SSS7.13 | Soil pollution: status, ecological and health risks, and environmental management
Soil pollution: status, ecological and health risks, and environmental management
Convener: Carla Ferreira | Co-conveners: Oliver Wiche, Milica Kašanin-Grubin, Alla Samarska, Zahra Kalantari, Viktoriia Lovynska, Nazia Zaffar
| Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room -2.31
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X2
Posters virtual
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X2
Orals |
Wed, 16:15
Wed, 10:45
Wed, 14:00
Soil pollution is a global threat that goes easily unnoticed but can have a profound impact on the functioning of ecosystems and on human health. Besides naturally elevated levels of potentially toxic elements and compounds (elevated mineralization of soils, accumulation of phenolics), most contaminants originate from human activities such as industrial processes and mining, poor waste management, unsustainable farming practices and accidents. The consequences of soil contamination are quite diverse and depend e.g. on environmental settings and the properties of pollutants.
The most important issues in pollution research are the assessment and evaluation of pollution including assessment and evaluation of the distribution of pollutants, their mobility, chemical speciation as well as evaluation of the probability of soil-water-plant-atmosphere transfer, accumulation in plants and transfer through the food chain. Several pollution indexes have been widely used as a tool for evaluating soil contamination, but their performance depends on each specific case study.
This session aims to bring together contributions of all aspects of biogeochemical research related to soil pollution including (but not limited to):
New methodological approaches to assess soil pollution;
Pollution status in different areas;
Active and legacy pollution sources and pollutant flow dynamics in different environments;
Ecotoxicological considerations and health risk assessment;
Strategies to recover and restore polluted soils.

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room -2.31

Chairpersons: Oliver Wiche, Alla Samarska
On-site presentation
Blandine Clozel, Benjamin Deslandes, Alix Cornu-Lachamp, and Cécile Le Guern

The municipalities often lack a global knowledge of their soil quality, including soil pollution. Mapping soil geochemical quality is carried out in some cities using the URGE protocol. This approach is however not systematically applied due to financial reasons, but also due to strategies focusing on investigations at the scale of redevelopment project or at site scale, in a case by case approach. A global information may thus be missing for urban planning. The presentation deals with a methodology to map the soil pollution risk at territorial scale, based on historical and current pollution pressure.

The methodology takes into account information on historical and current industrial activities and agricultural activities, but also on anthropogenic deposits. The pressure linked to industrial sites uses a database that correlates activities and contaminants. This industrial pressure is considered higher than the agricultural one, because industrial activities generate more point-source contaminations, and agricultural activities generate more diffuse contaminations. The obtained maps are compared with neighbourhood scale studies. Two metropolis (Nantes and Rennes, France) serve as pilot cases.

The results show that a large part of urban soils of the 2 pilot metropolis are concerned by potential soil pollution. The technical services of the metropolitan areas were surprised by the large footprint of the anthropic activities. Some intend to use the results in the planning documents to alert on the potential presence of pollutants in soils. In this frame, they choose a precautionary approach taking into account the maximum potential extent of the former industrial sites. Some others would like to use this information to nuance the soil multifunctionnality, in order to take into account the soil quality to reach the no net land take objective. Another application concerns the mapping of the desealing potential of soils, where the potential soil pollution risk is one of the environmental constraints taken into account. The comparison with the local scale studies shows the satisfying approximation of the methodology. For former industrial sites and anthropogenic deposits, a detailed knowledge of their extent allows a better precision of the map.  

The progress concerns currently the sources of contamination. Further developments are needed to integrate the diffusion of contaminants linked to atmospheric deposition in particular. They could also consider potential pollution plume in groundwater. The pollution potential map should also be crossed with the potential natural anomalies linked to the geological setting.

How to cite: Clozel, B., Deslandes, B., Cornu-Lachamp, A., and Le Guern, C.: Mapping the soil pollution risk at territorial scale for urban planning: examples from French cities, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11812,, 2024.

On-site presentation
A Tiered Risk Assessment Approach for Assessing Soil Contamination in an Area Adjacent to a Chemical Complex
Diogo Machado, Nuna Maia, Cristiana Paiva, Beatriz Fernandes, Ruth Pereira, Carla Patinha, and Anabela Cachada
On-site presentation
Environmental Evaluation of Soil in Drosh-Shishi Valley Chitral, Pakistan: An Analysis of Potentially Toxic Metals and Associated Ecological and Health Risks
Tayyab Jan
On-site presentation
Annika Parviainen and Francisco José Martín-Peinado

Urban soils in the mining district of Riotinto in SW Spain contain high levels of As and Pb, in many cases surpassing the threshold values of polluted soils. Up to 84% of the soils have a Contamination Factor higher than 1 for As and 70 % for Pb, with maximum values of 432 for As and 373 for Pb. Natural soil forming processes from mineralized bedrock in the vicinity of the ore deposits, that are currently being exploited, influence the soil chemistry (Vázquez-Arias et al., 2023). On the contrary, calcareous aggregate pavements used as artificial soils covering public parks do not generally present risk for As and Pb. However, these soils may be influenced by deposition of atmospheric pollution derived from the mining activities (Vázquez-Arias et al., 2023).

The bioaccessibility tests simulating gastric fluids (using <150 µm soil fraction), exhibit low percentages for As in natural soils in comparison to the total concentration in the same fraction (average <18%) and in the artificial soils (<6%), whereas for Pb the bioaccessible portion ranged from 20 to 48% in natural soils, whereas it was insignificant for artificial soils. According to human health risk assessment modelling (using U.S.EPA protocols), 18% of the soils present risk of As toxicity for children, and merely one sample presents toxicity risk for adults, as well as, carcinogenic risk for both children and adults. Lead does not present human health risks except for one sample with toxicity risk for children.

We recommend covering the natural soils of the public parks, presenting potential human health risks, with calcareous aggregates as a cost-effective remediation measure. This material will act as a liming agent and will prevent the dusting of and the direct contact with polluted soils, minimizing human exposure via inhalation, ingestion and dermal contact and potential health risks.



This work has been financed by the EMC21_00056 project granted by the Council of University, Research and Innovation of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Spain.



