentially, to inform remote sensing approaches which are increasingly used to detect surface motion.

So far, different methods have been employed to determine surface motion in a high temporal resolution, but the devices are either costly, demand extensive maintenance or acquire data sets (photos) requiring comparatively complicated data analysis. As we intended to measure surface motion in the German peatland monitoring programme and are thus establishing numerous monitoring sites distributed all over Germany, low costs and low energy demand are necessary. Furthermore, the device needs to be robust enough for year-round measurements and require little maintenance as monitoring sites could usually only be visited once a year. Finally, we aimed at high precision and simple data sets which can be easily handled and analysed. As none of the existing measurement approaches met our requirements, we developed a new device based on the potentiometric measurement of cable length combined with an affordable data logger.

Here, we intend to introduce this new measurement device and demonstrate its suitability to acquire high-quality data sets on surface motion under different conditions regarding land use, hydrology and peat properties. Using case studies with data from different sites, we first tested the temperature stability and the comparability with established approaches (peat camera, double pressure sensors). To ensure the reproducibility at small spatial scale, we employed three replicate sensors within short distance at three contrasting peatlands. Further, we compared three anchoring methods. To determine the limits of our method, we tested the applicability to a site with presumably little surface motion (very shallow peat-derived soil).

Results show no influence of air temperature on measurement results and good comparability with established devices. Depending on site conditions, different anchoring methods might be chosen. At all sites, surface motion was plausible given the water level, peat properties and weather conditions. We could detect surface motion even for shallow peat-derived soils. Further, we could also show for all three peatlands that the three replicate sensors show the same results unless distances to drainage pipes differ. Overall, the newly developed LoCoMotion device can be recommended for peatland research. 

How to cite: Tiemeyer, B., Frank, S., Piayda, A., Dettmann, U., Seidel, R., and Lempio, D.: A new low-cost device for the continuous measurement of peatland surface motion (“LoCoMotion”) , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11763,, 2024.

Klaus-Holger Knorr, Maxime Lemmens, Robin Derichs, Christian Fritz, Mariusz Galka, Stephan Glatzel, Mariusz Lamentowicz, Hanna Meyer, and Bjorn Robroek

The restoration of peatlands is becoming an increasingly important topic for both policymakers and the scientific community. However, knowledge on the past succession of ombrotrophic bogs, the extent of disturbance, and their response to current human impacts and restoration efforts remains limited. An adequate understanding of what factors promote peat formation, as well as the environmental conditions that preserve peat quality, is essential for the establishment of effective and predictable restoration trajectories. To identify and evaluate biogeochemical conditions that promote carbon (C) accumulation, as well as those that maintain low C decomposition rates, peat cores were taken from two rewetted (KR1 and DM1) peatlands and one degraded (AV1) peatland. Each core was dated using radiocarbon and analysed in high resolution for (1) its geochemistry to infer about peat quality, (2) testate amoeba to reconstruct past water table levels, and (3) its C accumulation rates.

Apparent C accumulation rates were high in the young, upper layers for cores DM1 and KR1 (ranging up to 400 and 600 g C m-2 y-1, respectively) relative to the lower pre-restoration layers, indicating a successful re-establishment of peat formation. At the degraded site AV1, apparent C accumulation rates were significantly lower (max. 40 g C m-2 y-1), and current conditions indicate overall C losses, since restoration efforts have yet to be made here. The identified periods of strong C accumulation go hand in hand with low C/N ratios, indicative of a low degree of peat decomposition. This was confirmed by an FT-MIR spectroscopy derived humification index (HI). The HI and C/N ratio showed a roughly opposite pattern, as expected for little decomposed peat being relatively high in polysaccharides. Surprisingly, there was no significant correlation between a testate amoebae reconstructed water table depth (WTD) and C/N ratios for AV1 and KR1. In DM1, a positive relationship between WTD and C accumulation rates was observed, whereas an inverse relationship would be expected. Still, reconstructed WTD coincided mostly well with vegetation succession. These findings suggest the importance of multiple parameters to assess re-establishment of peat formation by novel vegetation and the degree of historical degradation. Moreover, redox sensitive species, such as iron, sulphur and phosphorus, apparently served as suitable indicators for the current average water table depth. Second, they indicate at what depth the redox conditions in the peat are reducing, and thus where decomposition rates can drop significantly.

In summary, this study discusses various palaeoecological and geochemical parameters that can help assess re-establishment of C accumulation in peatlands under restoration. Individual parameters, such as a reconstructed WTD may not always correspond to C decomposition indices in such transient systems. The accumulation of redox sensitive species may potentially be a suitable indicator for successful rewetting, as it marks the depth of increasingly reducing conditions favourable for C storage.

This research was funded through the 2020-2021 Biodiversa+ and Water JPI joint call for research projects, under the BiodivRestore ERA-NET Cofund (GA N°101003777), with the EU and the funding organisations DFG (Germany), FWF (Austria), NSC (Poland) and the LNV (The Netherlands).

How to cite: Knorr, K.-H., Lemmens, M., Derichs, R., Fritz, C., Galka, M., Glatzel, S., Lamentowicz, M., Meyer, H., and Robroek, B.: An Assessment of Palaeoecological and Geochemical Indicators for the Re-establishment of Peat Formation in Ombrotrophic Bogs, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16615,, 2024.

