ESSI4.3 | Modern Earth system science visualization and exploration techniques - the balancing act between complex information, broad functionality and simple illustration
Modern Earth system science visualization and exploration techniques - the balancing act between complex information, broad functionality and simple illustration
Co-organized by AS5/OS5
Convener: Tobias Kerzenmacher | Co-conveners: Lucile Gaultier, Christof Lorenz, Philipp S. Sommer, Berit Arheimer

The visualization and user-friendly exploration of information from scientific data is one of the main tasks of good scientific practice. But steady increases in temporal and spatial resolutions of modeling and remote sensing approaches lead to ever-increasing data complexity and volumes. On the other hand, earth system science data are getting increasingly important as decision support for stakeholders and other end users far beyond the scientific domains.

This poses major challenges for the entire process chain, from data storage to web-based visualization. For example, (1) the data has to be enriched with metadata and made available via appropriate and efficient services; (2) visualization and exploration tools must then access the often decentralized tools via interfaces that are as standardized as possible; (3) the presentation of the essential information must be coordinated in co-design with the potential end users. This challenge is reflected by the active development of tools, interfaces and libraries for modern earth system science data visualization and exploration.

In this session, we hence aim to establish a transdisciplinary community of scientists, software-developers and other experts in the field of data visualization in order to give a state-of-the-art overview of tools, interfaces and best-practices. In particular, we look for contributions in the following fields:

- Developments of open source visualization and exploration techniques for earth system science data
- Co-designed visualization solutions enabling transdisciplinary research and decision support for non-scientific stakeholders and end-users
- Tools and best-practices for visualizing complex, high-dimensional and high frequency data
- Services and interfaces for the distribution and presentation of metadata enriched earth system science data
- Data visualization and exploration solutions for decentralized research data infrastructures

All contributions should emphasize the usage of community-driven interfaces and open source solutions and finally contribute to the FAIRification of products from earth system sciences.

The visualization and user-friendly exploration of information from scientific data is one of the main tasks of good scientific practice. But steady increases in temporal and spatial resolutions of modeling and remote sensing approaches lead to ever-increasing data complexity and volumes. On the other hand, earth system science data are getting increasingly important as decision support for stakeholders and other end users far beyond the scientific domains.

This poses major challenges for the entire process chain, from data storage to web-based visualization. For example, (1) the data has to be enriched with metadata and made available via appropriate and efficient services; (2) visualization and exploration tools must then access the often decentralized tools via interfaces that are as standardized as possible; (3) the presentation of the essential information must be coordinated in co-design with the potential end users. This challenge is reflected by the active development of tools, interfaces and libraries for modern earth system science data visualization and exploration.

In this session, we hence aim to establish a transdisciplinary community of scientists, software-developers and other experts in the field of data visualization in order to give a state-of-the-art overview of tools, interfaces and best-practices. In particular, we look for contributions in the following fields:

- Developments of open source visualization and exploration techniques for earth system science data
- Co-designed visualization solutions enabling transdisciplinary research and decision support for non-scientific stakeholders and end-users
- Tools and best-practices for visualizing complex, high-dimensional and high frequency data
- Services and interfaces for the distribution and presentation of metadata enriched earth system science data
- Data visualization and exploration solutions for decentralized research data infrastructures

All contributions should emphasize the usage of community-driven interfaces and open source solutions and finally contribute to the FAIRification of products from earth system sciences.