Vázquez-Arias, A., Martín-Peinado, F.J., A., Parviainen. 2023. Effect of parent material and atmospheric deposition on the potential pollution of urban soils close to mining areas. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 244, 107131

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How to cite: Parviainen, A. and Martín-Peinado, F. J.: Human health risks and bioaccessibility of As and Pb in urban soils in the mining district of Riotinto (SW Spain), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21516,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Angeliki Kourmouli, Carly Stevens, and John Quinton

Over half of the world’s population live currently in urban areas with future projections estimating an increase to 68% by 2050,with a projected additional 1.2 million km2 of land to be converted to urban areas by 20301. Poor practice in the construction industry, lack of established processes and lack of practitioners to undertake surveys assessing soils health prior to a development, as well as loopholes in laws and policies are key factors affecting soil health during construction. Millions of tonnes of soils coming from construction sites are being disposed of in the landfill2 but 90% is inert. Although there are policies in place advising multiple recovery pathways for construction soil (e.g. agricultural and ecological improvement schemes)3 that should take precedence, the most widely used recovery pathway is for civil engineering purposes.  


Urban soils are often overlooked but they play a major role in humans’ lives as the loss of soils functions can have not only disastrous consequences (e.g. loss of soil’s water infiltration function can cause increase flooding risk) but also huge financial repercussions. Construction inadvertently impacts soil health and functionality, due to soil loss, compaction, sealing, contamination, soil carbon loss, and soil biodiversity loss. In England and Wales the current approach for assessing the effects of a development on land and soil is restricted to the protection of biomass soil function for food, fibre and timber production,4 while other soil functions that are important in local, national and context of maintaining healthy ecosystems and mitigating climate change, are ignored.     


To better understand whether construction waste contamination has a serious impact on soil functioning, we carried out a study which aimed to assess the impact of three major mineral-based construction materials (concrete, brick and plasterboard) on soil multifunctionality and ecosystem services under future climates. The materials were mixed with soil in 6 different addition treatments (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% material addition) and were maintained for 5 months at three different moisture contents (10, 25 and 50%). Soil moisture, total carbon and nitrogen, microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, ammonium and nitrate, nitrogen mineralisation rate and microorganism community structure and abundance were measured the first and the last day of the experiment. Immediate responses were observed in all variables and were sustained throughout the duration of the experiment. Preliminary results show statistically significant stepwise reductions of plant available ammonium and nitrate as the materials’ additions were increased. pH increased immediately (Day 1) following the material additions, and although the stepwise pattern was lost, the values remained significantly higher than the controls (Day 150). Our results suggest that mineral-based construction materials have a significant impact on soil functioning which warrants further investigation if these soils are to be reused under circular economy principles.    




2 Defra (2021) ENV23 - UK statistics on waste data.

3 Environment Agency (2021) – Guidance on waste suitability for deposit for recovery

4 IEMA (2022) – A new perspective on land and soil environmental impact assessment

How to cite: Kourmouli, A., Stevens, C., and Quinton, J.: Construction and demolition mineral-based waste impacts soil functioning and ecosystem services, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15682,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Response of plant element traits to soil arsenic stress and its implications for vegetation restoration in a post-mining area
Rui Chen and Lei Han
On-site presentation
Luzian Elijah Hämmerle, Anya Sherman, Evyatar Ben Mordechay, Thorsten Hüffer, Benny Chefetz, and Thilo Hofmann

Tire wear particles represent a major fraction of global microplastic pollution, potentially entering agricultural ecosystems through biosolid application, treated wastewater irrigation, or atmospheric deposition. These particles contain high concentrations of organic additives and associated transformation products (tire-derived compounds), posing ecological and human health risks once released into the environment as some of these compounds exhibit high toxicity to fish and have been detected in human blood and urine.

We investigated the uptake by edible crops under realistic conditions of five tire-derived compounds: Benzothiazole (BTH), Diphenylguanidine (DPG), Hexamethylmethoxymelamine (HMMM), N-(1,3-dimethylbutyl)-N'-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine (6PPD) and its transformation product 6PPD-quinone. In greenhouses, we grew lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in three well characterized soils varying in their physical-chemical properties collected from the Israeli Negev region. During the growing season, irrigation water was spiked every two days with tire-derived compounds at 500 μg/L. As a control, pots without plants were spiked with tire-derived compounds. After two months the plants were harvested and partitioned into three sections: inner leaves, outer leaves and roots. Soil samples were collected from the top soil (0-10 cm) and the bottom soil (10 cm - bottom of pot). Soil pore water samples were also collected at various time points. Tire-derived compound concentrations were quantified in all samples with HPLC-MS/MS. 


The bioavailable concentrations of DPG, HMMM and BTH in soil pore water decreased dramatically within 4 h of spiking, likely due to soil sorption, transport and plant uptake. At harvest, DPG, HMMM, 6PPD and 6PPDq were detected in the top soil, while in the bottom soil DPG, 6PPD and 6PPDq were detected only sporadically and at trace concentrations, suggesting limited vertical mobility in the soils. Compared to the no-plant controls, in pots with plants DPG and 6PPD had lower concentrations in top soil, indicating depletion by the plants. In the roots, tire-derived compounds were detected at concentrations in the order of 6PPDq > DPG > HMMM. 6PPD and BTH were not present at quantifiable concentrations. 6PPD, 6PPDq, DPG and HMMM were detected in the lettuce leaves at concentrations following the order of HMMM (max 62.1 ng/g dw) > 6PPDq (max 53.8 ng/g dw)  > DPG (max 42.3 ng/g dw)  >> 6PPD (max 2.1 ng/g dw). BTH was sporadically detected in leaves but was not quantifiable. Concentrations in the outer leaves were generally higher than in the inner leaves. The lowest leaf concentrations were found in plants grown in the soil with the highest clay content, likely due to a higher sorption and reduced bioavailability of the compounds in this soil.

Our findings show that tire-derived compounds can be taken up by edible crops under realistic growing conditions. Although the spiked concentrations were likely higher than environmental concentrations, our results indicate that plant uptake is a potential pathway for tire-derived compounds to enter the human food chain.

