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TS4.3 | Deciphering tectonic evolution, exhumation and weathering: advancements in thermochronology and interdisciplinary approaches
Deciphering tectonic evolution, exhumation and weathering: advancements in thermochronology and interdisciplinary approaches
Convener: Alejandro PiraquiveECSECS | Co-conveners: Kristian DrivenesECSECS, Santiago LeónECSECS, Nicolas Villamizar-EscalanteECSECS

Earth's landscape evolution is shaped by the dynamic interplay between tectonics, climate, and surface processes, with added complexity due to contrasting lithospheric structures in cratonic and orogenic settings. Moreover, the physicochemical properties of the basement rocks and their cooling/exhumation histories are deeply affected by fault activity, hydrothermal alteration, and long-term exposure to superficial conditions.
Thermochronology is essential for paleogeographic reconstructions, as it allows quantifying cooling, exhumation, and weathering patterns in distinct geodynamic and physiographic settings. Recent developments in thermochronology, including 40Ar/39Ar, fission tracks, Raman dating, (U-Th)/He, 4He/3He, trapped charge systems, as well as complementary isotopic methods like K-Ar dating of clay weathering products and U-Pb carbonate dating, provide a comprehensive toolset to study the journey of rocks from deep crustal levels to the surface, and their remobilization in source-to-sink systems. Computational tools and remote sensing methods further contribute to this interdisciplinary approach. While integrating such methods enables the development of robust tectonic and landscape evolution models, these technical advancements also underscore the existing limitations in our holistic understanding of the Earth systems and their interaction.
We invite contributions that: (1) present theoretical and experimental work on the development of new thermochronometric systems and modeling approaches, or improve our understanding of the capabilities and limitations of current methods for reliable geological interpretations; and (2) address deep-time evolution of rocks to elucidate the timing and rates of processes shaping the Earth's surface using interdisciplinary approaches involving geothermochronology, geomorphology, tectonics, geochemistry, and mineralogy.