TS1.1 | When deformation and rheology interact with petrochronology and fluids: exploring processes from nano- to macro-scale
When deformation and rheology interact with petrochronology and fluids: exploring processes from nano- to macro-scale
Co-organized by GD7/GMPV4
Convener: Stefania CorvòECSECS | Co-conveners: Alessandro Petroccia, Alessia Tagliaferri, Clément Herviou

The reconstruction of deformation and metamorphic history through space and time provides key information about the geodynamic evolution of the oceanic and continental lithosphere. However, these contexts are sometimes strongly affected by the interaction with melt/fluid, by rocks' rheological behaviour and by their geological framework. Thus, establishing (micro)structural and (petro)chronological links between these processes is the best tool to constrain the Pressure, Temperature, time, Deformation and Composition (P-T-t-D-X) history of geological areas from the grain scale to the lithospheric scale.
The continuous advancement of high-resolution analytical techniques in structural geology and petrochronology enables us to investigate processes ranging from nano- to lithospheric-scale responses. We aim to provide a forum for geologists dealing with and contributing to unravelling geological issues using a multiscale and multidisciplinary approach. This session welcomes contributions that integrate the results of traditional and innovative analyses with cutting-edge analytical techniques (e.g., EBSD, EPMA, LA-ICP-MS, APT, TEM, µ-CT tomography, and Raman Spectroscopy) addressing the comprehension of local and regional settings.

The reconstruction of deformation and metamorphic history through space and time provides key information about the geodynamic evolution of the oceanic and continental lithosphere. However, these contexts are sometimes strongly affected by the interaction with melt/fluid, by rocks' rheological behaviour and by their geological framework. Thus, establishing (micro)structural and (petro)chronological links between these processes is the best tool to constrain the Pressure, Temperature, time, Deformation and Composition (P-T-t-D-X) history of geological areas from the grain scale to the lithospheric scale.
The continuous advancement of high-resolution analytical techniques in structural geology and petrochronology enables us to investigate processes ranging from nano- to lithospheric-scale responses. We aim to provide a forum for geologists dealing with and contributing to unravelling geological issues using a multiscale and multidisciplinary approach. This session welcomes contributions that integrate the results of traditional and innovative analyses with cutting-edge analytical techniques (e.g., EBSD, EPMA, LA-ICP-MS, APT, TEM, µ-CT tomography, and Raman Spectroscopy) addressing the comprehension of local and regional settings.