BG3.28 | Vegetation and ecosystem responses to global change - function and carbon-water relations
Vegetation and ecosystem responses to global change - function and carbon-water relations
Convener: Richard Nair | Co-conveners: José Grünzweig, Yunpeng LuoECSECS, Hongyan Liu, Benjamin D. HafnerECSECS, Victor Rolo, Silvia Caldararu
| Mon, 15 Apr, 08:30–12:25 (CEST)
Room N1
Posters on site
| Attendance Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X1
Orals |
Mon, 08:30
Mon, 16:15
The need to predict ecosystem responses to anthropogenic change, including but not limited to changes in climate and increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations, and the interlinked carbon and water cycles is more pressing than ever. Global change is inherently multi-factorial and as the terrestrial biosphere moves into states without a present climate analogue, mechanistic understanding of ecosystem processes and their linkages across scales with vegetation diversity and ecosystem function is vital to enable predictive capacity in our forecast tools.
This session aims to bring together scientists interested in advancing our fundamental understanding of vegetation and whole-ecosystem processes, with a special focus on the complex relationship between the carbon cycle and ecohydrology in natural and managed ecosystems under a changing climate.
We are interested in contributions focused on advancing process- and hypothesis-driven understanding of plant ecophysiology, biodiversity and ecosystem function, particularly of interlinks between carbon and water cycles. We welcome studies on a range of scales from greenhouse and mesocosm experiments to large field manipulative experiments, remote sensing studies and process-based modelling, including basic research and management aspects. We encourage contributions of novel ideas and hypotheses in particular those from early stage researchers and hope the session can create an environment where such ideas can be discussed freely.

Orals: Mon, 15 Apr | Room N1

Chairpersons: Richard Nair, José Grünzweig
Ecosystem functioning as affected by climate extremes, disturbance and plant functional types
On-site presentation
Christiane Werner, Laura Meredith, and Nemiah Ladd and the B2WALD

Carbon and water cycling are tightly linked in forest ecosystems but severe droughts bare the potential to disrupt the sensitive balance and ecohydrological interactions between different species in forest ecosystems. To unravel complex ecosystem carbon-water dynamics we imposed a 9.5-week drought on the Biosphere 2 tropical rainforest, a thirty-year old enclosed forest. We traced ecosystem scale interactions through a whole-ecosystem 13C and 2H-labelling approach in the Biosphere 2 Tropical Rainforest, the B2 Water, Atmosphere, and Life Dynamics (B2WALD) experiment. We analysed total ecosystem exchange, soil and leaf fluxes of H2O, CO2 and BVOCs, and their stable isotopes over five months. To trace changes in soil-plant-atmosphere interactions we labelled the ecosystem with a 13CO2-isotope and investigated the importance of deep water sources under drought by 2H-labelling at the end of the drought. The tropical rainforest exhibited highly dynamic, non-linear responses during both dry-down and rewetting phases.

Drought sequentially propagated through the vertical forest strata, with a rapid increase in vapor pressure deficit, the driving force of tree water loss, in the top canopy layer and early dry-down of the upper soil layer but delayed depletion of deep soil moisture. This induced a two-phase response of ecosystem fluxes: gross primary production (GPP), ecosystem respiration (Reco), and evapotranspiration (ET) declined rapidly during early drought and moderately under severe drought.

Ecosystem 13CO2-pulse-labeling showed that drought enhanced the mean residence times of freshly assimilated carbon- indicating down-regulation of carbon cycling velocity and delayed transport form leaves to trunk and roots. Ecosystem carbon and water fluxes were determined by different ecohydrological responses of the dominant plant functional groups: while drought sensitive canopy trees dominated total ecosystem water fluxes under well-watered conditions, they showed the largest decline in response to top-soil moisture decline. Drought tolerant canopy trees exhibited lower fluxes but also higher resistance to soil water decline. Interestingly, all dominant canopy trees had access to deep water reserves, serving as a crucial water source during drought but not sustaining high transpiration rates.

Recovery of ecosystem carbon and water fluxes was slow after drought release, which reflected the by long water transit times within the soil-plant-atmosphere system. Thus, we found highly diverse responses of carbon and water fluxes, driven by the interplay of hydraulic regulation of different vegetation compounds and ecohydrological feedbacks in the forest. This study highlights the importance of ecohydrological responses for overall ecosystem resilience and carbon sequestration potential, providing valuable insights into the complex interplay between climate change, water availability, and carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. We need to develop a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted ecohydrological factors shaping ecosystem responses to climate change, with implications for sustainable ecosystem management and carbon mitigation strategies.

Werner et al. 2021, Science 374, 1514 (2021), DOI: 10.1126/science.abj6789

How to cite: Werner, C., Meredith, L., and Ladd, N. and the B2WALD: Ecohydrological Responses of Different Functional Groups Driving Ecosystem Carbon Cycling under Experimental Climate Change Drought, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12775,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Pengtao Yu, Bingbing Liu, Yanfang Wan, Yanhui Wang, and Yiheng Wu

With climate change, accelerated increases in potential evapotranspiration (PET) and decreases in relative extractable water (REW) are increasingly affecting stand transpiration (T). However, the responses of T to PET under limited REW are still unclear, especially in forests of dryland region. In the present study, we partitioned the effects of REW and PET on T in oak (Quercus wutaishansea) forest stands in the Liupan Mountains, northwest China. The results showed that the reduction in REW due to drought resulted in a significant decrease in T. When REW was higher, i.e., above 0.5, there was a linear relationship of T with PET but an exponential relationship when REW was lower than 0.5. Moreover, REW in the soil layer of 20-60 cm rather than that in the soil layer of 0-20 cm plays a decisive role in T during drought. More REW, such that at the mid- and downslope sites, would be helpful to mitigate the decline in T under drought to some extent compared with less REW that at the upslope sites. These remind us that the soil moisture in dryland regions should be paid more attention in forest management and vegetation restoration in future.

How to cite: Yu, P., Liu, B., Wan, Y., Wang, Y., and Wu, Y.: Soil moisture shapes the responses of Quercus wutaishansea forest stand transpiration to potential evapotranspiration in the Liupan Mountains, Northwest China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21796,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Fabian J. P. Wankmüller, Louis Delval, Peter Lehmann, Martin J. Baur, Sebastian Wolf, Dani Or, Mathieu Javaux, and Andrea Carminati

Terrestrial vegetation plays a crucial role for water-energy-carbon interactions between the land and the atmosphere but is experiencing above-average temperature increases due to climate change. This contributes to widespread increases in vapor pressure deficit (VPD). High VPD and low soil moisture are considered the two main drivers of plant water stress, triggering the downregulation of vegetation-atmosphere fluxes, such as transpiration and photosynthesis. While ecosystems are initially driven by energy availability, soil drying below a critical soil moisture threshold (θcrit) shifts them to a water-limited regime. However, the relative importance of VPD versus soil moisture limitation and the relative role of soil versus plant hydraulic conductance are highly debated. Understanding the key mechanisms controlling these relative roles is therefore crucial to predict vegetation-atmosphere exchanges under changing environmental conditions. Here, by analysing global observations of θcrit, we demonstrate the central role of soil texture in shaping the importance of VPD versus soil moisture limitation by mediating the magnitude of soil hydraulic conductance relative to that of the plant. On average, we find that loss in soil rather than plant hydraulic conductance determines the onset of water limitation across climates and biomes globally. This implies that ecosystems in fine textured soils are more sensitive to VPD than ecosystems in coarse textured soils, while ecosystems in coarse soils are more sensitive to soil drying than in fine soils. This is a consequence of the steeper decline in soil hydraulic conductivity in coarse soils, resulting in the dominant control of soil hydraulics in these soils. Our analysis explains the emergent control of soil texture on ecosystem water limitation and unifies long-standing controversies about the relative importance of VPD versus soil moisture and soil versus plant hydraulic limitation. We demonstrate the global relevance of soil texture for land-atmosphere exchanges and open new paths to understanding the impacts of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems.

How to cite: Wankmüller, F. J. P., Delval, L., Lehmann, P., Baur, M. J., Wolf, S., Or, D., Javaux, M., and Carminati, A.: Soil Texture Controls the Relative Importance of Vapor Pressure Deficit and Soil Moisture for Ecosystem Water Limitation Globally, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17348,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Xingguo Mo, Shi Hu, Jiawen Sang, Licheng Huang, and Suxia Liu

The semi-arid and semi-humid region of China occupies an area of more than 200 million km2. Since years of ecological restoration implementation, land use cover changes (LUCC) significantly with the vegetation continually recovered in the recent decades. During this period, climate change is significant in the region with air warming and precipitation extremes intensification. How climate change and LUCC play different roles in the land surface – atmosphere exchanges and catchment hydrological processes is still not clear.  Based on VIP (Vegetation Interface Processes) distributed eco-hydrological model, the eco-hydrological changes are predicted integrated with remotely sensed vegetation information. Fourteen catchments in the study region are selected to explore the diversified responses and feedbacks of the vegetation recovery to climate change. It is found that evapotranspiration (ET) and vegetation gross primary productivities (GPP) are increasing steadily in the study period from 2000 to 2020, in which ET and GPP from the forest and cropland are more distinguished with each other. However, terrestrial water storage is decreasing in the southern catchment, especially those over the Loess Plateau. Although the water consumption from vegetation is increased, water availability  is still increasing in most of the study area due to enhanced precipitation, which implicated the intensification of the hydrological cycle with climate change and global greening. The complex interactions and feedback between re-vegetation and climate change in the water limited region posed challenges to the water resources management and ecosystem stability, in need of paying much more special attention.

