ITS4.8/CL0.1.16 | Advances in physical climate risk assessment for the financial and insurance sectors.
Advances in physical climate risk assessment for the financial and insurance sectors.
Convener: Kai Kornhuber | Co-conveners: Andrej Ceglar, Nicola Ranger, Alessio Ciullo, Maximilian Kotz
| Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.17
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00
Hall X5
Orals |
Wed, 08:30
Wed, 16:15
Climate change and environmental degradation constitute a growing threat to the stability of societal and economical systems. The observed increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events combined with the projected long-term shifts in climate patterns and consequential impacts on biodiversity, have the potential to significantly affect the global economy. Consequently, the financial and insurance sectors could face substantial risks from these climate events unless effectively managed. This requires an accurate estimate of future climate risks, while understanding their complex and non-linear characteristics, and translating these impacts to a scale that is relevant and meaningful for society.

In recognition of this challenge climate risk assessments have experienced amplified attention in both the academic and private spheres, leading to initiatives such as the ‘Network for Greening the Financial Sector’ (NGFS) and the ‘Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure’ (TCFD). These initiatives aim at providing comprehensive climate impact information for the private sector and financial institutions which providing actionable information for understanding and managing climate risk.

Nevertheless, criticisms have emerged regarding the models' inadequacies in representing extreme events, the intricate nature of climate extremes characterized by their compounding and cascading effects, and the oversight of non-linearities associated with tipping elements in the climate system. These shortcomings suggest that current risk assessments may be overly conservative, missing the most impactful events.

Therefore, providing a platform to foster interactions between scientists, economists and financial experts is urgently needed. With the goal of facilitating such dialogue, this session aims at providing a platform for actors from academia and the private sector to exchange information on strategies for assessing climate risk. In particular, we are interested in submissions that focus on:

-Innovative climate risk modeling for
-Chronic and Acute Climate Risks
-Compound Events and Cascading Impacts
-Model Evaluation of Extreme weather events
-Bias adjustment Methods
-Downscaling Methods
-Construction of novel Climate Hazard Indicators and their projections for specific sectors (Food, Energy, Real Estate,...)
-Supply chains
-Impact Data Collection and Empirical Assessments
-Construction Derivation Damage functions
-Climate – Nature nexus

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room 2.17

Chairpersons: Kai Kornhuber, Alessio Ciullo, Andrej Ceglar
Physical Climate Risks: Observations and Modelling
Virtual presentation
David N. Bresch

An increasing number of countries request large companies to disclose their physical climate-related risks based on regulations inspired by work of the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). Current reports do not lend themselves to direct comparison of physical risks across companies and by no means allow investors to build a portfolio optimised with respect to physical risks. Methods such as event-based probabilistic natural catastrophe risk assessment exist and would allow for aggregation of pertinent information, taking into account global diversification of risk. Convergence of TCFD-reporting towards such methods would enable investors and financial intermediaries to construct portfolios with respect to an efficient frontier in terms of physical risks. In the true spirit of TCFD, this would allocate capital towards companies best positioned to cope with the impacts of climate change and hence incentivise economic actors to strategically embrace climate adaptation. We present a fully transparent and easily replicable open-source and -access approach to construct such an efficient frontier and will discuss resulting risk-reward profiles and implications for corporate strategy development in the context of climate change.

How to cite: Bresch, D. N.: Exploring the efficient frontier in physical risk reporting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11284,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jonathan Spinoni, Leonardo Chiani, Alessandro Dosio, Johannes Emmerling, Jacopo Ghirri, Marta Mastropietro, and Massimo Tavoni

In the last decades, the World experienced an increasing frequency and severity of weather-related extremes. Such events can remarkably affect multiple sectors as food, energy, and biosphere. In the framework of the activities of the ERC project EUNICE, and in order to understand the possible future impacts caused by climate extremes on population and socio-economic indicators, we firstly constructed a global database of climate indicators including eleven hazards (e.g., heatwaves, droughts, rainfall extremes, and windstorms), ranging from 1881 to 2100. For each grid point (0.5°), we provided different metrics as frequency, intensity, and number of unprecedented events at annual scale, dividing the future into five SSPs (plus two including temperature overshoot), and using the bias-adjusted CMIP6-based ISIMIP3b dataset as input. We therefore aggregated the parameters at country-scale - for each hazard - and we focused on the exposure of population and GDP to unprecedented future climate extremes, i.e. events never recorded in the past. We performed the analyses for two 30-year periods (2041-2070 and 2071-2100) and four Global Warming Levels (GWLs from 1.5 °C to 4 °C). Depending on the selected SSP and period, we present a structured ranking of countries that show the highest socioeconomic exposure to single or combined climate impact drivers. In this presentation, we also discuss the cost, in terms of cumulated events, of temperature overshoot above the 1.5 °C level to comply with Paris Agreement's goals. At a later stage, this new set of climate indicators will be also used to quantify the added value of including climate extremes in dedicated damage functions.

How to cite: Spinoni, J., Chiani, L., Dosio, A., Emmerling, J., Ghirri, J., Mastropietro, M., and Tavoni, M.: Countries with future highest exposure to unprecedented climate extremes , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18055,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Martin Gomez-Garcia and Alexander Pui

Overall uncertainty in climate model projections is composed of scenario, model, and internal variability components. While scenario uncertainty is expressed by considering different climate scenarios, model uncertainty and internal variability components are largely ignored by climate information service providers. Instead, model projections are often expressed through the ensemble mean, which may lead to both overly optimistic assessments of risk, or on the other hand misinformed maladaptation strategies.

Here, we propose a new uncertainty quantification approach that better informs end users of climate projections, showing that the multi-model internal variability, owing to its chaotic nature, is in fact virtually irreducible, and that model uncertainty grows moderately throughout the 21st century. For three future scenarios, we quantified the global internal variability of two metrics: annual precipitation (PRCP) and boreal summer average maximum daily temperature (TXJJA), by employing a single realization of each CMIP6 climate model. Our results showed that observed internal variability of the 1981-2010 period for the TXJJA metric has a negligible variation throughout the 21st century for all three scenarios. For the PRCP metric, small changes of internal variability were detected towards the end of the 21st century in the most adverse scenario (SSP3-7.0). Importantly, we observed that characterizing uncertainty in such manner produced a nuanced, and non-misleading results compared to that of the ensemble mean approach. Furthermore, the proposed uncertainty quantification approach can be expanded to similarly evaluate the uncertainty in indices of extreme weather.

