SPM9 | Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing – Current status and paths forward
Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing – Current status and paths forward
Convener: Daniel RascheECSECS | Co-conveners: Martin Schrön, Lena ScheiffeleECSECS, Cosimo BrogiECSECS, Jannis WeimarECSECS
Wed, 30 Apr, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Wed, 16:15
Join the community for an informal meeting to brainstorm, discuss, and initiate next steps towards the future of Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing: a frontier technology for monitoring of soil moisture, biomass, snow, space weather, and beyond. Following the recent workshops in Ireland and Nebraska 2024, we want to build on the momentum to discuss plans and pathways for future strategies of our community. Strongly linked to the scientific session GI4.4, the talking points will include effective ways of communication to enhance onboarding for newcomers as well as global-scale collaboration and outreach, harmonized and up-to-date data processing, data availability and easy data access, and potential plans for special issues and topical review papers.