SPM46 | Coordination meeting on Non-Conventional Waters in the Mediterranean Area
Coordination meeting on Non-Conventional Waters in the Mediterranean Area
Convener: Elena Bresci | Co-conveners: Giulio CastelliECSECS, Catalin Stefan, Yassine Ait Brahim
Wed, 30 Apr, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.83
Wed, 14:00
PRIMA-funded projects AG-WaMED - AGREEMed - AGREEMAR This Splinter Meeting focuses on the use of of Non-Conventional Waters (NCW) (rainwater and runoff harvesting, reclaimed wastewater, desalination, managed aquifer recharge), that can provide a pathway for sustainable water resources management in the agroecosystems of the Mediterranean, and more in general in all climate change-affected contexts.
The meeting is jointly organized by on-going Projects AG-WaMED (Advancing non conventional water management for innovative climate-resilient water governance in the Mediterranean Area - https://agwamed.eu/), AGREEMed (Innovative Aquifers Governance for Resilient Water Management and Sustainable Ecosystems in Stressed Mediterranean Agricultural Areas - https://agreemed.eu/), and AGREEMAR (Adaptive agreements on benefits sharing for managed aquifer recharge in the Mediterranean region - https://www.agreemar.inowas.com/) funded by the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA).
The proposed Splinter Meeting will present the main results of the three projects, will highlight synergies between them, and establish future research and funding opportunities searching. The meeting is open to all the interested researchers, especially Early Career Scientists (https://www.egu.eu/ecs/) working in the Mediterranean Area.