How to cite: Hämmerle, L. E., Sherman, A., Ben Mordechay, E., Hüffer, T., Chefetz, B., and Hofmann, T.: Uptake of tire-derived compounds in lettuce under realistic growing conditions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16830,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Arup Dey, Parthasarathi Chakraborty, and Prasad Padalkar

Mercury (Hg) pollution garnered global attention after the Minamata disaster. The complex biogeochemical processes governing soil Hg distribution, speciation, and its accumulation in crops have remained elusive. This study investigates the soil Hg distribution, speciation, and bioaccumulation in crops at Dhapa, a 33-year-old solid waste dumping station of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation. Vegetable cultivation in this 35-hectare area rely on industrial wastewater of the city for irrigation, and these sewage-irrigated vegetables find their way into markets across the Kolkata suburbs. Whole plant of vegetable crops and paired soil samples were collected from 92 locations in the study area. The findings unveiled a wide range of soil total Hg (THg) concentrations, spanning from 48 ± 2.4 to 8108 ± 405.4 µg/kg, with an average of 1697 µg/kg. 45% of the total samples surpassed the Maximum Permissible Concentration of Hg in agricultural soil (1500 µg/kg), and 91% exceeded the background concentration of world soils (400 µg/kg), indicating significant ecological risks. The chemical speciation study revealed that soil organic matter (SOM) was the dominant hosting phase for Hg in the studied soil. According to relative abundance, the different species could be arranged as follows: Hg bound to SOM> elemental Hg > Hg bound to sulphides > Hg bound to reducing binding phase > residual fraction of Hg. High elemental Hg contents (average: 21.86 ± 1.1% of THg) underscore prominent Hg (II) reduction in the soils. Among edible parts of the vegetables examined, the highest accumulation was observed in leafy vegetables. The edible parts, as per the bioaccumulation factor (Hg concentration in edible part / soil THg), could be sorted as Cauliflower < Bottlegourd < Malabar spinach (Poi) < Ipomea< Brinjal < Radish (root) < Amaranthus< Spinach. According to Polish, Serbian, and Chinese regulations, all vegetable crops (besides Cauliflower) exceeded the maximum tolerable limit (300 µg/kg). SOM-bound was identified as the chemical form of Hg primarily responsible for its root uptake. Interestingly, shoot Hg contents were significantly correlated to soil elemental Hg contents, which implies that soil Hg evasion contributes to Hg uptake in plant shoots. The findings of this study suggest that high organic matter input in polluted soils could enhance the phytoaccumulation of Hg. The outcomes of this study will contribute to assisting policymakers in minimizing human exposure to mercury (Hg) by providing comprehensive guidelines on vegetable intake from this area. Additionally, the study's results will be valuable for farmers, helping them select crops that demonstrate low uptake of mercury.

How to cite: Dey, A., Chakraborty, P., and Padalkar, P.: Mercury Speciation in Soils and Its Influence on Bioaccumulation in Crops at a 33-Year-Old Solid Waste Dumping Site, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6326,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Nelson Ugwonoh
  • Ugwonoh1,3, P. Maleknia1, R. Khedhri1, Z.F. Ali1,4,S. Czigány2

1,3Doctoral School of Earth Sciences, University of Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6.,7624, Pécs, Hungary.

2Institute of Geography and Earth Science, University of Pécs, Ifjúság útja 6.,7624, Pécs, Hungary.

4Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, Koya University, Kurdistan region, Iraq.

3Corresponding author,



As the demand for steel production increases, there is an increase in the disposal of steel slag, which may contaminate industrial soil due to the presence of heavy metals. Hence, this study examined the contamination of steel slag waste on industrial soil in southwestern Nigeria. Sample A (steel slag specimen) was provided by African Foundries Ltd. Sample B (soil samples) was collected using a soil auger at a dumping site in an industrial area. The three representative locations are Ogijo, Ogun State; Ibadan, Oyo State; and Ikeja, Lagos State.  Sample C was a mixture of steel slag and soil. The samples were pulverized, and the chemical composition of each sample for all locations was determined using an energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (ARL QUANT’X EDXRF Analyzer) at the Research and Development Laboratory of the African Foundries Laboratory, Ogijo, Ogun State. The samples were dominated by Fe2O3, TiO2, SiO2, Al2O3, and MgO oxides. The soil pH after slag addition increased, and the higher the slag addition, the higher the soil pH. A comparison was made between industrial soil samples (sample B) and the mixture of soil with steel slag (Sample C) using Pearson’s coefficient of correlation method. it was observed that the computed value of the Product moment correlation coefficient (r = + 0.89) of the samples for the first location falls within the table value (1 > r > 0.8) indicating that there is a strong positive linear correlation between the soil sample and the steel slag while for the other two locations the computed value of the Product moment correlation coefficient (r = + 0.77 and r = + 0.74) of the samples fall within the table value (0.8 > r > 0.4). The contamination/pollution index for heavy metals in the soil showed that vanadium (V), manganese (Mn), and barium (Ba) had very severe contamination (VSC) in the humus soil. Nickel (Ni) and copper (Cu) are severely contaminated in the soil, whereas (Fe), Chromium (Cr), and Zinc (Zn) are moderately contaminated.  Titanium (Ti) has slightly contaminated the soil.

How to cite: Ugwonoh, N.: Contamination of steel slag waste on industrial soils of south-western Nigeria., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20435,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Juyong Bak, Chaeyoung Kim, Hosub Lee, Yongju Choi, and Kyoungphile Nam

In this study, we investigate the leaching behavior of heavy metals from soils beneath a smelter plant, with a focus on their migration to groundwater. Sequential extraction methods and traditional batch tests (e.g., SPLP, TCLP) often inadequately represent real-world leaching scenarios. We addressed this gap by conducting column experiments simulating long-term exposure to synthetic rainwater on soils heavily contaminated with cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn). Soil samples were collected from ten random points at each of the two distinct sites, showing varied contamination levels (Site A: Cd: 546 mg/kg, Zn: 28,597 mg/kg; Site B: Cd: 82.3 mg/kg, Zn: 5,582 mg/kg). We predicted 30-years cumulative elution (I30yr) of Cd and Zn, extrapolating concentration and the rate parameters determined by column experiments with an accumulated liquid-solid ratio of 10 to a leaching model described in RIVM report (report no. 771402007). The results indicated a broad range of I30yr values both within and between sites (Cd: 10 - 458,274 mg/m²; Zn: 170 - 2,225,537 mg/m²), suggesting heterogeneous leaching behavior. Statistical analyses revealed that I30yr values did not correlate with the total metal concentration in soils, while exhibiting a weak correlation with the exchangeable fraction from sequential extractions. However, I30yr were strongly correlated with SPLP leachate concentrations, and the degree of correlation was higher in the subsoil than in the topsoil (Cd: r=0.867, p=0.001; Zn: r=0.990, p<0.001). Our results confirm the high correlation between metal leaching behaviors determined by column experiments and batch SPLP extraction, and emphasize that the stabilizing Cd and Zn in soils under the smelter is crucial for preserving groundwater quality.