Mariusz Bak, Mariusz Lamentowicz, Piotr Kołaczek, Daria Wochal, Paweł Matulewski, Dominik Kopeć, Martyna Wietecha, and Katarzyna Marcisz

Assessing the scale, rate and consequences of climate change, manifested primarily by rising average air temperatures and altered precipitation regimes, is a critical challenge in contemporary scientific research. These changes are accompanied by a variety of anomalies and extreme events that negatively impact ecosystems worldwide. Understanding how different ecosystems function under climatic and anthropogenic pressures is important for their conservation and management. Monoculture forests, including Scots pine monocultures, are particularly vulnerable to these changes due to their homogeneous structure and simplified ecosystem linkages compared to mixed forests, making them more sensitive to extreme events such as insect outbreaks, droughts, fires and strong winds. In the context of global warming, forest fires are becoming extremely dangerous, and the risk of their occurrence increases as average temperatures rise. The situation becomes even more dramatic when fire enters areas of peatlands, as these ecosystems effectively withdraw carbon from the rapid carbon cycle and store it for up to thousands of years. Consequently, peatlands become emitters of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

The aim of our research is to trace the historical development of peatlands situated in a Scots pine monoculture area over the last three centuries. Our focus is on the Okoniny peatland located within the Tuchola Pinewoods in northern Poland, one of the country's largest forest complexes. We delved into the phase when the peatland's surroundings transitioned from a mixed forest to a pine monoculture. We also investigated the impact of changes in forest management at the turn of the last three centuries on the local vegetation and hydrology of peatlands. In addition, we wanted to answer the question of how the peatland ecosystem responded to different types of disturbance. Our reconstructions are based on a multi-proxy approach using: pollen, plant macrofossils, micro- and macrocharcoal and testate amoebae. We also use Pinus sylvestris dendrochronological data to compare it with the peatland record. Our results show that a change in forest management and progressive climate warming affected the development of the peatland. Testate amoebae analysis showed an increase in acidity over the analysed period and a decrease in the water table over the last few decades. Pollen data revealed that the lake-peatland transition took place before 1930 and progressed with the strongest agricultural activity in the area. However, the 20th century was a period of continuous decline in agriculture and an increase in the dominance of Scots pine in the landscape as the effect of afforestation. Dendroclimatic data indicate a negative effect of temperature on Scots pine and pressure from summer rainfall deficiency. Additional remote sensing analysis, using hyperspectral and thermal airborne images, provided information about the current condition of the peatland vegetation. With the application of spectral indices and the analysis of land surface temperature, spatial variations in peatland drying have been identified. Considering the context of forest management and the protection of valuable ecosystems in monocultural forests, the conclusions are relevant for peatland and forest ecology, palaeoecology and forestry.

A study financed by the National Science Centre, Poland, grant no. 2020/39/D/ST10/00641.

How to cite: Bak, M., Lamentowicz, M., Kołaczek, P., Wochal, D., Matulewski, P., Kopeć, D., Wietecha, M., and Marcisz, K.: Integrating palaeoecological, dendrochronological and remote sensing data to explore the impact of climate and forest management on a Sphagnum peatland (Tuchola Pinewoods, N Poland), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-546,, 2024.

Daria Wochal, Katarzyna Marcisz, Piotr Kołaczek, Mateusz Grygoruk, Hanna Silvennoinen, Anders Lyngstad, Harry Roberts, Michał Słowiński, and Mariusz Lamentowicz

Peatlands cover 3% of Earth's land surface and store 25% (600 GtC) of global soil carbon, playing a vital role in local and global water and carbon cycles. These ecosystems, with distinctive biodiversity, preserve Europe's natural heritage. Despite that, peatlands are some of the fastest disappearing ecosystems in the world. The Anthropocene is the time when humans became the main drivers shaping the environment, including wetlands. Many studies show that human activities have increasingly impacted peatlands since the Middle Ages as a result of economic and societal changes. Initially, minor disturbances like small settlements and limited forest clearings occurred. However, the growing economy led to deforestation, fires, drainage, and peat extraction, disrupting water conditions, especially over the past 300 years. Anthropogenic climate change causes rising temperatures that affect peatland ecosystems: plant communities, microbes, hydrology, and microclimate. Our research aims to reconstruct peatlands' environmental development to better understand these ecosystems' functioning under pressure from human activities and climate change. We will present preliminary results of water level and vegetation reconstructions at the Midtfjellmosen peatland in southern Norway. We hypothesized that climate and land-use-related feedbacks have triggered water table deficits in Norwegian peatlands, leading to groundwater lowering in the long term that altered vegetation and microbial communities. We used paleoecological methods to reconstruct the environmental conditions in the peatland. Palynological analysis provided information on changes in the vegetation within the peatland. Furthermore, analysis of testate amoebae (TA) allowed us to identify changes in water level. These single-celled protists build shells for protection and are deposited in peat after death, with species-specific shells aiding identification. Changes in TA communities indicate environmental disturbances, enabling the reconstruction of hydrological conditions, geochemistry, and pH in peatlands, that can be correlated with other proxies like pollen and plant macrofossils. The surface sampling from Sphagnum peatlands across Norway allowed for the construction of a novel TA calibration data set. The newly developed transfer function was used to reconstruct paleohydrological changes that occurred during the development of the Midtfjellmosen peatland. The reconstructions will enable us to identify the human impact on this peatland and will allow us to assess whether the observed changes are related to global warming, an important issue for the sustainable management of this unique ecosystem. It should be emphasized that the emerging transfer function and high-resolution reconstruction from other proxies, will contribute to peatland ecology and paleoecology in Norway.

A study financed by the National Science Centre, Poland, grant no. 2021/41/B/ST10/00060. 

How to cite: Wochal, D., Marcisz, K., Kołaczek, P., Grygoruk, M., Silvennoinen, H., Lyngstad, A., Roberts, H., Słowiński, M., and Lamentowicz, M.: Unveiling the Anthropocene Tapestry: A Journey into Norway's Peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5937,, 2024.

Vytas Huth, Marvin Beckert, Anke Günther, Florian Jansen, Angela Pannek, and Gerald Jurasinski

Raised bogs are among the most threatened habitats in Northern Germany. Drainage-based land use has caused a shift to grassland vegetation on more than half of former raised bogs. In addition, high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from these areas counteract the aims of the Paris Agreement. Because all GHG emission reduction pathways require the so-called “land sink”, the pressure to restore former raised bogs under agricultural use as a nature-based climate solution is constantly increasing. However, since the mid-1980s most restoration projects have been carried out following peat extraction, whereas raised-bog restoration following intensive agricultural use is relatively new. Therefore, experience for successful restoration in a nutrient-rich environment is scarce.