How to cite: Mo, X., Hu, S., Sang, J., Huang, L., and Liu, S.: Impacts of climate change and LUCC on eco-hydrological processes in semi-arid and semi-humid regions of China  , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17690,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Chan Diao, Xiuchen Wu, Yang Li, and Liang Zhao

Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) measurements have shown unique potential for quantifying both plant physiological and structural stress under compound drought and heatwave events. However, there is a lack of understanding and well explore of the differences in the sensitivity of vegetation physiological and structural information based on solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) to compound drought and heatwave stresses and the driving mechanisms behind it. The aim of this study was to assess whether SIF-derived physiological information (eΦF) and structural information (NIRvP) could improves the quantification of physiological and structural aspects of vegetation sensitivity to compound drought and heatwave stress at the mid-high latitudes of northern hemisphere by using contiguous sun-induced fluorescence (CSIF) data, respectively. We found that, compared to the vegetation sturctural information (NIRvP), the relative importance of vegetation physiological information (eΦF) to eCSIF variability increases 6.5% to14.8% under compound drought a heatwave stresses in all regions, which confirms the contribution of physiological variation to eSIF. We further demonstrated that vegetation physiological information (eΦF) can better detect compound drought and heatwave stress in humid regions and forest ecosystems, which is mainly driven by physiological (LCC and VCmax) and environmental (VPD and SR) factors; whereas vegetation physiological information (eΦF) and structural information (NIRvP) have similar ability to capture compound drought and heatwave stresses. The lines of evidence suggested that utilizing eΦF for physiological investigations and NIRvP for structural information will contribute to improve our comprehensive understanding of vegetation physiological and structural responses to simultaneous high-temperature and high-drought stresses.

How to cite: Diao, C., Wu, X., Li, Y., and Zhao, L.: Sensitivity of vegetation structural and physiological information to compound drought and heatwave stress based on Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3248,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ziyu Lin and Jin Wu

Temperate mixed forest ecosystems consist of diverse plant functional types (PFTs) that exhibit variations in phenology and physiological responses to climate change. Consequently, the traditional big-leaf assumptions in carbon modeling have been criticized for oversimplifying these ecosystems, for they overlook the variability in PFT composition and their sensitivity to climate within these ecosystems. However, incorporating PFT composition into carbon and climate sensitivity simulations in heterogeneous mixed forest ecosystems presents two major challenges: (1) accurate fine-scale PFT composition mapping across large forest landscapes remains lacking, which further leads to (2) incomplete assessments of these fine-scale PFT contributions in interpreting ecosystem-scale carbon dynamics and climate sensitivity response. The recent increase in high-resolution satellite and ground observation data offers an unprecedented opportunity to resolve these challenges.

To address the first challenge, we developed a novel approach integrating Fisher-transformation-based unmixing analysis with time-series spectral and radar data. We examined this approach in three representative temperate mixed landscapes in the northeastern United States, using time-series Sentinel-1 and -2 data for calibration and local airborne-derived PFT fraction maps for validation. Our results demonstrate that (1) the synergy of spectral and radar time-series features significantly improves accuracy compared to spectral time-series models; (2) optimized features based on the Fisher-transformation approach minimize within-PFT variability and maximize between-PFT variability, enhancing model generalizability across landscapes. Integration of this approach with Google Earth Engine enables accurate ecoregion-wise PFT fractional mapping. 

To address the second challenge, we integrate different levels of PFT-related characteristics (e.g., PFT fraction map, PFT-specific physiology approximated by satellite vegetation index) with a machine learning-based carbon modeling scheme, examining how these PFT-related characteristics and climate variables separately and jointly determined the net ecosystem carbon exchange (NEE) in real mixed forest ecosystems. Specifically, we used the CHEESEHEAD19 dataset, which includes the world's most densely distributed eddy-covariance (EC) flux towers (13+ towers) within a 10 km × 10 km domain in the mixed forest ecoregion of Wisconsin, US, providing half-hourly flux records. Daily, 3-meter resolution, gap-free maps of vegetation index (NIRv) were calculated using the PlanetScope surface reflectance product. Our results demonstrated that PFT-related characteristics play a significant role (˜50%) in interpreting half-hourly NEE dynamics, with PFT-specific NIRv playing a dominant role (~30%), followed by PFT-fraction (~20%). Furthermore, by partitioning PFT-related effects, our results reveal distinct NEE sensitivity responses to specific environmental variability within and between PFTs in the 10 km × 10 km forest landscapes. 

Collectively this work advances the mapping of PFT composition and highlights the importance of integrating these fine-scale forest compositions into carbon modelling and climate sensitivity assessments, particularly in heterogeneous temperate mixed ecosystems.

How to cite: Lin, Z. and Wu, J.: Assessing Plant Functional Type Contributions to Carbon Modeling in Mixed Forest Ecosystems Using High-Resolution Satellite Data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8411,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Lucas Kanagarajah, Thomas Reitz, Martin Schädler, Franziska Taubert, Hans-Jörg Vogel, Ulrich Weller, and Sara König

Global change drivers, such as climate change and land-use intensification, pose imminent threats to the functioning of agricultural ecosystems, by disrupting vital ecosystem processes. In this context, understanding the interplay between carbon cycling and ecohydrological processes becomes important for the development of adaptive strategies that enhance the resilience of agricultural ecosystems in response to the dynamic challenges imposed by global change drivers. Process-based simulation models are a powerful tool to disentangle the complex interactions of microbiota-plant-soil interactions and provide a basis for long-term predictions and scenario simulations.

Our study focuses on the "Global Change Experimental Facility (GCEF)" (, where comprehensive data on plant physiology, soil nutrients, soil microbes, fauna, soil structure and moisture were collected across various agricultural land-use types. These include conventional and organic cropping systems, intensively and extensively farmed meadows, and extensively grazed sheep pastures, all under ambient and simulated future-climate conditions.

Here we present an extended version of the process-based soil model BODIUM, which captures the dynamics of soil functions, responding to soil management or changes in climatic conditions. The model was parametrized for different land-use types on the GCEF. First simulation results, compared with measured data for validation, reveal promising agreement in carbon data for cropland systems. However, an overestimation of water content within the soil profile after the vegetation phase needs further investigation. Additional simulations, alongside experimental findings are employed to discuss the impact of climate-change and land-use types on carbon and water dynamics and their potential interactions. The successful validation of the model across varied treatments provides the foundation for a potential application of the model to other boundary conditions that are not covered by the GCEF experiment.

How to cite: Kanagarajah, L., Reitz, T., Schädler, M., Taubert, F., Vogel, H.-J., Weller, U., and König, S.: Bridging Carbon and Water Dynamics: Insights from Process-Based Modeling in Agricultural Ecosystems Under Global Change Drivers, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10378,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Liezl Mari Vermeulen, Bruno Verbist, Koenraad Van Meerbeek, Jasper Slingsby, Paulo Negri Bernardino, and Ben Somers

The accelerating pace of climate change has led to unprecedented shifts in surface temperature and precipitation patterns worldwide. Regions particularly susceptible to these changes include African savannas. With increased climate anomalies and human impacts, comes increased disturbance events in the form of fires, overgrazing from elephants, invasive species etc. Consequently, there is a continual, large-scale transformation in vegetation patterns. Long-term ecosystem characteristics, such as soil traits, topography, and species composition, also contribute to the susceptibility of ecosystems to these climate and disturbance pressures. Understanding the complex interaction between climatic pressures, local disturbance drivers and underlying ecosystem traits, and their impact on ecosystem functioning and stability, is thus crucial.

This research pursued a dual objective: firstly, detecting shifts in ecosystem functioning within the African savanna biome and analysing their spatial and temporal patterns; secondly, exploring the interplay between climate legacy, disturbance legacy, and underlying ecosystem characteristics, and how these factors influence savanna ecosystem resilience at regional and local scales in the context of global change. Remote sensing time series analysis and breakpoint detection algorithms were employed to identify change hotspots in the South African savanna biome. Combining this ethodwith survival analysis, a novel approach, also helped uncover large-scale climatic drivers and underlying ecosystem traits facilitating these changes. Bayesian hierarchical modeling, coupled with field data collected in the Kruger National Park of South Africa, was then utilised to delve into the complex interactions between disturbance legacy (e.g., drought legacy, history of extreme rainfall events, increased fire frequency, and elephant activity) and the resistance and resilience of the savanna landscape at a local scale. The outcomes of this research contribute to prioritising conservation efforts and enhancing our understanding of the future of savannas in the face of global change.