How to cite: Gomez-Garcia, M. and Pui, A.: Demystifying model uncertainty and internal variability in climate change projections over the 21st century, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18103,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Simona Meiler, Chahan Kropf, Kerry Emanuel, and David N. Bresch

Future tropical cyclone risks will evolve depending on climate change and socio-economic development, entailing significant uncertainties. A comprehensive uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of future tropical cyclone risk changes is thus vital for robust decision-making not least in the context of physical climate risk disclosure. However, the outcomes of such uncertainty and sensitivity analyses are closely tied to the chosen model setup, warranting caution in interpretation and extrapolation. Our study investigates how four distinct tropical cyclone hazard models as well as alternate representations of socio-economic development influence future tropical cyclone risks. We find that average tropical cyclone risk increases 1-5% by 2050 across all models and global study region. But the estimated maximum risk increases by the end of the century range from 10-400% depending on the hazard model choice. Such diverging results are critically relevant for climate risk assessment in the financial and insurance sectors where usually model choices are made a priori and uncertainties are not quantified systematically. Additionally, socio-economic factors drive risk increase more strongly across all models, while the uncertainty in these risk drivers is hazard model-specific. For instance, the MIT model-based results are sensitive to the choice of global climate model, while estimates from CHAZ, STORM, and climate-conditioned IBTrACS are mainly influenced by exposure scaling based on Shared Socio-economic Pathways. Finally, we assert that quantitative estimates of uncertainty and sensitivity to model parameters greatly enhance the value and depth of climate risk assessments, which are essential for robust decision-making in the financial and insurance sector.

How to cite: Meiler, S., Kropf, C., Emanuel, K., and Bresch, D. N.: Choose Your Model Wisely: Navigating Uncertainties in Future Global Tropical Cyclone Risks, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3055,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Giacomo Bressan, Anja Duranovic, Irene Monasterolo, and Stefano Battiston

Climate physical risk assessment is crucial to inform adaptation policies and finance. However, science-based and transparent solutions to assess climate physical risks are still missing. This is a main limitation to fill the adaptation gap. We provide a methodology that quantifies physical risks on geolocalized productive assets, considering their exposure to both chronic and acute impacts (hurricanes) across the scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Then, we translate asset-level shocks into economic and financial losses. We illustrate the methodology in an application to Mexico, a country that is highly exposed to physical risks, and attracts adaptation finance and foreign investments. We find that investor losses are underestimated up to 70% when neglecting asset-level information, and up to 82% when neglecting acute risks. Therefore, neglecting the asset-level and acute dimensions of physical risks can lead to large errors in the identification of the relevant adaptation policy response, investments and finance tools aimed to build resilience to climate change.

How to cite: Bressan, G., Duranovic, A., Monasterolo, I., and Battiston, S.: Asset-level assessment of climate physical risk matters for adaptation finance, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2381,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Benoît Guillod, Alessio Ciullo, Quentin Bourgeois, Lukas Bodenmann, Jere Lehtomaa, and Sebastian Glink

In recent years, it has become more and more clear that climate change and its impacts do severely affect companies’ business. For example, acute climate risks driven by e.g. floods and tropical cyclones can impact physical assets and halt productions, whereas chronic climate risks such as droughts and temperature increases can have severe impacts on e.g. crop production, labour productivity and water availability. This increased understanding of climate risk on companies’ performances led to the establishment of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) which provides a framework for disclosing and reporting climate-related risks and opportunities.

As TCFD requires businesses to quantify, rate and manage climate risks across various perils and regions, there is the need to develop climate risk indicators which comply with its recommendations. In this talk, we will introduce the indicators developed by CLIMADA Technologies - an open-core ETH spin-off company - for multiple hazards, incl. tropical cyclones, floods, winter storms, wildfires, droughts, heat waves, and cold spells. The indicators allow assessing and coherently summarising climate risk information in line with TCFD recommendations and thus support companies in taking resilient actions.

How to cite: Guillod, B., Ciullo, A., Bourgeois, Q., Bodenmann, L., Lehtomaa, J., and Glink, S.: Multi-hazards risk indicators for climate risk reporting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18364,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Shuo Zhang and Xiaogang He

Climate change induced extreme precipitation poses a significant threat to agricultural production. Such impacts extend beyond local agricultural production regions, generating remote and cross-sector impacts that disrupt global supply chains (GSCs). While the direct impacts of extreme precipitation on agricultural production have been widely studied, how such local impacts cascade through supply chain networks to remote places remains elusive, partly because of the complex interdependencies within the global trade systems. To address this, we propose a Resilience Enhancement in Supply Chains Under Environmental Shocks (RESCUES) framework. RESCUES couples an agricultural production loss model with a dynamic recursive economic network model. It allows us to identify channels through which the impacts of climate change on agricultural production propagate along GSCs to interconnected sectors and regions. We design nine climate shock scenarios (i.e., dry, wet, and compound precipitation anomalies with extreme, severe, and moderate levels of severity) using the latest Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) under two Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) scenarios (SSP126 and SSP585). We then use RESCUES to simulate the GSCs dynamics over 2016-2050 under these nine scenarios. We find that direct agricultural losses driven by local precipitation anomalies can spread through GSCs to a wider range of countries and regions across the globe, creating large spatial spillover effects with direct and indirect economic losses. We estimate that the averaged per event total value-added (VA) losses caused by compound extremes is around $20.4/22.6 billion under SSP126/585, followed by dry extremes ($16.4/15.0 billion) and wet extremes ($8.7/11.6 billion). Moreover, the global distribution of direct and indirect losses exhibits high spatial heterogeneity. Countries with large agricultural outputs tend to have both high direct and indirect VA losses, especially in China, India, the United States, Russia, and Brazil. In contrast, poorer countries, such as Tanzania, Sudan, Myanmar, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Nepal, experience relatively larger direct losses, while rich regions heavily dependent on agricultural imports, including Hong Kong, Qatar, and Singapore, suffer relatively larger indirect losses. Considering that nations frequently implement export restrictions to ensure food self-sufficiency, we further design a hypothetical scenario to assess the global trade and economic impacts of near-term (2025-2030) agricultural export restrictions in four key food production regions (China, India, the United States, and Indonesia) under extreme precipitation anomalies. Our study highlights the importance of an integrated and comprehensive assessment of the risk footprint of climate change-related shocks, encompassing both direct and indirect impacts on GSCs. 

