SC 1.3 | The LGBT Pride group at EGU: Current progress and challenges for LGBT people in the Earth system sciences, and ideas for how to overcome them
The LGBT Pride group at EGU: Current progress and challenges for LGBT people in the Earth system sciences, and ideas for how to overcome them
Co-organized by GM12
Convener: Bene AschennellerECSECS | Co-conveners: Felix Müller, Hannah Sophia Davies, Anita Di Chiara

LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, plus; or LGBT for short) geoscientists likely have to face more obstacles throughout their career than their cisgender/heterosexual colleagues. These barriers can take many forms, e.g., inflexible bureaucratic limits on name/gender marker, changes on documentation, a lack of training for cruise/field leaders on LGBT topics, a lack of support for transgender and gender non-conforming people on field trips and research cruises, and safety and medical considerations LGBT people must account for when travelling for either field work/cruises or when moving countries for a new position. These obstacles can be made smaller and overcome; with awareness and understanding by colleagues and initiatives, LGBT academics can thrive and contribute to research.

In this short course, our invited speakers will discuss some of these topics and share their stories about the barriers they are dealing with or have overcome. We will also discuss policy developments over the recent years at institutions in different European and non-European countries, and on EGU General Assembly level, with a focus on future challenges and improvements to come.

LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, plus; or LGBT for short) geoscientists likely have to face more obstacles throughout their career than their cisgender/heterosexual colleagues. These barriers can take many forms, e.g., inflexible bureaucratic limits on name/gender marker, changes on documentation, a lack of training for cruise/field leaders on LGBT topics, a lack of support for transgender and gender non-conforming people on field trips and research cruises, and safety and medical considerations LGBT people must account for when travelling for either field work/cruises or when moving countries for a new position. These obstacles can be made smaller and overcome; with awareness and understanding by colleagues and initiatives, LGBT academics can thrive and contribute to research.

In this short course, our invited speakers will discuss some of these topics and share their stories about the barriers they are dealing with or have overcome. We will also discuss policy developments over the recent years at institutions in different European and non-European countries, and on EGU General Assembly level, with a focus on future challenges and improvements to come.