How to cite: Bak, J., Kim, C., Lee, H., Choi, Y., and Nam, K.: Assessing the Long-Term Leaching Behavior of Cadmium and Zinc in Soil Beneath a Smelter Site, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9103,, 2024.

Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X2

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr, 12:30
Chairpersons: Viktoriia Lovynska, Oliver Wiche
Hyunsoo Seo, Kyoung-Ho Kim, Jaehoon Choi, Young-Seop Cha, Jin-A Kim, Je-Seung Lee, and Seong-Taek Yun

Due to rapid and significant urbanization around the world, the land surface of urbanized areas has changed significantly through intensive construction via excavation and underground space development, and the natural state of environmental media such as soil has also altered through the emission of enormous amounts of diverse pollutants. Urban soil conditions, including heavy metal levels (esp., Cu, Zn, As, and Pb), have a significant impact on environmental assessments, so a better understanding of the source, distribution, and contamination of heavy metals is important for managing ecological and human health risks. The purpose of this study is to evaluate heavy metal (Cu, As, Pb, Zn) analysis data from 2,957 locations in Seoul, South Korea, representing the world’s fastest-growing metropolitan area. Statistical methods such as the additive log-ratio transformation-expectation maximization (EM) algorithm were used to process left-censored data below the limits of detection. We then used variogram analysis and ordinary kriging to interpolate the distribution of heavy metal concentrations to a 100m grid. The results showed an overall spatial distribution: more elevated levels of Cu, Pb, and Zn preferentially in the southwest of Seoul, and higher levels of As in the northeast. These patterns primarily imply spatial control of heavy metal enrichment mainly by land use activities in Seoul and warrant further investigation into specific sources of heavy metal pollution. Therefore, Monte Carlo simulation was utilized for risk assessment to provide comprehensive evaluations to incorporate uncertainties. As a result, a probabilistic risk mapping was prepared by running 1,000 randomized simulations per location. Then, the resulting risk maps were then combined with spatial data for vulnerable populations (i.e., infant and elderly populations) to assess potential health impacts. This study on the comprehensive spatial analysis of heavy metals in urban soils can provide key information on the characteristics, distribution, and exposure risk of multiple metals to develop targeted risk reduction strategies in metropolitan areas.

<Acknowledgements> This study was supported by the Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) through the project ‘Integrated environmental forensic approaches to trace source and pathways of subsurface contaminants (2021002440003)’, funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE), the Institute for Korea Spent Nuclear Fuel (iKSNF) and the BK Plus project in Korea.

How to cite: Seo, H., Kim, K.-H., Choi, J., Cha, Y.-S., Kim, J.-A., Lee, J.-S., and Yun, S.-T.: Implementing Spatial Mapping and Monte Carlo Simulation for Probabilistic Risk Modeling of Heavy Metals Contamination in Urban Soils, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15326,, 2024.

Mohamed Yassin, Zaher Mundher Yaseen, Bassam Tawabini, Sani Abba, Syed Muzzamil Hussain Shah, Bijay Halder, and Isam Aljundi

This study aimed to explore the level of heavy metal contamination in the soil of agricultural and industrial areas in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. It adopted a novel approach integrating multiple disciplines including sampling, laboratory analysis, spatial analysis, and risk evaluation. The research focused on pinpointing levels of contamination, identifying their sources, and evaluating associated ecological and human health hazards. Due to its varied agricultural and industrial activities, the Eastern Province faced potential environmental challenges linked to heavy metal pollution. This study tackled the essential task of understanding the spatial spread and associated risks of heavy metals in soil, offering insights critical for effective environmental management and policymaking. Over 60 soil samples were gathered from different industrial and agricultural sites. Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) was employed for the analysis of various heavy metals in these samples. The soil samples underwent evaluation for heavy metal presence, with their pollution levels assessed through indicators such as the heavy metal pollution index (HPI), heavy metal evaluation index (HEI), modified heavy metal index (MHMI), and degree of contamination (Cdeg). Experimental findings revealed average concentrations of heavy metals in mg/Kg for As, Ba, Hg, Pb, Ni, V, Cd, Cr, Cu, and Zn are 1.21, 110.62, 0.08, 6.34, 8.95, 9.98, 1.18, 31.79, 6.76, and 23.44 respectively. A general trend emerged in the concentration levels, with the highest averages observed in samples from industrial areas, followed by agricultural sites. Particularly notable were barium concentrations in the industrial area, peaking at 1966.5 mg/kg, and copper levels, with a maximum of 95.75 mg/kg in the same area, occasionally surpassing the permissible limits. This methodology provided crucial insights for enhancing water environment management and protection, addressing the urgent need for effective environmental governance and policy development. The findings from this project are not only relevant to the Eastern Province but also applicable to other regions experiencing similar soil contamination challenges.

How to cite: Yassin, M., Mundher Yaseen, Z., Tawabini, B., Abba, S., Muzzamil Hussain Shah, S., Halder, B., and Aljundi, I.: Spatial distribution and health risk assessment of heavy metals pollution in soil within Agricultural and industrial areas in the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4585,, 2024.

Seung-Woo Jeong, Prakash Gautam, Songhee Kim, Youn-Joo An, Seunghun Hyun, and Sunhee Hong

Heavy metal pollution has a detrimental impact on both the ecosystem and human health. In order to accurately assess the risk of contamination at a site, it is necessary to conduct sampling and ecological investigations on site, followed by laboratory analysis of contamination concentrations and toxicity. This process also requires the use of various experimental equipment and materials for ecological risk assessment. This study proposes a method for assessing ecological risks at metal-contaminated sites using life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) approaches. LCIA quantifies environmental impacts by multiplying mass-environmental loads with impact characterization factors (CF). This study aimed to develop exposure and effect factors in order to obtain site-specific CFs for metal soil contamination. The ecological risks at two mine sites were then estimated solely based on soil metal concentrations. These estimated risks were compared between sites and with detailed ecological risk results obtained using the TRIAD method. The estimated results were found to be in good agreement with the actual experimental results. This method has the potential to save time, resources, and effort in assessing the ecological risks of metal-contaminated sites. (This work was supported by the Korea Environmental Industry and Technology Institute (KEITI) funded by the Korea Ministry of Environment (No. 2022002450002)).