In German restoration practice, topsoil is removed to build cell bunds for water retention simultaneously resetting biogeochemistry (at least on some parts of the area) to more favorable conditions for raised-bog vegetation. An active water management similar to peat moss paludiculture is usually not feasible in large scale restoration, because the goal is to create a self-regulating ecosystem with minimal maintenance need after restoration. However, contrary to e.g., Canadian restoration practice, active introduction of a moss layer is currently not a standard measure, because donor material is essentially missing or strictly protected. Therefore, the return of raised bog habitats to an agricultural landscape strongly depends on nearby refuges of raised-bog species.

Here, we present our new project “OptiMuM”, with which we aim to explore if, with relatively little additional effort, it is possible to speed up the restoration of raised bog habitats through varying degrees of active introduction of bog species under common German restoration practice. We selected three study sites across Northern Germany of which two are already rewetted without active introduction of bog species and one which will be rewetted within the project. On all sites we want to test the effect of active introduction for the restoration success and compare it to the development of areas within the sites without active introduction of bog species. On one site, we also want to test the additional effect of an active water management similar to peat moss paludicultures on the restoration success.

Keywords: ecological restoration, peatlands, Sphagnum, C sequestration

How to cite: Huth, V., Beckert, M., Günther, A., Jansen, F., Pannek, A., and Jurasinski, G.: Accelerating raised-bog restoration in a nutrient-rich environment through moss transfer – OptiMuM – a new project to improve restoration practice in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8847,, 2024.

Łukasz Kozub, Izabela Jaszczuk, Jan Kucharzyk, Ewa Jabłońska, and Wiktor Kotowski

Fens, unlike bogs, are mires fed by ground or surface water, usually enriched by minerals and nutrients, which allows them to support high and specific biodiversity. Fens are dominant mires of the more continental temperate areas and the Arctic but they are also common in some of the boreal regions. Even though much less recognized than bogs, they remain globally important carbon stores and sinks. Their major peat builders are sedges and so-called brown mosses (non-Sphagnum bryophytes) which have been much less studied in the context of biomass quality than Sphagnum species. In the presented study we aimed to quantify the biomass quality (decomposability) of the common fen bryophytes along more than 15 degrees south-to-north transect.
Material and methods
We studied the biomass quality of fen bryophytes in three regions: temperate fens of NE Poland, mid-boreal Trøndelag, and sub-arctic Finnmarksvidda (both latter in Norway). Studied species were Campyllium stellatum, Scorpidium cossonii, Sphagnum warnstorfii and Tomentypum nitens. In each region, mosses were collected from several sites during the summer of 2022. Each collected moss sample was divided into two. One was quickly dried and the latter was kept alive and later grown in a common garden in standardized conditions, for more than a month, to produce new biomass. Both the biomass collected in the field and the new biomass produced in the common garden experiment were analysed with NIR spectroscopy to assess their biomass quality. We compared the impact of origin on biomass quality of both original biomass and the one produced in common conditions using mixed effect models with location and species as the random factors.
The obtained results shed light on the possible impacts of climate warming on peat formation in fens. Assuming that fens will maintain their integrity in the course of climate change, this change may impact the peat-forming potential of fens via changes in bryophyte community composition as well as by impacting the performance and biomass quality of the locally occurring species. Thus studying bryophyte biomass quality along the climatic gradient might help us to better predict the future of carbon accumulation in fens.

How to cite: Kozub, Ł., Jaszczuk, I., Kucharzyk, J., Jabłońska, E., and Kotowski, W.: Biomass quality of rich fen bryophytes along the temperate to subarctic gradient sheds light on possible effects of climate change on peat formation in fens, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11898,, 2024.

Yujing Deng, Kyle Boodoo, and Stephan Glatzel

Peatlands play a crucial role as reservoirs of soil organic carbon and nitrogen, storing twice as much carbon as all the world's forests. However, land-use changes such as drainage for agriculture or forestry have led to more than 50% of Europe's peatlands being classed as degraded, with Austria facing an even higher disturbance rate at 90%. This degradation is causing serious environmental consequences, notably increased greenhouse gas emissions and nutrient leaching that contaminates the surrounding groundwater. Despite this, the impact of land-use on peatlands is still not well understood.

To evaluate the influence of land use on peat decomposition and nitrogen concentration over depth, we investigated physical and chemical properties, as well as dissolved carbon and nitrogen forms of three different valley bogs with a common origin, but under different land use management. Our study sites included: a pristine bog, a heavily drained afforested spruce stand, and an intensive meadow, located in the Enns River Valley of the Eastern Alps, Austria.  We divided 1 m peat cores into separate 10 cm sections and analysed these peat samples for bulk density, loss on ignition, water content, carbon and nitrogen contents and ratios, stable carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures and four humification indices (based on Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) and dissolved organic carbon, dissolved total nitrogen, ammonium and nitrate.

The afforestation site showed a significantly higher degree of peat decomposition across its vertical profile, possibly owing to higher levels of drainage. The similar levels of dissolved organic carbon and total nitrogen, but higher concentrations of ammonium and nitrate in the 0-50 cm layer, compared to the pristine bog, suggests that spruce rhizosphere activity and increased aerobic conditions due to drainage may promote nitrogen mineralisation and nitrification. Conversely, the intensive meadow site showed the highest degree of peat decomposition in the top 30 cm, with the deeper layers resembling the pristine bog. The intensive meadow site also revealed comparatively higher dissolved organic carbon, total nitrogen and organic nitrogen, but similar ammonium and nitrate as the pristine bog. This was probably due to the combined influence of agricultural nutrient inputs, plant uptake and leaching. Principal component analysis of the measured parameters for the three sites clearly indicate differences between the study sites, and between the surface and deeper layers, with indicators of peat decomposition and nutrient status being the main factors differentiating the study sites .

Our results facilitate an improved understanding of how afforestation and intensive meadow management can contribute to peat degradation, and highlight potential environmental consequences of these practices on drained peatlands, particularly with respect to nutrient leaching into deeper peat layers (below 30 cm). Furthermore, this research emphasizes the critical need for sustainable land management practices in mitigating peatland degradation, particularly in managing drainage and agricultural activities, to preserve the ecological balance and prevent adverse effects such as further degradation and groundwater contamination.