How to cite: Vermeulen, L. M., Verbist, B., Van Meerbeek, K., Slingsby, J., Negri Bernardino, P., and Somers, B.: Climate change, disturbance legacy and abrupt shifts in ecosystem functioning: what makes arid African savannas more resilient?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17222,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Stefan C. Dekker, Hugo J. de Boer, Gerbrand B. Koren, Arie Staal, Jolanda J.E. Theeuwen, and Femke M. van Woesik

Geoengineering strategies can be classified into two primary categories: i) Solar Radiation Management (SRM), which aims to mitigate the absorption of sunlight by the Earth, and ii) Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR), involving the active extraction of carbon from the atmosphere for storage in terrestrial or marine environments. The ongoing discourse on geoengineering, particularly SRM on a global scale, is marked by polarization, primarily due to the challenging nature of predicting remote consequences.

This presentation endeavors to demonstrate two key points. Firstly, it will present a range of evidence indicating that local mitigation and adaptation, employing ecohydrological processes in regional models, yield more pronounced effects on regional temperatures and moisture compared to studies that use global climate models. Secondly, it will highlight that various bottom-up interventions in the energy-carbon-water nexus significantly impact maximum temperatures and moisture availability. For instance, a recent review (van Woesik et al., 2024) identifies over 50 of such interventions for East Africa.

While advocating for the efficacy of local solutions, this presentation acknowledges that such interventions, including reforestation and afforestation (e.g. Staal et al. 2024), can lead to remote consequences due to the interconnected energy-carbon-water dynamics, affecting for instance shifts in local precipitation patterns (e.g. van Theeuwen et al. 2024). Consequently, local-scale CDR solutions influence both local and remote energy balances, blurring the distinction from SRM. This challenges the applicability of conventional IPCC terminologies for climate mitigation and adaptation at the local scale. The prevalent global focus of IPCC research, derived from global models, has impeded the analysis of local ecohydrological interventions.

The central proposition of our research is that Targeted Climate Modification should be approached and analyzed from a bottom-up perspective rather than a top-down one. Therefore, we propose terminology shifts from mitigation and adaptation to Targeted Climate Modification. We hypothesize that such locally targeted interventions can benefit humanity and biodiversity by inducing cooling, enhancing agricultural productivity, and mitigating extremes in droughts and floods.

However, our research also calls for ethical and governance discussions. Acknowledging that local Targeted Climate Modification may yield negative remote consequences and substantial impacts on biodiversity loss, it advocates for the development of a new framework to analyze ethical, social, and environmental issues associated with Targeted Climate Modification.



Staal A, Theeuwen JJE, Wang-Erlandsson L, Wunderling N, Dekker  SC (in press) Targeted rainfall enhancement as an objective of forestation. 2024. Global Change Biology.

Theeuwen JJE, Dekker SC, Hamelers BVM, Staal A,  Ecohydrological variables dominate local moisture recycling in Mediterranean-type climates, 2024, submitted to JGR-Biogeosciences

van Woesik FM, Dekker SC, van Steenbergen F, de Boer HJ. A review of Local Climate measures to increase Resilience of East African Agroecological Systems. To be submitted to Journal of Environmental Management


How to cite: Dekker, S. C., de Boer, H. J., Koren, G. B., Staal, A., Theeuwen, J. J. E., and van Woesik, F. M.: Targeted Climate Modification on land – A matter of scale, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4740,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Richard Nair, José Grünzweig
Mechanisms of carbon- and water-related responses to climate extremes and biodiversity at the plant to ecosystem scale
Virtual presentation
Charlotte Grossiord

Recent decades have been characterized by increasing temperatures worldwide, resulting in an exponential climb in vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and soil droughts. Heat and VPD have been identified as increasingly important drivers of plant functioning in terrestrial biomes and are significant contributors to recent drought-induced tree mortality. Despite this, few studies have isolated the physiological response of plants to high VPD, heat, and soil drought, thus limiting our understanding and ability to predict future impacts on terrestrial ecosystems. I will present diverse experimental approaches to disentangle atmospheric and soil drivers of plan functions across scales in this presentation. I will further discuss recent findings suggesting that high temperature and VPD can lead to a cascade of impacts, including reduced photosynthesis, foliar overheating, and higher risks of hydraulic failure, independently of soil moisture changes. Moreover, I will highlight how species interactions can modulate the adverse impacts of soil and atmospheric droughts.

How to cite: Grossiord, C.: Impact of rising temperature and drought on forest ecosystems across scales, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3085,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Philipp Schuler, Margaux Didion-Gency, Kate Johnson, Günter Hoch, Ansgar Kahmen, and Charlotte Grossiord

Heatwaves are becoming more frequent, with higher temperatures, drier air and reduced soil water availability. However, as increasing temperature, increasing VPD and soil drought are often coupled in nature, especially during heat waves, their isolated effects on tree physiology and, ultimately, mortality are not fully understood.

To disentangle the effects of these factors, we conducted a climate chamber experiment on nine tree species from different biogeographical backgrounds (three conifer species: Pinus sylvestris L., Pinus halepensis Mill. and Cupressus sempervirens L.; three temperate broadleaved species: Alnus cordata (Loisel.) Duby, Acer platanoides L. and Phillyrea angustifolia L.; three tropical broadleaved species: Terminalia microcarpa Decne., Syzygium jambos L. (Alston) and Trema orientale (L.) Blume). We exposed the trees to three different treatments which were imposed for two-day periods for a total of twelve days; (1) increasing temperature (20 to 40°C) with constant VPD (1.2 kPa), (2) constant temperature (35°C) with increasing VPD (1.2 to 4.7 kPa), and (3) increasing temperature (20 to 40°C) and VPD (1.2 to 6 kPa) but with constant vapor pressure (1.2 kPa). Each treatment was also divided into two groups: well-watered to field capacity (~35% soil moisture) and soil drought (~10% soil moisture). On the second day of each step, total water consumption, gas exchange (Amax, gs, E), leaf temperature, and the maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) were measured, and leaves were sampled for abscisic acid (ABA) analysis. The occurrence of stem and leaf embolism for conifer and broadleaf trees, respectively, was continuously monitored with the optical vulnerability method. Gmin and P50 were measured for all the tree species.

With this data set, we can study the isolated and combined effects of high temperature and VPD on plant gas exchange and xylem embolism, and how this response varies in plants with different biogeographic backgrounds and environmental adaptions. These findings help us better understand the underlying physiological drivers of globally rising tree mortality and improve models to better predict tree responses in a hotter and drier world.

How to cite: Schuler, P., Didion-Gency, M., Johnson, K., Hoch, G., Kahmen, A., and Grossiord, C.: Disentangling the impact of air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, and soil drought on photosynthesis, transpiration, and embolism, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7766,, 2024.

On-site presentation
How much is too much? The effect of embolism on drought survival and recovery of an evergreen broadleaf
Yael Wagner, Mila Volkov, Uri Hochberg, and Tamir Klein
On-site presentation
Anna Lintunen, Kristiina Koivu, Paulina Dukat, and Teemu Hölttä

In non-stressed conditions, majority of water loss from plants occurs through stomata in leaves. During drought, plants close their stomata or even drop leaves to prevent massive embolism formation that disconnects leaves and above-ground parts hydraulically from roots and can ultimately lead to hydraulic failure. However, plants loose water also through leaf cuticle and bark. While water loss from leaves after stomatal closure has received increasing attention in recent years, water loss through bark has been largely ignored although bark covers 30 to 50% of whole tree surface area. The outer bark layers are practically impermeable to gases and water, but they are pierced by lenticels that provide channel for exchange of water and gas with ambient air to allow oxygen intake for the metabolic processes of the stem. In contrast to active stomatal control in leaves, gas exchange through bark cannot be actively regulated by plants and therefore water loss through bark continues after stomatal closure (together with water loss through leaf cuticle).

Stomatal closure in leaves also reduces photosynthesis; thus, drought can cause both hydraulic failure and carbon starvation and these processes are strongly linked. When leaf photosynthesis is minimized, bark photosynthesis can locally compensate the decreasing leaf photosynthesis. This helps to avoid carbon starvation, because bark photosynthesis utilizes recycled CO2 released from internal respiration resulting in more efficient carbon fixation in terms of water use. Bark thus plays a role in tree water and carbon balance, and it is crucial to understand the bark water and carbon dynamics in trees under changing climate.