How to cite: Jeong, S.-W., Gautam, P., Kim, S., An, Y.-J., Hyun, S., and Hong, S.: Assessing the Ecotoxicological Risks of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Sites Using the Life Cycle Impact Assessment Method, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2566,, 2024.

Atilla Kılıç and Fatma Toksoy Köksal

The geochemical characteristics of soil horizons and specific rock types in the vicinity of Izmir city center were studied for interpretation to see the possible health risk associated with geogenic control. The purpose of this study was to interpret and assess the potential health risks associated with geogenic control. A total of 140 samples, consisting of 60 soil sites representing various soil horizons and 48 rock sites located in the İzmir city center, were collected for geochemical analysis using the ICP-MS method. The presence of potentially toxic elements (PTE) including As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Pb, Mo, Ni, Sb, Se, Sn, and Zn were identified, posing potential health risks. Therefore, the values of contamination factor (CF), geo-accumulation index (Igeo), pollution load index (PLI), as well as health risk factors for adults and children (carcinogenic risk and hazard index) are computed.

The risk factor findings demonstrate that certain areas in the city center of İzmir pose carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic health risks to various segments of the population, encompassing both children and adults. For children, the median HI value is 0.95 (lower than unity) and the mean value is 2.02 (greater than unity). The median carcinogenic risk value for children exceeds the risk threshold of 10-4, measuring at 2.06x10-4, while the mean carcinogenic risk value stands at 7.32x10-4. Elemental contributions for hazard index are mainly caused by As, Co, Pb and Sb, for risk As, Be and Ni and Pb.

The correlation between the source of PTE in soil levels and the geochemical results of rock samples from the city center suggests a potential link between contamination and geogenic effects.


Keywords: Medical geology, health risk, toxic elements, arsenic enrichment, Western Anatolia.

How to cite: Kılıç, A. and Toksoy Köksal, F.: Health Risk Assessment For Soil From The İzmir City Center, Western Türkiye, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1652,, 2024.

Anand Shankar and Satish Chandra Garkoti

Disturbance is an important factor in controlling vegetation diversity, and distribution of trace metals in the environment, including through their mobilization by disturbance-induced runoff and related to movement of soil particles. Disturbance-induced access of these trace metals into the ecosystem is toxic for soil contamination and experiences varying degrees of ecological implications in different ecosystems. The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of different degrees of land disturbances on the changes in vegetation diversity, soil characteristics, and trace metals in the Himalayan forest ecosystem, which is limitedly documented. Forest sites were categorized into four distinct disturbance classes based on disturbance index score (DI): no disturbance (ND, DI ≤ 5 %), low disturbance (LD, 5 < DI ≤ 20 %), moderate disturbance (MD, 20 < DI ≤ 50 %), and high disturbance (HD, DI > 50 %). Data comprised trace metals, and soil physicochemical characteristics across the distinct disturbance classes and soil layers (0-15 and 15-30 cm). Using two-way ANOVA, vegetation attributes (diversity (H′), and tree density), soil properties, and trace metals were tested for their effects, including interactions among different disturbances and depths. Multivariate correlation was used to investigate the relationship between disturbance classes, depths, soil characteristics, and trace metals. The important findings of the study are the following: (1) The recruitment of new trees (Treerecru.), diversity, and soil organic carbon (Corg) were significantly varied across the disturbance classes (p< 0.05) and followed the order: MD > HD > LD > ND; (2) Average concentration metals were significantly distributed along disturbances gradient HD > LD > MD > ND in the order: B > Mn > Pb > Cu > Ni in distinct soil layer. (3) Contamination factor of trace metals in order B > Mn > Pb > Ni > Co > Cu in 0-15 and 15-30 cm soil depths. (4) Persistent ecological risk index (PERI) was higher for HD sites and lowest for ND sites. The result illustrated that moderate disturbance increases diversity and soil nutrients. The study highlighted the important role of disturbance in regulating the trace elements in association with changes above-below ground interaction, suggesting HD sites as a potential source of environmental contamination.

How to cite: Shankar, A. and Garkoti, S. C.: Trace metals interaction to soil properties, and their ecological risk assessment in different disturbance regimes of sal forests of the western Himalaya, India, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-826,, 2024.

Oliver Wiche, Vuk Maksimović, Milica Stojanović Stojanović, Dragica Ristić Ristić, and Jelena Dragišić Maksimović

Rhizosphere processes related to nutrient acquisition and element exclusion overlap in time, space, and function depending on the composition of metal-chelating ligands released by plant roots in concert with rhizosphere pH. Thus, the presence of non-essential metals might influence the nutrient (phosphorus: P) acquisition in the rhizosphere, while processes related to nutrient acquisition might contribute to metal tolerance. However, until nowadays,  the interactions of essential and non-essential elements are poorly understood on a rhizosphere level. In the present study, we characterized the P-inefficient species Zea mays and Triticum aestivum with regard to their carboxylate release under conditions of P deficiency and compared the results with the P-efficient species Lupinus albus. In addition, we explored how the presence of microdoses of rare earth elements (REE) and aluminum (Al) alters carboxylate release and the shoot elemental composition of the plants. P deficiency increased carboxylate release in L. albus but not in T. aestivum. Lupinus albus released more carboxylates than T. aestivum did, regardless of the P-status. The exposure of plants to Al and REE in the early growth stage influenced biomass development, carboxylate release, and shoot elemental composition of mature plants. Notably, the effect of metal availability is clearly dependent on the plant species and the P status of the plants. The mechanisms remain poorly understood. However, these findings demonstrate that non-essential elements clearly shape chemical soil-plant interactions in the rhizosphere and have an impact on element acquisition.

