ITS1.12/AS5.15 | Downscaling: methods, applications and added value
Downscaling: methods, applications and added value
Convener: Marlis Hofer | Co-conveners: Jonathan Eden, Cornelia Klein, Tanja Zerenner, Henry Addison
| Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.17
Posters on site
| Attendance Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X5
Posters virtual
| Attendance Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X5
Orals |
Wed, 14:00
Thu, 10:45
Thu, 14:00
Downscaling aims to process and refine global climate model output to provide information at spatial and temporal scales suitable for impact studies. In response to the current challenges posed by climate change and variability, downscaling techniques continue to play an important role in the development of user-driven climate information and new climate services and products. In fact, the "user's dilemma" is no longer that there is a lack of downscaled data, but rather how to select amongst the available datasets and to assess their credibility. In this context, model evaluation and verification is growing in relevance and advances in the field will likely require close collaboration between various disciplines.

Furthermore, epistemologists have started to revisit current practices of climate model validation. This new thread of discussion encourages to clarify the issue of added value of downscaling, i.e. the value gained through adding another level of complexity to the uncertainty cascade. For example, the ‘adequacy-for-purpose view’ may offer a more holistic approach to the evaluation of downscaling models (and atmospheric models, in general) as it considers, for example, user perspectives next to a model’s representational accuracy.

In our session, we aim to bring together scientists from the various geoscientific disciplines interrelated through downscaling: atmospheric modeling, climate change impact modeling, machine learning and verification research. We also invite philosophers of climate science to enrich our discussion about novel challenges faced by the evaluation of increasingly complex simulation models.

Contributions to this session may address, but are not limited to:

- newly available downscaling products,
- applications relying on downscaled data,
- downscaling method development, including the potential for machine learning,
- bias correction and statistical postprocessing,
- challenges in the data management of kilometer-scale simulations,
- verification, uncertainty quantification and the added value of downscaling,
- downscaling approaches in light of computational epistemology.

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room 2.17

Chairpersons: Cornelia Klein, Michael Matiu
Downscaling: overview, added value and evaluation
On-site presentation
Melissa Bukovsky, Seth McGinnis, Rachel McCrary, and Linda Mearns

Despite the ongoing advancements in Earth system simulation, the results from Global Climate Models (GCMs) are still not refined enough to be directly applied to numerous climate impact issues. There are many techniques available to downscale GCM outputs to finer resolutions, from basic statistical adjustments to more complex methods like dynamical downscaling and machine learning. However, these methods often yield different results, making it difficult to assess their relative reliability, particularly when comparing statistical versus dynamical downscaling methods.

We consider downscaled results to be credible when the phenomena and processes producing it are consistent; for instance, if it’s raining, the necessary conditions for rain (such as lift and atmospheric moisture) should be present. To assess various downscaling techniques, and demonstrate this technique, we examine the occurrence of rainfall at a location the Southern Great Plains, specifically near the DOE ARRM site in Oklahoma during May, the rainiest month. In this scenario, we are looking for an atmospheric setup that produces uplift at this location and corresponds with the northward movement of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico.

By comparing the composite synoptic-scale meteorological conditions on days with and without rain from the GCM being downscaled or from the downscaling method, as appropriate, we can verify if the outcomes of downscaling GCM precipitation align with the processes that drive them. This method offers a process-based added-value analysis strategy for all kinds of downscaling techniques, which extends beyond basic measures of statistical resemblance.

We’ve used two regional climate models (RegCM4 & WRF), a machine learning technique (U-Net CNN), and four statistical methods of different complexities to downscale precipitation from three distinct GCMs. By using this method to compare them with each other and the raw GCM results, we’ve discovered that all downscaling methods can yield plausible outcomes when the GCM performs well, as they inherit its credibility. However, when the GCM’s performance is subpar, only dynamical methods can rectify regional circulation errors, unlike the other methods. Interestingly, we also found that simpler statistical methods outperform more complex non-dynamical methods when dealing with poor GCM inputs.

How to cite: Bukovsky, M., McGinnis, S., McCrary, R., and Mearns, L.: A Process-Informed Determination of Credibility Across Different Downscaling Methods, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13235,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Rasmus Benestad, Kajsa M. Parding, Abdelkader Mezghani, Andreas Dobler, Oskar A. Landgren, and Julia Lutz

If the shape of mathematical curves describing local weather statistics are systematically influenced by large-scale conditions and geographical factors, then it may be possible to downscale this kind of information directly. Such curves may include probability density functions (pdfs) for daily temperature/precipitation or intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves for estimating return values of intense sub-daily rainfall. Downscaling the shape of such curves may be referred to as ‘downscaling climate’ if we regard ‘local climate’ as the statistical description of various weather parameters. This approach is distinct from the more traditional approach ‘downscaling weather’, where one seeks to estimate particular local states for instance on a day-by-day basis. We present work on downscaling the shapes of pdfs and IDFs involving large multi-model ensembles for the application in climate change adaptation efforts. Our efforts also include an evaluation of both methodology and the global climate models' (GCMs) ability to reproduce observed large-scale climatic variability in terms of the salient spatio-temporal covariance structure. We emphasise that it’s important to combine different strategies for downscaling, e.g. regional climate models (RCMs) and empirical-statistical downscaling (ESD) that are based on different assumptions, for getting robust future regional climate projections.

How to cite: Benestad, R., Parding, K. M., Mezghani, A., Dobler, A., Landgren, O. A., and Lutz, J.: Downscaling statistical information: a statistical approach, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8821,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Catalina Jerez, Miguel Lagos-Zuñiga, and Santiago Montserrat

Statistical Downscaling Methods (SDMs) play a pivotal role in climate change assessments at local and regional scales, as they can efficiently reproduce historical climate observations, overcoming the limitation of Global Climate Models (GCMs) in capturing fine-scale climatic features. However, the evaluation of GCMs and SDMs often focuses on historical climatology, neglecting extreme events representation and climate change signal preservation. In response, this paper proposes a methodological guideline for GCMs and SDMs selection, incorporating three key criteria: representation of historical climatology (Past Performance Index - PPI), representation of extreme wet climate indices (Climate Integrated Impact Index - CI3), and preservation of climate signal change (Climate Signal Performance Criteria - SCPI). Satisfactory GCM and SDM performance during the historical period is defined by meeting conditions such as PPI ≥ 0.5 for each climatic variable (precipitation, minimum and maximum temperature) and CI3 ≥ 0.4. For future projections, SCPI guides the selection process, considering short (2015 – 2040), medium (2041 – 2070), and long-term (2071 – 2100) projections across different Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) (see step d) in Figure 1).


The study evaluates 18 GCMs from Sixth Model Intercomparison Phase (CMIP6), interpolated to the gridded meteorological product CR2METv2.0 (0.05° x 0.05°) for the northern region of Chile (17ºS – 32º). Ten SDMs are applied to short, medium, and long-term periods under SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios. Results indicate that no single SDM corrects all criteria for all GCMs. Climate projection groups are established based on the number of criteria met, distinguishing models that satisfy two or three criteria. The historical evaluation shows that interannual variability is the most influential in the PPI results, both for precipitation and temperatures (min and max). Better historical performance is also observed for multivariate methods family over quantile mapping family or hybrid methods family (combination of analogs, resampling, climate fingerprinting and quantile mapping). In the case of CI3, all SDMs for all the GCMs show a similar bias for maximum precipitation magnitude and their mean temperature, meanwhile the consecutive wet days, days with precipitation over 50 mm and snow process indices present a bias of less than 10%. For this metric, no SDM family has a better performance over another SDM family. Finally, the preserving of climate signal change (for each SSP scenario and projection period) is not observed with the hybrid method. For quantile methods, we observed a tendency of modification of the signal climate change, and the multivariate methods has the best performance in these criteria. This proposed methodology facilitates the selection of GCM subsets based on study objectives (climatology, extreme events, or climate change signals). Future work should focus on advancing additional statistical downscaling methods capable of representing diverse criteria, including natural variability and climate change signals.