We will show results and discuss three different aspects of bark gas exchange: 1) Drivers and seasonality of water loss and CO2 exchange through bark. These results are based on continuous stem chamber measurements of Pinus sylvestris in boreal environment. We successfully partitioned stem CO2 exchange into bark photosynthesis driven by light, respiration driven by temperature, and transport of CO2 dissolved in xylem sap; 2) Species-specific differences in water loss rate through bark and bark photosynthesis. These results are based on sampling branches from 11 coniferous and 4 broadleaved species grown in a boreal arboretum and comparing their bark characteristics regarding water loss and photosynthesis; 3) The role of water loss through bark in the whole tree water loss in dry conditions. These published results show that water loss rate per bark area was typically ~76% of the shoot transpiration rate (on projected needle area basis) in Pinus halepensis growing in semi-arid conditions but could even surpass the shoot transpiration rate during the highest evaporative demand. Irrigation of trees did not affect bark water loss rate, whereas shoot transpiration was greatly increased due to stomatal control.

The role of bark in tree water and carbon balance is often neglected in research, because its share of the whole tree water and carbon balance is negligible in good growing conditions, but when trees get stressed and stomata in leaves are closed, the role of bark may become dominant.

How to cite: Lintunen, A., Koivu, K., Dukat, P., and Hölttä, T.: Do we need to care about water loss through bark and bark photosynthesis in trees under changing climate?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10395,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Stefanie Dumberger, Laura Kinzinger, Simon Haberstroh, and Christiane Werner

Knowledge of hydraulic strategies is essential to understand the response of forest ecosystems to changing environmental conditions. Species-specific regulation mechanisms of water fluxes and water storage in the xylem are important drivers of drought tolerance in trees. Differences in the regulation may also occur along the radial profile of the xylem leading to a differential drought response of water fluxes within the tree xylem. To this end, we investigated sap flow and stem water content in two xylem depths, variations in stem radius and water potentials of Abies alba, Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies and Quercus petraea in a mature forest stand in SW-Germany during three years with varying environmental conditions.

Generally, hydraulic strategies varied between the four investigated species: A. alba was generally the most water-saving species, while drought tolerance was highest in Q. petraea and lowest in P. abies. Under moist conditions F. sylvatica was the most water-spending species, whereas sap flow was strongly reduced under drought. Overall, sap flow of all four species responded more pronounced to high vapor pressure deficits (VPD) than to decreasing soil moisture. We found a varying contribution of stem water storage to daily sap flow between the four species, which might be a crucial trait explaining drought tolerance.

A dynamic radial shift of sap flow in ring-porous Q. petraea was observed, which was tightly linked to corresponding stem water content: under high VPD sap flow in the inner xylem (10 mm beneath the cambium) exceeded sap flow in the outer xylem (20 mm beneath the cambium), while the inverse was observed under low VPD. Such a differential response within different xylem depths might enhance drought tolerance of ring-porous Q. petraea.

Moreover, the relationship between declining stem water reserves (expressed as tree water deficit) and water potentials was analyzed by a generalized additive model incorporating VPD and soil moisture. The model was trained with measured water potentials and subsequently used to predict water potentials from tree water deficits. Model predictions represented well measured values, if environmental variables were considered, and thus our modelling approach might be a useful tool in the future to predict water potentials on a high temporal scale without excessive measurement intensities.

In summary, our study demonstrated that availability of stored stem water influences species-specific response of sap flow to drought conditions and that regulation mechanisms may vary along the radial profile. Further investigations are needed to determine if differential responses in different xylem depths are species-specific or part of a general protection mechanism, e.g. to preserve hydraulically more important xylem vessels from cavitation. Furthermore, predicting water potentials from tree water deficits might be a useful and cost-efficient approach to gain insights into stomatal regulation processes without the need to reach the tree canopy.

How to cite: Dumberger, S., Kinzinger, L., Haberstroh, S., and Werner, C.: Dynamics in radial sap flow and stem water reserves under varying environmental conditions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16544,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Md Lokman Hossain and Jianfeng Li

Ecological studies place great importance on understanding the profound significance of plant diversity in maintaining the functioning of grassland ecosystems. However, despite decades of research, ecologists have faced persistent challenges in fully comprehending the intricate relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, as well as the influence of dominant plant functional groups on overall ecosystem function. To investigate two key aspects, namely the association between species richness and above- and below-ground biomass (AGB and BGB), as well as the relative contributions of functional groups in maintaining ecosystem function, we investigated the grassland biomass productivity in meadow steppe and alpine meadow ecosystems in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) for the period 2015-2019. 

The pristine grassland sites belonging to the alpine meadow and meadow steppe were maintained for data collection over 5 years. Shoot biomass was harvested during the peak growing season (mid-late September) by clipping vegetation samples from 3 typical 0.25 × 0.25 m2 quadrats within the central 4 m2 (2 × 2 m2)of the plot (5 × 5 m2) at the respective site of the total 36 sites. Root biomass was sampled using soil cores at depths of 0-40 cm (0-10, 10-20, 20-30, and 30-40 cm) in 3 typical 0.25 × 0.25 m2 quadrats over the 5 years. Before harvesting the biomass, the number of species and functional groups in the selected quadrat was counted. We used multiple tests including Mann-Kendall, Generalized Linear Model, Kruskal-Wallis, and Wilcoxon texts for analyzing the data.

The AGB of both grasslands exhibited an increasing trend over 5 years, while the BGB remained stable. This rise in AGB was attributed to the upward trajectory observed in AGB for forbs and grasses, which are the dominant functional groups in the QTP. These results underscore the crucial role of dominant species and functional groups in maintaining ecosystem functioning. Higher species richness plays a crucial role in ecosystem stability, as evidenced by the significantly positive relationships between biodiversity and AGB, and the stable relationships between biodiversity and BGB. In both grasslands, the top soil layer (0-10 cm) exhibited a dominant contribution to the observed BGB. This can be attributed to the abundance of nutrients present in the topsoil layer, which creates favorable conditions for root proliferation. Within the meadow steppe, there was an isometric allocation pattern observed in biomass, indicating that the BGB increased proportionally with the AGB.

The findings of this study demonstrate the influence of species richness on ecosystem functioning, with forbs and grasses playing a dominant role in biomass productivity. Notably, the top soil layer was responsible for three-quarters of the BGB. These empirical results provide valuable evidence that higher species richness enhances ecosystem functioning, serving as a scientific basis for informing policymaking regarding ecosystem stability.

How to cite: Hossain, M. L. and Li, J.: Increasing aboveground biomass and stable belowground biomass are controlled by greater species richness and dominant functional groups in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5532,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Sophie Obersteiner, Yaara Oppenheimer - Shaanan, and Tamir Klein

Tree processes belowground are highly complex and strongly affect the soil carbon. Trees assimilate carbon and allocate up to 20% of the carbon to the rhizosphere as root exudates. Rhizosphere processes in the forest soil might have a significant global effect. Abiotic factors such as intensified drought and elevated atmospheric CO2 (eCO2) will influence tree carbon fluxes as predicted under climate change. As trees play a vital role in maintaining Earth’s carbon balance, ecological studies on trees are crucial, especially in light of climate change.

The effect of the predicted elevation of atmospheric CO2 and drought on the rhizosphere was studied on 2-years-old pine saplings in climate-controlled growth rooms. The results showed up to a twofold increase in assimilation, increasing shoot biomass, while root exudation rate remained unchanged in eCO2 compared to ambient CO2. Root exudation increased under drought, despite reduced assimilation. Under combined drought and eCO2 treatment, exudation rate increased even more by 56%, suggesting assimilated surplus carbon might have been stored in the roots under eCO2. In addition, we found an increase of soluble sugars in the stem under combined drought and eCO2 treatment, specifically glucose and fructose, indicating that indeed surplus carbon is stored during well-watered times under eCO2.

Our results are unique because they show for the first time that pines were able to increase their root exudation under drought due to eCO2, potentially enhancing their resilience during drought recovery.

How to cite: Obersteiner, S., Oppenheimer - Shaanan, Y., and Klein, T.: Pine root exudation increased under drought and even more under eCO2 and drought, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16967,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Chao Zhang, Iiro Miettinen, Albert Porcar-Castel, Jon Atherton, Kaisa Rissanen, Juho Aalto, Toni Tykkä, Heidi Hellén, Marina López-Pozo, Beatriz Fernández-Marín, José Ignacio García-Plazaola, Lukas Kohl, and Jaana Bäck

Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), primarily emitted into the atmosphere by terrestrial vegetation through biochemical processes, have key ecological functions in protecting vegetation from biotic or abiotic stresses. However, accurately quantifying and predicting changes in BVOC emissions in response to long-term environmental changes large spatial scales remain challenging. The appropriate tools for observing the BVOC emissions at large scales are still missing. Remote sensing of optical signals is a promising solution to fill spatial knowledge gap. We hypothesize that the carotenoid-related vegetation index, such photochemical reflectance index (PRI), is a promising method to investigate BVOCs emitted by plants based on their functional links with carotenoids and photosynthetic activity.