How to cite: Deng, Y., Boodoo, K., and Glatzel, S.: Assessing the Impact of Land Use on peat degradation in alpine bogs, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16159,, 2024.

Katy Ross, Christopher Evans, Ross Morrison, Stefanie Carter, and Susan Page

Peatland research, management and restoration efforts have predominantly been focused in the Northern Hemisphere, leaving Southern Hemisphere peatlands, with their confined spatial coverage, relative inaccessibility and smaller research community understudied. To create comprehensive global databases of peat extent, greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes and support informed restoration efforts, we need to better quantify these Southern Hemisphere peatlands and their role in the global carbon cycle.

Situated in the southern South Atlantic, at the periphery of the climate envelope for peat formation, the Falkland Islands archipelago is believed to support the largest proportional peat extent of any country at 43%. However current estimates of GHG exchange are based on direct measurements from neighbouring Patagonian or distant UK peatlands, or estimated from long-term carbon accumulation rates. These inferred values do not capture the influence of the widespread sheep grazing since the mid-17th Century on this peatland landscape, which, for the first 14,000 years, developed without herbivorous mammals. Livestock grazing is now an integral part of the Falklands with 98% of the peatlands being grazed. Confronting challenges such as drying landscapes, diminishing pasture extent, bare soil exposure to wind erosion and declining wool prices, farmers are exploring alternative holistic and rotational grazing systems or complete removal of sheep to set a trajectory towards peatland restoration.

Over an annual cycle between 2022-2023, direct monthly measurements of CO2 and CH4 were conducted across 13 sites in East Falkland using static chambers. These measurements provide the first directly measured annual estimates of GHG emissions from Falkland peatlands under different management approaches. These measures of ecosystem exchange have been enhanced with the deployment of sediment traps and erosion pins to quantify particulate carbon loss, with preliminary results indicating this pathway of loss to be several orders of magnitude higher than observed in Northern Hemisphere peatlands.

This integrated approach, with the results presented here, facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the impact of grazing and land management practices on peatland carbon balance. While also providing evidence alongside existing biodiversity and socioeconomic studies to determine which grazing systems may be most conducive to sustainable peatland management in the Islands.

How to cite: Ross, K., Evans, C., Morrison, R., Carter, S., and Page, S.: Rotational Grazing Approaches for Sustainable Peatland Management: A Focus on the Falklands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8348,, 2024.

Hanna Vahter, Muhammad Kamil Sardar Ali, Thomas Schindler, Andis Lazdiņš, Arta Bardule, Ain Kull, Ieva Līcīte, Ülo Mander, Aldis Butlers, Jyrki Jauhiainen, Dovilė Čiuldienė, and Kaido Soosaar

Organic peat soils, common in boreal, temperate, and tropical wet climate zones, represent one of the largest natural terrestrial carbon reservoirs. Europe has approximately 33 million hectares of organic soils, with 4.2% managed and 3.7% unmanaged. Grasslands, constituting 17.8% of managed organic soils (1.1% in Baltic countries), are often subjected to drainage, a common practice transforming these carbon-rich environments into significant greenhouse gas (GHG) sources. The drainage process alters nutrient cycling, impacting microbial activities that control nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and other GHG production and consumption.

Our research aims to quantify CH4 and N2O emissions from grasslands on organic soils in the hemiboreal zone and evaluate to which extent they are regulated by drainage depth. Furthermore, this research contributes to the broader goal of sustainable agriculture and effective climate change mitigation strategies by updating and addressing the pressing need for updated region-specific emission factors (EF). The default IPCC (2014) Tier 1 EFs for grasslands on drained organic soils in the temperate zone are based on values from only seven sites presented in two publications. So far, there is no information from the hemiboreal zone in which the Baltic countries are located.

To address these objectives, we conducted continuous field measurements in different periods in the years 2016–2023 in 14 sites in the Baltic Countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania). The full-year study periods cover the winter and growing seasons to capture seasonal dynamics. We divided the grasslands into groups: deep drained and shallow drained grasslands, and, as a reference, two undrained grasslands. We have taken the IPCC distribution as a basis, where deep drained sites have a mean groundwater level (GWL) of more than -30 cm and shallow drained sites with a mean GWL of less than -30 cm.

Soil N2O and CH4 fluxes from the soil were measured using the manual dark static chamber technique, with the number of measurement subplots ranging from 5 to 9. The frequency of measurements varied, being conducted biweekly (Estonia) and monthly (Latvia, Lithuania). During each gas sampling session, soil water content (SWC) and soil temperature (Tsoil) were measured manually at each monitoring point close to the GHG measurement subplots. Additionally, GWL parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, and oxygen concentration were manually measured during each sampling session. Water samples for chemical analysis were taken once a month from the sampling wells to analyze.

At the conference, updated EFs for Baltic countries, the soil N2O and CH4 flux dynamics, and their relation to the GWL will be presented.

How to cite: Vahter, H., Sardar Ali, M. K., Schindler, T., Lazdiņš, A., Bardule, A., Kull, A., Līcīte, I., Mander, Ü., Butlers, A., Jauhiainen, J., Čiuldienė, D., and Soosaar, K.: Soil nitrous oxide and methane fluxes from drained peatlands under grasslands in the hemiboreal zone, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15166,, 2024.