Figure 1. Methodological scheme for the selection of suitable GCMs and SDMs.

How to cite: Jerez, C., Lagos-Zuñiga, M., and Montserrat, S.: Evaluating CMIP6 models under different statistical downscaling methods for climate assessments in the north of Chile, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12446,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Zhongfeng Xu, Ying Han, Meng-Zhuo Zhang, Chi-Yung Tam, Zong-Liang Yang, Ahmed EL Kenawy, and Congbin Fu

    In this study, we aim to assess the impacts of GCM bias correction on dynamical downscaling simulation over the Asia-western North Pacific region. Three simulations were conducted with a 25-km grid spacing for the period 1980–2014. The first simulation (WRF_ERA5) was driven by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Reanalysis 5 (ERA5) dataset and served as the validation dataset. The original GCM dataset (MPI-ESM1-2-HR model) was used to drive the second simulation (WRF_GCM), while the third simulation (WRF_GCMbc) was driven by the bias-corrected GCM dataset. The bias-corrected GCM data has an ERA5-based mean and interannual variance but the long-term trends are derived from the ensemble mean of 18 CMIP6 models. Results demonstrate that the WRF_GCMbc significantly reduced the root-mean-square errors (RMSEs) of the climatological mean of downscaled variables, including temperature, precipitation, snow, wind, relative humidity, and planetary boundary layer height by 50%–90% compared to the WRF_GCM. Similarly, the RMSEs of interannual-to-interdecadal variances of downscaled variables were reduced by 30%–60%. Furthermore, the WRF_GCMbc better captured the annual cycle of the monsoon circulation and intraseasonal and day-to-day variabilities. The leading empirical orthogonal function (EOF) shows a monopole precipitation mode in the WRF_GCM. In contrast, the WRF_GCMbc successfully reproduced the observed tri-pole mode of summer precipitation over eastern China. This improvement could be attributed to a better-simulated location of the western North Pacific subtropical high in the WRF_GCMbc after GCM bias correction.

How to cite: Xu, Z., Han, Y., Zhang, M.-Z., Tam, C.-Y., Yang, Z.-L., EL Kenawy, A., and Fu, C.: Dynamical Downscaling Simulation of Asian Climate with a Bias-Corrected CMIP6 Dataset: Evaluation , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4810,, 2024.

Downscaling data sets: handling, management and uncertainties
Virtual presentation
Kajsa Parding, Andreas Dobler, Rasmus Benestad, Julia Lutz, Abdelkader Mezghani, and Anita Verpe Dybdal

We present an interactive climate atlas providing visualisations of future regional climate projections of temperature and precipitation in northern Europe from multiple sources. It is based on results of both empirical-statistical and dynamical downscaling of multi-model ensembles from CMIP5 and CMIP6 including several emission scenarios. Displayed alongside each other, the projected climate change estimated from different model ensembles can be compared and contrasted. The comparison can be useful to evaluate the robustness of the climate change information and the influence of methodological choices such as the downscaling method and the selection of global climate models, and to explore how the level of greenhouse gas emissions may affect the future climate. The application is developed by researchers at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and is freely available at the website

How to cite: Parding, K., Dobler, A., Benestad, R., Lutz, J., Mezghani, A., and Dybdal, A. V.: An interactive climate atlas for northern Europe, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17936,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Ehsan Sharifi, Katherine Grayson, Sebastian Müller, and Stephan Thober

Projections generated by global climate models (GCMs) are increasingly utilized to inform climate adaptation policies. It is known that climate models simplify the real climate system, leading to biases between simulated and observed climates. The spatial and temporal resolution of GCMs is ever increasing to provide a better representation of the Earth system and in turn, also provide higher quality information for users. To effectively handle the substantial climate data produced by these models, which can reach Terabytes to Petabytes, the Destination Earth (DestinE) initiative is exploring data streaming—a new approach that enables user applications to run Earth system models in an end-to-end workflow directly downstream of the climate simulations, eliminating the need to store entire time-series of variables to disk.

Traditional methods for quantile or percentile calculation typically involve sorting the data and directly computing the specific value corresponding to the desired quantile. These methods can be computationally intensive, especially for large datasets, as it necessitates storing and processing the entire dataset. While traditional bias-adjustment (BA) algorithms rely on data being fully available, a further challenge lies in developing bias-adjustment procedures capable of accommodating streamed data on-the-fly. In the DestinE Climate Digital Twin (CDT), we extend the quantile-mapping technique used in the ISI-MIP project ( because it is a well-established method and preserves the trend of the original data. The technique involves aligning the CDFs of the model data with those of the observed data by adjusting the model's cumulative distribution to match that of the observed data. The enhancements of the BA method in DestinE-CDT is making use of the T-Digest algorithm, a sophisticated strategy that dynamically clusters data points into small groups, which is used to generate a summarized representation of the data distribution from streamed data and accurately calculate percentiles. This clustering technique offers an accurate estimate of percentiles while efficiently managing large and unbounded data streams where new data points are continuously added.

We apply the developed quantile-mapping BA for different variables on a global scale and compare it with the parametric distribution functions used in quantile-mapping BA from the ISI-MIP project.

How to cite: Sharifi, E., Grayson, K., Müller, S., and Thober, S.: A Novel Bias-Adjustment Methodology for Streaming Global Climate Models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9083,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Bridget Thrasher, Weile Wang, Andrew Michaelis, Ian Brosnan, and Sepideh Khajehei

The NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections CMIP6 archive (NEX-GDDP-CMIP6) contains daily climate projections of nine variables derived from thirty-five CMIP6 GCMs and four SSP scenarios (SSP2-4.5, SSP5-8.5, SSP1-2.6 and SSP3-7.0) for the period 2015-2100. Each of these climate projections was downscaled to a spatial resolution of 0.25 degrees x 0.25 degrees using the daily version of the BCSD statistical downscaling method. The purpose of this archive is to provide a set of global, high-resolution, bias-corrected climate change projections that can be used to evaluate climate change impacts on processes that are sensitive to finer-scale climate gradients and the effects of local topography on climate conditions. In this session, we will provide an overview of the methodology, as well as the details of its execution on the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) facility. In addition, we will discuss the various considerations, assumptions, and limitations of the downscaled data. Lastly, we will illustrate the various modes of accessing the archive, including examples using the NASA Regional Climate Model Evaluation System (RCMES) and cloud computing resources.