How to cite: Zhang, S. and He, X.: Vulnerabilities of Global Supply Chains to Agricultural Production Disruptions Caused by Individual and Compound Climate Shocks, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6973,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ricarda Winkelmann, Donovan Dennis, Jonathan Donges, Sina Loriani, Boris Sakschewski, and Johan Rockström

While tipping points in the Earth system are recognized in the public and policy debate as one of the major risks of anthropogenic climate change, our current knowledge of their dynamics involves a broad range of uncertainties, and so far there is no systematic risk assessment quantifying the likelihood as well as the impacts of exceeding tipping points in the Earth system. 

Here we introduce the Tipping Point Modelling Intercomparison Project (TIPMIP,, a major international initiative setting out to fill this gap in a multi-model approach: Based on ensembles of simulations with Earth system models as well as offline models combined with current observations, the experiments will serve to assess (1) the risk of crossing critical thresholds in the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, tropical and boreal forests as well as high-latitude permafrost; (2) the short- and long-term (committed) impacts of crossing individual tipping points; (3) the (ir)reversibility of impacts on different timescales; and (4) the role of the forcing rate. TIPMIP also sheds light on potential model shortcomings when it comes to such highly-nonlinear dynamics in the Earth system which may significantly change projections for the 21st century and beyond. 

The TIPMIP outcome will serve to generate a risk map, highlighting regions in the world which are most vulnerable to tipping transitions, which will be an important basis for forward-looking policy decisions. 

How to cite: Winkelmann, R., Dennis, D., Donges, J., Loriani, S., Sakschewski, B., and Rockström, J.: The Tipping Point Modelling Intercomparison Project (TIPMIP), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17399,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Paul Waidelich, Lena Klaaßen, Stefano Battiston, and Bjarne Steffen

While financial investors are increasingly alert to the economic threats of climate change, most academic and regulatory assessments of financial risk have not accounted for climate tipping points. Here, we combine recent advances in the integrated assessment modeling of tipping points with return projections for major stock indices to assess index-specific risk exposures to climate change damages. We find that for the MSCI World, a globally diversified stock index, tipping points increase the expected loss due to climate change damages under SSP2-4.5 by 62% (USD 0.2 trillion)—a magnitude comparable to moving from meeting the Paris targets to the "hothouse world" scenario RCP8.5. The reason is that investment horizons are more affected by near-term risks of tipping points than by long-term differences in mitigation outcomes. Risk increases are driven by methane-related tipping points (permafrost thaw and ocean methane hydrates) and ice sheet disintegration, with the highest increases for investments in emerging markets with extensive coastal areas, such as India or Indonesia. The absolute magnitude of financial risks varies substantially across damage functions and assumptions regarding damage persistence. However, the relative importance of tipping points is robust across different damage specifications and investor discount rates. Therefore, our results call for integrating tipping points into climate scenario analyses in the financial sector and climate risk stress tests by regulators.

How to cite: Waidelich, P., Klaaßen, L., Battiston, S., and Steffen, B.: The risks of climate tipping points for financial investors, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5217,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Nicola Ranger, Maximilian Kotz, Kai Kornhuber
Uncovering and Managing Climate Risks
On-site presentation
Miodrag Stevanovic, Patrick José von Jeetze, Justin Andrew Johnson, Andrej Ceglar, and Alexander Popp

Biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation could pose a substantial threat to financial stability and the wider economy. Despite scientific evidence of the ongoing ecosystem degradation, methodological and data challenges have so far prevented a detailed assessment of the economic and financial risks.  While progress has been made in assessing climate change related risks, our understanding of the linkages between the economy and ecosystem service degradation is still limited. Here we pioneer a nuanced approach to understanding the emerging financial risks of ecosystem change.  Using the LPLmL-MAgPIE-SEALS modeling framework, we assess physical, transition and financial risks considering feedbacks from climate change, land use, and degrading ecosystem services. Focusing mainly on the EU, we also assess interconnectedness with other global regions where loss of ecosystem services is more pervasive. Our framework includes climate-sensitive spatially explicitly biophysical data within a partial equilibrium land-system model. Modelled land-use patterns are downscaled to derive fine-scale changes in ecosystem service supply and associated economic feedbacks. We assess various scenarios that build on the existing NGFS (Network for Greening the Financial System) framework. These scenarios range from a degraded world without policy interventions, to an integrated climate-nature scenario, with ambitious policies to mitigate both climate and ecosystem service change. The results indicate diverging biodiversity response based on varying climate and nature policy ambition, emphasizing the need to extend biodiversity safeguarding beyond exclusive reliance on climate mitigation policies. Financial risks are assessed through an analysis of sectoral dependencies on various ecosystem services, laying out the basis for a comprehensive framework that supports informed decision-making facing emerging climate and nature-related risks.

How to cite: Stevanovic, M., von Jeetze, P. J., Johnson, J. A., Ceglar, A., and Popp, A.: Navigating Nature and Climate Risks: An Integrated Framework for Economic Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10342,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sebastian Werner, Alex Pui, and Motoshi Tomita

There has been increasing focus on climate risk disclosure within the industry, evidenced by a shift from guidance (TCFD) to standards (ISSB) based approach.  However, surveys show that climate scenario modelling remains challenging, with high complexity and lack of expertise cited as key reasons.

While there are global scenarios such as NGFS to support practitioners by providing key analytical foundations and parameters, concerns have been raised regarding the robustness of physical and transition risk assessment methodologies, and hence the fitness for such scenarios.  Given that the primary aim of climate scenario analysis at an entity level is to inform prudent risk management and business strategy, it is instructive to explore fundamental questions and context around the design of these scenarios, leading to an improved interpretation of end results.

To this end, we aim to critically review the fourth iteration of NGFS scenarios that have recently been released, with a particular focus on 3 areas: First, the evolution of scenarios since the first vintage in 2020. Secondly, the design limitations of IAMs which do not feature frictions that could allow for misprinting and price bubbles. Thirdly, we discuss how the scenario design could benefit from incorporating uncertainty into its variable projections.

