NP1.1 | Mathematics of Planet Earth: From Deterministic to Stochastic Dynamics and Predictability
Mathematics of Planet Earth: From Deterministic to Stochastic Dynamics and Predictability
Convener: Vera Melinda Galfi | Co-conveners: Francisco de Melo Viríssimo, Manita Chouksey, Naiming Yuan, Javier Amezcua, Christian Franzke, Guannan Hu
| Wed, 17 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room K2, Thu, 18 Apr, 08:30–12:30 (CEST)
Room K2
Posters on site
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:30
Hall X4
Posters virtual
| Attendance Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST) | Display Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–18:00
vHall X4
Orals |
Wed, 16:15
Wed, 10:45
Wed, 14:00
Taking inspiration from the Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013 initiative, this session aims at bringing together contributions from the growing interface between the Earth science, mathematical, and theoretical physical communities. Our goal is to stimulate the interaction among scientists of these and related disciplines interested in solving environmental and geoscientific challenges. Considering the urgency of the ongoing climate crisis, such challenges refer, for example, to the theoretical understanding of the climate and its subsystems as a highly nonlinear, chaotic system, the improvement of the numerical modelling via theory-informed and data-driven methods, the search for new data analysis methods, and the quantification of different types of impacts of global warming.

Specific topics include: PDEs, numerical methods, extreme events, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, dynamical systems theory, large deviation theory, response theory, tipping points, model reduction techniques, model uncertainty and ensemble design, stochastic processes, parametrisations, data assimilation, and machine learning. We invite contributions both related to specific applications as well as more speculative and theoretical investigations. We particularly encourage early career researchers to present their interdisciplinary work in this session.

Orals: Wed, 17 Apr | Room K2

Chairpersons: Manita Chouksey, Vera Melinda Galfi, Francisco de Melo Viríssimo
On-site presentation
Zoltan Toth, Jie Feng, Jing Zhang, and Malaquias Pena

Uncertain quantities are often described through statistical samples. Can samples for numerical weather forecasts be generated dynamically? At a great expense, they can. With statistically constrained perturbations, a cloud of initial states are created and then integrated forward in time. By now, this technique has become ubiquitous in weather and climate research and operations. Ensembles are widely used, with demonstrated value.


The atmosphere evolves in a multidimensional phase space. Does a cloud of ensemble solutions encompass the evolution of the real atmosphere? Theoretically, random perturbations in high dimensional spaces have negligible projection on any direction, including the error in the best estimate, therefore consistently degrading it. As the bulk of the perturbation variance lies in the null-space of error, samples in multidimensional space do not contain reality.


An evaluation suggests that initial and short-range forecast error and ensemble perturbations are random draws from a high dimensional domain we call the subspace of possible error. Error in any initial condition is a result of stochastic observational and assimilation noise, while perturbations explore other, mostly independent directions from the subspace of possible error that may have resulted from other configurations of stochastic noise. What benefits may arise from the deterministic projection of such noise?


How to cite: Toth, Z., Feng, J., Zhang, J., and Pena, M.: A Foray of Dynamics into the Realm of Statistics: A Review of Ensemble Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6791,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Zoltan Toth and Isidora Jankov
Numerical models of the atmosphere are based on the best theory available. Understandably, the theoretical assessment of errors produced by such models is confounding. Without clear theoretical guidance, the experimental separation of the model-induced part of the total forecast error variance is also challenging. In this study, forecast error and ensemble perturbation variances are decomposed. Independent smaller- and larger-scale components separated as a function of lead time are found to be associated with features that completely or only partially lost skill, respectively. For their phenomenological description, the larger-scale variance is further decomposed orthogonally into positional and structural components. An analysis of the various components reveals that chaotically amplifying initial perturbation and error variance predominantly leads to positional differences in forecasts, while structural differences are interpreted as an indicator of model-induced error. The relatively small amplitude of model-induced errors confirms earlier assumptions and limited empirical evidence that numerical models of the atmosphere may be near perfect on the scales they well resolve.


How to cite: Toth, Z. and Jankov, I.: Initial-Value vs. Model-Induced Forecast Errors: A New Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4179,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Dániel Jánosi, Mátyás Herein, and Tamás Tél

In view of the growing importance of climate ensemble simulations, we propose an ensemble approach for following the dynamics of extremes in the presence of climate change. A strict analog of extreme events, a concept based on single time series and local observations, cannot be found. To study nevertheless typical properties over an ensemble, in particular if global variables are of interest, a novel, statistical approach is used, based on a ”zooming in” into the ensemble. To this end, additional sub-ensembles with initially very close members are generated around trajectories of the original ensemble. Plume diagrams initiated on the same day of a year are generated from these sub-ensembles. The trajectories within a plume diagram strongly deviate on the time scale of a few weeks. By defining the extreme deviation as the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a plume diagram, a growth rate for the extreme deviation can be extracted. An average of these taken over the original ensemble (i.e. over all sub-ensembles) characterizes the typical, exponential growth rate of extremes, and the reciprocal of this can be considered the characteristic time of the emergence of extremes. Using a climate model of intermediate complexity, these are found to be on the order of a few days, with some difference between the global mean surface temperature and pressure. Measuring the reciprocal of the growth rate in several years along the last century, results for the temperature turn out to be roughly constant, while a pronounced decaying trend is found in the last decades for the pressure.

How to cite: Jánosi, D., Herein, M., and Tél, T.: An ensemble based approach for the effect of climate change on the dynamics of extremes, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-6164,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Manuel Fossa, Luminita Danaila, and Michael Ghil

Heatwaves represent a major health hazard, as was the case for the 2003 summer heat wave, responsible for more than 70 000 deaths in western Europe. The interplay of mean flow, quasi-periodic and random fluctuations — associated with the westerly jet, Rossby and gravity waves, and eddies — of the large-scale temperature field results in complex heat wave–related amospheric conditions. Understanding how the different physical processes interact is thus crucial for prediction of heat wave events. 
In this study, we use the triple decomposition of turbulent flow (Hussain and Reynolds, JFM, 1972) to compute mean, quasi-periodic and random energy fluctuations of the temperature field, that is the 1-point energy budget of temperatures. This decomposition takes into account all interactions between the zonal jet, Rossby waves, gravity waves, and eddies. Both spectral and dynamical systems analyses are applied to the computed terms. More specifically, the concept of extremal length (Ahlfors, Vol. 371, AMS, 2010) is integrated into the equations to quantify how each term of the energy budget equations contributes to the "trapping" of temperature anomalies over Europe.      
Results show that, amid positive sea surface temperatures and negative soil moisture anomalies, during the first half of August, i.e., the hottest days of the heat wave, quasi-periodic oscillations of polar air increased, resulting in meridional migration of cold air over Canada, and subsequent mixing with warmer air coming from North America. This mixing triggered baroclinic instabilities that led to production of turbulent eddies, which by August 5th suddenly stopped their eastward progression, creating a cyclonically stalled regime over the Mid-Atlantic; this stationary cyclone interacted positively with North African warm air propagating northward over Europe, thus sustaining the dry conditions over France and much of Western Europe. The cyclonic block finally disappeared, stopping the warm air advection from North Africa, with temperatures falling just after that. 
The study reveals that interactions between quasi-periodic and random processes of production, diffusion and dissipation of a scalar field’s energy play an important role in the evolution of a major heatwave. Hence, the 2003 event was not just the result of a superposition of Rossby waves and eddy anomalies. Extremal length analysis thus reveals that the zonal advection of temperature anomalies was blocked by interactions between quasi-periodic and random production and diffusion processes. 
This study highlights the complex turbulent interactions that lead to major heat wave events, and the fact that each such event is thus unique.

How to cite: Fossa, M., Danaila, L., and Ghil, M.: Temperature at 500hPa, energy budget and the 2003 summer heatwave over Western Europe: a triple-decomposition approach, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17846,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Kenneth Golden

The Arctic and Antarctic sea ice covers form key components of Earth's climate system. Their precipitous declines are impacting the polar marine environment and its ecosystems, with ripple effects felt far beyond the polar regions. As a material sea ice exhibits composite structure on many length scales. A principal challenge is how to use information on small scale structure to find the effective or homogenized properties on larger scales relevant to climate and ecological models. From tiny brine inclusions to rich ice pack dynamics on oceanic scales, and from microbes to polar bears, we'll consider recent advances in modeling sea ice and the ecosystems it hosts. In the spirit of MPE 2013, we’ll focus on the broad range of mathematics and physics being used. Percolation theory and statistical physics, fractal geometry, spectral analysis and random matrix theory, advection diffusion processes, topological data analysis, and uncertainty quantification for dynamical systems will arise naturally in considering various sea ice structures and organisms. This work is helping to advance how sea ice is represented in climate models, and to improve projections of the fate of Earth’s sea ice packs and the ecosystems they support.