How to cite: Thrasher, B., Wang, W., Michaelis, A., Brosnan, I., and Khajehei, S.: NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP-CMIP6), EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19303,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Development and Performance Evaluation of High-Resolution Climatology (ANAS23) in the Northeast Asian Seas 
Jae-Ho Lee, Yong Sun Kim, and Sung-Dae Kim
Coffee break
Chairpersons: Cornelia Klein, Michael Matiu
Downscaling: new tools and stochastic approaches
On-site presentation
Eren Duzenli, Jaume Ramon Gamon, Alba Llabres, Verónica Torralba, Lluis Palma Garcia, Sara Moreno Montes, Carlos Delgado-Torres, Nuria Perez-Zanon, Javier Corvillo Guerra, and Raul Marcos

Statistical downscaling is a technique that allows to obtain high-resolution climate information from the coarse-resolution Global Climate Model (GCM) outputs through the long-term relationship between the GCM output and a reference dataset such as in-situ observations. The key benefit of employing statistical downscaling (SD) methods over the dynamical approaches is their significantly less computational costs. The cost-effectiveness of these methods enables the processing of large hindcasts, including multi-model systems with numerous ensemble members, which is highly relevant for the users. Thus, a comprehensive tool that allows users to apply state-of-the-art statistical downscaling methods on climate variables is crucial. CSDownscale is a new generation R package that has been  developed to statistically downscale subseasonal to seasonal to decadal climate predictions in the context of climate services, including its use in operational applications. The tool produces a downscaled field or time series using several bias correction, regression (i.e., linear and logistic) and analogs methods. Additionally, the package contains various interpolation methods such as nearest neighbor or bilinear approaches, which are used for regridding purposes. Users can easily combine these with bias correction and regression methods to perform downscaling. When applying these combined operations, the GCM data is initially interpolated to the resolution of the reference dataset, then the selected bias correction or regression method is implemented on the regridded data. However, the package also incorporates a method that infers the high-resolution values using a multi-linear regression with the four closest coarse-scale grid points, which skips the step of interpolation. Furthermore, the CSDownscale package includes an analogs based method, which looks for fields with similar conditions to the one being predicted and returns the high-resolution outcome of past conditions that are most similar, a certain number of similar fields or a combination of them. Finally, the CSDownscale package allows for the GCM data to be downscaled to either a reference grid space or a specific point location. All the methods are conceived to be done in cross-validation, that is, by excluding data from the specific time step being post-processed to avoid overfitting and, consequently, the overestimation of the actual prediction skill.

How to cite: Duzenli, E., Ramon Gamon, J., Llabres, A., Torralba, V., Palma Garcia, L., Moreno Montes, S., Delgado-Torres, C., Perez-Zanon, N., Corvillo Guerra, J., and Marcos, R.: Climate Services Downscale (CSDownscale): A statistical downscaling tool for (sub)seasonal to decadal climate predictions, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19420,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Martin Dubrovsky, Radan Huth, Petr Stepanek, Ondrej Lhotka, Jiri Miksovsky, Jan Meitner, Jan Balek, Adam Vizina, and Mirek Trnka

Stochastic weather generators are one of the most frequently used methodologies for producing input weather series for various process-based models (especially agricultural crop growth models and hydrological rainfall-runoff models) used e.g. in assessing impacts of climate change/variability on weather-dependent processes.

SPAGETTA (Dubrovsky et al., 2020, Theor. Appl. Climatol.) is a parametric multi-variable spatial weather generator run commonly (but not only) with daily time step. It is based on applying the spatialisation approach developed by Wilks (1998, J. Hydrol.) to our older single-site weather generator M&Rfi. Similarly to M&Rfi, SPAGETTA is designed for agricultural and hydrological modeling. Until recently, the stress was put on finetuning and validating the generator. Now, when the generator performs reasonably well, it is being used in various experiments.

In the first part of the presentation, the main results of the validation tests will be shown, focusing on the ability of the generator to reproduce spatial-temporal variability of multi-site temperature and precipitation series. Concerning the temporal variability, both high-frequency (interdiurnal) and low-frequency (intermonthly and interannual) variability was considered. The performance of the generator was compared with the performance of 19 RCMs taken from the CORDEX database.

In the second-part, to demonstrate different applications of the generators, we show results obtained in four experiments: (1) Assessment of separate effects of changes in the WG parameters, which represent the means, variability and lag-0 & lag-1 spatial correlations of temperature and precipitation, on a set of temperature and precipitation indices. The generator parameters were calibrated using the observational E-OBS data from 8 European regions and then modified with the changes (2070-99 vs. 1971-2000) derived from 19 RCM climate simulations (this experiment was already presented in EGU 2023). (2) To show the generator's performance in hydrological modeling, we applied the rainfall–runoff model to the watershed of Dyje river. The model outputs obtained using the synthetic weather series were compared with outputs obtained with the observed weather series (we call this type of experiment “indirect validation of WG”. (3) The generator was used to develop a new test for examining the collective significance of local trends at multiple sites (Huth and Dubrovsky, 2021, J. Clim.). This was made by applying large ensembles of realizations of synthetic multi-site weather series for user-defined lag-0 and lag-1 spatial correlation matrices, (4) The generator was used to assess the statistical significance of climate change scenarios produced by Regional Climate Models. The significance of the RCM-based changes (future vs. baseline) in individual WG parameters is based on comparing their values with the spread of the changes of these parameters based on ensembles of synthetic weather series, i.e. the pairs of synthetic series representing future and present climate; the generator was calibrated by RCM simulations for the corresponding time slices.

How to cite: Dubrovsky, M., Huth, R., Stepanek, P., Lhotka, O., Miksovsky, J., Meitner, J., Balek, J., Vizina, A., and Trnka, M.: Stochastic Spatial Weather Generator SPAGETTA: Development and Applications, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19461,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Wenting Wang, Shuiqing Yin, and Bofu Yu

Rainfall data are needed as input to drive hydrological and soil erosion models. Daily rainfall data are commonly used and widely accessible, whether sourced from meteorological observations or simulated by Global Climate Models (GCMs). However, daily data cannot capture intensity variations during a storm event, and may not be sufficient to capture the changes during extreme weather events under climate change scenarios. Weather generators (WGs) are statistical models that can generate random sequences of meteorological variables that exhibit statistical characteristics that are similar to observations. However, the low accuracy of generated sub-daily rainfall intensities motivated this study to stochastically disaggregate daily precipitation total at hourly intervals so that observed or GCM generated daily rainfall can be downscaled into hourly scale stochastically. To achieve this, we developed a model, HRGEN, based on long-term hourly precipitation data from 1971 to 2020 from 2405 meteorological stations across mainland China. The major improvement of this model over CLIGEN includes: (1) HRGEN significantly enhances the simulation accuracy of maximum peak intensities on an hourly basis (Hmax). The average Hmax over 2405 stations of hourly observations and HRGEN-generated are 4.0 mm h-1 and 4.2 mm h-1, respectively, while that generated by CLImate GENerator (CLIGEN) is 6.5 mm h-1. The mean absolute relative error (MARE) over 2405 stations is 8.2%. This improvement is critical for accurately estimating daily EI30 values, a key index in soil erosion models and soil loss prediction; (2) HRGEN preserves the relationship between total daily precipitation and storm duration and peak intensity; (3) The model has only six parameters, markedly simplifying the calibration and simulation processes. The HRGEN-simulated hourly rainfall data can be used to estimate rainfall erosivity for erosion prediction. The R-factor estimated using HRGEN-generated hourly data agrees well with the observed R-factor values, with a high Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSE) of 0.92. The average R-factor estimated from hourly observations and HRGEN-generated hourly observations over 2405 stations are 3699.2 and 3720.7 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 a-1, respectively. In comparison, R-factor estimated by CLIGEN-generated rainfall is 9100.7 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 a-1. This study highlights HRGEN’s potential as a robust tool for stochastic generation of sub-daily rainfall as input to hydrologic and soil erosion models.

How to cite: Wang, W., Yin, S., and Yu, B.: HRGEN: A stochastic generator of hourly rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2693,, 2024.

