SPM60 | Enhancing Hydro Education with interactive open source materials
Enhancing Hydro Education with interactive open source materials
Convener: Thomas Reimann | Co-convener: Steffen Birk
Wed, 30 Apr, 10:45–12:30 (CEST)
Room 2.97
Wed, 10:45
Earth sciences like Hydrogeology and Hydrology deal with freshwater, the most significant share of the global water cycle for humanity. However, hydrology and groundwater education require a high degree of abstraction and a large variety of competencies, ranging from applied field and laboratory methods to quantitative analysis involving advanced mathematical and physical concepts. With a general tendency towards digitalization and media-enriched learning, hydrology and groundwater related education is rapidly evolving a large pool of innovative methods and didactics, such as interactive documents, videos, and electronic questions for various assessments. Combined with a philosophy of openness and accessibility, the quality and outreach of hydrology and groundwater education can be enhanced.
The meeting aims to transfer and provide applied knowledge about recent and innovative advances in hydrology and groundwater education. We will introduce methods and workflows in a practical way so that attendees can easily incorporate them into their own teaching. The methods and materials that the workshop will cover comprise, for example, (1) interactive documents based on Python, (2) electronic assessments with different platforms for classroom- and individual use, (3) instructional videos ranging from screencasts to laboratory and field demonstrations, (4) implementation of measured real-world field data for applied education, and more. The participants will gain experience by practicing and using the methods, tools, and materials with selected examples. Subsequently, attendees will be able to implement the available open-source materials in their own education activities.