SPM41 | Climate activism in academia: Scientist Rebellion - what we do and how to get involved
Thu, 12:45
Climate activism in academia: Scientist Rebellion - what we do and how to get involved
Convener: Sylvain Kuppel | Co-conveners: Odin Marc, Marthe Wens
| Thu, 18 Apr, 12:45–13:30 (CEST)
Room 2.43
Thu, 12:45
"The time for climate action is now. Science is critical in shaping the policies and actions to tackle the global climate change challenge,” said former IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee. Scientist Rebellion is an international movement of scientists and scholars who are extremely concerned about the climate and ecological crisis and believe the scientific community has the responsibility to step up and join the forefront of the environmental movement.
Unless those who are best placed to understand this crisis behave according to the emergency we live in, we cannot expect the public to do the same. The latest IPCC report notes “Any further delay in concerted action will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future for all.”
We believe that we must expose the reality and severity of the climate and ecological emergency through nonviolent direct actions, including civil disobedience. In this Splinter meeting we would like to share how we work and what we do. If you want to have a chat with some of us to see if this is a network you would like to join, feel free to stop by at this informative splinter meeting organized by EGU participants who are also member of Scientist Rebellion.

The meeting is part of a series of events about engagement, co-organized during EGU 2024 by scientists active in Scientist Rebellion, including a social dinner (Tue) and a Great Debate (Fri). All details here : https://linktr.ee/sr_egu24

Programme: Thu, 18 Apr | Room 2.43

(Feel free to bring food and eat it during this lunch meeting)
Get to know your local Scientist Rebellion members - and how to join