Alice Watts and Nigel Roulet

Peatlands have been disturbed throughout the Anthropocene. Peatland extraction and peat use results in a significant net emission of greenhouses gases over a relatively short time frame. However, not all carbon in extracted peat is lost to the atmosphere. To understand net-zero emissions, it is important to understand how emissions can be mitigated through management practices, and what offsets are required for irreducible emissions. Our research has the aims: (1) to develop an environmental systems model based on previous research, introduce land use change and management phases to the model runs, and consider the implications of the fate of peat; and (2) to ascertain net biospheric carbon emissions according to model phases and their variations.
The model approximates peat mass and accumulation in an undisturbed peatland system, then simulates the removal by extraction of horticulture peat.  The model replicates typical accumulation rates and measured emissions due to extraction. The environmental systems model has been coupled with a basic hydrological sub-model, and the model was evaluated by comparing simulated outputs to peat core 14C, C:N and FTIR field measurements from Riviere-du-Loup, Qc, Canada. 
We will present how management practices such as extraction duration, extraction intensity, and restoration delay impact simulated biospheric carbon emissions. Our simulations will also include the fate of extracted peat, demonstrating how peat use, storage and stabilised peat carbon impact net emissions. Based on our current restoration and extraction scenarios, we have deduced that it takes several thousand years to restore the biospheric carbon store of an extracted peatland. Preliminary work suggests that, depending on the assumed fate of the peat scenario, the biospheric restoration time can be reduced by 50-75% to recover carbon lost through peat extraction and use. Subsequently, offsets required for irreducible emissions to meet 2050 and 2100 targets can also be reduced.
Our results will allow the Canadian peat industry to employ a backwards induction approach to meeting its net-zero targets by enabling us to infer when net-zero biospheric carbon emissions and carbon neutral conditions will be met without offset mechanisms and the duration with offset mechanisms.

How to cite: Watts, A. and Roulet, N.: Simulated net biospheric carbon emissions of managed peatlands, and implications for net-zero and net-zero targets., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2486,, 2024.

Iida Höyhtyä, Maarit Liimatainen, Anne Tolvanen, Anna-Kaisa Ronkanen, Katharina Kujala, Tung Pham, Maarit Hyvärinen, Bjørn Kløve, Milla Niiranen, Jaana Nieminen, and Hannu Marttila

Boreal peatlands are long-term reservoirs of carbon, and vast peatland areas are drained for variable land-use activities. Drainage of peatlands leads to elevated emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) measured as carbon equivalents, increased leaching of nutrients, and loss of soil carbon and biodiversity. Negative GHG impacts can be reduced by raising groundwater table level (GWT), which in turn may cause leaching of nutrients such as phosphorus (P) from decaying peat layers, increasing the risk for eutrophication of water bodies. Traditionally, emissions and leaching impacts are studied separately and thus it is essential to produce more knowledge about the simultaneous effects of groundwater table conditions on GHG emissions and P leaching.

Our studies explore how different GWT levels and dynamics affect greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, N2O, CH4) and P leaching risk in drained peatlands. The study areas are in North Ostrobothnia, Finland and share a similar geological history. They include afforested peatland, cultivated peatland with varying peat depths, abandoned peat field, and pristine peatland. The potential P leaching risk is studied with chemical extractions of P from different soil depths. Simultaneous GHG emissions and P leaching with different GWT levels and variable dynamics are studied with a column experiment in controlled conditions. The actual GHG emission dynamics in field conditions are studied with static dark chamber and snow gradient methods and linked to functional vegetation diversity, which is studied with visual cover estimations. 

Our studies increase scientific understanding of P retention and leaching processes as well as GHG emission dynamics within drained and decomposing peat soils in different GWT conditions and with different land use forms. This knowledge is essential e.g., in Finland, where extensive peatland drainage in the 1900th century has led to considerable GHG emissions and elevated nutrient leaching from large areas. Currently, national climate policy sets pressures for GHG emission reductions in drained peatlands, and these reductions must be made by avoiding further P leaching to water bodies and sea areas. Land use changes may be unavoidable in some cases, and our study setup with multiple land uses provides information for correct decision-making.

How to cite: Höyhtyä, I., Liimatainen, M., Tolvanen, A., Ronkanen, A.-K., Kujala, K., Pham, T., Hyvärinen, M., Kløve, B., Niiranen, M., Nieminen, J., and Marttila, H.: The simultaneous effects of groundwater table dynamics on greenhouse gas emissions and phosphorus leaching in drained peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3842,, 2024.

Kyle Boodoo and Stephan Glatzel

Peatlands cover ~3% of the global land surface, yet they store 21 – 30% of the world’s soil organic carbon. Large areas of pristine peatland have been drained to facilitate traditional agricultural activity, leading to increased levels of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from these degraded peatlands. Currently, the ~12% global peatlands that are drained (~0.3% of global land area) account for ~4% of all anthropogenic GHG emissions. Within the EU, more than 50% of peatlands are degraded, with Germany having 92% of its peat soils drained for agriculture and forestry. Rewetting peatlands can reduce, or even reverse GHG emissions. While substantial research has focused on the effects on nutrient from peatland re-wetting in bogs, and within pristine Northern European environments, less work has been conducted on central European fens, and on the effect of rewetting on nitrogen in previously drained and nitrogen rich agricultural sites. We investigated the effect of three different landuses (high-, low-intensity paludiculture, wet wilderness) and two different nitrogen (N) levels on CH4 emissions from 14 different fens, located in Germany, the Netherlands and Poland, to determine landuse management optima and thresholds for reduction in GHG emissions from rewetted, formerly deeply drained agricultural peatlands. We found the highest CH4 fluxes to occur during Summer and Autumn, and lowest fluxes during Winter, across all landuses and nitrogen (N)-levels. While CH4 did significantly vary at some sites on a diurnal basis, there was no clear pattern, or definite driver of diurnal CH4 fluxes. While CH4 flux significantly increased with increasing level of paludiculture at both N-levels in Germany, CH4 flux decreased with higher intensity paludiculture at the lower-N Netherlands sites, and conversely increased with higher intensity paludiculture at high-N Polish sites. These differences in treatment effect on CH4 fluxes among the different country sites highlight the complex interaction of different drivers responsible for determining CH4 fluxes from peatlands. Overall, soil phosphorous concentration was linked to higher CH4 fluxes, while bulk density was inversely related to CH4 flux. Furthermore, general additive models showed that CH4 flux increased with soil temperature and moisture, peaking at specific carbon (C):N ratios and bulk densities. This is of relevance for management strategies, as it suggests that there is the potential for manipulation of these 4 drivers within rewetted peatlands in order to reduce future CH4 fluxes. Our results highlight the importance of maintaining minimum water table levels, and maintaining N-levels below certain thresholds in order to effectively manage CH4 fluxes, and mitigate against GHG emission contributions to global warming from current and previously drained peatlands.