How to cite: Golden, K.: Mathematics of Sea Ice and its Ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14101,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Reyk Börner, Oliver Mehling, Jost von Hardenberg, and Valerio Lucarini

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is considered a tipping element of the earth system featuring bistability: for a given external forcing, a strong and a weak circulation state coexist as competing attracting states of the system. In the presence of random fluctuations, noise-induced transitions between the competing states are possible, posing a risk of abrupt AMOC tipping even without crossing a critical forcing threshold. It is thus crucial to better understand the stability landscape of the earth system with a multistable AMOC, particularly the properties of the boundary separating the basins of attraction of the strong and weak AMOC states. For weak noise, transitions are expected to cross the basin boundary at so-called edge states or "Melancholia states", typically chaotic saddles which are attracting on the boundary but asymptotically unstable. Here we find an edge state between the two stable AMOC states in an earth system model of intermediate complexity, PlaSim-LSG. Our approach is based on an edge-tracking technique that allows to construct a pseudo-trajectory on the chaotic saddle. We characterize the climatic and dynamical properties of this edge state and map out its location in different projections of state space. Near the edge state, the AMOC strength exhibits strong transient oscillations which we link to the ongoing physical processes. We relate our findings to the theory of unstable chaotic sets and discuss implications for the predictability of potential AMOC tipping in the future.

How to cite: Börner, R., Mehling, O., von Hardenberg, J., and Lucarini, V.: Oscillatory Melancholia state of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in an intermediate-complexity climate model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18006,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Johannes Lohmann

There is growing concern that various large-scale elements of the Earth system may undergo catastrophic transitions under future climate change. But already at present-day conditions there is a risk of spontaneous transitions to an undesired state induced by stochastic fluctuations, given that any of those elements occupy a multi-stable regime. For many climate sub-systems this potential present-day multi-stability is still uncertain. For instance, it cannot be ruled out that there is a regime of a collapsed Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) that is stable under present-day conditions. Assuming such an undesired stable state exists, there also exists an additional unstable state called the edge state. This state anchors the basin boundary separating the desired and undesired regimes, and it lies at the heart of the path taken by the system during a noise-induced transition between the two stable states.

In this work such an edge state lying between the stable regimes of a vigorous and a collapsed AMOC is computed for the first time in a global ocean model using an edge tracking algorithm. The physical characteristics that set this state apart from the usually observed stable regimes are analyzed. This can be useful to detect if a spontaneous collapse of the AMOC induced by stochastic climate variability is underway, or to detect so-called rate-induced tipping. It may be especially helpful if the system is close to the tipping point where the desired state loses stability. Here the desired stable state and the edge state become increasingly similar, but a transition towards the undesired state may nevertheless be detected early-on if specific signatures of the edge state are recognized.

How to cite: Lohmann, J.: Characterization of Edge States as Gateway to a Collapse of the Atlantic Ocean Circulation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18809,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Bernardo Maraldi, Henk Dijkstra, and Michael Ghil

Low-order climate models have played an important role in understanding the low-frequency variability of the atmospheric circulation and how it can be affected by trends in anthropogenic forcing. A simple quasi-geostrophic model of the midlatitudes’ circulation (Lorenz, Tellus, 1984, 1990) is studied from the perspective of the theory of nonautonomous dynamical systems (NDS: e.g., Ghil et al., Physica D, 2008).

We start with a study of the model’s behavior in the absence of time dependent forcing and determine in this case its steady states. A bifurcation analysis is carried out in order to identify distinct regime behavior types – stationary, periodic and chaotic – in the model’s parameter space. Next, we study the nonautonomous system with a meridional temperature gradient that varies seasonally, according to changes in insolation. The snapshot attractor (Tel et al., JSP, 2020) of the seasonally forced model is compared with the standard forward attractor of the autonomous model for two distinct epochs of the year, at peak summer and peak winter. In both cases, the effects of the change in forcing are reflected in a clear change of shape of the attractor. Predictability is lost in both cases: the summer attractor loses its periodicity when the forcing is seasonal. The winter one favors energy transport through one of the two wave components included in the model. For the same value of the forcing, the structure of the attractor in the autonomous case is quite different from that in the nonautonomous one.

Finally, the meridional forcing is subjected to climate trends, both positive and negative, since the jet intensity changes in opposite directions at low and high altitudes (Lee et al., Nature, 2019). The analysis of the snapshot attractor of the system under climate trends suggests that the model does not follow the geostrophic assumption in certain ranges of the forcing, as the average zonal flow does not always show the expected dependence on the equator-to-pole temperature contrast. On the other hand, the energy transported by the eddies does follow the sign of the climatic trend. Overall, distinct effects are observed. Chaotic behavior can be completely suppressed in favor of a regularly periodic one and vice-versa. At the same time, circulation patterns can change, suddenly disappear, and be restored.

In general, the snapshot attractor proved to be a robust tool in studying the internal variability of the midlatitude circulation, as well as the changes arising in it from anthropogenic forcing trends. The distinct regimes of behavior are being examined more closely by advanced spectral analysis methods (Ghil et al., Rev. Geophys., 2002) to better understand the effects of climate trends on low-frequency variability.

How to cite: Maraldi, B., Dijkstra, H., and Ghil, M.: Intraseasonal atmospheric variability under climate trends, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-21689,, 2024.

On-site presentation
John Moroney, Valerio Lucarini, and Niccolo' Zagli

Linking free and forced variability is one of the key challenges in climate science. As the climate system is an out of equilibrium one, the standard application of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem is out of scope. It has been shown in the past that it is possible to construct response operators that can be used to perform climate change projections using a more general formulation of response theory for nonequilibrium systems. Nonetheless, such operators lack the key property of interpretability: one cannot separate the contribution to the total response coming from different modes of natural variability of the system. We show here in a few low-dimensional models how this issue can be taken care of by taking advantage of the Koopman formalism. One can then write the response operator as a sum of terms each associated with a specific mode of variability. The obtained results also shed light on previous findings by Hasselmann and colleagues and on recently proposed data-driven methods aimed at deriving response operators from data.

How to cite: Moroney, J., Lucarini, V., and Zagli, N.: Building Response Operators Using Koopman Formalism: the Link between Free and Forced Variability, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18089,, 2024.

Orals: Thu, 18 Apr | Room K2

Chairpersons: Naiming Yuan, Christian Franzke
On-site presentation
Giulia Carigi

The introduction of random perturbations by noise in partial differential equations has proven extremely useful to understand more about long-time behaviour in complex systems like atmosphere and ocean dynamics or global temperature. Considering additional transport by noise in fluid models has been shown to induce convergence to stationary solutions with enhanced dissipation, under specific conditions. On the other hand the presence of simple additive forcing by noise helps to find a stationary distribution (invariant measure) for the system and understand how this distribution changes with respect to changes in model parameters (response theory). I will discuss these approaches with a multi-layer quasi-geostrophic model as example.

How to cite: Carigi, G.: Long-time behaviour of stochastic geophysical fluid dynamics models., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1133,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Giulio Calvani and Paolo Perona

Many physical, chemical, financial, and ecological processes show the presence of a threshold, which may affect their dynamics. For instance, chemical reactions occur when the energy reaches the activation value; for insurance companies and banks, ruin may happen when the balance drops down a minimum amount; in fluvial hydraulics, sediment transport, and morphodynamic processes start when bed shear stresses (i.e., flow discharge) overcome a critical threshold. Other processes may show the presence of additional boundaries. For stochastic processes, whose dynamics depends on the frequency and magnitude of random fluctuations, it is interesting to know the average time the process takes to reach one of the critical boundaries starting from a known value. This quantity is known in the literature as Mean First Passage Times (MFPTs). The quantification of the MFPTs is usually performed by considering one threshold, only. When two or multiple thresholds are present, one may consider the MFPTs of reaching either one of the thresholds, without having passed the other ones. Such a selective condition is referred to in the literature as splitting probability. In this work, we consider stochastic processes governed by a typical Langevin equation with deterministic drift and random instantaneous jumps (white shot noise). We perform a statistical-trajectory-analysis starting from a point between two thresholds and derive exact relationships of the splitting probabilities and the MFPTs of crossing one threshold, only, based on process-dependent dimensionless parameters. Such formulations are then explicitly given for the cases of constant and linear drift functions and both positive and negative jumps. We test the derived formulations against data from MonteCarlo simulations, by varying the process parameters, the starting point, and the values of the thresholds. The comparison shows very good agreement and confirms the correctness of the derived relationships. Additionally, the analysis highlights the role played by the dimensionless parameters. Then, data from flow measurements in a river are considered and we successfully test the formulations against the duration of the raising limb of high-stage events. The derived formulations can be readily applied to calculate both the duration of the raising and the falling limbs of flow events, which are important quantities for engineering applications, as well as for modeling purposes in river eco-morphodynamics.