We conducted a leaf-level experiment in greenhouse during the summer of 2022 to investigate how the relationships between PRI and BVOC emissions change in response to drought or heat stresses in Scots pine and English oak saplings during the peak of growing season. We aim to address the following questions: (1) What factors control the relationships between PRI and BVOC emissions in response to mild/extreme drought or heat; (2) Will these controlling factors differ between vegetation species or BVOC emission types (e.g., isoprene and monoterpenes)? (3) Can PRI or other carotenoid-related vegetation indices capture the changes of BVOC emissions in response to drought or heat stresses?

We will present our preliminary results. The expected outcomes will give new insight into leaf-level mechanistic links between PRI and BVOC emissions for plants in response to climate drought or warming.

How to cite: Zhang, C., Miettinen, I., Porcar-Castel, A., Atherton, J., Rissanen, K., Aalto, J., Tykkä, T., Hellén, H., López-Pozo, M., Fernández-Marín, B., García-Plazaola, J. I., Kohl, L., and Bäck, J.: Photosynthetic optical signals studying biogenic volatile organic compound emissions in Scots pine and English oak saplings under drought or warming, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16543,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Yanfang Wan, Pengtao Yu, Yanhui Wang, Yushi Bai, Yipeng Yu, and Jiamei Li

Increasing drought stress has triggered various negative impacts on forests worldwide, including growth reduction, defoliation, crown dieback, and even tree mortality, with unavoidable consequences for forest ecosystems. However, how reductions in both precipitation and soil moisture progressively lead to tree mortality remains largely unknown. Here, we define relative soil water (RSW) as the ratio of the actual soil moisture to the field capacity, which can reflect the fraction of water in the root zone, to reveal how soil moisture reduction leads to progressive tree mortality. Based on field measurements of tree behaviors, including transpiration, tree growth, defoliation, crown dieback and other behaviors, before, during and after an extreme drought in the Larix principis-rupprechtti plantations in 2021, we found that the variability in precipitation and soil moisture affect tree behaviors, but soil moisture is the dominant driver of drought stress on progressive tree mortality, with prolonged and severe soil moisture reduction leading to widespread tree mortality. RSW thresholds for different stages of progressive tree mortality and drought stress levels are identified as follows: Level I (RSW > 0.7), no detectable hydraulic limitations; level II (0.7 to 0.45), persistent stem shrinkage and onset of transpiration reduction; level III (0.45 to 0.35), onset of slight discoloration and defoliation; level IV (0.35 to 0.25), onset of crown dieback and tree mortality; and level V (< 0.25), severe defoliation, 20% crown dieback and tree mortality. Our results shed light on predicting tree mortality and distribution in forests under increasing climate warming, particularly in semiarid areas with warming-induced tree mortality.

How to cite: Wan, Y., Yu, P., Wang, Y., Bai, Y., Yu, Y., and Li, J.: Reduction in soil moisture dominates progressive tree mortality in semiarid areas, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21790,, 2024.

Posters on site: Mon, 15 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X1

Display time: Mon, 15 Apr, 14:00–Mon, 15 Apr, 18:00
Chairpersons: Richard Nair, José Grünzweig
Susan Elizabeth Quick, Stefan Krause, and Angus Rob MacKenzie

Monitoring soil-water dynamics adjacent to mature trees within high forest provides a water balance dataset enabling derivation of ecosystem water cycles and microclimatic effects. Compartmentalising this data to determine gross inputs and outputs is relatively easy, whereas separating the internal components of the complex dynamic matrix presents multiple challenges. Soil-water contributors and users include for example: surface vegetation (through evapotranspiration (ET)), trees (via root water uptake and exudation) differentiated by species and soil microbes. The soil-water balance is affected by both soil and air moisture parameters (i.e. volumetric soil-water content (VWC), vapour pressure deficit (VPD)), by temperature, abiotic soil characteristics (e.g. soil texture) and is fed by infiltration of canopy throughfall (gross precipitation minus interception) providing challenges to attempted partitioning. Here we report results from concurrent measurements of VWC measured at multiple depths down to 1 metre at positions adjacent to mature dominant oak (Quercus robur L.) at the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research (BIFoR) Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experimental site in Staffordshire UK. We calculate relative extractable soil-water (REW) and look for short-timescale correlation with previously reported daylight whole tree water usages derived from sap flow probesets in 18 mature oak (Quercus robur L.) stems. The study was conducted in nine experimental arrays in three-replicate groups (3 arrays with elevated CO2 infrastructure (eCO2); 3 with infrastructure but ambient-control CO2 (aCO2) and 3 no-infrastructure ambient-control arrays (Ghosts)). Here we present leaf-on season (May to October) differences between trees’ daily soil-water usage under the three experimental CO2 conditions and consider relative rates of VWC decrease. We derived the VWC values for field capacity (maxima) across autumn and winter (no-leaf season) and permanent wilting point results from VWC minima within the summer treatment season. Environmental measurements were sampled at 30-minute intervals enabling determination of these seasonal maxima and minima. Thus we compile simple models of relative soil-water usage by mature trees under current and future elevated CO2 levels, which complement concurrent ongoing studies of soil-water-respiration, tree-root-water and nutrient dynamics at BIFoR FACE. The study aims to fill gaps in data deficiency within global vegetation models and to clarify tree-water versus soil-water interactions.

How to cite: Quick, S. E., Krause, S., and MacKenzie, A. R.: Linking Quercus robur tree-water usage to soil-water dynamics within a forest FACE experiment., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16237,, 2024.

Josua Seitz, Jinyan Yang, Yu Zhu, Fabrice Lacroix, Sönke Zaehle, Yunpeng Luo, Andreas Schaumberger, Michael Bahn, Lumnesh Swaroop Kumar Joseph, and Silvia Caldararu

Grasslands cover a substantial part of the global land area (~40%) and store about one third of the terrestrial carbon stock. These ecosystems and their significant carbon stocks are very susceptible to climate change and are often extensively managed for human use. Nevertheless, land surface models consistently fail to predict carbon fluxes in grasslands accurately, which is probably due to the lack of a good phenology module. Grassland vulnerability to climate change in combination with their large carbon stocks calls for an improved representation of grasslands in land surface models (LSMs) to accurately predict their fate under a changing climate. 

Here, we use data from two ecosystem manipulation experiments (MaNiP, Nitrogen and Phosphorus fertilisation in a Mediterranean tree-grass ecosystem and ClimGrass, drought, warming and elevated CO2 in a montane grassland) to improve the representation of carbon dynamics in  the LSM QUINCY. We built a novel turnover and growth model representation for both vegetative and reproductive plant pools in QUINCY based on ecologically realistic temperature and moisture controls as well as plant life history strategies. We show that the modified model can capture seasonality of productivity both in the seasonally cold and seasonally dry systems, under ambient and experimental conditions. This generalised model built upon manipulative experiments will improve global grassland productivity predictions.

How to cite: Seitz, J., Yang, J., Zhu, Y., Lacroix, F., Zaehle, S., Luo, Y., Schaumberger, A., Bahn, M., Joseph, L. S. K., and Caldararu, S.: Improving seasonal carbon dynamics in contrasting Mediterranean and Alpine grasslands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10768,, 2024.

Sarah Heinrich, Xin Yu, Ana Bastos, Anne Hoek van Dijke, Jean-Marc Limousin, Christiane Werner, and René Orth

The frequency and intensity of droughts is expected to increase with climate change. Droughts can affect vegetation through e.g. hydraulic failure, depletion of carbon reserves and reduced growth, which in turn can influence ecosystem functioning beyond the duration of the drought. Previous studies have provided examples of drought legacy effects for example by reduced gross primary productivity (e.g. in Yu et al. 2022). It remains unclear whether legacy effects occur in drought-resistant mediterranean oak forests and to what extent those effects can be detected across water- and carbon-related vegetation variables.

This study investigates legacy effects on gross primary productivity (GPP), sap flow and stem growth of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) using measurements from an evergreen Mediterranean forest in southern France during the time period 2000 to 2015. We jointly analyze sap flow and growth measurements from several trees located within the footprint of the eddy covariance GPP measurements. In order to isolate the legacy effects, we follow the approach of Yu et al. (2022) using a random forest regression model to predict potential sap flow or gross primary productivity based on concurrent hydro-meteorological conditions and compare potential and actual values. The same approach was applied to stem growth data, but using a linear regression model due to the fewer observations available.

Our study shows that a drought in 2006 caused comparable drought legacy signals across all considered vegetation variables. A slight positive effect, i.e. higher measured values than predicted, was diagnosed in the first post-drought year and no legacy effects were detected in the second post-drought year. The results suggest that Q. ilex shows a fast and complete recovery after the first post-drought year, which can be expected as it is a drought-adapted species. We also observe a large variability in legacy effects across individual trees, which suggests that individual tree properties and local soil characteristics might affect their drought sensitivity and resilience. 

Jointly analyzing drought legacy effects across different scales and variables opens the possibility of a holistic understanding and thus helps to improve the representation of drought effects in predictions of the future land carbon sink. 