How to cite: Boodoo, K. and Glatzel, S.: Drivers of CH4 flux quantity and variability in re-wetted European peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15495,, 2024.

Nicholas Nickerson, Katharina Jentzsch, and Claire Treat

Natural ecosystems, particularly wetlands, are among the largest sources of methane emissions. Accurately quantifying these emissions is crucial for developing effective climate change mitigation strategies. In this context, flux chambers have emerged as a vital tool, allowing researchers to accurately quantify methane emissions over space and time. The increasing availability of high-precision, real time, field deployable methane analyzers has helped improve the accuracy and reliability of these measurements; however this high-resolution data has also introduced new methodological considerations around how to best fit time series data to determine flux rates. 

With these new analyzers, ebullition events are easily detected but traditional methods of fitting data to determine fluxes assume diffusion-dominated fluxes and do not appropriately account for ebullitive events. Researchers often adapt existing flux calculation methods to suit the behaviour of the time series data where ebullition is present, however no study of the impacts of these adjustments has been conducted. 

Here we use a one-dimensional soil model to simulate diffusive and ebullitive methane fluxes into a chamber and explore the impact of back-diffusion and chamber leakage on the fluxes calculated using traditional and modified approaches. We find that generally diffusive fluxes calculated using these approaches are underestimated when ebullition is present, and the size of the underestimation can be significant in the context of upscaling these chamber based measurements particularly in low flux environments. Approaches to improve accuracy including chamber design, data filtering and new fitting methods are considered as a means to provide more accurate chamber-based methane emissions estimates.

How to cite: Nickerson, N., Jentzsch, K., and Treat, C.: Bias in chamber-based methane flux estimates in the presence of ebullition and methods for mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20032,, 2024.

Philipp Porada, Bärbel Tiemeyer, and Arndt Piayda

The rewetting of agriculturally used peatland is essential to reduce carbon (C) emissions and may thus make an important contribution to climate protection. As one possibility to maintain economical use of the areas despite permanently wet ground, the installation of photovoltaic systems was suggested. In addition to generating energy, the solar panels could have other positive effects on the ecosystem: They potentially reduce evaporation and thus dryness in summer, which is important for reducing emissions. More stable moist conditions may also promote the establishment of specialized species of raised bog vegetation, which are the goal of nature conservation efforts. However, high coverage of solar panels could also lead to a lack of light, and the resulting absence of specialized bog species may even increase C emissions via indirect effects. Here we present a new bog vegetation modelling approach that aims to provide an initial estimate of the optimal degree of solar panel coverage from the perspective of climate protection and nature conservation, for given climatic and soil conditions. The model is validated against observational data of microclimate variables, soil temperature and water level from a test site on rewetted peat soil, under the influence of different coverage levels of solar panels in a multifactorial experiment. With our approach, we plan to provide recommendations for action for the planning of solar parks on rewetted, formerly agricultural peatlands to landowners and other stakeholders.

How to cite: Porada, P., Tiemeyer, B., and Piayda, A.: Modelling solar energy effects on rewetted peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13441,, 2024.

Simon Drollinger, Daniel Schwindt, Birgitta Putzenlechner, Stephen Boahen Asabere, Timo Pascal Lehmann, and Daniela Sauer

Peatlands represent the most space-effective and largest terrestrial carbon sink, delivering multiple crucial ecosystem services. In contrast, drained peatlands have been identified as hotspots of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and constitute a relevant climate factor. Projections suggest that, due to severe human impacts, peatlands worldwide will shift from a global net GHG sink to a source in the near future, causing positive radiative forcing. Restoring peatlands therefore constitutes an effective and relevant nature-based climate change mitigation measure. However, effects of drainage and afforestation on temperate peatlands are still uncertain, and data on multi-year carbon exchange rates between recently restored afforested peatlands and atmosphere of Europe's low mountains are non-existent.

Here we analyse 2.5 years of eddy covariance flux measurements of carbon dioxide, methane, sensible and latent heat of a clear-cut forest peatland during early stages of restoration in the Solling region, Lower Saxony. We found large amounts of carbon to be released from the peatland to the atmosphere in the first years after the implementation of restoration measures. This is due to extraordinarily high ecosystem respiration rates that cannot be compensated by gross primary productivity and are clearly regulated by moisture conditions of the peat. Calculations of GHG fluxes were complemented by UAV flights, geophysical measurements, soil analyses and vegetation surveys to disentangle the spatio-temporal variability of influencing factors. We related results of repeated electrical resistivity tomography to soil properties and discuss the effects of their spatial heterogeneity on gas fluxes. True colour orthophotos obtained from repeated UAV flights were used to delimit vegetation units and changes in plant composition with ongoing plant succession. Based on variations in heat capacity of different matter, thermal images were used to assess fine-scale differences in soil moisture to evaluate their potential to model and upscale spatio-temporal trends of thermal characteristics and ecosystem respiration in unprecedented detail. Finally, we evaluate underlying factors of GHG fluxes, discuss implications of restoration measures and outline potential future developments.

To allow for careful consideration of restoration measures in temperate peatlands formerly drained for forestry, the benefits of restoration must be contrasted with the initial investments and future losses when the land is taken out of economic production. Outcomes from this study will provide the needed insights into forest peatland restoration and its associated processes in temperate peatlands.

How to cite: Drollinger, S., Schwindt, D., Putzenlechner, B., Asabere, S. B., Lehmann, T. P., and Sauer, D.: Carbon flux, energy balance and vegetation change of a recently restored forest peatland in the Solling mountains, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13337,, 2024.