How to cite: Calvani, G. and Perona, P.: The selective boundary crossing in stochastic processes driven by white shot noise, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17713,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Srikanth Toppaladoddi and Andrew Wells

The physics of planetary climate features a variety of complex systems that are challenging to model as they feature turbulent flows. A key example is the heat flux from the upper ocean to the underside of sea ice which provides a key contribution to the evolution of the Arctic sea ice cover. Here, we develop a model of the turbulent ice-ocean heat flux using coupled ordinary stochastic differential equations to model fluctuations in the vertical velocity and temperature in the Arctic mixed layer. All the parameters in the model are determined from observational data. A detailed comparison between the model results and measurements made during the Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean (SHEBA) project reveals that the model is able to capture the probability density functions (PDFs) of velocity, temperature and heat flux fluctuations. Furthermore, we show that the temperature in the upper layer of the Arctic ocean can be treated as a passive scalar during the whole year of SHEBA measurements. The stochastic model developed here provides a computationally inexpensive way to compute an observationally consistent PDF of this heat flux, and has implications for its parameterisation in regional and global climate models.

How to cite: Toppaladoddi, S. and Wells, A.: A stochastic model for the turbulent ocean heat flux under Arctic sea ice , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8590,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Stephan Juricke, Ekaterina Bagaeva, Sergey Danilov, Christian Franzke, and Marcel Oliver

In this study, we introduce a variety of ocean eddy parameterizations and discuss how they affect the representation of mesoscale turbulence in ocean models. They ultimately all aim at reducing overdissipation at eddy-permitting resolutions by utilizing the inverse energy cascade and energy conversions between potential and kinetic energy.

Mesoscale eddies play a crucial role in the global oceans. They transport tracers and heat, cascade energy across scales and interact with the mean currents and the atmosphere. However, their representation at resolutions close to the Rossby radius of deformation is insufficient. Such eddy-permitting, i.e. barely eddy resolving grids are still commonly applied for decadal climate simulations and will remain state-of-the-art at high latitudes for years to come. These simulations generally suffer from an excessive dissipation of kinetic energy, leading to reduced eddy variability, eddy formation and eddy-mean flow interactions.

Reducing overdissipation via optimized viscous closures is one way forward. Another option is to reinject some of the overdissipated energy back into the resolved flow via so called kinetic energy backscatter parameterizations. We will investigate different methods how to complement our own viscous and backscatter schemes with stochastic components, to account for unresolved chaotic variations of dissipative processes and for scale interactions across the resolution limit. For this purpose, we use data informed approaches such as linear inverse models to generate stochastic patterns based on high resolution reference simulations of idealized channel and double gyre configurations. Our results show that incorporation of such schemes can help to substantially improve the kinetic energy and mean flow characteristics. Furthermore, the varied application of the noise can reveal pathways of energy conversion between potential and kinetic energy, shedding light on the simulated energy cascades at such model resolutions. Aside from the learned construction of the stochastic patterns based on high resolution data, these new schemes come at a small additional computational cost, especially compared to higher resolution simulations. When tuned with caution, they provide a means to incorporate model uncertainty and to reduce systematic biases in ocean models.

How to cite: Juricke, S., Bagaeva, E., Danilov, S., Franzke, C., and Oliver, M.: Ocean eddy parameterizations: Stochastic and deterministic approaches for kinetic energy injection, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19974,, 2024.

On-site presentation
francesco Carbone and Denys Dutykh

The route to chaos in a truncated rotating shallow-water model has been investigated by constructing an autonomous five-mode Galerkin truncated system with complex variables. Two distinct transitions to chaos were observed as the energy injected into the system increased. The first transition is characterized by forming a continuous sequence of bifurcations that follow the usual Feigenbaum path. The second transition, occurring for high values of injected energy, exhibits a sharp transition between quasi-periodic states and chaotic regimes. The first chaotic regime arises since nonlinear interactions are principally dominated by inertial terms, while the second one is related to the increasing importance of free surface elevation in the overall process. By rewriting the system in terms of phase and amplitude, for each variable truncated system, it has been found that phases are locked at the initial value for a certain period of time, followed by a sudden transition due to a simple rotation of $\pm \pi$, even when amplitudes show a chaotic dynamic. The time duration of phase locking decreases as the injected energy increases, and, for high values of injected energy, even phases reach a chaotic regime. This behaviour is observed since, in the nonlinear term of the equations, phases appear through linear combinations of triads of different modes. When the duration of locking periods is different for each mode, the superposition of multiple $\pi$ phases jumps, making the dynamics of the coupled phase triads stochastic, even for small values of the injected energy.

How to cite: Carbone, F. and Dutykh, D.: Route to chaos and resonant triads interaction in a truncated Rotating Nonlinear shallow-water model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13180,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Paula Lorenzo Sánchez, Matt Newman, Antonio Navarra, John Albers, and Aneesh Subramanian

El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a complex climatic phenomenon with significant impacts on global weather patterns and ecosystems. Improving ENSO predictability is therefore an issue of high societal value. However, Global Circulation Models present severe biases when predicting ENSO, and their skill remains comparable to that of vastly simpler empirical models such as Linear Inverse Models (LIMs). LIMs, however, rely on linear dynamics, and they have inherent limitations in capturing the behavior of non-linear phenomena. In this context, Koopman operator theory has emerged as a powerful mathematical framework, offering a novel perspective for analyzing complex non-linear systems, such as ENSO. In this study, we investigate the potential of Koopman operator theory to enhance ENSO forecasting accuracy. Leveraging 2000 years of tropical SST pre-industrial CESM data, we have assessed the skill of the Niño 3.4 index forecasts using the Koopman framework, and compared it to the benchmark set by LIMs. Our analysis includes sensitivity testing of both methods across various parameters, such as retained variability and data length used for operator computations. Our findings reveal nuances in the robustness of Koopman Operator estimates, particularly evident when using shorter training periods, contrasting with more stable LIM counterparts. However, a notable breakthrough emerges as we demonstrate the higher skill of Koopman multimodel ensembles, showcasing consistent improvements over linear models. The comparative analysis highlights the potential of Koopman operator theory in advancing ENSO forecasting beyond linear models. The utilization of Koopman multimodel ensembles emerges as a promising strategy, demonstrating enhanced forecasting capabilities. Yet, challenges in robustness persist, particularly in shorter data spans, signaling avenues for further refinement. Overall, these findings underscore the significance of the Koopman framework and lay the groundwork for future research aimed at refining methodologies for more accurate predictions in complex climatic systems.

How to cite: Lorenzo Sánchez, P., Newman, M., Navarra, A., Albers, J., and Subramanian, A.: Koopman operator theory for enhanced Pacific SST forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2554,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Francesco Martinuzzi, Miguel D. Mahecha, Gustau Camps-Valls, David Montero, Tristan Williams, and Karin Mora

Understanding Earth's terrestrial biosphere dynamics is vital for comprehending our planet's environmental health and sustainability. Recently, the frequency and intensity of extreme climate events have risen, significantly impacting the biosphere. Given the advancements of recurrent neural networks in modeling complex, nonlinear dynamics, we explore the capability of recurrent neural network models to model and predict the impacts of extreme events on biosphere dynamics. In this work, we compare four different recurrent network architectures, each with distinct features: 1) Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs); 2) Long Short-Term Memory-based networks (LSTMs), known for their efficacy in handling long-term dependencies; 3) Gated Recurrent Unit-based networks (GRUs), which offer a simplified yet effective alternative to LSTMs; and 4) Echo State Networks (ESNs), which are distinguished by fixed internal weights and training based on simple linear regression. Our study found that while recurrent network architectures show similar performance under standard conditions, Echo State Networks (ESNs) show slightly superior performance, particularly under extreme events. However, we also identify limitations in current models under extreme conditions, underscoring the need for specialized approaches to enhance predictive accuracy in these circumstances.

How to cite: Martinuzzi, F., Mahecha, M. D., Camps-Valls, G., Montero, D., Williams, T., and Mora, K.: Impact Predictability: Exploring Extremes in Biosphere Dynamics with Recurrent Neural Networks, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-9569,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Javier Martinez-Amaya, Veronica Nieves, and Jordi Muñoz-Marí

Medicanes, tropical-like cyclones in the Mediterranean Sea, pose unexpected challenges to unprepared areas due to their projected increases in intensity. To address these challenges, we proposed: 1) the development of an automatic tracking method in the absence of a comprehensive tracking database for Medicanes; 2) the implementation of a forecasting model for extreme cyclones utilizing artificial intelligence techniques. This is especially beneficial when traditional numerical models struggle to account for nonlinear interactions. We use a K-means algorithm and mean sea level pressure reanalysis data to track storm centers, determining maximum wind speed and position throughout each case’s lifetime. This information categorizes our dataset into storm-like and extreme Medicanes, and facilitates the extraction of spatiotemporal data from infrared satellite images. These features enable us to predict the final classification of Medicanes (whether they are storm-like or extreme) 6 to 36 h before peak wind speed, using an optimized combination of Convolutional Neural Network and Random Forest binary classification methods. By training and testing on Mediterranean data from 1984 to 2020, we successfully diagnosed between 72% and 87% of extreme Medicanes in the studied cases, depending on the lead-time. Our study is the first to employ artificial intelligences for both tracking and forecasting Medicanes, offering a foundational approach to enhance Medicanes preparedness and awareness.

