SPM61 | UPFLOW project discussion and future European OBS directions (by invitation only)
Mon, 19:00
UPFLOW project discussion and future European OBS directions (by invitation only)
Convener: Maria TsekhmistrenkoECSECS | Co-convener: Ana Ferreira
Mon, 28 Apr, 19:00–20:00 (CEST)
Room 2.96
Mon, 19:00
This splinter meeting aims to have a short report on the UPFLOW project and start brainstorming with the European community on future European OBS initiatives and on how to improve OBS experiments. From early-stage planning, pre- and post-processing, to publishing data reports and sharing final outputs. So far exchange between different institutes and projects has been limited. We want to encourage the exchange of knowledge in the European OBS community, improve current practices and develop new strategies which could ease challenges for future OBS projects.