Artificial intelligence and combined approaches
On-site presentation
Elena Tomasi, Gabriele Franch, and Marco Cristoforetti

Downscaling techniques are one of the most prominent applications of Deep Learning (DL) in Earth System Modeling. A robust DL downscaling model can generate high-resolution fields from coarse-scale numerical model simulations, saving the timely and resourceful applications of regional/local models. Moreover, specific DL models can generate uncertainty information and provide ensemble-like pool scenarios, hardly achievable using traditional numerical simulations due to their high computational requirements. In this work, we present the application of deep generative models, namely a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and a Latent Diffusion model (LDCast, Leinonen et al., 2023), to perform the downscaling of ERA5 (Hersbach et al., 2018) data over Italy up to a resolution of 2km. The target high-resolution data used for training consists in the Italian high-resolution dynamical reanalyses obtained with COSMO-CLM (Raffa et al., 2021). The goal of the study is to show that recent advancements in generative modeling can learn to provide comparable results with numerical dynamical downscaling models, such as the COSMO-CLM model, given the same input data (i.e., ERA5 data), preserving the realism of fine-scale features and flow characteristics. The training and testing database is composed of hourly data from 2000 to 2020 (~184000 timestamps), and the target variables of the study are 2-m temperature and horizontal wind components. A selection of predictand variables from ERA5 is used as input to the DL models (e.g., 850hPa temperature, specific humidity, and wind). The generative models are compared with reference baselines, both DL-based (e.g., UNET) and statistical methods. Preliminary results are presented, highlighting the improvements introduced with this architecture with respect to the baselines. The results are evaluated by different quantitative verification scores: RMSE, predicted spectra, frequency distributions, and spatial distribution of errors. 

How to cite: Tomasi, E., Franch, G., and Cristoforetti, M.: Can AI be enabled to dynamical downscaling? Training Deep Generative Models to downscale ERA5 to high-resolution COSMO-CLM dynamical reanalyses over Italy , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10091,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Maybritt Schillinger, Xinwei Shen, Maxim Samarin, and Nicolai Meinshausen

To complement computationally expensive regional climate model (RCM) simulations, machine learning methods can predict the high-resolution RCM data from low-resolution global climate model (GCM) input. Instead of merely targeting the conditional mean of the RCM field given the GCM data, more recent works are based on generative adversarial networks or diffusion models and aim to learn the full conditional distribution. In this spirit, we present a novel generative model that relies on statistical tools from forecast evaluation. The model can sample several plausible RCM realisations and enables assessing their variability. To achieve this goal, we use a simple neural network architecture that predicts Fourier coefficients of the high-resolution fields for multiple variables jointly (temperature, precipitation, solar radiation and wind). The loss function of our model is a proper scoring rule that measures the discrepancy between the model’s predictive distribution and the RCM’s true distribution. The score is minimised if both distributions agree. Our generative model is trained on multiple GCM-RCM combinations from the Euro-Cordex project. Furthermore, we show how the framework can be augmented to perform a bias-correction task: With a modified loss function, it is possible to generate data from the observational distribution, for example resembling gridded E-OBS data. To summarise, our work presents a machine learning method that allows us to generate multivariate high-resolution climate data, and can be extended flexibly to include further variables or downscale and bias-correct future projections.

How to cite: Schillinger, M., Shen, X., Samarin, M., and Meinshausen, N.: Machine Learning for Multivariate Downscaling: A Generative Model Inspired by Forecast Evaluation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8464,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Li Yumin, Gao Meiling, and Li Zhenhong

Land Surface Temperature (LST) is crucial in many areas; but seamless LST data are difficult to obtain due to limitations in thermal infrared sensor technologies. Numerical modeling, which is based on physics-driven process, can simulate continuous spatial and temporal data. Simultaneously, machine learning, a typical data-driven approach, has been effective in remotely-sensed data reconstruction. In this study, we designed a fusion framework that combines the strengths of numerical modeling and machine learning. The framework includes the following steps: 1) Optimization of the numerical model: We use the urbanized High-Resolution Land Data Assimilation System (u-HRLDAS) model. Various spatio-temporal data sources are used to refine and optimize the model's simulations. 2) Database creation for LST reconstruction: This database incorporates forcing variables like 2-meter temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, wind speed, downward longwave and shortwave radiation for the u-HRLDAS model, along with the model's simulated LST outputs. Additional remotely-sensed data such as the Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), latitude, longitude, land use and cover, and slope are also included. The datasets span the summer months (June to August) from 2011 to 2014. Daily LST data from MOD11A1 and MYD11A1 are used as label data. 3) Optimal model identification via automatic machine learning framework: The MODIS LST data in the database serves as training labels, with a 70/30 split for training and validation. Evaluation metrics like RMSE, MAE, and R² guide the selection. We chose the AutoGluon-Tabular framework, developed by Amazon, for its superior performance, which is achieved through bagging and stacking methods.  Finally, the 1-km seamless LST is reconstructed based on the model with the highest accuracy in validation.

Taking Xi’an city in China as the study region, nine models (Weightensemble_L2, LightGBMLarge, XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost, LightGBM, ExtraTree, NeuralNetTorch, and NeuralNetFastAI) were trained within the Autogluon-Tabular framework. These models displayed RMSE values ranging from 0.737 to 1.417 K, MAE spanning 0.522 to 1.031 K, and R² from 0.967 to 0.991. Notably, the Weightedensemble_L2 model excelled, with the lowest RMSE (0.737) and MAE (0.522), and the highest R² (0.991), closely followed by the LightBGMlarge model. with RMSE, MAE, and R² values of 0.739, 0.526, and 0.991, respectively. Furthermore, we conducted supplementary testing using four reserved MODIS LST images. Employing the previously trained WeightedEnsemble_L2 model, seamless predictions of MODIS LST were generated at four overpass timestamps: 02:30, 05:30, 14:30, and 17:30. The resulting spatial distributions is similar with the observed LST, validating our method's capability to capture LST's spatial characteristics and ensure spatial continuity compared to the original MODIS LST data.

In conclusion, the proposed fusion framework which integrates numerical modeling and automatic machine learning, successfully reconstructed LST with high accuracy and strong spatial similarities. There are still shortcomings of this method, such as the predicted images losing some spatial details compared to the observations, which need to be improved in the future.

How to cite: Yumin, L., Meiling, G., and Zhenhong, L.: Retrieving gapless 1-km land surface temperature based on numerical model and auto machine learning approach, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18741,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Sanaa Hobeichi, Yawen Shao, Neelesh Rampal, Matthias Bittner, and Gab Abramowitz

Recent advancements in the empirical downscaling of climate fields using Machine Learning have predominantly leveraged computer vision approaches. These methods treat a climate field as an image channel, applying image processing techniques to automatically extract features for the downscaling model from its latent space embeddings. In contrast, this work aims to revisit and validate the potential of tabular and sequential models in the context of grid-by-grid downscaling, where each grid cell in a map is individually downscaled and input features for the downscaling model are selected manually by a climate expert. We present downscaling results for precipitation and evapotranspiration using three distinct models: Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), and a hybrid approach that combines Linear Regression with Random Forest. Our discussion includes the setup and optimization strategies for these models to enhance their ability to capture extremes. The merits of this grid-by-grid approach are highlighted, focusing not only on performance and effectiveness in preserving spatial features but also on its flexibility, spatial transferability, ease of model fine-tuning, and training efficiency.

How to cite: Hobeichi, S., Shao, Y., Rampal, N., Bittner, M., and Abramowitz, G.: Revisiting Tabular Machine Learning and Sequential Models to Advance Climate Downscaling, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7111,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Marc Girona-Mata, Andrew Orr, and Richard E. Turner

Accurate downscaling of daily precipitation is crucial for hydrological and climate modeling, especially in regions with complex terrain and a lack of observational data. In such regions, climate reanalysis are not reliable and thus accurate downscaling is usually limited to those locations captured by a (discrete) network of in-situ measurements instead. For this reason, learning to downscale in ungauged locations, whilst maintaining the spatial structure of precipitation, is crucial to effectively downscale (gridded) climate simulations. 