How to cite: Martinez-Amaya, J., Nieves, V., and Muñoz-Marí, J.: Advancements in Medicanes Tracking and Forecasting Using Artificial Intelligence, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-119,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Amandine Kaiser, Nikki Vercauteren, and Sebastian Krumscheid

Numerical weather prediction and climate models encounter challenges in accurately representing flow regimes in the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer and the transitions between them. This leads to an inadequate depiction of regime occupation statistics and, therefore, to biases in forecasts of near-surface temperature. To explore inherent uncertainties in modeling regime transitions, the response of the near-surface temperature inversion to transient small-scale phenomena is analyzed based on a stochastic modeling approach. A sensitivity analysis is conducted by augmenting a single-column model for the atmospheric boundary layer with deterministic perturbations accounting for small-scale fluctuations in the wind and temperature dynamics and with a stochastic stability function to account for turbulent bursts. The model is a tool to systematically investigate what types of unsteady flow features may trigger abrupt transitions in the mean boundary layer state. Previous research showed that incorporating enhanced mixing, a common practice in numerical weather prediction models, blurs the two regime characteristics of the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer. Simulating intermittent turbulence through a stochastic stability function is shown to provide a potential workaround for this issue. Including key uncertainty in models could lead to a better statistical representation of the regimes in long-term climate simulation. 

How to cite: Kaiser, A., Vercauteren, N., and Krumscheid, S.: Capturing the Variability of the Nocturnal Boundary Layer through Localized Perturbation Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-8958,, 2024.

Coffee break
Chairpersons: Lesley De Cruz, Christian Franzke, Naiming Yuan
On-site presentation
Gabriëlle De Lannoy, Louise Busschaert, Sara Modanesi, Devon Dunmire, Isis Brangers, Hans Lievens, Zdenko Heyvaert, Christian Massari, Augusto Getirana, and Michel Bechtold

Land surface models provide self-consistent estimates of the water stored in various components of the land system, i.e. in the soil, vegetation and snow, and of water fluxes. Assimilation of satellite-based data helps to update these estimates to some extent, but it has some limitations when human processes, such as irrigation, are missing in the modeling system. Furthermore, the simulated water distribution heavily depends on the choice of meteorological input and other model choices. In this study, we aim to quantify the relative contribution of (i) Sentinel-1 data assimilation for soil moisture and snow updating, (ii) meteorological input, and (iii) modeling irrigation over the Po river basin in Italy.

The Po river network channels the discharge of snow melt water from the Alps and Apennines, combined with surface and deep subsurface runoff from the hillslopes and valley. During the summer, the river network supplies irrigation water to the large agricultural area in the Po river valley. The Po basin is thus a unique testbed to study various water budget components in an environment with pronounced seasonal water storage dynamics and human water management.

More specifically, we assimilate 1-km Sentinel-1 data into the Noah-MP land surface model coupled to an irrigation module and the hydrological modeling and analysis platform (HyMAP) as runoff routing module. The Noah-MP simulations are forced with meteorological data from either the fifth generation ECMWF atmospheric reanalysis (ERA5) or the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) for the years 2015-2023. Sentinel-1 snow depth retrievals are assimilated over the mountains in the winter, whereas Sentinel-1 backscatter are mainly assimilated in the valley during the spring, summer and fall. The state updates are applied to snow depth, snow water equivalent, and soil moisture. These updates subsequently trigger updates in estimates of irrigation, leaf area index, discharge and other variables, resulting in a self-consistent re-analysis of the entire water budget of the Po basin. The impact of the Sentinel-1 data assimilation relative to that of the activation of irrigation modeling is quantified using independent in situ and remotely sensed measurements of soil moisture, leaf area index, snow depth, evaporation, irrigation and discharge.

How to cite: De Lannoy, G., Busschaert, L., Modanesi, S., Dunmire, D., Brangers, I., Lievens, H., Heyvaert, Z., Massari, C., Getirana, A., and Bechtold, M.: Relative contribution of high-resolution Sentinel-1 data assimilation and modeling choices to improve regional water budget estimates, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17015,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Toward targeted observations of the meteorological initial states for improving the PM2.5 forecasts in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
Lichao Yang and Wansuo Duan
On-site presentation
Jochen Bröcker, Giulia Carigi, Tobias Kuna, and Vincent Ryan Martinez

In this contribution, we will analyse simple data assimilation schemes that not only estimate the underlying states of a dynamical system but simultaneously reconstruct unknown components of the dynamics. We focus on quasigeostrophic and transport-diffusion equations (for instance for atmospheric aerosols or tracer gases) and reconstruct forcings or surfacd fluxes, along with the underlying dynamical states. Tracer gases and aerosols play an important role in the dynamics of the atmosphere; aerosols for instance act as condensation nuclei and thus have a major influence on precipitation, while tracer gases such as ozone, methane, or CO2 impact the radiative transfer and are thus linked to important atmospheric phenomena such as the ozone hole and the energy budget of the planet ("greenhouse effect"), respectively. Furthermore, gases as well as aerosols (especially in the lower troposphere) are common pollutants with strong and potentially adverse effects on the environment, human activity, and health. We discuss two algorithms that both apply in the context of the quasigeostrophic as well as the transport-diffusion equations.

How to cite: Bröcker, J., Carigi, G., Kuna, T., and Martinez, V. R.: Data assimilation and the reconstruction of surface fluxes in quasigeostrophic and transport equations., EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1148,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Femke Vossepoel, Geir Evensen, and Peter Jan van Leeuwen

Iterative ensemble smoothers, originally developed for parameter estimation in petroleum applications, are effective data assimilation methods in coupled, unstable dynamical systems. In this study, we demonstrate this using a coupled multiscale model based on two Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equations with different spatial and temporal scales, representing two subsystems of an earth-system model. The cross-covariance between the variables of the two subsystems reflects how each subsystem influences the other, leading to unexpected structures that reveal interesting physics of the coupled system. The setup of the data assimilation allows simultaneous updating of both systems, leading to consistent estimates.

A comparative study illustrates the properties of iterative ensemble smoothers and assimilation updates over finite-length assimilation windows. We demonstrate the increased accuracy of the smoothers’ solution compared to that of the standard ensemble Kalman filter and the fast convergence of the iterations related to the efficient handling of nonlinearities by the nonlinear space-time ensemble.

Localisation, whether distance-based or adapted to spatial correlations, can be used in iterative ensemble smoothers to effectively deal with limited ensemble sizes. We discuss the effects of the spatial distribution and temporal frequency of available observations and illustrate how data gaps in one of the two subsystems affect the coupled estimate. Looking forward, we present the possibilities and benefits of a potential implementation of this approach in coupled earth-system models.

How to cite: Vossepoel, F., Evensen, G., and van Leeuwen, P. J.: Data assimilation approaches with iterative ensemble smoothers in coupled nonlinear multiscale models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-12751,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hao-Lun Yeh and Peter Jan van Leeuwen

Nonlinearities in numerical models for the geosciences and in observation operators that map model states to observation space have become so strong that they can no longer be ignored. The particle flow filter (PFF) is a fully nonlinear and efficient sequential Monte Carlo filter that removes the weight degeneracy problem in particle filters by iteratively transporting the equal-weighted particles from the prior to the posterior distribution. The deterministic version of the PPF has been successfully applied to high-dimensional systems and is unbiased in the limit of an infinite number of particles. However, with a small number of particles, the ensemble spread can be biased low, especially in the observed part of the state space. This can be partly alleviated by using a so-called matrix-valued kernel in the algorithm, but the fundamental issue remains. To address this challenge, we propose a novel approach, the Stochastic Particle Flow Filter (SPFF), which includes a Gaussian noise in the Stein Variational Gradient Descent dynamics, the amplitude and covariance of which follow directly from theory. With this additional repulsive force between particles, the SPFF guarantees an unbiased posterior pdf, even with a finite number of particles.

We demonstrate the performance of the SPFF using detailed experiments with the 1000-dimensional Loreanz-96 model. Our results demonstrate that SPFF successfully avoids particle collapse of the marginal distributions and accurately captures the evolutions of particles Additionally, and initially unexpectedly, the SPFF exhibits faster convergence than the deterministic PFF and thus improves analysis accuracy compared to the PFF with a matrix-valued kernel at the computational cost. We also show results of its performance on a high-dimensional ocean model demonstrating that we, as a community, are very close to solving the nonlinear data assimilation problem.