How to cite: Werner, S., Pui, A., and Tomita, M.: NGFS scenarios: Scope, design limitations and gaps, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13865,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jimena Alvarez, Nicola Ranger, Anna Freeman, Thomas Harwood, Michael Obersteiner, Estelle Paulus, and Juan Sabuco

Climate change and biodiversity loss are not happening in isolation. The erosion of natural capital by human activities will compound and amplify physical climate risks, and vice versa. We present new analyses that demonstrates that ignoring nature in physical climate financial risk assessment will lead to significant underestimates of the scale of the risks. This has implications for financial institutions and for the prudential policies of Central Banks and supervisors. We develop the first set of integrated climate-nature scenarios to explore the potential scale of physical risks, building upon the NGFS conceptual framework, alongside a global risk assessment approach that combines the ENCORE tool with global natural capital datasets and a multi-regional input-output modelling approach. We produce estimates of risks for five ecosystem services - surface water, ground water, pollination, air quality and water quality - across 7 sectors and 44 countries and 5 rest of world regions. Our analysis suggests that nature-related risks are material in scale, exceeding $7 trillion value at risk. Based on analyses of historical analogues and risk transmission channels we show that nature and climate risks are strongly interconnected and share characteristics in their potential for non-linear, cascading impacts. We propose a set of principles for scenario analysis and a framework for developing decision-relevant scenarios, including an inventory of almost eighty potential nature-related physical risk shocks (hazard-primary economic receptor pairs) that can form the basis to scenario development.

How to cite: Alvarez, J., Ranger, N., Freeman, A., Harwood, T., Obersteiner, M., Paulus, E., and Sabuco, J.: The Green-Scorpion: a preliminary study on the potential amplification of physical climate financial risks by nature-related risks and feedbacks, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12089,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Andy Pitman, Ed Saribatir, Catherine Greenhill, Sam Green, and Samuel Pitman

The realisation that climate change threatens economic systems has led investors, standard-setters and regulators to call on businesses to assess their exposure to climate-related risks, and to disclose the financial impact of these in their annual reports and financial statements where material. Indeed, mandatory disclosure requirements have already been implemented in some jurisdictions and are being proposed elsewhere. Mandatory disclosure of physical climate risk by a single business predisposes that the business can reasonably assess this risk. Here, we use the analogy of a spider’s web to examine how changes in the frequency and magnitude of extremes, that break parts of the web, combine to affect the efficiency of a hypothetical business. We demonstrate that the precise location of an extreme event, the precise characteristics of the event, and whether a subsequent event occurs close to or distant from an earlier event strongly influences vulnerability. In short, to estimate the impact of climate change induced extremes on a business requires not merely the general frequency of events, but the precise geolocation of the event mapped on the vulnerabilities of the business. We conclude that mandatory disclosure of future climate risk by a business cannot be other than deeply uncertain and this is not resolvable via foreseeable advances in global or regional climate modelling.

How to cite: Pitman, A., Saribatir, E., Greenhill, C., Green, S., and Pitman, S.: Assessing the risk of climate change to a business, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2056,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Mark Bernhofen, Matt Burke, Nicola Ranger, and Gireesh Shrimali

Climate change is a risk to the financial stability of countries. The economic impacts of rising temperatures, increasingly frequent and intense extreme events, as well as the costs of adapting to these risks have the potential to significantly strain government (sovereign) finances. Perceived national climate risk hotspots may also discourage investment, reduce economic growth, and increase global inequality. To gauge sovereign financial risk, investors rely on sovereign credit ratings that assess a nation’s ability to repay its debt. A country’s credit rating determines its borrowing costs, influences investor confidence, and has impacts on economic stability and growth.

Recent estimates show that climate-induced sovereign credit downgrades could materialize for nearly 60 countries by 2030 (Klusak et al, 2023) because of the labour productivity impacts of increasing temperatures (Kahn et al, 2021). These sovereign climate risk estimates are severe, yet likely still an underestimate, as they do not consider the materialization of extreme events (acute climate risk) (Stern, 2016).

In this study, we provide new estimates of climate-induced sovereign credit downgrades by combining the sovereign climate risk model developed by Klusak et al. (2023) with models of acute climate risk. We focus on countries in south-east Asia and calculate the extreme losses from river floods and tropical cyclones under different future warming scenarios and the implications for sovereign credit risk. We also explore different options to adapt to these risks nationally, their associated costs, and model the risk reduction benefits of their implementation.

There is a failure to integrate extreme climate risk into economic and financial assessments (Stern et al, 2022). Many of these risks are underestimated in the current financial assessment of climate change (Trust et al, 2023) and may support more credible assessments of short-term risk. Our findings add to the growing body of work highlighting the importance of considering acute climate risk in estimates of climate financial risk (Pittman et al, 2022). We also show that adaptation can significantly reduce future losses and resultant sovereign credit risk, which serves as evidence against divestment from risk-prone countries and for investment in adaptation. We conclude by exploring the fiscal policy implications of our analysis for Thailand.


Kahn, M. E., Mohaddes, K., Ng, R. N., Pesaran, M. H., Raissi, M., & Yang, J. C. (2021). Long-term macroeconomic effects of climate change: A cross-country analysis. Energy Economics

Klusak, P., Agarwala, M., Burke, M., Kraemer, M., Mohaddes, K. (2023). Rising Temperatures, Falling Ratings: The Effect of Climate Change on Sovereign Creditworthiness. Management Science

Pitman, AJ., Fiedler, T., Ranger, N., Jakob, C., Ridder, N., Perkins-Kirpatrick, S., Wood, N., Abramowitz G. (2022). Acute climate risks in the financial system: examining the utility of climate model projections. Environmental Research: Climate

Stern, N. (2016). Economics: Current climate models are grossly misleading. Nature 

Stern, N., Stiglitz, J., & Taylor, C. (2022). The economics of immense risk, urgent action and radical change: towards new approaches to the economics of climate change. Journal of Economic Methodology

Trust, S., Joshi, S., Lenton, T., Oliver, J. (2023). The Emperor's New Climate Scenarios. Institute and Faculty of Actuaries and University of Exeter.

How to cite: Bernhofen, M., Burke, M., Ranger, N., and Shrimali, G.: Physical climate risk, sovereign credit ratings, and the benefits of adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12339,, 2024.

Quantifying Damages and Impacts from Climate Risks
On-site presentation
Xudong Wu, Lennart Quante, and Anders Levermann

The last decade has witnessed a surging occurrence of extreme heat worldwide. This can directly dampen local production capacity and also induce indirect repercussions through the global supply network. Yet, the cascading effect of region-specific extreme heat may differ greatly, which is by far poorly understood. By combining temperature observations with Acclimate—a dynamic agent-based model, we identify the region-specific temperature threshold for dampening local production and investigate the response of the global supply network to extreme heat in a region-by-region manner. Economic agents with significant repercussions on the globe are identified and indirect benefits along the global supply network from local heat adaptation are revealed. The outcome of this study supports common but differentiated adaptation strategies towards extreme heat.