Reference: Yu, X., Orth, R., Reichstein, M., Bahn, M., Klosterhalfen, A., Knohl, A., Koebsch, F., Migliavacca, M., Mund, M., Nelson, J. A., Stocker, B. D., Walther, S., & Bastos, A. (2022). Contrasting drought legacy effects on gross primary productivity in a mixed versus pure beech forest. Biogeosciences, 19(17), 4315–4329.

How to cite: Heinrich, S., Yu, X., Bastos, A., Hoek van Dijke, A., Limousin, J.-M., Werner, C., and Orth, R.: Quantifying drought legacy effects in a Mediterranean oak forest using eddy covariance, sap flow, and stem growth data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14706,, 2024.

Yanying Quan, Ronald W.A. Hutjes, Hester Biemans, Xinping Chen, and Xuanjing Chen

It is widely believed that forest plays a vital role in mitigating and adapting climate changes. By adopting afforestation and reforestation, the atmospheric carbon can be captured and stored (sequestered) within plants and soil. Thus, tree expansions are witnessed over the whole world. However, large-scale forestation often requires a high amount of water resources, which may bring up pressures on the local water cycle. In this case, trade-offs between carbon sequestration and ecohydrology remain under discussion yet.

China has launched several forestation projects since the last century. These projects spread over the country in both water-sufficient and water-limited areas. However, the changing climate conditions may alter local ecosystems and influence the survival of newly grown vegetations and the potential of carbon sequestration. Therefore, understanding the influences of climate change on carbon sequestration and hydrological response is of importance in national forestation management.

In this study, we selected a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM), the Lund–Potsdam–Jena Managed Land (LPJmL4), to study climatic influences on the carbon cycle and water cycle in the Yangtze River Basin, China. The model was implemented on a regional scale with increased resolution from 30mins to 5mins. Meanwhile, considering the complex terrain of the Yangtze River Basin, we classified the basin with a climatic zonation scheme to furtherly analyse the influence of climate.

Our initial findings indicated that climate effects dominated the variations in the carbon and water cycle. Meanwhile, the future focus of ecological restoration, including forestation and protection, might need to shift from subtropical regions like the Yunnan-Guizhou plateau to western temperate alpine regions. This work can serve as recommendations for guiding national ecological restoration management.

How to cite: Quan, Y., Hutjes, R. W. A., Biemans, H., Chen, X., and Chen, X.: Climatic effects on trade-offs between carbon and water cycle on the Yangtze River Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11108,, 2024.

Yanhui Wang, Ao Tian, Pengtao Yu, Yangfan Wang, Xiaocha Wei, Xiao Wang, and Zebin Liu

The water-carbon relationship in forests is complex and plays a crucial role in the provision of important ecosystem services, such as water yield and carbon storage. Understanding this intricate relationship is imperative for effectively managing the multiple services of forests. Therefore, a study was conducted to investigate the spatio-temporal variation of water yield and carbon storage as well as their relationship in larch plantations located in the semi-humid Liupan Mountains of northwestern China. The water yield data during growing season were calculated using the water budget principle, which involved subtracting evapotranspiration determined through long-term monitoring of hydrological processes from precipitation. Carbon density data were obtained by summing up vegetation carbon, humus carbon, and soil organic carbon (SOC) of 0-100 cm. These datasets were utilized to develop models that integrated the effects of key factors such as tree density, tree age, and elevation. Subsequently, these models were employed for predicting variations in water yield and carbon density while analyzing their relationship. The results indicate that the water yield initially exhibits a rapid decrease followed by a gradual decrease as tree density increases; additionally, it decreases initially and then increases with rising tree age and elevation. The carbon density shows an initial increase with rising tree density until a threshold, after which it declines; however, the limit of maximum tree density prevents stands with higher tree ages from reaching this threshold on more favorable sites. On other hand, carbon density consistently increases with rising tree age, and exhibits an initial increase followed by a decrease with rising elevation. Consequently, due to the combined effects of carbon density and water yield, their relationship displays a highly complex spatio-temporal variation pattern characterized by three distinct features: 1) A general variation mode exists in which there is a tradeoff relationship between decreasing water yield and increasing carbon density with rising tree density until a threshold, followed by a synergistic relationship where both services decrease; 2) Within this variation mode, the peak carbon density increases with rising tree age and site quality, while the range of water yield variation initially decreases and then increases with rising elevation; 3) However, on stands with higher age and better sites, the peak carbon density associated with the tree density threshold cannot be reached, resulting in only a tradeoff relationship existing. The multifunctional forest management aiming to achieve a balanced supply of dominant service (e.g., water yield in dryland regions) and other important services (e.g., carbon sequestration) should be improved by considering the complex water-carbon relationship.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Tian, A., Yu, P., Wang, Y., Wei, X., Wang, X., and Liu, Z.: The spatio-temporally varying relationship between water yield and carbon storage services of larch plantation in the Liupan Mountains of northwest China, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21375,, 2024.

Desertification vulnerability under accelerated dryland expansion
(withdrawn after no-show)
Chuanlian Sun
Boya Zhou, Wenjia Cai, Ziqi Zhu, Han Wang, and I.Colin Prentice

Seasonal changes in leaf display, indicated by variations in leaf area index (LAI), play a crucial role in influencing the exchange of CO2 and energy between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. Accurate simulation of leaf phenology is essential for both land surface models (LSMs) and dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs). But there is no agreement on how leaf phenology should be modelled. A common approach invokes specific physiological triggers for budburst and senescence, but the domain of application of such models is restricted to specific plant types and/or climatic zones. Recent theoretical advances suggest the existence of a more general relationship between gross primary production (GPP) and the seasonal variation of ‘steady-state LAI’ (i.e., the LAI that would be supported if environmental conditions were held constant). The dynamics of LAI can then be predicted from the time course of potential GPP, given their interdependence through Beer's law and the necessity for GPP to support LAI development. We have developed a model based on this principle in two steps. First, the principle was implemented using the P model, a universal first-principles light use efficiency (LUE) model for GPP. Second, we used a simple moving average method to represent the time lag between leaf allocation and steady-state LAI. The model requires a prediction of annual peak LAI, which we simulate based on the energy and water requirements of GPP. The model captures satellite-derived LAI dynamics across biomes at both site and global levels, except for some remaining problems in arid biomes. The model outperforms 15 DGVMs participating in the TRENDY project. This study thus provides a prognostic vegetation leaf phenology model that can be used to forecast the seasonal dynamics of LAI under climate change in LSMs and DGVMs. 

How to cite: Zhou, B., Cai, W., Zhu, Z., Wang, H., and Prentice, I. C.: A general model for the seasonal to decadal dynamics of leaf area, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9246,, 2024.

Devosmita Sen, Joy Monteiro, and Deepak Barua

Vegetation plays a crucial role in the exchange of energy and moisture between land and atmosphere, acting as a link between the soil, water, and atmosphere continuum. Amid a changing global climate, the increasing frequency and spatial extent of droughts and heat-related extremes pose imminent threats to ecosystems. As compared to commonly measured air temperature, the surface temperature (Tsurf) of vegetation is a better indicator of physiological stress. Remote sensing of vegetation surface temperatures allows for a unique perspective on temperature effects on ecosystem function, thus presenting as a vital tool for monitoring ecological responses during periods of environmental stress, particularly at the canopy, regional, and continental scales.

Our analysis focuses on regional forest ecosystem health within the Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats regions, known for their unique biodiversity and consisting of tropical wet and semiarid eco-climate zones. Using gridded climate data and remote sensing datasets, we examine the impact of climate stressors on ecosystem-level vegetation response, specifically focusing on surface temperature. The investigation is organized around dominant vegetation types, outlining their distinctive reactions to specific climate stressors, including hot/dry conditions and their combinations. This approach involves not only examining mean/median changes but also assessing extreme quantiles, as these are likely to have the highest impact on vegetation responses. By examining the proximity of quantiles to physiologically relevant thresholds, specifically T50—the thermal threshold of photosynthetic decline, we establish a framework that connects the proximity of these thresholds to the diverse vegetation responses. This linkage is crucial for gauging the severity of the impact on vegetation health.

The results show that vegetation response to environmental stress differs among land cover classes, which can be related to different coping strategies. Particularly in semiarid regions, a strong relationship exists between Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) anomalies in deciduous forests. However, upon closer investigation, a notable observation emerges: even during periods of below-average temperatures, NDVI anomalies persist. This occurrence is attributed to significant soil moisture deficits, indicating that water availability, or the lack thereof, strongly contributes to and drives vegetation anomalies in these regions. Additionally, we noted that under the influence of climate stressors, there were multiple instances where vegetation surface temperatures had reached critical temperature levels and were operating close to their physiological thermal tolerance thresholds. Such exposure to thermal stress often induces leaf senescence and can prove to be harmful, potentially accelerating mortality rates.