How to cite: Yeh, H.-L. and van Leeuwen, P. J.: Unbiased fully nonlinear data assimilation: the Stochastic Particle Flow Filter, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-14208,, 2024.

Virtual presentation
Gilles Tissot, Maël Jaouen, and Etienne Mémin

This study aims at proposing a new framework to perform ensemble-based estimations of dynamical trajectories of a geophysical fluid flow system. To perform efficient estimations, the ensemble members are embedded in a set of evolving reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) defining a family of spaces.

The method proposed here is designed to deal with very large scale systems such as oceanic or meteorological flows, where it is out of the question to explore the whole attractor, neither to run very long time simulations. Instead, we propose to learn the system locally, in phase space, from an ensemble of trajectories.

The novelty of the present work relies on the fact that the feature maps between the native space and the RKHS manifold are transported by the dynamical system. This creates, at any time, an isometry between the tangent RKHS at time t and the initial conditions. This has several important consequences. First, the kernel evaluations are constant along trajectories, instead to be attached to a system state. By doing so, a new ensemble member embedded in the RKHS manifold at the initial time can be very simply estimated at a further time. This framework displays striking properties. The Koopman and Perron-Frobenius operators on such RKHS manifold are unitary, uniformly continuous (with bounded generators) and diagonalizable. As such they can be rigorously expended in exponential forms.

This set of analytical properties enables us to provide a practical estimation of the Koopman eigenfunctions. In the proposed strategy, evaluations of these Koopman eigenfunctions at the ensemble members are exact. To perform robust estimations, the finite-time Lyapunov exponents associated with each Koopman eigenfunction (which are easily accessible on the RKHS manifold as well) are determined. On this basis, we are able to filter the kernel by removing contributions of the Koopman modes that exceed the predictability time. We show that it leads to robust estimations of new unknown trajectories. This framework allows us to write an ensemble-based data assimilation problem, where constant-in-time linear combinations coefficients between ensemble members are sought in order to estimate the QG flow based on noisy swath observations.

The methodology is demonstrated on a multilayer quasi-geostrophic model representative of the Gulf Stream area in the North Atlantic at a 10 km resolution and considering 100 training ensemble members. We show the ability of the method to estimate trajectories knowing the initial condition of a new ensemble member. Moreover, ensemble-based data assimilation is performed based on realistic swaths of altimetry observations.

How to cite: Tissot, G., Jaouen, M., and Mémin, E.: Ensemble forecasts in reproducing kernel Hilbert space family: Application on a multilayer quasi-geostrophic numerical simulation, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10075,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Hamed Ali Diab-Montero, Meng Li, Ylona van Dinther, and Femke C Vossepoel

The forecasting of earthquake occurrence remains a significant challenge in seismology, primarily due to uncertainties in understanding the current state of stress, strength, and the parameters controlling the slip behaviour of faults. Among these parameters, friction parameters are crucial as they control the earthquake recurrence interval and their nucleation size. There is a critical gap in effectively integrating observational data with physics-based models, particularly in the face of parameter bias. This study addresses how ensemble data assimilation methods can be optimized to address these challenges and reduce uncertainties in fault-slip estimates.

Our objective is to enhance the accuracy of earthquake forecasting by incorporating model error into ensemble data assimilation methods, thus improving the estimation of critical state variables such as shear stress and slip velocity. We employed the Ensemble Kalman (EnKF), Adaptive Gaussian Mixture (AGMF), and Particle Flow (PFF) filters, which are integrated with earthquake sequence models. These methods were applied in two stages: 1) Perfect model experiments using 1-D Burridge-Knopoff models to assess the benefits of including model error in estimating non-periodic and chaotic behaviours in low-dimensional systems. 2) Application in a meter-scale direct-shear laboratory setup, assimilating measurements from shear-strain gauges near the fault, to examine the effects of varying normal stress profiles on the fault on the estimates and the impact of including model error.

The perfect model experiments demonstrated improved estimation of shear stress, slip velocity, and the state variable (θ), particularly in estimating non-periodic sequences and chaotic behaviour using stable periodic solutions when confronted with small parameter biases. In the laboratory setup, variations in normal stress profiles significantly influenced the information content. Sensor placement relative to the fault and seismic phase was found to critically impact the observations' informational value, with sensor proximity to the fault being a critical aspect and the information content being higher around the coseismic phase.

This research provides valuable insights into the intricate process of earthquake forecasting, underscoring the role of data-assimilation techniques in enhancing our understanding and forecasting abilities in this field.

How to cite: Diab-Montero, H. A., Li, M., van Dinther, Y., and Vossepoel, F. C.: Ensemble Data Assimilation with Model Error Inclusion for Estimating Fault-Slip Occurrence in Large-Scale Laboratory Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11543,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Christian Lessig, Peter Lean, Tony McNally, Mihai Alexe, Simon Lang, Matthew Chantry, and Peter Dueben

State-of-the-art data assimilation systems, such as the 4DVar system of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), are highly successful in producing state estimates of the atmosphere constrained by millions of observations. However, existing systems require substantial approximations, e.g. in forward operators, and employ conventional models in their optimization loop. This limits the amount of information that can be extracted from observations, e.g. the assimilation of visible satellite channels is still challenging. The current approach also separates the use of observations into a data assimilation step and a forecasting one, with observations only being used indirectly for forecasting, for example for tuning of parametrizations and for evaluation.

Here, we explore the possibility to train large machine learning models for data assimilation and forecasting directly from observations. In particular, we build a generative transformer neural network that models the joint the probability distribution p(y,x) over output states y for an input x. The input are observations from a temporal window, e.g. 6h or 12h, and the output y can either be an estimate of the state within the window or a short-term forecast, e.g. for another 12h. Different observations are processed by different embedding networks but then fused in the backbone transformer network. To obtain an integrated and consistent representation of the atmospheric state that corresponds to the different input data streams, we train with a variation of the masked token model training objective from natural language processing that impels the network to learn the correlation between the different input streams and channels. To properly represent the statistical nature of the estimation of y given x, our network provides an ensemble prediction as a nonparametric model for the probability distribution over y.

We present results for a network trained with a substantial amount of data, including different satellite observations (such as AMSU-A microwave sounders from NOAA 15-19 and the METOP satellites as well as IASI), radiosondes, and ground station-based measurements. The skill for both data assimilation and forecasting is analyzed and compared to ECMWF’s operational 4DVar system. We also ablate the effect different observations have on the skill of the network output.

How to cite: Lessig, C., Lean, P., McNally, T., Alexe, M., Lang, S., Chantry, M., and Dueben, P.: Towards a machine learning model for data assimilation and forecasting directly trained from observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11724,, 2024.

On-site presentation
Brian Groenke, Kristoffer Aalstad, Norbert Pirk, Sebastian Westermann, Jakob Zscheischler, Guillermo Gallego, and Julia Boike

Mechanistic or dynamical models based on governing equations are ubiquitous throughout science and engineering. Such models, also referred to as “simulators”, are typically characterized by a forward mapping from some set of inputs or parameters to one or more output quantities of interest. In many cases, the inputs required for the forward model are either unknown or represent approximations of unresolved processes. Bayesian inference provides a natural framework for constraining this model uncertainty using observed data. Such a framework is especially valuable in cryospheric application domains such as permafrost research, where direct observations of many quantities of interest, e.g. subsurface temperature and soil moisture, are only sparsely available. Mechanistic models based on known physics therefore play an indispensable role in filling these gaps. However, virtually all methods for Bayesian inference require repeated evaluation of the forward model which is often computationally challenging, especially for dynamical systems. As a result, computational requirements of statistical inference very quickly become intractable even for systems of only moderate complexity. The burgeoning field of “simulation-based inference” (SBI) aims to leverage modern computational methods from machine learning (ML) and data assimilation (DA) to overcome these challenges and facilitate large scale uncertainty quantification in complex scientific models. In this work, we show how SBI can be seen as a unifying theoretical framework that bridges the gap between existing DA methods (e.g. variants of the ensemble Kalman filter) and full-fledged Bayesian inference with the goal of facilitating hybrid statistical-physical modeling of complex systems. We present a novel set of software tools for making SBI more accessible to researchers along with benchmarks of several methods drawn from both the ML and DA literature. Two of these benchmarks are based on use cases from Arctic land surface modeling: degree day approximation of snowmelt and geothermal inversion of historical climate change from boreholes in Arctic permafrost. We highlight the contributions that SBI can make to solving such inverse problems and discuss further potential applications in the cryosphere and beyond.

How to cite: Groenke, B., Aalstad, K., Pirk, N., Westermann, S., Zscheischler, J., Gallego, G., and Boike, J.: Simulation-based inference as a paradigm for scientific machine learning in the cryosphere and beyond, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-16847,, 2024.

