SPM1 | H2020 I-CHANGE Final Scientific Event
H2020 I-CHANGE Final Scientific Event
Convener: Antonio Parodi | Co-convener: Nicola Loglisci
Mon, 28 Apr, 14:00–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Mon, 14:00
The H2020 I-CHANGE (https://ichange-project.eu/, 2021-2025) project is based on the idea that citizens and the civil society have a central role in the definition of environmental protection and climate action and that their direct involvement is essential to drive a true shift and promotion of behavioural changes towards more sustainable patterns. Therefore, I-CHANGE aims to raise awareness on the impacts of climate change and related natural hazards to enable behavioural change. This is intended to be reached by:
- Climate change awareness: knowledge of science and the understanding of physical, socio-economic and cultural processes;
- Active participation of citizens in data collection in eight Living Labs through citizen tools and sensors;
- Improvement of data usability and interoperability of the data which is collected by the citizens.

This meeting represents the final scientific event of the project with the presentation of the project final results and some invited keynote speakers.