SPM63 | Crowd-solving Problems in Earth sciences
Thu, 14:00
Crowd-solving Problems in Earth sciences
Convener: Ulrike ProskeECSECS | Co-conveners: Mona Bukenberger, Nora L. S. Fahrenbach, Rahel Hauk, Anne Voigtländer
Thu, 01 May, 14:00–15:45 (CEST)
Room 2.42
Thu, 14:00
Research often starts with the spark of an idea, but we spend most of our research time with the challenges that follow. In Earth Science research, these include
1) methodological dead-ends, a lack of theory or knowledge,
2) problems of temporal and spatial scaling and extrapolation,
3) restricted access to field sites or data, or
4) everyday hurdles of life as a scientist.

With this meeting, we address some of those 'problems'. In discussing challenges among our diverse disciplines and backgrounds, we seek to find possible solutions, suggest new research approaches and methods, and encourage further networking.

The session kicks off with brief "elevator pitch" presentations of three to four selected key issues. These challenges are then explored in depth during breakout group discussions, which will be guided by lead questions. Whether you bring expert knowledge or a fresh viewpoint from your background, your insight can help us all see problems from a new angle. We present the solutions and suggestions from each breakout group in a final discussion with all participants.

How can you take part?
If you have a problem you'd like to see addressed, send us a short description (3-4 sentences) by March 1st, 2025.
And otherwise, join the meeting! No need to come with a problem, simply join the discussion, engage with fellow scientists, expand your disciplinary horizon and help us solve some problems together.