How to cite: Wu, X., Quante, L., and Levermann, A.: Indirect impacts of region-specific heat extremes along the global supply network , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11412,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jessie Ruth Schleypen

The socioeconomic impacts of compound extremes are sudden, severe, and multidimensional. Without precautionary measures, social and economic safety nets including community support and insurance, the negative effects of a single, short-run shock on households can extend to the long-run and persist over many years. Studies on the impacts of compound extremes have focused on objective measurements of well-being, including income, health, education; with much fewer studies on subjective well-being. Looking into subjective well-being takes an evaluative perspective on the quality of life, wherein the recovery from a disaster takes more than just the return to employment, for instance. Previous studies have shown that subjective well-being is also a good predictor of life expectancy, productivity, educational performance, and voting behaviour. Using econometric methods on sub-national, household panel data from the EU Survey of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) and a composite index for the simultaneous occurrence of droughts and heatwaves, I quantify and compare the impacts of compound dry-and-hot events (CDHE) in Europe on objective and subjective measurements of well-being. The results of this study provide new information on the magnitude, as well as, the persistence of effects from CDHE, based on both the traditional income-based measurements versus the self-reported measurements of well-being.

How to cite: Schleypen, J. R.: The Impact of Compound Hot-and-Dry Events on Household Well-being, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7412,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Graham Reveley, James Brennan, Sally Woodhouse, Laura Ramsamy, Nicholas Leach, Patricia Sullivan, Jonathan Davies, and Joe Stables

Driven by regulations to understand and attempt to mitigate risk from climate change there is an increase in demand for climate risk data from the financial sector. This has led to the generation of 3rd party data providers, such as Climate X, who aim to bridge the gap between academic research and the requirements of the financial sector. This requires a multi-disciplinary team bringing together hazard, remote sensing, and climate scientists which allows us to combine open-source earth observations and climate model data with in-house hazard modelling to generate metrics and losses that are useful and useable for our clients.

In this talk we will cover the key requirements of our clients: asset-level and global intelligence, multi-hazard and loss information and multiple scenarios. We will outline how we address these, and how academic researchers can engage with the private sector to make their work as relevant as possible.

How to cite: Reveley, G., Brennan, J., Woodhouse, S., Ramsamy, L., Leach, N., Sullivan, P., Davies, J., and Stables, J.: Climate services for finance, lessons learned and feedback for the public sector, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15905,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Tina Emambakhsh

In the ECB top-down, economy-wide climate stress test, we developed novel damage functions to measure damages to physical capital from different natural hazards at granular firm-level. Combining address-level, forward-looking physical risk scores from Moody’ Four Twenty Seven with projected damages from acute and chronic physical risk from NGFS, we translated firms’ exposure towards floods, wildfire and sea level rise risk to future losses on their physical capital. Using loan-level information from the euro area credit registry, we assessed the deterioration in firms' profitability and indebtness due to physical damages and subsequently the change in default probabilities and expected losses on banks' corporate loan portfolios.  The dataset is unprecedented in terms of coverage, integrating both regulatory and private data sources and comprising financial and climate risk data for a total of 2.6 million European firms and 1,600 euro area banks, covering around 80% of total loan exposures of the euro area regulatory credit registry.  

Losses from physical risk were calculated as the product of firms’ future exposure towards the frequency and intensity of wildfire risk, flood risk and sea level rise and combining this with the expected physical damages as a share of GDP from the NGFS scenarios. Annual firm-level losses from physical risk were calculated between 2020 and 2050 and for three different scenarios, i.e. the NGFS Net Zero 2050, Delayed Transition and Current Policies scenarios. The results show that acute physical risk will lead to moderate to high damages on firms’ physical capital in the long term, depending on the expected temperature increase of the scenario in question. By 2050, damages will be disproportionately higher in a Current Policy scenario relative to the other scenarios, leading to a maximum deterioration of 3% of firms’ assets compared to a maximum deterioration of 1% in a Net Zero 2050 scenario. The results show that until 2050, the credit risk of borrowers most vulnerable to physical risk is around 25% higher in a Current Policy scenario relative to a Net Zero 2050 scenario.

How to cite: Emambakhsh, T.: Measuring physical damages from natural hazards in the ECB top-down, economy-wide climate stress test , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4075,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Jarmo Kikstra, Paul Waidelich, Fulden Batibeniz, James Rising, and Sonia Seneviratne

Projections of economic damages from climate change are key for evaluating the benefits of climate mitigation and informing discussions around adaptation needs. So far, global and country-level top-down assessments of GDP damages have focused on annual mean temperature changes and annual precipitation. Recent backward-looking studies have identified further impacts of variability and extremes in precipitation and temperatures on income growth.

Here, we examine GDP impacts and uncertainties under different global warming levels by combining empirical dose-response functions for temperature variability, rainfall deviations, and extreme precipitation with climate projections of 33 CMIP6 models. The main contribution of this work is to understand the projected relative contributions of multiple climate variables under many possible future climates.

We find that at a +3°C global warming level, global average losses reach 10% of GDP, with worst effects (up to 17%) in poorer, low-latitude countries. Relative to annual temperature damages, which find to seemingly capture heat wave impacts, the additional GDP impacts of projecting variability and extremes are relatively small and dominated by inter-annual variability, especially in lower latitudes. However, accounting for variability and extremes when estimating the temperature dose-response function still raises global GDP losses by nearly 2%-pts and exacerbates tail risks for economic growth.

Our results call for region-specific risk assessments and complementary research into climatic extremes not considered here, including their indirect effects on temperature dose-response functions. Additionally, it will be very important to further the work on understanding historical and future persistence and adaptive capacities for these different impact channels.

How to cite: Kikstra, J., Waidelich, P., Batibeniz, F., Rising, J., and Seneviratne, S.: Climate damage projections beyond annual temperature, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18139,, 2024.


Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 | Hall X5

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr 14:00–Wed, 17 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Nicola Ranger, Alessio Ciullo, Maximilian Kotz
Thijs Endendijk, Daan van Ederen, Wouter Botzen, Hans de Moel, and Jeroen Aerts

Climate change is forming an increasingly larger risk for the financial sector, although climate-related financial risks may be underestimated by financial institutions and markets. Financial institutions, such as banks, pension funds, and insurers are mainly exposed to physical climate risks through their investments in real estate. In the absence of any adaptation actions, physical climate risks for these real estate investments are expected to increase because of the higher frequency and intensity of natural disasters in a changing climate. In response to the increasing financial risks associated with climate change, regulatory bodies have been actively shaping new legislation over the past years (e.g. TCFD, CSRD, EU Green Taxonomy).

One of the main channels through which the financial sector is affected by flood risk is through physical damage to real estate. After this physical damage, housing prices decrease, and houses located in flood-prone regions sell with a discount compared to similar houses in other areas. Additionally, the credit standing of households diminishes, making mortgages more likely to default, increasing mortgage credit risks for lenders. The 2008 global financial crisis has shown that real estate and its underlying values are a pivotal part of the modern financial system. For this reason, it is imperative to monitor and assess how flood risk affects real estate markets and investors through both direct and indirect channels.

These impacts from flooding are currently not yet fully integrated within the risk assessment framework of institutional investors. Dynamic integrated models for insurance markets do exist in the literature, where standard catastrophe flood risk models are matched with insurance sector outcomes. There is currently no clear overview of how physical climate risks affect the balance sheets and profitability of (institutional) real estate investors. This study provides a structured integrated framework for evaluating both the direct and indirect flood-related risks associated with investments in both residential and commercial real estate. Although our bottom-up Dynamic Integrated Flood Real Estate Impacts (DIFREI) model can be applied to other international contexts, we use a real estate portfolio from one of the largest financial service providers in the Netherlands to illustrate the framework’s use and outputs. The DIFREI models can be used to draw lessons for applications on real estate investment portfolios.

How to cite: Endendijk, T., van Ederen, D., Botzen, W., de Moel, H., and Aerts, J.: Climate Risk Assessment Framework for Real Estate Investments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1637,, 2024.

Sumeet Kulkarni, Shubham Choudhary, Francesco Zuccarello, Marie Ekström, and Giulia Giani

The (re)insurance sector has established methods and tools to assess historical and current risk for several weather driven hazards in many geographical regions. Using those same methods to estimate risk under global warming is fraught with challenges as one may expect complex changes to all four risk components (hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and disaster response capability).

Nevertheless, despite much uncertainty about how weather hazards may change under climate change, the insurance sector is increasingly expected to include risk estimates for future-looking business strategies. Supervisors (across different regulatory domains) are currently working with the insurance sector to better understand the transmission channels for climate risk and provide guidance on how to meaningfully estimate future risk due to weather driven hazards.

To encourage discussion and transparency on methodology used to assess risk for insurance purposes (such as developing underwriting layers, or portfolio management) we demonstrate a recent approach developed by the global (re)insurance broker Gallagher Re to estimate risk scores of future floods aligned, and therefore comparable, with current flood risk estimates. We demonstrate the approach for both pluvial and fluvial flood and discuss how challenges (such as those detailed above) were addressed to derive a methodology that can be deployed globally, given access to robust and credible projections of extreme precipitation and streamflow.

How to cite: Kulkarni, S., Choudhary, S., Zuccarello, F., Ekström, M., and Giani, G.: Estimating Flood Risk under Global Warming: An Approach from the Insurance Industry, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6194,, 2024.

HeLing Wu

In today's global economy, the importance of transparent and quantitative sustainability reporting is escalating, reshaping corporate disclosure standards. This evolving landscape presents challenges to traditional business models and management tools, necessitating innovative approaches for effective adaptation. The development of standards such as IFRS S2, a set of global standards for climate-related disclosures that mandates companies to report on their environmental impact and climate risks, further complicates the reporting and compliance environment. This study explores the utility of the Sustainable Balanced Scorecard (SBSC) as a strategic instrument to enhance environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance in light of heightened compliance demands. Utilizing the SBSC framework, the research begins with the development of a sustainability strategy map for a Taiwanese port logistics company, outlining its sustainability objectives and providing a foundation for analyzing the impact of IFRS S2. The research also employ the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method to analyze the causations among strategy goals, enriching the understanding of their interconnections and influence. The study then delves into the specifics of IFRS S2, assessing how these standards affect the company's financial disclosures, strategic planning, and governance framework. This dual approach highlights the intricate relationship between corporate strategy, sustainability integration, and IFRS S2 requirements. It identifies key areas where these elements intersect, offering insights into potential improvement areas and gaps. This research is particularly relevant for entities in the port logistics sector and related industries, emphasizing the critical role of innovative management tools like the SBSC in aligning business strategies with global sustainability goals and managing climate risks effectively.

How to cite: Wu, H.: Advancing Corporate Governance through SBSC: Navigating Compliance with IFRS S2 in Port Logistics, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6989,, 2024.

Victor Wattin Håkansson, Sarah Hülsen, Simona Meiler, Leonie Villiger, Chahan M. Kropf, Jamie W. McCaughey, and David N. Bresch

Climate change is intensifying natural hazards, significantly increasing financial risks for businesses and stakeholders. This shift in physical risk is transforming companies' risk-return profiles and driving the need for transparent risk disclosure, in line with the guidelines from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD; now further developed as IFRS S2). Despite many companies beginning to disclose risks, standardization efforts by regulatory bodies are still evolving. The varied and proprietary nature of climate risk information from commercial providers has hindered transparency and accessibility in risk scoring. This complicates the comparison and evaluation of risks, as well as the aggregation of risks at the portfolio level. Additionally, the scarcity of natural catastrophe models in non-OECD countries and the need for a globally consistent framework incorporating future climate scenarios pose further challenges.

Our study introduces an event-based reporting approach to address these challenges in climate risk disclosure. Companies are required to report modeled financial impacts of standardized hazard sets, including both gross and net risks due to their insurance protection. This method offers a solid foundation for risk metrics, risk-return profiling, and inter-comparison of risks at both individual company and portfolio levels. Leveraging CLIMADA (CLIMate ADAptation), an open-source climate risk assessment platform, we create a globally consistent, interoperable framework with reference hazard event sets for main perils under current and future climate conditions, accessible through a data API. 