Posters on site: Wed, 17 Apr, 10:45–12:30 | Hall X4

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr, 12:30
Chairpersons: Vera Melinda Galfi, Naiming Yuan
Raphael Roemer and Peter Ashwin

In this work, we explore how to extend the concept of physical measures from attractors to chaotic non-attracting invariant sets. Building on Sweet and Ott’s work from 2000, we make their ideas rigorous by defining a measure on non-attracting sets in terms of Lebesgue Measure and show how to sample it numerically. We discuss its relevance for simple climate models and the sampling techniques’ limitations in the context of more complex and higher dimensional (climate) models. Knowing the measure of a non-attracting set, for example of a saddle or of an edge state (also known as melancholia state), also provides information about its fractal dimension and geometric complexity which can be useful to better understanding tipping phenomena and uncertainty close to a basin boundary.

How to cite: Roemer, R. and Ashwin, P.: Characterising Edge States: Measures on chaotic non-attracting invariant sets, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18525,, 2024.

Mean exit times as global measure of resilience of tropical forest systems under climatic disturbances
Yayun Zheng and Niklas Boers
Gianmarco Del Sarto and Franco Flandoli

A one-dimensional energy balance model (1D-EBM) is a simplified climate model that describes the evolution of Earth's temperature based on the planet's energy budget.

In this study, we examine a 1D-EBM that incorporates a parameter representing the impact of carbon dioxide on the energy balance. Based on empirical studies showing that bistability may occur in Earth's tropics, we consider the planet's ongoing radiation to be latitude-dependent, presenting bistability in low-latitude regions but not in high-latitude ones. This local bistability does not lead to a bifurcation in the entire system, in addition to the classical saddle-node bifurcations between Snowball Earth and the present climate.

We focus on investigating the statistical properties of the system when the model is perturbed with additive noise. Our work is a step towards a clearer understanding of the dynamics in a spatially heterogeneous setting.

How to cite: Del Sarto, G. and Flandoli, F.: Statistical properties for a spatially heteregeneous one-dimensional energy balance model perturbed by additive noise, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1008,, 2024.

Ruxu Lian, Jieqiong Ma, and Qingcun Zeng

The well-posedness of the dynamic framework in earth-system model (ESM for short) is a common issue in earth sciences and mathematics. In this presentation, the authors will introduce the research history and fundamental roles of the well-posedness of the dynamic framework in the ESM,  emphasizing the three core components of ESM, i.e., the atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM for short), land-surface model (LSM for short) and oceanic general circulation model (OGCM for short) and their couplings. In fact, this system strictly obeys the conservation of energy and is used to make better climate predictions. Then, some research advances made by their own research group are outlined. Finally, future research prospects are discussed.

How to cite: Lian, R., Ma, J., and Zeng, Q.: Well-Posedness of the Dynamic Framework in Earth-System Model , EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-7142,, 2024.

Jean-Pierre Croisille, Jean-Baptiste Bellet, and Matthieu Brachet

Approximation, interpolation and quadrature are questions of fundamental 
importance for atmospheric and oceanic problems at planetary scale. 
Computation with spherical harmonics on the sphere is an old mathematical topic; it has a particular interest in geosciences, and is still an active field of research. In this poster, we will show numerical comparisons of several approximation schemes, with a special focus on the Cubed Sphere grid. We test hyperinterpolation, weighted least squares, and interpolation on a series of test functions with various smoothness properties. Our last results include the derivation of explicit formulas for optimal quadrature rules on low resolution Cubed Spheres.

[1] J.-B. Bellet, M. Brachet, and J.-P. Croisille, Interpolation on the Cubed Sphere with Spherical Harmonics, Numerische Mathematik, 153 (2023), pp. 249-278.
[2] J.-B. Bellet and J.-P. Croisille, Least Squares Spherical Harmonics Approximation on the Cubed Sphere, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 429 (2023),  115213.
[3] C. An and H.-N. Wu, Bypassing the quadrature exactness assumption of hyperinterpolation on the sphere, Journal of Complexity, 80 (2024), 101789.

How to cite: Croisille, J.-P., Bellet, J.-B., and Brachet, M.: Comparison of several approximation schemes on the Cubed Sphere, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15777,, 2024.

Achim Wirth

Hydrostatic models were and still are the workhorses for realistic simulations of the ocean dynamics, especially for climate applications. The hydrostatic approximation is formally first order in $\gamma=H/L$, where $H$ is the vertical and $L$ the horizontal scale of the phenomenon considered. For stratified rotating flow the dynamics can be separated in balanced flow and wave motion. It is shown that for the linear balanced motion the hydrostatic approximation is exact and for wave motion it is second order, obtaining the leading prefactors. The validity of the hydrostatic approximation therefore also relies on the ratio of the amplitude of wave motion to balanced motion. This ratio adds considerably to the quality of the hydrostatic approximation for larger scale flows in the atmosphere and the ocean.
Imposing the divergenceless condition is a linear projection of the dynamical variables in the subspace of divergenceless vector fields, for both the Navier-Stokes and the hydrostatic formalism. Both projections are local in Fourier space.
  Calculating the difference of the two projections, the expression of the error, scaling and prefactors, done by the hydrostatic approximation is obtained. Analyzing the eigen-space of the projector, it is shown that for rotating-buoyant vortical-flow the hydrostatic-approximation is of third order for buoyant forcing, second order for horizontal and first order for vertical dynamical forcing.
Using the Heisenberg-Gabor limit it is shown that for large scale ocean dynamics, the difference of the dynamics of the projection-evolution operator between the two formalisms is insignificant. It is shown that the hydrostatic approximation is appropriate for realistic ocean simulations with vertical viscosities larger than $\approx10^{-2}$m$^2$s$^{-1}$. A special emphasis is on unveiling the physical interpretation of the calculations.

How to cite: Wirth, A.: On the hydrostatic approximation in rotating stratified flow, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-1469,, 2024.

Salah Kouhen, Benjamin Storer, Hussein Aluie, David Marshall, and Hannah Christensen

The Kinetic Energy spectrum of the atmosphere in the mesoscales (10-500 km) is poorly understood. Aircraft measurements in the eighties first revealed that there was a kink in the spectrum, a transition from a slope of -3 to a slope of -5/3, that occurred at scales below around 400 km (Nastrom et al. [1984]). Since that time many possible mechanisms have been posited for the transition but there has been no consensus. We will present a new way of analysing the local scaling laws of geophysical data using coarse-graining, extending the work of Sadek and Aluie [2018]. Our technique allows for the creation of spatial maps of spectral slope, as well as conditioned spectra that can be used to analyse the relationship between different meteorological variables and the atmospheric kinetic energy power spectrum. This enables us to explore causes for the observed shallower slope. We observe shallower spectral slopes in regions of greater convective activity, as well as shallowing in regions of high orographic variability and interesting latitudinal effects. The important implications of our work for the celebrated Nastrom and Gage spectrum (Nastrom et al. [1984]) will be discussed.



GD Nastrom, KS Gage, and WH Jasperson. Kinetic energy spectrum of large-and mesoscale atmospheric processes. Nature, 310(5972):36–38, 1984.


Mahmoud Sadek and Hussein Aluie. Extracting the spectrum of a flow by spatial filtering. Physical Review Fluids, 3(12):124610, 2018.

How to cite: Kouhen, S., Storer, B., Aluie, H., Marshall, D., and Christensen, H.: Understanding the atmospheric kinetic energy spectrum, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17968,, 2024.

Nina Raoult, Simon Beylat, James Salter, Frédéric Hourdin, Vladislav Bastrikov, Catherine Ottlé, and Philippe Peylin

With the growing complexity of land surface models used to represent the terrestrial part of wider Earth system models, the need for sophisticated and robust parameter optimisation techniques is paramount. Quantifying parameter uncertainty is essential for both model development and more accurate projections. History matching is an emerging technique in climate science for uncertainty quantification. Using Gaussian process emulators, history matching allows us to rule out parts of parameter space that lead to model outputs being inconsistent with observations. In this presentation, we assess the power of history matching by comparing results to variational data assimilation, commonly used in land surface models for parameter estimation. Although both approaches have different setups and goals, we can extract posterior parameter distributions from both methods and test the model-data fit of ensembles sampled from these distributions. Using a twin experiment, we test whether we can recover known parameter values. Through variational data assimilation, we closely match the observations. However, the known parameter values are not always contained in the posterior parameter distribution, highlighting the equifinality of the parameter space. In contrast, while more conservative, history matching still gives a reasonably good fit and provides more information about the model structure by allowing for non-Gaussian parameter distributions. Furthermore, the true parameters are contained in the posterior distributions. We then consider history matching's ability to ingest different metrics targeting different physical parts of the model, helping to reduce parameter space further and improve model-data fit. We find the best results when history matching is used with multiple metrics; not only is the model-data fit improved, but we also gain a deeper understanding of the model and how the different parameters constrain different parts of the seasonal cycle. We conclude by discussing the potential of history matching in future studies.

