SSS5.5 | New horizons in soil biogeochemistry: novel analytical approaches in carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling.
New horizons in soil biogeochemistry: novel analytical approaches in carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling.
Co-organized by BG2
Convener: Layla Márquez San EmeterioECSECS | Co-conveners: Vijayananda Sarangi, Ye Tian, Wenyi Xu, Marie Spohn

The cycling of carbon (C) and key nutrients, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), in soils is crucial for maintaining ecosystem health, agricultural productivity, and climate regulation. As global challenges, such as climate change, soil degradation, and nutrient imbalances intensify, there is a rising demand for advanced analytical methods that can unravel the complexities of these biogeochemical cycles.
The session aims to bring together experts from a broad range of disciplines, including soil science, biogeochemistry, analytical chemistry, and related fields, to discuss innovative analytical techniques that improve our understanding of C, N, and P cycling. We welcome discussions on the application of cutting-edge methods such as high-resolution spectroscopy, stable isotope techniques, molecular-level analyses, and other emerging approaches to address long-standing questions on the dynamics, interactions, and transformations of C, N, and P in diverse soil environments—from agricultural lands to natural ecosystems.
We invite contributions from researchers who are at the forefront of employing or developing these novel tools to decipher C, N, and P cycling in soil. This session will provide a platform for discussing the challenges, opportunities, and future directions in soil element cycling, fostering collaborations across disciplines.

The cycling of carbon (C) and key nutrients, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), in soils is crucial for maintaining ecosystem health, agricultural productivity, and climate regulation. As global challenges, such as climate change, soil degradation, and nutrient imbalances intensify, there is a rising demand for advanced analytical methods that can unravel the complexities of these biogeochemical cycles.
The session aims to bring together experts from a broad range of disciplines, including soil science, biogeochemistry, analytical chemistry, and related fields, to discuss innovative analytical techniques that improve our understanding of C, N, and P cycling. We welcome discussions on the application of cutting-edge methods such as high-resolution spectroscopy, stable isotope techniques, molecular-level analyses, and other emerging approaches to address long-standing questions on the dynamics, interactions, and transformations of C, N, and P in diverse soil environments—from agricultural lands to natural ecosystems.
We invite contributions from researchers who are at the forefront of employing or developing these novel tools to decipher C, N, and P cycling in soil. This session will provide a platform for discussing the challenges, opportunities, and future directions in soil element cycling, fostering collaborations across disciplines.