SPM2 | How Can the IAHS’ Digital Water Globe Enhance Your Research Visibility and Improve Network Connectivity in a Society Under Transformation?
How Can the IAHS’ Digital Water Globe Enhance Your Research Visibility and Improve Network Connectivity in a Society Under Transformation?
Convener: Eduardo Mario Mendiondo | Co-conveners: Christina Anna OrieschnigECSECS, Santosh Subhash Palmate
Wed, 30 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Wed, 14:00
The Digital Water Globe (DWG) of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) provides a new tool for scientists to share their research through a more interdisciplinary and transformative society. DWG is spatially contextualised within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Unsolved Problems in Hydrology (UPHs), and the Scientific Decades of the IAHS: PUB (Prediction in Ungauged Basins), Panta Rhei and the current HELPING (Hydrologists Engaging Local People IN one Global world). For early-career scientists, the DWG is a great opportunity to increase the visibility of their research and forge new connections. Also, DWG’s users can create profiles free of charge and then log their articles, datasets and case studies. This meeting provides an introduction to the DWG for new users, as well as a presentation of showcase profiles and data entries. The meeting presentation will highlight the DWG’s purpose and key features. We will showcase existing profiles and data entries that demonstrate best practices and diverse applications of the DWG. In addition, there will be an attendees feedback session to gather insights into user experience, discuss specific aspects and needs of the tool, and further refine the tool.
Thus, this Session will also provide an overview of ongoing IAHS’s hydrological research activities as well as scientific achievements which can be highlighted through the DWG. Furthermore, we welcome novel insights, experiences and learnings to accelerate scientific collaboration through the DWG, thereby gathering similar topics or similar areas, and to facilitate engagement with stakeholders, partner organisations, and citizens.