How to cite: Wiche, O., Maksimović, V., Stojanović, M. S., Ristić, D. R., and Dragišić Maksimović, J.: How P-nutrition status and the presence of non-essential metals (Al, REE) affect root carboxylate release and shoot element accumulation in plants with different nutrition strategies, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16373,, 2024.

Viktoriia Lovynska, Oliver Wiche, and Svitlana Sytnyk

Toxic elements causing soil pollution and degradation are able to enter the substance cycle of ecosystem. Woody plants often act as critical objects for accumulating toxicants with their subsequent removal from the cycle of substances for a long period. Understanding the conditions of soil water saturation is essential for hydrological processes, and therefore influences this parameter in soil on the transfer of toxicants to vegetation too. The objective of this study was therefore to determine whether soil water saturation relate with heavy metals/metalloid accumulation in soils and whether it is possible to describe the relationship between accumulated toxic elements in soils and woody plants. The was conducted at 21 locations in the Freiberg region, Germany, where soil contamination with toxic metals is increasingly becoming problematic.The content of metals in the soil, leaves and branches were measured by ICP-MS. The relationship between soil saturation and accumulated heavy metals/ metalloid levels in the soil and the aboveground biomass of plants was analyzed. The maximum concentration of the studied toxic elements reached 7.36 mg kg-1 in the soil for Cd (Freiberg city forest), 618.1 for Pb (Freiberg Davidschaft vicinity), and 23276 for As (Davidschaft). The ability of woody plants Populus tremulae and Salix caprea to accumulate heavy metals/metalloid (Cd, Pb, and As) in aboveground biomass was studied under the condition of their growth in areas with increased content of these elements in the substrates.  The ability of the studied plants to absorb heavy metals/metalloid was determined based on the bioaccumulation coefficient. The accumulation of metal elements occurs more intensively in the assimilation part of plant biomass as compared to the wood of tree branches. The study demonstrates a more significant accumulation of toxic elements in  Salix caprea trees' aboveground biomass than Populus tremulae. The level of Cd accumulation in the biomass of Salix caprea defines this species as a potential hyperaccumulator of this element, allowing the strategies to be adjusted for the phytoremediation purposes of disturbed landscapes.

How to cite: Lovynska, V., Wiche, O., and Sytnyk, S.: Influence of the soil water content and heavy metals/metalloid on woody plant’s aboveground biomass, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17988,, 2024.

Zhongchen Yang, Jan Willem van Groenigen, Bjorn J.A. Berendsen, Milou G.M. van de Schans, and Gerlinde B. De Deyn

Animal manure often contains antibiotic residues due to the prevalent use of these compounds in animal husbandry. After manure application, these residues could potentially affect soil microorganisms and plant growth, yet their impacts on soil nitrogen (N) dynamics in grasslands remain largely unexplored. We hypothesized that applying manure containing antibiotics would shift soil N dynamics by affecting plant morphology and certain N-cycling microbial guilds such as symbiotic N-fixing bacteria. To test this, we conducted a 64-day greenhouse experiment using field soil and including four plant treatments (no plants, ryegrass monoculture, clover monoculture, and a ryegrass-clover mixture) and three fertilizer treatments (antibiotic-free manure, manure containing oxytetracycline, and manure containing sulfadiazine). We measured nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, N content in the shoot and root biomass, and antibiotic uptake in plant shoots, and used the δ15N technique to estimate symbiotic N fixation of clover. We also sampled soils at the end of the experiment to measure plant-available N pools (ammonia and nitrate) and the abundance of symbiotic N-fixing bacteria (by nifH gene). Our results showed that antibiotics in manure did not significantly alter soil N2O emissions, soil N pools, or plant aboveground N in any plant community. Both compounds were barely been taken up in plant shoots. However, both antibiotics significantly reduced root biomass in clover monocultures. Despite this root growth inhibition, N fixation (both aboveground and belowground) in clover monoculture was unaffected by both antibiotics. Interestingly, analysis of variance suggested that antibiotics in manure could lead to a higher abundance of nifH gene in soil than that of antibiotic-free manure in clover monoculture. In summary, although overall soil N dynamics were not impacted by antibiotics in manure, root growth inhibition in clover monoculture suggests varying grassland species susceptibilities to antibiotic stress. Our results also suggest that clover may adapt to antibiotic stress by modifying plant-microbe interactions. This study calls for further research on long-term environmental impacts of antibiotic residues in grasslands.

How to cite: Yang, Z., van Groenigen, J. W., Berendsen, B. J. A., van de Schans, M. G. M., and De Deyn, G. B.: Exploring the Impacts of Antibiotics in Manure on Soil Nitrogen Dynamics and Plant Growth in Grasslands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9885,, 2024.

Sari Peura, Peter Saetre, Betty Ehnvall, Mats B. Nilsson, and Mats G. Öquist

Uptake of radionuclides into plants is a key process in radioecological modelling.  Typically, the uptake is incorporated into these models and in environmental impact assessments using an empirical soil-to-plant transfer factor (CR). The elemental concentration in plants is expected to vary with plant species and plant functional type (PFT), but also with soil concentration and elemental properties. Specifically, elements subject to regulated plant uptake (i.e. essential elements) are expected to be less related to soil concentrations than non-essential elements with no or limited biological function. Environmental conditions may also influence the CR value, and for assessment purposes, differential values are commonly listed for different soil types. In this study, we have addressed the impact of PFT and species as well as environmental factors to the CR of four peatland species (Andromeda polifolia, Vaccinium oxycoccus, Eriophorum vaginatum and Carex rostrata) representing two different PFTs (heathers and sedges).

The results show that while plant species and PFT are the most important factors determining the CR value, environmental factors, such as pH and peat depth, also modify the CR. As expected, plant concentrations of essential elements were only weakly related to soil concentrations, whereas the correlation between soil and plants was stronger for non-essential elements.

Based on our results, we verify that CR values may vary substantially between species and PFTs also in wetland environments.  Further, we suggest that since PFT may have a large impact on the exposure pathway to humans, it would be reasonable to differentiate between PFTs and to account for between-species variation in environmental impact assessment. Since CR varies systematically with several soil properties, CR values could also be adjusted to illustrate effects of expected future changes in the soil environment.

How to cite: Peura, S., Saetre, P., Ehnvall, B., Nilsson, M. B., and Öquist, M. G.: Plant functional type and species determine elemental concentrations in boreal mire vegetation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9115,, 2024.