This study introduces a Gaussian Process - Multi-Layer Perceptron (GP-MLP) latent variable model tailored for the probabilistic downscaling of daily precipitation in ungauged locations. By generating spatially coherent precipitation fields, this model addresses key challenges in regional climate impact assessments and water resource management.

The GP-MLP model consists of an MLP that performs non-linear regression, mapping a set of inputs to distributional parameters of a given probability distribution for each spatio-temporal locations, and we induce spatial correlation between locations with a latent variable modelled by a GP  We jointly learn the GP and MLP parameters using variational inference, which critically allows us to model non-Gaussian probability distributions. 

We test our approach in two geographically and climatologically diverse regions: the Swiss Alps and the Langtang Valley in Nepal. The Swiss Alps, with their complex terrain and relatively dense observational network, serve as an ideal region for the initial training of our model. In the Langtang Valley, a high-mountain region with limited ground-based observations, we employ a transfer learning strategy on the model pre-trained in the Swiss Alps. This process involves fine-tuning the model parameters to the unique climatic and topographical features of the Himalayas, thereby enhancing its performance in predicting daily precipitation in this data-sparse region.

Our preliminary findings demonstrate the model's strong capability in producing accurate and spatially coherent predictions of daily precipitation for ungauged locations. The probabilistic nature of the model's outputs is particularly valuable, providing not only predictions of daily precipitation but also quantifying the associated uncertainties - a crucial aspect for risk management in hydrology and agriculture in areas where the paucity of data has traditionally limited detailed climate impact analysis.

How to cite: Girona-Mata, M., Orr, A., and Turner, R. E.: Spatially-Coherent Probabilistic Downscaling of Daily Precipitation in Ungauged Mountain Locations: a Transfer Learning Study in the Swiss Alps and the Langtang Valley, Nepal., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15911,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Dhinakaran Suriyah, Crespi Alice, Jacob Alexander, and Pebesma Edzer

Climate change is a pressing global challenge, notably impacting sensitive regions like the Alpine area. Its diverse terrain and ecology make it vulnerable to heightened climate risks, including intensified weather extremes due to global warming. Precise local climate predictions are vital for managing risks in vulnerable areas like the Alpine region, necessitating reliable high-resolution climate data and forecasts. Global products often fall short in providing the fine-grained information needed for accurate localized assessments. This work aims to address the critical need for refined, high-resolution seasonal climate forecasts in the Alpine region as a tool to increase the ability to manage and anticipate climate variability and hazardous conditions. The study endeavors to utilize Perfect Prognosis (PP) within Statistical Downscaling (SD), leveraging regression-based Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to enhance the spatial resolution of daily temperature and total precipitation of ECMWF (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts) SEAS5 (Seasonal Forecast System 5) seasonal forecasts. Four ensemble learning methods — random forest, light gradient-boosting machine (LGBM), Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) are considered, while CERRA (Copernicus European Regional Reanalysis) reanalysis (5.5 km) is used as reference target. In order to define the optimal ML model and configuration, a preparatory phase is performed in which ML methods are implemented, optimized and inter-compared by considering ERA5 reanalysis predictor fields (~ 31 km) for the training period 1985-2015 and validation period 2016-2020. Initial findings show that LGBM reports better performance in training and validation, demonstrating superior computational speed and efficiency with respect to the others. LGBM reconstructs daily variability with R2 scores of 0.95 for mean temperature and 0.67 for precipitation. Remaining bias as yearly average is -0.05°C fo daily mean temperature and 5.34% for daily precipitation. Other error metrics, e.g., mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) suggest room for improvements, especially in extreme value predictions and annual precipitation averages. LGBM is thus applied and further optimized on SEAS5. The contribution will further elaborate the inter-comparison of ML models and their downscaling skills for seasonal forecasts will be presented and discussed. The expected outcomes of this study in particular will serve as a crucial input of a drought prediction module in the framework of the EU-funded interTwin project. This research has been funded by the European Union through the interTwin project (101058386).

How to cite: Suriyah, D., Alice, C., Alexander, J., and Edzer, P.: Application of Machine Learning Statistical Downscaling to Seasonal Climate Forecasts for the Alpine Region, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19640,, 2024.


Posters on site: Thu, 18 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X5

Display time: Thu, 18 Apr 08:30–Thu, 18 Apr 12:30
Chairpersons: Cornelia Klein, Jonathan Eden
Spatial downscaling and new data sets
Madlene Pfeiffer, Ben Marzeion, and Inga Labuhn

The Alps are very sensitive to climate change and have experienced a strong increase in temperatures since the end of the Little Ice Age (1850 AD). This in turn influences the alpine glaciers, which are experiencing strong melting, further impacting geomorphological and hydrological processes in the high Alpine catchments. The combined change in climate and in prevalence of ice then has further impacts on erosional processes, biosphere, including local flora, and societies (e.g. by changes in the seasonal cycle of river runoff). In order to better understand small-scale processes, which are not well represented in climate observations and reanalysis products, as well as feedbacks and system interactions within the high Alpine Earth system, we have reconstructed atmospheric conditions over the European Alps from 1850 to present by dynamically downscaling global reanalysis data with the advanced research version of the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF-ARW) in a nested grid configuration with domains of 18-, 6-, and 2-km spatial resolution, respectively. To account for uncertainty introduced by the reanalysis, we have forced WRF with an ensemble of global reanalysis products. To quantify the errors, we compare our datasets to in-situ observations. In comparison to the reanalysis products that act as a forcing, we find an improvement in spatial correlation between the simulated and observed temperatures, as well as a better representation of precipitation patterns and amounts in the high-resolution domain. We present the first dynamically downscaled dataset over Europe (18 km), the entire Alps (6 km), and parts of central Alps (2 km), at high temporal resolution (3, 1, and 1 hour, respectively) that spans the entire period from 1850 to present.

How to cite: Pfeiffer, M., Marzeion, B., and Labuhn, I.: Reconstruction of the atmosphere over the European Alps from 1850 to present using dynamical downscaling , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12144,, 2024.

Michael Matiu, Anna Napoli, Dino Zardi, Alberto Bellin, and Bruno Majone

Mountain regions are particularly sensitive to climatic change. In these areas the complex topography modulates meteorological and climatic patterns with the elevation playing the strongest influence on temperature and precipitation. However, most regional climate models used in climate change assessments are too coarse to capture the relevant elevation gradients for impact studies, such as in hydrology, which require detailed spatial information on water availability, either in liquid or in solid state.

Focusing as a case study on Trentino-Alto Adige region in the north-eastern Italian Alps, we compare several statistical approaches for downscaling regional climate models to the spatial scale needed for impact studies in mountain areas. In particular, we propose a comparison between a novel method, based solely on climate model output using generalized additive models (GAM), and quantile mapping (QM) methods using an interpolated observational dataset as reference. We then evaluate and discuss the effectiveness of  downscaling approaches, relying on both spatial and temporal metrics and taking into account the possible elevation dependency.

Preliminary results show that the approach using GAMs offers spatial fields consistent with the large-scale climate model, while the QM methods have artificial breaks at grid cell boundaries. On the other hand, the GAM approach inherits the biases from the climate model, while QM also simultaneously performs bias adjustment using the observational dataset.

How to cite: Matiu, M., Napoli, A., Zardi, D., Bellin, A., and Majone, B.: Spatial downscaling of climate projections of temperature and precipitation over complex mountain terrain: A case study in the north-eastern Italian Alps, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10376,, 2024.

