SPM14 | Seafloor and marine geodesy splinter meeting
Seafloor and marine geodesy splinter meeting
Convener: Valerie Ballu
Wed, 30 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Wed, 10:45
Marine and submarine geodesy is needed for a wide range of applications such as evaluating stress building near tectonic plate boundaries, monitoring underwater volcanic activity, precise seafloor mapping or engineering. However, centimeter or sub-centimeter accuracy positioning is still a real challenge. This EGU splinter meeting, organized under the umbrella of the Inter-Commission Committee on Marine Geodesy (ICCM) will focus on marine and seafloor geodesy and should give the opportunity to share ideas on current experiments, recent instrumental or methodological development as well as ideas on data formats and tools for exchanges and international collaboration.