How to cite: Raoult, N., Beylat, S., Salter, J., Hourdin, F., Bastrikov, V., Ottlé, C., and Peylin, P.: Exploring the Potential of History Matching for Land Surface Model Calibration, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5287,, 2024.

Jérôme Kasparian, Laure Moinat, Iaroslav Gaopnenko, and Stéphane Goyette

Climate change causes shifts in distribution ranges of species. The velocity of these shifts is often related to that of climate change, such as the poleward shift of the isotherms. However, species range shifts are not solely determined by climate parameters. Short-term meteorological values, topography, and other barriers also play a role. Moreover, the magnitude and direction of the climate velocity are not defined univocally. They depend on implicit assumptions that underlie the calculations, particularly in determining the direction of the velocity vector. The classical gradient-based definition of climate change [1] displays limitations, in particular local divergence [2], which led us to recently introduce an alternative method maximising the regularity of the velocity field, named Monte-cArlo iTerative Convergence metHod (MATCH) [3].

Since the latter stems from mathematical arguments, its relevance to ecology requires careful assess- ment. We consider North-American birds based on the Audubon Christmas Bird Count as well as marine species recorded in the North-East Atlantic region of the NOAA fisheries survey. For each species, the centroid of the distribution area is determined at two time ranges, and its shifting velocity, in magnitude and direction, is deduced. We also calculate the shift of the isotherms for ground and sea-surface tem- peratures, respectively, at each observation spot, and deduce an average shifting velocity for both the Gradient-based and the MATCH methods.

When comparing the respective shifts of the ranges of species and of climate, we only found a significant positive correlation between latitudinal shift of marine species and their climate counterpart, as calculated with the MATCH approach. Neither the classical gradient method, nor longitudinal shifts, nor bird range shifts displayed significant correlations. Our results therefore suggest that the MATCH approach may provide more ecologically relevant velocity fields. We also confirmed previous observations that marine species better track temperature evolutions than terrestrial ones. Such assessment may help anticipating species range shift and designing conservation strategies.


1. S. R. Loarie et al. Nature 462, 1052 (2009)

2. J. Rey, G. Rohat, M. Perroud, S. Goyette, J. Kasparian, Env. Res. Lett. 15, 034027 (2020)

3. I. Gaponenko, G. Rohat, S. Goyette, P. Paruch, J. Kasparian, Sci. Rep., 12, 2997, (2022)

How to cite: Kasparian, J., Moinat, L., Gaopnenko, I., and Goyette, S.: Alternative approaches to the velocity of climate change: assessment against observations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10174,, 2024.

An Economy-Climate Model forQuantitatively Projecting the Impact ofFuture Climate Change and ItsApplication
(withdrawn after no-show)
Jie Ming Chou
Integration of Wind Resource Assessment through Multi-scale Coupling Method
(withdrawn after no-show)
Shanxun Sun and Hao Li
Yuhan Xu, Sheng Fang, Xinwen Dong, Hao Hu, and Shuhan Zhuang

Determining the source location and release rate is critical in assessing the environmental consequences of atmospheric radionuclide releases, yet this task remains challenging due to the vast multi-dimensional solution space. To address this, we propose a spatiotemporally-separated two-step framework that reduces the dimension of the solution space in each step and enhances the reconstruction accuracy, which is applicable to radionuclide releases. The separating process involves applying a temporal sliding-window average filter to the observations, thereby reducing the influence of temporal variations in the release rate and ensuring that the features of the filtered data are dominated by the source location. Initially, candidate source locations are pre-screened using a correlation-based method. To establish the relationship between the filtered data and candidate source locations, time- and frequency-domain features are extracted from the filtered data and an eXtreme Gradient Boosting algorithm is employed for fitting. The features are further screened out by the Recursive Feature Elimination with Cross-Validation. Utilizing the features of filtered observations, the source location can be determined without the knowledge of the release rate. Subsequently, the release rate is determined using projected alternating minimization with the L1-norm and total variation regularization algorithm.

The proposed method was rigorously tested on two field experiments: the SCK-CEN experiment, featuring local-scale 41Ar releases over two days, and the ETEX-I experiment, involving continental-scale PMCH releases. Validation on the SCK-CEN experiment showed that the lowest source location error fell below 1% and the mean source location error remained under 5%, with temporal variations and peak release rate being accurately reconstructed. Similar accuracy was also observed in the ETEX-I experiment. Compared to traditional correlation-based method and Bayesian method, our method exhibited superior accuracy and a reduced uncertainty range.

Furthermore, comprehensive sensitivity tests were conducted on the SCK-CEN experiment to evaluate the influence of pre-screening range, sliding-window length, feature types, and combinations of observation sites. The results indicated that our method achieved consistent performance across various parameters and conditions, maintaining low error levels even with only a single observation site.

How to cite: Xu, Y., Fang, S., Dong, X., Hu, H., and Zhuang, S.: Spatiotemporally-separated framework for the source reconstruction of atmospheric radionuclide releases, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13849,, 2024.

Claire Lauvernet, Katarina Radisic, and Arthur Vidard

Environmental and hydrological models have become important decision-making tools. The PESHMELBA model [1] is a pesticide transfer model used to simulate and compare possible land-use planning scenarios in order to identify developments that reduce the impact of pesticides in surface waters.

When calibrating environmental models, one of the first steps is a sensitivity analysis [2]. However, this analysis can vary for different realizations of the external conditions (such as rainfall, evapotranspiration, or date of pesticide application) under which the model operates. Indeed, even the external conditions as an uncontrollable stochastic quantity means that the hydrological model itself becomes stochastic. Sobol indices can then be seen as random variables [3], where randomness is given by their dependence on rainfall.

In this study, we calculate the sensitivity indices on two examples: first, on soil hydrodynamic parameters on a vineyard plot in PESHMELBA under several realizations of the same type of rainfall, corresponding to events measured on the field. Second, on a omore complex situation considering the whole watershed and pesticides output variables. The stochasticity of that second case comes from the difference between the rainfall and the date of pesticide application, whicih is a key unknown in pesticide transfer simulations.

We show that the hierarchy of input parameters varies according to the forcings used. In particular, heavier rainfall mainly activates processes in the deep saturated horizon, involving parameters governing saturated soil properties (water content at saturation, for example), which is not the case for lighter rainfall, for which PESHMELBA is essentially influenced by unsaturated soil parameters.

The aim of this work is to take this dependency into account within the sensitivity analysis and to propose a global indice which is valid condidering the forcings uncertainties.

[1] Rouzies, E., Lauvernet, C., Barachet, C., Morel, T., Branger, F., Braud, I., & Carluer, N. (2019). From agricultural catchment to management scenarios: A modular tool to assess effects of landscape features on water and pesticide behavior. Science of The Total Environment, 671, 1144–1160.

[2] Mai, J. (2023). Ten strategies towards successful calibration of environmental models. Journal of Hydrology, 620, 129414.

[3] Hart, J. L., Alexanderian, A., & Gremaud, P. A. (2017). Efficient Computation of Sobol' Indices for Stochastic Models. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 39(4), A1514–A1530.

How to cite: Lauvernet, C., Radisic, K., and Vidard, A.: Sensitivity analysis with external stochastic forcings for robust calibration : application to a water and pesticide transfer model, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19838,, 2024.

Juan Restrepo, Jorge Ramirez, Peter vanLeeuwen, and Caio Alves

Assimilating dynamic models and observations, along with their errors using Bayesian estimation method are challenged when the model has both aleatoric and epistemic errors. We devised a diffusion map technique that can filter an observational data stream, stripping it of components that are near statistically stationary, leaving behind what we denote the tendency of the time series. The tendency of the time series can be thought of as an executive summary of the time series. A model constructed on known physical principles may not be able to capture the tendency with fidelity and thus one can identify, from an estimation process on aleatoric fields, the epistemic error. Using machine learning strategies a surrogate model for the epistemic error can be inferred from a comparison of the physics model and the tendency. The surrogate model is thus incorporated into the model dynamics to enhance the fidelity in predictions. The assimilation of the enhanced model and the observations can now be carried out over the aleatoric Bayesian framework. To meet the challenge of the resulting highly nonlinear and non-Gaussian data assimilation we employ a newly developed Stein sampler we call the particle flow filter. In this talk we will describe and demonstrate  this assimilation strategy. 

How to cite: Restrepo, J., Ramirez, J., vanLeeuwen, P., and Alves, C.: Data Assimilation with Biases & Random Errors, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2404,, 2024.