Bigyan Neupane, Kunshan Bao, Minqi Chen, Poonam Thapa, and Michael E. Meadows

The rise in human activities in northeast (NE) China has resulted in increased emissions of environmental pollutants. Their measurement is crucial to evaluate the extent and timing of the longer-term anthropogenic environmental changes. This study presents the measurement of mercury (Hg) concentration and accumulation rate in 11 lake sediment cores from Songnen Plain in NE China to reconstruct the historical deposition of Hg as an indicator of the changing scale of anthropogenic activities. The results demonstrate an increasing trend of Hg concentration, concurrent with the increased anthropogenic emission, beginning from the early 1900s, accelerating through the mid-1950s and slightly decreasing from the late 1990s up-core. The anthropogenic Hg increase coincides with New China's foundation, precipitating social and economic reforms and rapid industrial and economic growth. Measurements of the Hg enrichment factor in all the cores point out anthropogenic contribution to Hg accumulation, and the geoaccumulation index shows the lakes are generally moderately polluted by Hg. The historical trend of the Hg accumulation rate matches the region's temporal progression of biomass burning and fossil fuel consumption. The findings elucidate the extent of anthropogenic pollution in the Anthropocene and underline the importance of identifying Hg sources to reduce emissions and implementation of effective mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Neupane, B., Bao, K., Chen, M., Thapa, P., and Meadows, M. E.: Increase in anthropogenic mercury pollution over the past centuries in Northeast China as reconstructed from multi-lake sediment cores, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7298,, 2024.

Industrial site pollution identification based on explainable machine learning: A case study of nonferrous metal industrial sites in China
Changhe Wei and Mei Lei
Robert Ayuso, Nora Foley, Jill Johnston, Rani Indela, John Jackson, and Damon Bickerstaff

Lead isotopes of soil profiles were measured to survey possible sources of lead. Thirty-seven soil profiles (n > 150 samples) were obtained near two lead battery recycling smelters: Exide (recently shutdown) and Quemetco/Ecobat (currently in operation) affecting thousands of residential sites. Preliminary soil Pb isotopic compositions plot as a band in Pb isotope space from radiogenic values typical of rock-derived lead to lower values that likely indicate anthropogenic lead. Three overlapping soil groups were established based on Pb isotope analysis by TIMS (Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry). Group 1 consists mainly of soils near the Exide smelter and nearby residential sites. Group 1 has low isotopic values with moderate variations in 206Pb/207Pb ~1.167–1.176, 208Pb/207Pb ~ 2.432–2.438, 206Pb/204Pb ~18.24–18.344. Group 2 has more radiogenic values than Group 1: 206Pb/207Pb ~1.178–1.190, 208Pb/207Pb ~2.439–2.443, 206Pb/204Pb ~18.34–18.56 and consists mostly of residential soils surrounding the Exide smelter. Group 3 is more radiogenic than Groups 1 and 2: 206Pb/207Pb >~1.190, 208Pb/207Pb >~2.443, 206Pb/204Pb >~18.56. Soils near the Quemetco facility have similar variations and overlap the three groups.  About 80% of the Pb isotopes in leached soils near Exide have Pb compositions that match those of the smelters. Group 2 has up to about 67% Pb resembling the Exide smelter output and Group 3 yields up to about 18% matching Pb. Sites near Quemetco contained up to about 86% Pb isotopically similar to the Exide signature. Sites containing lead that isotopically matches soils near the Exide smelter are interpreted as contaminated by human activities. Smelter isotopic signatures are found as deep as 30 cm in the soil profiles.  Our results demonstrate the need for establishing baselines and background concentrations of lead (and other metals such as As, Cd, Zn, Sb, and Cu) and Pb isotopic compositions of soils, waters, and air before smelters and other industrial facilities are in operation (which are commonly located in disadvantaged communities, for example in East Los Angeles), and especially during property transitions. Elemental and isotopic data can be used to assess legal liability and assist local, State, and national agencies for effective cleanup and proper remediation.

How to cite: Ayuso, R., Foley, N., Johnston, J., Indela, R., Jackson, J., and Bickerstaff, D.: Pb Isotopic Compositions of Soils and the Impact of Heavy Metal Smelters in Urbanized Industrial Settings, East Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4109,, 2024.

Carly Stevens, Marlon Correa Pereira, Raj Whitlock, Roisin O’Riordan, Leandro Israel da Silva, and Angeliki Kourmouli

Urbanisation inevitably alters the chemical, physical and biological soil properties. Consequently, it modifies environmental soil services. The sealing of soil – covering the soil surface with non-biological structures - has gained attention in urban area in relation to flooding, loss of soil carbon, loss of soil function and other problems, which can be mitigated introducing greenspaces in urban areas. To understand the impact of sealing and greenspaces on the urban soil properties, soil beneath three pavement types (concrete, slab and tarmac) and from paired unsealed areas (representing four cover types – bare soil, grass, shrub and tree) were sampled in forty sites in Lancaster, UK to access chemical [pH, total carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), C/N ratio], physical [moisture] and microbiological [microbial biomass (MB), 16S rDNA metabarcoding data metrics] parameters. Sealed soils had lower moisture, C, N and MB, and higher pH than unsealed soils. C/N ratio had no significative difference. Changes in chemical and physical soil parameter affected the bacterial diversity indexes (richness, Shannon, Simpson and α parameter of Fisher’s log series), which were significantly lower in sealed areas as well. NMDS analysis showed high variability in the bacterial community of sealed soil, but lower variability in unsealed soil. The sum of sequences of gram positive, gram negative, oligotrophic and copiotrophic bacteria, as well gram positive:gram negative  ratio (GP:GN), were lower in sealed soil. The reduced GP:GN ratio on sealed soil suggests low-quality organic matter and the impact of low moisture and N on bacterial community. Pavement type had no effect on sealed soil parameters. However, the cover type significantly changed GP:GN and copiotrophic:oligotrophic ratio on unsealed soil, indicating that soil in grassland may have higher resource availability (C and N) and microbial growth rates than shrub and trees. Our results reinforce that the sealing, unrelated to pavement type, has a negative impact on soil properties and deplete microbial diversity. Cover type may affect resources availability on unsealed soil. These changes can affect microbial processes related to biogeochemical cycles, impacting the carbon store and the potential for nutrient cycling in urban soils.

