SPM25 | How to write a policy brief
How to write a policy brief
Convener: Chloe Hill
Thu, 01 May, 16:15–18:00 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Thu, 16:15
Policy briefs are concise, accessible documents that aim to communicate the practical implications of research to a particular policy audience and provide them with solutions to a specific issue. Although policy briefs are just one method to communicate information to a policy audience, they can be a valuable communication tool when effectively written and disseminated.

This Splinter Meeting will be run in the form of an interactive workshop. Participants will be provided with tips and tools to create their own policy brief as well as interactive exercises to work on with other attendees and the session’s leaders.

Participants are requested to bring along one of their (single-authored or collaborative) publications to use during the workshop. If attendees do not yet have any publications, they may bring along an article authored by someone else that they are familiar with.