Eliott Lumet, Mélanie Rochoux, Thomas Jaravel, and Simon Lacroix

Microscale pollutant dispersion is a critical aspect of air quality assessment with significant implications for the environment and public health. Designing accurate microscale dispersion models is of paramount importance for predicting air pollution exposure and assessing risks, in particular in emergency situations such as accidents at industrial sites, which are often close to densely-populated urban areas. However, this is a challenging task, as the structure and trajectory of pollutant plumes are strongly influenced by atmospheric flow, which is inherently multi-scale, turbulent, and interacts in complex ways with the built environment. To accurately capture the airflow and dispersion patterns induced by the built environment, large-eddy simulations (LES) are recognized as a high-fidelity numerical approach. However, LES are very costly and remain subject to uncertainties, partly due to the lack of knowledge and variability of the large-scale atmospheric forcing. In emergency situations, it is essential to quantify and reduce these uncertainties in order to better predict where pollutant concentration peaks occur.

In this work, to cope with the computational cost of LES, while providing the best possible information on the processes involved, we design and validate a data assimilation algorithm based on an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) that combines in situ concentration measurements with LES information. This LES information is obtained through a surrogate model, based on proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) combined with Gaussian process regression (GPR), which was trained in an offline stage using a large dataset of LES simulations, and which predicts the time-averaged concentration spatial fields for varying large-scale atmospheric conditions. The application of our data assimilation approach to the MUST field-scale experiment provides a proof-of-concept of the system's ability to reduce meteorological parametric uncertainties, correct bias in the model boundary conditions and thereby improve LES pollutant concentration field predictions. The use of the POD-GPR reduced-order model enables generating ensemble predictions that accurately account for the strong nonlinearities of the LES model, in just a few tens of seconds.

In addition, particular attention is paid to the representation of the errors, in particular to the internal variability of the atmospheric boundary layer that induces variability in the LES statistical fields and in the in-situ measurements. We design a bootstrap approach to quantify the significant effect of atmospheric internal variability on microscale dispersion, and we show that GPRs are able to learn this source of noise. Finally, we take internal variability into account in the data assimilation system considering that it is a source of model error and of observation error. This provides a more robust data assimilation framework with a more realistic description of the errors, which will be of interest for dispersion applications in real urban areas.

How to cite: Lumet, E., Rochoux, M., Jaravel, T., and Lacroix, S.: Surrogate-based data assimilation for microscale atmospheric pollutant dispersion, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17987,, 2024.

Teresa Kunkel, Jan Giesselmann, and Martin Gugat

We consider state estimation for a system described by the one-dimensional shallow water equations. Since in general measurements of the complete state are not available, we assume that we have measurements of only one state variable, e.g. of the water height. In order to estimate the system state from these partial measurements, we construct an observer system that is based on the shallow water equations. Distributed measurements of the water height are inserted into the observer system through source terms of Luenberger type. Our main contribution is to show exponential convergence of the state of the observer system towards the original system state in the long time limit for a 2x2-system of nonlinear hyperbolic balance laws, i.e., we reconstruct the complete system state from measurements of one state variable. The proof is based on estimating the difference between the observer system and the original system via a suitable extension of the relative energy method.
Using energy-consistent coupling conditions and transforming the system to a Hamiltonian formulation, the synchronization result can be extended to star-shaped networks. This might have an application in flood modeling of river systems or control of irrigation systems.

How to cite: Kunkel, T., Giesselmann, J., and Gugat, M.: Observer-based data assimilation for shallow water equations, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15676,, 2024.

Advancing Forecast Precision: Data-Driven Model Generation via Data Assimilation
Michael Goodliff and Takemasa Miyoshi
Tibor Rapai, Petra Baják, András Lukács, Balázs Székely, and Anita Erőss

Lake Velence is a shallow soda lake in Hungary whose water budget is mainly driven by precipitation and evaporation. The lake has shown a deteriorating tendency recently, including extremely low lake levels and poor water quality, which indicates its vulnerability against changing climatic conditions. At the same time several water usage conflicts appeared in the catchment area. Until recently, the groundwater component in the lake's water budget and the hydrogeological processes in the catchment area have not been taken into consideration. Recent hydrogeological studies, however, show groundwater discharge into the lake.  Thus, further investigating this question is of high importance, hence groundwater could reduce climatic vulnerability.

Our ongoing work aims at developing a model-based evaluation technique, utilizing all map-based geophysical information and time series of different satellite data products, having sufficient spatial resolution and providing information about parameters strongly connected to subsurface processes, showing up on the surface. The basic DEM raster layer is imported from Copernicus GLO-30 dataset, having vertical precision <4 m. The Region Of Interest is a rectangular part of the catchment area: 47.1–47.4N, 18.4–18.8E. The first segmentation of the ROI is done using elevation data combined with lithographic and soil type information, resulting in almost uniform Voronoi-like polygon tessellation, with cells classified by geostructure. Further refinement by land cover type is done using Sentinel-1 SAR data. Other fixed data of point and polygon layers are important terrain features, points of surface inflows, (known) water takeouts and monitoring wells.

The machine learning regression model has time series of measured data at all its layers, daily input from Agárd meteorological station, like precipitation, average temperature, wind speed and relative humidity. Another important input data comes from Sentinel-2 (GREEN-NIR)/(GREEN+NIR)=NDWI spectral index, available in about weekly time steps, varying between 2 days-2 weeks. A crucial feature of all remote sensing data used here is the spatial resolution being better (10 m) or similar to the resolution of the basic DEM model. During training a graph neural network is generated dynamically from the Voronoi tessellation, where cells are nodes and physical processes between neighbouring cells give edge attributes for the graph. We use rectilinear approximations for water runoff/subsurface water exchange between cells, vertical infiltration/discharge under cells and estimated evapotranspiration from them. Learnable parameters governing the intensity of these flows are connected to geostructure and land cover classes. Parameters are optimized with time interval cross validation, with one part of the time series data being left out from optimization in each epoch and used for evaluation against target water level data.

Automatic detection of spatio-temporal patterns, connected to near-surface hydrogeological processes helped visualizing and quantifying estimated physical flows. Comparison with field measurements confirmed theoretic results from MODFLOW basin modelling, proving topography as a driving factor for subsurface flows. Our model is also suitable to handle isotope tracers, and extension to deep learning model promises predictive functionality for water table level.

The research is part of a project which was funded by the National Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Climate Change, (Hungary) RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014.

How to cite: Rapai, T., Baják, P., Lukács, A., Székely, B., and Erőss, A.: Understanding near-surface hydrogeological processes around Lake Velence (Hungary) – using mesh graph neural networks on multidimensional remote sensing data, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-5561,, 2024.

Posters virtual: Wed, 17 Apr, 14:00–15:45 | vHall X4

Display time: Wed, 17 Apr, 08:30–Wed, 17 Apr, 18:00
Chairpersons: Guannan Hu, Javier Amezcua
Josef Schröttle, Cristina Lupu, and Chris Burrows

A refined 4D-Var assimilation system within DestinE allows us to assimilate the Meteosat-10/SEVIRI clear-sky radiances over Europe, as well as GOES-16/ABI and GOES-18/ABI, or HIMAWARI/AHI globally at a spatial scale of 75 km instead of the previous 125 km in the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS). Higher resolution observations can potentially improve the analysis and therefore the prediction of extreme weather events over Europe, as well as globally. The effects of using higher resolution observations have been investigated with a detailed set of experiments and the impact on wind, temperature, and humidity has been evaluated. A broad range of experiments indicate that exploiting the higher spatial density clear-sky radiances leads to an improvement of humidity sensitive fields in short-range forecasts with the IFS as independently measured for example by instruments on low-earth-orbiting satellites (IASI, CrIS, SSMIS, or ATMS). Due to a reduced displacement and representativeness error, these changes could further lead to improvements in longer range forecasts as these errors propagate upscale nonlinearly. However, so far the impact on the medium range has been mostly neutral.

In addition, pre-processed GOES-16/ABI and GOES-18/ABI observations by NOAA have been assimilated with 10 min sampling rates at 75 km spatial density. Exploring how to best assimilate relatively small spatial and temporal scales for one geostationary satellite, will allow us to approach these smaller scales with other satellites such as HIMAWARI/AHI above the Pacific or MTG-I/FCI above Europe. Data from both satellites will be available for us early in 2024. Preliminary experiments demonstrate the ability of IFS to assimilate observations at the highest available temporal resolution for the GOES-16 and GOES-18 satellites. Higher resolution radiances observed at these shorter time intervals naturally capture smaller scale atmospheric features such as mesoscale convective systems. In our experiments, simultaneously assimilating observations at a higher spatial and temporal resolution leads to an impact that is only marginally better than assimilating higher density observations alone, suggesting a combined investigation of optimal time-assignment, as well as assessment of the observation error are needed to optimise the integration of rapid update measurements in 4D-Var. 

How to cite: Schröttle, J., Lupu, C., and Burrows, C.: Approaching the sub-mesoscale globally at 10 min temporal resolution through assimilating radiances measured by geostationary satellites, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-3222,, 2024.

Seasonal Prediction of China's Overall Ozone Pollution
Yuan Chen and Yongwen Zhang