Karoline Kudsk, Kathrine Lindblad Carlsen, Klaus Steenberg Larsen, and Jesper Riis Christiansen

Natural peatlands are crucial for global terrestrial carbon storage but have historically been extensively drained. Mitigating enhanced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions linked to peatland drainage often involves rewetting, leading to pond formation. While rewetting is perceived to contribute to net GHG reduction, observational data of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions from these restored ecosystems remains highly variable and overall insufficient. Ponds created after rewetting may be hot spots for CH4 emissions and this study focused on assessing net CO2 and CH4 emissions from a pond in a rewetted peatland over a one-month period in 2023.

The field study took place on a former fen at Mårumhus Pond in Gribskov, Denmark, rewetted in 2008 by clear-cutting a Norway spruce plantation and blocking ditches. This intervention resulted in a permanent pond covering the entire former fen area, with water depths ranging from approximately 0.5 to 1 meter. CO2 and CH4 fluxes were measured using automated chambers (AC) and manual bubble traps (BT). The study, conducted from September 19th to October 18th, 2023, involved eight AC and BT devices deployed along a 50-meter transect perpendicular to the pond's shore.

Throughout the measurement period, the daily average CO2 efflux from all eight AC chambers ranged between 3663 – 9074 mg CO2 m-2 d-1. Concurrently, daily average net CH4 emission from these AC chambers ranged from 224 – 1231 mg CH4 m-2 d-1, contrasting significantly with the average BT-derived CH4 flux range of 30 – 91 mg CH4 m-2 d-1. AC measurements indicated ebullition as the primary emission pathway, with one main hotspot across the transect, a pattern also observed by the BT. Interestingly, CO2 and CH4 emission patterns showed no correlation with water depth but demonstrated a clear response to the disruption of thermal stratification during the measurement period, attributed to wind-driven mixing of the water column. CH4 emissions measured with the AC increased during sudden air pressure drops.

AC and BT displayed substantial differences in measured fluxes, with AC showing CH4 fluxes nearly ten times higher than BT, which also failed to capture valid CO2 emissions. These difference can be attributed to method specific limitations, which will be discussed. The observed variations in CO2 fluxes using the AC method align with literature values, while CH4 emissions are notably higher. This study underscores the need to include spatiotemporal variations in both fluxes and environmental drivers and emphasizes the need for further research and method development of GHG emissions from ponds in rewetted peatlands, as these environments may serve as significant hotspots for CH4 emissions.

How to cite: Kudsk, K., Carlsen, K. L., Larsen, K. S., and Christiansen, J. R.: Pond emissions of CO2 and CH4 in a rewetted peatland , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3998,, 2024.

Virginia Mosquera, Eliza Hasselquist, and Hjalmar Laudon

Drainage for forestry has created ~1 million km of artificial waterways in Sweden, making it one of the largest human-induced environmental disturbances in the country. These extensive modifications of both peatland and mineral soil dominated landscapes still carry largely unknown, but potentially enormous environmental legacy effects. However, the consequences of contemporary ditch management strategies, such as hydrological restoration via ditch blocking or enhancing forest drainage to promote biomass production via ditch cleaning, on water resources are unclear. To close the gap between science and management, we have developed a unique field research platform to experimentally evaluate key environmental strategies for drained northern landscapes with the aim to avoid further environmental degeneration. The Trollberget Experimental Area (TEA) includes replicated and controlled treatments applied at the catchment scale based on a BACI approach (before-after and control-impact). The treatments represent the dominant ecosystem types impacted by ditching in Sweden and the boreal zone: 1) rewetting of a drained peatland, 2) ditch cleaning in productive upland forests and 3) leaving these ditches unmanaged. Here we describe the TEA platform, report initial results, suggest ways forward for how to best manage this historical large-scale alteration of the boreal landscape, as well as warn against applying these treatments broadly before more long-term results are reported.  

How to cite: Mosquera, V., Hasselquist, E., and Laudon, H.: Legacy  of drained northern landscapes: consequences of rewetting and ditch cleaning on hydrology and water quality ., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6512,, 2024.

Yu Zheng, Perttu Virkajärvi, Sanna Saarnio, Mari Räty, and Marja Marjanen

Finland commits to carbon neutrality by 2035. Reducing GHG emissions and strengthening carbon sequestration properties from agricultural land is on schedule. Although active agricultural peatlands account for 10% (about 310 000 ha) of total agricultural lands in Finland whereas they contribute to 60% of GHG emissions of agricultural soils. Therefore, large-scale measures are required to Finnish agricultural peatlands. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are the culprit from agricultural peat soils due to increased soil aeration after peatland drainage. Evidently, the most effective way of remedy would be raising ground water close to soil surface. However, total rewetting is not feasible for food production and may result in methane (CH4) emissions (Regina et al. 2019). There might be a viable water table level reaching the compromise, but effects of underground water elevation in a field scale have not been studied in Finland thus it is not clear about the counterbalance between GHG mitigation and grassland crop yields (under changing water table levels).

This study aimed to tackle the issues being mentioned which incorporate both field and mesocosm experiments. In the field experiment, the underground water levels are manipulated by a drainage well system separating ground water table into high and low levels. Manual chamber and snow gradient methods (Maljanen et al., 2003) were exploited measuring gas fluxes regularly between June 2021 and September 2023 (involving three growing seasons). The mesocosm study was established with the peat soil monoliths taken from the same peat site. Gas fluxes of four water level treatments (below ground -70, -50, -30, -20 cm) were measured with the same methods towards their field counterpart for one year. We will present preliminary results on how water table manipulation will affect gas fluxes and crop yields under Finnish climate.



Regina K., Heikkinen J., Maljanen M., 2019, Greenhouse Gas Fluxes of Agricultural Soils in Finland. In: Shurpali N., Agarwal A., Srivastava V. (eds) Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability,

Maljanen M., Liikanen A., Silvola J., Martikainen P.J. (2003) Measuring N2O emissions from organic soils with closed chamber or soil/snow N2O gradient methods. European Journal of Soil Science 54: 625-631.

How to cite: Zheng, Y., Virkajärvi, P., Saarnio, S., Räty, M., and Marjanen, M.: The mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions by manipulating water table level on peat soil growing grass in eastern Finland –mesocosm and field experiments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7398,, 2024.