By applying this method to the balance sheets of hypothetical multinational companies, we effectively assess financial risks and perform risk-return analyses, demonstrating the approach's practicality and potential in climate risk management and disclosure. We show, for instance, the potential for evaluating sectoral and cross-sectoral risk, which is only visible in the cross-company risk profile, and how portfolio risks due to spatial correlations can be captured.

How to cite: Wattin Håkansson, V., Hülsen, S., Meiler, S., Villiger, L., Kropf, C. M., McCaughey, J. W., and Bresch, D. N.: Beyond Single Company Risk Disclosure – Exploring the Efficient Frontier in Physical Risk Reporting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11080,, 2024.

Andrej Ceglar, Nicola Ranger, Kai Kornhuber, Michaela Dolk, and Olivier Mahul

The world has recently witnessed many unprecedented climate disasters, often coinciding with other crises such as pandemics, socio-economic instabilities and ecosystem degradation (closely linked to biodiversity loss). These compound shocks exert profound effects on human, environmental, and economic dimensions, presenting substantial implications also from a financial risk standpoint. Consequently, it becomes imperative to transcend the isolated assessment of individual events and associated risks and progress towards an integrated evaluation of interconnected crises. Compound shocks exhibit characteristics marked by non-linear, intricate, and often unpredictable effects on both society and the economy. Consequently, discerning their impacts cannot be simplified to a mere summation of the effects of their individual shocks. The intricate nonlinearities have the potential to amplify the repercussions of climate-related shocks, presenting considerable challenges to financial stability. Recent advancements in the fields of climate impact modelling, catastrophe risk modeling, machine learning, and macroeconomic modeling hold promise in addressing the existing gaps in modeling compound risks. Our study builds on a survey we conducted among twenty-six central banks and supervisory bodies, revealing a consensus on the crucial importance of considering compound shocks in climate change scenario analyses, specifically pertaining to physical. Leveraging the insights garnered from this survey, we set up a research direction towards integration of compound risks into the development of scenario narratives, storylines and (macro-)economic models capable of effectively capturing compound shocks.

How to cite: Ceglar, A., Ranger, N., Kornhuber, K., Dolk, M., and Mahul, O.: Financial risk management needs to integrate compound events in physical climate risk assessment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11534,, 2024.

Natasha Frilingou, Dirk-Jan van de Ven, Shivika Mittal, Karamaneas Anastasios, Thomas Nikolakakis, Francesco Gardumi, Konstantinos Koasidis, and Alexandros Nikas

Decarbonisation of the energy sector is a critical task in the efforts to mitigate climate change. As sectoral emissions cuts in modelled pathways aligned with the Paris Agreement are projected to come from at-scale diffusion of emerging or new technologies as well as further development of existing solutions, energy-sector decarbonisation entails major investments in low-carbon technologies. At the same time, a significant chunk of these investments must be made in emerging and developing economies, which currently receive just one-fifth of global energy investments. This underinvestment is, at least partly, due to the large disparities in financing conditions and higher-risk profiles in said countries. Models used to assess decarbonisation pathways typically assume a uniform cost of capital; such assumption, however, does not do justice to real-world conditions and may therefore lead to inaccurate policy recommendations. Moreover, there is considerable uncertainty over how these costs may evolve in the future. In this study, we apply an empirical dataset of estimated cost of capital differentiated by technology and country and explore stakeholder-driven pathways of (de-)risking investments in clean energy vs. fossil-fuel technologies, using an ensemble of two global integrated assessment models and one electricity-system model. Furthermore, we attempt to incorporate a corrective justice dimension in our narratives by assessing the impacts of risk underwriting for low-carbon investments through taxing corporate windfall profits for 2022 and distributing the revenue as subsidies towards high-risk regions.

How to cite: Frilingou, N., van de Ven, D.-J., Mittal, S., Anastasios, K., Nikolakakis, T., Gardumi, F., Koasidis, K., and Nikas, A.: How do interest rates affect decarbonisation pathways? A stakeholder-driven multi-model analysis., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17148,, 2024.

Francesco Battaglioli, Pieter Groenemeijer, Mateusz Taszarek, Tomas Pucik, and Anja Rädler

Large hail events worldwide result in extensive damage, with individual events occasionally exceeding USD 1 billion in losses. Addressing the lack of comprehensive global observational networks, we developed Additive Logistic Regression Models for mapping the frequency of large and very large hail. These models were trained with data from lightning observations, hail reports, and convective parameters from the ERA5 reanalysis. Applying these models to ERA5 data spanning from 1950 to 2021, we reconstructed the probability of large and very large hail events across Europe and the United States. In the United States, hail trends during this period were generally weak and statistically non-significant. In Europe, trends were predominantly positive and significant with northern Italy standing out as a hotspot. Here, the convective activity has seen an abrupt increase with very large hail being 3 times more likely in recent years (2012-2021) than it was in the 1950s. This trend was corroborated by recent observations in the region, including the establishment of a new European hail record with hailstones measuring 19 cm in north-eastern Italy in July 2023. To create a globally applicable hail model, we used a training dataset of hail reports from Europe, the United States, and Australia combined. This effort resulted in the development of a comprehensive global climatology for very large hail. Additionally, we compared the modelled changes in hail frequency to observed changes in insured losses to better understand the complex relationship between hail frequency and hail risk across different regions worldwide.

How to cite: Battaglioli, F., Groenemeijer, P., Taszarek, M., Pucik, T., and Rädler, A.: Modelled Multidecadal Trends in (Very) Large Hail in Europe, the United States and Globally, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17265,, 2024.

Keven Roy and Shree Khare

As our knowledge of the physical impacts associated with climate change develops, translating those insights into accurate estimates of societal and financial repercussions has become a key concern for a variety of decision-makers, including policymakers, insurance specialists, investors and regulators. Although this task is daunting, it can leverage the deep knowledge of the financial impacts of extreme natural events amassed over the past decades in the (re)insurance industry, where detailed assessments of location-level and portfolio-level risk are now commonly used.

In particular, Moody’s RMS has been at the forefront of catastrophe modelling for over 30 years, developing and supporting models for the US$2.5 trillion global (re)insurance market. These granular, bottom-up models bring together carefully calibrated stochastic simulations of extreme events, together with detailed regional assessments of the vulnerability of a wide range of building and infrastructure types, which are then converted into loss distributions that incorporate local market considerations, such as repair/replacement costs and business interruption costs. Those models have been validated not only against extensive geophysical observations, but also against hundreds of billions of dollars of granular damage and building-specific claims data.

