SPM26 | Iliad: digital twins of the ocean in practice
Iliad: digital twins of the ocean in practice
Convener: Bente Lilja Bye | Co-convener: Arne Jørgen Berre
Wed, 30 Apr, 12:45–13:45 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Wed, 12:45
Iliad provides thematic and localised digital twins of the ocean, capable of running complex, what-if scenarios aiming to provide solutions to address current and future societal challenges. The innovative system of Iliad integrates cross discipline sensors, models and digital infrastructures.

Iliad has implemented a series of thematic and local twins in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Through the use of existing global resources such as Copernicus, EmodNet and national resources such as Barentswatch, digitalt twins of the ocean have been developed to solve societal challenges related to aquaculture, fisheries, water quality, renewable energy and more.

In this meeting Iliad invites you to selected demonstrations of digital twins followed by a discussion of next generation research and innovation needs to further develop digital twins.