Tinghui Li, Shuiqing Yin, Zeqi Li, Maoqing Wang, and Nadav Peleg

Precipitation is closely related to many earth surface processes, for some of them, such as urban flooding, high-resolution precipitation fields data are required. However, those high-resolution precipitation fields are often not available for a long enough period to be used for flood estimates. Stochastic models attempting to simulate precipitation at single or multiple sites face challenges in capturing the high spatial heterogeneity inherent in precipitation. We calibrated the Advanced WEather GENerator for a two-dimensional grid (AWE-GEN-2d) to simulate continuous 2-D precipitation fields and evaluated its performance based on CMA Multi-source merged Precipitation Analysis System Product (CMPAS) for the period from 2015 to 2020, with a spatial resolution of 0.01°×0.01° and a temporal resolution of hourly. Characteristics of spatiotemporal precipitation fields for 486 events were analyzed and monthly parameters in AWE-GEN-2d were obtained. AWE-GEN-2d was utilized to stochastically simulate hourly spatiotemporal precipitation fields at a resolution of 0.01°×0.01° for 30 years and its simulation accuracy was subsequently assessed by comparing with the observations. The results showed precipitation fields simulated by AWE-GEN-2d demonstrated consistency with the observed fields in terms of annual and monthly precipitation, the number and duration of precipitation events, and the average hourly precipitation intensity. For extreme hourly precipitation, the 95th and 99th percentiles of hourly precipitation were underestimated by 12.6% and 11.2%, respectively, compared to the observations. In terms of spatial pattern, we calculated the spatial autocorrelation function and spatial variation coefficient of the precipitation fields. The AWE-GEN-2d captured the general pattern but the spatial coefficient of variation was underestimated (spring to winter observations were 0.81, 1.16, 1.05, and 0.70; while the simulated were 0.57, 0.81, 0.74, and 0.49). The temporal autocorrelations were also underestimated, resulting in discontinuity jumps in rainfall centers. Future research work will focus on collecting sub-hourly observation interval data, such as 5 min or 10 min, and improve the simulation of the evolution of precipitation events, especially those with short durations and heavy intensities, which may bring high risks in urban flooding.

How to cite: Li, T., Yin, S., Li, Z., Wang, M., and Peleg, N.: Stochastic simulation of high space-time resolution precipitation fields in Beijing, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16245,, 2024.

Artificial intelligence: method development, intercomparison and applications
Sudheer Bhakare, Sara Dal Gesso, Marco Venturini, and Dino Zardi

The precise representation of spatial temperature is important for practical applications like agriculture where they require local information at very high resolution for managing agricultural activities. In recent times, statistical downscaling methods, specifically those utilizing machine learning methods are gaining importance due to their computational of time efficiency over dynamic downscaling.

This study focuses on enhancing the downscaling of spatial temperature over complex terrain using machine learning algorithms, particularly Random Forest (RF), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). The primary aim of this study is to identify the most promising machine learning model for downscaling gridded temperature at 2 meters from 9 km to 1 km over Non and Adige valleys. Additionally, we aim to apply these models for potential frost identification for the months of March, April, and May. We used static predictors such as Shutter Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation which plays an important role in complex terrains to improve the performance of models. In addition to that, dynamic predictors such as zonal and meridional winds (U, V), windspeed, surface pressure (SP), etc. are used as auxiliary inputs. The study’s methodology includes training and evaluating the performance of three machine learning models using statistical metrics such as Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), R square (R2), and Mean Bias Error (MBE). Furthermore, we used other metrics such as recall, precision, and F1 score for assessing model performance for frost identification.

Our results show CNN models outperform other models across all the seasons with the best performance in summer (RMSE=1, MAE= 0.78, R2=0.94) and the least in winter (RMSE=1.3, MAE=1, R2=0.87).  All These models exhibit a consistent pattern of having good performance in summer and least in winter. The superiority of the CNN model can be attributed to its ability to capture spatial patterns in temperature data which makes it more reliable for complex terrains. Additionally, for frost identification, CNN models show better performance with the highest F1 score across March, April, and May.

How to cite: Bhakare, S., Dal Gesso, S., Venturini, M., and Zardi, D.: Machine learning-based downscaling of coarse resolution temperature and its application for potential frost identification over complex terrain., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14630,, 2024.

Alex Saoulis, Sebastian Moraga, Natalie Lord, Peter Uhe, and Nans Addor

Machine Learning (ML) is playing an increasingly valuable role in statistical downscaling. Capable of leveraging complex, non-linear relationships latent in the training data, the community has demonstrated significant potential for ML to learn a downscaling mapping. Following the perfect-prognosis (PP) approach, ML models can be trained on historical reanalysis data to learn a relationship between coarse predictors and higher resolution (i.e. downscaled) predictands. Once trained, the models can then be evaluated on general circulation model (GCM) outputs to generate regional downscaled results. Due to the relatively low computational cost of training and utilising these models, they can be used to efficiently downscale large ensembles of climate models over regional to global domains.

This work employs a novel diffusion algorithm to downscale climate data. Diffusion models have proven highly successful in applications such as natural image generation and super-resolution (the natural image analogue to climate downscaling). Diffusion models have been shown to significantly outperform earlier generative ML models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs); they can produce highly diverse samples, emulate fine details with high fidelity, and exhibit much more stable training than alternative ML models. 

This work trains and evaluates diffusion models on the Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation (MSWEP) observational dataset over the Colorado River Basin (USA). High resolution (10km x 10km) MSWEP fields are artificially coarsened to generate training data. Once trained, the models are applied to bias-corrected climate model outputs to evaluate their ability to generate realistic downscaled precipitation fields. Performance is compared with several benchmarks, including classical regression techniques as well as alternative ML models.

How to cite: Saoulis, A., Moraga, S., Lord, N., Uhe, P., and Addor, N.: Application of novel generative diffusion models to precipitation downscaling, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19266,, 2024.

Di Tian and Fang Wang

Global climate models (GCMs) or Earth system models (ESMs) exhibit biases, with resolutions too coarse to capture local variability for fine-scale, reliable drought and climate impact assessment. However, conventional bias correction approaches may cause implausible climate change signals due to unrealistic representations of spatial and intervariable dependences. While purely data-driven deep learning has achieved significant progress in improving climate and earth system simulations and predictions, they cannot reliably learn the circumstances (e.g., extremes) that are largely unseen in historical climate but likely becoming more frequent in the future climate (i.e., climate non-stationarity).  This study shows an integrated trend-preserving deep learning approach can address the spatial and intervariable dependences and climate non-stationarity issues for downscaling and bias correcting GCMs/ESMs. Here we combine the super-resolution deep residual network (SRDRN) with the trend-preserving quantile delta mapping (QDM) to downscale and bias correct six primary climate variables at once (including daily precipitation, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, and wind speed) from five state-of-the-art GCMs/ESMs in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). We found that the SRDRN-QDM approach greatly reduced GCMs/ESMs biases in spatial and intervariable dependences while significantly better reducing biases in extremes compared to deep learning. The estimated drought based on the six bias-corrected and downscaled variables captured the observed drought intensity and frequency, which outperformed the state-of-the-art multivariate bias correction approach, demonstrating its capability for correcting GCMs/ESMs biases in spatial and multivariable dependences and extremes.

How to cite: Tian, D. and Wang, F.: Trend-Preserving Deep Learning for Multivariate Bias Correction and Downscaling of Climate Models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6408,, 2024.

Nina Effenberger, Marvin Pförtner, Philipp Hennig, and Nicole Ludwig

Wind power and other renewable energy sources are essential for the energy supply. However, due to their dependence on both climate and highly local, variable weather conditions, they are less reliable and challenging to forecast.