Our study contributes to understanding ecosystem-level vegetation response when exposed to critical environmental stress by providing a framework that underscores the relevance of physiological thresholds and goes beyond conventional mean-centric analyses.


How to cite: Sen, D., Monteiro, J., and Barua, D.: Assessing the Physiological Responses of Regional Indian Forest Ecosystems to Climate Stressors using Quantile Regression, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17333,, 2024.

Tristan Williams, Francesco Martinuzzi, Gustau Camps-Valls, and Miguel D. Mahecha

Persistence is a crucial trait of many complex Earth systems. Although connecting this statistical concept to ecosystem physical properties is challenging, it reflects how long the system remains at a certain state before changing [1]. Characterising persistence in the terrestrial biosphere is important to understanding intrinsic system properties, including legacy effects of extreme climate events [2]. Such memory effects are often highly non-linear and, therefore, challenging to detect in observational records and poorly represented in Earth system models. This study estimates non-linear persistence in remote sensing products over European forests and the corresponding hydro-meteorological data using state-of-the-art machine learning methods. Characterising persistence in this way allows us to make inferences on the interaction between forest dynamics, drought-heat events, and ecosystem resilience [3]. 

Classical statistical methods struggle with non-linear interactions and high-dimensional problems when characterising persistence [1].  While state-of-the-art deep learning techniques have been used to indirectly measure persistence in forests [4], such models have limited potential memory due to gradient instability during backpropagation. Echo state networks (ESNs) provide a different perspective, keeping the weights fixed and training only the network's last layer using linear regression. This strategy circumvents classical training pitfalls such as gradient instability and allows them to maintain a memory of the input system [5]. We exploit these networks to estimate non-linear persistence using the technique suggested in [6], where intuitively, the persistence of the system can be estimated by the model's response when the input fades abruptly. We apply this method to a 30-year archive of satellite derived greenness to generate maps of persistence across Europe and assess the forests' response to changing hydro-climatic conditions. Furthermore, we explore memory changes surrounding extreme events, focusing on recent drought-heat events in Europe. Thus providing an estimate of engineering resilience, an important metric to inform forest management strategies. Furthermore, this work provides insights into the ability of different models to capture ecological memory and, therefore give more reliable predictions.



[1]  Salcedo-Sanz, S., et al. “Persistence in complex systems”. Physics Reports 957, 1-73, (2022).

[2] Bastos, Ana, et al. “Direct and seasonal legacy effects of the 2018 heat wave and drought on European ecosystem productivity." Science Advances 6.24 (2020)

[3] Scheffer, M., Carpenter, S. R., Dakos, V. & van Nes, E. H. Generic indicators of ecological resilience: inferring the chance of a critical transition. Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 46, 145–167 (2015).

[4] Besnard S, Carvalhais N, Arain MA, Black A, Brede B, Buchmann N, et al. (2019) Memory effects of climate and vegetation affecting net ecosystem CO2 fluxes in global forests. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0211510. 

[5] Hart, Allen, James Hook, and Jonathan Dawes. "Embedding and approximation theorems for echo state networks." Neural Networks 128 (2020): 234-247.

[6] Barredo Arrieta, A., Gil-Lopez, S., Laña, I. et al. On the post-hoc explainability of deep echo state networks for time series forecasting, image and video classification. Neural Comput & Applic 34, 10257–10277 (2022).

How to cite: Williams, T., Martinuzzi, F., Camps-Valls, G., and D. Mahecha, M.: Evaluating Forest Resilience in Europe with Deep Learning Persistence Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20805,, 2024.

Pierre Lochin, Pauline Malherbe, Baptiste Marteau, Julien Godfroy, Michael Bliss Singer, John Stella, Hervé Piégay, and Antoine Vernay

The increasing threat of forest decline and mortality associated with more severe and frequent droughts calls for a better understanding of the tree response mechanisms to water stress. Among forest ecosystems, riparian forests, despite their privileged location in lowlands, are particularly vulnerable to drought because they are highly dependent on soil water availability for survival. At the scale of a large river and along a hydroclimatic gradient, riparian tree species may respond differently to water stress and, therefore, may not be equally vulnerable to drought events outside their normal range. To analyze the responses of white poplar (Populus alba) to seasonal changes in drought along a hydroclimatic gradient, we conducted a multi-tool analysis combining multispectral and thermal infrared remote sensing with in-situ ecophysiological measurements at different temporal scales.

Using this approach, we demonstrated that white poplars along the Rhône River (France) exhibit contrasting responses and behaviors during drought. We found that white poplars located downstream of the hydroclimatic gradient in a Mediterranean climate rapidly close their stomata during drought to reduce water loss and maintain high levels of minimum water potential (Ψm), but at the expense of leaf density and greenness. Conversely, white poplars located upstream in a temperate climate show high levels of transpiration and stable greenness, but lower Ψm and water content. These results demonstrate that white poplars along an aridity gradient can have two opposing responses to drought, with isohydric regulation on the one hand and anisohydric regulation on the other. These results indicate that trees located upstream in an area unaccustomed to drought are at a high risk of hydraulic failure during more intense and prolonged droughts.

The combined use of different tools and metrics at different spatial and temporal scales is therefore essential to consider the full range of tree responses to drought. These two distinct behaviors remind us of Aesop's fable, where upstream trees behave like the grasshopper, not paying attention to their water consumption and jeopardizing their long-term survival. In contrast, downstream white poplars respond quickly to drought and show greater long-term resilience, just like the ant. These results are important in light of future climate conditions because they show that the same species can have different levels of resilience to drought, but they also raise the question of the ability of trees to switch from grasshopper to ant to adapt to these future conditions.

How to cite: Lochin, P., Malherbe, P., Marteau, B., Godfroy, J., Bliss Singer, M., Stella, J., Piégay, H., and Vernay, A.: The Ant and the Grasshopper: contrasting responses and behaviors to water stress of riparian trees along a hydroclimatic gradient, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12445,, 2024.

Dor Pinchevsky, Omri hasson, Yagil Osem, Yael Mandelik, and José M. Grünzweig

Cattle grazing serves as a principal land management tool in drylands worldwide, substantially affecting major soil properties and processes, such as soil organic carbon, soil moisture, and biotic components. The mechanisms of many of these effects remain elusive, although they hold particular significance, as they play a vital role in determining carbon-, water- and nutrient-related habitat conditions, ultimately affecting the aboveground environment. In addition, trees in drylands serve as ecosystem engineers that can modify soil functionality to a large degree. To examine the combined effects of grazing and trees on soil properties and functioning, a field experiment was carried out in the at the dry edge of the distribution of Quercus calliprinos, a dominant woody species in the eastern Mediterranean region. Large exclosures were installed around Q. calliprinos trees in 2013, preventing cattle from grazing in their vicinity. After eight years (2021), we sampled soil from two habitat types, under the oak canopy and in adjacent herbaceous-dominated space. We found that cattle trampling under the tree canopy accelerated the incorporation of the soil organic and litter layers into the mineral soil, leading to increased soil moisture, microbial activity and nutrient availability. Additionally, beneath the oak canopy, the soil had more soil organic carbon, higher soil moisture, higher availability of some of the nutrients, and the soil detritivore community exhibited an elevated trophic level. Our study showed that cattle grazing has the potential to create fertile soil hotspots under Q. calliprinos, thereby profiting the trees. The study further promotes the idea of Q. calliprinos as a keystone species at the edge of the desert which has a profound impact on the carbon and water relations of the ecosystem.

How to cite: Pinchevsky, D., hasson, O., Osem, Y., Mandelik, Y., and Grünzweig, J. M.: Cattle grazing potentially benefits a key organic carbon producer in a water limited ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14990,, 2024.

José Grünzweig, Alon Levinzon, and Ilya Gelfand

Invasive species cause enormous damage to ecosystems and are considered one of the main biotic factors contributing to the loss of global biodiversity. One of the most common exoctic plants in drylands is of the genus Prosopis, which has invaded natural ecosystems in many parts of the world. Despite the increasing presence of Prosopis spp. in natural areas, our knowledge of their function and impact in hyperarid regions is sparse. The goals of this study were to assess the state of the distribution of Prosopis trees in the hyperarid environment of the Dead Sea area, to characterize the habitats in which they established themselves, and the ways of dispersal in the area. Moreover, the study aimed to compare the functioning of invasive Prosopis and local trees, and to assess the impact that Prosopis has on native species. An extensive field survey showed that the seed sources of the invasive individuals are those Prosopis trees that were planted in populated areas. A combination of seed source availability, adaptation to a variety of substrates, and efficient dispersal vectors allowed this nitrogen fixer to invade natural hyperarid environments. Prosopis was shown to be more resistant to strong radiation, intense heat and high evaporative demand and showed a higher level of anisohydricity compared to the native Acacia tortilis. Higher nitrogen-to-phosphorus (N:P) ratios in Prosopis than in Acacia leaves indicated that Prosopis can accumulate higher amounts of N per unit of P than Acacia, which may be advantageous under these dry conditions where P availability is considered to be low. In addition, Prosopis exerted a negative impact on native Ziziphus spina-christi trees, the latter of which had a significantly lower water potential when growing in the vicinity of Prosopis trees than when growing near conspecific trees. The results of this research suggest that Prosopis may become a significant invasive species in the hyperarid environment of the Dead Sea region. A further rise in heat and drought as expected under climate change could increase the competitiveness of Prosopis spp. relative to the native tree species in the region, thus decimating their populations. To reduce the threat stemming from this invasive species, it is recommended to halt the spreading of Prosopis trees by eliminating the existing seed sources and banning livestock, a very potent dispersal vector.

