SPM56 | GERI AccelNet: Global Early Career Survey Results and Discussion (by invitation only)
GERI AccelNet: Global Early Career Survey Results and Discussion (by invitation only)
Convener: Cedric Hagen
Tue, 29 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Tue, 10:45
The Global Ecosystem Research Infrastructure (GERI) is composed of six large environmental research infrastructures: SAEON/South Africa, TERN/Australia, CERN/China, NEON/USA, ICOS/Europe, eLTER/Europe). With funding from a U.S. National Science Foundation AccelNet award, we have assembled a global network of early career researchers (ECRs) from GERI and other networks to develop, distribute, analyze, and publish a global survey. This Splinter Meeting Session will focus on the methods, approach, and preliminary results from the ECR survey done by the U.S. NSF funded AccelNet team. We will also engage potential new survey participants, solicit feedback, and discuss next steps to grow the membership and utility of the ECR Group. Additionally, this Splinter Meeting Session will provide a venue for the ECR working group participants to network and collaborate in person for the first time. The ECR survey aims to better understand several key areas, which will be points of discussion during this splinter meeting:

Background Questions: Collects demographic and professional details to understand participants' academic and career contexts.
Research Infrastructure (RI) and Network Questions: Explores experiences with RIs like NEON and TERN or other networks, focusing on communication, participation barriers, and career impacts.
Training Questions: Reviews training adequacy, additional skills needed, mentoring roles, and skill importance in research.
Global Research Questions: Assesses the perceived value of global collaboration, identifying benefits and challenges.
Demographics: Gathers personal demographic data to profile survey participants' diversity.