Recent projections of climate models indicate that the mean annual energy density will change in the future [Pryor et al., 2020]. To avoid costly planning mistakes and improve return on investment, predictions of wind conditions with adequate spatial and temporal resolution are thus indispensable, to facilitate efficient planning of renewables. Recent research regarding the temporal resolution of wind speed data shows that inter-daily wind speed variability can be accounted for by instantaneous data of six-hourly resolution [Effenberger et al., 2024]. However, as wind is a very local phenomenon, the spatial resolution of climate and weather data is paramount in wind power forecasting.

Simulated climate data generally lacks the spatial resolution needed for highly localized wind power forecasts and needs to be downscaled. The downscaled data is subject to mainly two types of predictive uncertainty that are often ignored, yet non-negligible for decision-making. Firstly, climate projections depend on unknown physical processes, like the evolution of atmospheric CO2 concentration, and are thus inherently uncertain. We account for this uncertainty by ensembling across different climate models and scenarios. The second source of uncertainty, which is the main focus of this work, is that the coarse resolution of the simulated data introduces additional uncertainty, since interpolating wind speeds spatially is non-trivial. By downscaling different wind speed projections using a probabilistic Gaussian process simulation method, we can model the uncertainty that stems from interpolating wind speed data to unseen locations. Leveraging techniques from physics-informed machine learning, e.g. conditioning on partial differential equations [Pförtner et al., 2022], allows for a more realistic model, consistent with the actual dynamics of the atmosphere.

The resulting, physics-informed Gaussian process models, provide uncertainty-aware, location-specific wind speed predictions on multi-decadal scales. When planning new turbine locations, these wind speed projections based on climate model data can serve as a proxy for expected future wind power generation.


Effenberger, N., Ludwig, N., and White, R. H. (2024). Mind the (spectral) gap: how the temporal resolution of wind data affects multi-decadal wind power forecasts. Environmental Research Letters, 19.
Pförtner, M., Steinwart, I., Hennig, P., and Wenger, J. (2022). Physics-informed Gaussian process regression generalizes linear PDE solvers. arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.12474.
Pryor, S. C., Barthelmie, R. J., Bukovsky, M. S., Leung, L. R., and Sakaguchi, K. (2020). Climate change impacts on wind power generation. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1(12):627–643.


How to cite: Effenberger, N., Pförtner, M., Hennig, P., and Ludwig, N.: Probabilistic Wind Speed Downscaling for Future Wind Power Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2034,, 2024.

Luca Schmidt and Nicole Ludwig

The efficient placement of wind turbines relies on strategic assessment of local wind speed. Recent
studies highlight the crucial role of spatial resolution in accurately forecasting wind speed and
estimating the associated wind energy potential [1].

However, climate models typically fail to provide the spatial data resolution necessary for precise
energy resource assessment. To address this challenge, various downscaling methods have been
proposed to infer high-resolution data from coarser resolution data. Notably, image super-resolution
methods, a class of image processing techniques originally developed in computer vision to enhance
the resolution of natural images, have emerged as a promising approach for statistical downscaling.
By interpreting gridded data as images, these techniques are amenable to increasing the spatial resolution
of climate [3] and weather data [2].

We provide a comprehensive benchmark to compare the performance of various state-of-the-art image
superresolution models on weather data, such as ERA5 reanalysis data. The benchmark ranges from
interpolation baselines to all prominent deep learning based models, including a CNN-based model,
an attention-based model and a spatio-temporal model.


[1] Jung, C. and Schindler, D. [2022], ‘On the influence of wind speed model resolution on the global technical
wind energy potential’, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 156, 112001.
[2] Kurinchi-Vendhan, R., Lütjens, B., Gupta, R., Werner, L. and Newman, D. [2021], ‘Wisosuper: Bench-
marking super-resolution methods on wind and solar data’, arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.08770 .
[3] Stengel, K., Glaws, A., Hettinger, D. and King, R. N. [2020], ‘Adversarial super-resolution of climatological
wind and solar data’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(29), 16805–16815.


How to cite: Schmidt, L. and Ludwig, N.: Benchmarking Deep Learning based Downscaling of Wind Speed, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5980,, 2024.

Luca Glawion, Julius Polz, Harald Kunstmann, Benjamin Fersch, and Christian Chwala

Generative deep learning models have been proven to have great potential for precipitation nowcasting and downscaling applications. spateGAN [1] is a conditional generative neural network that we initially developed for spatio-temporal superresolution of radar-rainfall in Germany. Here, we apply the model for downscaling of ERA5-land precipitation estimates and discuss the specific challenges that arise in such an application.


While ERA5 data are vital in climate science, their limited grid size and temporal resolution (1 hour and 0.1°, ERA5 global: 0.25°) hinder accurate representation of e.g. convective rainfall events. To address these limitations, we trained a physical constraint spateGAN to enhance the resolution of time sequences of ERA5 land precipitation patches towards the resolution of RADKLIM-YW, a high-resolution (5 minutes and 1 km) rain-gauge-adjusted radar product tailored for Germany which we used as a training target. Additionally, for comprehensive validation, we assessed the Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) radar product for the United States. The downscaled rainfields produced by spateGAN exhibit coherent spatio-temporal patterns and an improved representation of extreme values. Employing an ensemble approach, by generating multiple high-resolution solutions by shifting model input patches both pixel- and timewise, further enhances the quality of the downscaling product, quantified by Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS), ensemble Fractions Skill Score (FSS), and rank histograms. Furthermore, our analysis of downscaled MRMS data highlights spateGAN's applicability for global downscaling applications and beyond its original training region.


In summary, our findings show the feasibility of generating a global  high-resolution precipitation product based on ERA5. Such a product holds significant promise for various environmental applications, including in-depth analyses of rainfall variability on a fine-scaled global grid, impact assessments of extreme rainfall events, expanded possibilities for climate and hydrological model calibration and evaluation and as training data for AI weather forecasting models.


[1] Glawion, L., Polz, J., Kunstmann, H., Fersch, B., Chwala, C. (2023): spateGAN: Spatio-Temporal Downscaling of Rainfall Fields Using a cGAN Approach. Earth and Space Science. 10(10). e2023EA002906.


How to cite: Glawion, L., Polz, J., Kunstmann, H., Fersch, B., and Chwala, C.: Spatio-temporal AI downscaling of ERA5-land precipitation estimates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15468,, 2024.

Deep learning-based super resolution generative adversarial network for gridded precipitation downscaling across India
(withdrawn after no-show)
Pankaj Kumar and Midhun Murukesh
Yanet Díaz Esteban, Qing Lin, Arthur Hrast Essenfelder, Andrea Toreti, Fatemeh Heidari, Edgar Fabián Espitia Sarmiento, and Elena Xoplaki

Climate predictions on seasonal timescales are of major importance for the scientific, planning and policy communities to understand the impacts of climate variability and change and emergent risks, and thus develop appropriate adaptation and mitigation strategies. Nevertheless, the coarse spatial scale of that data limits its use in decision making. Downscaling is therefore emerging as a solution to transfer the climate information to a scale suitable for impact studies and climate-related risk assessments. In this study, a method for downscaling seasonal forecast temperature is presented, that integrates a Deep Residual Neural Network (DRNN) with an analog-based approach to increase the information from climate predictors. The advantage of the proposed approach is the incorporation of relevant large-scale variables, such as the geopotential height from different ensemble members, which supplies the model with varied information from the atmospheric circulation instead of using only a single input field as a predictor. This allows the model to capture the complex relationships between climate drivers and local scale variables such as temperature, that provides a great potential to reduce the large biases in climate model outputs. The DRNN based downscaling is applied to minimum and maximum temperature from ECMWF seasonal forecast at 1° resolution, downscaled to a resolution of 1 arcminute (~1.2 km), in a region that covers Germany and surrounding areas. The results are assessed against observations using both deterministic and probabilistic metrics and show an overall agreement between the downscaled product and the ground truth. This work demonstrates the added value of post-processing of seasonal forecasts, especially for applications of early warnings of extreme events and the associated hazards on a sub-seasonal to seasonal scale.  