Kenneth A Byrne, Merit van den Berg, Ko van Huissteden, Tanya Lippman, Avni Malhotra, Matthew Saunders, Chloe Wüst-Galley, and Amey S Tilak

    Globally peatlands have been drained for agricultural production, decreasing their carbon sequestration potential, and increasing CO2 fluxes into the atmosphere. Peatland rewetting can reduce these fluxes, but this can have the undesired effect that food production on this land ceases. The cultivation of flooded rice on peat soils might however protect the peat, reducing CO2 emissions, whilst maintaining food production. Recently, farmers in Switzerland have started to cultivate paddy rice on flat valley bottoms of the Swiss plateau. However, the cultivation of flooded rice is often associated with high methane (CH4) fluxes. An outdoor mesocosm experiment was conducted at Zurich Reckenholz (47.42796º N, 8.51769 º E, 444 m a.s.l.) in the eastern part of the Switzerland’s Central Plateau. In 2021, this experiment measured CH4 and N2O fluxes (Wüst-Galley et al. 2023)
and CO2 flux (unpublished data) from rice grown on peat soil (water levels: -6 to -17 cm) and from conventional (deeply drained) grassland. Results showed that the climate impact of the higher CH4 emissions from the wet rice cultivation was more than compensated by the reduced CO2 emissions resulting from higher water levels. However, very few modelling studies have investigated the biogeochemical controls exerted by below ground biomass (roots exudates, root depth, root senescence and senescence of the above ground litter) on the resulting CO2 and CH4 fluxes from a rice crop grown on peat soils in the temperate climate. The CH4 transport pathways (plant mediated, diffusion and ebullition) in this same system have not been investigated via modelling. This study utilizes a process-based plot scale model known as Peatland VU to quantify the impacts exerted by the belowground biomass (roots exudates, root depth, root senescence, senescence of the above ground litter) on the resulting CO2 and CH4 fluxes. But before quantifying the above-mentioned impacts, the Peatland VU model is calibrated and validated against measured CO2 and CH4 fluxes from a rice crop grown on peat soil having controlled water levels (shallow and deep). However, the stabilization of different soil organic matter reservoirs (peat, root exudates, roots and litter, microbial biomass, and humus pool) must be conducted before the Peatland VU model is calibrated and validated against the measured data. This stabilization is conducted to diminish the influence of initial boundary conditions. In this modelling study, stabilization of the different soil organic matter reservoirs was conducted for 20+ years (1990-2019) using peat hydrophysical properties and past climatic data consisting of daily inputs (precipitation, evaporation, mean air temperatures and solar radiation). The stabilized model was then calibrated and validated against measured CO2 and CH4 flux data from 2021 to 2022. The parameters utilized to calibrate and validate CO2 and CH4 fluxes will be discussed. The stabilized, calibrated, and validated model will be utilized to test the effect of variable root depths, root senescence, root and shoot factor, exudate factor and senescence of the above ground litter on resulting CO2 fluxes and dominant CH4 pathway (plant transport or ebullition or diffusion). 


How to cite: Byrne, K. A., van den Berg, M., van Huissteden, K., Lippman, T., Malhotra, A., Saunders, M., Wüst-Galley, C., and Tilak, A. S.: Modelling CO2 and CH4 fluxes from a Rice Crop grown on Organic Soils in Temperate Climate, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2147,, 2024.

Violeta Martinez, Silvia Poblador, Alexandra Castañeda, Carolina Olid, Olga Margalef, Francesc Sabater, and Aaron Pérez

Peatlands are considered strategic ecosystems in climate change mitigation due to their high capacity to accumulate carbon (C). However, the role of mountain peatlands as C sinks is severely threatened by rising temperatures and human activities, particularly livestock overgrazing. Negative impacts include adverse changes in aboveground biomass, plant composition, hydrology, and changes in greenhouse gas emissions due to the compaction and remotion of peat soil by trampling and pugging. Despite these impacts, the consequences of overgrazing on the C balance of peatlands and the potential implication for climate feedback remain unknown. 

The PYREPEAT project, in collaboration with the ALFAwetlands initiative, aims to fill this knowledge gap by providing 1) the first estimate of C stocks and net C balance, and 2) a better understanding of the impact of overgrazing on CO2 emissions in Pyrenean Mountain peatlands. With this aim, we selected 3 peatlands in the Catalan Pyrenees that have been under grazing exclusion since 2016-2018. The selected peatlands are characterized by different water chemistry conditions: i) an acid fen dominated by Carex nigra, ii) a moderately acid fen, and iii) an alkaline fen dominated by Carex davalliana. For each site, 3 levels of livestock exclusion (permanent exclusion, temporal exclusion, and no exclusion) were established. To determine the spatial scale at which the overgrazing signal was evidenced, within each treatment we classified plots on three habitats: plots with low water table level (WTL) and compaction, plots with medium WTL and trampling, and plots with high WTL and pugging. For each 1 mplot we monitored C fluxes (i.e., CO2), vegetation composition, WTL, and soil water content monthly from July to October 2023. CO2 measurements were made using an EGM-5 infrared gas analyzer (PP-systems) connected to a closed static chamber in two successive phases: a light phase in which the chamber receives solar radiation and records net ecosystem exchange (NEE), and a dark phase in which the chamber records autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration (RE). The water table level was monitored using PVC wells. Additionally, soil water was sampled using lysimeters and analyzed for pH and conductivity on each occasion. 

Determining whether peatlands will continue to function as net C sinks in the long term is complex because of the spatial variability and the different interacting mechanisms that influence their functioning. The spatial and temporal data collected during the first year of the project has the potential to provide important insights into C dynamics in mountain peatlands and the effects of overgrazing on the C balance. Ultimately, this work will contribute with valuable data to support management solutions, such as exclusion fences, to ensure the role of peatlands as carbon sinks. 

How to cite: Martinez, V., Poblador, S., Castañeda, A., Olid, C., Margalef, O., Sabater, F., and Pérez, A.: Carbon Sink Capacity under Livestock Overgrazing in the Catalan Pyrenees’ Peatlands , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-22517,, 2024.