In this context, Moody’s RMS has developed a novel bottom-up approach to assess the financial impacts of climate change, which leverages the respective strengths of catastrophe models and general circulation models. The ‘Climate on Demand Pro’ platform provides damage estimates at both location- and portfolio-levels, and incorporates an aggregation methodology that reflects the impacts of portfolio concentration or diversification. Those metrics are provided globally across the 21st century for various climate scenarios, across a suite of six acute and chronic climate perils (tropical cyclones, wildfires, inland floods, coastal floods, heat stress and water stress), as well as earthquake risk.

This presentation will include an overview of the models, showcase some key results and discuss various use cases across the financial sector. The importance of such detailed loss-based climate risk metrics for present and future regulatory requirements will be emphasized, together with the need for increased collaboration between academia, industry and regulators in addressing the challenges ahead.

How to cite: Roy, K. and Khare, S.: Leveraging Catastrophe Modelling Insights for Bottom-Up Assessments of Climate Change Physical Risk: The ‘Climate on Demand Pro’ Platform, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19069,, 2024.

Frederick Fabian

In the realm of finance for loss and damage, new funding mechanisms are emerging, yet the task of identifying and quantifying the losses and damages from extreme weather events attributable to climate change remains a complex challenge. Impact attribution, which extends beyond traditional attribution analyses of extreme weather events, is gaining more attention and methods are improving. However, their systematic integration into the loss and damage finance architecture will not be possible any time soon. With the rapidly escalating impacts of climate change, financial solutions designed to support affected communities and countries must align with the real-world necessity for predictability and swiftness of disaster risk finance.

Insurance, while not a panacea, has traditionally been envisioned as an important player in the domain of loss and damage finance. Nonetheless, insurance premia become prohibitively expensive in many regions and specific risks inch towards becoming uninsurable. Increasing the uptake of insurance and making it more affordable, e.g. through subsidies, can relieve some of the impacts and support affected communities with reliable financial flows. Here, parametric insurance is posited as a generally suitable solution with advantages over traditional indemnity insurance. It provides transparent and quick financial responses after extreme weather events, is less exposed to moral hazard and adverse selection.  

This research develops a scalable, objective, transparent, and pragmatic framework for the quantification and attribution of payout and premium increases of parametric insurance due to climate change. Apt for incorporation into new solutions such as the loss and damage fund and the Global Shield initiative, the framework would allow to mobilise substantial funding by blending public and private funds and leveraging the infrastructure of insurance companies. Employing this framework within a loss and damage finance architecture not only capitalizes on the inherent benefits of parametric insurance but also ensures that the allocation of resources is more closely aligned with changes in weather patterns, and therefore impacts, that are attributable to climate change.

The framework is applied to the context of tropical cyclone parametric insurance in various locations, as well as to heatwave parametric insurance in India. The results illustrate the alterations in payouts and premia attributable to climate change and quantify the loss and damage finance required to compensate for the climate-change related risk increases, whether as direct payments to policyholders/insurance companies affected by the insured events or as subsidies for insurance premia.

How to cite: Fabian, F.: Quantifying and attributing pay-out and premia increases of parametric insurance to climate change – A framework for scalable, objective, transparent and pragmatic integration into a loss and damage finance architecture, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19327,, 2024.

Identifying causes of European natural hazard loss increase year-on-year: Climate change or something else?
Charlotte Milner and Kelsey Mulder
Community resilience to floods: tracking top controls of insurance adoption.
(withdrawn after no-show)
Malaquias Pena, Yue Yin, Xinyi Chen, Qing Yang, Yiwen Mei, and James Price
Elizabeth Wright and Niall Robinson

Financial markets are key catalysts for a net-zero future by 2050, with trillions of capital and resources ready to be unlocked. So what is holding them back? Green finance is pushing to be at the forefront of any structured financial activity, however the lack of clear definitions, standards, and regulations, misaligned incentives and interests, scarce data and information, and a gap between the demand and supply of green finance is slowing down its impact and implementation. This talk examines the role of government agencies, such as the UK Met Office, in helping markets to address climate risk. By aligning the financial system with the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals, green finance can reduce the exposure of financial institutions to climate-related risks, such as stranded assets, physical damages, and transition costs and help to address some of the key challenges they are facing. 

How to cite: Wright, E. and Robinson, N.: Greening the financial system: How can national meteorological services drive the transition?, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21474,, 2024.

Daan van Ederen, Wouter Botzen, Jeroen Aerts, Veronica Lupi, Paolo Scussolini, Hans de Moel, and Koos Gubbels

Global warming is changing the climate and causing more frequent extreme weather events, such as floods and precipitation extremes. Future financial losses are expected to rise further due to a continued increase in economic exposure to intensifying extremes. As a result, climate change is recognized as an important source of risk for financial institutions. Insurance companies use natural catastrophe models to estimate the expected climate-related risk (in terms of losses) of their non-life insurance portfolios. Within these models, the vulnerability function describes the susceptibility of objects to  damages from natural hazards, which is of fundamental importance to the sound estimation of natural catastrophe losses. This paper constructs empirically based vulnerability functions for natural catastrophe models that estimate wind, precipitation, hail and flood damages for distinct object classes (i.e., residential and multiple commercial building types). For this, we leverage a unique insurance dataset from Achmea with high quality damage claims for different perils. This dataset contains the claim amount, building reconstruction value, location and multiple building characteristics (e.g., building use and material) at the object level for more than half a million claims over the past 40 years in the Netherlands. The vulnerability functions describe multivariate relationships between the damage ratio of objects and one or multiple natural hazard intensity measures (e.g. wind speeds and direction), primary and secondary modifiers (i.e., building characteristics). In addition, both confidence and prediction intervals are constructed. This study innovates upon the literature by using large samples of high quality damage claims data to estimate vulnerability functions for multiple natural catastrophes and object classes in the Netherlands. Our analysis pays special attention to model assumptions, the goodness-of-fit and uncertainty intervals. The results can serve as inputs for public, academic and open-source natural catastrophe models to facilitate the estimation of accurate natural catastrophe damages now and in the future.


How to cite: van Ederen, D., Botzen, W., Aerts, J., Lupi, V., Scussolini, P., de Moel, H., and Gubbels, K.: Vulnerability functions based on insurance data for wind, precipitation, hail and flood damages for residential and commercial buildings in the Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1556,, 2024.