How to cite: Stevens, C., Correa Pereira, M., Whitlock, R., O’Riordan, R., Israel da Silva, L., and Kourmouli, A.: Sealing impacts soil properties and the soil microbial community in urban areas, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5273,, 2024.

Microbiological fertilizers for the future decontamination and detoxification of warfare-affected soils
Alla Samarska and Oliver Wiche
Natalia Sánchez, Carolina Vergara-Cid, Sören Drabesch, Ines Merbach, Mika Tarkka, and E. Marie Muehe

Soil and plant health are major drivers of food production. Heavy metals are present in agricultural soils and their concentrations have been increasing due to anthropogenic activities. When toxic elements reach harmful concentrations in soils and become available, they adversely affect the environment, plant performance and consequently, crop production. Our group has shown that solubility of the toxic and non-biodegradable element Cd is expected to increase in agricultural soils under IPCC-projected climatic conditions likely for the year 2100. This increased mobility of the toxic Cd potentially enhances its transfer into crops, causing a threat for agricultural production. By contrast to agricultural crops, the heavy metal hyperaccumulating plants possess physiological traits that allow them to tolerate and accumulate high concentrations of heavy metals without exhibiting toxicity symptoms. Due to these traits the hyperaccumulators show great potential for phytoremediation, but the impact of climate change on their efficacy to remove heavy metals from the soil and translocate them to aboveground tissues is still unknown. We conducted greenhouse experiments growing A. halleri on five agricultural soils that vary in Cd contents ranging from 0.07 to 14 mg kg-1 dry soil. Temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration were controlled during the experiments, so that today’s ambient climate was compared to future climate with +4°C and doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration. Cd accumulation in aerial parts was higher under future climatic conditions compared to plants grown under today’s climate. However, the metal transfer from soil to roots and from roots to shoots depended on the combination of soil biogeochemical processes as well as plant growth and physiology. If the soil had a Cd content between 0.1 and 0.5 mg kg-1 dry soil, hyperaccumulation might not be triggered, even if the mobility of Cd was still higher under future climatic conditions. On the other hand, despite that high concentrations of soil Cd stimulated metal accumulation, simultaneous presence of high content of other elements, such as Pb that is ultimately toxic to this species, negatively impacted the efficacy of Cd phytoextraction due to the increased plant stress. For soils with Pb contents that were not toxic and Cd concentrations above 0.5 mg kg-1 dry soil, in combination with future climatic conditions, Cd availability as well as Cd translocation and transfer from soil to root were affected, increasing phytoextraction. Our results indicated that translocation towards the shoots and a potential high efficacy of phytoextraction by A. halleri may be triggered by climate change mainly in soils with moderate Cd content. Under such growth conditions, phytoremediation could be considered as a feasible option to reduce mobile Cd fractions by using metal hyperaccumulators as cover crops in agricultural ecosystems.

How to cite: Sánchez, N., Vergara-Cid, C., Drabesch, S., Merbach, I., Tarkka, M., and Muehe, E. M.: Climate impact on phytoremediation efficacy by the Cd/Zn hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri in heavy metal contaminated agricultural soils, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17422,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X2

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr, 18:00
Chairperson: Carla Ferreira
Parisa Maleknia, Zana Fattah Ali, Rim Khedhri, Nelson Ugwonoh, István Geresdi, and Szabolcs Czigány

Over the past, increasingly severe hydrological extremes, droughts, floods, and changes in soil moisture have been significant consequences of climate change in the Carpathian Basin. These changes adversely affect agricultural yields, soil hydrological processes, leading to water scarcity, substantial economic damage, environmental losses, a reduction in surface water, and declining groundwater levels.

In this study, we aimed to compare the soil moisture dynamics (SM) of three land use types (pasture, ploughland, and orchard). All sites had soils of silt loam texture. As a second objective we aimed at analyzing the applicability of Hydrus 1D for simulating soil moisture dynamics in silty loam soils under three different land use types.

The three study areas are in the Transdanubian Hills (SW Hungary), a region of subhumid continental climate where matric potential, soil moisture, and rainfall were measured for the period of January 1, 2019, till February 28, 2023, for three land use types. Two monitoring stations were set up at each study site, one shoulder and a second one at foothill position. Volumetric soil moisture contents and matric potentials were measured at depths of 10 and 30 cm at each station (Teros-12 and Teros-21, respectively, Meter Group Inc., Pullman, WA, US). Data was stored in 15-minute intervals. The Blaney- Criddle formula was used for calculating aridity indices (ratio of annual evapotranspiration to annual precipitation total) for the summer of 2022.

Although the three sites were in relative proximity to each other, pasture had the most positive water balance, whereas orchard had the most negative, especially in 2022, when cherry trees were removed. Aridity indices in 2022 were 0.97, 1.18, 1.42 for the pasture, ploughland and orchard, respectively. Mean soil moisture values were 0.26, 0.21, and 0.21 (m3 m-3 ) for the pasture, ploughland and orchard for 10 cm, and 0.3, 0.22, and 0.22 (m3 m-3 )  for the pasture, ploughland and orchard for 30 cm, respectively. Pasture also demonstrated the lowest fluctuation of SM, whereas ploughland proved to have the poorest soil moisture dynamics over the studied period.

For the sensitivity test of Hydrus-1D, the largest difference was found for the orchard site at a depth of 30 cm in a shoulder position (RMSE = 0.029), whereas lowest difference was observed for the pasture at a depth of 10 cm in a foothill position (RMSE = 0.021).

We conclude that soil moisture dynamics was controlled by the cultivation methods. Our results confirmed the findings of (Horel et al., 2022) who found negative climate change effects on the SM content of vineyard and cropland soils. Hence, site-specific mapping and analyses of factors responsible for efficient moisture retention are indispensable for the maximization of agricultural productivity and the optimization of the efficiency of ecosystem services. Our findings could be valuable for the promotion of sustainable agricultural activities where loamy soils and subhumid continental climates prevail.


How to cite: Maleknia, P., Ali, Z. F., Khedhri, R., Ugwonoh, N., Geresdi, I., and Czigány, S.: The effects of land use on soil moisture dynamics in loamy soils of southwest hungary, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-20088,, 2024.