How to cite: Grünzweig, J., Levinzon, A., and Gelfand, I.: Invasive Prosopis trees in the hyperarid environment of the Dead Sea region, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15964,, 2024.

Qian Zhang and Mingzhu He

This study aims to investigate the interplay of various biotic and abiotic factors on Gross Primary Productivity (GPP). Meteorological and flux observations from 71 global sites (1991-2014) obtained from FLUXNET, along with corresponding remotely sensed Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) data, were analyzed. The data encompassed 11 vegetation types based on the IGBP classification, including evergreen needleleaf forests, evergreen broadleaf forests, and deciduous broadleaf forests.

Using the Mann-Kendall trend analysis method, trends in various parameters were extracted. Among the 71 sites, 66 sites showed significant trends in GPP, and 36 sites exhibited significant increases in GPP, accompanied by mostly increasing trends in Light Use Efficiency (LUE), except for one grassland site with a declining LUE. The trends in GPP and LUE were significantly related with a correlation coefficient of approximately 0.44. FPAR increased in some sites but decreased in 40% of the cases, while only one evergreen needleleaf forest site showed a decreasing trend in CO2 concentration. 

GPP and LUE were insignificantly correlated with meteorological factors (such as Air temperature (Ta), vapor pressure deficit (VPD), precipitation, and soil moisture (SM)), indicating that these environmental factors are not the main drivers. FPAR exhibited minimal changes, and the insignificant correlation between GPP and FPAR trends suggested that the increase in GPP is not solely driven by Leaf Area Index (LAI). The strong negative correlation between LUE and FPAR trends (R2 ≈ 0.31) implies that increasing LAI may decrease LUE. Additionally, a significant positive correlation between the trends of CO2 and LUE (R2 ≈ 0.19) suggests that the fertilization effect of CO2 promotes LUE, thereby promoting the increase in GPP. However, the trend in GPP shows a negative correlation with the trend in CO2 concentration, indicating that higher CO2 levels may limit the extent of GPP increase, possibly due to changes in the allocation of photosynthetic products.

Further analysis is needed to understand the driving factors, especially for sites where GPP and LUE are decreasing without clear correlations with FPAR, CO2 concentration, and other meteorological factors.

How to cite: Zhang, Q. and He, M.: Long-term trends of Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and its drivers: A Comprehensive Analysis Based on Flux Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10631,, 2024.

Lissie de Groot, Matti Barthel, Jordon D. Hemingway, Kristof Van Oost, Antoine de Clippele, Negar Haghipour, José Nlandu Wabakhangazi, Michelle Engelhardt, Johan Six, and Travis W. Drake

Erosion of upland soils represents a potentially large but relatively unconstrained flux of sediment and organic carbon (OC) to river systems. This flux is particularly important in the African tropics, where population growth, accelerating agricultural land use, and climate change lead to substantial erosion rates. However, few studies to date have investigated how climatic or anthropogenic factors impact sediment yields and OC signatures in tropical Africa. The Kasai Basin, DR Congo, is the largest source of sediment to the Congo River and exhibits a clear gradient in climatic (biomes, and rainfall) and anthropogenic (agricultural land-use change) parameters; it is therefore an ideal study area to explore how these factors influence sediment yields, POC yields and sources of POC. To provide new insight, we quantified total suspended sediment (TSS) yields, particulate OC (POC) yields, and stable and radiocarbon isotopic signatures of POC from 32 rivers within the Kasai Basin that span a range of both climate and land-use gradients. These sampled during the wet and dry season. From initial results, we observe that rivers draining predominantly forested ecosystems yielded 3.0±0.2 kg TSS km -2 y -1 while the savannah regions yielded an average of 26.7 ± 41.2 kg TSS km -2 y -1 . Preliminary POC data showed that rivers draining the woodland mosaics ecosystems yielded an average of 0.7±0.5 kg POC km -2 y -1 with an average fraction modern of 0.9274±0.04. In contrast, the average fraction modern of POC in rivers draining savannah ecosystems was 0.889±0.09. From this preliminary data, we show that the yield of TSS and the age of POC is lower in tropical rainforest-draining rivers) compared to savannah draining rivers, indicating the slower erosion of topsoil compared to faster erosion of deeper mineral soils. Older POC was found in rivers draining areas with high anthropogenic activity carbon likely due to soil disturbance and erosion of subsoil. We conclude that the type of biome and the extent of anthropogenic impact influences the quantity and composition of POC. With this preliminary data, this study provides better understanding of how climate and land-use influences C export to tropical rivers.

How to cite: de Groot, L., Barthel, M., Hemingway, J. D., Van Oost, K., de Clippele, A., Haghipour, N., Nlandu Wabakhangazi, J., Engelhardt, M., Six, J., and Drake, T. W.: Anthropogenic and environmental controls on particulateorganic carbon fluxes and sources in the Kasai Basin, DRCongo, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19903,, 2024.

Roxanne Daelman, Marijn Bauters, Thomas Sibret, Lodewijk Lefevre, José Mbifo, Hans Verbeeck, and Pascal Boeckx

The CongoFlux climate site in the Yangambi UNESCO biosphere reserve (0°48’52.0"N, 24°30’08.9"E) hosts the first Eddy Covariance (EC) flux tower in the central Congo Basin. The site, recently labeled as an ICOS associated ecosystem station, was built in 2020 to address the lack of observations of the tropical forest ecosystems in Central Africa. We aim to quantify the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and the water use efficiency (WUE) of the tropical forest in the footprint of the tower. A set of meteorological and hydrological data is also recorded, including several climatic factors that could explain the seasonal patterns of NEE and WUE. However, processing EC data still remains a challenge in the tropics. Tall vegetation and frequent low turbulent conditions call for attention to the storage correction term. Multiple set ups on the site were used to study the best way to handle the nighttime buildup of CO2 in the canopy. The threshold for the friction velocity to differentiate low from wel mixed turbulent conditions, needs to be selected with care to minimize the influence of the frequent low turbulent conditions, while at the same time minimizing the amount of data that needs to be filtered out. Power cuts and data filtering result in many and sometimes large data gaps, which increase the importance of accurate gap filling techniques. An uncertainty assessment that looks into the influence of corrections and filtering steps and takes the effect of the gap filling procedure into account, is important to interpret the resulting NEE budget and to correctly use a final data set of half hourly NEE values. We here present three years of processed EC data together with the challenges of an EC station in the tropical forest of the Congo basin.

How to cite: Daelman, R., Bauters, M., Sibret, T., Lefevre, L., Mbifo, J., Verbeeck, H., and Boeckx, P.: Three years of eddy covariance measurements of a tropical forest in the Congo Basin., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14835,, 2024.

Keiko Konya, Go Iwahana, Tomoaki Morishita, Jun Uetake, Masahide Wakita, Yota Sato, Kazuhiro Ayukawa, Yasuhide Mikami, and Tetsuo Sueyoshi

Methane release is considered to be from human activities, Arctic Ocean, and the terrestrial regions such as wetland, lakes, geological seeps in the Arctic although glaciers have not been considered a source of methane emissions. A large amount of methane has been observed at the terminus of large glaciers and ice sheet, associated with methane-saturated meltwater runoff. We observed several glaciers in Alaska and found methane emissions from the runoff water of the small mountain glaciers.

The observation periods, which was the beginning of the ablation season for the glacier, were June 12-14, 2022, and June 3-9, 2023. We measured methane and CO2 concentrations in ambient air over the water with a portable gas analyzer G4301 (Picarro, Inc.). Dissolved methane concentrations in runoff water were measured using the method of Morishita et al. (2015).

The maximum methane concentration in the ambient air near the runoff water was higher than the background level, and the concentration decreased as the gas analyzer moved away from the tunnel. The dissolved methane concentration in runoff water was saturated. These results suggest that the high concentration methane observed in the ambient air near the glacier terminus was released from the runoff water saturated by methane underneath of the glaciers. This study was supported by ArCSII project (JPMXD1420318865).

How to cite: Konya, K., Iwahana, G., Morishita, T., Uetake, J., Wakita, M., Sato, Y., Ayukawa, K., Mikami, Y., and Sueyoshi, T.: Methane concentration in the discharge water and ambient air near the outlet of Glaciers, Alaska Range, 2022-2023, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3758,, 2024.