How to cite: Díaz Esteban, Y., Lin, Q., Hrast Essenfelder, A., Toreti, A., Heidari, F., Espitia Sarmiento, E. F., and Xoplaki, E.: Statistical downscaling of seasonal forecast temperature using a climate-informed AI approach, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19311,, 2024.

Alvaro Criado, Jan Mateu Armengol, Hervé Petetin, Daniel Rodríguez-Rey, Jaime Benavides, Cristina Carnerero, Marc Guevara, Carlos Pérez García-Pando, Albert Soret, and Oriol Jorba

Considering that air pollution is the leading global environmental risk factor according to the WHO,  characterizing NO2 levels holds crucial significance, particularly in heavily trafficked urban areas where NO2 legal limits and health guidelines are frequently exceeded. Obtaining accurate and comprehensive NO2 datasets on a city level is especially challenging due to the inherent uncertainties associated with urban air quality models, and the scarcity of air quality monitoring stations. An alternative method to describe NO2 levels involves developing short-term experimental campaigns using indicative measurements, although they report period-averaged results and do not have full spatial coverage. 

Taking advantage of the three mentioned approaches,  this work proposes a data-fusion method that combines i) near-real-time hourly observations obtained from the official air quality monitoring network, ii) the output of an urban air quality model (CALIOPE-Urban) that operates at high spatial (up to 20m x 20m) and temporal (hourly) resolutions, and iii) a microscale Land-Use-Regression (LUR) model based on machine learning. The microscale-LUR model includes different urban datasets such as traffic flow or average building density and two NO2 experimental campaigns. 

While the hourly observations enable the temporal variability adjustment in the dispersion model, the microscale-LUR model provides additional insights into the spatial characteristics of NO2 distribution. Our data-fusion approach was implemented on an hourly basis over the metropolitan area of Barcelona in 2019. Besides the bias-corrected NO2 hourly maps, this method also computes the uncertainty associated with the variance of the estimated error during the correction process. By integrating both corrected NO2 values and their associated uncertainty, it produces maps that show the probability of exceeding the hourly 200 µg/m3 and the annual 40 µg/m3 NO2 legal thresholds over Barcelona. 

Cross-validated results at the monitoring stations demonstrate that the spatial bias correction increases the correlation coefficient (r) by +46 % and decreases the root mean square error (RMSE) by −48 %, compared to the model output. This research emphasizes the importance of highly detailed spatial data within data-fusion techniques, enhancing the accuracy of predicting exceedances at the street level.

How to cite: Criado, A., Mateu Armengol, J., Petetin, H., Rodríguez-Rey, D., Benavides, J., Carnerero, C., Guevara, M., Pérez García-Pando, C., Soret, A., and Jorba, O.: A data fusion uncertainty-enabled method to map street-scale hourly NO2: a case study in Barcelona, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3205,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Thu, 18 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X5

Display time: Thu, 18 Apr 08:30–Thu, 18 Apr 18:00
Chairpersons: Henry Addison, Jonathan Eden
Antonio Pérez, Mario Santa Cruz, Javier Diez-Sierra, Matthew Chantry, András Horányi, Mariana Clare, and Cornel Soci

Reanalysis datasets serve as essential components for contemporary climate monitoring, integrating historical weather observations with predictive models to create extensive climate data records for the last decades. The fifth generation ECMWF atmospheric global climate reanalysis (ERA5) dataset from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) represents the latest update, providing a broad temporal scope and improved spatial granularity. However, its resolution may fall short for detailed local-scale analysis required in critical sectors such as agriculture, energy, and disaster response, among others. Even though more detailed regional information for Europe like the Copernicus European Regional ReAnalysis (CERRA) do exist, its high computational costs and the lack of very near real-time data updates create limitations to conducting analyses close to real time.

To solve some of these limitations, a deep learning model has been developed to mirror CERRA's 2m temperature field utilising ERA5 as input. This approach aims to replicate the details of CERRA, ensuring rapid and efficient emulation without surpassing its original quality, i.e. treating CERRA as the ground truth. Central to this model is the Swin2SRModel component (Swin v2), which has effectively demonstrated the ability to downscale the resolution of inputs by a factor of 8. This capability aligns well with the intended task of downscaling the grid from 0.25º (ERA5) to 0.05º (CERRA). To achieve this, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) pre-processes the data, reshaping it to the necessary feature map size. The model training is focused on the specific region of interest of the Iberian Peninsula, instead of the entire European CERRA domain. The training, lasting 100 epochs, takes approximately 3.6 days using small batch processing. It employs the Adam optimizer, starting with a learning rate of 0.0001 that decreases following a cosine curve, integrating a warm-up phase to mitigate training instability. It utilises 32 years of data, spanning from 1985 to 2016, and its performance is validated against the independent dataset of 2017 to 2021.

A comprehensive post-training evaluation of the model shows a marked improvement – 35% reduction in Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and a nearly 30% enhancement in Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) – compared to the bicubic interpolation method. This leap in accuracy is especially notable in complex landscapes. Validation on specific locations, such as the Aneto mountain, have demonstrated a dramatic refinement in the mean error, dropping from -6.3°C to 0.06°C – 99% improvement. Similar improvements have been observed in Cantabrian Mountains such as Peña Vieja (94%) and Peña Labra (88%), illustrating the model's superior performance in areas where previous errors were substantial, highlighting its ability in areas that most require it.

In conclusion, the project shows promising results in enhancing reanalysis data with AI, demonstrating potential in both computational efficiency and near real-time application. While initial results are encouraging, indicating reduced errors compared to the bicubic interpolation, comprehensive validation against CERRA using independent observations and expansion to broader domains and variables remain crucial for confirming the method's effectiveness and reliability.

How to cite: Pérez, A., Santa Cruz, M., Diez-Sierra, J., Chantry, M., Horányi, A., Clare, M., and Soci, C.: Testing the use of deep learning techniques for emulating regional reanalysis, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3540,, 2024.

Zuhayr Shahid Ishmam, Paul Miller, Robert Rohli, and Rubayet Bin Mostafiz

Global climate models (GCMs) lack the necessary spatial resolution to accurately depict the atmospheric and land surface processes that define the regional climate of any particular location. In contrast, regional climate models (RCMs) explicitly capture the interactions between the broad-scale weather patterns simulated by global models and the specific characteristics of the local terrain. In this work, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is used for dynamical downscaling simulations for a historical period (2001-2005) and the future (2095-2099) forced by the NCAR’s Community Earth System Model, version 1 (CESM1), for Louisiana and Mississippi, United States. The future RCM was run with both a present-day and future land-sea mask, considering model projections of sea level rise along the Gulf of Mexico coast. The convection-permitting, high-resolution (4 km) model performs more satisfactorily for temperature than rainfall when validated against observations from meteorological stations and gridded rainfall data. The future RCM runs demonstrate significant projected changes in average and extreme temperatures and rainfall from the current climate over the model domain. The probable retreat of the coastline shifts the sea breeze landward from its present-day area, which generates heavier rainfall and more moderate temperatures at places presently relatively distant from the Gulf of Mexico. This study enhances the existing dynamical downscaling methodology by incorporating the impacts of anticipated sea level rise on the regional climate.

How to cite: Ishmam, Z. S., Miller, P., Rohli, R., and Mostafiz, R. B.: Refining Regional Climate Projections for Louisiana and Mississippi: Dynamical Downscaling with WRF Model in the Face of Projected Sea Level Rise, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11216,, 2024.